HPL1117 1A Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Adjustable Regulator and Fixed 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V and 5V Features General Description • • • The HPL1117 is a low dropout three-terminal adjustable regulators with 1A output current capability. In order to obtain lower dropout voltage and faster transient response, which is critical for low voltage applications , the HPL1117 has been optimized. The device is available in an adjustable version and fixed output voltages of 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V and 5V. The output available voltage range of an adjustable version is from 1.25~10.7V with an input supply below 12V. Dropout voltage is guaranteed at a maximum of 1.3V at 1A. Current limit is trimmed to ensure specified output current and controlled short-circuit current. On-chip thermal limiting provides protection against any combination of overload that would create excessive junction temperatures. The HPL1117 is available in the industry standard 3-pin TO-220, TO252, TO-263, and the low profile surface mount SOT223 power packages which can be used in applications where space is limited. Guaranteed Output Voltage Accuracy within 2% Fast Transient Response Guaranteed Dropout Voltage at Multiple Currents • • • • • • • Load Regulation : 0.1% Typ. Line Regulation : 0.03% Typ. Low Dropout Voltage : 1.1V Typ. at IOUT =1A Current Limit : 1A Typ. at TJ=25°C On-Chip Thermal Limiting : 150°C Typ. Adjustable Output : 1.25~10.7V Standard 3-pin TO-220, TO-252, TO-263 and SOT-223 Power Packages Applications • • • Pin Description Front View for TO-220 Active SCSI Terminators Low Voltage Logic Supplies 3 VIN Post Regulator for Switching Power Supply 2 VOUT 1 ADJ/GND Front View for TO-263 TAB is VOUT 3 VIN 2 VOUT 1 ADJ/GND Front View for TO-252 TAB IS VOUT Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 1 3 VIN 2 VOUT 1 ADJ/GND www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Pin Description (Cont.) Front View for SOT-223 T A B IS V O U T 3 IN 2 OUT 1 A D J /G N D Ordering and Marking Information Package Code F : TO-220 G : TO-263 U : TO-252 V : SOT-223 Temp. Range C : 0 to 70 °C Handling Code TU : Tube TR : Tape & Reel Voltage Code 18 : 1.8V 25 : 2.5V 28 : 2.85V 33 : 3.3V 50 : 5V Blank : Adjustable Version Lead Free Code L : Lead Free Device Blank : Orginal Device HPL1117Lead Free Code Handling Code Temp. Range Package Code Voltage Code XXXXX - Date Code HPL1117 V : HPL1117 XXXXX XXXXX - Date Code 18 HPL1117-18F/G/U : HPL1117 XXXXX XXXXX - Date Code HPL1117-18V : HPL1117 XXXXX18 XXXXX - Date Code 25 HPL1117-25F/G/U : HPL1117 XXXXX XXXXX - Date Code HPL1117-25V : HPL1117 XXXXX25 XXXXX - Date Code 28 HPL1117-28F/G/U : HPL1117 XXXXX XXXXX - Date Code HPL1117-28V : HPL1117 XXXXX28 XXXXX - Date Code 33 HPL1117 -33F/G/U : HPL1117 XXXXX XXXXX - Date Code HPL1117-33V : HPL1117 XXXXX33 XXXXX - Date Code 50 HPL1117 -50F/G/U : HPL1117 XXXXX XXXXX - Date Code HPL1117-50V : HPL1117 XXXXX50 XXXXX - Date Code HPL1117 F/G/U : HPL1117 XXXXX Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 2 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VI TJ TSTG TL Parameter Rating Input Voltage HPL1117, HPL1117-50, HPL1117-33 HPL1117-25, HPL1117-18, HPL1117-28 Operating Junction Temperature Range Control Section Power Transistor Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 second) (Note) Unit 15 9 V °C 0 to 125 0 to 150 -65 to +150 °C 260 °C Note : The values here show the absolute maximum rating, and for normal usage please refer the test condition in Electrical Characteristics Table. Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted , these specifications apply over CIN=10uF , COUT=10uF , and TJ=0 to 125°C. Typical values refer to TJ=25°C. Symbol Parameter Test Conditions HPL1117 Unit Min. Typ. Max. VREF Reference Voltage 10mA≤ IOUT ≤1A, 1.4V≤(VIN -VOUT) ≤10.75V, V 1.225 1.250 1.275 TJ =0~125°C VOUT REGLINE REGLOAD Output Voltage HPL1117-18 TJ =0~125°C, 0≤ IOUT≤ 1A, 3.1V≤VIN≤9V, HPL1117-25 TJ =0~125°C, 0≤ IOUT≤ 1A, 3.8V≤VIN≤9V, HPL1117-28 TJ =0~125°C, 0≤ IOUT≤1A, 4.25V≤VIN≤9V, HPL1117-33 TJ =0~125°C, 0≤ IOUT≤ 1A, 4.6V≤VIN≤12V, HPL1117-50 TJ =0~125°C, 0≤ IOUT≤ 1A, 6.45V≤VIN≤12V, Line Regulation HPL1117 IOUT=10mA, 1.5V≤(VIN -VOUT )≤10.75V (Note1) HPL1117-18 IOUT=0A, 3.5V≤VIN≤9V (Note1) HPL1117-25 IOUT=0A, 4V≤VIN≤9V (Note1) HPL1117-28 IOUT=0A, 4.25V≤VIN ≤9V (Note1) HPL1117-33 IOUT=0A, 4.75V≤VIN ≤12V (Note1) HPL1117-50 I =0A, 6.45V≤V ≤12V (Note1) OUT IN Load Regulation HPL1117 (VIN -VOUT)=3V, 0≤ IOUT ≤1A (Note1) HPL1117-18 VIN=3.5V, 0≤ IOUT ≤1A (Note1) HPL1117-25 VIN =4V, 0≤ IOUT ≤1A (Note1) HPL1117-28 VIN=4.25V, 0≤ IOUT ≤1A (Note1) HPL1117-33 VIN=4.75V, 0≤ IOUT ≤1A (Note1) HPL1117-50 V =6.45V, 0≤ I ≤1A (Note1) IN OUT Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 3 1.764 1.800 1.836 2.450 2.500 2.550 2.790 2.850 2.910 V 3.235 3.300 3.365 4.900 5.000 5.100 0.03 1 1 1 1 1 0.2 6 6 6 6 6 0.1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 10 10 10 10 10 %mV %mV www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Electrical Characteristics (Cont.) Symbol VD Parameter Dropout Voltage Test Conditions (Note2) IOUT=100mA (Note2) IOUT=500mA (Note2) IOUT=1A (VIN -VOUT)=5V, TJ=25°C (VIN -VOUT)=3V, IOUT=10mA ILIMIT Current Limit IADJ Adjust Pin Current HPL1117 Adjust Pin Current 10mA≤ IOUT ≤1A, Change HPL1117 1.4V≤(VIN -VOUT) ≤10.75V (Note3) Minimum Load (VIN -VOUT)=10.75V Current HPL1117 Ripple Rejection fRIPPLE=120Hz, VRIPPLE=1VP-P, (VIN -VOUT)=3V Thermal Regulation TJ=25°C, 30ms Pulse ∆IADJ IO PSRR TR TS LS Temperature Stability Long -Term Stability TJ =125°C,1000Hrs. VN RMS Output Noise θth Thermal Resistance Junction to Case, at Tab Junction to Ambient Over Temperature Point Quiescent Current HPL1117-18 VIN≤9V HPL1117-25 VIN≤9V HPL1117-28 VIN≤9V HPL1117-33 VIN≤12V HPL1117-50 V ≤12V IN OT IQ TJ=25°C,10Hz≤F≤10kHz, (% of VOUT) HPL1117 Min. Typ. 1 1.05 1.1 1000 60 Max. 1.1 1.2 1.3 Unit V mA 60 120 µA 0.2 5 µA 1.7 mA 75 dB 0.01 0.02 %/W 0.5 % 0.3 % 0.003 % 15 50 150 °C/ W 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 °C 10 10 10 10 10 mA Note 1 : See thermal regulation specifications for changes in output voltage due to heating effects. Load line regulations are measured at a constant junction temperature by low duty cycle pulse testing. Note 2 : Dropout voltage is specified over the full output current range of the device. Dropout voltage is defined as the minimum input/output differential measured at the specified output current. Test points and limits are also shown on the Dropout Voltage curve. Note 3 : Minimum load current is defined as the minimum output current required to maintain regulation. Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 4 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Block Diagram VOUT V IN Current Lim it Therm al Protection Voltage Regulation ADJ/GND Application Circuits 1.25V to 10.7V Adjustable Regulator VIN IN HPL1117 OUT ADJ Improving Ripple Rejection VOUT1 VIN R1 10µF 121Ω + 10µ F C1* + R2 1k 100µ F C2 R2 365Ω 1% R1 121Ω 1% + VOUT 150µF C1 10µF * C1 improves ripple rejection. XC should be approximately equal to R1 at ripple frequency * Needed if device is far from filter capacitors V OUT = 1.250V X + HPL1117 IN OUT ADJ R1 + R2 R1 Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 5 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Typical Characteristics Load Transietn Response HPL1117-33 5 Line Transient Response 0.02 6 0.01 5 HPL1117-33 0.15 Output Current (A) 4 Input Voltage (V) 4.5 3.5 0 3 2.5 2 1.5 CIN=10µF COUT=10µF Tantalum VIN=5V -0.01 -0.02 1 0.1 4 CIN=10µF COUT=10µF Tantalum IOUT=0.1A 3 0.05 2 0 1 0.5 0 -100 100 300 500 700 -0.03 900 0 -20 30 80 Time (µS) Time (µS) Dropout Voltage vs. Output Current Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage HPL1117-33 1.25 6 1.2 5 Output Voltage (V) Dropout Voltage (V) -0.05 180 130 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 4 3 2 . 1 0.95 0 0.9 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 Output Current (A) Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Input Voltage (V) 6 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Typical Characteristics Cont. Input Current vs. Input Voltage Current Limit vs. Input Voltage HPL1117-33 6 2.2 Current Limit (A) 5 Input Current (mA) HPL1117-33 2.4 4 3 2 1 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 0 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 5 7 Input Voltage (V) 9 11 13 Input Voltage (V) Output Voltage vs. Temperature Output Voltage vs. Temperature 2.6 3.4 2.5 3.3 Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 1.9 1.8 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 1.7 1.6 -50 3.2 -25 0 25 50 75 100 2.7 -50 125 Temperature (°C) Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature (°C) 7 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Typical Characteristics Cont. Input Current vs. Tmeperature 5.3 8 5.2 7 Input Current (mA) Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage vs. Temperature 5.1 5 4.9 6 5 4 3 4.8 4.7 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 2 -50 125 Temperature (°C) -25 0 25 50 75 125 PSRR vs. Frequency HPL1117-33 HPL1117-33 1.9 100 Temperature (°C) Current Limit vs. Temperature +0 Cadj=22µF -10 IOUT=0.1A Vripple=1Vp-p -20 1.8 1.7 VIN-VOUT=5V -30 1.6 PSRR (dB) Current Limit (A) HPL1117-33 1.5 1.4 1.3 -40 -50 -60 VIN-VOUT>=Vdropout -70 1.2 -80 1.1 -90 -100 10 20 1 -50 0 50 100 150 Temperature (°C) Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. 6 - Mar., 2004 Rev. B.13 VIN-VOUT>=3V 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k 50k 200k Frequency (Hz) 8 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Typical Characteristics Cont. Adjustable Pin Current vs. Temperature HPL1117-Adj Adjustable Pin Current (µA) 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature (°C) Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 9 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Application Information Output Voltage The HPL1117 develops a 1.25V reference voltage between the output and the adjust terminal. By placing VIN HPL1117 IN OUT ADJ Rp PARASITIC LINE RESISTANCE a resistor between these two terminals, a constant R1 Current is caused to flow through R1 and down through R2 to set the overall output voltage. Normally this CONNECT R1 TO CASE RL R2 current is chosen to be the specified minimum load current of 10mA. For fixed voltage devices R1 and R2 are included in the device. HPL1117 IN OUT ADJ VIN CONNECT R2 TO LOAD VOUT VREF IADJ 60µA V OUT Figure 2. Connections for Best Load Regulation R1 Input Capacitor R2 A n i n p u t c a p a c i t o r o f 1 0 µF o r g r e a t e r i s R2 = V REF (1+ )+I ADJ R2 R1 recommended. Tantalum, or aluminum electrolytic capacitors can be used for bypassing. Larger Val- Figure 1. Basic Adjustable Regulator ues will improve ripple rejection by bypassing the in- Load Regulation put to the regulator. When the adjustable regulator is used. Load regula- Output Capacitor tion will be limited by the resistance of the wire con- The HPL1117 requires an output capacitor to maintain necting the regulator to the load. The data sheet speci- stability and improve transient response. Proper ca- fication for load regulation is measured at the output pacitor selection is important to ensure proper pin of the device. Best load regulation is obtained operation. The HPL1117 output capacitor selection is when the top of the resistor divider (R1) is tied di- dependent upon the ESR (equivalent series resistance) rectly to the output pin of the device, not to the load. of the output capacitor to maintain stability. When the For fixed voltage devices the top of R1 is internally output capacitor is 10uF or greater, the output capaci- connected to the output, and the ground pin can be tor should have an ESR less than 1Ω.This will improve connected to low side of the load. If R1 were con- transient response as well as promote stability. A low- nected to the load, RP is multiplied by the divider ESR solid tantalum capacitor works extremely well ratio, the effective resistance between the regulator and provides good transient response and stability over and the load would be: Rp X (1+ temperature. R2 ), Rp = Parasitic Line Resistance R1 Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 10 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Application Information (Cont.) Output Capacitor (Cont.) Figure 3&4 shows for the TO-252 and SOT-223 the measured values of θ(J-A) for different copper area Aluminum electrolytics can also be used, as long as sizes using a 2 layers, 1.6mm, and 6Sq. cm FR-4 the ESR of the capacitor is <1Ω. The value of the PCB with 2oz. copper and a ground plane layer on output capacitor can be increased without limit. Higher the backside area used for heatsinking. It can be capacitance values help to improve transient response used as a rough guideline in estimating thermal and ripple rejection and reduce output noise. resistance. Ripple Rejection Thermal Resistance (Juntion to Ambient) (°C/W) 50 The curves for Ripple Rejection were generated using an adjustable device with the adjust pin bypassed. With a 22µF bypassing capacitor 75dB ripple rejection is obtainable at any output level. The impedance of the adjust pin capacitor, at the ripple frequency, should be < R1. R1 is normally in the range of 100Ω200Ω. The size of the required adjust pin capacitor is a function of the input ripple frequency. At 120Hz, TA=25°C 45 40 35 30 25 0 with R1=100Ω, the adjust pin capacitor should be 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Top Copper Area (cm2) 13µF. For fixed voltage devices, and adjustable devices without an adjust pin capacitor, the output ripple Figure 3. will increase as the ratio of the output voltage to the θ(J-A) vs. copper area for the TO-252 package reference voltage (VOUT /VREF ). Thermal Considerations HPL1117 has thermal protection which limits junction temperature to 150°C. However, device functionality is only guaranteed to a maximum junction temperature of +125°C. Both the TO-220, TO-252, TO-263 and SOT-223 packages use a copper plane on the PCB and the PCB itself as a heatsink. To optimize the heat sinking ability of the plane and PCB, solder the tab of the package to the plane. Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 11 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Application Information (Cont.) Thermal Considerations (Cont.) Thermal Resistance (Juntion to Ambient) (°C/W) 60 TA=25°C 55 50 45 40 35 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Top Copper Area (cm2) Figure 4. θ(J-A) vs. copper area for the SOT-223 package The thermal resistance for each application will be affected by thermal interactions with other components on the board. Some experimentation will be necessary to determine the actual value. The power dissipation of HPL1117 is equal to : PD = (VIN - VOUT) x IOUT Maximum junction temperature is equal to : TJUNCTION = TAMBIENT + (PD x θJA) Note: TJUNCTION must not exceed 125°C Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 12 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Package Information TO-220 ( Reference JEDEC Registration TO-220) D R Q b E e b1 e1 L1 L H1 A c F Millimeters Dim A b1 b c D e e1 E F H1 J1 L L1 R Q Min. 3.56 1.14 0.51 0.31 14.23 2.29 4.83 9.65 0.51 5.84 2.03 12.7 3.65 3.53 2.54 Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 J1 Inches Max. 4.83 1.78 1.14 1.14 16.51 2.79 5.33 10.67 1.40 6.86 2.92 14.73 6.35 4.09 3.43 13 Min. 0.140 0.045 0.020 0.012 0.560 0.090 0.190 0.380 0.020 0.230 0.080 0.500 0.143 0.139 0.100 Max. 0.190 0.070 0.045 0.045 0.650 0.110 0.210 0.420 0.055 0.270 0.115 0.580 0.250 0.161 0.135 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Package Informaion TO-252( Reference JEDEC Registration TO-252) E A b2 C1 L2 D H L1 L b C e1 D1 A1 E1 Dim M illim et er s Inc he s M in. M ax. M in. M ax. A 2. 1 8 2. 39 0. 0 86 0. 0 94 A1 0. 8 9 1. 27 0. 0 35 0. 0 50 b 0. 5 08 0. 89 0. 0 20 0. 0 35 b2 5. 2 07 5. 4 61 0. 2 05 0. 2 15 C 0. 4 6 0. 58 0. 0 18 0. 0 23 C1 0. 4 6 0. 58 0. 0 18 0. 0 23 D 5. 3 34 6. 22 0. 2 10 0. 2 45 D1 E 5. 2 R EF 6. 3 5 E1 0. 2 05 R EF 6. 73 0. 2 50 5. 3 R EF 0. 2 65 0. 2 09 R EF e1 3. 9 6 5. 18 0. 1 56 0. 2 04 H 9. 3 98 10 . 41 0. 3 70 0. 4 10 L 0. 5 1 L1 0. 6 4 1. 02 0. 0 25 0. 0 40 L2 0. 8 9 2. 0 32 0. 0 35 0. 0 80 Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 0. 0 20 14 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Package Information TO-263 ( Reference JEDEC Registration TO-263) E L2 E1 TE RM INA L 4 D1 D L L3 b2 b e e1 A c2 Φ 1 R L1 L4 DE TA IL "A "RO TE D c Millimeters Dim A b b2 c c2 D e e1 L L1 L2 L3 Min. 4.06 0.51 1.14 Inches Max. 4.83 1.016 1.651 Min. 0.160 0.02 0.045 1.40 9.65 10.54 0.045 0.340 0.380 15.88 2.84 2.92 1.78 0.575 0.090 0.040 0.050 0.38 TYP. 1.14 8.64 9.65 0.015 TYP. 2.54 TYP 14.60 2.24 1.02 1.20 Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 Max. 0.190 0.040 0.065 0.055 0.380 0.415 0.100 TYP 15 0.625 0.110 0.112 0.070 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Package Information SOT-223( Reference JEDEC Registration SOT-223) D A B1 a c H E L K e A1 e1 b B Dim A A1 B B1 c D E e e1 H L K α β Millimeters Min. 1.50 0.02 0.60 2.90 0.28 6.30 3.30 Inches Max. 1.80 0.08 0.80 3.10 0.32 6.70 3.70 Min. 0.06 Max. 0.07 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.25 0.13 0.03 0.12 0.01 0.26 0.15 2.3 BSC 4.6 BSC 6.70 0.91 1.50 0° 0.09 BSC 0.18 BSC 7.30 1.10 2.00 10° 13° Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 0.26 0.04 0.06 0° 0.29 0.04 0.08 10° 13° 16 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Physical Specifications Terminal Material Lead Solderability Packaging Solder-Plated Copper (Solder Material : 90/10 or 63/37 SnPb Meets EIA Specification RSI86-91, ANSI/J-STD-002 Category 3. 2500 devices per reel Reflow Condition (IR/Convection or VPR Reflow) tp TP Critical Zone T L to T P Tem perature Ram p-up TL tL Tsm ax Tsm in Ram p-down ts Preheat 25 t 25 °C to Peak Classificatin Reflow Profiles Profile Feature Tim e Sn-Pb Eutectic Assembly Large Body Small Body Pb-Free Assembly Large Body Small Body 3°C/second max. 3°C/second max. Average ramp-up rate (TL to TP) Preheat - Temperature Min (Tsmin) - Temperature Mix (Tsmax) - Time (min to max)(ts) Tsmax to TL - Temperature(TL) - Time (tL) Peak Temperature(Tp) 100°C 150°C 60-120 seconds 150°C 200°C 60-180 seconds 3°C/second max 183°C 60-150 seconds 217°C 60-150 seconds Time within 5°C of actual Peak 225 +0/-5°C 240 +0/-5°C 245 +0/-5°C 250 +0/-5°C Temperature(tp) Ramp-down Rate 10-30 seconds 10-30 seconds 10-30 seconds 20-40 seconds Time 25°C to Peak Temperature 6°C/second max. 6°C/second max. 6 minutes max. 8 minutes max. Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package. Measured on the body surface. Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 17 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Package Reflow Conditions pkg. thickness ≥ 2.5mm and all bgas Convection 220 +5/-0°C VPR 215-219°C IR/Convection 220 +5/-0°C pkg. thickness < 2.5mm 3 and pkg. volume ≥ 350mm pkg. thickness < 2.5mm and pkg. 3 volume < 350mm Convection 235 +5/-0°C VPR 235 +5/-0°C IR/Convection 235 +5/-0°C Reliability test program Test item SOLDERABILITY HOLT PCT TST ESD Latch-Up Method MIL-STD-883D-2003 MIL-STD-883D-1005.7 JESD-22-B, A102 MIL-STD-883D-1011.9 MIL-STD-883D-3015.7 JESD 78 Description 245°C , 5 SEC 1000 Hrs Bias @ 125 °C 168 Hrs, 100 % RH , 121°C -65°C ~ 150°C, 200 Cycles VHBM > 2KV, VMM > 200V 10ms , Itr > 100mA Carrier Tape & Reel Dimension t D P Po E P1 Bo F W Ao D1 Ko T2 J C A B T1 Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 18 www.hipacsemi.com HPL1117 Carrier Tape & Reel Dimension A B C J 330 ±3 100 ± 2 13 ± 0. 5 2 ± 0 .5 T1 1 6 .4 + 0 . 3 - 0 .2 2 .5 ± 0 .5 W 1 6 + 0 .3 - 0 .1 8 ± 0 .1 1 .7 5 ± 0 .1 F D D1 Po P1 Ao Bo Ko t 7 .5 ± 0 .1 1 .5 + 0 . 1 1 . 5 ± 0 .2 5 4 .0 ± 0 .1 2 .0 ± 0 .1 6 .8 ± 0 .1 1 0 .4 ± 0 .1 2 . 5 ± 0 .1 0 .3 ± 0 .0 5 A B C J T1 T2 P 380±3 80 ± 2 13 ± 0. 5 2 ± 0 .5 24 ± 4 2 ± 0 .3 W 2 4 + 0 .3 - 0 .1 P1 Ao Bo A p p li c a t io n T O -2 5 2 A p p li c a t io n F D D1 Po 11 . 5 ± 0 . 1 1 .5 + 0 . 1 1 . 5 ± 0 .2 5 4 .0 ± 0 .1 T O -2 6 3 T2 2 .0 ± 0 .1 1 0 . 8 ± 0 . 1 1 6 .1 ± 0 .1 P E E 1 6 ± 0 .1 1 .7 5 ± 0 .1 Ko t 5 . 2 ± 0 .1 0 .3 5 ±3 0 .0 1 A B T1 T2 W P 6 2 ± 1 .5 C 1 2 .7 5 ± 0 .1 5 J 330±1 2 ± 0 .6 1 2 .4 + 0 .2 2 ± 0 .2 1 2 ± 0 .3 8 ± 0 .1 1 .7 5 ± 0 .1 F D D1 Po P1 Ao Bo Ko t 5 .5 ± 0 .0 5 1 .5 + 0 . 1 1 .5 + 0 . 1 7 . 5 ± 0 .1 2 . 1 ± 0 .1 0 .3 ± 0 .0 5 A p p li c a t io n S O T -2 2 3 4 .0 ± 0 .1 2 . 0 ± 0 .0 5 6 .9 ± 0 .1 E Cover Tape Dimensions Application TO- 252 TO- 263 SOT- 223 Carrier Width 16 24 12 Cover Tape Width 13.3 21.3 9.3 Devices Per Reel 2500 1000 2500 CONTACT HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. 2540 North First Street, Suite 308 San Jose, CA 95131-1016 U.S.A. Tel: 1-408-943-0808 Fax: 1-408-943-0878 E-Mail: info@hipacsemi.com Copyright HIPAC Semiconductor, Inc. Rev. B.13 - Mar., 2004 19 www.hipacsemi.com