Supertex inc. AT9917 Automotive LED Driver IC with High Current Accuracy Features General Description ► Switch mode controller for boost, SEPIC & buck converters ► Closed loop control of output current ► High PWM dimming ratio ► Internal 40V linear regulator ► Internal 3% voltage reference ► Constant frequency operation with programmable slope compensation ► Linear and PWM dimming ► Programmable jitter to reduce EMI ► +/-1.0A MOSFET gate driver ► Output short circuit protection ► Output over voltage protection ► Programmable hiccup timer ► Temperature fold-back with external NTC resistor ► Soft start ► Meets AEC-Q100 requirements The AT9917 is an advanced fixed frequency PWM IC designed to control single-switch, boost, SEPIC, and buck LED drivers in a constant current mode. The controller uses a peak current-mode control scheme (with programmable slope compensation) and includes an internal transconductance amplifier to control the output current with high accuracy. The IC includes a +/-1A gate driver that makes the AT9917 suitable for high power applications. An internal 40V linear regulator powers the IC eliminating the need for a separate power supply for the IC. The IC provides a FAULT output, which can be used to disconnect the LEDs in case of a fault condition (such as an alternator load dump in automobiles) using an external disconnect FET. AT9917 also provides a TTL compatible, low-frequency PWM dimming input that can accept an external control signal with a duty ratio of 0100% and a frequency of up to several kilohertz. Temperature foldback of the output current is possible, using an external NTC resistor. Applications The AT9917-based LED driver is suited for automotive LED driver applications. The AT9917 based LED lamp drivers can achieve efficiencies in excess of 90% when buck or boost topologies are used. ► Automotive LED driver applications Typical Boost Application Circuit D1 L1 Q1 RCS CAVDD CSC CPVDD VIN PVDD RSC AVDD GT CS PGND FDBK AT9917 COMP PWMD CSS JT CJTR NTC DIV R4 CC IREF REF T2 T1 RR1 R1 RNTC RT RT SS OVP FLT GND EN Co ROVP2 CIN1 CIN ROVP1 D2 (Optional) R3 CREF Q2 RS RR2 R2 Supertex inc. ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● AT9917 Ordering Information 24-Lead TSSOP Device 7.80x4.40mm body 1.20mm height (max) 0.65mm pitch AT9917 AT9917TS-G -G indicates package is RoHS compliant (‘Green’) Pin Configuration Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Value VIN to GND -0.5V to +45V PVDD, AVDD to GND -0.3V to +6.0V GATE to GND -0.3V to (PVDD +0.3V) All other pins to GND -0.3V to (AVDD +0.3V) Continuous power dissipation VIN AVDD PVDD GATE PGND GND JTR RT CS OVP T2 T1 1000mW (TA = +25°C) Junction temperature -40°C to +150°C Storage temperature range -65°C to +150°C Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 1 24 REF EN NC NC FDBK IREF COMP SS PWMD FLT DIV RNTC 24-Lead TSSOP (TS) (top view) Product Marking Top Marking YYWW AAA 9917T S LLLLLLLL Bottom Marking CCCCCCCCC YY = Year Sealed WW = Week Sealed L = Lot Number C = Country of Origin* A = Assembler ID = “Green” Packaging *May be part of ejector pin Package may or may not include the following marks: Si or 24-Lead TSSOP (TS) Electrical Characteristics (Specifications are at TA = 25OC. VIN = 12V, PVDD = AVDD, EN = PWMD = AVDD, GATE = OPEN, CREF = 0.1μF, CAVDD = CPVDD = 1.0μF, RT = 200kΩ, IT1 = IT2 = 100μA unless otherwise noted.) Sym Parameter Min Typ Max Units Conditions Input VINDC Input DC supply voltage range - 5.3 - 40 V DC input voltage IINDIS Shut-down mode supply current * - - 100 µA EN = 0.8V, PWMD = GND IINEN Input current when enabled * - - 2.0 mA EN = 2.0V, GATE OPEN, PWMD = GND Internally regulated voltage * 4.65 5.0 5.35 V VIN = 6.0 - 40V, GATE OPEN, PWMD = GND, IDD = 0 - 20mA AVDD undervoltage lockout threshold * 4.25 - 4.85 V AVDD rising AVDD undervoltage lockout hysteresis - - 250 - mV AVDD falling Internal Regulator AVDD UVLO ∆UVLO Notes: * Specifications apply over the full operating ambient temperature range of -40ºC < TA < +125ºC. Guaranteed by design and characterization. Supertex inc. ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 2 AT9917 Electrical Characteristics (Specifications are at TA = 25OC. VIN = 12V, PVDD = AVDD, EN = PWMD = AVDD, GATE = OPEN, CREF = 0.1μF, CAVDD = CPVDD = 1.0μF, RT = 200kΩ, IT1 = IT2 = 100μA unless otherwise noted.) Sym Description Min Typ Max Units Conditions EN Input VEN(LO) EN input low voltage * - - 0.8 V --- VEN(HI) EN input high voltage * 2.0 - - V --- Pull down resistor at EN - - 100 - kΩ --- REF pin voltage * 1.210 1.250 1.290 V VREF,DIS REF pin voltage when disabled - - 0 - mV IREF = 0, EN = GND VREFLOAD Load regulation of reference voltage - 0 - 2.0 mV IREF = 0 - 1.0mA TRISE GATE output rise time - - 20 35 ns CGATE = 4.0nF, VIN = AVDD = PVDD = 5.0V TFALL GATE output fall time - - 20 35 ns CGATE = 4.0nF, VIN = AVDD = PVDD = 5.0V DMAX Maximum duty cycle * 87 - 93 % --- REN Reference VREF IREF = 0 GATE PWM Dimming VPWMD(lo) PWMD input low voltage * - - 0.8 V --- VPWMD(hi) PWMD input high voltage * 2.0 - - V --- PWMD pull-down resistance - - 200 - kΩ --- RPWMD Over Voltage Protection VOVP,rising Over voltage rising trip point * 1.15 1.25 1.35 V OVP rising VOVP,HYST Over voltage hysteresis - - 0.125 - V OVP falling Current Sense TBLANK Leading edge blanking * 100 - 250 ns --- TDELAY1 Delay to output of comparator - - - 150 ns COMP = AVDD = PVDD = 5.0V, VCS = 0 - 400mV step VOFFSET Comparator offset voltage # -10 - 10 mV --150pF capacitance at COMP pin Internal Transconductance Opamp GB Gainbandwidth product # 1.0 - - MHz AV Open loop DC gain - 65 - - dB Output OPEN VCM Input common-mode range # -0.3 - 3.0 V --- VO Output voltage range # 0.7 - AVDD - --- GM Transconductance - - 950 - µA/V --- VOFFSET Input offset voltage * -9.0 - 9.0 mV --- Notes: * Specifications apply over the full operating ambient temperature range of -40ºC < TA < +125ºC. Guaranteed by design and characterization. # Specifications guaranteed by design and not tested in production Supertex inc. ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 3 AT9917 Electrical Characteristics (Specifications are at TA = 25OC. VIN = 12V, PVDD = AVDD, EN = PWMD = AVDD, GATE = OPEN, CREF = 0.1μF, CAVDD = CPVDD = 1.0μF, RT = 200kΩ, IT1 = IT2 = 100μA unless otherwise noted.) Sym Parameter Min Typ Max Units ICOMP COMP sink current ICOMP IBIAS # 0.2 - - mA VFB = 0.1V, VCOMP = 0 COMP source current # -0.2 - - mA VFB = -0.1V, VCOMP = AVDD Input bias current # - 0.5 1.0 nA --- * 90 105 120 kHz RT = 1.0MΩ Oscillator fOSC1 Oscillator frequency Conditions fOSC2 Oscillator frequency * 427 505 583 kHz RT = 200kΩ fOSC Output frequency range # 100 - 800 kHz --- - - 50 - Hz CJTR = 100nF - - 500 - Hz CJTR = 10nF - ±4.5 - - kHz --- Charging current - - 10 - µA --- Voltage swing for hiccup timer - - 0.6 - V ----- Jitter FJTR Jitter frequency ∆F Change in the switching frequency Hiccup Timer Ihiccup ∆V Temperature Foldback Circuit INTC NTC current range # - - 1.0 mA NNTC IFDBK / INTC current gain - - 0.13 - - INTC = 0.5mA NT1 INTC / IT1 current gain - - 3.0 - - INTC = 0.5mA NT2 INTC / IT2 current gain - - 6.0 - - INTC = 0.5mA T1 and T2 reference voltage - - 3.5 - V --- Amplifier gain at IREF pin - 1.8 2.0 2.2 - VIREF = 400mV Propagation time for short circuit detection - - - 250 ns VIREF = 400mV, FDBK steps from 0 - 1.0V; FLT goes from high to low TRISE,FAULT Fault output rise time - - - 300 ns 330pF capacitor at FLT pin TFALL,FAULT Fault output fall time - - - 200 ns 330pF capacitor at FLT pin Minimum voltage at the output of the amplifier # 250 - - mV VIREF = 0 PWMD Blanking time * 200 - 900 ns --- ISS Charging current - 10 - 25 µA --- ISS Discharging current - 1.0 - - mA VSS = 5.0V VSS Reset voltage - - - 100 mV --- * - - 200 Ω --- VT1, VT2 Output Short Circuit GFAULT TOFF VMIN TPWMD Soft Start Slope Compensation RSLOPE On-resistance of FET at CS pin Notes: * Specifications apply over the full operating ambient temperature range of -40ºC < TA < +125ºC. Guaranteed by design and characterization. # Specifications guaranteed by design and not tested in production Supertex inc. ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 4 AT9917 Functional Block Diagram Linear Regulator VIN 4.25V/4.50V 0.8V/2V REF GATE + _ AVDD EN Vbg POR POR PVDD FC GATE + _ HCP PGND RT Clock S Q FLT FC R HCP + Blanking OVPD _ GATE 14R COMP + CS 1.25V/1.125V _ JTR OVP R GND DIS SCD OTP SS POR S POR HCP + 0.7V + GM _ PWMD OVPD R - Q DIS Q FC TBLANK FDBK 2 Current Mirror IREF 250mV 4 (I - 3ITI) 30 NTC Jitter - IT1 INTC NTC Supertex inc. DIV T1 _ SCD OTP JTR + IDRP = + HCP DIS IT2 T2 JTR ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 5 AT9917 Power Topology rent externally. It should be bypassed with a low impedance The AT9917 is a closed-loop, switch-mode LED driver de- (≥0.1µF) capacitor (0.01 -0.1μF). signed to control a buck, boost or SEPIC converter in a constant frequency mode. The IC includes an internal linear reg- Timing Resistor (RT) ulator, which operates from input voltages from 6.0 to 40V. The switching frequency of the converter is set by connectThe IC includes features typically required in LED drivers like ing a resistor between RT and GND. The resistor value can open LED protection, output short circuit protection, linear be determined as: and PWM dimming, and accurate control of the LED current. 1.0 RT = It also includes a thermal derating circuit which can be used fS • 9.5pF to reduce the LED current at high temperatures to prevent a thermal runaway. A high current gate drive output enables Current Sense (CS) the controller to be used in high power converters. The current sense input is used to sense the source current of the switching FET. The CS input of the AT9917 includes a Power Supply to the IC (VIN, AVDD, PVDD) The AT9917 can be powered directly from its VIN pin that built in 100ns (minimum) blanking time to prevent spurious takes a voltage up to 40V. When a voltage is applied at the turn off due to the initial current spike when the FET turns VIN pin, the AT9917 tries to maintain a constant 5.0V(typ) at on. the AVDD pin. The regulator also has a built in under-voltage lockout which shuts off the IC if the voltage at the AVDD The IC includes an internal resistor divider network, which pin falls below the UVLO threshold. This linear regulator also steps down the voltage at the COMP pins by a factor of 15. This voltage is used as the reference for the current sense provides the power supply to the built-in gate driver. comparators. Since the maximum voltage of the COMP pin The AVDD pin must by bypassed by a low ESR capacitor is AVDD, this voltage determines the maximum reference cur(≥0.1µF) to provide a low impedance path for the high fre- rent for the current sense comparator and thus the maximum quency current of the output gate driver. The PVDD pin is inductor current. used to provide power to the gate driver. It should be bypassed with a low ESR capacitor (≥0.1µF), and should be The current sense resistor RCS should be chosen so that the input inductor current is limited to below the saturation curshorted to the AVDD pin. rent level of the input inductor. For discontinuous conduction The input current drawn from the external power supply (or mode of operation, no slope compensation is necessary. In VIN pin) is a sum of the 2.0mA (max) current drawn by the all this case, the current sense resistor is chosen as: the internal circuitry and the current drawn by the gate driver (which, in turn, depends on the switching frequency and the gate charge of the external FET). IIN = 2mA + QG • fS RCS = AVDD - 0.8V 15 • ISAT where ISAT is the maximum desired peak inductor current. In the above equation, fS is the switching frequency of the For continuous conduction mode converters operating in the converter and QG is the gate charge of the external FET constant frequency mode, slope compensation becomes (which can be obtained from the FET datasheet). necessary to ensure stability of the peak current mode controller, if the operating duty cycle is greater than 0.5. This The EN pin is a TTL compatible input used to disable the IC. factor must also be accounted for when determining R (see CS Pulling the EN pin to GND will shut down the IC and reduce Slope Compensation section). the quiescent current drawn by the IC to be less than 100μA. If the enable function is not required, the EN pin can be conSlope Compensation nected to AVDD. Choosing a slope compensation, which is one half of the Reference Voltage (REF) down slope of the inductor current, ensures that the converter will be stable for all duty cycles. The AT9917 provides a 1.25V reference voltage at the REF pin. This voltage is used to derive the various internal volt- Slope compensation in the AT9917 can be programmed by ages required by the IC, and is also used to set the LED cur- two external components (see Fig. 1). A resistor from AVDD Supertex inc. ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 6 AT9917 sets a current (which is almost constant since the AVDD voltage is much larger than the voltage at the CS pin). This current flows into the capacitor and produces a ramp voltage across the capacitor. The voltage at the CS pin is then the sum of the voltage across the capacitor and the voltage across the current sense resistor, with the voltage across the capacitor providing the required slope compensation. When the GATE turns off, an internal pull down FET discharges the capacitor. The 200Ω(max) resistance of the internal FET will prevent the voltage at the CS pin from going all the way to zero. The minimum value of the voltage will instead be: VCS,MIN = AVDD RSC • 200Ω FLT Output The FLT pin is used to drive a disconnect FET while driving boost and SEPIC converters. In the case of boost converters, when there is a short circuit fault at the output, there is a direct path from the input source to ground which can cause high currents to flow. The disconnect switch is used to interrupt this path and prevent damage to the converter. The disconnect switch also helps to disconnect the output filter capacitors for the boost and SEPIC converters from the LED load during PWM dimming and enables a very high PWM dimming ratio. Control of the LED Current (IREF, FDBK and COMP) The slope compensation capacitor is chosen so that it can The LED current in the AT9917 is controlled in a closed-loop be completely discharged by the internal 200Ω(max) FET at manner. The current reference which sets the LED current at the CS pin during the time the FET is off. Assuming the worst the IREF pin is set by using a resistor divider from the REF case switch duty cycle of 93%, pin (or can be set externally with a low voltage source). This 0.07 reference voltage is compared to the voltage at the FDBK pin, CSC = which senses the LED current in the current sense resistor. 3 • 200Ω • fS The AT9917 includes a 1.0MHz transconductance amplifier with a tri-state output, which is used to close the feedback Assuming a down slope of DS (A/μs) for the inductor current, loops and provide accurate current control. The compensathe current sense resistor and the slope compensation resistion network is connected at the COMP pin. tor can be computed as: RCS = RCS = AVDD - 0.8V 15 • { 1 DS • 106 • 0.93 2 • fS } The output of the op-amp is buffered and connected to the current sense comparator using a 14R:1R resistor divider. + ISAT 2 • AVDD DS • 106 • CSC • RCS + GATE AVDD Linear Dimming RSC CS CSC RCS Figure 1: Slope Compensation Gate Driver Output (GATE, PGND) The GATE output of the AT9917 is used to drive the gate of the switching FET. The PGND pin should be connected to the GND connection of the current sense resistor and the two grounds of the IC (PGND and GND) should be connected together at the input GND connection to minimize noise. Supertex inc. The output of the op-amp is also controlled by the signal applied to the PWMD pin. When PWMD is high, the output of the op-amp is connected to the COMP pin. When PWMD is low, the output is left open. This enables the integrating capacitor to hold the charge when the PWMD signal has turned off the gate drive. When the IC is enabled, the voltage on the integrating capacitor will almost instantaneously force the converter into a steady state. Linear dimming can be accomplished in the AT9917 by varying the voltages at the IREF pin. Note that since the AT9917 is a peak current mode controller, it has a minimum on-time for the GATE output. This minimum on-time will prevent the converter from completely turning off even when the IREF pin is pulled to GND. Thus, linear dimming cannot accomplish true zero LED current. To get zero LED current, PWM dimming has to be used. Due to the offset voltage of the short circuit comparator, as well as the non-linearity of the X2 gain stage, pulling the IREF pin very close to GND might cause the internal short circuit comparator to trigger and shut down the IC. To overcome this, the output of the gain stage is limited to 250mV ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 7 AT9917 (minimum), allowing the IREF pin to be pulled all the way to Fault Conditions 0V without triggering the short circuit comparator. Therefore, The AT9917 is a robust controller which can protect the LEDs the minimum voltage for a short circuit detection is 250mV. and the LED driver in case of fault conditions. The AT9917 includes both open LED protection and output short circuit PWM Dimming (PWMD) protection. In both cases, the AT9917 shuts down and atPWM dimming in the AT9917 can be accomplished using a tempts a restart. The hiccup time is programmed by the caTTL-compatible square wave source at the PWMD pin. pacitor at the JTR pin. When the PWM signal is high, the GATE and FLT pins are enabled and the output of the transconductance op-amp is connected to the external compensation network. Thus, the internal amplifier controls the output current. When the PWMD signal goes low, the output of the transconductance amplifier is disconnected from the compensation network. Thus, the integrating capacitor maintains the voltage across it. The GATE is disabled, so the converter stops switching and the FLT pin goes low, turning off the disconnect switch. Note that disconnecting the LED load during PWM dimming causes the energy stored in the inductor to be dumped into the output capacitor. The filter capacitor that is chosen should be large enough so that it can absorb the inductor energy without significant change of the voltage across it. If the capacitor voltage change is significant, it would cause a turn-on spike in the inductor current when PWMD goes high. When a fault condition is detected, both GATE and FLT outputs are disabled, the COMP pins and JTR pins are pulled to GND. Once the voltage at the JTR pin falls below 0.1V and the fault condition(s) have disappeared, the capacitor at the JTR pin is released and is charged slowly by a 10μA current source. Once the capacitor is charged to 0.7V, the COMP pins are released and GATE and FLT pins are allowed to turn on. If the hiccup time is long enough, it will ensure that the compensation networks are all completely discharged and that the converters start at minimum duty cycle. Short Circuit Protection When a short circuit condition is detected (output current becomes higher than twice the steady state current), the GATE and FLT outputs are pulled low. As soon as the disconnect FET is turned off, the output current goes to zero and the short circuit condition disappears. At this time, the hiccup timer is started. Once the timing is complete, the converter Jitter and Hiccup Timer (JTR) attempts to restart. If the fault condition still persists, the conThe JTR pin is a multipurpose pin in the AT9917. It is used verter shuts down and goes through the cycle again. If the to set the jitter frequency (frequency at which the switching fault condition is cleared (due to a momentary output short) frequency swings between its limits). It is also used to set the the converter will start regulating the output current normally. hiccup time for fault conditions. This allows the LED driver to recover from accidental shorts without having to reset the IC. The value of the capacitor required for the jitter frequency is given by: During short circuit conditions, there are two conditions that CJTR = determine the hiccup time. 5.0µF FJTR(Hz) The first is the time required to discharge the compensation capacitors. Assuming a pole-zero R-C network at the COMP Note that the jitter frequency must be chosen to be signifi- pin (series combination of R and C in parallel with C ), Z Z C cantly lower than the cross over frequency of the closed loop control. If not, the controller will not be able to reject the jitter tCOMP = 3 • RZ • CZ frequency and the LED current will have a current ripple at In case the compensation networks are only type 1 (single the jitter frequency. capacitor), then: The same capacitor is used to determine the hiccup time. tCOMP = 3 • 300Ω • CC The hiccup time is computed as: CJTR • 0.6V The second is the time required for the inductors to comtHICCUP = 10µA pletely discharge following a short circuit. This time can be computed as: If the hiccup time is lower than desired, the capacitor at the pin can be increased at the cost of a lower jitter frequency. Supertex inc. tIND = π √L • CO 4 ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 8 AT9917 where L and Co are the input inductor and output capacitor When the output voltage reaches the OVP rising threshold, of the power stage. the AT9917 detects an over voltage condition and turns off the converter. The converter is turned back on only when the The hiccup time is then chosen as: output voltage falls below the falling OVP threshold (which is 10% lower than the rising threshold). This time is mostly tHICCUP > max (tCOMP, tIND) dictated by the R-C time constant of the output capacitor CO and the resistor network used to sense over voltage (ROVP1 Note that the power rating of the LED sense inductor has to be chosen properly if it has to survive a persistent fault condi- + ROVP2). In case of a persistent open circuit condition, this cycle maintains the output voltage within a 10% band. tion. The power rating can be determined using: PRS ≥ I2SAT • RS • (tfall,fault + tOFF) tHICCUP Where ISAT is the saturation current of the disconnect FET. In case of the AT9917, (tfall,fault + tOFF) is 450ns (max). False Triggering of the Short Circuit Comparator During PWM Dimming During PWM dimming, the parasitic capacitance of the LED string might cause a spike in the output current when the disconnect FET is turned on. If this spike is detected by the short circuit comparator, it will cause the IC to falsely detect an over current condition and shut down. In the AT9917, to prevent these false triggerings, there is a built in 500ns blanking network for the short circuit comparator. This blanking network is activated when the PWMD input goes high. Thus, the short circuit comparator will not see the spike in the LED current during the PWM dimming turn-on transition. Once the blanking timer has completed its task, the short circuit comparator will start monitoring the output current. Thus, the total delay time for detecting a short circuit will depend on the condition of the PWMD input. In most designs, the lower threshold voltage of the over voltage protection (VOVP -10%) at which point the AT9917 attempts to restart will be more than the LED string voltage. Thus, when the LED load is reconnected to the output of the converter, the voltage differential between the actual output voltage and the LED string voltage will cause a spike in the output current. This causes a short circuit to be detected and the AT9917 will trigger short circuit protection. This behavior continues until the output voltage becomes lower than the LED string voltage, at which point no fault will be detected and normal operation of the circuit will commence. Thermal Derating The reference voltage used to set the LED current is programmed using two resistors - R r1 and R r2 connected as shown in Figure 2. Rr2 IO • RS = VREF • Rr1 + Rr2 where IO is the output LED current and RS is the current sense resistor. Thermal derating is programmed using 4 pins - NTC, DIV, T1 and T2. When no temperature foldback is required, NTC If the output short circuit exists before the PWM dimming and T1 should be connected to AVDD, and DIV should signal goes high, the total detection time will be: be connected to GND. T2 still requires a resistor to GND (10~100kΩ). No pins should be left floating (Figure 2). tDETECT1 = tPWMD + tfall, fault + tOFF ≈ 950ns(max) If the short circuit occurs when the PWM dimming signal is already high, the time to detect will be: IO FDBK RS tDETECT1 = tfall, fault + tOFF ≈ 450ns(max) Rr2 Over Voltage Protection The AT9917 provides hysteretic over voltage protection. allowing the IC to recover in case the LED load is momentarily disconnected. AVDD When the load is disconnected in a boost converter, the output voltage rises as the output capacitor starts charging. Figure 2: No Thermal Derating Supertex inc. REF Rr1 IREF NTC DIV T1 T2 ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 9 AT9917 When thermal derating needs to be implemented, four resis- Temperature T1 is programmed by selecting R2 such that: tors are used to set the various points to obtain the thermal derating curve shown in Figure 3. R2 = 3 • RNTC(T1) where RNTC(T1) is resistance of the NTC resistor at the temperature T1. ISHORT R1 can be computed using the maximum current (≤1.0mA) that will flow through the NTC resistor at temperature T2. ILED I1 R1 = I2 T1 T2 Figure 3: Thermal Derating Curve When an external NTC resistor is connected (Figure 4), both temperatures T1 and T2, as well as the current I2 can be accurately programmed to maximize the light output of the LED lamp. IO R4 RS R1 IREF RNTC NTC DIV R2 R1 R3 INTC,MAX • T1 T2 { R2 RNTC(T2) } - R2 Further reduction of the NTC resistance RNTC will create a proportional offset of the current feedback reference at FDBK, and hence will cause decrease of the LED current. To program the desired current I2 at the temperature T2, resistor R4 at FDBK can be calculated as: (I1 - I2 ) • RS • (R1 + R2 ) R4 = VT1 • { R2 4 - 3.0 30 RNTC(T2) FDBK REF Rr2 VT1 } The turn off of the converter at the maximum temperature is programmed using R3. R3 = { 6 • (R1 + R2) R2 RNTC(T2) - 3.0 } The over-temperature recovery threshold is independent of the current in T2. AT9917 recovers from thermal shutdown at the break temperature T1, where: INTC < 3 • IT1. Figure 4: With Thermal Derating The ratio of the resistor divider R2/(R1 + R2) programs the voltage at the NTC pin. The voltage VT1 at T1 is approximately 3.5V. The current sourced by NTC and T1 is mirrored out of FDBK in accordance with the following equation: IFDBK = 4 30 (INTC - 3IT1) when: INTC > 3 • IT1. INTC, IT1, and IT2 are the currents sourced from pins NTC, T1, and T2 respectively. Supertex inc. ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 10 AT9917 Pin Description Pin # Name Description 1 VIN 2 AVDD This is a power supply pin for all internal circuits. It must be bypassed with a low ESR capacitor to GND (at least 0.1μF). 3 PVDD This is the power supply pin for the gate driver. It should be connected externally to AVDD and bypassed with a low ESR capacitor to PGND (at least 0.1μF). 4 GATE This pin is the output gate driver for an external logic level N-channel power MOSFET. 5 PGND Ground return for the gate drive circuitry. 6 GND Ground return for all the low power analog internal circuitry. This pin must be connected to the return path from the input. 7 JTR This pin controls the jitter of the clock programmed by a capacitor connected at this pin. This capacitor also determines the hiccup time. 8 RT This pin sets the frequency of the power circuit. A resistor between RT and GND will program the circuit in constant frequency mode. 9 CS This pin is used to sense the source current of the external power FET. It includes a built-in 100ns (min) blanking time. Slope compensation is implemented by connecting an RC network to this pin as shown in the Typical Application. 10 OVP This pin provides the over voltage protection for the converter. When the voltage at this pin exceeds 1.25V, the gate output of the AT9917 is turned off and FLT goes low. Switching is enabled when the voltage at this pin goes below 1.125V. 11 T2 This current programs the temperature at which the driver is shut off due to over temperature conditions for the LED. 12 T1 This current input programs the break temperature threshold which determines the start of the current derating when using the external NTC resistor. 13 RNTC 14 DIV Programs the voltage input for the transconductance at NTC pin. 15 FLT This pin is pulled to ground when there is an output short circuit condition or output over voltage condition. This pin can be used to drive an external MOSFET in the case of boost converters to disconnect the load from the source. It is also controlled by the PWM dimming input to provide excellent PWM dimming response. 16 PWMD When this pin is pulled to GND (or left open), switching of the AT9917 is disabled. When an external TTL high level is applied to it, switching will resume. 17 SS 18 COMP Stable closed loop control can be accomplished by connecting a compensation network between COMP and GND. This pin is discharged upon detection of a fault condition and on startup. 19 IREF The voltage at this pin sets the output current level. The current reference can be set using a resistor divider from the REF pin. 20 FDBK This pin provides output current feedback to the AT9917 by using a current sense resistor. A resistor in series with the FDBK pin can be used to reduce the current at elevated temperatures. 21 NC 22 NC 23 EN Pulling EN to GND causes the AT9917 to go into a low current standby mode. A voltage greater than 2.0V will cause the IC to start up. 24 REF This pin provides accurate reference voltage. It must be bypassed with a 0.01μF -0.1μF capacitor to GND. This pin is the input of a 40V high voltage regulator. Connect an external NTC resistor to this pin for temperature fold-back of the output current. Connecting a capacitor from this pin to GND programs the soft start time of the LED driver. No connection. Supertex inc. ● 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 ● Tel: 408-222-8888 ● 11 AT9917 24-Lead TSSOP Package Outline (TS) 7.80x4.40mm body, 1.20mm height (max), 0.65mm pitch D 24 θ1 E1 E L2 Note 1 (Index Area D/2 x E1/2) L L1 1 Top View θ Gauge Plane Seating Plane View B A A A2 View B Seating Plane e A1 b Side View View A-A A Note: 1. A Pin 1 identifier must be located in the index area indicated. The Pin 1 identifier can be: a molded mark/identifier; an embedded metal marker; or a printed indicator. Symbol Dimension (mm) A A1 A2 b D E E1 MIN 0.85* 0.05 0.80 0.19 7.70 6.20* 4.30 NOM - - 1.00 - 7.80 6.40 4.40 MAX 1.20 0.15 1.15† 0.30 7.90 6.60* 4.50 e 0.65 BSC L L1 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.00 REF L2 0.25 BSC θ 0O 8O θ1 12O REF JEDEC Registration MS-153, Variation AD, Issue F, May 2001. * This dimension is not specified in the JEDEC drawing. † This dimension differs from the JEDEC drawing. Drawings are not to scale. Supertex Doc. #: DSPD-24TSSOPTS, Version B041309. (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to Supertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http// Supertex inc. ©2010 Supertex inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited. Doc.# DSFP-AT9917 A071610 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Tel: 408-222-8888 12