NCP1117, NCV1117 1.0 A Low-Dropout Positive Fixed and Adjustable Voltage Regulators The NCP1117 series are low dropout positive voltage regulators that are capable of providing an output current that is in excess of 1.0 A with a maximum dropout voltage of 1.2 V at 800 mA over temperature. This series contains nine fixed output voltages of 1.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.9 V, 2.0 V, 2.5 V, 2.85 V, 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and 12 V that have no minimum load requirement to maintain regulation. Also included is an adjustable output version that can be programmed from 1.25 V to 18.8 V with two external resistors. On chip trimming adjusts the reference/output voltage to within ±1.0% accuracy. Internal protection features consist of output current limiting, safe operating area compensation, and thermal shutdown. The NCP1117 series can operate with up to 20 V input. Devices are available in SOT−223 and DPAK packages. DPAK DT SUFFIX CASE 369C SOT−223 ST SUFFIX CASE 318H PIN CONFIGURATION Tab Features • Output Current in Excess of 1.0 A • 1.2 V Maximum Dropout Voltage at 800 mA Over Temperature • Fixed Output Voltages of 1.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.9 V, 2.0 V, 2.5 V, 2.85 V, • • • • • • • 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and 12 V Adjustable Output Voltage Option No Minimum Load Requirement for Fixed Voltage Output Devices Reference/Output Voltage Trimmed to ±1.0% Current Limit, Safe Operating and Thermal Shutdown Protection Operation to 20 V Input NCV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 Qualified and PPAP Capable These are Pb-Free Devices 123 SOT−223 (Top View) Tab 1 2 3 DPAK (Top View) Pin: 1. Adjust/Ground 2. Output 3. Input Heatsink tab is connected to Pin 2. Applications • • • • • ORDERING INFORMATION Consumer and Industrial Equipment Point of Regulation Active SCSI Termination for 2.85 V Version Switching Power Supply Post Regulation Hard Drive Controllers Battery Chargers © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2017 January, 2017 − Rev. 28 See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 12 of this data sheet. DEVICE MARKING INFORMATION See general marking information in the device marking section on page 14 of this data sheet. 1 Publication Order Number: NCP1117/D NCP1117, NCV1117 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 110 W Input 10 mF 3 + NCP1117 XTXX 2 Output Input 3 10 mF + + 10 1 mF NCP1117 XTA 3 2 Output 10 mF + 10 mF 1 4.75 V to 5.25 V Figure 1. Fixed Output Regulator Figure 2. Adjustable Output Regulator + NCP1117 XT285 110 W 2 + 22 mF 1 + 110 W 18 to 27 Lines 110 W Figure 3. Active SCSI Bus Terminator MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Vin 20 V − Infinite − PD RqJA RqJC Internally Limited 160 15 W °C/W °C/W PD RqJA RqJC Internally Limited 67 6.0 W °C/W °C/W Maximum Die Junction Temperature Range TJ −55 to 150 °C Storage Temperature Range Tstg −65 to 150 °C Operating Ambient Temperature Range NCP1117 NCV1117 TA Input Voltage (Note 1) Output Short Circuit Duration (Notes 2 and 3) Power Dissipation and Thermal Characteristics Case 318H (SOT−223) Power Dissipation (Note 2) Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Ambient, Minimum Size Pad Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Case Case 369A (DPAK) Power Dissipation (Note 2) Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Ambient, Minimum Size Pad Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Case °C 0 to +125 −40 to +125 Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. 1. This device series contains ESD protection and exceeds the following tests: Human Body Model (HBM), Class 2, 2000 V Machine Model (MM), Class B, 200 V Charge Device Model (CDM), Class IV, 2000 V. 2. Internal thermal shutdown protection limits the die temperature to approximately 175°C. Proper heatsinking is required to prevent activation. The maximum package power dissipation is: TJ(max) * TA PD + RqJA 3. The regulator output current must not exceed 1.0 A with Vin greater than 12 V. 2 NCP1117, NCV1117 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cin = 10 mF, Cout = 10 mF, for typical value TA = 25°C, for min and max values TA is the operating ambient temperature range that applies unless otherwise noted.) (Note 4) Characteristic Symbol Reference Voltage, Adjustable Output Devices (Vin–Vout = 2.0 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25°C) (Vin–Vout = 1.4 V to 10 V, Iout = 10 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) Vref Output Voltage, Fixed Output Devices 1.5 V (Vin = 3.5 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 2.9 V to 11.5 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) Vout Min Typ Max 1.238 1.225 1.25 − 1.262 1.270 1.485 1.470 1.500 − 1.515 1.530 Unit V V 1.8 V (Vin = 3.8 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 3.2 V to 11.8 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) 1.782 1.755 1.800 − 1.818 1.845 1.9 V (Vin = 3.9 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 3.3 V to 11.9 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) 1.872 1.862 1.900 1.900 1.929 1.938 2.0 V (Vin = 4.0 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 3.4 V to 12 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) 1.970 1.960 2.000 − 2.030 2.040 2.5 V (Vin = 4.5 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 3.9 V to 10 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA,) (Note 4) 2.475 2.450 2.500 − 2.525 2.550 2.85 V (Vin = 4.85 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 4.25 V to 10 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) (Vin = 4.0 V, Iout = 0 mA to 500 mA) (Note 4) 2.821 2.790 2.790 2.850 − − 2.879 2.910 2.910 3.3 V (Vin = 5.3 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 4.75 V to 10 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) 3.267 3.235 3.300 − 3.333 3.365 5.0 V (Vin = 7.0 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 6.5 V to 12 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) 4.950 4.900 5.000 − 5.050 5.100 12 V (Vin = 14 V, Iout = 10 mA, TA = 25 °C) (Vin = 13.5 V to 20 V, Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4) 11.880 11.760 12.000 − 12.120 12.240 − 0.04 0.1 % − − − − − − − − − 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 mV − 0.2 0.4 % − − − − − − − − − 2.3 2.6 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.8 4.3 6.7 16 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.5 8.0 10 15 28 mV − − − 0.95 1.01 1.07 1.10 1.15 1.20 Iout 1000 1500 2200 mA IL(min) − 0.8 5.0 mA Line Regulation (Note 5) 1.5 V 1.8 V 1.9 V 2.0 V 2.5 V 2.85 V 3.3 V 5.0 V 12 V Regline (Vin = 2.9 V to 11.5 V, Iout = 0 mA) (Vin = 3.2 V to 11.8 V, Iout = 0 mA) (Vin = 3.3 V to 11.9 V, Iout = 0 mA) (Vin = 3.4 V to 12 V, Iout = 0 mA) (Vin = 3.9 V to 10 V, Iout = 0 mA) (Vin = 4.25 V to 10 V, Iout = 0 mA) (Vin = 4.75 V to 15 V, Iout = 0 mA) (Vin = 6.5 V to 15 V, Iout = 0 mA) (Vin = 13.5 V to 20 V, Iout = 0 mA) Load Regulation (Note 5) 1.5 V 1.8 V 1.9 V 2.0 V 2.5 V 2.85 V 3.3 V 5.0 V 12 V Adjustable (Vin = 2.75 V to 16.25 V, Iout = 10 mA) Adjustable (Iout = 10 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 4.25 V) Regline (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 2.9 V) (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 3.2 V) (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 3.3 V) (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 3.4 V) (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 3.9 V) (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 4.25 V) (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 4.75 V) (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 6.5 V) (Iout = 0 mA to 800 mA, Vin = 13.5 V) Dropout Voltage (Measured at Vout − 100 mV) (Iout = 100 mA) (Iout = 500 mA) (Iout = 800 mA) Vin−Vout Output Current Limit (Vin−Vout = 5.0 V, TA = 25°C, Note 6) Minimum Required Load Current for Regulation, Adjustable Output Devices (Vin = 15 V) 3 V NCP1117, NCV1117 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (Cin = 10 mF, Cout = 10 mF, for typical value TA = 25°C, for min and max values TA is the operating ambient temperature range that applies unless otherwise noted.) (Note 4) Characteristic Symbol Quiescent Current 1.5 V (Vin = 11.5 V) 1.8 V (Vin = 11.8 V) 1.9 V (Vin = 11.9 V) 2.0 V (Vin = 12 V) 2.5 V (Vin = 10 V) 2.85 V (Vin = 10 V) 3.3 V (Vin = 15 V) 5.0 V (Vin = 15 V) 12 V (Vin = 20 V) Min Typ Max − − − − − − − − − 3.6 4.2 4.3 4.5 5.2 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 − 0.01 0.1 67 66 66 66 64 62 62 60 57 50 73 72 70 72 70 68 68 64 61 54 − − − − − − − − − − IQ Thermal Regulation (TA = 25°C, 30 ms Pulse) Unit mA %/W Ripple Rejection (Vin−Vout = 6.4 V, Iout = 500 mA, 10 Vpp 120 Hz Sinewave) Adjustable 1.5 V 1.8 V 1.9 V 2.0 V 2.5 V 2.85 V 3.3 V 5.0 V 12 V RR Adjustment Pin Current (Vin = 11.25 V, Iout = 800 mA) Iadj − 52 120 mA DIadj − 0.4 5.0 mA Temperature Stability ST − 0.5 − % Long Term Stability (TA = 25°C, 1000 Hrs End Point Measurement) St − 0.3 − % RMS Output Noise (f = 10 Hz to 10 kHz) N − 0.003 − %Vout Adjust Pin Current Change (Vin−Vout = 1.4 V to 10 V, Iout = 10 mA to 800 mA) dB Product parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions. 4. NCP1117: Tlow = 0°C , Thigh = 125°C NCV1117: Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = 125°C 5. Low duty cycle pulse techniques are used during testing to maintain the junction temperature as close to ambient as possible. 6. The regulator output current must not exceed 1.0 A with Vin greater than 12 V. 4 2.0 1.4 Vin = Vout + 3.0 V Iout = 10 mA 1.5 Vin − Vout, DROPOUT VOLTAGE (V) Vout, OUTPUT VOLTAGE CHANGE (%) NCP1117, NCV1117 Adj, 1.5 V, 1.8 V, 2.0 V, 2.5 V 1.0 0.5 0 −0.5 2.85 V, 3.3 V, 5.0 V, 12.0 V −1.0 −1.5 −2.0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ = −40°C 1.0 0.8 TJ = 125°C 0.6 0.4 0.2 Load pulsed at 1.0% duty cycle 0 150 125 TJ = 25°C 1.2 0 200 400 600 800 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) Iout, OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) Figure 4. Output Voltage Change vs. Temperature Figure 5. Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current 1000 2.0 2.0 Iout, OUTPUT CURRENT (A) Iout, OUTPUT CURRENT (A) TJ = 25°C 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 Vin = 5.0 V Load pulsed at 1.0% duty cycle Load pulsed at 1.0% duty cycle 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1.0 −50 20 0 25 50 75 100 125 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 6. Output Short Circuit Current vs. Differential Voltage Figure 7. Output Short Circuit Current vs. Temperature 100 Iadj, ADJUST PIN CURRENT (mA) −25 Vin − Vout, VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIAL (V) IQ, QUIESCENT CURRENT CHANGE (%) 0 80 60 150 10 5.0 0 −5.0 40 20 0 −50 Iout = 10 mA −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 −10 −15 −20 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 8. Adjust Pin Current vs. Temperature Figure 9. Quiescent Current Change vs. Temperature 5 150 NCP1117, NCV1117 100 fripple = 120 Hz Vripple v 3.0 VP−P 80 60 RR, RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) RR, RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) 100 fripple = 20 kHz Vripple v 0.5 VP−P 40 Vout = 5.0 V Vin − Vout = 3.0 V Cout = 10 mF Cadj = 25 mF TA = 25°C 20 0 Vripple v 0.5 VP−P Vin − Vout w 3.0 V 80 60 Vout = 5.0 V Vin − Vout = 3.0 V Iout = 0.5 A Cout = 10 mF Cadj = 25 mF, f > 60 Hz Cadj = 200 mF, f v 60 Hz TA = 25°C 40 20 Vin − Vout w Vdropout 0 200 400 600 800 1000 100 1.0 k 10 k Iout, OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) fripple, RIPPLE FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 10. NCP1117XTA Ripple Rejection vs. Output Current Figure 11. NCP1117XTA Ripple Rejection vs. Frequency 100 Vin = 3.0 V Vout = 1.25 V Iload = 5 mA − 1 A Cin = 10 mF MLCC TJ = 25°C Region of Stability 10 Region of Instability 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 Region of Stability 1 0.01 0 Region of Instability 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Iout, OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) Figure 13. Typical ESR vs. Output Current 350E−9 Cin = 10 mF Tantalum Cout = 10 mF Tantalum Vin − Vout = 3.0 V 1A 0.5 A 250E−9 200E−9 0.1 A 150E−9 100E−9 50E−9 0 10 100 Vin = 3.0 V Vout = 1.25 V Cin = 10 mF MLCC Cout = 10 mF TJ = 25°C 0.1 Figure 12. Output Capacitance vs. ESR 300E−9 100 k 10 ESR, EQUIVALENT SERIES RESISTANCE (W) V/sqrt (Hz) 0.1 0.001 10 ESR, EQUIVALENT SERIES RESISTANCE (W) 0 OUTPUT CAPACITANCE (mF) Vripple v 3.0 VP−P 1.0 k 10 k 100 k FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 14. Output Spectral Noise Density vs. Frequency, Vout = 1V5 6 5.25 0 20 0 −20 40 80 120 0.5 0 200 160 0 0 −20 80 120 0 Cin = 10 mF Cout = 10 mF Vin = 6.5 V Preload = 0.1 A TA = 25°C −0.1 200 160 0.5 0 0 40 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (V) LOAD CURRENT CHANGE (A) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 13.5 20 0 −20 120 120 160 200 Figure 18. NCP1117XT50 Load Transient Response Cin = 1.0 mF Cout = 10 mF Iout = 0.1 A TA = 25°C 80 80 t, TIME (ms) Figure 17. NCP1117XT50 Line Transient Response 14.5 200 0.1 t, TIME (ms) OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (mV) 160 Figure 16. NCP1117XT285 Load Transient Response 20 40 120 Figure 15. NCP1117XT285 Line Transient Response 6.5 0 80 t, TIME (ms) 7.5 40 40 t, TIME (ms) Cin = 1.0 mF Cout = 10 mF Iout = 0.1 A TA = 25°C 0 Cin = 10 mF Cout = 10 mF Vin = 4.5 V Preload = 0.1 A TA = 25°C −0.1 LOAD CURRENT CHANGE (A) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 0.1 LOAD CURRENT CHANGE (A) 4.25 0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (mV) OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (V) Cin = 1.0 mF Cout = 10 mF Iout = 0.1 A TA = 25°C OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (V) OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (mV) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) NCP1117, NCV1117 160 0.1 0 Cin = 10 mF Cout = 10 mF Vin = 13.5 V Preload = 0.1 A TA = 25°C −0.1 0.5 0 200 t, TIME (ms) 0 40 80 120 160 t, TIME (ms) Figure 20. NCP1117XT12 Load Transient Response Figure 19. NCP1117XT12 Line Transient Response 7 200 RqJA, THERMAL RESISTANCE, JUNCTION−TO−AIR (°CW) 180 1.6 160 1.4 PD(max) for TA = 50°C 140 ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ ÎÎÎ 2.0 oz. Copper L Minimum Size Pad 120 L 100 80 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 RqJA 60 0 5.0 10 15 20 25 L, LENGTH OF COPPER (mm) 0.4 30 PD, MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION (W) NCP1117, NCV1117 1.6 RqJA, THERMAL RESISTANCE, JUNCTION−TO−AIR (°CW) 100 PD(max) for TA = 50°C 1.4 90 ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎ 2.0 oz. Copper L 80 Minimum Size Pad 70 1.2 1.0 L 0.8 60 50 0.6 RqJA 40 0 5.0 10 15 20 25 0.4 30 L, LENGTH OF COPPER (mm) Figure 22. DPAK Thermal Resistance and Maximum Power Dissipation vs. P.C.B. Copper Length 8 PD, MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATION (W) Figure 21. SOT−223 Thermal Resistance and Maximum Power Dissipation vs. P.C.B. Copper Length NCP1117, NCV1117 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Introduction Frequency compensation for the regulator is provided by capacitor Cout and its use is mandatory to ensure output stability. A minimum capacitance value of 4.7 mF with an equivalent series resistance (ESR) that is within the limits of 33 mW (typ) to 2.2 W is required. See Figures 12 and 13. The capacitor type can be ceramic, tantalum, or aluminum electrolytic as long as it meets the minimum capacitance value and ESR limits over the circuit’s entire operating temperature range. Higher values of output capacitance can be used to enhance loop stability and transient response with the additional benefit of reducing output noise. The NCP1117 features a significant reduction in dropout voltage along with enhanced output voltage accuracy and temperature stability when compared to older industry standard three−terminal adjustable regulators. These devices contain output current limiting, safe operating area compensation and thermal shutdown protection making them designer friendly for powering numerous consumer and industrial products. The NCP1117 series is pin compatible with the older LM317 and its derivative device types. Output Voltage Input The typical application circuits for the fixed and adjustable output regulators are shown in Figures 23 and 24. The adjustable devices are floating voltage regulators. They develop and maintain the nominal 1.25 V reference voltage between the output and adjust pins. The reference voltage is programmed to a constant current source by resistor R1, and this current flows through R2 to ground to set the output voltage. The programmed current level is usually selected to be greater than the specified 5.0 mA minimum that is required for regulation. Since the adjust pin current, Iadj, is significantly lower and constant with respect to the programmed load current, it generates a small output voltage error that can usually be ignored. For the fixed output devices R1 and R2 are included within the device and the ground current Ignd, ranges from 3.0 mA to 5.0 mA depending upon the output voltage. Cin Cin + NCP1117 XTXX 1 + R1 Vref 1 + ǒ + Cout Cadj Ǔ Vout + Vref 1 ) R2 ) Iadj R2 R1 Figure 24. Adjustable Output Regulator The output ripple will increase linearly for fixed and adjustable devices as the ratio of output voltage to the reference voltage increases. For example, with a 12 V regulator, the output ripple will increase by 12 V/1.25 V or 9.6 and the ripple rejection will decrease by 20 log of this ratio or 19.6 dB. The loss of ripple rejection can be restored to the values shown with the addition of bypass capacitor Cadj, shown in Figure 24. The reactance of Cadj at the ripple frequency must be less than the resistance of R1. The value of R1 can be selected to provide the minimum required load current to maintain regulation and is usually in the range of 100 W to 200 W. Cadj u 1 2 p fripple R1 The minimum required capacitance can be calculated from the above formula. When using the device in an application that is powered from the AC line via a transformer and a full wave bridge, the value for Cadj is: Output 2 Output 2 R2 Input bypass capacitor Cin may be required for regulator stability if the device is located more than a few inches from the power source. This capacitor will reduce the circuit’s sensitivity when powered from a complex source impedance and significantly enhance the output transient response. The input bypass capacitor should be mounted with the shortest possible track length directly across the regulator’s input and ground terminals. A 10 mF ceramic or tantalum capacitor should be adequate for most applications. 3 + NCP1117 XTA Iadj External Capacitors Input 3 fripple + 120 Hz, R1 + 120 W, then Cadj u 11.1 mF The value for Cadj is significantly reduced in applications where the input ripple frequency is high. If used as a post regulator in a switching converter under the following conditions: Cout Ignd fripple + 50 kHz, R1 + 120 W, then Cadj u 0.027 mF Figure 23. Fixed Output Regulator Figures 10 and 11 shows the level of ripple rejection that is obtainable with the adjust pin properly bypassed. 9 NCP1117, NCV1117 Protection Diodes The second condition is that the ground end of R2 should be connected directly to the load. This allows true Kelvin sensing where the regulator compensates for the voltage drop caused by wiring resistance RW −. The NCP1117 family has two internal low impedance diode paths that normally do not require protection when used in the typical regulator applications. The first path connects between Vout and Vin, and it can withstand a peak surge current of about 15 A. Normal cycling of Vin cannot generate a current surge of this magnitude. Only when Vin is shorted or crowbarred to ground and Cout is greater than 50 mF, it becomes possible for device damage to occur. Under these conditions, diode D1 is required to protect the device. The second path connects between Cadj and Vout, and it can withstand a peak surge current of about 150 mA. Protection diode D2 is required if the output is shorted or crowbarred to ground and Cadj is greater than 1.0 mF. Input Cin 3 + NCP1117 XTA RW+ 2 + R1 1 Cout Output Remote Load R2 RW− Figure 26. Load Sensing D1 Thermal Considerations 1N4001 Input Cin 3 + NCP1117 XTA 1 R1 + R2 This series contains an internal thermal limiting circuit that is designed to protect the regulator in the event that the maximum junction temperature is exceeded. When activated, typically at 175°C, the regulator output switches off and then back on as the die cools. As a result, if the device is continuously operated in an overheated condition, the output will appear to be oscillating. This feature provides protection from a catastrophic device failure due to accidental overheating. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for proper heatsinking. The maximum device power dissipation can be calculated by: Output 2 D2 1N4001 + Cout Cadj Figure 25. Protection Diode Placement A combination of protection diodes D1 and D2 may be required in the event that Vin is shorted to ground and Cadj is greater than 50 mF. The peak current capability stated for the internal diodes are for a time of 100 ms with a junction temperature of 25°C. These values may vary and are to be used as a general guide. PD + TJ(max) * TA RqJA The devices are available in surface mount SOT−223 and DPAK packages. Each package has an exposed metal tab that is specifically designed to reduce the junction to air thermal resistance, RqJA, by utilizing the printed circuit board copper as a heat dissipater. Figures 21 and 22 show typical RqJA values that can be obtained from a square pattern using economical single sided 2.0 ounce copper board material. The final product thermal limits should be tested and quantified in order to insure acceptable performance and reliability. The actual RqJA can vary considerably from the graphs shown. This will be due to any changes made in the copper aspect ratio of the final layout, adjacent heat sources, and air flow. Load Regulation The NCP1117 series is capable of providing excellent load regulation; but since these are three terminal devices, only partial remote load sensing is possible. There are two conditions that must be met to achieve the maximum available load regulation performance. The first is that the top side of programming resistor R1 should be connected as close to the regulator case as practicable. This will minimize the voltage drop caused by wiring resistance RW + from appearing in series with reference voltage that is across R1. 10 NCP1117, NCV1117 Input NCP1117 XTA 3 + 10 mF Constant Current Output R 2 + 1 Input + 10 mF 10 mF NCP1117 XTA 3 Output 2 + R1 1 50 k R2 2N2907 Figure 28. Slow Turn−On Regulator Input 3 10 mF + NCP1117 XTA + Output 2 + R1 1 10 mF Output 2 + 10 120 1 NCP1117 XTA 3 10 mF Input 10 mF 10 mF V Iout + ref ) Iadj R Figure 27. Constant Current Regulator 1N4001 R2 mF 2N2222 360 1.0 k Output Control 2N2222 On 1.0 k Off Output Voltage Control Resistor R2 sets the maximum output voltage. Each transistor reduces the output voltage when turned on. Vout(Off) + Vref Figure 29. Regulator with Shutdown Input 3 10 mF + NCP1117 XT50 2 Figure 30. Digitally Controlled Regulator Output + 10 mF 1 50 W Input 5.3 V AC Line 5.0 V Battery RCHG 3 + 6.6 V − 10 mF + NCP1117 XT50 10 mF 2 3 + NCP1117 XT50 Output 5.0 V to 12 V + 10 2 mF 1 + 10 2.0 k 1 mF The 50 W resistor that is in series with the ground pin of the upper regulator level shifts its output 300 mV higher than the lower regulator. This keeps the lower regulator off until the input source is removed. Figure 31. Battery Backed−Up Power Supply Figure 32. Adjusting Output of Fixed Voltage Regulators 11 NCP1117, NCV1117 ORDERING INFORMATION Nominal Output Voltage Package Shipping† NCP1117STAT3G Adjustable SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117STAT3G* Adjustable SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST15T3G 1.5 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST15T3G* 1.5 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST18T3G 1.8 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST18T3G* 1.8 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST20T3G 2.0 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST20T3G* 2.0 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST25T3G 2.5 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST25T3G* 2.5 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST285T3G 2.85 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST33T3G 3.3 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST33T3G* 3.3 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST50T3G 5.0 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST50T3G* 5.0 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST12T3G 12 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST12T3G* 12 SOT−223 (Pb−Free) 4000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DTAG Adjustable DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DTARKG Adjustable DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DTARKG* Adjustable DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DTAT5G Adjustable DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT15G 1.5 DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT15RKG 1.5 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT15RKG* 1.5 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT18G 1.8 DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail Device †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. *NCV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 Qualified and PPAP Capable 12 NCP1117, NCV1117 ORDERING INFORMATION (continued) Nominal Output Voltage Package Shipping† NCP1117DT18RKG 1.8 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT18RKG* 1.8 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT18T5G 1.8 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT18T5G* 1.8 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT19RKG 1.9 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT20G 2.0 DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT20RKG 2.0 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT20RKG* 2.0 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT25G 2.5 DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT25RKG 2.5 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT25RKG* 2.5 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT25T5G 2.5 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT285G 2.85 DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT285RKG 2.85 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT33G 3.3 DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT33RKG 3.3 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT33T4G* 3.3 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT33T5G 3.3 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT33T5G* 3.3 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT50G 5.0 DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT50RKG 5.0 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT50RKG* 5.0 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT12G 12 DPAK (Pb−Free) 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT12RKG 12 DPAK (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel Device †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. *NCV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 Qualified and PPAP Capable 13 NCP1117, NCV1117 MARKING DIAGRAMS − NCP PREFIX SOT−223 ST SUFFIX CASE 318H AYW 117−A G G 2 1 AYW 17−15 G G 3 2 1 AYW 17−19 G G AYW 17−18 G G 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 1.5 V 1.8 V 1.9 V AYW 7−285 G G AYW 17−33 G G AYW 117−5 G G Adjustable 2 1 3 2 1 2.85 V 3 AYW 117−2 G G 2 1 3.3 V 2 1 AYW 17−25 G G 3 2 1 2.0 V 2.5 V AYW 17−12 G G 3 2 1 3 5.0 V 12 V 17−19G ALYWW 117−2G ALYWW DPAK DT SUFFIX CASE 369C 117AJG ALYWW 17−15G ALYWW 2 1 17−18G ALYWW 2 3 Adjustable 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 17−25G ALYWW 3 2 1 3 1 1.5 V 1.8 V 1.9 V 2.0 V 17285G ALYWW 17−33G ALYWW 117−5G ALYWW 17−12G ALYWW 2 1 2 3 2.85 V 1 2 3 1 3.3 V 5.0 V A = Assembly Location L = Wafer Lot Y = Year WW, W = Work Week G or G = Pb−Free Package (Note: Microdot may be in either location) 14 2.5 V 2 3 1 3 12 V 3 3 NCP1117, NCV1117 MARKING DIAGRAMS − NCV PREFIX SOT−223 ST SUFFIX CASE 318H AYW 1715V G G AYW 117AV G G 1 2 3 1 Adjustable AYW 1725V G G 1 2 1 3 2.5 V 2 AYW 1718V G G 3 2 1 3 1.5 V 1.8 V AYW 1733V G G AYW 1750V G G 2 3 2 1 3.3 V AYW 1172V G G 2 1 2.0 V AYW 1712V G G 3 2 1 5.0 V 12 V DPAK DT SUFFIX CASE 369C 17AJVG ALYWW 1715VG ALYWW 2 1 1718VG ALYWW 2 3 1 Adjustable 1 1.5 V 1725VG ALYWW 1 1733VG ALYWW 1 1175VG ALYWW 2 3 3.3 V A = Assembly Location L = Wafer Lot Y = Year WW, W = Work Week G or G = Pb−Free Package (Note: Microdot may be in either location) 15 3 2.0 V 2 3 2.5 V 2 3 1.8 V 2 1 1172VG ALYWW 2 3 3 1 3 5.0 V 3 NCP1117, NCV1117 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SOT−223 ST SUFFIX CASE 318H ISSUE O 0.08 E 0.2 M C B C S B S H B S 3 e1 M b D 2 C A e A 0.1 A 4 B b2 0.1 M C A S B S A 1 E1 A1 A B ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ ÉÉÉ ÇÇÇ ÉÉÉ (b) (b2) T c c1 b1 b3 SECTION B−B NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. 2. INTERPRET DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994. 3. DIMENSION E1 DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.23 PER SIDE. 4. DIMENSIONS b AND b2 DO NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.08 TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE b AND b2 DIMENSIONS AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 5. TERMINAL NUMBERS ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 6. DIMENSIONS D AND E1 ARE TO BE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE H. SECTION A−A L 3.8 0.15 2.0 0.079 2.3 0.091 6.3 0.248 2.0 0.079 1.5 0.059 SCALE 6:1 mm Ǔ ǒinches *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. 16 e1 L T SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* 2.3 0.091 DIM A A1 b b1 b2 b3 c c1 D E E1 e MILLIMETERS MIN MAX --1.80 0.02 0.11 0.60 0.88 0.60 0.80 2.90 3.10 2.90 3.05 0.24 0.35 0.24 0.30 6.30 6.70 6.70 7.30 3.30 3.70 2.30 4.60 --0.25 0_ 10_ NCP1117, NCV1117 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS DPAK (SINGLE GAUGE) CASE 369C ISSUE F NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCHES. 3. THERMAL PAD CONTOUR OPTIONAL WITHIN DIMENSIONS b3, L3 and Z. 4. DIMENSIONS D AND E DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS, OR BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS, OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.006 INCHES PER SIDE. 5. DIMENSIONS D AND E ARE DETERMINED AT THE OUTERMOST EXTREMES OF THE PLASTIC BODY. 6. DATUMS A AND B ARE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE H. 7. OPTIONAL MOLD FEATURE. A E C A b3 B c2 4 L3 Z D 1 2 H DETAIL A 3 L4 NOTE 7 c SIDE VIEW b2 e b TOP VIEW 0.005 (0.13) M C Z H L2 GAUGE PLANE C L L1 DETAIL A DIM A A1 b b2 b3 c c2 D E e H L L1 L2 L3 L4 Z BOTTOM VIEW Z SEATING PLANE BOTTOM VIEW A1 ALTERNATE CONSTRUCTIONS ROTATED 905 CW INCHES MIN MAX 0.086 0.094 0.000 0.005 0.025 0.035 0.028 0.045 0.180 0.215 0.018 0.024 0.018 0.024 0.235 0.245 0.250 0.265 0.090 BSC 0.370 0.410 0.055 0.070 0.114 REF 0.020 BSC 0.035 0.050 −−− 0.040 0.155 −−− MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 2.18 2.38 0.00 0.13 0.63 0.89 0.72 1.14 4.57 5.46 0.46 0.61 0.46 0.61 5.97 6.22 6.35 6.73 2.29 BSC 9.40 10.41 1.40 1.78 2.90 REF 0.51 BSC 0.89 1.27 −−− 1.01 3.93 −−− SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* 6.20 0.244 2.58 0.102 5.80 0.228 3.00 0.118 1.60 0.063 6.17 0.243 SCALE 3:1 mm Ǔ ǒinches *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of ON Semiconductor’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at−Marking.pdf. ON Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. Buyer is responsible for its products and applications using ON Semiconductor products, including compliance with all laws, regulations and safety requirements or standards, regardless of any support or applications information provided by ON Semiconductor. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in ON Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. ON Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as a critical component in life support systems or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a same or similar classification in a foreign jurisdiction or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. Should Buyer purchase or use ON Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold ON Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that ON Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. ON Semiconductor is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor 19521 E. 32nd Pkwy, Aurora, Colorado 80011 USA Phone: 303−675−2175 or 800−344−3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303−675−2176 or 800−344−3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: ◊ N. American Technical Support: 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81−3−5817−1050 17 ON Semiconductor Website: Order Literature: For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative NCP1117/D