RADIO MODULE MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE Y R A IN M I L E PR DATA SHEET Radios, Inc. May 29, 2007 Preliminary Data Sheet MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE The MRX-005S is an on-off keyed (OOK) high performance, ultra compact receiver operating at the 902-928 MHz band. This integrated modularized receiver is primarily intended for use in part 15.231 and 15.249 systems. Because all tuning is automatic and the module functions are completely integrated, this module is both a highly reliable and low cost solution for high volume wireless applications. An external antenna is the only component required, therefore the receiver can be easily integrated into other applications. The MRX-005S contains two features that are not found in the MRX-005. The MRX-005S contains a SAW filter and/or a low noise amplifier, which reduce noise and increase sensitivity and selectivity. Y R A IN M I L Typical Applications E PR The MRX-005S offers a transit standby mode and a shutdown mode. These features make the MRX-005S perfect for power applications in both one-way and bi-directional wireless links. Postdetection data filtering is internal to the receiver, and normal filter bandwidth is fixed at 300kHz. The MRX-005S is a well-designed receiver suitable for a variety of RF applications. Key Features Low cost Wide supply voltage range Commonly employed RKE frequencies Wide operating temperature range Easily integrated Low power consumption Compact surface-mount packages 5V operation Data rates up to 115kbps 1.2 MHz receive bandwidth Small size Power down pin No production tuning Remote controls Garage openers / Gate controls Keyless entry Lighting control Continuous / Periodic data transfer Domestic / Commercial security Fire / Security alarms General wire elimination Contact Information Radios, Inc. 1408 Center Avenue Oostburg, WI 53070 Phone: 920-564-6622 Fax: 920-564-6630 Email: -Page 2- MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE Mechanical and Pin Diagram * Note: Pinouts of surface mount and through-hole packages are mirrored DIP Package Pin Description Pin Num Pin Name Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 Pin 9 Pin 10 Pin 11 Pin 12 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Ant Description No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground RF Input (50 Ohms) Pin Num Pin Name Pin 13 Pin 14 Pin 15 Pin 16 Pin 17 Pin 18 Pin 19 Pin 20 Pin 21 Pin 22 Pin 23 Pin 24 +VIN +5V REG-EN SHUT N/C T/R N/C N/C DO N/C N/C N/C Description Positive Supply Pin (5-16V) Regulated Output (5V) Regulator Enable (2-VCC) Shutdown (0-5V) No Connect T/R Control Switch (0-5V) No Connect No Connect Data Output (0-5V) No Connect No Connect No Connect PRELIMINARY -Page 3- MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE Mechanical and Pin Diagram * Note: Pinouts of surface mount and through-hole packages are mirrored Surface Mount Package Pin Description Pin Num Pin Name Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 Pin 9 Pin 10 Pin 11 Pin 12 Ant Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Description RF Input (50 Ohms) Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect Pin Num Pin Name Pin 13 Pin 14 Pin 15 Pin 16 Pin 17 Pin 18 Pin 19 Pin 20 Pin 21 Pin 22 Pin 23 Pin 24 N/C N/C N/C DO N/C N/C T/R N/C SHUT REG-EN +5V +VIN Description No Connect No Connect No Connect Data Output (0-5V) No Connect No Connect T/R Control Switch (0-5V) No Connect Shutdown (0-5V) Regulator Enable (2-VCC) Regulated Output (5V) Positive Supply Pin (5-16V) PRELIMINARY -Page 4- MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE Electrical Limits Sym VCC VEN VEN TA Parameters Min Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage Storage Temperature Range Enable Input Voltage Operating Ratings Enable Input Voltage Ambient operating temperature Typ Max Unit Notes 5 0 0 16 70 16 V °C V 0 0 VCC 70 V °C Electrical Characteristics This device is ESD sensitive. Do not operate or store near strong electrostatic fields. Use appropriate ESD precautions. All voltages are with respect to Ground. Parameters Power Supply Operating Current Quiescent Current Operating Voltage Test Conditions Y R A IN M I L E PR RF/IF Section Receiver Sensitivity IF Bandwidth Receive Data Rate RF Input Range Maximum Receiver Input Spurious Reverse Isolation AGC Attack / Decay ratio Oscillator Turn-on Time Min 31 0.01 REG-EN </= 0.4V (shutdown) Note 1, 3 Note 3 5 -81 DO pin, DO pin, DO pin, DO pin, Regulator Enable Input Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Enable Input Current Regulator OFF Regulator ON VEN = 0.6V; Regulator OFF Push-Pull Iout = 1µA Iout = 1µA Cload=15pF -Page 5- 16 -84 1.20 0.1 800 Rs = 50Ω ANT pin, Rs = 50Ω Note 2 T(Attack) / T(Decay) Digital Section Output Current Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output Tr, Tf Typ Max 115 1000 -10 30 0.1 TBD 90 0.9VCC 0.01 mA µA V dBm MHz kbps MHz dBm µVrms s µA V 0.1VCC V TBD µsec 0.6 2.0 Unit V V µA MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE Electrical Characteristics - CONT. Note 1: Sensitivity is defined as the average signal level measured at the input necessary to achieve 10e-2 Bit Error Rate (BER). The input signal is defined as a return-to-zero (RZ) waveform with 50% average duty cycle at a data rate of 2400bps. The RF input is assumed to be matched into 50 ohms. Note 2: Spurious reverse isolation represents the spurious components which appear on the RF input (ANT) pin measured into 50 ohms with an input RF matching network. Note 3: Sensitivity, a commonly specified Receiver parameter, provides an indication of the Receiver’s input referred noise, generally input thermal noise. However, it is possible for a more sensitive receiver to exhibit range performance no better than that of a less sensitive receiver, if the “ether” noise is appreciably higher than the thermal noise. “Ether” noise refers to other interfering “noise” sources, such as FM radio stations, pagers, etc. A better indicator of receiver range performance is usually given by its Selectivity, often stated as Intermediate Frequency (IF) or Radio Frequency (RF) bandwidth, depending on receiver topology. Selectivity is a measure of he rejection by the receiver of “ether” noise. More selective receivers will almost invariably provide better range. Only when the receiver selectivity is so high that most of the noise on the receiver input is actually thermal will the receiver demonstrate sensitivity-limited performance. Y R A IN M I L E PR Note 4: Exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device. Note 5: The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating ratings. -Page 6- MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE Technical Support: Radios, Inc. is committed to providing its customers with excellent technical support and the resources necessary to assist them with their product development. All technical support is provided free of charge. Customers have several options to obtain assistance. First, any questions or concerns can be e-mailed to Radios, Inc. at We monitor our e-mail daily, and will respond to all questions promptly. Additionally, to speak directly to a technical support representative, customers can call Radios, Inc. at 920-564-6622. Compliance: Embedded wireless modules are intended for use as component devices which require peripheral elements to operate. Radios, Inc.’s modules are intended to be used in products requiring compliance. They are, however, not pre-approved by the FCC or any other agency worldwide unless so stated. The user or customer understands that regulatory compliance may be required prior to the sale or operation of the module or development system, and agrees to abide by all laws governing the module’s or development system’s use in the country of operation. The approval process of embedded wireless modules in the United States is relatively uncomplicated. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the governing body in the US that specifies its requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 47. Title 47 consists of several volumes and it is necessary to first identify the correct section that applies to your application. These rules require that a device which intentionally creates RF emissions be FCC compliant; i.e., pre-tested for compliance and assigned an identification number. Radios, Inc. offers pre-screening at one of our affiliate test sites. Final certification is then accomplished by an independent test laboratory. After passing compliance testing, you will be issued a unique ID number which must be placed on each product manufactured. Any questions dealing with interpretations of the rules relating to testing or compliance should be addressed to: FCC Equipment Authorization Division Customer Service Branch, MN 1300F2 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 -Page 7- MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE Returns: Products may be returned directly to Radios, Inc. for evaluation. Returns, without exception, must have a valid RMA number attached. RMA numbers can be obtained by calling a customer service representative at Radios, Inc. If a product is found to be defective and is returned within 90 days of purchase, Radios, Inc. may repair or replace, at its option, said defective product. The warranty does not apply to any products which have been disassembled, modified or subjected to conditions exceeding the application specifications. Under no circumstances will Radios, Inc. be responsible for losses, financial or other, arising from the use or failure of a device in an application or for losses arising from failure to meet delivery requirements, other than the repair, replacement, or refund limited to the original product purchase price. No other warranties, express, implied, or statutory, including warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, apply. Product Warranty and Disclaimer Information: Radios, Inc. is dedicated to providing its customers with the best possible products, and is continually working on improving the quality and function of its entire product line. Therefore, Radios, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the design, specifications, or manufacturing of its products without notice. The information contained in this data sheet is believed to be complete, accurate, and reliable as of the time of publication. Because product specifications are based on representative lot samples, however, values can vary from lot to lot and are not guaranteed. Radios, Inc. does not assume any liability or responsibility arising from the application or use of any product described herein, and makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation regarding the suitability or legality of any product for use in a specific application. Radios, Inc. does not assume any liability for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from the use of its products. No product sold by Radios, Inc. is intended for use in a life critical application, or any application where the safety of property is at risk. The user assumes full and complete responsibility for any use of Radios, Inc.’s products in an application where the safety of life or property is at stake. Radios, Inc., its suppliers, and its licensors shall in no event be liable for any damages arising from the use of or inability to use this product. This includes business interruption, loss of business information, or other losses that may arise from the use of this product. Some devices described in this publication are patented. Under no circumstances shall any user be conveyed any license or right to the use or ownership of these patents. Copyright: Radios Inc. reserves the right to all proprietary or commercial information contained in this data sheet. This data sheet is protected by copyright, and any unauthorized copying, reproduction, or dissemination is strictly prohibited without the prior written approval of Radios Inc. -Page 8- MRX-005S UHF AM RECEIVER MODULE Editorial Information: Last Updated (Date) May 29, 2007 PRELIMINARY Product Ordering Information: MRX-005S L - 915 D 4800 SQ R A - B Packaging: B - Bulk TB - Tube TR - Tape and Reel Antenna: A - Antenna - No Antenna Voltage Regulation: R - Regulated - Not Regulated Squelched: SQ - Squelched - Not Squelched Baud Rate: 600 = 600 bps = 1200 bps 2400 = 2400 bps 4800 = 4800 bps 9600 = 9600 bps 14400 = 14,400 bps 28800 = 28,800 bps 57600 = 57,600 bps Package: D - Through-hole S - Surface Mount SC - Surface Mount with Cap Frequency: 915 = 915 MHz (based on module's frequency range) XXX = Custom Frequency LNA: L - Low Noise Amplifier - No Low Noise Amplifier -Page 9-