DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS MCR3818 SERIES, MCR3918 SERIES SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER Available Non-RoHS (standard) or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number. MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Peak repetitive forward and reverse blocking voltage MCR3818, MCR3918-2 MCR3818, MCR3918-3 MCR3818, MCR3918-4 MCR3818, MCR3918-6 MCR3818, MCR3918-8 MCR3818, MCR3918-10 Value Unit (1) Peak non-repetitive reverse blocking voltage MCR3818, MCR3918-2 MCR3818, MCR3918-3 MCR3818, MCR3918-4 MCR3818, MCR3918-6 MCR3818, MCR3918-8 MCR3818, MCR3918-10 50 100 200 400 600 800 VRRM, VDRM Volts 75 150 300 500 700 900 VRSM Volts Forward on-state current RMS (all conduction angles) IT(RMS) 20 Amps Average on-state current (TC = 67°C) IT(AV) 13 Amps Circuit fusing considerations (TJ = -40 to +100°C, t ≤ 8.3ms) I2t Peak non-repetitive surge current (1/2 cycle, 60Hz, TJ = -40 to +100°C) ITSM Peak gate power (maximum pulse width = 10µs) PGM 5 Watts Average gate power A2s 235 Amps 240 PG(AV) 0.5 Watts Peak forward gate current (maximum pulse width = 10µs) IGM 2 Amps Peak gate voltage VGM 10 Volts TJ -40 to +125 °C Tstg -40 to +150 °C 30 In. lb. Operating junction temperature range Storage temperature range Mounting torque Note 1: VDRM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage; however, positive gate voltage shall not be applied concurrent with negative potential on the anode. Blocking voltages shall not be tested with a constant current source such that the voltage ratings of the devices are exceeded. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal resistance, junction to case DIGI PF2 TO-48 Symbol Typical Maximum Unit RӨJC 1 1.1 1.5 1.6 °C/W Symbol Min. Max. Unit - 10 5 µA mA - 40 75 mA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C) Characteristic Peak forward or reverse blocking current (Rated VDRM or VRRM, gate open) TJ = 25°C TJ = 100°C IDRM, IRRM Gate trigger current (continuous dc) (VD = 7Vdc, RL = 100Ω) (VD = 7Vdc, RL = 100Ω, TC = -40°C) 144 Market Street Kenilworth NJ 07033 USA IGT phone +1.908.245-7200 fax +1.908.245-0555 sales@digitroncorp.com www.digitroncorp.com Rev. 20130118 DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS MCR3818 SERIES, MCR3918 SERIES SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER Characteristic Symbol Gate trigger voltage (continuous dc) (VD = 7Vdc, gate open) (VD = 7Vdc, RL = 100Ω, TC = -40°C) (VD = rated VDRM, RL = 100Ω, TJ = 100°C) VGT Peak on state voltage (pulse width = 1ms max., duty cycle ≤ 1%) (ITM = 20A) (ITM = 41A) VTM Min. Max. 0.2 1.5 2.5 - - 1.5 1.7 - 50 90 Holding current (VD = 7Vdc, gate open) (VD = 7Vdc, gate open, TC = -40°C) IH Gate controlled turn-on time (td + tr) (ITM = 20A, IGT = 40mAdc, VD = rated VDRM) tgt Circuit commutate turn-off time (ITM = 10A, IR – 10A) (ITM = 10A, IR = 10A, TJ = 100°C) (VD = VDRM = rated voltage) (dv/dt = 30V/µs) tq 20 30 dv/dt 50 Critical rate of rise of off state voltage (VD = rated VDRM, exponential waveform, gate open, TJ = 100°C) Volts Volts mA Typical µs 1 µs V/µs MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Case Digi PF2 (MCR3818 series) Marking Body painted, alpha-numeric DIGI PF2 A B C E F J K N Q 144 Market Street Kenilworth NJ 07033 USA phone +1.908.245-7200 fax +1.908.245-0555 Inches Min Max 0.501 0.505 0.465 0.475 0.330 0.380 0.100 0.035 0.085 0.080 0.097 0.800 0.510 0.065 0.160 Unit Millimeters Min Max 12.730 12.830 11.810 12.060 8.390 9.650 2.540 0.890 2.160 2.040 2.460 20.320 12.950 1.650 4.060 sales@digitroncorp.com www.digitroncorp.com Rev. 20130118 DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS MCR3818 SERIES, MCR3918 SERIES SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Case TO-48 (MCR3918 series) Marking Body painted, alpha-numeric Pin out See below TO-48 A B C F H J K L Q T 144 Market Street Kenilworth NJ 07033 USA Inches Min Max 0.604 0.614 0.551 0.559 1.050 1.190 0.135 0.160 0.265 0.420 0.455 0.620 0.670 0.300 0.350 0.055 0.085 0.501 0.505 phone +1.908.245-7200 fax +1.908.245-0555 Millimeters Min Max 15.340 15.600 14.000 14.200 2.670 30.230 3.430 4.060 6.730 10.670 11.560 15.750 17.020 7.620 8.890 1.400 2.160 12.730 12.830 sales@digitroncorp.com www.digitroncorp.com Rev. 20130118 DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS MCR3818 SERIES, MCR3918 SERIES 144 Market Street Kenilworth NJ 07033 USA phone +1.908.245-7200 fax +1.908.245-0555 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER sales@digitroncorp.com www.digitroncorp.com Rev. 20130118 DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS MCR3818 SERIES, MCR3918 SERIES 144 Market Street Kenilworth NJ 07033 USA phone +1.908.245-7200 fax +1.908.245-0555 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER sales@digitroncorp.com www.digitroncorp.com Rev. 20130118 DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS MCR3818 SERIES, MCR3918 SERIES 144 Market Street Kenilworth NJ 07033 USA phone +1.908.245-7200 fax +1.908.245-0555 SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER sales@digitroncorp.com www.digitroncorp.com Rev. 20130118