, Line. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED* IM-CHAIMNEL 400 Volt, 1.8 Ohm HEXFET TO-220AB Plastic Package Product Summary The HEXFET transistors also feature all of the well established advantages of MOSFETs such as voltage control, very fast switching, ease of paralleling and temperature stability of the electrical parameters. They are well suited for applications such as switching power supplies, motor controls, inverters, choppers, audio amplifiers and high energy pulse circuits. CASE STYLE AND DIMENSIONS i Part Number BVDSS IRF720 400V T - f 13.97 (0.550) MAX. 1 •fT 1 • 350V 1.80 3.3A IRF722 400V 2.50 2.8A (RF723 ' 350V 2.5(1 2.8A t T 1 } •• I r _ I054I0.4ISI _. T E K M 4 10.29 (0 4dil " 0(I»IN 3.71 10.1491 „,. 3 54 10.1391 u" IT0 | I2ZI0041) 648I025SJ fiTioTfl ^ TERM 1 - G A T E , 1.1 (045)MIN. —i j-*— 43ZfO.UO) 3MIHISSI 3 44 |S HOI 139! 13.4! iI TERM3 -SOURCE TERM 2 - D » A I N UM- OS941 15.09 (0.594) MAX. i 3.3A IRF721 2.1! 10 1131 2(210.103) MAX. r "D 1.8Q FEATURES: • Repetitive Avalanche Ratings • Dynamic dv/dt Rating • Simple Drive Requirements • Ease of Paralleling 10.54 (0.415) ~~ RDS(on) 1SSO) || 2.79(0.110) ?»(OMQ) i | J V- \ \/ (0.160) I Am * ll\ \ 1 1 IBI 210) * 8 3 ( '190) I osioi \ ^SECTION X-X SI!SrH 0939( 037} Co* Styl. TO-220AB Oimeniioni in Millimeters and llnchn) •This data sheet applies to product with batch codes that begin with a digit, a. 2A3B NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished h> NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. N.I Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors IRF720, IRF721, IRF722, IRF723 Devices Absolute Maximum Ratings IRF720, IRF721 IRF722. IRR23 Continuous Drain Current 3.3 2.8 ID ® TC " 100°C Continuous Drain Current 2.1 IOM Pulsed Drain Current (0 13 Parameter ID ® TC ™ PO @ ^C = 25°C 25°C . . 1.8 Units A . - - 11 Max. Fbwer Dissipation 60 A A ' W VWK® Linear Derating Factor 0.40 VQS Gate-to-Source Voltage ±20 V EAS Single Pulsa Avalanche Energy <S> 190 {See Fig. 14) mj I AR Avalanche Current © (Repetitive or Non-Repetitive) 3.3 (See EAR) A EAR Repetitive Avalanche Energy CD 5.0 (See IAR) mj Jv/ctt - Peak Diode Recovery rfv/dt 0) 4.0 (See Rg. 17) Vfns Tj TSTG Operating Junction Storage Temperature Range -66 to 150 °C 300 (0.063 In. 0.6mm) from case lor 10s) °C Lead Temperature Electrical Characteristics @ T, = 25°C (Unless Otherwise Specified) Parameter BVoss Drain-to-Source Breakdown voltage Fine/nut Static Drain-to-Source On-State Resistance 9) 'Dion) On-State Drain Current ® Type Win. IRF720 IRF722 400 Typ. Max. Units IRF721 IRF723 350 - - V vGS - ov, iD - 250 ^A IRF720 IRF72I - 1.6 1.8 0 vGS - iov, iD = I.SA IRF722 IRF723 - 1.8 2.5 IRR20 IRR21 3.3 - - A VDS > bton) x "DSIon) Max. IRF722 IRF723 2.B - 4.0 V 2.7 - SID) VDS = VGS. 'D - ZS<VA IDS = i.8A, VDS a wv VGS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage ALL 2.0 gfs Forward Transconductance ® ALL 1.8 'DSS Ze[0 Gate voltagu Drain Current ALL - - 250 — — 1000 liA Test Conditions VGS = 10V VOS = Max. Rating, VQS = OV Vrjs ~ 0.8 X Max Rating VCS - OV, Tj - 125°C 1GSS Gate-to-Source Leakage Forward ALL - - 500 nA VQS = 2°V IQSS Gate-to-Source Leakage Reverse ALL - - -500 nA VGS = Qg Total Gate Charge ALL - 13 20 nC VGS - 1"v. ID - QgS Gate-to-Source Charge ALL - 2.2 3.3 nC -20V 3 3A VQS * 0.8 x Max. Rating See Rg. 16 (Independent of operating temperature) Qgd Gate-to-Draln ("Mlller'1 Charge - 7.2 11 nC 'dtonl Turn-On Delay Time ALL - 10 15 ns t, Rise Time ALL - 14 21 ns vDD = 2oov, iD - 3.3A, RG = ien RD = sen 'd(off) Turn-Off Delay Time ALL - 30 45 ns Ses Rg. 15 t| Fall Time ALL - 13 20 ns (Independent of operating temperature) Lrj Internal Drain Inductance ALL 4.5 nH Measured from the drain lead, 6mm (0.25 in.) from package to center of die. Lg Internal Source Inductance ALL 7.6 nH Measuredfromthe source lead, 6mm 10.25 in.) from package to source bonding Cjgg Input Capacitance ALL - 350 - PF VGS = "« VDS - C OS3 Output Capacitance ALL - 64 -- pF f = 1.0 MHi Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance ALL - 8.1 - pF See Fig. 10 25V Modified MOSFET symbol showing the internal inductances. ~—It / itl i i , IT... \ KT IRF720, IRF721, IRF722, IRF723 Devices Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics Parameter Type Mm. Typ, Max. Units Ic Continuous Source Current (Body Diodel ALL - - 3.3 A ISM Pulsed Source Current (Body Diodel (D AU ~ ~ 13 A Vsp Diode Forward Vfaltage ® ALL - - 1.6 V Tj = 25°C, ls = 3.3A. VGS = 0V t,, Reverse Recovery Time ALL 120 270 600 ns Tj - 2S°C, IF - 3.3A. <i\Ul = 100 A/,a OpR Reverse Recovery Charge ALL 0.64 1.4 3.0 fC ton Forward Turn-On Time ALL Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible. Turn-on speed is substantially controlled by LS t LQ. Test Conditions Modified MOSFET symbol showing the integre) Reverse p-n junction icctifier. -~-—3t Thermal Resistance RtnJC JuncUon-to-Csse ALL - - 2.5 RlhCS Case-to-SInk ALL - 0.50 - K/W® IOW® Mounting surface fiat, smooth, and greased RthjA Junction-to-Ambient ALL - - 30 KW® Typical socket mount Typical SPICE Computer Model Parameters (For More Information See Application Note AN-975) Device Level. SPICE MOSFET Model W(m), Channel Width Llpm), Channel Length Theta (1M, Mobility Modulation UO (CM2/V-S), Surface Mobility VTOCV), Threshold Voltage R1 (D), Drain Resistance R2(Q), Source Resistance RG ID). Gate Resistance ALL 3 0.279 1.2 0.30 450 4.00 1.4 0.02 1.5 CGSO (pfl. GateSource Capacitance CGD(F) GateDrain Capacitance E1 (V), Voltage Dependent Voltage Source LO InH), Drain Inductance LS(nH), Source Inductance LGInH), Gate Inductance HIM, Diode Saturation Current RSIO), Diode Bulk Resistance 770 ca 2 + 0.995 VDQ 4.5 7.6 7.6 3.6 x 10'13 0.026 C8 = 1500 pf + 1.8 x 10-22 (VQt;)48 0> Repetitive Rating; Pulse width limited by maximum function temperature (see figure 5) Refer to current HEXFET reliability report ® 0 VDD • BOV. Starting Tj - 26°C, L - 31 mH.RQ = 250, Peak IL - 3.3A. 01 ISD s 3.3A, d/dt £ 66A/M3, VOD =i 8VDSS, Tj i 160°C Suggested RQ - 180 ® K/W = °C/W W/K - W/°C Pulse width s 300 ia; Duty Cycle s 2% Vnc 80HS PULSE TEST 6.0V—i z E 0V 80pl. PUL si- •^ /( [ T , = Fig. 1 — Typical Output Characteristics J4 isc °c ' / r i - 25 y 1i /\ 0( / 0.1 V6S=5.0VJ 0 ^ a s •4.5VA nv 40 80 ISO 160 200 VDS. DRAIN-TO-SQUHCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) j/ ESJ 10-2 I g /'/ i// = ' / j 1 ti ) i t Vss. GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 2— Typical Transfer Characteristics 1(