I t/ if Una. u TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. NPN POWER TRANSISTORS . COMPLEMENTARY TO THE D41D SERIES D40D Series 30 - 60 VOLTS 1 AMP, 6.25 WATTS D40D is a power transistor designed for various specific and general purpose applications, such as: output and driver stages of amplifiers operating at frequencies from DC to greater than 1.0 MHz; series, shunt and switching regulators; low and high frequency inverters/converters; and many others. CASE STYLE TO-202 Features: • High free-air power dissipation • NPN complement to D41D PNP • Low collector saturation voltage (0.5V typ. @ 1.0A lc) • Excellent linearity • Fast Switching DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES AND (MILLIMETERS) " [0483-CKO) TYPE TERM. 1 TERM ! TERM. 3 TO-HS EMITTER BASE COLLECTOR TAB COLLECTOR maximum ratings (TA = 25°C) (unless otherwise specified) RATING Collector-Emitter Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter Base Voltage Collector Current — Continuous Peak!1) Base Current — Continuous Total Power Dissipation @ TA = 25° C @ TC = 25C Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range SYMBOL D40D1, 2 D40D4, 5 D40D7, 8 VCEO 30 45 V CES 45 60 60 75 VEBO lc ICM IB PD 5 5 5 1 1.5 \5 1 1.5 UNITS Volts Volts Volts A .5 .5 .5 A 1.67 6.25 1.67 6.25 1.67 6.25 Watts TJ.Tstg -55 to +150 -55 to +150 -55 to +150 °C R0JA 75 75 75 RWC TL 20 20 20 +260 +260 +260 °c/w °c/w °c thermal characteristics Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes: '/»" from Case for 5 Seconds (1) Pulse Test Pulse Width = 300ms Duty Cycle < 2%. NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of goine to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors electrical Characteristics (Tc = 25° C) (unless otherwise specified) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL WIN TYP MAX UNIT VCEO(sus) 30 45 60 — — Volts 'CES — off characteristics*1* Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage D40D1.2 D40D4, 5 D40D7, 8 (lc = 10mA) Collector Cutoff Current (VCE = Rated VCEO) (VCE =• Rated VCES) Emitter Cutoff Current (VEB = 5V) TC = 25° C Tc = 1 50° C 0.1 pA 1.0 — 'EBO — //A 0.1 second breakdown SEE FIGURE 4 FBSOA I Second Breakdown with Base Forward Biased on characteristics DC Current Gain (lc = 100mA, VCE = 2V) D40D1.4, 7 D40D2, 5, 8 D40D1.4, 7 D40D2 D40D5, 8 (IC = 1A,VCE = 2V) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (lc = 500mA. IB = 50mA) 50 120 10 20 10 hFE "FE D40D1 , 2, 4, 5 D40D7, 8 Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (lc = 500mA, IB = 50mA) 150 360 — E ~ \ 0.5 1.0 Volts — vCE(sat) — • vBE(sat) — — 1.5 Volts — 8 — PF — 200 — MHz . +{ — 25 — nS ts — — 200 — 50 — dynamic characteristics Collector Capacitance ~ (VCB = 10V, f = 1M|Hz) CBO Current-Gain — Bandwidth Product (lc = 20mA, VCE = 10V) f 'T switching characteristics Resistive Load Delay Time + Rise Time ( Storage Time = 1A _ , - , 3QV ( m = 0 1A ^ Fall Time ______^ (1)Pijlse Test PW = 300ms Duty Cycle < 2%. lf *00 , !!"^"^s »DO KK3 10 •""" ~~ "^~* -^^ fu 1 ^"v Viwc ~——• B«OOLM. "~~-- \*^ ^ — "N. S j -* — \e —: x s > s S ^^ > "^ ' « N 10 « «, ». . [e-eoiAieron cuM«mT-»* FIG. 1 \ \c- \ -A_ „> 5 \N FIG. 2 COLLICTM CtMWN^a*