3850 Group (Spec.A) REJ03B0093-0210 Rev.2.10 Nov 14, 2005 SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The 3850 group (spec. A) is the 8-bit microcomputer based on the 740 family core technology. The 3850 group (spec. A) is designed for the household products and office automation equipment and includes serial interface functions, 8-bit timer, and A/D converter. FEATURES ●Basic machine-language instructions ...................................... 71 ●Minimum instruction execution time ................................ 0.32 µs (at 12.5 MHz oscillation frequency) ●Memory size ROM ................................................................... 8K to 32K bytes RAM ..................................................................... 512 to 1K bytes ●Programmable input/output ports ............................................ 34 ●On-chip software pull-up resistor ●Interrupts ................................................. 15 sources, 14 vectors ●Timers ............................................................................. 8-bit ✕ 4 ●Serial interface Serial I/O1 .................... 8-bit ✕ 1(UART or Clock-synchronized) Serial I/O2 ................................... 8-bit ✕ 1(Clock-synchronized) ●PWM ............................................................................... 8-bit ✕ 1 ●A/D converter ............................................... 10-bit ✕ 9 channels ●Watchdog timer ............................................................ 16-bit ✕ 1 ●Clock generating circuit ..................................... Built-in 2 circuits (connect to external ceramic resonator or quartz-crystal oscillator) ●Power source voltage In high-speed mode .................................................. 4.0 to 5.5 V (at 12.5 MHz oscillation frequency) In high-speed mode .................................................. 2.7 to 5.5 V (at 6 MHz oscillation frequency) In middle-speed mode ............................................... 2.7 to 5.5 V (at 12.5 MHz oscillation frequency) In low-speed mode .................................................... 2.7 to 5.5 V (at 32 kHz oscillation frequency) ●Power dissipation In high-speed mode Except M38507F8AFP/SP ............................................. 32.5mW M38507F8AFP/SP ......................................................... 37.5mW (at 12.5 MHz oscillation frequency, at 5 V power source voltage) In low-speed mode Except M38507F8AFP/SP ................................................ 60 µW M38507F8AFP/SP .......................................................... 450 µW (at 32 kHz oscillation frequency, at 3 V power source voltage) ●Operating temperature range .................................... –20 to 85°C APPLICATION Office automation equipment, FA equipment, Household products, Consumer electronics, etc. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 M3850XMXA-XXXFP/SP VCC VREF AVSS P44/INT3/PWM P43/INT2/SCMP2 P42/INT1 P41/INT0 P40/CNTR1 P27/CNTR0/SRDY1 P26/SCLK1 P25/TxD P24/RxD P23 P22 CNVSS VPP P21/XCIN P20/XCOUT RESET XIN XOUT VSS 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 P30/AN0 P31/AN1 P32/AN2 P33/AN3 P34/AN4 P00/SIN2 P01/SOUT2 P02/SCLK2 P03/SRDY2 P04/AN5 P05/AN6 P06/AN7 P07/AN8 P10(LED0) P11(LED1) P12(LED2) P13(LED3) P14(LED4) P15(LED5) P16(LED6) P17(LED7) : Flash memory version Package type : FP ........................... PRSP0042GA-B (42P2R-A/E) (42-pin plastic-molded SSOP) Package type : SP ........................... PRDP0042BA-A (42P4B) (42-pin plastic-molded SDIP) Fig. 1 M3850XMXA-XXXFP/SP pin configuration Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 1 of 86 Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 20 Fig. 2 Functional block diagram page 2 of 86 AVSS VREF 2 3 A/D converter (10) Watchdog timer PWM (8) Reset Sub-clock Sub-clock input output XCIN XCOUT Main-clock output XOUT Clock generating circuit 19 Main-clock input XIN I/O port P4 4 5 6 7 8 P4(5) RAM FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM INT0– INT3 ROM I/O port P3 38 39 40 41 42 P3(5) 21 VSS PC H SI/O1(8) C P U 1 VCC PS PC L S CNTR0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I/O port P1 I/O port P2 P1(8) 9 10 11 12 13 1416 17 P2(8) XCIN XCOUT CNTR1 Prescaler Y(8) Prescaler X(8) I/O port P0 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 P0(8) Timer Y( 8 ) Timer X( 8 ) Timer 2( 8 ) Prescaler 12(8) X Y Timer 1( 8 ) 15 CNVSS A 18 RESET Reset input SI/O2(8) 3850 Group (Spec.A) 3850 Group (Spec.A) Table 1 Pin description Pin Functions Name VCC, VSS Power source CNVSS CNVSS input VREF Reference voltage AVss RESET Analog power source Reset input XIN Clock input Function except a port function •Apply voltage of 2.7 V – 5.5 V to Vcc, and 0 V to Vss. •This pin controls the operation mode of the chip. •Normally connected to VSS. •Reference voltage input pin for A/D converter. •Analog power source input pin for A/D converter. •Connect to Vss. •Reset input pin for active “L”. •Input and output pins for the clock generating circuit. •Connect a ceramic resonator or quartz-crystal oscillator between the XIN and XOUT pins to set the oscillation frequency. XOUT Clock output P00/SIN2 P01/SOUT2 P02/SCLK2 P03/SRDY2 P04/AN5–P07/AN8 I/O port P0 •When an external clock is used, connect the clock source to the XIN pin and leave the XOUT pin open. • Serial I/O2 function pin •8-bit CMOS I/O port. •I/O direction register allows each pin to be individually programmed as either input or output. •CMOS compatible input level. •CMOS 3-state output structure. • A/D converter input pin •Pull-up control is enabled in a byte unit. P10–P17 I/O port P1 P20/XCOUT P21/XCIN P22 P23 P24/RxD P25/TxD P26/SCLK1 I/O port P2 •I/O direction register allows each pin to be individually programmed as either input or output. • Sub-clock generating circuit I/O pins (connect a resonator) •CMOS compatible input level. •P20, P21, P24 to P27: CMOS3-state output structure. • Serial I/O1 function pin •P22, P23: N-channel open-drain structure. •Pull-up control of P2 0, P2 1, P2 4–P2 7 is enabled in a byte unit. P27/CNTR0/ SRDY1 P30/AN0– P34/AN4 •P10 to P17 (8 bits) are enabled to output large current for LED drive. •8-bit CMOS I/O port. I/O port P3 •5-bit CMOS I/O port with the same function as port P0. • Serial I/O1 function pin/ Timer X function pin • A/D converter input pin •CMOS compatible input level. •CMOS 3-state output structure. •Pull-up control is enabled in a bit unit. P40/CNTR1 P41/INT0 P42/INT1 P43/INT2/SCMP2 I/O port P4 •CMOS compatible input level. • Timer Y function pin • Interrupt input pins •CMOS 3-state output structure. •Pull-up control is enabled in a bit unit. P44/INT3/PWM Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 •5-bit CMOS I/O port with the same function as port P0. page 3 of 86 • Interrupt input pin • SCMP2 output pin • Interrupt input pin • PWM output pin 3850 Group (Spec.A) PART NUMBERING Product name M3850 3 M 4 A– XXX SP Package type SP : PRDP0042BA-A FP : PRSP0042GA-B ROM number Omitted in flash memory version. – : standard Omitted in flash memory version. H–: Partial specification changed version A–: High-speed version ROM/Flash memory size 1 : 4096 bytes 9 : 36864 bytes 2 : 8192 bytes A: 40960 bytes 3 : 12288 bytes B: 45056 bytes 4 : 16384 bytes C: 49152 bytes 5 : 20480 bytes D: 53248 bytes 6 : 24576 bytes E: 57344 bytes 7 : 28672 bytes F : 61440 bytes 8 : 32768 bytes The first 128 bytes and the last 2 bytes of ROM are reserved areas ; they cannot be used as a user’s ROM area. However, they can be programmed or erased in the flash memory version, so that the users can use them. Memory type M : Mask ROM version F : Flash memory version RAM size 0 : 192 bytes 1 : 256 bytes 2 : 384 bytes 3 : 512 bytes 4 : 640 bytes Fig. 3 Part numbering Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 4 of 86 5 : 768 bytes 6 : 896 bytes 7 : 1024 bytes 8 : 1536 bytes 9 : 2048 bytes 3850 Group (Spec.A) GROUP EXPANSION Packages Renesas Technology expands the 3850 group (spec.A) as follows. PRDP0042BA-A ......................... 42-pin shrink plastic-molded DIP PRSP0042GA-B .................................. 42-pin plastic-molded SOP Memory Type Support for mask ROM and flash memory versions. Memory Size Flash memory size ......................................................... 32 K bytes Mask ROM size ................................................... 8 K to 32 K bytes RAM size ............................................................... 512 to 1 K bytes Memory Expansion Plan ROM size (bytes) ROM exteranal AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA M38507M8A/F8A AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA Mass production 32K 28K AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA M38504M6A AAAAAAAA Mass production 24K 20K AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA M38503M4A AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA Mass production 16K 12K AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA M38503M2A AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA Mass production 8K 384 512 Fig. 4 Memory expansion plan Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 5 of 86 640 768 896 1024 1152 RAM size (bytes) 1280 1408 1536 2048 3850 Group (Spec.A) Currently planning products are listed below. Table 2 Support products (spec. A) Product name ROM size (bytes) ROM size for User in ( ) RAM size (bytes) 8192 (8062) 512 16384 (16254) 512 24576 (24446) 640 32768 1024 32768 (32635) 1024 M38503M2A-XXXSP M38503M2A-XXXFP M38503M4A-XXXSP M38503M4A-XXXFP M38504M6A-XXXSP M38504M6A-XXXFP M38507F8ASP M38507F8AFP M38507M8A-XXXSP M38507M8A-XXXFP Package PRDP0042BA-A PRSP0042GA-B PRDP0042BA-A PRSP0042GA-B PRDP0042BA-A PRSP0042GA-B PRDP0042BA-A PRSP0042GA-B PRDP0042BA-A PRSP0042GA-B Remarks Mask ROM version Mask ROM version Mask ROM version Mask ROM version Mask ROM version Flash memory version Mask ROM version Table 3 Differences among 3850 group (standard), 3850 group (spec. H), and 3850 group (spec. A) 3850 group (spec. A) 3850 group (spec. H) 3850 group (standard) 2: Serial I/O1 (UART or Clock-synchronized) 2: Serial I/O1 (UART or Clock-synchronized) Serial interface 1: Serial I/O Serial I/O2 (Clock-synchronized) Serial I/O2 (Clock-synchronized) (UART or Clock-synchronized) Serviceable in low-speed mode Serviceable in low-speed mode A/D converter Unserviceable in low-speed mode Analog channel ............................. 5 Analog channel ................................ 5 Analog channel ................................ 9 8: P10–P17 8: P10–P17 Large current port 5: P13–P17 Not available Built-in (Port P0–P4) Software pull-up Not available resistor Maximum operating 8 MHz frequency 8 MHz Notes on differences among 3850 group (standard), 3850 group (spec. H), and 3850 group (spec. A) (1) The absolute maximum ratings of 3850 group (spec. A) is smaller than that of 3850 group (standard). •Power source voltage Vcc = –0.3 to 6.5 V •CNVss input voltage VI = –0.3 to Vcc +0.3 V (2) The oscillation circuit constants of XIN-XOUT, XCIN-XCOUT may be some differences among 3850 group (standard), 3850 group (spec. H), and 3850 group (spec. A). (3) Do not write any data to the reserved area and the reserved bit. (Do not change the contents after reset.) (4) Fix bit 3 of the CPU mode register to “1”. (5) Be sure to perform the termination of unused pins. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 6 of 86 12.5 MHz 3850 Group (Spec.A) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) [Stack Pointer (S)] The stack pointer is an 8-bit register used during subroutine calls and interrupts. This register indicates start address of stored area (stack) for storing registers during subroutine calls and interrupts. The low-order 8 bits of the stack address are determined by the contents of the stack pointer. The high-order 8 bits of the stack address are determined by the stack page selection bit. If the stack page selection bit is “0” , the high-order 8 bits becomes “0016”. If the stack page selection bit is “1”, the high-order 8 bits becomes “0116”. The operations of pushing register contents onto the stack and popping them from the stack are shown in Figure 6. Store registers other than those described in Figure 6 with program when the user needs them during interrupts or subroutine calls. The 3850 group (spec. A) uses the standard 740 Family instruction set. Refer to the table of 740 Family addressing modes and machine instructions or the 740 Family Software Manual for details on the instruction set. Machine-resident 740 Family instructions are as follows: The FST and SLW instructions cannot be used. The STP, WIT, MUL, and DIV instructions can be used. [Accumulator (A)] The accumulator is an 8-bit register. Data operations such as data transfer, etc., are executed mainly through the accumulator. [Index Register X (X)] The index register X is an 8-bit register. In the index addressing modes, the value of the OPERAND is added to the contents of register X and specifies the real address. [Program Counter (PC)] The program counter is a 16-bit counter consisting of two 8-bit registers PC H and PCL . It is used to indicate the address of the next instruction to be executed. [Index Register Y (Y)] The index register Y is an 8-bit register. In partial instruction, the value of the OPERAND is added to the contents of register Y and specifies the real address. b0 b7 A Accumulator b0 b7 X Index register X b0 b7 Y b7 Index register Y b0 S b15 b7 PCH Stack pointer b0 Program counter PCL b7 b0 N V T B D I Z C Processor status register (PS) Carry flag Zero flag Interrupt disable flag Decimal mode flag Break flag Index X mode flag Overflow flag Negative flag Fig. 5 740 Family CPU register structure Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 7 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) On-going Routine Interrupt request (Note) M (S) Execute JSR Push return address on stack M (S) (PCH) (S) (S) – 1 M (S) (PCL) (S) (S)– 1 (S) M (S) (S) M (S) (S) Subroutine POP return address from stack (S) + 1 (PCL) M (S) (S) (S) + 1 (PCH) M (S) (S) – 1 (PCL) Push return address on stack (S) – 1 (PS) Push contents of processor status register on stack (S) – 1 Interrupt Service Routine Execute RTS (S) (PCH) I Flag is set from “0” to “1” Fetch the jump vector Execute RTI Note: Condition for acceptance of an interrupt (S) (S) + 1 (PS) M (S) (S) (S) + 1 (PCL) M (S) (S) (S) + 1 (PCH) M (S) POP contents of processor status register from stack POP return address from stack Interrupt enable flag is “1” Interrupt disable flag is “0” Fig. 6 Register push and pop at interrupt generation and subroutine call Table 4 Push and pop instructions of accumulator or processor status register Push instruction to stack Pop instruction from stack Accumulator PHA PLA Processor status register PHP PLP Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 8 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) [Processor status register (PS)] The processor status register is an 8-bit register consisting of 5 flags which indicate the status of the processor after an arithmetic operation and 3 flags which decide MCU operation. Branch operations can be performed by testing the Carry (C) flag , Zero (Z) flag, Overflow (V) flag, or the Negative (N) flag. In decimal mode, the Z, V, N flags are not valid. •Bit 0: Carry flag (C) The C flag contains a carry or borrow generated by the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) immediately after an arithmetic operation. It can also be changed by a shift or rotate instruction. •Bit 1: Zero flag (Z) The Z flag is set if the result of an immediate arithmetic operation or a data transfer is “0”, and cleared if the result is anything other than “0”. •Bit 2: Interrupt disable flag (I) The I flag disables all interrupts except for the interrupt generated by the BRK instruction. Interrupts are disabled when the I flag is “1”. •Bit 3: Decimal mode flag (D) The D flag determines whether additions and subtractions are executed in binary or decimal. Binary arithmetic is executed when this flag is “0”; decimal arithmetic is executed when it is “1”. Decimal correction is automatic in decimal mode. Only the ADC and SBC instructions can be used for decimal arithmetic. •Bit 4: Break flag (B) The B flag is used to indicate that the current interrupt was generated by the BRK instruction. The BRK flag in the processor status register is always “0”. When the BRK instruction is used to generate an interrupt, the processor status register is pushed onto the stack with the break flag set to “1”. •Bit 5: Index X mode flag (T) When the T flag is “0”, arithmetic operations are performed between accumulator and memory. When the T flag is “1”, direct arithmetic operations and direct data transfers are enabled between memory locations. •Bit 6: Overflow flag (V) The V flag is used during the addition or subtraction of one byte of signed data. It is set if the result exceeds +127 to -128. When the BIT instruction is executed, bit 6 of the memory location operated on by the BIT instruction is stored in the overflow flag. •Bit 7: Negative flag (N) The N flag is set if the result of an arithmetic operation or data transfer is negative. When the BIT instruction is executed, bit 7 of the memory location operated on by the BIT instruction is stored in the negative flag. Table 5 Set and clear instructions of each bit of processor status register C flag Set instruction Clear instruction Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 I flag SEC Z flag _ SEI CLC _ CLI page 9 of 86 D flag T flag V flag SED B flag _ SET _ N flag _ CLD _ CLT CLV _ 3850 Group (Spec.A) [CPU Mode Register (CPUM)] 003B16 The CPU mode register contains the stack page selection bit, etc. The CPU mode register is allocated at address 003B16. b7 b0 1 CPU mode register (CPUM : address 003B16) Processor mode bits b1 b0 0 0 : Single-chip mode 0 1 : 1 0 : Not available 1 1 : Stack page selection bit 0 : 0 page 1 : 1 page Fix this bit to “1”. Port XC switch bit 0 : I/O port function (stop oscillating) 1 : XCIN–XCOUT oscillating function Main clock (XIN–XOUT) stop bit 0 : Oscillating 1 : Stopped Main clock division ratio selection bits b7 b6 0 0 : φ = f(XIN)/2 (high-speed mode) 0 1 : φ = f(XIN)/8 (middle-speed mode) 1 0 : φ = f(XCIN)/2 (low-speed mode) 1 1 : Not available Fig. 7 Structure of CPU mode register Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 10 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) MEMORY Special Function Register (SFR) Area Zero Page Access to this area with only 2 bytes is possible in the zero page addressing mode. The Special Function Register area in the zero page contains control registers such as I/O ports and timers. Special Page RAM Access to this area with only 2 bytes is possible in the special page addressing mode. RAM is used for data storage and for stack area of subroutine calls and interrupts. ROM The first 128 bytes and the last 2 bytes of ROM are reserved for device testing and the rest is user area for storing programs. Interrupt Vector Area The interrupt vector area contains reset and interrupt vectors. RAM area RAM size (bytes) Address XXXX16 192 256 384 512 640 768 896 1024 1536 2048 00FF16 013F16 01BF16 023F16 02BF16 033F16 03BF16 043F16 063F16 083F16 000016 SFR area Zero page 004016 RAM 010016 XXXX16 Not used 0FF016 0FFF16 SFR area (Note) Not used YYYY16 ROM area Reserved ROM area ROM size (bytes) Address YYYY16 Address ZZZZ16 4096 8192 12288 16384 20480 24576 28672 32768 36864 40960 45056 49152 53248 57344 61440 F00016 E00016 D00016 C00016 B00016 A00016 900016 800016 700016 600016 500016 400016 300016 200016 100016 F08016 E08016 D08016 C08016 B08016 A08016 908016 808016 708016 608016 508016 408016 308016 208016 108016 Fig. 8 Memory map diagram Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 11 of 86 (128 bytes) ZZZZ16 ROM FF0016 FFDC16 Interrupt vector area FFFE16 FFFF16 Reserved ROM area Note: Flash memory version only Special page 3850 Group (Spec.A) 000016 Port P0 (P0) 002016 Prescaler 12 (PRE12) 000116 Port P0 direction register (P0D) 002116 Timer 1 (T1) 000216 Port P1 (P1) 002216 Timer 2 (T2) 000316 Port P1 direction register (P1D) 002316 Timer XY mode register (TM) 000416 Port P2 (P2) 002416 Prescaler X (PREX) 000516 Port P2 direction register (P2D) 002516 Timer X (TX) 000616 Port P3 (P3) 002616 Prescaler Y (PREY) 000716 Port P3 direction register (P3D) 002716 Timer Y (TY) 000816 Port P4 (P4) 002816 Timer count source selection register (TCSS) 000916 Port P4 direction register (P4D) 002916 000A16 002A16 000B16 002B16 Reserved ✽ 000C16 002C16 Reserved ✽ 000D16 002D16 Reserved ✽ 000E16 002E16 Reserved ✽ 000F16 002F16 Reserved ✽ 001016 003016 Reserved ✽ 001116 003116 Reserved ✽ 001216 Port P0, P1, P2 pull-up control register (PULL012) 003216 001316 Port P3 pull-up control register (PULL3) 003316 001416 Port P4 pull-up control register (PULL4) 003416 AD control register (ADCON) 001516 Serial I/O2 control register 1 (SIO2CON1) 003516 AD conversion low-order register (ADL) 001616 Serial I/O2 control register 2 (SIO2CON2) 003616 AD conversion high-order register (ADH) 001716 Serial I/O2 register (SIO2) 003716 AD input selection register (ADSEL) 001816 Transmit/Receive buffer register (TB/RB) 003816 MISRG 001916 Serial I/O1 status register (SIOSTS) 003916 Watchdog timer control register (WDTCON) 001A16 Serial I/O1 control register (SIOCON) 003A16 Interrupt edge selection register (INTEDGE) 001B16 UART control register (UARTCON) 003B16 CPU mode register (CPUM) 001C16 Baud rate generator (BRG) 003C16 Interrupt request register 1 (IREQ1) 001D16 PWM control register (PWMCON) 003D16 Interrupt request register 2 (IREQ2) 001E16 PWM prescaler (PREPWM) 003E16 Interrupt control register 1 (ICON1) 001F16 PWM register (PWM) 003F16 Interrupt control register 2 (ICON2) 0FFE16 Flash memory control register (FMCR) ✽ Reserved : Do not write any data to this addresses, because these areas are reserved. Fig. 9 Memory map of special function register (SFR) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 12 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) I/O PORTS The I/O ports have direction registers which determine the input/ output direction of each individual pin. Each bit in a direction register corresponds to one pin, and each pin can be set to be input port or output port. When “0” is written to the bit corresponding to a pin, that pin becomes an input pin. When “1” is written to that bit, that pin becomes an output pin. If data is read from a pin which is set to output, the value of the port output latch is read, not the value of the pin itself. Pins set to input are floating. If a pin set to input is written to, only the port output latch is written to and the pin remains floating. By setting the port P0, P1, P2 pull-up control register (address 001216), the port P3 pull-up control register (address 001316), or the port P4 pull-up control register (address 001416), ports can control pull-up with a program. However, the contents of these registers do not affect ports programmed as the output ports. Table 6 I/O port function Pin Name Input/Output I/O Structure P00/SIN2 P01/SOUT2 P02/SCLK2 P03/SRDY2 P04/AN5–P07AN8 Port P0 P10–P17 P20/XCOUT P21/XCIN P22 P23 Port P1 P24/RxD P25/TxD P26/SCLK1 P27/CNTR0/SRDY1 CMOS compatible input level CMOS 3-state output Non-Port Function Serial I/O2 function I/O Serial I/O2 control register Ref.No. (1) (2) (3) (4) A/D converter input AD control register AD input selection register (13) (5) Sub-clock generating circuit CPU mode register CMOS compatible input level N-channel open-drain output Port P2 Input/output, individual bits Port P3 (Note) Port P4 (Note) Serial I/O1 function I/O Serial I/O1 control register Serial I/O1 function I/O Serial I/O1 control register Timer XY mode register AD control register AD input selection register A/D converter input CMOS compatible input level CMOS 3-state output (13) (14) External interrupt input Interrupt edge selection register (15) Interrupt edge selection register Serial I/O2 control register (16) Interrupt edge selection register PWM control register (17) External interrupt input PWM output Note: When bits 5 to 7 of Ports P3 and P4 are read out, the contents are undefined. page 13 of 86 (12) Timer XY mode register SCMP2 output Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 (9) (10) (11) Timer Y function I/O External interrupt input P44/INT3/PWM (6) (7) (8) Timer X function I/O P30/AN0– P34/AN4 P40/CNTR1 P41/INT0 P42/INT1 P43/INT2/SCMP2 Related SFRs 3850 Group (Spec.A) (2) Port P01 (1) Port P00 Pull-up control bit Pull-up control bit P01/SOUT2 P-channel output disable bit Direction register Serial I/O2 Transmit completion signal Serial I/O2 port selection bit Direction register Port latch Data bus Port latch Data bus Serial I/O2 input Serial I/O2 output (4) Port P03 (3) Port P02 Pull-up control bit Pull-up control bit P02/SCLK2 P-channel output disable bit Serial I/O2 synchronous clock selection bit Serial I/O2 port selection bit SRDY2 output enable bit Direction register Direction register Port latch Data bus Port latch Data bus Serial I/O2 ready output Serial I/O2 clock output Serial I/O2 external clock input (6) Port P20 (5) Port P1 Pull-up control bit Pull-up control bit Port XC switch bit Direction register Direction register Port latch Data bus Port latch Data bus Oscillator Port P21 (7) Port P21 Port XC switch bit Pull-up control bit Port XC switch bit (8) Ports P22,P23 Direction register Data bus Direction register Port latch Data bus Sub-clock generating circuit input Fig. 10 Port block diagram (1) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 14 of 86 Port latch 3850 Group (Spec.A) (9) Port P24 (10) Port P25 Pull-up control bit Serial I/O1 enable bit Receive enable bit P-channel output disable bit Serial I/O1 enable bit Transmit enable bit Direction register Data bus Pull-up control bit Direction register Port latch Data bus Port latch Serial I/O1 input Serial I/O1 output (12) Port P27 (11) Port P26 Pull-up control bit Pull-up control bit Serial I/O1 synchronous clock selection bit Serial I/O1 enable bit Pulse output mode Serial I/O1 mode selection bit Serial I/O1 enable bit SRDY1 output enable bit Serial I/O1 mode selection bit Serial I/O1 enable bit Direction register Direction register Data bus Port latch Port latch Data bus Pulse output mode Serial ready output Serial I/O1 clock output External serial I/O1 clock input Timer output (14) Port P40 (13) Ports P04-P07, P30-P34 Pull-up control bit Pull-up control bit Direction register Direction register Data bus Data bus CNTR0 interrupt input Port latch Port latch Pulse output mode Timer output A/D converter input CNTR1 interrupt input Analog input pin selection bit Analog input port selection switch bit (15) Ports P41,P42 (16) Port P43 Pull-up control bit Serial I/O2 I/O comparison signal control bit Pull-up control bit Direction register Data bus Direction register Port latch Data bus Interrupt input Port latch Serial I/O2 I/O comparison signal output Interrupt input Fig. 11 Port block diagram (2) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 15 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) (17) Port P44 Pull-up control bit PWM function enable bit Direction register Data bus Port latch PWM output Interrupt input Fig. 12 Port block diagram (3) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 16 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) b7 b0 Port P0, P1, P2 pull-up control register (PULL012: address 001216) P0 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P1 pull-up control bit Note: Pull-up control is valid when the corresponding bit 0: No pull-up of the port direction register is “0” (input). 1: Pull-up When that bit is “1” (output), pull-up cannot be set P2 pull-up control bit to the port of which pull-up is selected. 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up Not used (return “0” when read) b7 b0 Port P3 pull-up control register (PULL3: address 001316) P30 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P31 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P32 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P33 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P34 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up Fix these bits to “0”. Fig. 13 Structure of port registers (1) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 17 of 86 Note: Pull-up control is valid when the corresponding bit of the port direction register is “0” (input). When that bit is “1” (output), pull-up cannot be set to the port of which pull-up is selected. 3850 Group (Spec.A) b7 b0 Port P4 pull-up control register (PULL4: address 001416) P40 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P41 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P42 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P43 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up P44 pull-up control bit 0: No pull-up 1: Pull-up Fix these bits to “0”. Fig. 14 Structure of port registers (2) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 18 of 86 Note: Pull-up control is valid when the corresponding bit of the port direction register is “0” (input). When that bit is “1” (output), pull-up cannot be set to the port of which pull-up is selected. 3850 Group (Spec.A) INTERRUPTS ■Notes Interrupts occur by 15 sources among 15 sources: six external, eight internal, and one software. When setting the followings, the interrupt request bit may be set to “1”. •When setting external interrupt active edge Related register: Interrupt edge selection register (address 003A16) Timer XY mode register (address 002316) •When switching interrupt sources of an interrupt vector address where two or more interrupt sources are allocated Related register: Interrupt edge selection register (address 003A16) When not requiring for the interrupt occurrence synchronized with these setting, take the following sequence. (1) Set the corresponding interrupt enable bit to “0” (disabled). (2) Set the interrupt edge select bit or the interrupt source select bit to “1”. (3) Set the corresponding interrupt request bit to “0” after 1 or more instructions have been executed. (4) Set the corresponding interrupt enable bit to “1” (enabled). Interrupt Control Each interrupt is controlled by an interrupt request bit, an interrupt enable bit, and the interrupt disable flag except for the software interrupt set by the BRK instruction. An interrupt occurs if the corresponding interrupt request and enable bits are “1” and the interrupt disable flag is “0”. Interrupt enable bits can be set or cleared by software. Interrupt request bits can be cleared by software, but cannot be set by software. The BRK instruction cannot be disabled with any flag or bit. The I (interrupt disable) flag disables all interrupts except the BRK instruction interrupt. When several interrupts occur at the same time, the interrupts are received according to priority. Interrupt Operation By acceptance of an interrupt, the following operations are automatically performed: 1. The contents of the program counter and the processor status register are automatically pushed onto the stack. 2. The interrupt disable flag is set and the corresponding interrupt request bit is cleared. 3. The interrupt jump destination address is read from the vector table into the program counter. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 19 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Table 7 Interrupt vector addresses and priority Vector Addresses (Note 1) Interrupt Source Priority High Low 1 FFFD16 FFFC16 Reset (Note 2) Interrupt Request Generating Conditions Remarks At reset Non-maskable External interrupt (active edge selectable) INT0 2 FFFB16 FFFA16 At detection of either rising or falling edge of INT0 input Reserved 3 FFF916 FFF816 Reserved INT1 4 FFF716 FFF616 At detection of either rising or falling edge of INT1 input External interrupt (active edge selectable) INT2 5 FFF516 FFF416 At detection of either rising or falling edge of INT2 input External interrupt (active edge selectable) INT3/ Serial I/O2 6 FFF316 FFF216 At detection of either rising or falling edge of INT 3 input/ At completion of serial I/O2 data reception/transmission External interrupt (active edge selectable) Switch by Serial I/O2/INT3 interrupt source bit Reserved Timer X Timer Y Timer 1 Timer 2 7 8 FFF116 FFEF16 9 FFED16 10 11 Serial I/O1 reception FFF016 Reserved At timer X underflow FFEB16 FFE916 FFEE16 FFEC16 FFEA16 FFE816 12 FFE716 FFE616 At completion of serial I/O1 data reception Valid when serial I/O1 is selected Serial I/O1 transmission 13 FFE516 FFE416 At completion of serial I/O1 transfer shift or when transmission buffer is empty Valid when serial I/O1 is selected CNTR0 14 FFE316 FFE216 At detection of either rising or falling edge of CNTR0 input External interrupt (active edge selectable) CNTR1 15 FFE116 FFE016 At detection of either rising or falling edge of CNTR1 input External interrupt (active edge selectable) A/D converter BRK instruction 16 FFDF16 FFDE16 At completion of A/D conversion 17 FFDD16 FFDC16 At BRK instruction execution At timer Y underflow At timer 1 underflow At timer 2 underflow Notes 1: Vector addresses contain interrupt jump destination addresses. 2: Reset function in the same way as an interrupt with the highest priority. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 20 of 86 STP release timer underflow Non-maskable software interrupt 3850 Group (Spec.A) Interrupt request bit Interrupt enable bit Interrupt disable flag (I) BRK instruction Reset Interrupt request Fig. 15 Interrupt control b7 b0 Interrupt edge selection register (INTEDGE : address 003A16) INT0 interrupt edge selection bit INT1 interrupt edge selection bit 0 : Falling edge active 1 : Rising edge active INT2 interrupt edge selection bit INT3 interrupt edge selection bit Serial I/O2 / INT3 interrupt source bit 0 : INT3 interrupt selected 1 : Serial I/O2 interrupt selected Not used (returns “0” when read) b7 b0 Interrupt request register 1 (IREQ1 : address 003C16) b7 b0 Interrupt request register 2 (IREQ2 : address 003D16) Timer 1 interrupt request bit Timer 2 interrupt request bit Serial I/O1 reception interrupt request bit Serial I/O1 transmit interrupt request bit CNTR0 interrupt request bit CNTR1 interrupt request bit AD converter interrupt request bit Not used (returns “0” when read) INT0 interrupt request bit Reserved INT1 interrupt request bit INT2 interrupt request bit INT3 / Serial I/O2 interrupt request bit Reserved Timer X interrupt request bit Timer Y interrupt request bit 0 : No interrupt request issued 1 : Interrupt request issued 0 : No interrupt request issued 1 : Interrupt request issued b7 b0 b7 Interrupt control register 1 (ICON1 : address 003E16) INT0 interrupt enable bit Reserved(Do not write “1” to this bit.) INT1 interrupt enable bit INT2 interrupt enable bit INT3 / Serial I/O2 interrupt enable bit Reserved(Do not write “1” to this bit.) Timer X interrupt enable bit Timer Y interrupt enable bit 0 : Interrupts disabled 1 : Interrupts enabled Fig. 16 Structure of interrupt-related registers Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 21 of 86 b0 Interrupt control register 2 (ICON2 : address 003F16) Timer 1 interrupt enable bit Timer 2 interrupt enable bit Serial I/O1 reception interrupt enable bit Serial I/O1 transmit interrupt enable bit CNTR0 interrupt enable bit CNTR1 interrupt enable bit AD converter interrupt enable bit Not used (returns “0” when read) (Do not write “1” to this bit.) 0 : Interrupts disabled 1 : Interrupts enabled 3850 Group (Spec.A) TIMERS Timer X and Timer Y The 3850 group (spec. A) has four timers: timer X, timer Y, timer 1, and timer 2. The division ratio of each timer or prescaler is given by 1/(n + 1), where n is the value in the corresponding timer or prescaler latch. All timers are count down. When the timer reaches “0016”, an underflow occurs at the next count pulse and the corresponding timer latch is reloaded into the timer and the count is continued. When a timer underflows, the interrupt request bit corresponding to that timer is set to “1”. Timer X and Timer Y can each select in one of four operating modes by setting the timer XY mode register. b0 b7 Timer XY mode register (TM : address 002316) Timer X operating mode bit b1b0 0 0: Timer mode 0 1: Pulse output mode 1 0: Event counter mode 1 1: Pulse width measurement mode CNTR0 active edge selection bit 0: Interrupt at falling edge Count at rising edge in event counter mode 1: Interrupt at rising edge Count at falling edge in event counter mode Timer X count stop bit 0: Count start 1: Count stop Timer Y operating mode bits b5b4 0 0: Timer mode 0 1: Pulse output mode 1 0: Event counter mode 1 1: Pulse width measurement mode CNTR1 active edge selection bit 0: Interrupt at falling edge Count at rising edge in event counter mode 1: Interrupt at rising edge Count at falling edge in event counter mode Timer Y count stop bit 0: Count start 1: Count stop Fig. 17 Structure of timer XY mode register b0 b7 Timer count source selection register (TCSS : address 002816) Timer X count source selection bit 0 : f(XIN)/16 (f(XCIN)/16 at low-speed mode) 1 : f(XIN)/2 (f(XCIN)/2 at low-speed mode) Timer Y count source selection bit 0 : f(XIN)/16 (f(XCIN)/16 at low-speed mode) 1 : f(XIN)/2 (f(XCIN)/2 at low-speed mode) Timer 12 count source selection bit 0 : f(XIN)/16 (f(XCIN)/16 at low-speed mode) 1 : f(XCIN) Not used (returns “0” when read) Fig. 18 Structure of timer count source selection register Timer 1 and Timer 2 The count source of prescaler 12 is the oscillation frequency which is selected by timer 12 count source selection bit. The output of prescaler 12 is counted by timer 1 and timer 2, and a timer underflow sets the interrupt request bit. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 22 of 86 (1) Timer Mode The timer counts the count source selected by Timer count source selection bit. (2) Pulse Output Mode The timer counts the count source selected by Timer count source selection bit. Whenever the contents of the timer reach “0016”, the signal output from the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) pin is inverted. If the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) active edge selection bit is “0”, output begins at “ H”. If it is “1”, output starts at “L”. When using a timer in this mode, set the corresponding port P27 ( or port P40) direction register to output mode. (3) Event Counter Mode Operation in event counter mode is the same as in timer mode, except that the timer counts signals input through the CNTR0 or CNTR1 pin. When the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) active edge selection bit is “0”, the rising edge of the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) pin is counted. When the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) active edge selection bit is “1”, the falling edge of the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) pin is counted. (4) Pulse Width Measurement Mode If the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) active edge selection bit is “0”, the timer counts the selected signals by the count source selection bit while the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) pin is at “H”. If the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) active edge selection bit is “1”, the timer counts it while the CNTR0 (or CNTR1) pin is at “L”. The count can be stopped by setting “1” to the timer X (or timer Y) count stop bit in any mode. The corresponding interrupt request bit is set each time a timer underflows. ■Note When switching the count source by the timer 12, X and Y count source bits, the value of timer count is altered in unconsiderable amount owing to generating of a thin pulses in the count input signals. Therefore, select the timer count source before set the value to the prescaler and the timer. When timer X/timer Y underflow while executing the instruction which sets “1” to the timer X/timer Y count stop bits, the timer X/ timer Y interrupt request bits are set to “1”. Timer X/Timer Y interrupts are received if these interrupts are enabled at this time. The timing which interrupt is accepted has a case after the instruction which sets “1” to the count stop bit, and a case after the next instruction according to the timing of the timer underflow. When this interrupt is unnecessary, set “0” (disabled) to the interrupt enable bit and then set “1” to the count stop bit. 3850 Group (Spec.A) Data bus f(XIN)/16 (f(XCIN)/16 at low-speed mode) Prescaler X latch (8) f(XIN)/2 Pulse width (f(XCIN)/2 at low-speed mode) Timer X count source selection bit measurement mode Timer mode Pulse output mode Prescaler X (8) CNTR0 active edge selection bit “0 ” P27/CNTR0 Event counter mode “1” Timer X (8) To timer X interrupt request bit Timer X count stop bit To CNTR0 interrupt request bit CNTR0 active edge selection “1” bit “0” Q Toggle flip-flop T Q R Timer X latch write pulse Pulse output mode Port P27 latch Port P27 direction register Timer X latch (8) Pulse output mode Data bus f(XIN)/16 (f(XCIN)/16 at low-speed mode) Prescaler Y latch (8) f(XIN)/2 (f(XCIN)/2 at low-speed mode) Timer Y count source selection bit Pulse width measurement mode Timer mode Pulse output mode Prescaler Y (8) CNTR1 active edge selection bit “0” P40/CNTR1 Event counter mode “1” Port P40 direction register Timer Y (8) To timer Y interrupt request bit Timer Y count stop bit To CNTR1 interrupt request bit CNTR1 active edge selection “1” bit Q Toggle flip-flop T Q Port P40 latch Timer Y latch (8) “0 ” R Timer Y latch write pulse Pulse output mode Pulse output mode Data bus Prescaler 12 latch (8) f(XIN)/16 (f(XCIN)/16 at low-speed mode) f(XCIN) Prescaler 12 (8) Timer 1 latch (8) Timer 2 latch (8) Timer 1 (8) Timer 2 (8) To timer 2 interrupt request bit Timer 12 count source selection bit To timer 1 interrupt request bit Fig. 19 Block diagram of timer X, timer Y, timer 1, and timer 2 Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 23 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) SERIAL INTERFACE ●SERIAL I/O1 (1) Clock Synchronous Serial I/O Mode Clock synchronous serial I/O mode can be selected by setting the serial I/O1 mode selection bit of the serial I/O1 control register (bit 6 of address 001A16) to “1”. For clock synchronous serial I/O, the transmitter and the receiver must use the same clock. If an internal clock is used, transfer is started by a write signal to the TB/RB. Serial I/O1 can be used as either clock synchronous or asynchronous (UART) serial I/O. A dedicated timer is also provided for baud rate generation. Data bus Serial I/O1 control register Address 001816 Receive buffer register Receive buffer full flag (RBF) Receive shift register P24/RXD Address 001A16 Receive interrupt request (RI) Shift clock Clock control circuit P26/SCLK1 XIN Serial I/O1 synchronous clock selection bit Frequency division ratio 1/(n+1) Baud rate generator 1/4 Address 001C16 BRG count source selection bit 1/4 P27/SRDY1 F/F Clock control circuit Falling-edge detector Shift clock P25/TXD Transmit shift completion flag (TSC) Transmit interrupt source selection bit Transmit interrupt request (TI) Transmit shift register Transmit buffer register Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE) Serial I/O1 status register Address 001916 Address 001816 Data bus Fig. 20 Block diagram of clock synchronous serial I/O1 Transfer shift clock (1/2 to 1/2048 of the internal clock, or an external clock) Serial output TxD D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Serial input RxD D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Receive enable signal SRDY1 Write pulse to receive/transmit buffer register (address 001816) TBE = 0 TBE = 1 TSC = 0 RBF = 1 TSC = 1 Overrun error (OE) detection Notes 1: As the transmit interrupt (TI), either when the transmit buffer has emptied (TBE=1) or after the transmit shift operation has ended (TSC=1), by setting the transmit interrupt source selection bit (TIC) of the serial I/O1 control register. 2: If data is written to the transmit buffer register when TSC=0, the transmit clock is generated continuously and serial data is output continuously from the TxD pin. 3: The receive interrupt (RI) is set when the receive buffer full flag (RBF) becomes “1” . Fig. 21 Operation of clock synchronous serial I/O1 function Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 24 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) (2) Asynchronous Serial I/O (UART) Mode two buffers have the same address in memory. Since the shift register cannot be written to or read from directly, transmit data is written to the transmit buffer register, and receive data is read from the receive buffer register. The transmit buffer register can also hold the next data to be transmitted, and the receive buffer register can hold a character while the next character is being received. Clock asynchronous serial I/O mode (UART) can be selected by clearing the serial I/O1 mode selection bit (b6) of the serial I/O1 control register to “0”. Eight serial data transfer formats can be selected, and the transfer formats used by a transmitter and receiver must be identical. The transmit and receive shift registers each have a buffer, but the Data bus Address 001816 P24/RXD Serial I/O1 control register Address 001A16 Receive buffer full flag (RBF) Receive interrupt request (RI) OE Receive buffer register Character length selection bit ST detector 7 bits Receive shift register 1/16 8 bits PE FE SP detector Clock control circuit UART control register Address 001B16 Serial I/O1 synchronous clock selection bit P26/SCLK1 XIN BRG count source selection bit Frequency division ratio 1/(n+1) Baud rate generator Address 001C16 1/4 ST/SP/PA generator 1/16 P25/TXD Transmit shift register Transmit shift completion flag (TSC) Transmit interrupt source selection bit Transmit interrupt request (TI) Character length selection bit Transmit buffer register Address 001816 Data bus Fig. 22 Block diagram of UART serial I/O1 Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 25 of 86 Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE) Serial I/O1 status register Address 001916 3850 Group (Spec.A) Transmit or receive clock Transmit buffer write signal TBE=0 TSC=0 TBE=1 Serial output TXD TBE=0 TBE=1 ST D0 D1 SP TSC=1 ST D0 1 start bit 7 or 8 data bit 1 or 0 parity bit 1 or 2 stop bit (s) Receive buffer read signal SP D1 Generated at 2nd bit in 2-stop-bit mode RBF=0 RBF=1 Serial input RXD ST D0 D1 SP RBF=1 ST D0 D1 SP Notes 1: Error flag detection occurs at the same time that the RBF flag becomes “1” (at 1st stop bit, during reception). 2: As the transmit interrupt (TI), when either the TBE or TSC flag becomes “1”, can be selected to occur depending on the setting of the transmit interrupt source selection bit (TIC) of the serial I/O1 control register. 3: The receive interrupt (RI) is set when the RBF flag becomes “1”. 4: After data is written to the transmit buffer when TSC=1, 0.5 to 1.5 cycles of the data shift cycle is necessary until changing to TSC=0. Fig. 23 Operation of UART serial I/O1 function [Transmit Buffer Register/Receive Buffer Register (TB/RB)] 001816 The transmit buffer register and the receive buffer register are located at the same address. The transmit buffer is write-only and the receive buffer is read-only. If a character bit length is 7 bits, the MSB of data stored in the receive buffer is “0”. [Serial I/O1 Status Register (SIOSTS)] 001916 The read-only serial I/O1 status register consists of seven flags (bits 0 to 6) which indicate the operating status of the serial I/O1 function and various errors. Three of the flags (bits 4 to 6) are valid only in UART mode. The receive buffer full flag (bit 1) is cleared to “0” when the receive buffer register is read. If there is an error, it is detected at the same time that data is transferred from the receive shift register to the receive buffer register, and the receive buffer full flag is set. A write to the serial I/O1 status register clears all the error flags OE, PE, FE, and SE (bit 3 to bit 6, respectively). Writing “0” to the serial I/O1 enable bit SIOE (bit 7 of the serial I/O1 control register) also clears all the status flags, including the error flags. Bits 0 to 6 of the serial I/O1 status register are initialized to “0” at reset, but if the transmit enable bit (bit 4) of the serial I/O1 control register has been set to “1”, the transmit shift completion flag (bit 2) and the transmit buffer empty flag (bit 0) become “1”. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 26 of 86 [Serial I/O1 Control Register (SIOCON)] 001A16 The serial I/O1 control register consists of eight control bits for the serial I/O1 function. [UART Control Register (UARTCON)] 001B16 The UART control register consists of four control bits (bits 0 to 3) which are valid when asynchronous serial I/O is selected and set the data format of an data transfer and one bit (bit 4) which is always valid and sets the output structure of the P25/TXD pin. [Baud Rate Generator (BRG)] 001C16 The baud rate generator determines the baud rate for serial transfer. The baud rate generator divides the frequency of the count source by 1/(n + 1), where n is the value written to the baud rate generator. 3850 Group (Spec.A) b7 b0 Serial I/O1 status register (SIOSTS : address 001916) b7 Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE) 0: Buffer full 1: Buffer empty Receive buffer full flag (RBF) 0: Buffer empty 1: Buffer full Transmit shift completion flag (TSC) 0: Transmit shift in progress 1: Transmit shift completed Overrun error flag (OE) 0: No error 1: Overrun error Parity error flag (PE) 0: No error 1: Parity error Framing error flag (FE) 0: No error 1: Framing error Summing error flag (SE) 0: (OE) U (PE) U (FE)=0 1: (OE) U (PE) U (FE)=1 Not used (returns “1” when read) b7 b0 UART control register (UARTCON : address 001B16) Character length selection bit (CHAS) 0: 8 bits 1: 7 bits Parity enable bit (PARE) 0: Parity checking disabled 1: Parity checking enabled Parity selection bit (PARS) 0: Even parity 1: Odd parity Stop bit length selection bit (STPS) 0: 1 stop bit 1: 2 stop bits P25/TXD P-channel output disable bit (POFF) 0: CMOS output (in output mode) 1: N-channel open drain output (in output mode) Not used (return “1” when read) Fig. 24 Structure of serial I/O1 control registers ■Notes on serial I/O When setting the transmit enable bit of serial I/O1 to “1”, the serial I/O1 transmit interrupt request bit is automatically set to “1”. When not requiring the interrupt occurrence synchronized with the transmission enabled, take the following sequence. (1) Set the serial I/O1 transmit interrupt enable bit to “0” (disabled). (2) Set the transmit enable bit to “1”. (3) Set the serial I/O1 transmit interrupt request bit to “0” after 1 or more instructions have been executed. (4) Set the serial I/O1 transmit interrupt enable bit to “1” (enabled). Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 27 of 86 b0 Serial I/O1 control register (SIOCON : address 001A16) BRG count source selection bit (CSS) 0: f(XIN) 1: f(XIN)/4 Serial I/O1 synchronous clock selection bit (SCS) 0: BRG output divided by 4 when clock synchronous serial I/O1 is selected, BRG output divided by 16 when UART is selected. 1: External clock input when clock synchronous serial I/O1 is selected, external clock input divided by 16 when UART is selected. SRDY1 output enable bit (SRDY) 0: P27 pin operates as ordinary I/O pin 1: P27 pin operates as SRDY1 output pin Transmit interrupt source selection bit (TIC) 0: Interrupt when transmit buffer has emptied 1: Interrupt when transmit shift operation is completed Transmit enable bit (TE) 0: Transmit disabled 1: Transmit enabled Receive enable bit (RE) 0: Receive disabled 1: Receive enabled Serial I/O1 mode selection bit (SIOM) 0: Clock asynchronous (UART) serial I/O 1: Clock synchronous serial I/O Serial I/O1 enable bit (SIOE) 0: Serial I/O1 disabled (pins P24 to P27 operate as ordinary I/O pins) 1: Serial I/O1 enabled (pins P24 to P27 operate as serial I/O1 pins) 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●SERIAL I/O2 The serial I/O2 can be operated only as the clock synchronous type. As a synchronous clock for serial transfer, either internal clock or external clock can be selected by the serial I/O2 synchronous clock selection bit (b6) of serial I/O2 control register 1. The internal clock incorporates a dedicated divider and permits selecting 6 types of clock by the internal synchronous clock selection bits (b2, b1, b0) of serial I/O2 control register 1. Regarding SOUT2 and SCLK2 being output pins, either CMOS output format or N-channel open-drain output format can be selected by the P0 1 /S OUT2 , P0 2 /S CLK2 P-channel output disable bit (b7) of serial I/O2 control register 1. When the internal clock has been selected, a transfer starts by a write signal to the serial I/O2 register (address 001716). After completion of data transfer, the level of the SOUT2 pin goes to high impedance automatically but bit 7 of the serial I/O2 control register 2 is not set to “1” automatically. When the external clock has been selected, the contents of the serial I/O2 register is continuously shifted while transfer clocks are input. Accordingly, control the clock externally. Note that the SOUT2 pin does not go to high impedance after completion of data transfer. To cause the SOUT2 pin to go to high impedance in the case where the external clock is selected, set bit 7 of the serial I/O2 control register 2 to “1” when SCLK2 is “H” after completion of data transfer. After the next data transfer is started (the transfer clock falls), bit 7 of the serial I/O2 control register 2 is set to “0” and the SOUT2 pin is put into the active state. Regardless of the internal clock to external clock, the interrupt request bit is set after the number of bits (1 to 8 bits) selected by the optional transfer bit is transferred. In case of a fractional number of bits less than 8 bits as the last data, the received data to be stored in the serial I/O2 register becomes a fractional number of bits close to MSB if the transfer direction selection bit of serial I/O2 control register 1 is LSB first, or a fractional number of bits close to LSB if the transfer direction selection bit is MSB first. For the remaining bits, the previously received data is shifted. At transmit operation using the clock synchronous serial I/O, the SCMP2 signal can be output by comparing the state of the transmit pin SOUT2 with the state of the receive pin SIN2 in synchronization with a rise of the transfer clock. If the output level of the SOUT2 pin is equal to the input level to the SIN2 pin, “L” is output from the SCMP2 pin. If not, “H” is output. At this time, an INT2 interrupt request can also be generated. Select a valid edge by bit 2 of the interrupt edge selection register (address 003A16). [Serial I/O2 Control Registers 1, 2 (SIO2CON1 / SIO2CON2)] 001516, 001616 The serial I/O2 control registers 1 and 2 are containing various selection bits for serial I/O2 control as shown in Figure 25. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 28 of 86 b7 b0 Serial I/O2 control register 1 (SIO2CON1 : address 001516) Internal synchronous clock selection bits b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0: f(XIN)/8 (f(XCIN)/8 in low-speed mode) 1: f(XIN)/16 (f(XCIN)/16 in low-speed mode) 0: f(XIN)/32 (f(XCIN)/32 in low-speed mode) 1: f(XIN)/64 (f(XCIN)/64 in low-speed mode) 0: f(XIN)/128 f(XCIN)/128 in low-speed mode) 1: f(XIN)/256 (f(XCIN)/256 in low-speed mode) Serial I/O2 port selection bit 0: I/O port 1: SOUT2,SCLK2 output pin SRDY2 output enable bit 0: P03 pin is normal I/O pin 1: P03 pin is SRDY2 output pin Transfer direction selection bit 0: LSB first 1: MSB first Serial I/O2 synchronous clock selection bit 0: External clock 1: Internal clock P01/SOUT2 ,P02/SCLK2 P-channel output disable bit 0: CMOS output (in output mode) 1: N-channel open-drain output (in output mode ) b7 b0 Serial I/O2 control register 2 (SIO2CON2 : address 001616) Optional transfer bits b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0: 1 bit 1: 2 bit 0: 3 bit 1: 4 bit 0: 5 bit 1: 6 bit 0: 7 bit 1: 8 bit Not used ( returns "0" when read) Serial I/O2 I/O comparison signal control bit 0: P43 I/O 1: SCMP2 output SOUT2 pin control bit (P01) 0: Output active 1: Output high-impedance Fig. 25 Structure of Serial I/O2 control registers 1, 2 3850 Group (Spec.A) Internal synchronous clock selection bits 1/8 XCIN 1/16 “10” Divider Main clock division ratio selection bits (Note) “00” “01” XIN Data bus 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256 P03 latch Serial I/O2 synchronous clock selection bit “0” SRDY2 “1” SRDY2 output enable bit Serial I/O2 synchronous clock selection bit “1” Synchronous circuit SCLK2 P03/SRDY2 “0” External clock P02 latch Optional transfer bits (3) “0” P02/SCLK2 Serial I/O2 interrupt request Serial I/O counter 2 (3) “1” Serial I/O2 port selection bit P01 latch “0” P01/SOUT2 “1” Serial I/O2 port selection bit Serial I/O2 register (8) P00/SIN2 P43 latch “0” D P43/SCMP2/INT2 Q “1” Serial I/O2 I/O comparison signal control bit Note: Either high-speed, middle-speed or low-speed mode is selected by bits 6 and 7 of CPU mode register. Fig. 26 Block diagram of Serial I/O2 Transfer clock (Note 1) Write-in signal to serial I/O2 register (Note 2) Serial I/O2 output SOUT2 D0 D1 . D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Serial I/O2 input SIN2 Receive enable signal SRDY2 Serial I/O2 interrupt request bit set Notes 1: When the internal clock is selected as a transfer clock, the f(XIN) clock division (f(XCIN) in low-speed mode) can be selected by setting bits 0 to 2 of serial I/O2 control register 1. 2: When the internal clock is selected as a transfer clock, the SOUT2 pin has high impedance after transfer completion. Fig. 27 Timing chart of Serial I/O2 Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 29 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) SCMP2 SCLK2 SOUT2 SIN2 Judgment of I/O data comparison Fig. 28 SCMP2 output operation Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 30 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) PULSE WIDTH MODULATION (PWM) PWM Operation The 3850 group (spec. A) has a PWM function with an 8-bit resolution, based on a signal that is the clock input XIN or that clock input divided by 2. When bit 0 (PWM enable bit) of the PWM control register is set to “1”, operation starts by initializing the PWM output circuit, and pulses are output starting at an “H”. If the PWM register or PWM prescaler is updated during PWM output, the pulses will change in the cycle after the one in which the change was made. Data Setting The PWM output pin also functions as port P44 . Set the PWM period by the PWM prescaler, and set the “H” term of output pulse by the PWM register. If the value in the PWM prescaler is n and the value in the PWM register is m (where n = 0 to 255 and m = 0 to 255) : PWM period = 255 ✕ (n+1) / f(XIN) = 31.875 ✕ (n+1) µs (when f(XIN) = 8 MHz,count source selection bit = “0”) Output pulse “H” term = PWM period ✕ m / 255 = 0.125 ✕ (n+1) ✕ m µs (when f(XIN) = 8 MHz,count source selection bit = “0”) 31.875 ✕ m ✕ (n+1) µs 255 PWM output T = [31.875 ✕ (n+1)] µs m: Contents of PWM register n : Contents of PWM prescaler T : PWM period (when f(XIN) = 8 MHz,count source selection bit = “0”) Fig. 29 Timing of PWM period Data bus PWM prescaler pre-latch PWM register pre-latch Transfer control circuit PWM prescaler latch PWM register latch PWM prescaler PWM register Count source selection bit “0” XIN (XCIN at low-speed mode) 1/2 Port P44 “1” Port P44 latch PWM function enable bit Fig. 30 Block diagram of PWM function Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 31 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) b7 b0 PWM control register (PWMCON : address 001D16) PWM function enable bit 0: PWM disabled 1: PWM enabled Count source selection bit 0: f(XIN) (f(XCIN) at low-speed mode) 1: f(XIN)/2 (f(XCIN)/2 at low-speed mode) Not used (return “0” when read) Fig. 31 Structure of PWM control register A B B = C T T2 C PWM output T PWM register write signal T T2 (Changes “H” term from “A” to “B”.) PWM prescaler write signal (Changes PWM period from “T” to “T2”.) When the contents of the PWM register or PWM prescaler have changed, the PWM output will change from the next period after the change. Fig. 32 PWM output timing when PWM register or PWM prescaler is changed ■Note The PWM starts after the PWM function enable bit is set to enable and “L” level is output from the PWM pin. The length of this “L” level output is as follows: n+1 2 • f(XIN) sec (Count source selection bit = 0, where n is the value set in the prescaler) n+1 f(XIN) sec (Count source selection bit = 1, where n is the value set in the prescaler) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 32 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) A/D CONVERTER [AD Conversion Registers (ADL, ADH)] 003516, 003616 b7 b0 AD control register (ADCON : address 003416) Analog input pin selection bits The AD conversion registers are read-only registers that store the result of an A/D conversion. Do not read these registers during an A/D conversion. b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 1 [AD Control Register (ADCON)] 003416 The AD control register controls the A/D conversion process. Bits 0 to 2 select a specific analog input pin. By setting a value to these bits, when bit 0 of the AD input selection register (address 003716) is “0”, P30/AN0-P34/AN4 can be selected, and when bit 0 of the AD input selection register is “1”, P04/AN5-P07/AN8 can be selected. Bit 4 indicates the completion of an A/D conversion. The value of this bit remains at “0” during an A/D conversion and changes to “1” when an A/D conversion ends. Writing “0” to this bit starts the A/D conversion. [AD Input Selection Register (ADSEL)] 003716 0 0 1 1 0 Note 1 0: P30/AN0 1: P31/AN1 0: P32/AN2 1: P33/AN3 0: P34/AN4 Note 2 or or or or P04/AN5 P05/AN6 P06/AN7 P07/AN8 –––––– Not used (returns “0” when read) AD conversion completion bit 0: Conversion in progress 1: Conversion completed Not used (returns “0” when read) Notes 1: This is selected when bit 0 of the AD input selection register (address 003716) is “0”. 2: This is selected when bit 0 of the AD input selection register (address 003716) is “1”. Fig. 33 Structure of AD control register b7 b0 AD input selection register (ADSEL: address 003716) The analog input port selection switch bit is assigned to bit 0 of the AD input selection register. When “0” is set to the analog input port selection switch bit, P30/AN0-P34/AN4 can be selected by the analog input pin selection bits (b2, b1, b0) of the AD control register (address 003416). When “1” is set to the analog input port selection switch bit, P04 /AN5-P0 7/AN8 can be selected by the analog input pin selection bits (b2, b1, b0) of the AD control register (address 003416). Analog input port selection switch bit 0: P30/AN0 to P34/AN4 is selected as analog input pin. 1: P04/AN5 to P07/AN8 is selected as analog input pin. Not used (returns “0” when read) Fix this bit to “0”. Comparison Voltage Generator Not used (returns “0” when read) The comparison voltage generator divides the voltage between AVSS and VREF into 1024 and outputs the divided voltages. Fix this bit to “0”. Fig. 34 Structure of AD input selection register Channel Selector The channel selector selects one of ports P30/AN 0 to P3 4/AN 4, P04/AN5 to P07/AN8 and inputs the voltage to the comparator. Comparator and Control Circuit The comparator and control circuit compare an analog input voltage with the comparison voltage, and the result is stored in the AD conversion registers. When an A/D conversion is completed, the control circuit sets the AD conversion completion bit and the AD interrupt request bit to “1”. Note that because the comparator consists of a capacitor coupling, set f(XIN) to 500 kHz or more during an A/D conversion. When the A/D converter is operated at low-speed mode, f(XIN ) and f(XCIN) do not have the lower limit of frequency, because of the A/D converter has a built-in self-oscillation circuit. 10-bit reading (Read address 003616 before 003516) b7 (Address 003616) b7 (Address 003516) b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Note : The high-order 6 bits of address 003616 become “0” at reading. 8-bit reading (Read only address 003516) b7 (Address 003516) b0 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 Fig. 35 Structure of AD conversion registers Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 33 of 86 b0 b9 b8 3850 Group (Spec.A) Data bus AD control register b7 (Address 003416) b0 b7 b0 AD input selection register (Address 003716) 3 A/D interrupt request A/D control circuit Channel selector P30/AN0 P31/AN1 P32/AN2 P33/AN3 P34/AN4 P04/AN5 P05/AN6 P06/AN7 P07/AN8 Comparator AD conversion high-order register (Address 003616) AD conversion low-order register (Address 003516) 10 Resistor ladder VREF AVSS Fig. 36 Block diagram of A/D converter Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 34 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) WATCHDOG TIMER Bit 6 of Watchdog Timer Control Register The watchdog timer gives a mean of returning to the reset status when a program cannot run on a normal loop (for example, because of a software run-away). The watchdog timer consists of an 8-bit watchdog timer L and an 8-bit watchdog timer H. When bit 6 of the watchdog timer control register is “0”, the MCU enters the stop mode by execution of STP instruction. Just after releasing the stop mode, the watchdog timer restarts counting (Note). When executing the WIT instruction, the watchdog timer does not stop. When bit 6 is “1”, execution of STP instruction causes an internal reset. When this bit is set to “1” once, it cannot be rewritten to “0” by program. Bit 6 is “0” at reset. Initial Value of Watchdog Timer At reset or writing to the watchdog timer control register (address 003916), each of watchdog timer H and L is set to “FF16”. Any instruction which generates a write signal such as the instructions of STA, LDM, CLB and others can be used to write. The data of bits 6 and 7 are only valid when writing to the watchdog timer control register. Each of watchdog timer is set to “FF16” regardless of the written data of bits 0 to 5. The necessary time after writing to the watchdog timer control register to an underflow of the watchdog timer H is shown as follows. When bit 7 of the watchdog timer control register is “0”: 32 s at XCIN = 32.768 kHz frequency and 65.536 ms at XIN = 16 MHz frequency. When bit 7 of the watchdog timer control register is “1”: 125 ms at XCIN = 32.768 kHz frequency and 256 µs at XIN = 16 MHz frequency. Operation of Watchdog Timer The watchdog timer stops at reset and starts to count down by writing to the watchdog timer control register. An internal reset occurs at an underflow of the watchdog timer H. The reset is released after waiting for a reset release time and the program is processed from the reset vector address. Accordingly, programming is usually performed so that writing to the watchdog timer control register may be started before an underflow of the watchdog timer H. If writing to the watchdog timer control register is not performed once, the watchdog timer does not function. Note: The watchdog timer continues to count for waiting for a stop mode release time. Do not generate an underflow of the watchdog timer H during that time. “FF16” is set when watchdog timer control register is written to. XCIN Data bus “0” “10” Main clock division ratio selection bits (Note) XIN “FF16” is set when watchdog timer control register is written to. Watchdog timer L (8) 1/16 “1 ” “00” “01” Watchdog timer H (8) Watchdog timer H count source selection bit STP instruction function selection bit STP instruction Reset circuit RESET Internal reset Note: Any one of high-speed, middle-speed or low-speed mode is selected by bits 7 and 6 of the CPU mode register. Fig. 37 Block diagram of Watchdog timer b7 b0 Watchdog timer control register (WDTCON : address 003916) Watchdog timer H (for read-out of high-order 6 bit) STP instruction function selection bit 0: Entering Stop mode by execution of STP instruction 1: Internal reset by execution of STP instruction Watchdog timer H count source selection bit 0: Watchdog timer L underflow 1: f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/16 Fig. 38 Structure of Watchdog timer control register Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 35 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) RESET CIRCUIT To reset the microcomputer, RESET pin must be held at an “L” level for 20 cycles or more of XIN. Then the RESET pin is returned to an “H” level (the power source voltage must be between 2.7 V and 5.5 V, and the oscillation must be stable), reset is released. After the reset is completed, the program starts from the address contained in address FFFD 16 (high-order byte) and address FFFC16 (low-order byte). Make sure that the reset input voltage is less than 0.54 V for VCC of 2.7 V. Poweron RESET VCC Power source voltage 0V Reset input voltage 0V (Note) 0.2VCC Note : Reset release voltage; Vcc = 2.7 V RESET VCC Power source voltage detection circuit Fig. 39 Reset circuit example XIN φ RESET RESETOUT Address ? ? ? ? FFFC FFFD ADH,L Reset address from the vector table. ? Data ? ? ? ADL ADH SYNC XIN: 8 to 13 clock cycles Notes 1: The frequency relation of f(XIN) and f(φ) is f(XIN) = 2 • f(φ). 2: The question marks (?) indicate an undefined state that depends on the previous state. 3: All signals except XIN and RESET are internals. Fig. 40 Reset sequence Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 36 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Address Register contents Address Register contents (1) Port P0 (P0) 000016 0016 (34) AD control register (ADCON) 003416 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (2) Port P0 direction register (P0D) 000116 0016 (35) AD conversion low-order register (ADL) 003516 X X X X X X X X (3) Port P1 (P1) 000216 0016 (36) AD conversion high-order register (ADH) 003616 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X (4) Port P1 direction register (P1D) 000316 0016 (37) AD input selection register (ADSEL) 003716 0016 (5) Port P2 (P2) 000416 0016 (38) MISRG 003816 0016 (6) Port P2 direction register (P2D) 000516 0016 (39) Watchdog timer control register (WDTCON) 003916 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 (7) Port P3 (P3) 000616 0016 (40) Interrupt edge selection register (INTEDGE) 003A16 (8) Port P3 direction register (P3D) 000716 0016 (41) CPU mode register (CPUM) 003B16 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 (9) Port P4 (P4) 000816 0016 (42) Interrupt request register 1 (IREQ1) 003C16 0016 (10) Port P4 direction register (P4D) 000916 0016 (43) Interrupt request register 2 (IREQ2) 003D16 0016 (11) Port P0, P1, P2 pull-up control register (PULL012) 001216 0016 (44) Interrupt control register 1 (ICON1) 003E16 0016 (12) Port P3 pull-up control register (PULL3) 001316 0016 (45) Interrupt control register 2 (ICON2) 003F16 0016 (13) Port P4 pull-up control register (PULL4) 001416 0016 (46) Processor status register (PS) (14) Serial I/O2 control register 1 (SIO2CON1) 001516 0016 (47) Program counter (PCH) FFFD16 contents (15) Serial I/O2 control register 2 (SIO2CON2) 001616 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 (PCL) FFFC16 contents (16) Serial I/O2 register (SIO2) 001716 X X X X X X X X (17) Transmit/Receive buffer register (TB/RB) 001816 X X X X X X X X (18) Serial I/O1 status register (SIOSTS) 001916 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (19) Serial I/O1 control register (SIOCON) 001A16 (20) UART control register (UARTCON) 001B16 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 (21) Baud rate generator (BRG) 001C16 X X X X X X X X (22) PWM control register (PWMCON) 001D16 (23) PWM prescaler (PREPWM) 001E16 X X X X X X X X (24) PWM register (PWM) 001F16 X X X X X X X X (25) Prescaler 12 (PRE12) 002016 FF16 (26) Timer 1 (T1) 002116 0116 (27) Timer 2 (T2) 002216 0016 (28) Timer XY mode register (TM) 002316 0016 (29) Prescaler X (PREX) 002416 FF16 (30) Timer X (TX) 002516 FF16 (31) Prescaler Y (PREY) 002616 FF16 (32) Timer Y (TY) 002716 FF16 (33) Timer count source selection register (TCSS) 002816 0016 0016 0016 Note : X : Not fixed Since the initial values for other than above mentioned registers and RAM contents are indefinite at reset, they must be set. Fig. 41 Internal status at reset Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 37 of 86 0016 X X X X X 1 X X 3850 Group (Spec.A) CLOCK GENERATING CIRCUIT (2) Wait mode The 3850 group (spec. A) has two built-in oscillation circuits. An oscillation circuit can be formed by connecting a resonator between XIN and XOUT (XCIN and XCOUT). Use the circuit constants in accordance with the resonator manufacturer’s recommended values. No external resistor is needed between X IN and X OUT since a feed-back resistor exists on-chip.(An external feed-back resistor may be needed depending on conditions.) However, an external feed-back resistor is needed between XCIN and XCOUT. Immediately after power on, only the XIN oscillation circuit starts oscillating, and XCIN and XCOUT pins function as I/O ports. If the WIT instruction is executed, the internal clock φ stops at an “H” level, but the oscillator does not stop. The internal clock φ restarts at reset or when an interrupt is received. Since the oscillator does not stop, normal operation can be started immediately after the clock is restarted. Frequency Control (1) Middle-speed mode The internal clock φ is the frequency of XIN divided by 8. After reset is released, this mode is selected. (2) High-speed mode The internal clock φ is half the frequency of XIN. (3) Low-speed mode The internal clock φ is half the frequency of XCIN. (4) Low power dissipation mode The low power consumption operation can be realized by stopping the main clock XIN in low-speed mode. To stop the main clock, set bit 5 of the CPU mode register to “1”. When the main clock XIN is restarted (by setting the main clock stop bit to “0”), set sufficient time for oscillation to stabilize. The sub-clock XCIN-XCOUT oscillating circuit can not directly input clocks that are generated externally. Accordingly, make sure to cause an external resonator to oscillate. Oscillation Control (1) Stop mode To ensure that the interrupts will be received to release the STP or WIT state, their interrupt enable bits must be set to “1” before executing of the STP or WIT instruction. When releasing the STP state, the prescaler 12 and timer 1 will start counting the clock XIN divided by 16. Accordingly, set the timer 1 interrupt enable bit to “0” before executing the STP instruction. ■Note • If you switch the mode between middle/high-speed and lowspeed, stabilize both X IN and XCIN oscillations. The sufficient time is required for the sub-clock to stabilize, especially immediately after power on and at returning from the stop mode. When switching the mode between middle/high-speed and low-speed, set the frequency on condition that f(XIN) > 3•f(XCIN). • When using the oscillation stabilizing time set after STP instruction released bit set to “1”, evaluate time to stabilize oscillation of the used oscillator and set the value to the timer 1 and prescaler 12. XCIN XCOUT XIN XOUT Rd (Note) Rf If the STP instruction is executed, the internal clock φ stops at an “H” level, and XIN and XCIN oscillation stops. When the oscillation stabilizing time set after STP instruction released bit (bit 0 of address 003816) is “0”, the prescaler 12 is set to “FF16” and timer 1 is set to “0116”. When the oscillation stabilizing time set after STP instruction released bit is “1”, set the sufficient time for oscillation of used oscillator to stabilize since nothing is set to the prescaler 12 and timer 1. After STP instruction is released, the input of the prescaler 12 is connected to count source which had set at executing the STP instruction, and the output of the prescaler 12 is connected to timer 1. Oscillator restarts when an external interrupt is received, but the internal clock φ is not supplied to the CPU (remains at “H”) until timer 1 underflows. The internal clock φ is supplied for the first time, when timer 1 underflows. This ensures time for the clock oscillation using the ceramic resonators to be stabilized. When the oscillator is restarted by reset, apply “L” level to the RESET pin until the oscillation is stable since a wait time will not be generated. Rd CCIN CCOUT CI N COUT Notes : Insert a damping resistor if required. The resistance will vary depending on the oscillator and the oscillation drive capacity setting. Use the value recommended by the maker of the oscillator. Also, if the oscillator manufacturer's data sheet specifies to add a feedback resistor externally to the chip though a feedback resistor exists on-chip, insert a feedback resistor between XIN and XOUT following the instruction. Fig. 42 Ceramic resonator circuit XCIN XCOUT Rf XIN XOUT Open Rd External oscillation circuit CCIN CCOUT Vcc Vss Fig. 43 External clock input circuit Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 38 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) [MISRG (MISRG)] 003816 b0 b7 MISRG consists of three control bits (bits 1 to 3) for middle-speed mode automatic switch and one control bit (bit 0) for oscillation stabilizing time set after STP instruction released. By setting the middle-speed mode automatic switch start bit to “1” while operating in the low-speed mode and setting the middlespeed mode automatic switch set bit to “1”, X IN oscillation automatically starts and the mode is automatically switched to the middle-speed mode. MISRG (MISRG : address 003816) Oscillation stabilizing time set after STP instruction released bit 0: Automatically set “0116” to Timer 1, “FF16” to Prescaler 12 1: Automatically set nothing Middle-speed mode automatic switch set bit 0: Not set automatically 1: Automatic switching enable Middle-speed mode automatic switch wait time set bit 0: 6.5 to 7.5 machine cycles 1: 4.5 to 5.5 machine cycles Middle-speed mode automatic switch start bit (Depending on program) 0: Invalid 1: Automatic switch start Not used (return “0” when read) Note: When the mode is automatically switched from the low-speed mode to the middle-speed mode, the value of CPU mode register (address 003B16) changes. Fig. 44 Structure of MISRG XCOUT XCIN “0” “1” Port XC switch bit XOUT XIN (Note 4) Timer 12 count source selection bit Main clock division ratio selection bits (Note 1) Low-speed mode 1/2 1/4 Prescaler 12 1/2 High-speed or middle-speed mode (Note 3) Timer 1 Reset or STP instruction (Note 2) Main clock division ratio selection bits (Note 1) Middle-speed mode Timing φ (internal clock) High-speed or low-speed mode Main clock stop bit Q S R S Q STP instruction WIT instruction R Reset Q S R STP instruction Reset Interrupt disable flag l Interrupt request Notes 1: Any one of high-speed, middle-speed or low-speed mode is selected by bits 7 and 6 of the CPU mode register. When low-speed mode is selected, set port Xc switch bit (b4) to “1”. 2: f(XIN)/16 is supplied as the count source to the prescaler 12 at reset, the count source before executing the STP instruction is supplied as the count source at executing STP instruction. 3: When bit 0 of MISRG = “0”, the prescaler 12 is set to "FF16" and timer 1 is set to "0116". When bit 0 of MISRG = “1”, set the sufficient time for oscillation of used oscillator to stabilize since nothing is set to the prescaler 12 and timer 1. 4: Although a feed-back resistor exists on-chip, an external feed-back resistor may be needed depending on conditions. Fig. 45 System clock generating circuit block diagram (Single-chip mode) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 39 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Reset ” “0 4 → M C ”← 0” “1 6 → “ CM ” ← “1 Middle-speed mode (f(φ) = 1 MHz) CM7 = 0 CM6 = 1 CM5 = 0 (8 MHz oscillating) CM4 = 1 (32 kHz oscillating) CM “0 4 CM ” ← “1 6 → “ ”← 1” → “0 ” CM6 “1” ←→ “0” CM “0 7 ” CM ← → “1 6 “1 ”← ” → “0 ” Middle-speed mode automatic switch set bit "1" High-speed mode (f(φ) = 4 MHz) CM7 = 0 CM6 = 0 CM5 = 0 (8 MHz oscillating) CM4 = 1 (32 kHz oscillating) Low-speed mode (f(φ)=16 kHz) CM7 = 1 CM6 = 0 CM5 = 0 (8 MHz oscillating) CM4 = 1 (32 kHz oscillating) CM5 “1” ←→ “0” Middle-speed mode automatic switch start bit "1" CM7 = 0 CM6 = 0 CM5 = 0 (8 MHz oscillating) CM4 = 0 (32 kHz stopped) CM4 “1” ←→ “0” CM4 “1” ←→ “0” CM7 = 0 CM6 = 1 CM5 = 0 (8 MHz oscillating) CM4 = 0 (32 kHz stopped) High-speed mode (f(φ) = 4 MHz) CM6 “1” ←→ “0” CM7 “1” ←→ “0” Middle-speed mode (f(φ) = 1 MHz) Low-speed mode (f(φ)=16 kHz) CM7 = 1 CM6 = 0 CM5 = 1 (8 MHz stopped) CM4 = 1 (32 kHz oscillating) b7 b4 CPU mode register (CPUM : address 003B16) CM4 : Port Xc switch bit 0 : I/O port function (stop oscillating) 1 : XCIN-XCOUT oscillating function CM5 : Main clock (XIN- XOUT) stop bit 0 : Operating 1 : Stopped CM7, CM6: Main clock division ratio selection bit b7 b6 0 0 : φ = f(XIN)/2 ( High-speed mode) 0 1 : φ = f(XIN)/8 (Middle-speed mode) 1 0 : φ = f(XCIN)/2 (Low-speed mode) 1 1 : Not available Notes 1 : Switch the mode by the allows shown between the mode blocks. (Do not switch between the modes directly without an allow.) 2 : The all modes can be switched to the stop mode or the wait mode and return to the source mode when the stop mode or the wait mode is ended. 3 : Timer operates in the wait mode. 4 : After STP instruction is released, the count source which had set by bit 2 (timer 12 count source selection bit) of the timer count source set register at executing the STP instruction is supplied to timer 1. Accordingly, when bit 0 of MISRG is “0” and the timer 12 count source selection bit is “0” (f(XIN)/16 or f(XCIN)/16), a delay of approximately 1 ms occurs automatically in the high/middle-speed mode. A delay of approximately 256 ms occurs automatically in the low-speed mode (at f(XIN) = 8 MHz, f(XCIN) = 32 kHz). When the timer 12 count source selection bit is “1” (f(XCIN)), a delay of approximately 16 ms occurs regardless of the operation mode. 5 : Wait until oscillation stabilizes after oscillating the main clock XIN before the switching from the low-speed mode to middle/high-speed mode. 6 : When the mode is switched to the middle-speed mode by the middle-speed mode automatic switch set bit of MISRG, the waiting time set by the middle-speed mode automatic switch wait time set bit is automatically generated, and then the mode is switched to the middlespeed mode. 7 : The example assumes that 8 MHz is being applied to the XIN pin and 32 kHz to the XCIN pin. φ indicates the internal clock. Fig. 46 State transitions of system clock Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 40 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) FLASH MEMORY MODE Summary The M38507F8A (flash memory version) has an internal new DINOR (DIvided bit line NOR) flash memory that can be rewritten with a single power source when VCC is 5 V, and 2 power sources when VPP is 5 V and VCC is 3.0-5.5 V in the CPU rewrite and standard serial I/O modes. For this flash memory, three flash memory modes are available in which to read, program, and erase: the parallel I/O and standard serial I/O modes in which the flash memory can be manipulated using a programmer and the CPU rewrite mode in which the flash memory can be manipulated by the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Table 8 lists the summary of the M38507F8A (flash memory version). The flash memory of the M38507F8 is divided into User ROM area and Boot ROM area as shown in Figure 47. In addition to the ordinary User ROM area to store the MCU operation control program, the flash memory has a Boot ROM area that is used to store a program to control rewriting in CPU rewrite and standard serial I/O modes. This Boot ROM area has had a standard serial I/O mode control program stored in it when shipped from the factory. However, the user can write a rewrite control program in this area that suits the user’s application system. This Boot ROM area can be rewritten in only parallel I/O mode. Table 8 Summary of M38507F8A (flash memory version) Item Power source voltage VPP voltage (For Program/Erase) Flash memory mode Erase block division User ROM area Boot ROM area Program method Erase method Program/Erase control method Number of commands Number of program/Erase times ROM code protection Specifications Vcc = 2.7– 5.5 V (Note 1) Vcc = 2.7–3.6 V (Note 2) 4.5-5.5 V 3 modes (Parallel I/O mode, Standard serial I/O mode, CPU rewrite mode) 1 block (32 Kbytes) 1 block (4 Kbytes) (Note 3) Byte program Batch erasing Program/Erase control by software command 6 commands 100 times Available in parallel I/O mode and standard serial I/O mode Notes 1: The power source voltage must be Vcc = 4.5–5.5 V at program and erase operation. 2: The power source voltage can be Vcc = 3.0–3.6 V also at program and erase operation. 3: The Boot ROM area has had a standard serial I/O mode control program stored in it when shipped from the factory. This Boot ROM area can be rewritten in only parallel I/O mode. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 41 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) (1) CPU Rewrite Mode Microcomputer Mode and Boot Mode In CPU rewrite mode, the internal flash memory can be operated on (read, program, or erase) under control of the Central Processing Unit (CPU). In CPU rewrite mode, only the User ROM area shown in Figure 47 can be rewritten; the Boot ROM area cannot be rewritten. Make sure the program and block erase commands are issued for only the User ROM area and each block area. The control program for CPU rewrite mode can be stored in either User ROM or Boot ROM area. In the CPU rewrite mode, because the flash memory cannot be read from the CPU, the rewrite control program must be transferred to internal RAM area to be executed before it can be executed. The control program for CPU rewrite mode must be written into the User ROM or Boot ROM area in parallel I/O mode beforehand. (If the control program is written into the Boot ROM area, the standard serial I/O mode becomes unusable.) See Figure 47 for details about the Boot ROM area. Normal microcomputer mode is entered when the microcomputer is reset with pulling CNV SS pin low. In this case, the CPU starts operating using the control program in the User ROM area. When the microcomputer is reset by pulling the P41/INT0 pin high, the CNVss pin high, the CPU starts operating using the control program in the Boot ROM area (program start address is FFFC16, FFFD16 fixation). This mode is called the “Boot” mode. Block Address Block addresses refer to the maximum address of each block. These addresses are used in the block erase command. In case of the M38507F8A, it has only one block. Parallel I/O mode 800016 Block 1 : 32 kbyte FFFF16 F00016 4 kbyte FFFF16 User ROM area Boot ROM area BSEL = 0 BSEL = 1 CPU rewrite mode, standard serial I/O mode 800016 Block 1 : 32 kbyte Product name Flash memory start address M38507F8A 800016 FFFF16 F00016 4 kbyte FFFF16 User ROM area User area / Boot area selection bit = 0 Boot ROM area User area / Boot area selection bit = 1 Notes 1: The Boot ROM area can be rewritten in only parallel input/ output mode. (Access to any other areas is inhibited.) 2: To specify a block, use the maximum address in the block. Fig. 47 Block diagram of built-in flash memory Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 42 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Outline Performance (CPU Rewrite Mode) CPU rewrite mode is usable in the single-chip or Boot mode. The only User ROM area can be rewritten in CPU rewrite mode. In CPU rewrite mode, the CPU erases, programs and reads the internal flash memory by executing software commands. This rewrite control program must be transferred to the RAM before it can be executed. The MCU enters CPU rewrite mode by applying 5 V ± 0.5 V to the CNVSS pin and setting “1” to the CPU Rewrite Mode Select Bit (bit 1 of address 0FFE16). Software commands are accepted once the mode is entered. Use software commands to control program and erase operations. Whether a program or erase operation has terminated normally or in error can be verified by reading the status register. Figure 48 shows the flash memory control register. Bit 0 is the RY/BY status flag used exclusively to read the operating status of the flash memory. During programming and erase operations, it is “0” (busy). Otherwise, it is “1” (ready). Bit 1 is the CPU Rewrite Mode Select Bit. When this bit is set to “1”, the MCU enters CPU rewrite mode. Software commands are accepted once the mode is entered. In CPU rewrite mode, the CPU becomes unable to access the internal flash memory directly. b7 Therefore, use the control program in the RAM for write to bit 1. To set this bit to “1”, it is necessary to write “0” and then write “1” in succession. The bit can be set to “0” by only writing “0”. Bit 2 is the CPU Rewrite Mode Entry Flag. This flag indicates “1” in CPU rewrite mode, so that reading this flag can check whether CPU rewrite mode has been entered or not. Bit 3 is the flash memory reset bit used to reset the control circuit of internal flash memory. This bit is used when exiting CPU rewrite mode and when flash memory access has failed. When the CPU Rewrite Mode Select Bit is “1”, setting “1” for this bit resets the control circuit. To set this bit to “1”, it is necessary to write “0” and then write “1” in succession. To release the reset, it is necessary to set this bit to “0”. Bit 4 is the User Area/Boot Area Select Bit. When this bit is set to “1”, Boot ROM area is accessed, and CPU rewrite mode in Boot ROM area is available. In Boot mode, this bit is set to “1” automatically. Reprogramming of this bit must be in the RAM. Figure 49 shows a flowchart for setting/releasing CPU rewrite mode. b0 Flash memory control register (address 0FFE16) (Note 1) FMCR RY/BY status flag 0: Busy (being programmed or erased) 1: Ready CPU rewrite mode select bit (Note 2) 0: Normal mode (Software commands invalid) 1: CPU rewrite mode (Software commands acceptable) CPU rewrite mode entry flag 0: Normal mode 1: CPU rewrite mode Flash memory reset bit (Note 3) 0: Normal operation 1: Reset User ROM area / Boot ROM area select bit (Note 4) 0: User ROM area accessed 1: Boot ROM area accessed Reserved bits (Indefinite at read/ “0” at write) Notes 1: The contents of flash memory control register are “XXX00001” just after reset release. In the mask ROM version, this address is reserved area. 2: For this bit to be set to “1”, the user needs to write “0” and then “1” to it in succession. If it is not this procedure, this bit will not be set to “1”. Additionally, it is required to ensure that no interrupt will be generated during that interval. Use the control program in the area except the built-in flash memory for write to this bit. 3: This bit is valid when the CPU rewrite mode select bit is “1”. Set this bit 3 to “0” subsequently after setting bit 3 to “1”. 4: Use the control program in the area except the built-in flash memory for write to this bit. Fig.48 Structure of flash memory control register Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 43 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Start Single-chip mode or Boot mode (Note 1) Set CPU mode register (Note 2) Transfer CPU rewrite mode control program to RAM Setting Jump to control program transferred in RAM (Subsequent operations are executed by control program in this RAM) Set CPU rewrite mode select bit to “1” (by writing “0” and then “1” in succession) Check CPU rewrite mode entry flag Using software command execute erase, program, or other operation Execute read array command or reset flash memory by setting flash memory reset bit (by writing “1” and then “0” in succession) (Note 3) Released Write “0” to CPU rewrite mode select bit End Notes 1: When starting the MCU in the single-chip mode, supply 4.5 V to 5.25 V to the CNVss pin until checking the CPU rewrite mode entry flag. 2: Set bits 6, 7 (main clock division ratio selection bits) at CPU mode register (003B16). 3: Before exiting the CPU rewrite mode after completing erase or program operation, always be sure to execute the read array command or reset the flash memory. Fig. 49 CPU rewrite mode set/release flowchart Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 44 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Precautions on CPU Rewrite Mode Described below are the precautions to be observed when rewriting the flash memory in CPU rewrite mode. (1) Operation speed During CPU rewrite mode, set the internal clock frequency 6.25 MHz or less using the main clock division ratio selection bits (bit 6, 7 at 003B16). (2) Instructions inhibited against use The instructions which refer to the internal data of the flash memory cannot be used during CPU rewrite mode . (3) Interrupts inhibited against use The interrupts cannot be used during CPU rewrite mode because they refer to the internal data of the flash memory. (4) Watchdog timer In case of the watchdog timer has been running already, the internal reset generated by watchdog timer underflow does not happen, because of watchdog timer is always clearing during program or erase operation. (5) Reset Reset is always valid. In case of CNVSS = H when reset is released, boot mode is active. So the program starts from the address contained in address FFFC16 and FFFD16 in boot ROM area. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 45 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Software Commands (CPU Rewrite Mode) Table 9 lists the software commands. After setting the CPU Rewrite Mode Select Bit of the flash memory control register to “1”, execute a software command to specify an erase or program operation. Each software command is explained below. ●Read Array Command (FF16) The read array mode is entered by writing the command code “FF16” in the first bus cycle. When an address to be read is input in one of the bus cycles that follow, the contents of the specified address are read out at the data bus (D0 to D7). The read array mode is retained intact until another command is written. register mode is entered automatically and the contents of the status register is read at the data bus (D0 to D7). The status register bit 7 (SR7) is set to “0” at the same time the write operation starts and is returned to “1” upon completion of the write operation. In this case, the read status register mode remains active until the next command is written. ____ The RY/BY Status Flag is “0” (busy) during write operation and “1” (ready) when the write operation is completed as is the status register bit 7. At program end, program results can be checked by reading bit 4 (SR4) of the status register. Start ●Read Status Register Command (7016) The read status register mode is entered by writing the command code “7016” in the first bus cycle. The contents of the status register are read out at the data bus (D0 to D7) by a read in the second bus cycle. The status register is explained in the next section. Write 4016 Write Write address Write data Status register read ●Clear Status Register Command (5016) This command is used to clear the bits SR1, SR4, and SR5 of the status register after they have been set. These bits indicate that operation has ended in an error. To use this command, write the command code “5016” in the first bus cycle. SR7 = 1 ? or RY/BY = 1 ? ●Program Command (4016) Program operation starts when the command code “4016” is written in the first bus cycle. Then, if the address and data to program are written in the 2nd bus cycle, program operation (data programming and verification) will start. Whether the write operation is completed can be confirmed by _____ reading the status register or the RY/BY Status Flag of the flash memory control register. When the program starts, the read status NO YES NO SR4 = 0 ? Program error YES Program completed (Read array command “FF16” write) Fig. 50 Program flowchart Table 9 List of software commands (CPU rewrite mode) Command Cycle number Mode Read array 1 Write Read status register 2 Clear status register First bus cycle Data Address (D0 to D7) Second bus cycle Mode Address Data (D0 to D7) Read X SRD (Note 2) (Note 1) F F1 6 Write X 7016 1 Write X 5016 Program 2 Write X 4016 Write WA (Note 3) WD (Note 3) Erase all blocks 2 Write X 2016 Write X 2016 Block erase 2 Write X 2016 Write (Note 4) D016 X Notes 1: X denotes a given address in the User ROM area . 2: SRD = Status Register Data 3: WA = Write Address, WD = Write Data 4: BA = Block Address to be erased (Input the maximum address of each block.) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 46 of 86 BA 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●Erase All Blocks Command (2016/2016) By writing the command code “2016” in the first bus cycle and the confirmation command code “2016” in the second bus cycle that follows, the operation of erase all blocks (erase and erase verify) starts. Whether the erase all blocks command is terminated can be con____ firmed by reading the status register or the RY/BY Status Flag of flash memory control register. When the erase all blocks operation starts, the read status register mode is entered automatically and the contents of the status register can be read out at the data bus (D0 to D7). The status register bit 7 (SR7) is set to “0” at the same time the erase operation starts and is returned to “1” upon completion of the erase operation. In this case, the read status register mode remains active until another command is written. ____ The RY/BY Status Flag is “0” during erase operation and “1” when the erase operation is completed as is the status register bit 7 (SR7). After the erase all blocks end, erase results can be checked by reading bit 5 (SRS) of the status register. For details, refer to the section where the status register is detailed. ●Block Erase Command (2016/D016) By writing the command code “2016” in the first bus cycle and the confirmation command code “D016” and the blobk address in the second bus cycle that follows, the block erase (erase and erase verify) operation starts for the block address of the flash memory to be specified. Whether the block erase operation is completed can be confirmed ____ by reading the status register or the RY/BY Status Flag of flash memory control register. At the same time the block erase operation starts, the read status register mode is automatically entered, so that the contents of the status register can be read out. The status register bit 7 (SR7) is set to “0” at the same time the block erase operation starts and is returned to “1” upon completion of the block erase operation. In this case, the read status register mode remains active until the read array command (FF16) is written. ____ The RY/BY Status Flag is “0” during block erase operation and “1” when the block erase operation is completed as is the status register bit 7. After the block erase ends, erase results can be checked by reading bit 5 (SRS) of the status register. For details, refer to the section where the status register is detailed. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 47 of 86 Start Write 2016 Write 2016/D016 Block address 2016:Erase all blocks command D016:Block erase command Status register read SR7 = 1 ? or RY/BY = 1 ? NO YES SR5 = 0 ? YES Erase completed (Read comand “FF16” write) Fig. 51 Erase flowchart NO Erase error 3850 Group (Spec.A) Status Register (SRD) The status register shows the operating status of the flash memory and whether erase operations and programs ended successfully or in error. It can be read in the following ways: (1) By reading an arbitrary address from the User ROM area after writing the read status register command (7016) (2) By reading an arbitrary address from the User ROM area in the period from when the program starts or erase operation starts to when the read array command (FF16) is input. Also, the status register can be cleared by writing the clear status register command (5016). After reset, the status register is set to “8016”. Table 10 shows the status register. Each bit in this register is explained below. •Erase status (SR5) The erase status indicates the operating status of erase operation. If an erase error occurs, it is set to “1”. When the erase status is cleared, it is set to “0”. •Program status (SR4) The program status indicates the operating status of write operation. When a write error occurs, it is set to “1”. The program status is set to “0” when it is cleared. If “1” is written for any of the SR5 and SR4 bits, the program, erase all blocks, and block erase commands are not accepted. Before executing these commands, execute the clear status register command (5016) and clear the status register. Also, if any commands are not correct, both SR5 and SR4 are set to “1”. •Sequencer status (SR7) The sequencer status indicates the operating status of the flash memory. This bit is set to “0” (busy) during write or erase operation and is set to “1” when these operations ends. After power-on, the sequencer status is set to “1” (ready). Table 10 Definition of each bit in status register (SRD) Symbol Status name SR7 (bit7) Sequencer status SR6 (bit6) SR5 (bit5) Reserved Erase status SR4 (bit4) SR3 (bit3) Program status Reserved SR2 (bit2) SR1 (bit1) Reserved Reserved SR0 (bit0) Reserved Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 48 of 86 Definition “1” “0” Ready - Busy - Terminated in error Terminated in error Terminated normally Terminated normally - - - - 3850 Group (Spec.A) Full Status Check By performing full status check, it is possible to know the execution results of erase and program operations. Figure 52 shows a full status check flowchart and the action to be taken when each error occurs. Read status register SR4 = 1 and SR5 = 1 ? YES Command sequence error NO SR5 = 0 ? NO Erase error Execute the clear status register command (5016) to clear the status register. Try performing the operation one more time after confirming that the command is entered correctly. Should an erase error occur, the block in error cannot be used. YES SR4 = 0 ? NO Program error Should a program error occur, the block in error cannot be used. YES End (erase, program) Note: When one of SR5 and SR4 is set to “1”, none of the read array, the program, erase all blocks, and block erase commands is accepted. Execute the clear status register command (5016) before executing these commands. Fig. 52 Full status check flowchart and remedial procedure for errors Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 49 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Functions To Inhibit Rewriting Flash Memory Version To prevent the contents of internal flash memory from being read out or rewritten easily, this MCU incorporates a ROM code protect function for use in parallel I/O mode and an ID code check function for use in standard serial I/O mode. ●ROM Code Protect Function (in Parallel I/O Mode) The ROM code protect function is the function to inhibit reading out or modifying the contents of internal flash memory by using the ROM code protect control (address FFDB 16) in parallel I/O mode. Figure 53 shows the ROM code protect control (address FFDB16). (This address exists in the User ROM area.) If one or both of the pair of ROM Code Protect Bits is set to “0”, b7 the ROM code protect is turned on, so that the contents of internal flash memory are protected against readout and modification. The ROM code protect is implemented in two levels. If level 2 is selected, the flash memory is protected even against readout by a shipment inspection LSI tester, etc. When an attempt is made to select both level 1 and level 2, level 2 is selected by default. If both of the two ROM Code Protect Reset Bits are set to “00”, the ROM code protect is turned off, so that the contents of internal flash memory can be read out or modified. Once the ROM code protect is turned on, the contents of the ROM Code Protect Reset Bits cannot be modified in parallel I/O mode. Use the serial I/O or CPU rewrite mode to rewrite the contents of the ROM Code Protect Reset Bits. b0 1 1 ROM code protect control register (address FFDB16) (Note 1) ROMCP Reserved bits (“1” at read/write) ROM code protect level 2 set bits (ROMCP2) (Notes 2, 3) b3b2 0 0: Protect enabled 0 1: Protect enabled 1 0: Protect enabled 1 1: Protect disabled ROM code protect reset bits (Note 4) b5b4 0 0: Protect removed 0 1: Protect set bits effective 1 0: Protect set bits effective 1 1: Protect set bits effective ROM code protect level 1 set bits (ROMCP1) (Note 2) b7b6 0 0: Protect enabled 0 1: Protect enabled 1 0: Protect enabled 1 1: Protect disabled Notes 1: This area is on the ROM in the mask ROM version. 2: When ROM code protect is turned on, the internal flash memory is protected against readout or modification in parallel I/O mode. 3: When ROM code protect level 2 is turned on, ROM code readout by a shipment inspection LSI tester, etc. also is inhibited. 4: The ROM code protect reset bits can be used to turn off ROM code protect level 1 and ROM code protect level 2. However, since these bits cannot be modified in parallel I/O mode, they need to be rewritten in standard serial I/O mode or CPU rewrite mode. Fig. 53 Structure of ROM code protect control Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 50 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) ID Code Check Function (in Standard serial I/O mode) Use this function in standard serial I/O mode. When the contents of the flash memory are not blank, the ID code sent from the programmer is compared with the ID code written in the flash memory to see if they match. If the ID codes do not match, the commands sent from the programmer are not accepted. The ID code consists of 8-bit data, and its areas are FFD4 16 to FFDA 16. Write a program which has had the ID code preset at these addresses to the flash memory. Address FFD416 ID1 FFD516 ID2 FFD616 ID3 FFD716 ID4 FFD816 ID5 FFD916 ID6 FFDA16 ID7 FFDB16 ROM code protect control Interrupt vector area Fig. 54 ID code store addresses Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 51 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) (2) Parallel I/O Mode Parallel I/O mode is the mode which parallel output and input software command, address, and data required for the operations (read, program, erase, etc.) to a built-in flash memory. Use the exclusive external equipment flash programmer which supports the 3850 Group (flash memory version). Refer to each programmer maker’s handling manual for the details of the usage. User ROM and Boot ROM Areas In parallel I/O mode, the user ROM and boot ROM areas shown in Figure 47 can be rewritten. Both areas of flash memory can be operated on in the same way. Program and block erase operations can be performed in the user ROM area. The user ROM area and its block is shown in Figure 47. The boot ROM area is 4 Kbytes in size. It is located at addresses F00016 through FFFF16. Make sure program and block erase operations are always performed within this address range. (Access to any location outside this address range is prohibited.) In the Boot ROM area, an erase block operation is applied to only one 4 Kbyte block. The boot ROM area has had a standard serial I/O mode control program stored in it when shipped from the Mitsubishi factory. Therefore, using the device in standard serial I/O mode, you do not need to write to the boot ROM area. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 52 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) (3) Standard serial I/O Mode The standard serial I/O mode inputs and outputs the software commands, addresses and data needed to operate (read, program, erase, etc.) the internal flash memory. This I/O is clock synchronized serial. This mode requires the exclusive external equipment (serial programmer). The standard serial I/O mode is different from the parallel I/O mode in that the CPU controls flash memory rewrite (uses the CPU rewrite mode), rewrite data input and so forth. The standard serial I/O mode is started by connecting “H” to the P26 (SCLK1) pin and “H” to the P41 (INT0) pin and “H” to the CNVSS pin (apply 4.5 V to 5.5 V to Vpp from an external source), and releasing the reset operation. (In the ordinary microcomputer mode, set CNVss pin to “L” level.) This control program is written in the Boot ROM area when the product is shipped from Mitsubishi. Accordingly, make note of the fact that the standard serial I/O mode cannot be used if the Boot ROM area is rewritten in parallel I/O mode. Figure 55 shows the pin connection for the standard serial I/O mode. In standard serial I/O mode, serial data I/O uses the four serial I/O pins SCLK1 , RxD, TxD and SRDY1 (BUSY). The SCLK1 pin is the transfer clock input pin through which an external transfer clock is input. The TxD pin is for CMOS output. The S RDY1 (BUSY) pin outputs “L” level when ready for reception and “H” level when reception starts. Serial data I/O is transferred serially in 8-bit units. In standard serial I/O mode, only the User ROM area shown in Figure 47 can be rewritten. The Boot ROM area cannot. In standard serial I/O mode, a 7-byte ID code is used. When there is data in the flash memory, commands sent from the peripheral unit (programmer) are not accepted unless the ID code matches. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 53 of 86 Outline Performance (Standard Serial I/O Mode) In standard serial I/O mode, software commands, addresses and data are input and output between the MCU and peripheral units (serial programmer, etc.) using 4-wire clock-synchronized serial I/O (serial I/O1). In reception, software commands, addresses and program data are synchronized with the rise of the transfer clock that is input to the SCLK1 pin, and are then input to the MCU via the RxD pin. In transmission, the read data and status are synchronized with the fall of the transfer clock, and output from the TxD pin. The TxD pin is for CMOS output. Transfer is in 8-bit units with LSB first. When busy, such as during transmission, reception, erasing or program execution, the S RDY1 (BUSY) pin is “H” level. Accordingly, always start the next transfer after the SRDY1 (BUSY) pin is “L” level. Also, data and status registers in a memory can be read after inputting software commands. Status, such as the operating state of the flash memory or whether a program or erase operation ended successfully or not, can be checked by reading the status register. Here following explains software commands, status registers, etc. 3850 Group (Spec.A) Table 11 Description of pin function (Standard Serial I/O Mode) Pin Name I/O Description VCC,VSS Power input CNVSS CNVSS I Connect to VCC when VCC = 4.5 V to 5.5 V. Connect to Vpp (=4.5 V to 5.5 V) when VCC = 2.7 V to 4.5 V. RESET Reset input I Reset input pin. While reset is “L” level, a 20 cycle or longer clock must be input to XIN pin. XIN Clock input I XOUT Clock output O Connect a ceramic resonator or crystal oscillator between XIN and XOUT pins. To input an externally generated clock, input it to XIN pin and open XOUT pin. AVSS Analog power supply input VREF Reference voltage input I Enter the reference voltage for AD from this pin. P00 to P07 Input port P0 I Input “H” or “L” level signal or open. P10 to P17 Input port P1 I Input “H” or “L” level signal or open. P20 to P23 Input port P2 I Input “H” or “L” level signal or open. P24 RxD input I Serial data input pin P25 TxD output O Serial data output pin P26 SCLK1 input I Serial clock input pin P27 BUSY output O BUSY signal output pin P30 to P34 Input port P3 I Input “H” or “L” level signal or open. P40, P42 to P44 Input port P4 I Input “H” or “L” level signal or open. P41 Input port P4 I Input “H” level signal, when reset is released. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 54 of 86 Apply program/erase protection voltage to Vcc pin and 0 V to Vss pin. Connect AVSS to VSS . 3850 Group (Spec.A) VCC VSS P41 BUSY SCLK1 TxD RXD RxD ✽ 2 VPP RESET ✽1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 M38507F8ASP/FP VCC VREF AVSS P44/INT3/PWM P43/INT2/SCMP2 P42/INT1 P41/INT0 P40/CNTR1 P27/CNTR0/SRDY1 P26/SCLK1 P25/TxD P24/RxD P23/SCL1 P22/SDA1 CNVSS P21/XCIN P20/XCOUT RESET XIN XOUT VSS 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 P30/AN0 P31/AN1 P32/AN2 P33/AN3 P34/AN4 P00/SIN2 P01/SOUT2 P02/SCLK2 P03/SRDY2 P04 P05 P06 P07 P10(LED0) P11(LED1) P12(LED2) P13(LED3) P14(LED4) P15(LED5) P16(LED6) P17(LED7) Mode setup method Signal Value CNVSS 4.5 to 5.5 V P41 VCC ✽ 3 SCLK1 VCC ✽ 3 RESET VSS → VCC Notes 1: Connect oscillator circuit 2: Connect to Vcc when Vcc = 4.5 V to 5.5 V. Connect to VPP (=4.5 V to 5.5 V) when Vcc = 2.7 V to 4.5 V. 3: It is necessary to apply Vcc only when reset is released. Fig. 55 Pin connection diagram in standard serial I/O mode Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 55 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Software Commands (Standard Serial I/O Mode) commands via the RxD pin. Software commands are explained here below. Table 12 lists software commands. In standard serial I/O mode, erase, program and read are controlled by transferring software Table 12 Software commands (Standard serial I/O mode) 1st byte transfer Control command 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte 5th byte 6th byte ..... When ID is not verified Address (middle) Address (high) Data output Data output Data output Not acceptable Address (high) Data input Data input Data input Data output to 259th byte Data input to 259th byte 1 Page read FF16 2 Page program 4116 Address (middle) 3 Erase all blocks A716 D016 4 Read status register 7016 SRD output 5 Clear status register 5016 6 ID code check F516 Address (low) Address (middle) Address (high) ID size ID1 7 Download function FA16 Size (low) Size (high) Checksum Data input To required number of times 8 Version data output function FB16 Version data output Version data output Version data output Version data output Version data output Not acceptable Not acceptable SRD1 output Acceptable Not acceptable To ID7 Acceptable Not acceptable Version data output to 9th byte Acceptable Notes1: Shading indicates transfer from the internal flash memory microcomputer to a programmer. All other data is transferred from an external equipment (programmer) to the internal flash memory microcomputer. 2: SRD refers to status register data. SRD1 refers to status register 1 data. 3: All commands can be accepted when the flash memory is totally blank. 4: Address high must be “0016”. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 56 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●Page Read Command This command reads the specified page (256 bytes) in the flash memory sequentially one byte at a time. Execute the page read command as explained here following. (1) Transfer the “FF16” command code with the 1st byte. (2) Transfer addresses A8 to A15 and A16 to A23 with the 2nd and 3rd bytes respectively. (3) From the 4th byte onward, data (D0 to D7) for the page (256 bytes) specified with addresses A 8 to A 23 will be output sequentially from the smallest address first synchronized with the fall of the clock. SCLK1 RxD FF16 A8 to A15 A16 to A23 data0 TxD SRDY1(BUSY) Fig. 56 Timing for page read ●Read Status Register Command This command reads status information. When the “7016 ” command code is transferred with the 1st byte, the contents of the status register (SRD) with the 2nd byte and the contents of status register 1 (SRD1) with the 3rd byte are read. SCLK1 RxD TxD SRDY1(BUSY) Fig. 57 Timing for reading status register Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 57 of 86 7016 SRD output SRD1 output data255 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●Clear Status Register Command This command clears the bits (SR4, SR5) which are set when the status register operation ends in error. When the “5016” command code is sent with the 1st byte, the aforementioned bits are cleared. When the clear status register operation ends, the SRDY1 (BUSY) signal changes from “H” to “L” level. SCLK1 RxD 5016 TxD SRDY1(BUSY) Fig. 58 Timing for clear status register ●Page Program Command This command writes the specified page (256 bytes) in the flash memory sequentially one byte at a time. Execute the page program command as explained here following. (1) Transfer the “4116” command code with the 1st byte. (2) Transfer addresses A8 to A15 and A16 to A23 (“00 16”) with the 2nd and 3rd bytes respectively. (3) From the 4th byte onward, as write data (D0 to D 7) for the page (256 bytes) specified with addresses A8 to A23 is input sequentially from the smallest address first, that page is automatically written. When reception setup for the next 256 bytes ends, the S RDY1 (BUSY) signal changes from “H” to “L” level. The result of the page program can be known by reading the status register. For more information, see the section on the status register. SCLK1 RxD TxD SRDY1(BUSY) Fig. 59 Timing for page program Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 58 of 86 4116 A8 to A15 A16 to A23 data0 data255 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●Erase All Blocks Command This command erases the contents of all blocks. Execute the erase all blocks command as explained here following. (1) Transfer the “A716” command code with the 1st byte. (2) Transfer the verify command code “D016” with the 2nd byte. With the verify command code, the erase operation will start and continue for all blocks in the flash memory. When erase all blocks end, the S RDY1 (BUSY) signal changes from “H” to “L” level. The result of the erase operation can be known by reading the status register. SCLK1 RxD TxD SRDY1(BUSY) Fig. 60 Timing for erase all blocks Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 59 of 86 A716 D016 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●Download Command This command downloads a program to the RAM for execution. Execute the download command as explained here following. (1) Transfer the “FA16” command code with the 1st byte. (2) Transfer the program size with the 2nd and 3rd bytes. (3) Transfer the check sum with the 4th byte. The check sum is added to all data sent with the 5th byte onward. (4) The program to execute is sent with the 5th byte onward. When all data has been transmitted, if the check sum matches, the downloaded program is executed. The size of the program will vary according to the internal RAM. SCLK1 RxD TxD SRDY1(BUSY) Fig. 61 Timing for download Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 60 of 86 FA16 Data size Data size (high) (low) Check sum Program data Program data 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●Version Information Output Command This command outputs the version information of the control program stored in the Boot ROM area. Execute the version information output command as explained here following. (1) Transfer the “FB16” command code with the 1st byte. (2) The version information will be output from the 2nd byte onward. This data is composed of 8 ASCII code characters. SCLK1 RxD TxD SRDY1(BUSY) Fig. 62 Timing for version information output Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 61 of 86 FB16 ‘V’ ‘E’ ‘R’ ‘X’ 3850 Group (Spec.A) (1) Transfer the “F516” command code with the 1st byte. (2) Transfer addresses A0 to A7, A8 to A15 and A16 to A23 (“0016”) of the 1st byte of the ID code with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th bytes respectively. (3) Transfer the number of data sets of the ID code with the 5th byte. (4) Transfer the ID code with the 6th byte onward, starting with the 1st byte of the code. ●ID Check This command checks the ID code. Execute the boot ID check command as explained here following. SCLK1 F516 RxD D416 FF16 0016 ID size TxD SRDY1(BUSY) Fig. 63 Timing for ID check ●ID Code When the flash memory is not blank, the ID code sent from the serial programmer and the ID code written in the flash memory are compared to see if they match. If the codes do not match, the command sent from the serial programmer is not accepted. An ID code contains 8 bits of data. Area is, from the 1st byte, addresses FFD416 to FFDA16. Write a program into the flash memory, which already has the ID code set for these addresses. Address FFD416 ID1 FFD516 ID2 FFD616 ID3 FFD716 ID4 FFD816 ID5 FFD916 ID6 FFDA16 ID7 FFDB16 ROM code protect control Interrupt vector area Fig. 64 ID code storage addresses Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 62 of 86 ID1 ID7 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●Status Register (SRD) The status register indicates operating status of the flash memory and status such as whether an erase operation or a program ended successfully or in error. It can be read by writing the read status register command (70 16 ). Also, the status register is cleared by writing the clear status register command (5016). Table 13 lists the definition of each status register bit. After releasing the reset, the status register becomes “8016”. •Sequencer status (SR7) The sequencer status indicates the operating status of the flash memory. After power-on and recover from deep power down mode, the sequencer status is set to “1” (ready). This status bit is set to “0” (busy) during write or erase operation and is set to “1” upon completion of these operations. •Erase status (SR5) The erase status indicates the operating status of erase operation. If an erase error occurs, it is set to “1”. When the erase status is cleared, it is set to “0”. •Program status (SR4) The program status indicates the operating status of write operation. If a program error occurs, it is set to “1”. When the program status is cleared, it is set to “0”. Table 13 Definition of each bit of status register (SRD) Definition SRD0 bits Status name “1” “0” Ready Busy Reserved Erase status Terminated in error Terminated normally SR4 (bit4) SR3 (bit3) Program status Reserved Terminated in error - Terminated normally - SR2 (bit2) SR1 (bit1) Reserved Reserved - - SR0 (bit0) Reserved - - SR7 (bit7) Sequencer status SR6 (bit6) SR5 (bit5) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 63 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) ●Status Register 1 (SRD1) The status register 1 indicates the status of serial communications, results from ID checks and results from check sum comparisons. It can be read after the status register (SRD) by writing the read status register command (7016). Also, status register 1 is cleared by writing the clear status register command (5016). Table 14 lists the definition of each status register 1 bit. This register becomes “0016” when power is turned on and the flag status is maintained even after the reset. •Boot update completed bit (SR15) This flag indicates whether the control program was downloaded to the RAM or not, using the download function. •Check sum consistency bit (SR12) This flag indicates whether the check sum matches or not when a program, is downloaded for execution using the download function. •ID check completed bits (SR11 and SR10) These flags indicate the result of ID checks. Some commands cannot be accepted without an ID code check. •Data reception time out (SR9) This flag indicates when a time out error is generated during data reception. If this flag is attached during data reception, the received data is discarded and the MCU returns to the command wait state. Table 14 Definition of each bit of status register 1 (SRD1) SRD1 bits SR15 (bit7) SR14 (bit6) Boot update completed bit Reserved SR13 (bit5) SR12 (bit4) Reserved Checksum match bit SR11 (bit3) SR10 (bit2) ID check completed bits SR9 (bit1) SR8 (bit0) Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 Definition Status name Data reception time out Reserved page 64 of 86 “1” “0” Update completed - Not Update - Match 00 01 Not verified Verification mismatch 10 11 Reserved Verified Time out - Mismatch Normal operation - 3850 Group (Spec.A) Full Status Check Results from executed erase and program operations can be known by running a full status check. Figure 65 shows a flowchart of the full status check and explains how to remedy errors which occur. Read status register SR4 = 1 and SR5 = 1 ? YES Command sequence error NO SR5 = 0 ? NO Erase error Execute the clear status register command (5016) to clear the status register. Try performing the operation one more time after confirming that the command is entered correctly. Should an erase error occur, the block in error cannot be used. YES SR4 = 0 ? NO Program error Should a program error occur, the block in error cannot be used. YES End (Erase, program) Note: When one of SR5 to SR4 is set to “1” , none of the program, erase all blocks commands is accepted. Execute the clear status register command (5016) before executing these commands. Fig. 65 Full status check flowchart and remedial procedure for errors Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 65 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Example Circuit Application for Standard Serial I/O Mode Figure 66 shows a circuit application for the standard serial I/O mode. Control pins will vary according to a programmer, therefore see a programmer manual for more information. P41 Clock input SCLK1 BUSY output SRDY1 (BUSY) Data input RXD Data output TXD VPP power source input CNVss M38507F8A Notes 1: Control pins and external circuitry will vary according to peripheral unit. For more information, see the peripheral unit manual. 2: In this example, the Vpp power supply is supplied from an external source (writer). To use the user’s power source, connect to 4.5 V to 5.5 V. 3: It is necessary to apply Vcc to SCLK1 pin only when reset is released. Fig. 66 Example circuit application for standard serial I/O mode Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 66 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Flash memory Electrical characteristics Table 15 Absolute maximum ratings Symbol VCC VI VI VI VI VO VO Pd Topr Tstg Parameter Power source voltage Input voltage P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44, VREF Input voltage P22, P23 Input voltage RESET, XIN Input voltage CNVSS Output voltage P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44, XOUT Output voltage P22, P23 Power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Conditions All voltages are based on VSS. When an input voltage is measured, output transistors are cut off. Ta = 25 °C Ratings –0.3 to 6.5 Unit V –0.3 to VCC +0.3 V –0.3 to 5.8 –0.3 to VCC +0.3 –0.3 to 6.5 V V V –0.3 to VCC +0.3 V –0.3 to 5.8 1000 (Note) 25±5 –40 to 125 V mW °C °C Note: The rating becomes 300 mW at the PRSP0042GA-B package. Table 16 Flash memory mode Electrical characteristics (Ta = 25oC, VCC = 4.5 to 5.5V unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Symbol IPP1 IPP2 IPP3 VPP VCC VPP power source current (read) VPP power source current (program) VPP power source current (erase) VPP power source voltage VCC power source voltage Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 67 of 86 Conditions Min. Max. Unit 4.5 100 60 30 5.5 µA mA mA V 4.5 5.5 V 3.0 3.6 V VPP = VCC VPP = VCC VPP = VCC Microcomputer mode operation at VCC = 2.7 to 5.5V Microcomputer mode operation at VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V Typ. 3850 Group (Spec.A) NOTES ON PROGRAMMING Processor Status Register The contents of the processor status register (PS) after a reset are undefined, except for the interrupt disable flag (I) which is “1”. After a reset, initialize flags which affect program execution. In particular, it is essential to initialize the index X mode (T) and the decimal mode (D) flags because of their effect on calculations. Interrupts The contents of the interrupt request bits do not change immediately after they have been written. After writing to an interrupt request register, execute at least one instruction before performing a BBC or BBS instruction. Serial Interface In clock synchronous serial I/O, if the receive side is using an external clock and it is to output the SRDY1 signal, set the transmit enable bit, the receive enable bit, and the SRDY1 output enable bit to “1”. Serial I/O1 continues to output the final bit from the TXD pin after transmission is completed. SOUT2 pin for serial I/O2 goes to high impedance after transmission is completed. When an external clock is used as synchronous clock in serial I/ O1 or serial I/O2, write transmission data to the transmit buffer register or serial I/O2 register while the transfer clock is “H”. A/D Converter Decimal Calculations • To calculate in decimal notation, set the decimal mode flag (D) to “1”, then execute an ADC or SBC instruction. After executing an ADC or SBC instruction, execute at least one instruction before executing a SEC, CLC, or CLD instruction. • In decimal mode, the values of the negative (N), overflow (V), and zero (Z) flags are invalid. Timers If a value n (between 0 and 255) is written to a timer latch, the frequency division ratio is 1/(n+1). Multiplication and Division Instructions • The index X mode (T) and the decimal mode (D) flags do not affect the MUL and DIV instruction. • The execution of these instructions does not change the contents of the processor status register. The comparator uses capacitive coupling amplifier whose charge will be lost if the clock frequency is too low. Therefore, make sure that f(XIN) in the middle/high-speed mode is at least on 500 kHz during an A/D conversion. Do not execute the STP instruction during an A/D conversion. Instruction Execution Time The instruction execution time is obtained by multiplying the frequency of the internal clock φ by the number of cycles needed to execute an instruction. The number of cycles required to execute an instruction is shown in the list of machine instructions. The frequency of the internal clock φ is half of the XIN frequency in high-speed mode. Reserved Area, Reserved bit Do not write any data to the reserved area and the reserved bit. (Do not change the contents after reset.) Ports The contents of the port direction registers cannot be read. The following cannot be used: • The data transfer instruction (LDA, etc.) • The operation instruction when the index X mode flag (T) is “1” • The addressing mode which uses the value of a direction register as an index • The bit-test instruction (BBC or BBS, etc.) to a direction register • The read-modify-write instructions (ROR, CLB, or SEB, etc.) to a direction register. Use instructions such as LDM and STA, etc., to set the port direction registers. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 68 of 86 CPU Mode Register Fix bit 3 of the CPU mode register to “1”. 3850 Group (Spec.A) NOTES ON USAGE Differences among 3850 group (standard), 3850 group (spec. H), and 3850 group (spec. A) (1) The absolute maximum ratings of 3850 group (spec. H/A) is smaller than that of 3850 group (standard). •Power source voltage Vcc = –0.3 to 6.5 V •CNVss input voltage VI = –0.3 to Vcc +0.3 V (2) The oscillation circuit constants of XIN-XOUT, XCIN-XCOUT may be some differences between 3850 group (standard) and 3850 group (spec. A). (3) Be sure to perform the termination of unused pins. Handling of Source Pins In order to avoid a latch-up occurrence, connect a capacitor suitable for high frequencies as bypass capacitor between power source pin (VCC pin) and GND pin (VSS pin) and between power source pin (VCC pin) and analog power source input pin (AV SS pin). Besides, connect the capacitor to as close as possible. For bypass capacitor which should not be located too far from the pins to be connected, a ceramic capacitor of 0.01 µF–0.1µF is recommended. Power Source Voltage When the power source voltage value of a microcomputer is less than the value which is indicated as the recommended operating conditions, the microcomputer does not operate normally and may perform unstable operation. In a system where the power source voltage drops slowly when the power source voltage drops or the power supply is turned off, reset a microcomputer when the power source voltage is less than the recommended operating conditions and design a system not to cause errors to the system by this unstable operation. Flash Memory Version Connect the CNVSS/VPP pin the shortest possible to the GND pattern which is supplied to the Vss pin of the microcomputer. In addition connecting an approximately 1 k to 5 kΩ resistor in series to the GND could improve noise immunity. In this case as well as the above mention, connect the pin the shortest possible to the GND pattern which is supplied to the Vss pin of the microcomputer. ●Reason The CNVSS/VPP pin is the power source input pin for the built-in flash memory. When programming in the flash memory, the impedance of the V PP pin is low to allow the electric current for writing to flow into the built-in flash memory. Because of this, noise can enter easily. If noise enters the VPP pin, abnormal instruction codes or data are read from the flash memory, which may cause a program runaway. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 69 of 86 The shortest CNVSS/(VPP) (Note) Approx. 5kΩ VSS (Note) The shortest Note. Shows the microcomputer's pin. Fig. 67 Wiring for the CNVSS/VPP pin Electric Characteristic Differences Between Mask ROM and Flash Memory Version MCUs There are differences in electric characteristics, operation margin, noise immunity, and noise radiation between mask ROM and flash memory version MCUs due to the differences in the manufacturing processes. When manufacturing an application system with the flash memory and then switching to use of the mask ROM version, perform sufficient evaluations for the commercial samples of the mask ROM version. DATA REQUIRED FOR MASK ORDERS The following are necessary when ordering a mask ROM production: 1. Mask ROM Order Confirmation Form✽ 2. Mark Specification Form✽ 3. Data to be written to ROM .................................. one floppy disk ✽For the mask ROM confirmation, refer to the “Renesas Technology” Homepage Rom ordering (http://www.renesas.com/ homepage.jsp). 3850 Group (Spec.A) Electrical characteristics Absolute maximum ratings Table 17 Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Parameter VCC Power source voltage Input voltage P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, VI P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44, VREF VI VI VI VO VO Pd Topr Tstg Input voltage Input voltage Input voltage Output voltage P22, P23 RESET, XIN CNVSS P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44, XOUT Output voltage P22, P23 Power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Note : The rating becomes 300mW at the PRSP0042GA-B package. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 70 of 86 Conditions All voltages are based on VSS. When an input voltage is measured, output transistors are cut off. Ta = 25 °C Ratings –0.3 to 6.5 Unit V –0.3 to VCC +0.3 V –0.3 to 5.8 –0.3 to VCC +0.3 –0.3 to VCC +0.3 V V V –0.3 to VCC +0.3 V –0.3 to 5.8 1000 (Note) –20 to 85 –40 to 125 V mW °C °C 3850 Group (Spec.A) Recommended operating conditions Table 18 Recommended operating conditions (1) (VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter 12.5 MHz (high-speed mode) 12.5 MHz (middle-speed mode), 6 MHz (high-speed mode) 32 kHz (low-speed mode) VCC Power source voltage VSS VREF AVSS VIA VIH Power source voltage A/D convert reference voltage Analog power source voltage Analog input voltage “H” input voltage VIH VIH VIL VIL VIL ΣIOH(peak) ΣIOH(peak) ΣIOL(peak) ΣIOL(peak) ΣIOL(peak) ΣIOH(avg) ΣIOH(avg) ΣIOL(avg) ΣIOL(avg) ΣIOL(avg) Min. 4.0 2.7 Limits Typ. 5.0 5.0 Max. 5.5 5.5 0 Unit V AN0–AN8 P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 AVSS 0.8VCC VCC VCC V V V V V “H” input voltage P22, P23 “H” input voltage RESET, XIN, CNVSS “L” input voltage P00–P07, P10–P17, P20–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 “L” input voltage RESET, CNVSS 0.8VCC 0.8VCC 0 0 0 5.8 VCC 0.2VCC 0.2VCC 0.16VCC –80 –80 80 120 80 –40 –40 40 60 40 V V V V V mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA 2.0 VCC 0 “L” input voltage XIN “H” total peak output current (Note) P00–P07, P10–P17, P30–P34 “H” total peak output current (Note) P20, P21, P24–P27, P40–P44 “L” total peak output current (Note) P00–P07, P30–P34 “L” total peak output current (Note) P10–P17 “L” total peak output current(Note) P20–P27,P40–P44 “H” total average output current (Note) P00–P07, P10–P17, P30–P34 “H” total average output current (Note) P20, P21, P24–P27, P40–P44 “L” total average output current (Note) P00–P07, P30–P34 “L” total average output current (Note) P10–P17 “L” total average output current (Note) P20–P27,P40–P44 Note : The total output current is the sum of all the currents flowing through all the applicable ports. The total average current is an average value measured over 100 ms. The total peak current is the peak value of all the currents. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 71 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Table 19 Recommended operating conditions (2) (VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Symbol IOH(peak) IOL(peak) IOH(avg) IOL(avg) f(XIN) f(XIN) f(XCIN) Parameter Min. Limits Typ. P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 (Note 1) “L” peak output current (Note 1) P00–P07, P20–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 P10–P17 “H” average output current P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 (Note 2) “L” average output current (Note 2) P00–P07, P20–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 P10–P17 Internal clock oscillation frequency (VCC = 4.0 to 5.5 V) (Note 3) Internal clock oscillation frequency (VCC = 2.7 to 4.0 V) (Note 3) Max. “H” peak output current –10 mA 10 20 mA mA –5 mA 5 15 12.5 mA mA MHz MHz kHz 5Vcc-7.5 32.768 Sub-clock input oscillation frequency (Note 3, 4) Unit 50 Notes 1: The peak output current is the peak current flowing in each port. 2: The average output current IOL(avg), IOH(avg) are average value measured over 100 ms. 3: When the oscillation frequency has a duty cycle of 50%. 4: When using the microcomputer in low-speed mode, set the sub-clock input oscillation frequency on condition that f(XCIN) < f(XIN)/3. Electrical characteristics Table 20 Electrical characteristics (1) (VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbol VOH VOL VOL Parameter “H” output voltage P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 (Note) “L” output voltage P00–P07, P20–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 “L” output voltage P10–P17 Test conditions IOH = –10 mA VCC = 4.0–5.5 V IOH = –1.0 mA VCC = 2.7–5.5 V IOL = 10 mA VCC = 4.0–5.5 V IOL = 1.0 mA VCC = 2.7–5.5 V IOL = 20 mA VCC = 4.0–5.5 V IOL = 10 mA VCC = 2.7–5.5 V Min. Typ. page 72 of 86 Unit VCC–2.0 V VCC–1.0 V Note: P25 is measured when the P25/TXD P-channel output disable bit of the UART control register (bit 4 of address 001B16) is “0”. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 Max. 2.0 V 1.0 V 2.0 V 1.0 V 3850 Group (Spec.A) Table 21 Electrical characteristics (2) (VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Limits Symbol VT+–VT– VT+–VT– VT+–VT– IIH IIH IIH IIL IIL IIL IIL VRAM Parameter Hysteresis CNTR0, CNTR1, INT0–INT3 Hysteresis RxD, SCLK1, SCLK2, SIN2 ____________ Hysteresis RESET “H” input current P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 ____________ “H” input current RESET, CNVSS “H” input current XIN “L” input current P00–P07, P10–P17, P20–P27 P30–P34, P40–P44 ____________ “L” input current RESET,CNVSS “L” input current XIN “L” input current (at Pull-up) P00–P07, P10–P17, P20, P21, P24–P27, P30–P34, P40–P44 RAM hold voltage Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 73 of 86 Test conditions Min. Typ. Max. 0.4 V 0.5 V 0.5 VI = VCC Pin floating, Pull-up Transistor "off" VI = VCC VI = VCC VI = VSS Pin floating, Pull-up Transistor "off" VI = VSS VI = VSS VI = VSS VCC = 5.0 V VI = VSS VI = 3.0 V When clock stopped Unit 5.0 5.0 4 –5.0 V µA µA µA µA –25 –4 –65 –120 µA µA µA –8 –22 –40 µA 5.5 V –5.0 2.0 3850 Group (Spec.A) Table 22 Electrical characteristics (3) (VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Symbol ICC Limits Test conditions Parameter Min. Except Power source current High-speed mode M38507F8AFP/SP f(XIN) = 12.5 MHz f(XCIN) = 32.768 kHz M38507F8AFP/SP Output transistors “off” High-speed mode Except f(XIN) = 8 MHz M38507F8AFP/SP f(XCIN) = 32.768 kHz M38507F8AFP/SP Output transistors “off” High-speed mode f(XIN) = 12.5 MHz (in WIT state) f(XCIN) = 32.768 kHz Output transistors “off” High-speed mode f(XIN) = 8 MHz (in WIT state) f(XCIN) = 32.768 kHz Output transistors “off” Middle-speed mode Except f(XIN) = 12.5 MHz M38507F8AFP/SP f(XCIN) = stopped M38507F8AFP/SP Output transistors “off” Middle-speed mode Except f(XIN) = 8 MHz M38507F8AFP/SP f(XCIN) = stopped M38507F8AFP/SP Output transistors “off” Middle-speed mode f(XIN) = 12.5 MHz (in WIT state) f(XCIN) = stopped Output transistors “off” Middle-speed mode f(XIN) = 8 MHz (in WIT state) f(XCIN) = stopped Output transistors “off” Except Low-speed mode f(XIN) = stopped M38507F8AFP/SP f(XCIN) = 32.768 kHz M38507F8FP/SP Output transistors “off” Except Low-speed mode M38507F8AFP/SP f(XIN) = stopped f(XCIN) = 32.768 kHz (in WIT state) M38507F8AFP/SP Output transistors “off” Except Low-speed mode (VCC = 3 V) f(XIN) = stopped M38507F8AFP/SP f(XCIN) = 32.768 kHz M38507F8AFP/SP Output transistors “off” Except Low-speed mode (VCC = 3 V) M38507F8AFP/SP f(XIN) = stopped f(XCIN) = 32.768 kHz (in WIT state) M38507F8AFP/SP Output transistors “off” Increment when A/D conversion is executed f(XIN) = 8 MHz All oscillation stopped (in STP state) Output transistors “off” Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 74 of 86 Ta = 25 °C Ta = 85 °C Unit Typ. Max. 6.5 13.0 mA 7.5 15.0 mA 5.0 10 mA 6.8 13 mA 1.6 4.5 mA 1.6 4.2 mA 4.0 7.0 mA 4.0 8.5 mA 3.0 6.5 mA 3.0 7.0 mA 1.5 4.2 mA 1.5 4.0 mA 60 200 µA 250 500 µA 40 70 µA 70 150 µA 20 55 µA 150 300 µA 5 10 µA 20 40 µA µA 800 0.1 1.0 µA 10 µA 3850 Group (Spec.A) A/D converter characteristics Table 23 A/D converter characteristics (VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, f(XIN) = 12.5 MHz, unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter – – tCONV Resolution Absolute accuracy (excluding quantization error) Conversion time RLADDER IVREF Ladder resistor Reference power source input current II(AD) A/D port input current Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 75 of 86 Test conditions VREF “on” VREF “off” Limits Min. High-speed mode, Middle-speed mode Low-speed mode VREF = 5.0 V 50 Typ. 40 35 150 0.5 Max. 10 ±4 61 200 5.0 5.0 Unit bit LSB 2tc(XIN) µs kΩ µA µA 3850 Group (Spec.A) Timing requirements Table 24 Timing requirements (1) (VCC = 4.0 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Symbol tW(RESET) tC(XIN) tWH(XIN) tWL(XIN) tC(CNTR) tWH(CNTR) tWL(CNTR) tWH(INT) tWL(INT) tC(SCLK1) tWH(SCLK1) tWL(SCLK1) tsu(RxD-SCLK1) th(SCLK1-RxD) tC(SCLK2) tWH(SCLK2) tWL(SCLK2) tsu(SIN2-SCLK2) th(SCLK2-SIN2) Parameter Reset input “L” pulse width External clock input cycle time External clock input “H” pulse width External clock input “L” pulse width CNTR0, CNTR1 input cycle time CNTR0, CNTR1 input “H” pulse width CNTR0, CNTR1 input “L” pulse width INT0 to INT3 input “H” pulse width INT0 to INT3 input “L” pulse width Serial I/O1 clock input cycle time (Note) Serial I/O1 clock input “H” pulse width (Note) Serial I/O1 clock input “L” pulse width (Note) Serial I/O1 input setup time Serial I/O1 input hold time Serial I/O2 clock input cycle time Serial I/O2 clock input “H” pulse width Serial I/O2 clock input “L” pulse width Serial I/O2 clock input setup time Serial I/O2 clock input hold time Limits Min. 20 80 32 32 200 80 80 80 80 800 370 370 220 100 1000 400 400 200 200 Typ. Max. Unit XIN cycle ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Note : When f(XIN) = 8 MHz and bit 6 of address 001A16 is “1” (clock synchronous). Divide this value by four when f(XIN) = 8 MHz and bit 6 of address 001A16 is “0” (UART). Table 25 Timing requirements (2) (VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Symbol tW(RESET) tC(XIN) tWH(XIN) tWL(XIN) tC(CNTR) tWH(CNTR) tWL(CNTR) tWH(INT) tWL(INT) tC(SCLK1) tWH(SCLK1) tWL(SCLK1) tsu(RxD-SCLK1) th(SCLK1-RxD) tC(SCLK2) tWH(SCLK2) tWL(SCLK2) tsu(SIN2-SCLK2) th(SCLK2-SIN2) Parameter Reset input “L” pulse width External clock input cycle time External clock input “H” pulse width External clock input “L” pulse width CNTR0, CNTR1 input cycle time CNTR0, CNTR1 input “H” pulse width CNTR0, CNTR1 input “L” pulse width INT0 to INT3 input “H” pulse width INT0 to INT3 input “L” pulse width Serial I/O1 clock input cycle time (Note) Serial I/O1 clock input “H” pulse width (Note) Serial I/O1 clock input “L” pulse width (Note) Serial I/O1 input setup time Serial I/O1 input hold time Serial I/O2 clock input cycle time Serial I/O2 clock input “H” pulse width Serial I/O2 clock input “L” pulse width Serial I/O2 clock input setup time Serial I/O2 clock input hold time Note : When f(XIN) = 4 MHz and bit 6 of address 001A16 is “1” (clock synchronous). Divide this value by four when f(XIN) = 4 MHz and bit 6 of address 001A16 is “0” (UART). Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 76 of 86 Limits Min. 20 166 66 66 500 230 230 230 230 2000 950 950 400 200 2000 950 950 400 300 Typ. Max. Unit XIN cycle ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 3850 Group (Spec.A) Switching characteristics Table 26 Switching characteristics (1) (VCC = 4.0 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol tWH (SCLK1) tWL (SCLK1) td (SCLK1-TXD) tv (SCLK1-TXD) tr (SCLK1) tf (SCLK1) tWH (SCLK2) tWL (SCLK2) td (SCLK2-SOUT2) tv (SCLK2-SOUT2) tf (SCLK2) tr (CMOS) tf (CMOS) Test conditions Serial I/O1 clock output “H” pulse width Serial I/O1 clock output “L” pulse width Serial I/O1 output delay time (Note 1) Serial I/O1 output valid time (Note 1) Serial I/O1 clock output rising time Serial I/O1 clock output falling time Serial I/O2 clock output “H” pulse width Serial I/O2 clock output “L” pulse width Serial I/O2 output delay time (Note 2) Serial I/O2 output valid time (Note 2) Serial I/O2 clock output falling time CMOS output rising time (Note 3) CMOS output falling time (Note 3) Fig. 67 Limits Min. Typ. tC(SCLK1)/2–30 tC(SCLK1)/2–30 Max. 140 –30 30 30 tC(SCLK2)/2–160 tC(SCLK2)/2–160 200 0 10 10 30 30 30 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Notes 1: When the P25/TXD P-channel output disable bit of the UART control register (bit 4 of address 001B16) is “0”. 2: When the P01/SOUT2 and P02/SCLK2 P-channel output disable bit of the Serial I/O2 control register 1 (bit 7 of address 001516) is “0”. 3: The XOUT pin is excluded. Table 27 Switching characteristics (2) (VCC = 2.7 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = –20 to 85 °C, unless otherwise noted) Symbol tWH (SCLK1) tWL (SCLK1) td (SCLK1-TXD) tv (SCLK1-TXD) tr (SCLK1) tf (SCLK1) tWH (SCLK2) tWL (SCLK2) td (SCLK2-SOUT2) tv (SCLK2-SOUT2) tf (SCLK2) tr (CMOS) tf (CMOS) Parameter Serial I/O1 clock output “H” pulse width Serial I/O1 clock output “L” pulse width Serial I/O1 output delay time (Note 1) Serial I/O1 output valid time (Note 1) Serial I/O1 clock output rising time Serial I/O1 clock output falling time Serial I/O2 clock output “H” pulse width Serial I/O2 clock output “L” pulse width Serial I/O2 output delay time (Note 2) Serial I/O2 output valid time (Note 2) Serial I/O2 clock output falling time CMOS output rising time (Note 3) CMOS output falling time (Note 3) Test conditions Fig. 67 Limits Min. Typ. tC(SCLK1)/2–50 tC(SCLK1)/2–50 Max. 350 –30 50 50 tC(SCLK2)/2–240 tC(SCLK2)/2–240 400 0 20 20 50 50 50 Notes 1: When the P25/TX D P-channel output disable bit of the UART control register (bit 4 of address 001B16) is “0”. 2: When the P01/SOUT2 and P02/SCLK2 P-channel output disable bit of the Serial I/O2 control register 1 (bit 7 of address 001516) is “0”. 3: The XOUT pin is excluded. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 77 of 86 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 3850 Group (Spec.A) Measurement output pin 100 pF CMOS output Fig. 68 Circuit for measuring output switching characteristics Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 78 of 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) tC(CNTR) tWL(CNTR) tWH(CNTR) C N TR 0 C N TR 1 0.8VCC 0.2VCC tWL(INT) tWH(INT) 0.8VCC INT0 to INT3 0.2VCC tW(RESET) RESET 0.8VCC 0.2VCC tC(XIN) tWL(XIN) tWH(XIN) 0.8VCC XIN SCLK1 SCLK2 tf 0.2VCC tC(SCLK1), tC(SCLK2) tWL(SCLK1), tWL(SCLK2) tWH(SCLK1), tWH(SCLK2) tr 0.8VCC 0.2VCC tsu(RxD-SCLK1), tsu(SIN2-SCLK2) RX D SIN2 0.8VCC 0.2VCC td(SCLK1-TXD), td(SCLK2-SOUT2) TX D SOUT2 Fig. 69 Timing diagram Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 th(SCLK1-RxD), th(SCLK2-SIN2) page 79 of 86 tv(SCLK1-TXD), tv(SCLK2-SOUT2) 3850 Group (Spec.A) PACKAGE OUTLINE RENESAS Code PRDP0042BA-A Previous Code 42P4B MASS[Typ.] 4.1g 22 1 21 *1 E 42 e1 JEITA Package Code P-SDIP42-13x36.72-1.78 c D A A2 *2 NOTE) 1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2" DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. DIMENSION "*3" DOES NOT INCLUDE TRIM OFFSET. Reference Symbol A1 L SEATING PLANE *3 e JEITA Package Code P-SSOP42-8.4x17.5-0.80 b3 RENESAS Code PRSP0042GA-B Previous Code 42P2R-E b2 MASS[Typ.] 0.6g E 22 *1 HE 42 *3 bp Dimension in Millimeters Min Nom Max e1 14.94 15.24 15.54 D 36.5 36.7 36.9 E 12.85 13.0 13.15 A 5.5 A1 0.51 A2 3.8 bp 0.35 0.45 0.55 b2 0.63 0.73 1.03 b3 0.9 1.0 1.3 c 0.22 0.27 0.34 0° 15° e 1.528 1.778 2.028 L 3.0 F NOTE) 1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2" DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. DIMENSION "*3" DOES NOT INCLUDE TRIM OFFSET. 21 1 Index mark A2 A1 c *2 Reference Symbol L A D e y *3 b p Detail F D E A2 A A1 bp c HE e y L Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 80 of 86 Dimension in Millimeters Min Nom Max 17.3 17.5 17.7 8.2 8.4 8.6 2.0 2.4 0.05 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.13 0.15 0.2 0° 10° 11.63 11.93 12.23 0.65 0.8 0.95 0.15 0.3 0.5 0.7 PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 3850 Group (Spec.A) APPENDIX NOTES ON PROGRAMMING 1. Processor status register (1) Initializing of processor status register Flags which affect program execution must be initialized after a reset. In particular, it is essential to initialize the T and D flags because they have an important effect on calculations. <Reason> After a reset, the contents of the processor status register (PS) are undefined except for the I flag which is “1”. Reset ↓ Initializing of flags ↓ Main program Fig. 1 Initialization of processor status register (2) How to reference the processor status register To reference the contents of the processor status register (PS), execute the PHP instruction once then read the contents of (S+1). If necessary, execute the PLP instruction to return the PS to its original status. 3. Decimal calculations (1) Execution of decimal calculations The ADC and SBC are the only instructions which will yield proper decimal notation, set the decimal mode flag (D) to “1” with the SED instruction. After executing the ADC or SBC instruction, execute another instruction before executing the SEC, CLC, or CLD instruction. (2) Notes on status flag in decimal mode When decimal mode is selected, the values of three of the flags in the status register (the N, V, and Z flags) are invalid after a ADC or SBC instruction is executed. The carry flag (C) is set to “1” if a carry is generated as a result of the calculation, or is cleared to “0” if a borrow is generated. To determine whether a calculation has generated a carry, the C flag must be initialized to “0” before each calculation. To check for a borrow, the C flag must be initialized to “1” before each calculation. Set D flag to “1” ↓ ADC or SBC instruction ↓ NOP instruction ↓ SEC, CLC, or CLD instruction Fig. 3 Execution of decimal calculations 4. JMP instruction When using the JMP instruction in indirect addressing mode, do not specify the last address on a page as an indirect address. (S) (S)+1 Stored PS Fig. 2 Stack memory contents after PHP instruction execution 2. BRK instruction (1) Interrupt priority level When the BRK instruction is executed with the following conditions satisfied, the interrupt execution is started from the address of interrupt vector which has the highest priority. • Interrupt request bit and interrupt enable bit are set to “1”. • Interrupt disable flag (I) is set to “1” to disable interrupt. 5. Multiplication and Division Instructions • The index X mode (T) and the decimal mode (D) flags do not affect the MUL and DIV instruction. • The execution of these instructions does not change the contents of the processor status register. 6. Ports The contents of the port direction registers cannot be read. The following cannot be used: • The data transfer instruction (LDA, etc.) • The operation instruction when the index X mode flag (T) is “1” • The addressing mode which uses the value of a direction register as an index • The bit-test instruction (BBC or BBS, etc.) to a direction register • The read-modify-write instructions (ROR, CLB, or SEB, etc.) to a direction register. Use instructions such as LDM and STA, etc., to set the port direction registers. 7. Instruction Execution Timing The instruction execution time can be obtained by multiplying the frequency of the internal clock φ by the number of cycles mentioned in the 740 Family Software Manual. The frequency of the internal clock φ is the twice the XIN cycle in high-speed mode, 8 times the XIN cycle in middle-speed mode, and the twice the XCIN in low-speed mode. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 81 of 86 PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 3850 Group (Spec.A) NOTES ON PERIPHERAL FUNCTIONS Notes on input and output ports 1. Notes in standby state In standby state*1, do not make input levels of an I/O port “undefined”, especially for I/O ports of the N-channel open-drain. When setting the N-channel open-drain port as an output, do not make input levels of an I/O port “undefined”, too. Pull-up (connect the port to VCC) or pull-down (connect the port to VSS) these ports through a resistor. When determining a resistance value, note the following points: • External circuit • Variation of output levels during the ordinary operation <Reason> When setting as an input port with its direction register, the transistor becomes the OFF state, which causes the ports to be the high-impedance state. Accordingly, the potential which is input to the input buffer in a microcomputer is unstable in the state that input levels of an I/O port are “undefined”. This may cause power source current. In I/O ports of N-channel open-drain, when the contents of the port latch are “1”, even if it is set as an output port with its direction register, it becomes the same phenomenon as the case of an input port. *1 Standby state: stop mode by executing STP instruction wait mode by executing WIT instruction 2. Modifying output data with bit managing instruction When the port latch of an I/O port is modified with the bit managing instruction*2, the value of the unspecified bit may be changed. <Reason> The bit managing instructions are read-modify-write form instructions for reading and writing data by a byte unit. Accordingly, when these instructions are executed on a bit of the port latch of an I/O port, the following is executed to all bits of the port latch. • As for bit which is set for input port: The pin state is read in the CPU, and is written to this bit after bit managing. • As for bit which is set for output port: The bit value is read in the CPU, and is written to this bit after bit managing. Note the following: • Even when a port which is set as an output port is changed for an input port, its port latch holds the output data. • As for a bit of which is set for an input port, its value may be changed even when not specified with a bit managing instruction in case where the pin state differs from its port latch contents. *2 Bit managing instructions: SEB and CLB instructions Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 82 of 86 Termination of unused pins 1. Terminate unused pins (1) I/O ports : • Set the I/O ports for the input mode and connect them to VCC or VSS through each resistor of 1 kΩ to 10 kΩ. In the port which can select a internal pull-up resistor, the internal pull-up resistor can be used. Set the I/O ports for the output mode and open them at “L” or “H”. • When opening them in the output mode, the input mode of the initial status remains until the mode of the ports is switched over to the output mode by the program after reset. Thus, the potential at these pins is undefined and the power source current may increase in the input mode. With regard to an effects on the system, thoroughly perform system evaluation on the user side. • Since the direction register setup may be changed because of a program runaway or noise, set direction registers by program periodically to increase the reliability of program. (2) The AVss pin when not using the A/D converter : • When not using the A/D converter, handle a power source pin for the A/D converter, AVss pin as follows: AVss: Connect to the Vss pin. 2. Termination remarks (1) Input ports and I/O ports : Do not open in the input mode. <Reason> • The power source current may increase depending on the firststage circuit. • An effect due to noise may be easily produced as compared with proper termination (1) in 1 shown on the above. (2) I/O ports : When setting for the input mode, do not connect to VCC or VSS directly. <Reason> If the direction register setup changes for the output mode because of a program runaway or noise, a short circuit may occur between a port and VCC (or VSS). (3) I/O ports : When setting for the input mode, do not connect multiple ports in a lump to VCC or VSS through a resistor. <Reason> If the direction register setup changes for the output mode because of a program runaway or noise, a short circuit may occur between ports. • At the termination of unused pins, perform wiring at the shortest possible distance (20 mm or less) from microcomputer pins. PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 3850 Group (Spec.A) Notes on Interrupts Notes on timer 1. Change of relevant register settings When the setting of the following registers or bits is changed, the interrupt request bit may be set to “1”. When not requiring the interrupt occurrence synchronized with these setting, take the following sequence. • Interrupt edge selection register (address 3A16) • Timer XY mode register (address 2316) Set the above listed registers or bits as the following sequence. • If a value n (between 0 and 255) is written to a timer latch, the frequency division ratio is 1/(n+1). • When switching the count source by the timer 12, X and Y count source selection bits, the value of timer count is altered in unconsiderable amount owing to generating of thin pulses in the count input signals. Therefore, select the timer count source before set the value to the prescaler and the timer. Set the corresponding interrupt enable bit to “0” (disabled) . ↓ Set the interrupt edge select bit (active edge switch bit) or the interrupt (source) select bit to “1”. ↓ NOP (one or more instructions) ↓ Set the corresponding interrupt request bit to “0” (no interrupt request issued). ↓ Set the corresponding interrupt enable bit to “1” (enabled). Fig. 4 Sequence of changing relevant register <Reason> When setting the followings, the interrupt request bit may be set to “1”. • When setting external interrupt active edge Concerned register: Interrupt edge selection register (address 3A16) Timer XY mode register (address 2316) • When switching interrupt sources of an interrupt vector address where two or more interrupt sources are allocated. Concerned register: Interrupt edge selection register (address 3A16) 2. Check of interrupt request bit When executing the BBC or BBS instruction to an interrupt request bit of an interrupt request register immediately after this bit is set to “0” by using a data transfer instruction, execute one or more instructions before executing the BBC or BBS instruction. Clear the interrupt request bit to “0” (no interrupt issued) ↓ NOP (one or more instructions) ↓ Execute the BBC or BBS instruction *Data transfer instruction: LDM, LDA, STA, STX, and STY instructions Fig. 5 Sequence of check of interrupt request bit <Reason> If the BBC or BBS instruction is executed immediately after an interrupt request bit of an interrupt request register is cleared to “0”, the value of the interrupt request bit before being cleared to “0” is read. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 83 of 86 Notes on serial interface 1. Notes when selecting clock synchronous serial I/O (Serial I/O1) (1) Stop of transmission operation Clear the serial I/O1 enable bit and the transmit enable bit to “0” (Serial I/O1 and transmit disabled). <Reason> Since transmission is not stopped and the transmission circuit is not initialized even if only the serial I/O1 enable bit is cleared to “0” (Serial I/O1 disabled), the internal transmission is running (in this case, since pins TxD, RxD, S CLK1, and S RDY1 function as I/O ports, the transmission data is not output). When data is written to the transmit buffer register in this state, data starts to be shifted to the transmit shift register. When the serial I/O1 enable bit is set to “1” at this time, the data during internally shifting is output to the TxD pin and an operation failure occurs. (2) Stop of receive operation Clear the receive enable bit to “0” (receive disabled), or clear the serial I/O1 enable bit to “0” (Serial I/O1 disabled). (3) Stop of transmit/receive operation Clear the transmit enable bit and receive enable bit to “0” simultaneously (transmit and receive disabled). (when data is transmitted and received in the clock synchronous serial I/O mode, any one of data transmission and reception cannot be stopped.) <Reason> In the clock synchronous serial I/O mode, the same clock is used for transmission and reception. If any one of transmission and reception is disabled, a bit error occurs because transmission and reception cannot be synchronized. In this mode, the clock circuit of the transmission circuit also operates for data reception. Accordingly, the transmission circuit does not stop by clearing only the transmit enable bit to “0” (transmit disabled). Also, the transmission circuit is not initialized by clearing the serial I/O1 enable bit to “0” (Serial I/O1 disabled) (refer to (1) in 1). (4) SRDY1 output of reception side (Serial I/O1) When signals are output from the SRDY1 pin on the reception side by using an external clock in the clock synchronous serial I/O mode, set all of the receive enable bit, the SRDY1 output enable bit, and the transmit enable bit to “1” (transmit enabled). PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 3850 Group (Spec.A) 2. Notes when selecting clock asynchronous serial I/O (Serial I/O1) (1) Stop of transmission operation Clear the transmit enable bit to “0” (transmit disabled). <Reason> Since transmission is not stopped and the transmission circuit is not initialized even if only the serial I/O1 enable bit is cleared to “0” (Serial I/O1 disabled), the internal transmission is running (in this case, since pins TxD, RxD, S CLK1 , and SRDY1 function as I/O ports, the transmission data is not output). When data is written to the transmit buffer register in this state, data starts to be shifted to the transmit shift register. When the serial I/O1 enable bit is set to “1” at this time, the data during internally shifting is output to the TxD pin and an operation failure occurs. (2) Stop of receive operation Clear the receive enable bit to “0” (receive disabled). (3) Stop of transmit/receive operation Only transmission operation is stopped. Clear the transmit enable bit to “0” (transmit disabled). <Reason> Since transmission is not stopped and the transmission circuit is not initialized even if only the serial I/O1 enable bit is cleared to “0” (Serial I/O1 disabled), the internal transmission is running (in this case, since pins TxD, RxD, S CLK1 , and SRDY1 function as I/O ports, the transmission data is not output). When data is written to the transmit buffer register in this state, data starts to be shifted to the transmit shift register. When the serial I/O1 enable bit is set to “1” at this time, the data during internally shifting is output to the TxD pin and an operation failure occurs. Only receive operation is stopped. Clear the receive enable bit to “0” (receive disabled). 3. Setting serial I/O1 control register again (Serial I/O1) Set the serial I/O1 control register again after the transmission and the reception circuits are reset by clearing both the transmit enable bit and the receive enable bit to “0”. 5. Transmit interrupt request when transmit enable bit is set (Serial I/O1) When the transmit interrupt is used, set the transmit interrupt enable bit to transmit enabled as shown in the following sequence. (1) Set the interrupt enable bit to “0” (disabled) with CLB instruction. (2) Prepare serial I/O for transmission/reception. (3) Set the interrupt request bit to “0” with CLB instruction after 1 or more instruction has been executed. (4) Set the interrupt enable bit to “1” (enabled). <Reason> When the transmission enable bit is set to “1”, the transmit buffer empty flag and transmit shift register completion flag are set to “1”. The interrupt request is generated and the transmission interrupt request bit is set regardless of which of the two timings listed below is selected as the timing for the transmission interrupt to be generated. • Transmit buffer empty flag is set to “1” • Transmit shift register completion flag is set to “1” 6. Transmission control when external clock is selected (Serial I/ O1 clock synchronous mode) When an external clock is used as the synchronous clock for data transmission, set the transmit enable bit to “1” at “H” of the SCLK1 input level. Also, write the transmit data to the transmit buffer register (serial I/O shift register) at “H” of the SCLK1 input level. 7. Transmit data writing (Serial I/O2) In the clock synchronous serial I/O, when selecting an external clock as synchronous clock, write the transmit data to the serial I/O2 register (serial I/O shift register) at “H” of the transfer clock input level. Notes on PWM The PWM starts after the PWM enable bit is set to enable and “L” level is output from the PWM pin. The length of this “L“ level output is as follows: Clear both the transmit enable bit (TE) and the receive enable bit (RE) to “0” ↓ n+1 2 • f(XIN) Set the bits 0 to 3 and bit 6 of the serial I/O1 control register Can be set with the ↓ LDM instruction at Set both the transmit enable bit (TE) and the the same time receive enable bit (RE), or one of them to “1” Fig. 6 Sequence of setting serial I/O1 control register again 4. Data transmission control with referring to transmit shift register completion flag (Serial I/O1) The transmit shift register completion flag changes from “1” to “0” with a delay of 0.5 to 1.5 shift clocks. When data transmission is controlled with referring to the flag after writing the data to the transmit buffer register, note the delay. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 84 of 86 n+1 f(XIN) sec. (Count source selection bit = “0”, where n is the value set in the prescaler) sec. (Count source selection bit = “1”, where n is the value set in the prescaler) PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 3850 Group (Spec.A) Notes on A/D converter Notes on using stop mode 1. Analog input pin Make the signal source impedance for analog input low, or equip an analog input pin with an external capacitor of 0.01 µF to 1 µF. Further, be sure to verify the operation of application products on the user side. <Reason> An analog input pin includes the capacitor for analog voltage comparison. Accordingly, when signals from signal source with high impedance are input to an analog input pin, charge and discharge noise generates. This may cause the A/D conversion precision to be worse. 1. Register setting Since values of the prescaler 12 and Timer 1 are automatically reloaded when returning from the stop mode, set them again, respectively. (When the oscillation stabilizing time set after STP instruction released bit is “0”) When using the oscillation stabilizing time set after STP instruction released bit set to “1”, evaluate time to stabilize oscillation of the used oscillator and set the value to the timer 1 and prescaler 12. 2. A/D converter power source pin The AVSS pin is A/D converter power source pin. Regardless of using the A/D conversion function or not, connect it as following : • AVSS : Connect to the VSS line <Reason> If the AVSS pin is opened, the microcomputer may have a failure because of noise or others. 3. Clock frequency during A/D conversion The comparator consists of a capacity coupling, and a charge of the capacity will be lost if the clock frequency is too low. Thus, make sure the following during an A/D conversion. • f(XIN) is 500 kHz or more in middle-/high-speed mode. • Do not execute the STP instruction. • When the A/D converter is operated at low-speed mode, f(X IN) do not have the lower limit of frequency, because of the A/D converter has a built-in self-oscillation circuit. Notes on watchdog timer • Make sure that the watchdog timer does not underflow while waiting Stop release, because the watchdog timer keeps counting during that term. • When the STP instruction disable bit has been set to “1”, it is impossible to switch it to “0” by a program. ____________ Notes on RESET pin 1. Connecting capacitor ____________ In case where the RESET signal rise time is long, connect a ce____________ ramic capacitor or others across the RESET pin and the VSS pin. Use a 1000 pF or more capacitor for high frequency use. When connecting the capacitor, note the following : • Make the length of the wiring which is connected to a capacitor as short as possible. • Be sure to verify the operation of application products on the user side. <Reason> If the several nanosecond or several ten nanosecond impulse noise ____________ enters the RESET pin, it may cause a microcomputer failure. 2. Reset release after power on When releasing the reset after power on, such as power-on reset, release reset after X IN passes more than 20 cycles in the state where the power supply voltage is 2.7 V or more and the XIN oscillation is stable. <Reason> ____________ To release reset, the RESET pin must be held at an “L” level for 20 cycles or more of XIN in the state where the power source voltage is between 2.7 V and 5.5 V, and XIN oscillation is stable. Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 85 of 86 2. Clock restoration After restoration from the stop mode to the normal mode by an interrupt request, the contents of the CPU mode register previous to the STP instruction execution are retained. Accordingly, if both main clock and sub clock were oscillating before execution of the STP instruction, the oscillation of both clocks is resumed at restoration. In the above case, when the main clock side is set as a system clock, the oscillation stabilizing time for approximately 8,000 cycles of the XIN input is reserved at restoration from the stop mode. At this time, note that the oscillation on the sub clock side may not be stabilized even after the lapse of the oscillation stabilizing time of the main clock side. Notes on wait mode • Clock restoration If the wait mode is released by a reset when XCIN is set as the system clock and XIN oscillation is stopped during execution of the WIT instruction, XCIN oscillation stops, XIN oscillations starts, and XIN is set as the system clock. ____________ In the above case, the RESET pin should be held at “L” until the oscillation is stabilized. Notes on CPU rewrite mode of flash memory version 1. Operation speed During CPU rewrite mode, set the internal clock frequency 4MHz or less by using the main clock division ratio selection bits (bits 6, 7 at address 003B16). 2. Instructions inhibited against use The instructions which refer to the internal data of the flash memory cannot be used during CPU rewrite mode . 3. Interrupts inhibited against use The interrupts cannot be used during CPU rewrite mode because they refer to the internal data of the flash memory. 4. Watchdog timer In case of the watchdog timer has been running already, the internal reset generated by watchdog timer underflow does not happen, because of watchdog timer is always clearing during program or erase operation. 5. Reset Reset is always valid. In case of CNVSS = “H” when reset is released, boot mode is active. So the program starts from the address contained in addresses FFFC16 and FFFD16 in boot ROM area. PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 3850 Group (Spec.A) Notes on restarting oscillation Handling of Source Pins • Restarting oscillation Usually, when the MCU stops the clock oscillation by STP instruction and the STP instruction has been released by an external interrupt source, the fixed values of Timer 1 and Prescaler 12 (Timer 1 = “0116 ”, Prescaler 12 = “FF 16”) are automatically reloaded in order for the oscillation to stabilize. The user can inhibit the automatic setting by writing “1” to bit 0 of MISRG (address 003816). However, by setting this bit to “1”, the previous values, set just before the STP instruction was executed, will remain in Timer 1 and Prescaler 12. Therefore, you will need to set an appropriate value to each register, in accordance with the oscillation stabilizing time, before executing the STP instruction. <Reason> Oscillation will restart when an external interrupt is received. However, internal clock φ is supplied to the CPU only when Timer 1 starts to underflow. This ensures time for the clock oscillation using the ceramic resonators to be stabilized. In order to avoid a latch-up occurrence, connect a capacitor suitable for high frequencies as bypass capacitor between power source pin (VCC pin) and GND pin (VSS pin) and between power source pin (VCC pin) and analog power source input pin (AVSS pin). Besides, connect the capacitor to as close as possible. For bypass capacitor which should not be located too far from the pins to be connected, a ceramic capacitor of 0.01 µF–0.1 µF is recommended. Flash Memory Version Connect the CNVSS/VPP pin the shortest possible to the GND pattern which is supplied to the Vss pin of the microcomputer. In addition connecting an approximately 1 k to 5 kΩ resistor in series to the GND could improve noise immunity. In this case as well as the above mention, connect the pin the shortest possible to the GND pattern which is supplied to the Vss pin of the microcomputer. ●Reason The CNVSS/VPP pin is the power source input pin for the built-in flash memory. When programming in the flash memory, the impedance of the V PP pin is low to allow the electric current for writing to flow into the built-in flash memory. Because of this, noise can enter easily. If noise enters the VPP pin, abnormal instruction codes or data are read from the flash memory, which may cause a program runaway. The shortest CNVSS/(VPP) (Note) Approx. 5kΩ VSS (Note) The shortest Note. Shows the microcomputer's pin. Fig. 7 Wiring for the CNVSS/VPP pin Rev.2.10 2005.11.14 REJ03B0093-0210 page 86 of 86 Differences among 3850 group (standard), 3850 group (spec. H), and 3850 group (spec. A) (1) The absolute maximum ratings of 3850 group (spec. H/A) is smaller than that of 3850 group (standard). • Power source voltage Vcc = 0.3 to 6.5 V • CNVss input voltage VI = –0.3 to Vcc +0.3 V (2) The oscillation circuit constants of XIN-XOUT, XCIN-XCOUT may be some differences between 3850 group (standard) and 3850 group (spec. H). (3) Do not write any data to the reserved area and the reserved bit. (Do not change the contents after reset.) (4) Fix bit 3 of the CPU mode register to “1”. (5) Be sure to perform the termination of unused pins. REVISION HISTORY Rev. Date Description Summary Page 1.00 Jun. 10, 2004 – 2.00 Sep. 01, 2005 1, 4-6 3 5 16 35 38 39 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 80 2.10 Nov. 14, 2005 1, 4-6 35 67, 70 69 80 81 to 86 3850 Group (Spec.A) Data Sheet First edition issued Package name is revised. 42P4B → PRDP0042BA-A Table 1 Pin description is partly revised. GROUP EXPANSION is revised. Fig. 12 Port block diagram (3) is partly revised. WATCHDOG TIMER is revised. Fig. 38 Structure of Watchdog timer control register is partly revised. CLOCK GENERATING CIRCUIT is partly revised. Oscillation Control (1) Stop mode is partly revised. Fig. 42 Ceramic resonator circuit is partly revised. Note 4 of Fig. 45 is added. Table 15 Absolute maximum ratings is partly revised. Reserved Area, Reserved Bit, CPU Mode Register are added. Differences among 3850 group (standard), 3850 group (spec.H), and 3850 group (spec.A) (3), (4) are deleted. Power Source Voltage is added. Flash Memory Version is revised. DATA REQUIRED FOR MASK ORDERS is partly revised. (http://www.renesas.com/jp/rom)(http://japan.renesas.com/homepage.jsp) Table 17 Absolute maximum ratings is partly revised. Table 18 Recommended operating conditions (1) is partly revised. Table 19 Recommended operating conditions (2) is partly revised. Table 21 Electrical characteristics (2) is partly revised. PACKAGE OUTLINE 42P4B is revised. Package name is revised. 42P2R-A/E → PRSP0042GA-B Fig. 38 Block diagram of watchdog timer revised. Table 15, Table 17 Package name is revised. 42P2R-A/E → PRSP0042GA-B Fig. 67 Wiring for the CNVSS/VPP pin added. PACKAGE OUTLINE 42P4B is revised. Appendix added. Sales Strategic Planning Div. Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Keep safety first in your circuit designs! 1. Renesas Technology Corp. puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage. Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with appropriate measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of nonflammable material or (iii) prevention against any malfunction or mishap. Notes regarding these materials 1. These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the Renesas Technology Corp. product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Renesas Technology Corp. or a third party. 2. Renesas Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, or infringement of any third-party's rights, originating in the use of any product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, or circuit application examples contained in these materials. 3. All information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs and algorithms represents information on products at the time of publication of these materials, and are subject to change by Renesas Technology Corp. without notice due to product improvements or other reasons. It is therefore recommended that customers contact Renesas Technology Corp. or an authorized Renesas Technology Corp. product distributor for the latest product information before purchasing a product listed herein. The information described here may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Renesas Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability, or other loss rising from these inaccuracies or errors. Please also pay attention to information published by Renesas Technology Corp. by various means, including the Renesas Technology Corp. Semiconductor home page (http://www.renesas.com). 4. When using any or all of the information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs, and algorithms, please be sure to evaluate all information as a total system before making a final decision on the applicability of the information and products. Renesas Technology Corp. assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability or other loss resulting from the information contained herein. 5. Renesas Technology Corp. semiconductors are not designed or manufactured for use in a device or system that is used under circumstances in which human life is potentially at stake. Please contact Renesas Technology Corp. or an authorized Renesas Technology Corp. product distributor when considering the use of a product contained herein for any specific purposes, such as apparatus or systems for transportation, vehicular, medical, aerospace, nuclear, or undersea repeater use. 6. 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