Una. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. The RF MOSFET Line RF Power Field-Effect Transistor MRF374 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Lateral MOSFET Designed for broadband commercial and industrial applications with frequencies from 470 - 860 MHz. The high gain and broadband performance of this device make it ideal for large-signal, common source amplifier applications in 28 volt transmitter equipment. • • • • • 470 - 860 MHz, 100 W, 28 V LATERAL N-CHANNEL BROADBAND RF POWER MOSFET Typical Two-Tone Performance @ 860 MHz, 28 Volts, Narrowband Fixture Output Power- 100 Watts PEP Power Gain- 13.5dB Efficiency - 36% IMD--31 dBc Typical Performance at 860 MHz, 28 Volts, Broadband Fixture Output Power - 100 Watts PEP Power Gain- 12 dB Efficiency - 36% IMD--34dBc 100% Tested for Load Mismatch Stress at All Phase Angles with 5:1 VSWR @ 28 Vdc, 860 MHz, 100 Watts CW Excellent Thermal Stability Characterized with Differential Large-Signal Impedance Parameters CASE 375F-04 NI-650 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit Drain-Source Voltage VDSS 65 Vdc Gate-Source Voltage VGS ±20 Vdc Drain Current - Continuous (per Side) ID 7 Adc Total Device Dissipation @ Tc = 25''C Derate above 25°C PD 270 1.25 W W/°C Ts»g -65 to +150 °C Tj 200 "C Rating Storage Temperature Range Operating Junction Temperature THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Symbol Max Unit R8JC 0.65 °c/w NOTE - CAUTION - MOS devices are susceptible to damage from electrostatic charge. Reasonable precautions in handling and packaging MOS devices should be observed. Quality Semi-Conductors Una. J 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit V(BR)DSS 65 - - Vdc Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (per Side) (VDS = 28 Vdc, VGS = 0 Vdc) IDSS - — 1 |jAdc Gate-Source Leakage Current (per Side) (VGS = 20 Vdc, VDS = 0 Vdc) 'ass — — 1 (iAdc VGS(th) 2 3.5 4 Vdc VGS(Q) 3 4.2 5 Vdc VDS(on) - 0.56 0.8 Vdc 9fs 2.2 2.8 — S Input Capacitance (per Side) (VDS = 28 V, VGS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz) ciss - 80 - PF Output Capacitance (per Side) (VDS = 28 V, VGS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz) Coss — 45 — PF Reverse Transfer Capacitance (per Side) (VDS = 28 V, VGS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz) Crss — 3.5 — PF Common Source Power Gain (VDD = 28 Vdc, Pout = 100 W PEP, IDQ = 400 mA, f1 = 857 MHz, f2 = 863 MHz) Gps 12.5 13.5 dB Drain Efficiency (VDD = 28 Vdc, Pout = 100 W PEP, IDQ = 400 mA, f1 = 857 MHz, f2 = 863 MHz) n 30 36 % Intermodulation Distortion (VDD = 2S Vdc, Pout = 100 W PEP, IDQ = 400 mA, f1 = 857 MHz, f2 = 863 MHz) IMD -28 -31 dB Characteristic OFF CHARACTERISTICS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage (per Side) (VQS = 0 Vdc, ID =1 jiA per Side) ON CHARACTERISTICS Gate Threshold Voltage (per Side) (VDs = 1 0 V, ID = 200 nA per Side) Gate Quiescent Voltage (per Side) (VDS = 28 V, ID = 100 mA per Side) Drain-Source On-Voltage (per Side) (VGS = 1 0 V, ID = 3 A per Side) Forward Transconductance (per Side) (VDs = 10V, ID = 3 A per Side) DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS (1> FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS, TWO-TONE TESTING <2> Load Mismatch (VDD = 28 Vdc, Pout = 100 W CW, IDQ = 400 mA, f = 860 MHz, VSWR 5:1 at All Phase Angles of Test) No Degradation in Output Power TYPICAL TWO-TONE BROADBAND Common Source Power Gain (VDD = 28 Vdc, Pou, = 100 W PEP, IDQ = 500 mA, f1 = 857 MHz, f2 = 863 MHz) Gps 12 dB Drain Efficiency (VDD = 28 Vdc, Pout = 100 W PEP, IDQ = 500 mA, f1 = 857 MHz, f2 = 863 MHz) n 36 % Intermodulation Distortion (VDD = 28 Vdc, Pout = 100 W PEP, IDQ = 500 mA, f1 = 857 MHz, f2 = 863 MHz) IMD -34 dB (1) Each side of device measured separately. (2) Measured in push-pull configuration. , One. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 C8A i R3All ' R1A C4A C5 C2 , C3 ct C14A C13A C7A' Lj C9A C10 C6 L1A c12A C11 C9B C4B I C12B R1B C8B .C13B R3B C14B MRF374 Vertical Balun Mounting Detail Motorola Vertical 860 MHz Balun Rogers R03010 (50 mil thick) Output 2 (12.5 ohm microstrip) Output 1 (12.5 ohm microstrip) PCB Substrate (30 mil thick) Note: Trim Balun PCB so that a 35 mil "tab" fits into the main PCB "slot" resulting in Balun solder pads being level with the PCB substrate solder pads when fully inserted. Input (50 ohm microstrip) Ground Figure 1. Narrowband Component Layout Quality Semi-Conductors 55 mil slot cut out to accept Balun