EGP10A-EGP10G High Efficiency Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 --- 400 V CURRENT: 1.0 A DO - 41 Features Low cost Diffused junction Low leakage Low forward voltage High current capability Easily cleaned with alcohol,Isopropanol and similar solvents The plastic material carries U/L recognition 94V-0 Mechanical Data Case:JEDEC DO--41,molded plastic Dimensions in millimeters Polarity: Color band denotes cathode Weight: 0.012 ounces,0.34 grams Mounting position: Any MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ratings at 25 ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase,half wave,60 Hz,resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load,derate by 20%. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage Maximum RMS voltage Maximum DC blocking voltage Maximum average forw ard rectified current @TA=75 9.5mm lead length VRRM VRMS VDC EGP 10A EGP 10B EGP 10C EGP 10D EGP 10F EGP 10G UNITS 50 35 50 100 70 100 150 105 150 200 140 200 300 210 300 400 280 400 V V V IF(AV) 1.0 A IFSM 30.0 A Peak forw ard surge current 8.3ms single half-sine-w ave superimposed on rated load @TJ =125 Maximum instantaneous forw ard voltage @ 1.0 A Maximum reverse current @TA=25 at rated DC blocking voltage @TA=125 Maximum reverse recovery time (Note1) Typical junction capacitance (Note2) Typical thermal resistance (Note3) Operating junction temperature range Storage temperature range VF 0.95 5.0 100.0 50 IR trr CJ RθJA TJ TSTG 1.25 22 NOTE: 1. Measured with I F=0.5A, I R=1A, I rr=0.25A. 2. Measured at 1.0MHz and applied rev erse uoltage of 4.0V DC. 3.Thermal resistance f rom junction to ambient. A 15 50 - 55 ---- + 150 - 55 ---- + 150 mail:[email protected] V ns pF /W EGP10A-EGP10G High Efficiency Rectifiers Ratings AND Charactieristic Curves FIG.1 --TEST CIRCUIT DIAGRAM AND REVERSE RECOVERY TIME CHARACTERISTIC 50 N 1. t rr 10 N 1. +0.5A D.U.T. (+) 25VDC (approx) (-) (+) 0 PULSE GENERATOR (NOTE2) OSCILLOSCOPE (NOTE 1) 1 NONINDUCTIVE -0.25A (-) -1.0A 1cm SET TIMEBASEFOR 20/30 ns/cm NOTES:1.RISETIME=7ns MAX.INPUT IMPEDANCE=1MΩ.22pF 2.RISETIME=10ns MAX.SOURCEIMPEDANCE=50Ω. FIG.4--TYPICAL REVERSE CHARACTERISTICS PEAK FORWARD SURGE CURRENT AMPERES INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD CURRENT AMPERES FIG.3 --TYPICAL FORWARD CHARACTERISTICS 100 10 T J =25 Pulse Width=300 µ S 1.0 50\100\150\200V 300\400V 0.1 0.04 0.01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE,VOLTS 15 10 EGP10A-EGP10D EGP10F&EGP10G 0.1 1 4 10 REVERSE VOLTAGE,VOLTS 0.375"(9.5mm)LEAD LENGTH 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 100 30 T J = 1 25 8 .3 m s S in g le H a lf S in e-W ave 25 AMPERES 20 AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT JUNCTION CAPACITANCE,pF TJ =25 25 0 0.5 FIG.6--FORWARD DERATING CURVE 35 5 Single Phase Half Wave 60Hz Resistive or Inductive Load NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60Hz FIG.5--TYPICAL JUNCTION CAPACITANCE 30 1.0 20 E G P 10 A -E G P 10 G 15 10 5 0 1 10 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, mail:[email protected] 100