CM1085 3.0 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The CM1085 series of high performance positive voltage ! regulators are designed for use in applications requiring low ! ! dropout performance at full rated current. Additionally, the CM1085 series provides excellent regulation over variations ! in line, load and temperature. Low dropout performance 1.3V max. for CM1085 Full current rating over line and temperature Fast transient response ! ±2% total output regulation over line, load and temperature ! Adjust pin current max 90µA over temperature Outstanding features include low dropout performance at ! Adjustable output voltage rated current, fast transient response, internal current ! Line regulation typically 0.015% limiting and thermal shutdown protection of the output ! Load regulation typically 0.1% device. The CM1085 series are three terminal regulators ! TO-252 package with adjustable voltage options available in popular packages. APPLICATIONS ! Power Supplies ! Computer Add-On Cards ! Other Applications Requiring Low Dropout Voltage Over Rated Current PIN CONFIGURATION 2003/05/14 Preliminary Rev. 0.2 GND/ADJ VO UT VIN TO-252 Top View 1 2 3 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 1 CM1085 3.0 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR BLOCK DIAGRAM INPUT S.O.A CURRENT LIMITING AMPLIFIER Limit SENSE OUTPUT THERMAL OVERLOAD VOLTAGE REGULATION AMPLIFIER VREF ADJ/COM ORDERING INFORMATION Package Type TO-252 Operating Temperature Range (TA) Output Voltage 0℃ ~ +70℃ 2.5V CM1085KCN252 CM1085SCN252 0℃ ~ +70℃ 3.3V CM1085CN252 0℃ ~ +70℃ ADJ. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Maximum Units Input Supply Voltage Parameter VIN 7 V Power Dissipation PD Internally W Limited. Thermal Resistance Junction to Case TO-263 θJC 2.5 ℃/W θJA 80 ℃/W Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient TO-252 TJ 0 to 125 ℃ Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 to 150 ℃ Lead Temperature(Soldering)10 Sec TLEAD 260 ℃ Operating Junction Temperature Range 2003/05/14 Preliminary Rev. 0.2 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 2 CM1085 3.0 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, Adj VIN = 3.8V to 7.0V and Adj I0 =10mA to 3.0A, Fixed mode VIN = 4.75V to 7.0V and Adj I0 =10mA to 3.0A Test Conditions Parameter Output Voltage Symbol VIN l0 Tj Min Typ Max Units VO 5V 0mA 25℃ 0.99l V0I V0 1.01IV0I V 3A 125℃ 0.98l V0I V0 1.02IV0I 10mA 25℃ 1.238 1.250 1.262 3A 125℃ 1.225 1.250 1.275 10mA 25℃ 0.015 0.2 % 25℃ 0.1 0.3 % (1) Fixed Voltage Reference Voltage (1) VREF 5V Adj Voltage Version Line Regulation (1) Load Regulation REG(LINE) (1) Test Limits REG(LOAD) (2) Dropout Voltage 5V VD CM1085 Current Limit ICL Quiescent Current (fixed IO 25℃ 1 125℃ 1.1 125℃ 5.0 5V V 1.3 7.5 12 V A 14 mA voltage) Temperature Coefficient TC Adjust Pin Current IADJ Adjust Pin Current ΔIADJ 0.005 25℃ %/℃ 55 120 μA 0.2 5 μA Change Temperature Stability TS 5V Minimum Load Current IO 5V 0.5A 0.5 5 % 14 mA Adj Voltage Version RMS Output Noise (3) VN (4) Ripple Rejection Ratio RA 25℃ 5V 5.0A 125℃ 60 0.003 %VO 72 dB NOTES: : (1) Low duty cycle pulse testing with Kelvin connections required. (2) ΔVOUT , ΔVREF =1% (3) Bandwidth of 10 Hz to 10 kHz. (4) 120 Hz input ripple(CADJ for ADJ=25μF) 2003/05/14 Preliminary Rev. 0.2 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 3 CM1085 3.0 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR APPLICATION CIRCUIT Fixed Output Voltage Regulator Adjustable Regulator 2003/05/14 Preliminary Rev. 0.2 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 4 CM1085 3.0 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR PACKAGE DIMENSION TO-252 (N252) Y C B E L A K L1 S L2 X R D G 2003/05/14 Preliminary Rev. 0.2 J H Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 5 CM1085 3.0 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR IMPORTANT NOTICE Champion Microelectronic Corporation (CMC) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any integrated circuit product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. A few applications using integrated circuit products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage. CMC integrated circuit products are not designed, intended, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in life-support applications, devices or systems or other critical applications. understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. Use of CMC products in such applications is In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, the customer should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. HsinChu Headquarter Sales & Marketing 5F, No. 11, Park Avenue II, Science-Based Industrial Park, HsinChu City, Taiwan T E L : +886-3-567 9979 F A X : +886-3-567 9909 11F, No. 306-3, SEC. 1, Ta Tung Road, Hsichih, Taipei Hsien 221, Taiwan 2003/05/14 Preliminary Rev. 0.2 T E L : +886-2-8692 1591 F A X : +886-2-8692 1596 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 6