AMIS-710254-A6: 200dpi CIS Module Data Sheet 1.0 General Description The AMIS-710254-A6 (PI254MC-A6-R) is a contact imaging sensor (CIS) module. It operates from a single 5V supply. The module contains of 13 image sensor chips (AMIS-720233 (PI3033) sensor chips). The AMIS-720233 is a 200 dots per inch (dpi) solid-state line imaging array, also a product of AMI Semiconductor. This imaging device is fabricated using MOS imaging sensor technology for its high-speed performance and high sensitivity. Like its predecessor, the AMIS-710254-A6 is suitable for scanning A6 size (104mm) documents with eight dots per millimeter (dpm) resolution. Applications include ticket, check and card scanners, a variety of mark readers and other automation equipment. 2.0 Key Features • • • • • • • • Low power-single power supply at 5.0V Light source, lens and sensor are integrated into a single module 8dpm resolution, 104mm scanning length Wide dynamic range Analog output Yellow-green LED light source Compact size ≅ 14mm x 19mm x 120mm Light weight 3.0 Functional Description The AMIS-710254-A6 consists of 13 imaging array sensors, which are cascaded to provide 832 photo-detectors. Each sensor contains its associated multiplex switches and a digital shift register, which controls its sequential readout. Each sensor also contains a chip select switch so that each following chip is accessed sequentially as its predecessor chip completes its scan. These chips are mounted on a printed circuit board (PCB) along with clock buffers and a video signal amplifier. The only change from its predecessor module is in this amplifier. It was slightly altered to gain the single supply feature through the application of the new rail-to-rail single volt operational amplifiers (see Figure 1). Figure 1: AMIS-710254-A6 Module Block Diagram AMI Semiconductor – Aug. 2006, M-20605-001 1 AMIS-710254-A6: 200dpi CIS Module Data Sheet The PCB containing the imaging array is enclosed in a module housing along with a one-to-one graded indexed micro lens array, which focuses image of the scanned documents onto the sensing line of the sensor chips. The document is illuminated with an LED light source, which is also mounted in the housing (see Figure 2). Figure 2: AMIS-710254-A6 Cross Sectional View This pictorial cross section shows the LED bar light source and its illumination path. The light on the document reflects images of the document. The reflected images focus through the micro lens onto the image sensing line of the chips, where images are converted to proportional electrical charges. An on board amplifier processes these signal charges into proportional video signal voltages, which are sent out to the output video port. All components are housed in a small plastic housing and covered with a glass window. This cover glass not only serves to protect all of the critical components within the housing from dust, but along with the micro lens, it plays a minor role in the depth-of-focus because it lies in the optical path. 4.0 Pin Out Description There is one connector located at the end of the module. The outline of the module's housing in Figure 4 illustrates the connector location. With the module window facing down on the flat surface, the viewer looking down on backside of the module and the connector's pins facing the viewer, the connector is located on the right-hand end of the module. The connector is a single row of ten pins with a 1.25mm pin space. It is a ECE EBW-PK23-P010L2-3Z. Its I/O designation is provided in Table 1. The location of Pin 1 is indicated on the module outline. Table 1: I/O Designation Pin Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Symbol Vout Gnd (0V) Vdd (+5V) NA Gnd (0V) SP Gnd (0V) CP GLED VLED AMI Semiconductor – Aug. 2006, M-20605-001 Names and Functions Analog video output Ground Positive power supply Not used Ground Shift register start pulse Ground Sampling clock pulse Ground for the light source Supply for the light source 2 AMIS-710254-A6: 200dpi CIS Module Data Sheet 5.0 Absolute Maximum Rating Table 2 depicts the absolute maximum parameters. These parameters should not be used in prolonged operation. Table 2: Absolute Maximum Rating Parameter Power supply Input clock pulse (high) Input clock pulse (low) Symbols Vdd Idd VLED ILED Vih Vil Maximum Rating 7.0 50 6.0 650 Vdd -0.5 Units V mA V mA V V Symbols Top Hop Tstg Hstg Maximum Rating 0 to 50 10 to 85 -25 to 85 5 to 95 Units ° C % ° C % 6.0 Operating Environment Table 3: Operating Environment Parameter Operating temperature Operating humidity Storage temperature Storage humidity 7.0 Electro-Optical Characteristics (25°C) ° Table 4: Electro-optical Characteristics at 25 C Parameter Symbol Number of photo detectors Pixel-to-pixel spacing (1) Line scanning rate Tint (2) Clock frequency Fclk (3) Bright output voltage Video output (4) Bright output non-uniformity Up (5) Adjacent pixel non-uniformity Uadj (6) Dark non-uniformity Ud Dark output voltage Vd (7) Modulation transfer function MTF Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Parameter 832 125 420 2 1.0 <+/-30 <25 <50 200<Vd<300 >40 Units Elements µm µsec MHz V % % mV mV % Note @ 2MHz clock frequency Specified for tint=420µsec See Note 7 for MTF & DOF Tint: line scanning rate or integration time. Tint is determined by the interval of two start pulses (SP). Fclk: main clock frequency applied to into the module. It is also equal to the pixel frequency. Vpavg = ∑ Vp(n)/832; where Vp(n) is the nth pixel voltage value Up is defined as follows: Upmax= [(Vpmax - Vpavg) / Vpavg] x 100% and Upmin= [(Vpavg - Vpmin) / Vpavg] x 100%; where Upmax is determined by the highest nth video pixel, Vp(n), and Vpmin is determined by minimum pixel, Vp(n), then Up is selected from the largest of the two values |Upmax| or |Upmin|. Upadj is between two adjacent pixel's non-uniformity and defined as follows: Upadj = MAX[ | (Vp(n) - Vp(n+l) | / Vp(n)] x 100% Ud = Vdmax – Vdmin Vdmin is the minimum output in the dark Vdmax is the maximum output voltage in the light MTF = [(Vmax - Vmin) / (Vmax + Vmin)] x 100 [%]. Depth of focus ( DOF), range is defined with the MTF. MTF is measured at the glass surface to approximately 0.4mm from the glass surface, and is > 40% with its peaks at approximately the mid-point, 0.2mm. Vmax: maximum output voltage at 50lp/inch (at 1/2 of the optical Nyquest frequency) Vmin: minimum output voltage at 50lp/inch lp / inch: line pair per inch AMI Semiconductor – Aug. 2006, M-20605-001 3 AMIS-710254-A6: 200dpi CIS Module Data Sheet o Table 5: Recommended Operating Conditions at 25 C Item Symbol Power supply Vdd VLED Idd ILED Input voltage at digital high Vih Input voltage at digital low Vil Clock frequency Fclk (1) Clock pulse high duty cycle (2) Clock pulse high duration (2) Integration time Tint Operating temperature Top Notes: (1) (2) Min. 4.5 4.5 30 200 Vdd-1.0 0 Mean 5.0 5.0 35 380 Vdd-0.5 2.0 Max. 5.5 5.5 40 450 Vdd 0.6 5.0 25 5.0 50 25 50 0.167 Units V V ma ma V V MHz % ns ms ° C The clock duty cycle is defined as the ratio of the high level duration divided by the duration of the clock period. The tint (min.) is the lowest line integration time available at a 5.0MHz clock rate. 8.0 Switching Characteristics (25°C) Figure 3: Clock and Start Pulse Timing Diagram The switching characteristics for the I/O clocks are shown in Figure 3. Its corresponding timing symbol definitions are given in Table 6. Table 6: Symbol Definition for Figure 3 (Timing Diagram) Item Symbol Clock cycle time to Clock pulse width tw Clock duty cycle Prohibit crossing time of SP tprh Data setup time tds Data hold time tdh Signal delay time tdl Signal settling time tsh AMI Semiconductor – Aug. 2006, M-20605-001 Min. 0.2 50 25 15 20 20 50 120 4 Typ. Max. 4.0 75 Units µs ns % ns ns ns ns ns AMIS-710254-A6: 200dpi CIS Module Data Sheet 9.0 AMIS-710254-A6 Module Mechanical Dimensions The sketch of this module is provided as a pictorial of the module size and structure. A detailed drawing is available upon request. Figure 4: AMIS-710254-A6 Module Mechanical Outline AMI Semiconductor – Aug. 2006, M-20605-001 5 AMIS-710254-A6: 200dpi CIS Module Data Sheet 10.0 Company or Product Inquiries For more information about AMI Semiconductor, our technology and our product, visit our Web site at: North America Tel: + Fax: + Europe Tel: +32 (0) Fax: +32 (0) Production Technical Data - The information contained in this document applies to a product in production. AMI Semiconductor and its subsidiaries (“AMIS”) have made every effort to ensure that the information is accurate and reliable. However, the characteristics and specifications of the product are subject to change without notice and the information is provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind (express or implied). Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify that data being relied on is the most current and complete. AMIS reserves the right to discontinue production and change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Products sold by AMIS are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Terms of Sale only. AMIS makes no other warranty, express or implied, and disclaims the warranties of noninfringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. AMI Semiconductor's products are intended for use in ordinary commercial applications. These products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in life-support systems or other critical applications where malfunction may cause personal injury. Inclusion of AMIS products in such applications is understood to be fully at the customer’s risk. Applications requiring extended temperature range, operation in unusual environmental conditions, or high reliability, such as military or medical life-support, are specifically not recommended without additional processing by AMIS for such applications. Copyright © 2006 AMI Semiconductor, Inc. AMI Semiconductor – Aug. 2006, M-20605-001 6