PRELIMINARY CY28447 Clock Generator for Intel® Calistoga Chipset Features • 33 MHz PCI clocks • Buffered Reference Clock 14.318MHz • Compliant to Intel® CK410M • Low-voltage frequency select inputs • Selectable CPU frequencies • I2C support with readback capabilities • Differential CPU clock pairs • 100 MHz differential SRC clocks • Ideal Lexmark Spread Spectrum profile for maximum electromagnetic interference (EMI) reduction • 96 MHz differential dot clock • 3.3V power supply • 27 MHz Spread and Non-spread video clock • 72-pin QFN package • 48 MHz USB clock • SRC clocks independently stoppable through CLKREQ#[1:9] CPU SRC PCI REF DOT96 USB_48M LCD 27M x2 / x3 x9/11 x5 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 • 96/100 MHz spreadable differential video clock Block Diagram SEL_CLKREQ PCI_STP# CPU PLL CPU_STP# CLKREQ[1:9]# PLL Reference Divider VDD REF[1:0] IREF VDD CPUT[0:1] CPUC[0:1] VDD CPUT2_ITP/SRCT10 CPUC2_ITP/SRCC10 ITP_SEL VDD SRCT(1:9]) SRCC(1:9]) FS[C:A] VDD PCI[1:4] VDD_PCI LVDS PLL Divider PCIF0 VDD SRCT0/100MT_SST SRCC0/100MC_SST VDD48 27MSpread FCTSEL1 Fixed PLL Divider CLKREQ9# CLKREQ8# SRCT_8 SRCC_8 VSS_SRC SRCC_7 SRCT_7 VDD_SRC SRCC_6 SRCT_6 CLKREQ6# SCRC_5 SRCT_5 SCRC_4 SRCT_4 CLKREQ4# SRCC_3 SRCT_3 14.318MHz Crystal 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 VDD_SRC SRCC_9 SRCT_9 VSS_SRC CPUC2_ITP / SRCC_10 CPUT2_ITP / SRCT_10 VDDA VSSA IREF CPUC1 CPUT1 VDD_CPU CPUC0 CPUT0 VSS_CPU SCLK SDATA VDD_REF VDD48 DOT96T DOT96C VDD48 48M 27M PLL Divider VTT_PWRGD#/PD SDATA SCLK VDD48 27MNon-spread I2C Logic 1 54 2 53 3 52 4 51 5 50 6 49 7 48 8 47 CY28447 9 45 11 44 12 43 13 42 14 41 15 40 16 39 17 38 18 37 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 2200 Laurelwood Road, Santa Clara, CA 95054 46 10 VDD_SRC SRCC_2 SRCT_2 SRCC_1 SRCT_1 VDD_SRC SRCC_0 / LCD100MC SRCT_0 / LCD100MT CLKREQ1# FSB/TEST_MODE DOT96C / 27M_SS DOT96T / 27M_NSS VSS_48 48M / FSA VDD_48 VTT_PWRGD# / PD CLKREQ7# PCIF0/ITP_SEL XOUT XIN VSS_REF REF1 REF0 / FSC_TEST_SEL CPU_STP# PCI_STP# CLKREQ2# PCI1 CLKREQ3# CLKREQ5# VDD_PCI VSS_PCI PCI2 PCI3 PCI4 / FCTSEL1 VSS_PCI VDD_PCI XIN XOUT Pin Configuration Page 1 of 21 Tel:(408) 855-0555 Fax:(408) 855-0550 CY28447 Pin Description Pin No. Name 1, 49, 54, 65 VDD_SRC Type PWR Description 3.3V power supply for outputs. 2, 3, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70 SRCT/C[1:9] O, DIF 100 MHz Differential serial reference clocks. 4, 68 VSS_SRC 5, 6 CPUT2_ITP/SRCT10, O, DIF Selectable differential CPU or SRC clock output. CPUC2_ITP/SRCC10 ITP_SEL = 0 @ VTT_PWRGD# assertion = SRC10 ITP_SEL = 1 @ VTT_PWRGD# assertion = CPU2 7 VDDA PWR 3.3V power supply for PLL. 8 VSSA GND Ground for PLL. 9 IREF I GND Ground for outputs. A precision resistor is attached to this pin which is connected to the internal current reference. 10, 11, 13, 14 CPUT/C[0:1] O, DIF Differential CPU clock outputs. 12 VDD_CPU PWR 3.3V power supply for outputs. 15 VSS_CPU GND Ground for outputs. 16 SCLK 17 SDATA I SMBus-compatible SCLOCK. I/O, OD SMBus-compatible SDATA. 18 VDD_REF PWR 19 XOUT O, SE 14.318 MHz crystal output. I 3.3V power supply for outputs. 20 XIN 21 VSS_REF 22 REF1 23 REF0/FSC_TESTSEL I/O,PD Fixed 14.318 clock output / 3.3V-tolerant input for CPU frequency selection/Selects test mode if pulled to VIMFS_C when VTT_PWRGD# is asserted LOW. Refer to DC Electrical Specifications table for VILFS_C,VIMFS_C,VIHFS_C specifications. GND O 14.318 MHz crystal input. Ground for outputs. Fixed 14.318 MHz clock output. 24 CPU_STP# I, PU 3.3V LVTTL input for CPU_STP# active LOW. 25 PCI_STP# I, PU 3.3V LVTTL input for PCI_STP# active LOW. 26, 28, 29, 38, 46, 57, 62, 71, 72 CLKREQ[1:9]# I, PU 3.3V LVTTL input for enabling assigned SRC clock (active LOW). 27, 32, 33 PCI[1:3] O, SE 33 MHz clock outputs 30, 36 VDD_PCI PWR 3.3V power supply for outputs. 31, 35 VSS_PCI GND Ground for outputs. 34 PCI4/FCTSEL1 I/O, PD 33 MHz clock output / 3.3V LVTTL input for selecting pins 47,48 (SRC[T/C]0, 100M[T/C]) and pins 43,44 (DOT96[T/C] and 27M Spread and Non-spread) (sampled on the VTT_PWRGD# assertion). FCTS E L1 P in 43 37 ITP_SEL/PCIF0 Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 P in 44 P in 47 P in 48 0 DOT96T DOT96C 96/100M_T 96/100M_C 1 27M_NSS 27M_SS SRCT0 SRCC0 I/O, PD, 3.3V LVTTL input to enable SRC10 or CPU2_ITP / 33-MHz clock output. SE (sampled on the VTT_PWRGD# assertion). 1 = CPU2_ITP, 0 = SRC10 Page 2 of 21 CY28447 Pin Description (continued) Type Description 39 Pin No. VTT_PWRGD#/PD Name I, PD 3.3V LVTTL input. This pin is a level sensitive strobe used to latch the FSA, FSB, FSC, FCTSEL1, and ITP_SEL. After VTT_PWRGD# (active LOW) assertion, this pin becomes a real-time input for asserting power down (active HIGH). 40 VDD_48 PWR 3.3V power supply for outputs. 41 48M/FSA I/O 42 VSS_48 GND 43, 44 DOT96T/ 27M_NSS DOT96C/ 27M_SS 45 FSB/TEST_MODE 47, 48 SRC[T/C]0/ LCD100M[T/C] Fixed 48-MHz clock output / 3.3V-tolerant input for CPU frequency selection Refer to DC Electrical Specifications table for Vil_FS and Vih_FS specifications. Ground for outputs. O, DIF Fixed 96-MHz clock output or 27 Mhz Spread and Non-spread output Selected via FCTSEL1 at VTTPWRGD# assertion. I 3.3V-tolerant input for CPU frequency selection. Selects Ref/N or Tri-state when in test mode 0 = Tri-state, 1 = Ref/N Refer to DC Electrical Specifications table for Vil_FS and Vih_FS specifications. O,DIF 100 MHz differential serial reference clock output / Differential 96/100-MHz SS clock for flat-panel display Selected via FCTSEL1 at VTTPWRGD# assertion. Frequency Select Pins (FSA, FSB, and FSC) initialize to their default setting upon power-up, and therefore use of this interface is optional. Clock device register changes are normally made upon system initialization, if any are required. The interface cannot be used during system operation for power management functions. Host clock frequency selection is achieved by applying the appropriate logic levels to FSA, FSB, FSC inputs prior to VTT_PWRGD# assertion (as seen by the clock synthesizer). Upon VTT_PWRGD# being sampled LOW by the clock chip (indicating processor VTT voltage is stable), the clock chip samples the FSA, FSB, and FSC input values. For all logic levels of FSA, FSB, and FSC, VTT_PWRGD# employs a one-shot functionality in that once a valid LOW on VTT_PWRGD# has been sampled, all further VTT_PWRGD#, FSA, FSB, and FSC transitions will be ignored, except in test mode. Data Protocol The clock driver serial protocol accepts byte write, byte read, block write, and block read operations from the controller. For block write/read operation, the bytes must be accessed in sequential order from lowest to highest byte (most significant bit first) with the ability to stop after any complete byte has been transferred. For byte write and byte read operations, the system controller can access individually indexed bytes. The offset of the indexed byte is encoded in the command code, as described in Table 2. Serial Data Interface To enhance the flexibility and function of the clock synthesizer, a two-signal serial interface is provided. Through the Serial Data Interface, various device functions, such as individual clock output buffers, can be individually enabled or disabled. The registers associated with the Serial Data Interface The block write and block read protocol is outlined in Table 3 while Table 4 outlines the corresponding byte write and byte read protocol. The slave receiver address is 11010010 (D2h) Table 1. Frequency Select Table FSA, FSB, and FSC[1] FSC FSB FSA CPU SRC PCIF/PCI 27MHz REF0 DOT96 USB 1 0 1 100 MHz 100 MHz 33 MHz 27 MHz 14.318 MHz 96 MHz 48 MHz 0 0 1 133 MHz 100 MHz 33 MHz 27 MHz 14.318 MHz 96 MHz 48 MHz 0 1 1 166 MHz 100 MHz 33 MHz 27 MHz 14.318 MHz 96 MHz 48 MHz 0 1 0 200 MHz 100 MHz 33 MHz 27 MHz 14.318 MHz 96 MHz 48 MHz . Table 2. Command Code Definition Bit 7 (6:0) Description 0 = Block read or block write operation, 1 = Byte read or byte write operation Byte offset for byte read or byte write operation. For block read or block write operations, these bits should be '0000000' Note: 1. 27-MHz and 96-MHz can not be output at the same time. Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 3 of 21 CY28447 Table 3. Block Read and Block Write Protocol Block Write Protocol Bit 1 8:2 9 Description Start Block Read Protocol Bit 1 Slave address – 7 bits Write 8:2 9 Description Start Slave address – 7 bits Write 10 Acknowledge from slave 10 Acknowledge from slave 18:11 Command Code – 8 bits 18:11 Command Code – 8 bits 19 Acknowledge from slave 19 Acknowledge from slave Byte Count – 8 bits (Skip this step if I2C_EN bit set) 20 Repeat start 27:20 28 36:29 37 45:38 Acknowledge from slave 27:21 Slave address – 7 bits Data byte 1 – 8 bits 28 Read = 1 Acknowledge from slave 29 Acknowledge from slave Data byte 2 – 8 bits 46 Acknowledge from slave .... Data Byte/Slave Acknowledges .... Data Byte N – 8 bits .... Acknowledge from slave .... Stop 37:30 38 46:39 47 55:48 Byte Count from slave – 8 bits Acknowledge Data byte 1 from slave – 8 bits Acknowledge Data byte 2 from slave – 8 bits 56 Acknowledge .... Data bytes from slave / Acknowledge .... Data Byte N from slave – 8 bits .... NOT Acknowledge .... Stop Table 4. Byte Read and Byte Write Protocol Byte Write Protocol Bit 1 8:2 Description Start Slave address – 7 bits Byte Read Protocol Bit 1 8:2 Description Start Slave address – 7 bits 9 Write 9 Write 10 Acknowledge from slave 10 Acknowledge from slave 18:11 Command Code – 8 bits 18:11 Command Code – 8 bits 19 Acknowledge from slave 19 Acknowledge from slave 27:20 Data byte – 8 bits 28 Acknowledge from slave 29 Stop Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 20 27:21 Repeated start Slave address – 7 bits 28 Read 29 Acknowledge from slave 37:30 Data from slave – 8 bits 38 NOT Acknowledge 39 Stop Page 4 of 21 CY28447 Control Registers Byte 0: Control Register 0 Bit 7 @Pup 1 Name SRC[T/C]7 6 1 SRC[T/C]6 5 1 SRC[T/C]5 4 1 SRC[T/C]4 3 1 SRC[T/C]3 2 1 SRC[T/C]2 1 1 SRC[T/C]1 0 1 SRC[T/C]0 /LCD_96_100M[T/C] Description SRC[T/C]7 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enable SRC[T/C]6 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enable SRC[T/C]5 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enable SRC[T/C]4 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enable SRC[T/C]3 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enable SRC[T/C]2 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enable SRC[T/C]1 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enable SRC[T/C]0 / LCD_96_100M[T/C] Output Enable 0 = Disable (Hi-Z), 1 = Enable Byte 1: Control Register 1 Bit @Pup Name 7 1 PCIF0 Description 6 1 5 1 USB_48MHz 4 1 REF0 REF0 Output Enable 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled 3 1 REF1 REF1 Output Enable 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled 2 1 CPU[T/C]1 CPU[T/C]1 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enabled 1 1 CPU[T/C]0 CPU[T/C]0 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enabled 0 0 CPU, SRC, PCI, PCIF Spread Enable PCIF0 Output Enable 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled 27M NSS / DOT_96[T/C] 27M Non-spread and DOT_96 MHz Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enabled USB_48M MHz Output Enable 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled PLL1 (CPU PLL) Spread Spectrum Enable 0 = Spread off, 1 = Spread on Byte 2: Control Register 2 Bit @Pup Name 7 1 PCI4 PCI4 Output Enable 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled 6 1 PCI3 PCI3 Output Enable 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled 5 1 PCI2 PCI2 Output Enable 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled 4 1 PCI1 PCI1 Output Enable 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled 3 1 Reserved Reserved, Set = 1 2 1 Reserved Reserved, Set = 1 1 1 CPU[T/C]2 CPU[T/C]2 Output Enable 0 = Disabled (Hi-Z), 1 = Enabled 0 1 Reserved Reserved, Set = 1 Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Description Page 5 of 21 CY28447 Byte 3: Control Register 3 Bit @Pup Name Description 7 0 SRC7 Allow control of SRC[T/C]7 with assertion of PCI_STP# or SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 6 0 SRC6 Allow control of SRC[T/C]6 with assertion of PCI_STP# or SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 5 0 SRC5 Allow control of SRC[T/C]5 with assertion of PCI_STP# or SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 4 0 SRC4 Allow control of SRC[T/C]4 with assertion of PCI_STP# or SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 3 0 SRC3 Allow control of SRC[T/C]3 with assertion of PCI_STP# or SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 2 0 SRC2 Allow control of SRC[T/C]2 with assertion of PCI_STP# or SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 1 0 SRC1 Allow control of SRC[T/C]1 with assertion of PCI_STP# or SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 0 0 SRC0 Allow control of SRC[T/C]0 with assertion of PCI_STP# or SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# Byte 4: Control Register 4 Bit @Pup Name 7 0 LCD_96_100M[T/C] Description 6 0 DOT96[T/C] DOT PWRDWN Drive Mode 0 = Driven in PWRDWN, 1 = Tri-state 5 0 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 0 4 0 RESERVED 3 0 PCIF0 2 1 CPU[T/C]2 Allow control of CPU[T/C]2 with assertion of CPU_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with CPU_STP# 1 1 CPU[T/C]1 Allow control of CPU[T/C]1 with assertion of CPU_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with CPU_STP# 0 1 CPU[T/C]0 Allow control of CPU[T/C]0 with assertion of CPU_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with CPU_STP# LCD_96_100M[T/C] PWRDWN Drive Mode 0 = Driven in PWRDWN, 1 = Tri-state RESERVED, Set = 0 Allow control of PCIF0 with assertion of SW and HW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# Byte 5: Control Register 5 Bit @Pup Name 7 0 SRC[T/C] SRC[T/C] Stop Drive Mode 0 = Driven when PCI_STP# asserted,1 = Tri-state when PCI_STP# asserted 6 0 CPU[T/C]2 CPU[T/C]2 Stop Drive Mode 0 = Driven when CPU_STP# asserted,1 = Tri-state when CPU_STP# asserted 5 0 CPU[T/C]1 CPU[T/C]1 Stop Drive Mode 0 = Driven when CPU_STP# asserted,1 = Tri-state when CPU_STP# asserted 4 0 CPU[T/C]0 CPU[T/C]0 Stop Drive Mode 0 = Driven when CPU_STP# asserted,1 = Tri-state when CPU_STP# asserted 3 0 SRC[T/C][9:1] SRC[T/C][9:1] PWRDWN Drive Mode 0 = Driven when PD asserted,1 = Tri-state when PD asserted 2 0 CPU[T/C]2 CPU[T/C]2 PWRDWN Drive Mode 0 = Driven when PD asserted,1 = Tri-state when PD asserted Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Description Page 6 of 21 CY28447 Byte 5: Control Register 5 (continued) Bit @Pup Name Description 1 0 CPU[T/C]1 CPU[T/C]1 PWRDWN Drive Mode 0 = Driven when PD asserted,1 = Tri-state when PD asserted 0 0 CPU[T/C]0 CPU[T/C]0 PWRDWN Drive Mode 0 = Driven when PD asserted,1 = Tri-state when PD asserted Byte 6: Control Register 6 Bit @Pup Name 7 0 TEST_SEL Description 6 0 TEST_MODE 5 1 REF1 REF1 Output Drive Strength 0 = Low, 1 = High 4 1 REF0 REF0 Output Drive Strength 0 = Low, 1 = High 3 1 2 HW FSC FSC Reflects the value of the FSC pin sampled on power up 0 = FSC was low during VTT_PWRGD# assertion 1 HW FSB FSB Reflects the value of the FSB pin sampled on power up 0 = FSB was low during VTT_PWRGD# assertion 0 HW FSA FSA Reflects the value of the FSA pin sampled on power up 0 = FSA was low during VTT_PWRGD# assertion REF/N or Tri-state Select 0 = Tri-state, 1 = REF/N Clock Test Clock Mode Entry Control 0 = Normal operation, 1 = REF/N or Tri-state mode, PCI, PCIF and SRC clock SW PCI_STP Function outputs except those set 0=SW PCI_STP assert, 1= SW PCI_STP deassert to free running When this bit is set to 0, all STOPPABLE PCI, PCIF and SRC outputs will be stopped in a synchronous manner with no short pulses. When this bit is set to 1, all STOPPED PCI, PCIF and SRC outputs will resume in a synchronous manner with no short pulses. Byte 7: Vendor ID @Pup Name 7 Bit 0 Revision Code Bit 3 Revision Code Bit 3 Description 6 0 Revision Code Bit 2 Revision Code Bit 2 5 0 Revision Code Bit 1 Revision Code Bit 1 4 1 Revision Code Bit 0 Revision Code Bit 0 3 1 Vendor ID Bit 3 Vendor ID Bit 3 2 0 Vendor ID Bit 2 Vendor ID Bit 2 1 0 Vendor ID Bit 1 Vendor ID Bit 1 0 0 Vendor ID Bit 0 Vendor ID Bit 0 Byte 8: Control Register 8 Bit @Pup Name 7 0 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 0 6 0 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 0 5 0 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 0 4 0 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 0 RESERVED, Set = 0 3 0 RESERVED 2 1 USB_48M 1 1 RESERVED 0 1 PCIF0 Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Description USB_48MHz Output Drive Strength 0= Low, 1= High RESERVED, Set = 1 PCIF0 Output Drive Strength 0 = Low, 1 = High Page 7 of 21 CY28447 Byte 9: Control Register 9 @Pup Name 7 Bit 0 RESERVED 6 0 RESERVED 5 0 S1 4 0 S0 3 1 RESERVED 2 1 27M_SS 1 1 0 0 Description RESERVED RESERVED 27M_SS / LCD 96_100M SS Spread Spectrum Selection table: S[1:0] SS% ‘00’ = –0.5%(Default value) ‘01’ = –1.0% ‘10’ = –1.5% ‘11’ = –2.0% RESERVED, Set = 1 27M Spread Output Enable 0 = Disable (Tri-state), 1 = Enabled 27M_SS Spread Enable 27M_SS Spread spectrum enable. 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable. RESERVED RESERVED set = 0 Byte 10: Control Register 10 @Pup Name 7 Bit 1 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 1 Description 6 1 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 1 5 1 SRC[T/C]9 SRC[T/C]9 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Hi-Z), 1 = Enable 4 1 SRC[T/C]8 SRC[T/C]8 Output Enable 0 = Disable (Hi-Z), 1 = Enable 3 0 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 0 2 0 SRC[T/C]10 Allow control of SRC[T/C]10 with assertion of SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 1 0 SRC[T/C]9 Allow control of SRC[T/C]9 with assertion of SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# 0 0 SRC[T/C]8 Allow control of SRC[T/C]8 with assertion of SW PCI_STP# 0 = Free running, 1 = Stopped with PCI_STP# Byte 11: Control Register 11 @Pup Name 7 Bit 0 RESERVED RESERVED 6 HW RESERVED RESERVED 5 HW RESERVED RESERVED 4 HW RESERVED RESERVED 3 0 27M_SS / 27M_NSS 2 0 RESERVED RESERVED 1 0 RESERVED RESERVED Set = 0 0 HW RESERVED RESERVED Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Description 27-MHz (spread and non-spread) Output Drive Strength 0 = Low, 1 = High Page 8 of 21 CY28447 Byte 12: Control Register 12 Bit @Pup Name Description 7 0 CLKREQ#9 CLKREQ#9 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable 6 0 CLKREQ#8 CLKREQ#8 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable 5 0 CLKREQ#7 CLKREQ#7 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable 4 0 CLKREQ#6 CLKREQ#6 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable 3 0 CLKREQ#5 CLKREQ#5 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable 2 0 CLKREQ#4 CLKREQ#4 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable 1 0 CLKREQ#3 CLKREQ#3 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable 0 0 CLKREQ#2 CLKREQ#2 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable Byte 13: Control Register 13 Bit @Pup Name Description 7 0 CLKREQ#1 6 1 LCD 96_100M Clock Speed 5 1 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 1 4 1 RESERVED RESERVED, Set = 1 3 1 PCI4 PCI4 (Spread and Non-spread) Output Drive Strength 0 = Low, 1 = High 2 1 PCI3 PCI3 (Spread and Non-spread) Output Drive Strength 0 = Low, 1 = High 1 1 PCI2 PCI2 (Spread and Non-spread) Output Drive Strength 0 = Low, 1 = High 0 1 PCI1 PCI1 (Spread and Non-spread) Output Drive Strength 0 = Low, 1 = High CLKREQ#1 Input Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable LCD 96_100M Clock Speed 0 = 96 MHz 1 = 100 MHz Table 5. Crystal Recommendations Frequency (Fund) Cut Loading Load Cap Drive (max.) Shunt Cap (max.) Motional (max.) Tolerance (max.) Stability (max.) Aging (max.) 14.31818 MHz AT Parallel 0.1 mW 5 pF 0.016 pF 35 ppm 30 ppm 5 ppm 20 pF The CY28447 requires a Parallel Resonance Crystal. Substituting a series resonance crystal will cause the CY28447 to operate at the wrong frequency and violate the ppm specification. For most applications there is a 300-ppm frequency shift between series and parallel crystals due to incorrect loading. Crystal Loading Crystal loading plays a critical role in achieving low ppm performance. To realize low ppm performance, the total capacitance Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 the crystal will see must be considered to calculate the appropriate capacitive loading (CL). Figure 1 shows a typical crystal configuration using the two trim capacitors. An important clarification for the following discussion is that the trim capacitors are in series with the crystal not parallel. It’s a common misconception that load capacitors are in parallel with the crystal and should be approximately equal to the load capacitance of the crystal. This is not true. Page 9 of 21 CY28447 (Ce1,Ce2) should be calculated to provide equal capacitance loading on both sides. Use the following formulas to calculate the trim capacitor values for Ce1 and Ce2. Load Capacitance (each side) Ce = 2 * CL – (Cs + Ci) Total Capacitance (as seen by the crystal) Figure 1. Crystal Capacitive Clarification Calculating Load Capacitors In addition to the standard external trim capacitors, trace capacitance and pin capacitance must also be considered to correctly calculate crystal loading. As mentioned previously, the capacitance on each side of the crystal is in series with the crystal. This means the total capacitance on each side of the crystal must be twice the specified crystal load capacitance (CL). While the capacitance on each side of the crystal is in series with the crystal, trim capacitors (Ce1,Ce2) should be calculated to provide equal capacitive loading on both sides. Clock Chip Ci2 Ci1 Pin 3 to 6p Cs1 X2 X1 XTAL Ce2 = 1 1 ( Ce1 + Cs1 + Ci1 + 1 Ce2 + Cs2 + Ci2 ) CL....................................................Crystal load capacitance CLe......................................... Actual loading seen by crystal using standard value trim capacitors Ce..................................................... External trim capacitors Cs .............................................. Stray capacitance (terraced) Ci ...........................................................Internal capacitance (lead frame, bond wires etc.) CLK_REQ# Description The CLKREQ# signals are active LOW inputs used for clean enabling and disabling selected SRC outputs. The outputs controlled by CLKREQ# are determined by the settings in register byte 8. The CLKREQ# signal is a de-bounced signal in that it’s state must remain unchanged during two consecutive rising edges of SRCC to be recognized as a valid assertion or deassertion. (The assertion and deassertion of this signal is absolutely asynchronous.) CLK_REQ[1:9]# Assertion (CLKREQ# -> LOW) Cs2 Trace 2.8 pF Ce1 CLe Trim 33 pF Figure 2. Crystal Loading Example As mentioned previously, the capacitance on each side of the crystal is in series with the crystal. This means the total capacitance on each side of the crystal must be twice the specified load capacitance (CL). While the capacitance on each side of the crystal is in series with the crystal, trim capacitors All differential outputs that were stopped are to resume normal operation in a glitch-free manner. The maximum latency from the assertion to active outputs is between 2 and 6 SRC clock periods (2 clocks are shown) with all SRC outputs resuming simultaneously. All stopped SRC outputs must be driven HIGH within 10 ns of CLKREQ# deassertion to a voltage greater than 200 mV. CLK_REQ[1:9]# Deassertion (CLKREQ# -> HIGH) The impact of deasserting the CLKREQ# pins is that all SRC outputs that are set in the control registers to stoppable via deassertion of CLKREQ# are to be stopped after their next transition. The final state of all stopped DIF signals is LOW, both SRCT clock and SRCC clock outputs will not be driven. CLKREQ#X SRCT(free running) SRCC(free running) SRCT(stoppable) SRCT(stoppable) Figure 3. CLK_REQ#[1:9] Deassertion/Assertion Waveform Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 10 of 21 CY28447 PD (Power-down) Clarification The VTT_PWRGD# /PD pin is a dual-function pin. During initial power-up, the pin functions as VTT_PWRGD#. Once VTT_PWRGD# has been sampled LOW by the clock chip, the pin assumes PD functionality. The PD pin is an asynchronous active HIGH input used to shut off all clocks cleanly prior to shutting off power to the device. This signal is synchronized internal to the device prior to powering down the clock synthesizer. PD is also an asynchronous input for powering up the system. When PD is asserted HIGH, all clocks need to be driven to a LOW value and held prior to turning off the VCOs and the crystal oscillator. PD (Power-down) Assertion When PD is sampled HIGH by two consecutive rising edges of CPUC, all single-ended outputs will be held LOW on their next HIGH-to-LOW transition and differential clocks must be held HIGH or tri-stated (depending on the state of the control register drive mode bit) on the next diff clock# HIGH-to-LOW transition within 4 clock periods. When the SMBus PD drive mode bit corresponding to the differential (CPU, SRC, and DOT) clock output of interest is programmed to ‘0’, the clock outputs are held with “Diff clock” pin driven HIGH at 2 x Iref, and “Diff clock#” tri-state. If the control register PD drive mode bit corresponding to the output of interest is programmed to “1”, then both the “Diff clock” and the “Diff clock#” are tri-state. Note that Figure 4 shows CPUT = 133 MHz and PD drive mode = ‘1’ for all differential outputs. This diagram and description is applicable to valid CPU frequencies 100, 133, 166, and 200 MHz. In the event that PD mode is desired as the initial power-on state, PD must be asserted HIGH in less than 10 μs after asserting Vtt_PwrGd#. It should be noted that 96_100_SSC will follow the DOT waveform is selected for 96 MHz and the SRC waveform when in 100-MHz mode. PD Deassertion The power-up latency is less than 1.8 ms. This is the time from the deassertion of the PD pin or the ramping of the power supply until the time that stable clocks are output from the clock chip. All differential outputs stopped in a three-state condition resulting from power down will be driven high in less than 300 μs of PD deassertion to a voltage greater than 200 mV. After the clock chip’s internal PLL is powered up and locked, all outputs will be enabled within a few clock cycles of each other. Figure 5 is an example showing the relationship of clocks coming up. It should be noted that 96_100_SSC will follow the DOT waveform is selected for 96 MHz and the SRC waveform when in 100-MHz mode. PD CPUT, 133MHz CPUC, 133MHz SRCT 100MHz SRCC 100MHz USB, 48MHz DOT96T DOT96C PCI, 33 MHz REF Figure 4. Power-down Assertion Timing Waveform Tstable <1.8 ms PD CPUT, 133MHz CPUC, 133MHz SRCT 100MHz SRCC 100MHz USB, 48MHz DOT96T DOT96C PCI, 33MHz REF Tdrive_PWRDN# <300 μs, >200 mV Figure 5. Power-down Deassertion Timing Waveform Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 11 of 21 CY28447 CPU_STP# Assertion The CPU_STP# signal is an active LOW input used for synchronous stopping and starting the CPU output clocks while the rest of the clock generator continues to function. When the CPU_STP# pin is asserted, all CPU outputs that are set with the SMBus configuration to be stoppable via assertion of CPU_STP# will be stopped within two–six CPU clock periods after being sampled by two rising edges of the internal CPUC clock. The final states of the stopped CPU signals are CPUT = HIGH and CPUC = LOW. There is no change to the output drive current values during the stopped state. The CPUT is driven HIGH with a current value equal to 6 x (Iref), and the CPUC signal will be tri-stated. CPU_STP# Deassertion The deassertion of the CPU_STP# signal will cause all CPU outputs that were stopped to resume normal operation in a synchronous manner, synchronous manner meaning that no short or stretched clock pulses will be produce when the clock resumes. The maximum latency from the deassertion to active outputs is no more than two CPU clock cycles. CPU_STP# CPUT CPUC Figure 6. CPU_STP# Assertion Waveform CPU_STP# CPUT CPUC CPUT Internal CPUC Internal Tdrive_CPU_STP#,10 ns>200 mV Figure 7. CPU_STP# Deassertion Waveform 1.8 ms CPU_STOP# PD CPUT(Free Running CPUC(Free Running CPUT(Stoppable) CPUC(Stoppable) DOT96T DOT96C Figure 8. CPU_STP# = Driven, CPU_PD = Driven, DOT_PD = Driven Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 12 of 21 CY28447 1.8mS CPU_STOP# PD CPUT(Free Running) CPUC(Free Running) CPUT(Stoppable) CPUC(Stoppable) DOT96T DOT96C Figure 9. CPU_STP# = Tri-state, CPU_PD = Tri-state, DOT_PD = Tri-state PCI_STP# Assertion The PCI_STP# signal is an active LOW input used for synchronous stopping and starting the PCI outputs while the rest of the clock generator continues to function. The set-up time for capturing PCI_STP# going LOW is 10 ns (tSU). (See Figure 10.) The PCIF clocks will not be affected by this pin if their corresponding control bit in the SMBus register is set to allow them to be free running. Tsu PCI_STP# PCI_F PCI SRC 100MHz Figure 10. PCI_STP# Assertion Waveform Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 13 of 21 CY28447 PCI_STP# Deassertion The deassertion of the PCI_STP# signal will cause all PCI and stoppable PCIF clocks to resume running in a synchronous manner within two PCI clock periods after PCI_STP# transitions to a HIGH level. Tdrive_SRC Tsu PCI_STP# PCI_F PCI SRC 100MHz Figure 11. PCI_STP# Deassertion Waveform FS_A, FS_B,FS_C VTT_PW RGD# PW RGD_VRM 0.2-0.3mS Delay VDD Clock Gen State 0 Clock State W ait for VTT_PW RGD# State 1 State 2 Off Clock Outputs State 3 On On Off Clock VCO Device is not affected, VTT_PW RGD# is ignored Sample Sels Figure 12. VTT_PWRGD# Timing Diagram S2 S1 Delay >0.25mS VTT_PWRGD# = Low Sample Inputs straps VDD_A = 2.0V Wait for <1.8ms S0 Power Off S3 VDD_A = off Normal Operation Enable Outputs VTT_PWRGD# = toggle Figure 13. Single-ended Load Configuration Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 14 of 21 CY28447 Absolute Maximum Conditions Parameter Description Condition Min. Max. Unit VDD Core Supply Voltage –0.5 4.6 V VDD_A Analog Supply Voltage –0.5 4.6 V VIN Input Voltage Relative to VSS –0.5 VDD + 0.5 VDC TS Temperature, Storage Non-functional –65 150 °C TA Temperature, Operating Ambient Functional 0 85 °C TJ Temperature, Junction Functional – 150 °C ØJC Dissipation, Junction to Case Mil-STD-883E Method 1012.1 – 20 °C/W ØJA Dissipation, Junction to Ambient JEDEC (JESD 51) – 60 °C/W – V ESDHBM ESD Protection (Human Body Model) MIL-STD-883, Method 3015 UL-94 Flammability Rating At 1/8 in. MSL Moisture Sensitivity Level 2000 V–0 1 Multiple Supplies: The Voltage on any input or I/O pin cannot exceed the power pin during power-up. Power supply sequencing is NOT required. DC Electrical Specifications Parameter Description Condition All VDDs 3.3V Operating Voltage 3.3 ± 5% Min. Max. Unit 3.135 3.465 V VILI2C Input Low Voltage SDATA, SCLK – 1.0 V VIHI2C Input High Voltage SDATA, SCLK 2.2 – V VIL_FS FS_[A,B] Input Low Voltage VSS – 0.3 0.35 V VIH_FS FS_[A,B] Input High Voltage 0.7 VDD + 0.5 V VILFS_C FS_C Input Low Voltage VSS – 0.3 0.35 V VIMFS_C FS_C Input Middle Voltage 0.7 1.7 V VIHFS_C FS_C Input High Voltage VIL 3.3V Input Low Voltage VIH 3.3V Input High Voltage IIL Input Low Leakage Current IIH VOL 1.8 VDD + 0.5 V VSS – 0.3 0.8 V 2.0 VDD + 0.3 V Except internal pull-up resistors, 0 < VIN < VDD –5 5 μA Input High Leakage Current Except internal pull-down resistors, 0 < VIN < VDD – 5 μA 3.3V Output Low Voltage IOL = 1 mA – 0.4 V IOH = –1 mA 2.4 – V –10 10 μA 3 5 pF VOH 3.3V Output High Voltage IOZ High-impedance Output Current CIN Input Pin Capacitance COUT Output Pin Capacitance 3 6 pF LIN Pin Inductance – 7 nH VXIH Xin High Voltage 0.7VDD VDD V VXIL Xin Low Voltage 0 0.3VDD V IDD3.3V Dynamic Supply Current At max. load in low drive mode per Figure 15 and Figure 17 @133 MHz – 300 mA IPD3.3V Power-down Supply Current PD asserted, Outputs Driven – 70 mA IPD3.3V Power-down Supply Current PD asserted, Outputs Tri-state – 5 mA Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 15 of 21 CY28447 AC Electrical Specifications Parameter Description Condition Min. Max. Unit 47.5 52.5 % 69.841 71.0 ns ns Crystal TDC XIN Duty Cycle The device will operate reliably with input duty cycles up to 30/70 but the REF clock duty cycle will not be within specification TPERIOD XIN Period When XIN is driven from an external clock source T R / TF XIN Rise and Fall Times Measured between 0.3VDD and 0.7VDD – 10.0 TCCJ XIN Cycle to Cycle Jitter As an average over 1-μs duration – 500 ps LACC Long-term Accuracy Measured at crossing point VOX – 300 ppm TDC CPUT and CPUC Duty Cycle Measured at crossing point VOX 45 55 % CPU at 0.7V TPERIOD 100-MHz CPUT and CPUC Period Measured at crossing point VOX 9.997001 10.00300 ns TPERIOD 133-MHz CPUT and CPUC Period Measured at crossing point VOX 7.497751 7.502251 ns TPERIOD 166-MHz CPUT and CPUC Period Measured at crossing point VOX 5.998201 6.001801 ns TPERIOD 200-MHz CPUT and CPUC Period Measured at crossing point VOX 4.998500 5.001500 ns TPERIODSS 100-MHz CPUT and CPUC Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 9.997001 10.05327 ns TPERIODSS 133-MHz CPUT and CPUC Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 7.497751 7.539950 ns TPERIODSS 166-MHz CPUT and CPUC Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 5.998201 6.031960 ns TPERIODSS 200-MHz CPUT and CPUC Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 4.998500 5.026634 ns TPERIODAbs 100-MHz CPUT and CPUC Absolute period Measured at crossing point VOX 9.912001 10.08800 ns TPERIODAbs 133-MHz CPUT and CPUC Absolute period Measured at crossing point VOX 7.412751 7.587251 ns TPERIODAbs 166-MHz CPUT and CPUC Absolute period Measured at crossing point VOX 5.913201 6.086801 ns TPERIODAbs 200-MHz CPUT and CPUC Absolute period Measured at crossing point VOX 4.913500 5.086500 ns TPERIODSSAbs 100-MHz CPUT and CPUC Absolute period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 9.912001 10.13827 ns TPERIODSSAbs 133-MHz CPUT and CPUC Absolute period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 7.412751 7.624950 ns TPERIODSSAbs 166-MHz CPUT and CPUC Absolute period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 5.913201 6.116960 ns TPERIODSSAbs 200-MHz CPUT and CPUC Absolute period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 4.913500 5.111634 ns TCCJ CPUT/C Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measured at crossing point VOX – 85[2] ps TCCJ2 CPU2_ITP Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measured at crossing point VOX – 125[2] ps LACC Long-term Accuracy Measured at crossing point VOX – 300 ppm TSKEW CPU1 to CPU0 Clock Skew Measured at crossing point VOX – 100 ps TSKEW2 CPU2_ITP to CPU0 Clock Skew Measured at crossing point VOX T R / TF CPUT and CPUC Rise and Fall Time Measured from VOL = 0.175 to VOH = 0.525V TRFM Rise/Fall Matching Determined as a fraction of 2*(TR – TF)/(TR + TF) ΔTR ΔTF – 150 ps 175 700 ps – 20 % Rise Time Variation – 125 ps Fall Time Variation – 125 ps Note: 2. Measured with one REF on. Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 16 of 21 CY28447 AC Electrical Specifications (continued) Condition Min. Max. Unit VHIGH Parameter Voltage High Description Math averages Figure 17 660 850 mV VLOW Voltage Low Math averages Figure 17 –150 – mV VOX Crossing Point Voltage at 0.7V Swing 250 550 mV VOVS Maximum Overshoot Voltage – VHIGH + 0.3 V VUDS Minimum Undershoot Voltage –0.3 – V VRB Ring Back Voltage See Figure 17. Measure SE – 0.2 V TDC SRCT and SRCC Duty Cycle Measured at crossing point VOX 45 55 % SRC at 0.7V TPERIOD 100-MHz SRCT and SRCC Period Measured at crossing point VOX 9.997001 10.00300 ns TPERIODSS 100-MHz SRCT and SRCC Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 9.997001 10.05327 ns TPERIODAbs 100-MHz SRCT and SRCC Absolute Period Measured at crossing point VOX 9.872001 10.12800 ns TPERIODSSAbs 100-MHz SRCT and SRCC Absolute Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 9.872001 10.17827 ns TSKEW Any SRCT/C to SRCT/C Clock Skew Measured at crossing point VOX – 250 ps TCCJ SRCT/C Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measured at crossing point VOX – 125[2] ps LACC SRCT/C Long Term Accuracy Measured at crossing point VOX T R / TF SRCT and SRCC Rise and Fall Time Measured from VOL = 0.175 to VOH = 0.525V TRFM Rise/Fall Matching Determined as a fraction of 2*(TR – TF)/(TR + TF) ΔTR Rise TimeVariation ΔTF Fall Time Variation VHIGH Voltage High Math averages Figure 17 VLOW Voltage Low Math averages Figure 17 –150 – mV VOX Crossing Point Voltage at 0.7V Swing 180 550 mV VOVS Maximum Overshoot Voltage – VHIGH + 0.3 V VUDS Minimum Undershoot Voltage VRB Ring Back Voltage – 300 ppm 175 800 ps – 20 % – 125 ps – 125 ps 660 850 mV –0.3 – V See Figure 17. Measure SE – 0.2 V LCD 96_100M_SSC at 0.7V TDC SSCT and SSCC Duty Cycle Measured at crossing point VOX 45 55 % TPERIOD 100-MHz SSCT and SSCC Period Measured at crossing point VOX 9.997001 10.00300 ns TPERIODSS 100-MHz SSCT and SSCC Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 9.997001 10.05327 ns TPERIODAbs 100-MHz SSCT and SSCC Absolute Period Measured at crossing point VOX 9.872001 10.12800 ns TPERIODSSAbs 100-MHz SRCT and SRCC Absolute Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 9.872001 10.17827 ns TPERIOD 96-MHz SSCT and SSCC Period Measured at crossing point VOX 10.41354 10.41979 ns TPERIODSS 96-MHz SSCT and SSCC Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 10.41354 10.47215 ns TPERIODAbs 96-MHz SSCT and SSCC Absolute Period Measured at crossing point VOX 10.16354 10.66979 ns TPERIODSSAbs 96-MHz SRCT and SRCC Absolute Period, SSC Measured at crossing point VOX 10.16354 10.72266 ns TCCJ SSCT/C Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measured at crossing point VOX – 125 ps LACC SSCT/C Long Term Accuracy Measured at crossing point VOX – 300 ppm Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 17 of 21 CY28447 AC Electrical Specifications (continued) Parameter Description Condition Min. Max. Unit 175 700 ps – 20 % – 125 ps – 125 ps 660 850 mV T R / TF SSCT and SSCC Rise and Fall Time Measured from VOL = 0.175 to VOH = 0.525V TRFM Rise/Fall Matching Determined as a fraction of 2*(TR – TF)/(TR + TF) ΔTR Rise TimeVariation ΔTF Fall Time Variation VHIGH Voltage High Math averages Figure 17 VLOW Voltage Low Math averages Figure 17 –150 – mV VOX Crossing Point Voltage at 0.7V Swing 250 550 mV VOVS Maximum Overshoot Voltage – VHIGH + 0.3 V VUDS Minimum Undershoot Voltage VRB Ring Back Voltage –0.3 – V See Figure 17. Measure SE – 0.2 V PCI/PCIF at 3.3V TDC PCI Duty Cycle Measurement at 1.5V 45 55 % TPERIOD Spread Disabled PCIF/PCI Period Measurement at 1.5V 29.99100 30.00900 ns TPERIODSS Spread Enabled PCIF/PCI Period, SSC Measurement at 1.5V 29.9910 30.15980 ns TPERIODAbs Spread Disabled PCIF/PCI Period Measurement at 1.5V 29.49100 30.50900 ns TPERIODSSAbs Spread Enabled PCIF/PCI Period, SSC Measurement at 1.5V 29.49100 30.65980 ns THIGH PCIF and PCI high time Measurement at 2.4V 12.0 – ns TLOW PCIF and PCI low time Measurement at 0.4V 12.0 – ns T R / TF PCIF/PCI rising and falling Edge Rate Measured between 0.8V and 2.0V 1.0 4.0 V/ns TSKEW Any PCI clock to Any PCI clock Skew Measurement at 1.5V – 500 ps TCCJ PCIF and PCI Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measurement at 1.5V – 500 ps LACC PCIF/PCI Long Term Accuracy Measured at crossing point VOX – 300 ppm TDC DOT96T and DOT96C Duty Cycle Measured at crossing point VOX 45 55 % DOT96 at 0.7V TPERIOD DOT96T and DOT96C Period Measured at crossing point VOX 10.41354 10.41979 ns TPERIODAbs DOT96T and DOT96C Absolute Period Measured at crossing point VOX 10.16354 10.66979 ns TCCJ DOT96T/C Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measured at crossing point VOX – 250 ps LACC DOT96T/C Long Term Accuracy Measured at crossing point VOX – 300 ppm T R / TF DOT96T and DOT96C Rise and Fall Time Measured from VOL = 0.175 to VOH = 0.525V 175 900 ps TRFM Rise/Fall Matching Determined as a fraction of 2*(TR – TF)/(TR + TF) – 20 % ΔTR Rise Time Variation – 125 ps ΔTF Fall Time Variation – 125 ps VHIGH Voltage High Math averages Figure 17 660 850 mV VLOW Voltage Low Math averages Figure 17 –150 – mV VOX Crossing Point Voltage at 0.7V Swing 250 550 mV VOVS Maximum Overshoot Voltage – VHIGH + 0.3 V VUDS Minimum Undershoot Voltage –0.3 – V VRB Ring Back Voltage See Figure 17. Measure SE – 0.2 V Duty Cycle Measurement at 1.5V 45 55 % 48_M at 3.3V TDC Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 18 of 21 CY28447 AC Electrical Specifications (continued) Min. Max. Unit TPERIOD Parameter Period Description Measurement at 1.5V Condition 20.83125 20.83542 ns TPERIODAbs Absolute Period Measurement at 1.5V 20.48125 21.18542 ns THIGH 48_M High time Measurement at 2.4V 8.094 11.100 ns TLOW 48_M Low time Measurement at 0.4V 7.694 11.100 ns T R / TF Rising and Falling Edge Rate Measured between 0.8V and 2.0V 1.0 2.0 V/ns TCCJ Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measurement at 1.5V – 350 ps LACC 48M Long Term Accuracy Measured at crossing point VOX – 100 ppm TDC Duty Cycle Measurement at 1.5V 45 55 % TPERIOD Spread Disabled 27M Period Measurement at 1.5V 27.000 27.0547 ns Spread Enabled 27M Period Measurement at 1.5V 27.000 27.0547 27_M at 3.3V THIGH 27_M High time Measurement at 2.0V 10.5 – ns TLOW 27_M Low time Measurement at 0.8V 10.5 – ns T R / TF Rising and Falling Edge Rate Measured between 0.8V and 2.0V 1.0 4.0 V/ns TCCJ Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measurement at 1.5V – 500 ps LACC 27_M Long Term Accuracy Measured at crossing point VOX – 0 ppm REF at 3.3V TDC REF Duty Cycle Measurement at 1.5V 45 55 % TPERIOD REF Period Measurement at 1.5V 69.8203 69.8622 ns TPERIODAbs REF Absolute Period Measurement at 1.5V 68.82033 70.86224 ns T R / TF REF Rising and Falling Edge Rate Measured between 0.8V and 2.0V 1.0 4.0 V/ns TSKEW REF Clock to REF Clock Measurement at 1.5V – 500 ps TCCJ REF Cycle to Cycle Jitter Measurement at 1.5V – 1000 ps LACC Long Term Accuracy Measurement at 1.5V – 300 ppm ENABLE/DISABLE and SET-UP TSTABLE Clock Stabilization from Power-up TSS Stopclock Set-up Time TSH Stopclock Hold Time Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 – 1.8 ms 10.0 – ns 0 – ns Page 19 of 21 CY28447 Test and Measurement Set-up For Single-ended Signals and Reference The following diagram shows test load configurations for the single-ended PCI, USB, and REF output signals. Measurement Point 33Ω PCI/ USB 60Ω 5pF Measurement Point 12Ω 60Ω REF 5pF Measurement Point 12Ω 60Ω 5pF Figure 15.Single-ended Load Configuration Low Drive Option 12Ω 60Ω 12Ω P C I/ USB 60Ω 12Ω 60Ω 12Ω REF 60Ω 12Ω 60Ω M easurem ent P oint 5pF M easurem ent P oint 5pF M easurem ent P oint 5pF M easurem ent P oint 5pF M easurem ent P oint 5pF Figure 16. Single-ended Load Configuration High Drive Option The following diagram shows the test load configuration for the differential CPU and SRC outputs. M e a s u re m e n t P o in t 33Ω CPUT SRCT D O T96T 96_100_SSC T 4 9 .9 Ω 2pF 1 0 0 Ω D if f e r e n t ia l M e a s u re m e n t P o in t 33Ω CPUC SRCC D O T96C 96_100_SSC C 4 9 .9 Ω 2pF IR E F 475Ω Figure 17. 0.7V Differential Load Configuration Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 20 of 21 CY28447 3 .3 V s ig n a l s T DC - - 3 .3 V 2 .4 V 1 .5 V 0 .4 V 0V TF TR Figure 18. Single-ended Output Signals (for AC Parameters Measurement) Ordering Information Part Number Package Type Product Flow Lead-free CY28447LFXC 72-pin QFN Commercial, 0° to 85°C CY28447LFXCT 72-pin QFN – Tape and Reel Commercial, 0° to 85°C Package Diagram 72-Lead QFN 10 x 10 mm (Punch Version) LF72A $)-%.3)/.3 ). --;).#(%3= -). -!8 2%&%2%.#% *%$%# -/ 7%)'(4 '2!-3 ;= ;= ;= ! # 0!$$,% 3):% 8 -- ;= -!8 ;= -!8 ;= -!8 ;= ;= ;= 2%& ;= ;= . $)! 0). )$ 2 . ;= ;= ;= ;= ;= % 0!$ 0!$ 3):% 6!29 "9 $%6)#% 490% ;= ;= ² ² ;= # 4/0 6)%7 3)$% 6)%7 ;= ;= 8 ;= ;= 3%!4).' 0,!.% "/44/- 6)%7 While SLI has reviewed all information herein for accuracy and reliability, Spectra Linear Inc. assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry or for the infringement of any patents or other rights of third parties which would result from each use. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications and is not warranted nor is it intended for use in life support, critical medical instruments, or any other application requiring extended temperature range, high reliability, or any other extraordinary environmental requirements unless pursuant to additional processing by Spectra Linear Inc., and expressed written agreement by Spectra Linear Inc. Spectra Linear Inc. reserves the right to change any circuitry or specification without notice. Rev 1.0, November 20, 2006 Page 21 of 21