LVM Series Current Sensing Metal Chip Resistor A p p l i c at i o n s F ea t u res • Power Management Applications • Switching Power Supply • Over Current Protection in Audio Applications • Voltage Regulation Module (VRM) • DC-DC Converter, Battery Pack, Charger, Adaptor • SMD Type designed for automatic insertion • High overload rating in small size (5 times rated wattage for 5 seconds) • Metal foil construction ensures high reliability and performance with very low TCR values • Designed for current sense circuits in power electronic systems • Pb-Free to meet RoHS requirements S E R I E S S P E CI F IC A TION S Power Series Rating LVM06 0.125W LVM12 0.5W LVM25 1.0W c h ara c t er i s t i c s Rated Cont. √(P*R) or Max. Operating Working Volts voltage whichever is lower Derating 100% @ 70°C, Derates Linearly to Zero @ 155°C (170°C for LVM25) Operating -55°C ~ +155°C temp. range (LVM25, -55°C ~ +170°C) Storage 25° ±3°C C; Humidity Temperature < 80%RH Derating Percent Rated Power 100 80 60 TCR ppm/°C Tolerance 100 ±1% ±2% ±5% 50, 100 100 ±1% ±2% ±5% 50, 100 75 ±0.5% ±1% ±5% 50 Perf o rma n c e d a t a Item Requiremen Test Method TCR As Spec. JIS-C-5201-1 4.8, IEC-60115-1 4.8, -55°C~+125°C, 25°C is the reference temperature Short Time ±(0.5%+0.05Ω) Overload JIS-C-5201-1 4.13, IEC-60115-1 4.13, 5 X Rated Power for 5 seconds Insulation ≥10G Resistance (100M for LVM25) JIS-C-5201-1 4.6, IEC-60115-1 4.6, Max. Overload voltage for 1 minute Endurance ±(1.0%+0.05Ω) JIS-C-5201-1 4.25, IEC-60115-1 4.25.1, 70±2°C, RCWV for 1000 hrs with 1.5 hrs “ON” and 0.5 hrs “OFF” Damp Heat ±(1.0%+0.05Ω) with Load (LVM06 & 12 only) JIS-C-5201-1 4.24, 40±2°C, 90~95% R.H., RCWV for 1000 hrs with 1.5 hrs “ON” and 0.5 hrs “OFF” Dry Heat ±(0.5%+0.05Ω) (1% for LVM25) JIS-C-5201-1 4.23, IEC-60115-1 2.23.2, at +155°C for 1000 hrs Bending ±(1.0%+0.05Ω) Strength JIS-C-5201-1 4.33, IEC-60115-1 4.33, Bending once for 5 seconds with 3mm, 2010, 2512 sizes: 2mm Solderability 95% min. coverage JIS-C-5201-1 4.17, IEC-60115-1 4.17, 245±5°C for 3 seconds Resistance ±(0.5%+0.05Ω) to Soldering (LVM06 & 12 only) Heat JIS-C-5201-1 4.18, IEC-60115-1 4.18, 260±5°C for 10 seconds LVM25 40 LVM06 LVM12 20 0 Resistance Range* 10m-19m 20m- 100m 10m-19m 20m- 100m 7m-100m 15m- 100m 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Ambient Temperature, °C Voltage Proof No breakdown or flashover (LVM06 & 12 only) Leaching Individual leaching area ≤5%, Total leaching area ≤10% (LVM06 & 12 only) Rapid Change ±(0.5%+0.05Ω) of Temp. 1% for LVM25 10 JIS-C-5201-1 4.7, IEC-60115-1 4.7, 1.42 times Max. Operating Voltage for 1 minute JIS-C-5201-1 4.18, IEC-60068-2-58 8.2.1, 260±5°C for 30 seconds JIS-C-5201-1 4.18, IEC-60115-1 4.18, -55°C to +155°C, 5 cycles 1-866-9-OHMITE • Int’l 1-847-258-0300 • Fax 1-847-574-7522 • • LVM Series Current Sensing Metal Chip Resistor c h ara c t er i s t i c s Soldering condition IR Reflow Soldering Temp. (°C) Wave Soldering (Flow Soldering) Temp. (°C) 265° Peak: 265°C 260°C / 10 sec. 260°C / 10 sec. 235° 245° Heat-up rate ~ 3K/sec. 220° Cooling rate ~ 6K/sec. 180° First wave 150° 150° Max. 20 sec. Pre-heating 90 ~ 120 sec. ~5K/sec. ~200K/sec. Typical values Process limits ~2K/sec. 100° Max. 60 sec. Number of reflow cycles allowed: 3 LVM06 and LVM12 only Second wave ~2K/sec. Time (sec.) Number of reflow cycles allowed: 2 Time (sec.) (1) Time of IR reflow soldering at maximum temperature point 260°C, 10 sec. (2) Time of wave soldering at maximum temperature point 260°C, 10 sec. (3) Time of soldering iron at maximum temperature point 410°C, 5 sec. d i me n s i o n s (mm) Series L Size Res. mΩ L W T A Land Pattern B W LVM06 0603 10-29 1.55 ±.10 0.85 ±.10 0.40 ±.10 0.30 ±.15 0.45 ±.15 30-100 1.55 ±.10 0.85 ±.10 0.40 ±.10 0.30 ±.15 0.35 ±.15 LVM12 1206 10-29 3.05 ±.15 1.55 ±.15 0.58 ±.15 0.50 ±.25 0.90 ±.25 30-100 3.05 ±.15 1.55 ±.15 0.55 ±.15 0.50 ±.25 0.60 ±.25 A B C 0.40 1.20 0.70 1.05 B 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.40 1.70 A LVM25 2512 7-100 6.40 ±.25 3.20 ±.25 0.70 ±.20 0.90 ±.30 0.90 ±.30 T A C 4.00 2.00 3.50 B R eel s p e c i f i c a t i o n s (mm) Reel Tape Paper tape Top tape Series Embossed tape Top tape D0 P1 P0 T0 Series F T0 P2 Direction of feed LVM25 A LVM12 178.0±1.0 E B LVM06 LVM12 B LVM06 1.10±0.10 1.90±0.10 LVM12 1.90±0.10 3.50±0.20 W0 E 8.0±0.20 8.0±0.20 A F LVM25 178.0±1.5 W0 øC W 13.5±0.7 9.5±0.1 60.0+1.0 13.5±0.7 60.0+1.0 9.5±0.1 P0 P1 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 P2 øD0 T0 2.00±0.05 1.50+0.1,-0 0.70±0.10 2.00±0.05 1.50+0.1,-0 0.85±0.10 2.00±0.05 1.50+0.1,-0 1.20 max. øC Not all TCR’s available in all resistance values. Please see characteristics chart above. Standard Part Numbers RoHS Compliant LVM06FTR050E-TR Case Size 06 = 0603 12 = 1206 25 = 2512 Tolerance D = 0.5% F = 1% G = 2% J = 5% Ohms R030 = 0.030 R100 = 0.100 11.5±1.0 5,000 øB W Series Qty. 13.0±0.5 13.0-±1.0 15.5±0.5 4,000 Or d er i n g i n f o rma t i o n TCR Z= 75ppm V= 50ppm T= 100ppm T 11.5±1.0 5,000 ø1.4mm min. (plastic tape only) 1.75±0.10 3.50±0.05 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.05 5.5±0.05 øB 60.0+1.0 øA 1.75±0.10 3.50±0.05 4.00±0.10 4.00±0.05 LVM25 3.50±0.10 6.70±0.10 12.0±0.30 1.75±0.10 øA LVM06 178.0±1.0 Packaging TR=Tape and reel LVM06FTR010E-TR LVM06FTR015E-TR LVM06FTR025E-TR LVM06FTR050E-TR LVM06FTR100E-TR LVM12FTR010E-TR LVM12FTR015E-TR LVM12FTR025E-TR LVM12FTR050E-TR LVM12FTR100E-TR 1-866-9-OHMITE • Int’l 1-847-258-0300 • Fax 1-847-574-7522 • • 11 LVM25FZR010E-TR LVM25FVR015E-TR LVM25FVR020E-TR LVM25FVR025E-TR LVM25FVR030E-TR LVM25FVR050E-TR LVM25FVR100E-TR T