September 2005 CP3SP33 Connectivity Processor with Cache, DSP, and Bluetooth®, USB, and Dual CAN Interfaces 1.0 General Description The CP3SP33 connectivity processor combines high performance with the massive integration needed for embedded Bluetooth applications. A powerful RISC core with 4Kbyte instruction cache and a Teak® DSP coprocessor provides high computing bandwidth, DMA-driven hardware communications peripherals provide high I/O bandwidth, and an external bus provides system expandability. In addition to providing the features needed for the next generation of embedded Bluetooth products, the CP3SP33 is backed up by the software resources that designers need for rapid time-to-market, including an operating system, Bluetooth protocol stack implementation, peripheral drivers, reference designs, and an integrated development environment. Combined with an external program memory and a On-chip communications peripherals include: Bluetooth Bluetooth radio transceiver such as National’s LMX5252, Lower Link Controller, Universal Serial Bus (2.0) OTG node the CP3SP33 provides a complete Bluetooth system soluand host controller, dual CAN, dual Microwire/Plus/SPI, tion. dual ACCESS.bus, quad UART, 10-bit A/D converter, and National Semiconductor offers a complete and industrytelematics/audio codec. Additional on-chip peripherals in- proven application development environment for CP3SP33 clude DMA controller, dual CVSD/PCM conversion module, applications, including the IAR Embedded Workbench, I2S and AAI digital audio bus interfaces, Timing and Watch- iSYSTEM winIDEA and iC3000 Active Emulator, Bluetooth dog Unit, dual Versatile Timer Unit, dual Multi-Function Tim- Development Board, Bluetooth protocol stack, and applicaer, and Multi-Input Wake-Up (MIWU) unit. tion examples. Block Diagram Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and is used under license by National Semiconductor. Teak is a registered trademark of ParthusCeva, Inc. TRI-STATE is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. ©2005 National Semiconductor Corporation CP3SP33 Connectivity Processor with Cache, DSP, and Bluetooth, USB, and Dual CAN Interfaces PRELIMINARY CP3SP33 2.0 Features General-Purpose Hardware Peripherals 10-channel, 10-bit A/D Converter (ADC) 16-channel DMA controller Fully static RISC processor core, capable of operating Dual 16-bit Multi-Function Timer (MFT) from 0 to 96 MHz with zero wait/hold state Dual Versatile Timer Units (VTU), each with four inde Minimum 10.4 ns instruction cycle time with a 96-MHz inpendent timers ternal clock frequency, based on a 12-MHz external input Timing and Watchdog Unit 4K-byte, 4-way set-associative instruction cache Extensive Power and Clock Management Support 69 independently vectored peripheral interrupts Two Phase Locked Loops (PLL) for synthesizing indeDSP Features pendent system and audio peripheral clocks Capable of operating up to 96 MHz Two independent oscillators for Active mode (12 MHz) 16-bit fixed-point arithmetic, dual-MAC architecture and Power Save mode (32.768 kHz) clocks 32-bit interface to 4K-byte RAM shared with CPU Low-power modes (Power Save, Idle, and Halt) for slow 32-bit external bus interface ing or stopping clocks to optimize power consumption Bus master interface to audio peripherals and I/O while meeting application needs Memory Flexible I/O CPU Features 4K bytes CPU instruction cache 32K bytes CPU data RAM 4K bytes CPU/DSP shared RAM 24K bytes DSP program RAM 24K bytes DSP data RAM 8K bytes Bluetooth sequencer and data RAM Addresses up to 32M bytes of external memory Up to 64 general-purpose I/O pins (shared with on-chip peripheral I/O) Programmable I/O pin characteristics: TRI-STATE output, push-pull output, weak pullup/pulldown input, highimpedance input, high-speed drive capability Schmitt triggers on general-purpose inputs Multi-Input Wake-Up (MIWU) capability Broad Range of Hardware Communications Peripher- Power Supply als I/O port operation at 3.0–3.3V Bluetooth Lower Link Controller (LLC) including a shared Core logic operation at 1.8V 7K byte Bluetooth data RAM and 1K byte Bluetooth Se- On-chip power-on reset quencer RAM Temperature Range Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 On-The-Go Audio/telematics codec with dual ADC inputs and high- -40°C to +85°C (Industrial) quality stereo DAC output Packages Two CAN interfaces with 15 message buffers conforming FBGA-224, FBGA-144 to CAN specification 2.0B active Two ACCESS.bus serial bus interfaces (I2C compatible) Complete Development Environment Two 8/16-bit SPI, Microwire/Plus serial interfaces Pre-integrated hardware and software support for rapid I2S digital audio bus interface prototyping and production Four Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Multi-file C source editor, source debugger, and project (UART) channels, one channel has USART capability manager Advanced Audio Interface (AAI) to connect to external 8/ Comprehensive, integrated, one-stop technical support 13-bit PCM Codecs as well as to ISDN-Controllers Bluetooth Protocol Stack through the IOM-2 interface (slave only) Two CVSD/PCM converters, for supporting two bidirec- Applications can interface to the high-level protocols or tional audio connections directly to the low-level Host Controller Interface (HCI) Transport layer support allows HCI command-based inExternal Bus Interface Shared Between CPU and DSP terface over UART port 16/32-bit data bus Baseband (Link Controller) hardware minimizes the 23-bit address bus bandwidth demand on the CPU 3 programmable chip select outputs Link Manager (LM) Up to 32M bytes external memory Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) 8-level write buffer Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) RFCOMM Serial Port Emulation Protocol All packet types, piconet, and scatternet functionality CP3SP33 Connectivity Processor Selection Guide NSID Speed Temp. Range (MHz) I/Os Package Type CP3SP33SMS 96 -40° to +85°C 64 FBGA-224 CP3SP33SMR 96 -40° to +85°C 36 FBGA-144 2 Device Overview 3.5 The CP3SP33 devices support a uniform linear address space. Three types of on-chip memory occupy specific regions within this address space, along with any external memory: The CP3SP33 connectivity processor is an advanced microcomputer with system timing, interrupt logic, instruction cache, data memory, and I/O ports included on-chip, making it well-suited to a wide range of embedded applications. The block diagram on page 1 shows the major on-chip components of the CP3SP33. 3.1 MEMORY CR16CPLUS CPU CORE The CP3SP33 contains a CR16CPlus CPU core. This core improves upon the performance of previous CP3000 devices by adding a 4-Kbyte instruction cache and doubling the CPU core data bus bandwidth. The cache greatly reduces instruction-fetch bandwidth on the 32-bit system bus, which leaves more bus bandwidth available for DMA-based I/O. The cache moves the average execution rate closer to the peak rate of one instruction per clock cycle, especially when executing from off-chip program memory. The DMA controller provides efficient sharing of the CPU core bus between the CPU and high-bandwidth peripherals such as wired and wireless communication interfaces. 32K bytes of CPU RAM 4K bytes of CPU/DSP shared RAM 8K bytes of Bluetooth sequencer and data RAM Up to 32M bytes of external memory A non-volatile external program memory is used to store the application program, Bluetooth protocol stack, and real-time operating system. The 32K bytes of CPU RAM are used for temporary storage of data and for the program stack and interrupt stack. Read and write operations can be byte-wide or word-wide, depending on the instruction executed by the CPU. 3.6 BLUETOOTH LLC The integrated hardware Bluetooth Lower Link Controller (LLC) complies to the Bluetooth Specification Version 1.2 and integrates the following functions: For information on the instruction set architecture, please refer to the CR16C Programmer’s Reference Manual (document number 424521772-101, which may be downloaded from National’s web site at 7K-byte dedicated Bluetooth data RAM 1K-byte dedicated Bluetooth sequencer RAM Support of all Bluetooth 1.2 packet types and extended Synchronous Connection-Oriented (eSCO) links 3.2 TEAK DSP CORE Support for fast frequency hopping of 1600 hops/s The Teak 16-bit fixed-point DSP core is designed for low- Access code correlation and slot timing recovery circuit power, high-speed digital signal processing applications, in- Power Management Control Logic cluding acoustic echo cancellation, noise reduction, and BlueRF-compatible interface (mode 2/3) to connect with National’s LMX5252 and other RF transceiver chips MP3/WMA decoding. It features a four-bus, dual-MAC, enhanced Harvard architecture. The DSP has 24K bytes of 3.7 USB dedicated program RAM, 24K bytes of data RAM, and a 4Kbyte RAM shared with the CPU. The DSP has a bus master The full-speed Universal Serial Bus (USB) node and host interface to the 4K-byte shared RAM and an external mem- controller is compatible with USB Specification 2.0 and USB ory bus. It also has a bus master interface to a shared audio On-The-Go. It integrates the required USB transceiver, the peripheral bus. The DSP is slave on the CPU peripheral Serial Interface Engine (SIE), and USB endpoint FIFOs. A total of seven endpoint pipes are supported: one bidirectionbus, for downloading software to the program RAM. al pipe for the mandatory control EP0 and an additional six The DSP has its own DMA controller for I/O and memory acpipes for unidirectional endpoints to support USB interrupt, cess. bulk, and isochronous data transfers. 3.3 AMBA BUS ARCHITECTURE The on-chip USB transceiver features an integrated pullup resistor on the D+ line to UVCC. This pullup resistor can be switched in or out by the USB VBUS sense input (VBUS), which eliminates the need for external components. The CPU and DSP core buses implement AMBA-compatible AHB high-performance 32-bit buses with bursting and split transactions. The CPU peripheral bus and CPU/DSP shared audio peripheral bus implement AMBA-compatible 32-bit APB buses. The CPU and DSP buses operate at independent rates up to 96 MHz. The APB buses operate at a rate which is a factor of 1, 2, or 4 slower than the CPU AHB bus. 3.8 CAN INTERFACE The two CAN modules support Full CAN 2.0B class, CAN serial bus interfaces for applications that require a highspeed (up to 1 Mbits per second) or a low-speed interface with CAN bus master capability. The data transfer between 3.4 EXTERNAL BUS INTERFACE UNIT CAN and the CPU is established by 15 memory-mapped The External Bus Interface Unit (EBIU) provides program- message buffers, which can be individually configured as mable timing, memory type, base address, size, and bus receive or transmit buffers. An incoming message is filtered width (8, 16, or 32 bits) for three regions of up to 32M bytes. by two masks, one for the first 14 message buffers and anAn 8-level write buffer releases the bus master to continue other one for the 15th message buffer to provide a basic CAN path. A priority decoder allows any buffer to have the execution without waiting for write cycles to complete. highest or lowest transmit priority. Remote transmission requests can be processed automatically by automatic reconfiguration to a receiver after transmission or by automated 3 CP3SP33 3.0 CP3SP33 3.13 transmit scheduling upon reception. In addition, a 16-bit time stamp counter supports real-time applications. ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER This device contains a 10-channel, multiplexed input, successive approximation, 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter. It supports both single-ended and differential modes of operation. The CAN modules allow single-cycle byte or word read/ write access. A set of diagnostic features (such as loopback, listen only, and error identification) support the development with the CAN modules and provide a sophisticated error management tool. The integrated 10-bit ADC provides the following features: 10-channel, multiplexed input The CAN receivers can trigger a wake-up condition out of 5 differential channels low-power modes through the Multi-Input Wake-Up unit. Single-ended and differential external filtering capability 12-bit resolution; 10-bit accuracy 3.9 AUDIO/TELEMATICS CODEC Sign bit The on-chip codec is designed for voice input and stereo 10-microsecond conversion time audio playback. It includes dual mono ADC channels oper External start trigger ating at a sample rate of 8-24 kHz (125× oversampling clock Programmable start delay after start trigger required). A stereo DAC operates at selected sample rates Poll or interrupt on conversion completion from a 125× or 128× oversampling clock, driving two configurable, gain-programmable differential line driver outputs. The ADC provides several options for the voltage reference The DAC features click and pop reduction circuit, zero- source. The positive reference can be ADVCC (internal), cross detector circuit, tone/compensation filter, sidetone in- VREF, ADC0, or ADC1. The negative reference can be ADjection from ADC, and internal power management circuit. VCC (internal), ADC2, or ADC3. The ADCs accept differential or single-ended analog micro- Two specific analog channel selection modes are supportphone inputs. The DAC employs fully differential signalling ed. These are as follows: for high PSRR and low crosstalk. DMA transfers are sup Allow any specific channel to be selected at one time. ported to allow for fast CPU-independent receive and transThe A/D Converter performs the specific conversion remit. quested and stops. Allow any differential channel pair to be selected at one 3.10 CVSD/PCM CONVERSION MODULES time. The A/D Converter performs the specific differential The two CVSD/PCM modules perform conversion between conversion requested and stops. CVSD data and PCM data, in which the CVSD encoding is as defined in the Bluetooth specification and the PCM data In both single-ended and differential modes, there is the capability to connect the analog multiplexer output and A/D can be 8-bit µ-Law, 8-bit A-Law, or 13-bit to 16-bit Linear. converter input to external pins. This provides the ability to 2 3.11 I S DIGITAL AUDIO BUS externally connect a common filter/signal conditioning cirThe Inter-IC Sound (I2S) interface is a synchronous serial cuit for the A/D Converter. interface intended for the transfer of digital audio data. The 3.14 QUAD UART I2S interface can be configured as a master or a slave, and 2 it supports all three common data formats: I S-mode, left- Four UART modules support a wide range of programmable justified, and right-justified. It has programmable word baud rates and data formats, parity generation, and several length from 8 to 32 bits and programmable valid data reso- error detection schemes. The baud rate is generated onchip, under software control. All UART modules support lution from 8 to 24 bits. DMA and hardware flow control. One module has USART 3.12 ADVANCED AUDIO INTERFACE capability (synchronous mode) at speeds up to 921.6 The Advanced Audio Interface (AAI) provides a serial syn- kbaud. The UARTs offer a wake-up condition from the lowchronous, full-duplex interface to codecs and similar serial power modes using the Multi-Input Wake-Up module. devices. Transmit and receive paths operate asynchro3.15 MICROWIRE/SPI nously with respect to each other. Each path uses three signals for communication: shift clock, frame synchronization, The two Microwire/SPI (MWSPI) interface modules support synchronous serial communications with other devices that and data. conform to Microwire or Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) When the receiver and transmitter use external shift clocks specifications. It supports 8-bit and 16-bit data transfers. and frame sync signals, the interface operates in its asynchronous mode. Alternatively, the transmit and receive path The Microwire interfaces allows several devices to commucan share the same shift clock and frame sync signals for nicate over a single system consisting of four wires: serial in, serial out, shift clock, and slave enable. At any given synchronous mode operation. time, the Microwire interfaces operate as a master or a slave. The Microwire interfaces supports the full set of slave select for multi-slave implementation. In master mode, the shift clock is generated on-chip under software control. In slave mode, a wake-up out of a lowpower mode may be triggered using the Multi-Input WakeUp module. 4 DUAL ACCESS.BUS INTERFACE 3.21 The two ACCESS.bus (ACB) interface modules support a two-wire serial interface compatible with the ACCESS.bus physical layer. It is also compatible with Intel’s System Management Bus (SMBus) and Philips’ I2C bus. The ACB modules can be configured as a bus master or slave, and they can maintain bidirectional communications with both multiple master and slave devices. The Power Management Module (PMM) improves the efficiency of the device by changing the operating mode and power consumption to match the required level of activity. The device can operate in any of four power modes: — Active: The device operates at full speed using the high-frequency clock. All device functions are fully operational. — Power Save: The device operates at reduced speed using the Slow Clock. The CPU and some modules can continue to operate at this low speed. — Idle: The device is inactive except for the Power Management Module and Timing and Watchdog Module, which continue to operate using the Slow Clock. — Halt: The device is inactive but still retains its internal state (RAM and register contents). The ACCESS.bus receivers can trigger a wake-up condition out of the low-power modes through the Multi-Input WakeUp module. 3.17 POWER MANAGEMENT DUAL MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER The two Multi-Function Timer (MFT) modules each contain a pair of 16-bit timer/counter registers. Each timer/counter unit can be configured to operate in any of the following modes: The PMM provides a mechanism to handle Bluetooth-specific power management modes, for optimizing power consumption during special Bluetooth states, like Park, Page Scan, Inquiry Scan, etc. — Processor-Independent Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) mode: Generates pulses of a specified width and duty cycle and provides a general-purpose timer/ counter. — Dual Input Capture mode: Measures the elapsed time between occurrences of external event and provides a general-purpose timer/counter. — Dual Independent Timer mode: Generates system timing signals or counts occurrences of external events. — Single Input Capture and Single Timer mode: Provides one external event counter and one system timer. 3.22 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS The device has 64 software-configurable I/O pins (36 in the FBGA-144 package), organized into four ports called Port E, Port F, Port G, and Port H. Each pin can be configured to operate as a general-purpose input or general-purpose output. In addition, many I/O pins can be configured to operate as inputs or outputs for on-chip peripheral modules such as the UARTs or timers. The I/O pin characteristics are fully programmable. Each pin can be configured to operate as a TRI-STATE output, pushThe two Versatile Timer Unit (VTU) modules each contain pull output, weak pullup/pulldown input, high-speed drive, or four independent timer subsystems, which operate as a high-impedance input. dual 8-bit PWM configuration, a single 16-bit PWM timer, or 3.23 CLOCK AND RESET MODULE a 16-bit counter with two input capture channels. Each of the timer subsystems offer an 8-bit clock prescaler to ac- The Clock and Reset module generates a 12-MHz Main Clock from an external crystal network or external clock incommodate a wide range of frequencies. put. Main Clock may be used as a reference clock for two 3.19 TIMING AND WATCHDOG MODULE PLL-based clock multipliers available for generating higherThe Timing and Watchdog Module (TWM) contains a Real- speed clocks. 3.18 VERSATILE TIMER UNITS Time timer and a Watchdog unit. The Real-Time Clock Timing function can be used to generate periodic real-time based system interrupts. The timer output is one of 16 inputs to the Multi-Input Wake-Up module which can be used to exit from a low-power mode. The Watchdog unit is designed to detect the application program getting stuck in an infinite loop resulting in loss of program control or “runaway” programs. When the watchdog triggers, it resets the device. The TWM is clocked by the low-speed Slow Clock. 3.20 Most modules operate from clocks derived from Main Clock or a PLL clock. Modules on the CPU core AHB bus operate from HCLK Clock, while modules on the peripheral APB buses operate from PCLK Clock. PCLK Clock is generated by dividing HCLK Clock by 1, 2, or 4. Some peripheral modules may use one of several auxiliary clocks, which also are derived from Main Clock or a PLL clock using 12-bit programmable prescalers. In Power-Save mode, HCLK Clock is driven by Slow Clock, which is typically a 32.768 kHz signal generated from an external clock network or a prescaled Main Clock may be used to eliminate the 32.768 kHz crystal network, for the most cost-sensitive applications. In the most power-sensitive applications, operation from an external 32.768 kHz crystal network allows the high-frequency oscillator and PLLs to be shut down. MULTI-INPUT WAKE-UP The Multi-Input Wake-Up (MIWU) feature is used to return (wake-up) the device from low-power modes to the active mode. The 64-channel MIWU unit receives wake-up signals from various internal and external sources. In addition to the wake-up function, the MIWU unit can generate up to eight interrupt requests. Each MIWU channel can be individually programmed to activate one of the interrupt requests. 5 CP3SP33 3.16 CP3SP33 Connectivity Processor with Cache, DSP, and Bluetooth, USB, and Dual CAN Interfaces In addition, the Clock and Reset module generates the device reset by using reset input signals coming from an external reset, the watchdog timer, or the SDI debugging interface. A power-on reset (POR) circuit eliminates the need for an external RC network. The POR circuit generates an internal reset of sufficient length if the power supply rise time specification is met. 3.24 DMA CONTROLLER The Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) can speed up data transfer between memory and I/O devices or between two regions of memory, as compared to data transfers performed directly by the CPU. Cycle stealing allows the CPU and the DMAC to interleave access to the CPU core bus for greater utilization of the available bandwidth. The following on-chip modules can assert a DMA request to the DMA controller: • • • • • • • • USART 0 (2 request channels) UART 1/2/3 (6 request channels) Advanced Audio Interface (6 request channels) CVSD/PCM Converter 0/1 (8 request channels) Microwire/SPI 0/1 (4 request channels) ACCESS.bus 0/1 (2 request channels) Codec (4 request channels) I2S Interface (4 request channels) 3.25 SERIAL DEBUG INTERFACE The Serial Debug Interface module (SDI module) provides a JTAG-based serial link to an external debugger, for example running on a PC. In addition, the SDI module integrates an on-chip debug module, which allows the user to set up to eight hardware breakpoints on instruction execution and data transfer. The SDI module can act as a CPU bus master to access all memory-mapped resources, such as RAM and peripherals. Therefore it also allows for fast program code download using the JTAG interface. 3.26 DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT In addition to providing the features needed for the next generation of embedded Bluetooth products, the CP3SP33 devices are backed up by the software resources that designers need for rapid product development, including an operating system, Bluetooth protocol stack implementation, peripheral drivers, reference designs, and an integrated development environment. Combined with National’s LMX5251 Bluetooth radio transceiver, the CP3SP33 devices provide a total Bluetooth system solution. National Semiconductor offers a complete and industryproven application development environment for CP3SP33 applications, including the IAR Embedded Workbench, iSYSTEM winIDEA and iC3000 Active Emulator, Bluetooth Development Board, Bluetooth Protocol Stack, and ApplicaThe DSP has its own DMA controller which can be config- tion Software. See your National Semiconductor sales repured to accept DMA requests from peripherals on the resentative for current information on availability and shared audio peripheral APB bus. The USB controller also features of emulation equipment and evaluation boards. has its own DMA controller, which operates on the CPU core bus. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. BANNED SUBSTANCE COMPLIANCE National Semiconductor certifies that the products and packing materials meet the provisions of the Customer Products Stewardship Specification (CSP-9-111C2) and the Banned Substances and Materials of Interest Specification (CSP-9-111S2) and contain no “Banned Substances” as defined in CSP-9-111S2. Leadfree products are RoHS compliant. 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