FM31L276/FM31L278 64-Kbit/256-Kbit Integrated Processor Companion with F-RAM 64-Kbit/256-Kbit Integrated Processor Companion with F-RAM Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 64-Kbit/256-Kbit ferroelectric random access memory (F-RAM) ❐ Logically organized as 8K × 8 (FM31L276)/ 32K × 8 (FM31L278) 14 ❐ High-endurance 100 trillion (10 ) read/writes ❐ 151-year data retention (See Data Retention and Endurance on page 29) ❐ NoDelay™ writes ❐ Advanced high-reliability ferroelectric process High Integration Device Replaces Multiple Parts ❐ Serial nonvolatile memory ❐ Real time clock (RTC) ❐ Low voltage reset ❐ Watchdog timer ❐ Early power-fail warning/NMI ❐ Two 16-bit event counter ❐ Serial number with write-lock for security Real-time Clock/Calendar ❐ Backup current at 2 V: 1.15 A at +25 C ❐ Seconds through centuries in BCD format ❐ Tracks leap years through 2099 ❐ Uses standard 32.768 kHz crystal (6 pF/12.5 pF) ❐ Software calibration ❐ Supports battery or capacitor backup Processor Companion ❐ Active-low reset output for VDD and watchdog ❐ Programmable low-VDD reset trip point ❐ Manual reset filtered and debounced ❐ Programmable watchdog timer ❐ Dual Battery-backed event counter tracks system intrusions or other events ❐ Comparator for power-fail interrupt ❐ 64-bit programmable serial number with lock Fast 2-wire serial interface (I2C) ❐ Up to 1-MHz frequency ❐ Supports legacy timings for 100 kHz and 400 kHz 2 ❐ RTC, Supervisor controlled via I C interface ❐ Device select pins for up to 4 memory devices ■ Low power consumption ❐ 1.5 mA active current at 1 MHz ❐ 120 A standby current ■ Operating voltage: VDD = 2.7 V to 3.6 V ■ Industrial temperature: –40 C to +85 C ■ 14-pin small outline integrated circuit (SOIC) package Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C ■ Restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) compliant ■ Underwriters laboratory (UL) recognized Functional Description The FM31L276/FM31L278 device integrates F-RAM memory with the most commonly needed functions for processor-based systems. Major features include nonvolatile memory, real time clock, low-VDD reset, watchdog timer, nonvolatile event counter, lockable 64-bit serial number area, and general purpose comparator that can be used for a power-fail (NMI) interrupt or any other purpose. The FM31L276/FM31L278 is a 64-Kbit/256-Kbit nonvolatile memory employing an advanced ferroelectric process. A ferroelectric random access memory or F-RAM is nonvolatile and performs reads and writes similar to a RAM. This memory is truly nonvolatile rather than battery backed. It provides reliable data retention for 151 years while eliminating the complexities, overhead, and system-level reliability problems caused by other nonvolatile memories. The FM31L276/FM31L278 is capable of supporting 1014 read/write cycles, or 100 million times more write cycles than EEPROM. The real time clock (RTC) provides time and date information in BCD format. It can be permanently powered from an external backup voltage source, either a battery or a capacitor. The timekeeper uses a common external 32.768 kHz crystal and provides a calibration mode that allows software adjustment of timekeeping accuracy. The processor companion includes commonly needed CPU support functions. Supervisory functions include a reset output signal controlled by either a low VDD condition or a watchdog timeout. RST goes active when VDD drops below a programmable threshold and remains active for 100 ms after VDD rises above the trip point. A programmable watchdog timer runs from 100 ms to 3 seconds. The watchdog timer is optional, but if enabled it will assert the reset signal for 100 ms if not restarted by the host before the timeout. A flag-bit indicates the source of the reset. A comparator on PFI compares an external input pin to the onboard 1.2 V reference. This is useful for generating a power-fail interrupt (NMI) but can be used for any purpose. The family also includes a programmable 64-bit serial number that can be locked making it unalterable. Additionally it offers a dual battery-backed event counter that tracks the number of rising or falling edges detected on a dedicated input pin. For a complete list of related documentation, click here. • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600 Revised February 28, 2018 FM31L276/FM31L278 Logic Block Diagram Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 2 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Contents Pinout ................................................................................ 4 Pin Definitions .................................................................. 4 Functional Overview ........................................................ 5 Memory Architecture ................................................... 5 Processor Companion ..................................................... 5 Processor Supervisor .................................................. 5 Manual Reset .............................................................. 6 Reset Flags ................................................................. 6 Early Power Fail Comparator ...................................... 7 Event Counter ............................................................. 7 Serial Number ............................................................. 7 Real-time Clock Operation ............................................... 8 Backup Power ............................................................. 9 Trickle Charger ............................................................ 9 Calibration ................................................................... 9 Crystal Oscillator ....................................................... 10 Layout Recommendations ............................................. 11 Register Map ................................................................... 14 I2C Interface .................................................................... 21 STOP Condition (P) ................................................... 21 START Condition (S) ................................................. 21 Data/Address Transfer .............................................. 21 Acknowledge/No-acknowledge ................................. 22 Slave Address ........................................................... 22 Addressing Overview - Memory ................................ 23 Addressing Overview - RTC & Companion ............... 23 Data Transfer ............................................................ 23 Memory Operation .......................................................... 24 Memory Write Operation ........................................... 24 Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Memory Read Operation ........................................... 25 RTC/Companion Write Operation ............................. 26 RTC/Companion Read Operation ............................. 26 Addressing FRAM Array in the FM31L276/FM31L278 Family ................................. 26 Maximum Ratings ........................................................... 27 Operating Range ............................................................. 27 DC Electrical Characteristics ........................................ 27 Data Retention and Endurance ..................................... 29 Capacitance .................................................................... 29 Thermal Resistance ........................................................ 29 AC Test Loads and Waveforms ..................................... 29 AC Test Conditions ........................................................ 29 Supervisor Timing .......................................................... 30 AC Switching Characteristics ....................................... 31 Ordering Information ...................................................... 32 Ordering Code Definitions ......................................... 32 Package Diagram ............................................................ 33 Acronyms ........................................................................ 34 Document Conventions ................................................. 34 Units of Measure ....................................................... 34 Document History Page ................................................. 35 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information ...................... 36 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ....................... 36 Products .................................................................... 36 PSoC® Solutions ...................................................... 36 Cypress Developer Community ................................. 36 Technical Support ..................................................... 36 Page 3 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Pinout Figure 1. 14-pin SOIC pinout CNT1 1 14 VDD CNT2 2 13 SCL A0 3 12 SDA A1 4 11 X2 CAL/PFO 5 10 X1 RST 6 9 PFI VSS 7 8 VBAK Pin Definitions Pin Name I/O Type Description A1–A0 Input Device Select Address 1–0. These pins are used to select one of up to 4 devices of the same type on the same I2C bus. To select the device, the address value on the three pins must match the corresponding bits contained in the slave address. The address pins are pulled down internally. SDA Input/Output Serial Data/Address. This is a bi-directional pin for the I2C interface. It is open-drain and is intended to be wire-OR'd with other devices on the I2C bus. The input buffer incorporates a Schmitt trigger for noise immunity and the output driver includes slope control for falling edges. An external pull-up resistor is required. SCL Input Serial Clock. The serial clock pin for the I2C interface. Data is clocked out of the device on the falling edge, and into the device on the rising edge. The SCL input also incorporates a Schmitt trigger input for noise immunity. CNT1, CNT2 Input Event Counter Inputs. These battery-backed inputs increment counters when an edge is detected on the corresponding CNT pin. The polarity is programmable. These pins should not be left floating. Tie to ground if these pins are not used. X1, X2 Input/Output 32.768 kHz crystal connection. When using an external oscillator, apply the clock to X1 and a DC mid-level to X2. These pins should be left unconnected if RTC is not used. RST Input/Output Reset. This active-low output is open drain with weak pull-up. It is also an input when used as a manual reset. This pin should be left floating if unused. PFI Input Early Power-fail Input. Typically connected to an unregulated power supply to detect an early power failure. This pin must be tied to ground if unused. CAL/PFO Output Calibration/Early Power-fail Output. In calibration mode, this pin supplies a 512 Hz square-wave output for clock calibration. In normal operation, this is the early power-fail output. VBAK Power supply Backup supply voltage. Connected to a 3 V battery or a large value capacitor. If no backup supply is used, this pin should be tied to ground and the VBC bit should be cleared in the RTC register 0Bh. The trickle charger is UL recognized and ensures no excessive current when using a lithium battery. VSS Power supply Ground for the device. Must be connected to the ground of the system. VDD Power supply Power supply input to the device. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 4 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Functional Overview Processor Companion The FM31L276/FM31L278 device combines a serial nonvolatile RAM with a real time clock (RTC) and a processor companion. The companion is a highly integrated peripheral including a processor supervisor, a comparator used for early power-fail warning, nonvolatile event counters, and a 64-bit serial number. The FM31L276/FM31L278 integrates these complementary but distinct functions under a common interface in a single package. The product is organized as two logical devices. The first is a memory and the second is the companion which includes all the remaining functions. From the system perspective they appear to be two separate devices with unique IDs on the serial bus. In addition to nonvolatile RAM, the FM31L276/FM31L278 incorporates a real time clock and highly integrated processor companion. The companion includes a low-VDD reset, a programmable watchdog timer, a battery-backed event counters, a comparator for early power-fail detection or other purposes, and a 64-bit serial number. The memory is organized as a standalone nonvolatile I2C memory using standard device ID value. The real time clock and supervisor functions are accessed with a separate I2C device ID. This allows clock/calendar data to be read while maintaining the most recently used memory address. The clock and supervisor functions are controlled by 25 special function registers. The RTC and event counter circuits are maintained by the power source on the VBAK pin, allowing them to operate from battery or backup capacitor power when VDD drops below a set threshold. Each functional block is described below. Memory Architecture The FM31L276/FM31L278 device is available in memory size 64-Kbit/256-Kbit. The device uses two-byte addressing for the memory portion of the chip. This makes the device software compatible with its standalone memory counterparts, but makes them compatible within the entire family. The memory array is logically organized as 8,192 × 8 bits/ 32,768 × 8 bits and is accessed using an industry-standard I2C interface. The memory is based on F-RAM technology. Therefore it can be treated as RAM and is read or written at the speed of the I2C bus with no delays for write operations. It also offers effectively unlimited write endurance unlike other nonvolatile memory technologies. The I2C protocol is described on I2C Interface on page 21. The memory array can be write-protected by software. Two bits in the processor companion area (WP1, WP0 in register 0Bh) control the protection setting. Based on the setting, the protected addresses cannot be written and the I2C interface will not acknowledge any data to protected addresses. The special function registers containing these bits are described in detail in Table 1 below. Processor Supervisor Supervisors provide a host processor two basic functions: detection of power supply fault conditions and a watchdog timer to escape a software lockup condition. The FM31L276/FM31L278 has a reset pin (RST) to drive a processor reset input during power faults, power-up, and software lockups. It is an open drain output with a weak internal pull-up to VDD. This allows other reset sources to be wire-OR'd to the RST pin. When VDD is above the programmed trip point, RST output is pulled weakly to VDD. If VDD drops below the reset trip point voltage level (VTP), the RST pin will be driven LOW. It will remain LOW until VDD falls too low for circuit operation which is the VRST level. When VDD rises again above VTP, RST continues to drive LOW for at least 100 ms (tRPU) to ensure a robust system reset at a reliable VDD level. After tRPU has been met, the RST pin will return to the weak HIGH state. While RST is asserted, serial bus activity is locked out even if a transaction occurred as VDD dropped below VTP. A memory operation started while VDD is above VTP will be completed internally. Table 2 below shows how bit VTP controls the trip point of the low-VDD reset. They are located in register 0Bh, bits 1 and 0. The reset pin will drive LOW when VDD is below the selected VTP voltage, and the I2C interface and F-RAM array will be locked out. Note that the bit 1 location is a don't care. Figure 2 illustrates the reset operation in response to a low VDD. Table 2. VTP setting VTP Setting VTP 2.6 V 0 2.9 V 1 Figure 2. Low VDD Reset VDD VTP tRPU Table 1. Block Memory Write Protection WP1 WP0 Protected Address Range 0 0 None 0 1 Bottom 1/4 1 0 Bottom 1/2 1 1 Full array Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C RST Page 5 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 A watchdog timer can also be used to drive an active reset signal. The watchdog is a free-running programmable timer. The timeout period can be software programmed from 100 ms to 3 seconds in 100 ms increments via a 5-bit nonvolatile register. All programmed settings are minimum values and vary with temperature according to the operating specifications. The watchdog has two additional controls associated with its operation, a watchdog enable bit (WDE) and timer restart bits (WR). Both the enable bit must be set and the watchdog must timeout in order to drive RST active. If a reset event occurs, the timer will automatically restart on the rising edge of the reset pulse. If WDE = ‘0’, the watchdog timer runs but a watchdog fault will not cause RST to be asserted LOW. The WTR flag will be set, indicating a watchdog fault. This setting is useful during software development if the developer does not want RST to drive. Note that setting the maximum timeout setting (11111b) disables the counter to save power. The second control is a nibble that restarts the timer preventing a reset. The timer should be restarted after changing the timeout value. The watchdog timeout value is located in register 0Ah, bits 4:0, and the watchdog enable is bit 7. The watchdog is restarted by writing the pattern 1010b to the lower nibble of register 09h. Writing this pattern will also cause the timer to load new timeout values. Writing other patterns to this address will not affect its operation. Note the watchdog timer is free-running. Prior to enabling it, users should restart the timer as described above. This assures that the full timeout period will be set immediately after enabling. The watchdog is disabled when VDD is below VTP. The following table summarizes the watchdog bits. A block diagram follows. Watchdog Timeout Watchdog Enable Watchdog Restart WDT(4:0) WDE WR(3:0) 0Ah, bits 4:0 0Ah, bit 7 09h, bits 3:0 Manual Reset The RST is a bi-directional signal allowing the FM31L276/FM31L278 to filter and de-bounce a manual reset switch. The RST input detects an external low condition and responds by driving the RST signal LOW for 100 ms. Figure 4. Manual Reset MCU Reset Switch RST RST FM31L276/FM31L278 FM31L276/FM31L278 drives 100 ms (min.) Note The internal weak pull-up eliminates the need for additional external components. Reset Flags In case of a reset condition, a flag bit will be set to indicate the source of the reset. A low-VDD reset is indicated by the POR flag, register 09h bit 6. A watchdog reset is indicated by the WTR flag, register 09h bit 7. Note that the flags are internally set in response to reset sources, but they must be cleared by the user. When the register is read, it is possible that both flags are set if both have occurred since the user last cleared them. Figure 3. Watchdog Timer Timebase 100 ms clock WR(3:0) = 1010b to restart Down Counter Watchdog Timer Settings Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C RST WDE Page 6 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Early Power Fail Comparator An early power fail warning can be provided to the processor well before VDD drops out of spec. The comparator is used to create a power fail interrupt (NMI). This can be accomplished by connecting the PFI pin to the unregulated power supply via a resistor divider. An application circuit is shown below. Figure 5. Comparator as a Power-Fail Warning Regulator read anytime VDD is above VTP, and they will be incremented as long as a valid VBAK power source is provided. To read, set the RC bit register 0Ch bit 3 to 1. This takes a snapshot of all four counter bytes allowing a stable value even if a count occurs during the read. The registers can be written by software allowing the counters to be cleared or initialized by the system. Counts are blocked during a write operation. The two counters can be cascaded to create a single 32-bit counter by setting the CC control bit (register 0Ch, bit 2). When cascaded, the CNT1 input will cause the counter to increment. CNT2 is not used in this mode and should be tied to ground. V DD Figure 6. Event Counter C1P 16-bit Counter CNT1 FM31L276/ FM31L278 To MCU CAL/PFO NMI input + - C 2P PFI CNT2 16-bit Counter 1.2 V ref CC The voltage on the PFI input pin is compared to an onboard 1.2 V reference. When the PFI input voltage drops below this threshold, the comparator will drive the CAL/PFO pin to a LOW state. The comparator has 100 mV (max) of hysteresis to reduce noise sensitivity, only for a rising PFI signal. For a falling PFI edge, there is no hysteresis. The comparator is a general purpose device and its application is not limited to the NMI function. The comparator is not integrated into the special function registers except as it shares its output pin with the CAL output. When the RTC calibration mode is invoked by setting the CAL bit (register 00h, bit 2), the CAL/PFO output pin will be driven with a 512 Hz square wave and the comparator will be ignored. Since most users only invoke the calibration mode during production, this should have no impact on system operations using the comparator. Note The maximum voltage on the comparator input PFI is limited to 3.75 V under normal operating conditions. Event Counter The FM31L276/FM31L278 offers the user two battery-backed event counters. Input pins CNT1 and CNT2 are programmable edge detectors. Each clocks a 16-bit counter. When an edge occurs, the counters will increment their respective registers. Counter 1 is located in registers 0Dh and 0Eh, Counter 2 is located in registers 0Fh and 10h. These register values can be Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C The control bits for event counting are located in register 0Ch. Counter 1 Polarity is bit C1P, bit 0; Counter 2 Polarity is C2P, bit 1; the Cascade Control is CC, bit 2; and the Read Counter bit is RC, bit 3. The polarity bits must be set prior to setting the counter value(s). If a polarity bit is changed, the counter may inadvertently increment. If the counter pins are not being used, tie them to ground. Serial Number A memory location to write a 64-bit serial number is provided. It is a writeable nonvolatile memory block that can be locked by the user once the serial number is set. The 8 bytes of data and the lock bit are all accessed via the device ID for the Processor Companion. Therefore the serial number area is separate and distinct from the memory array. The serial number registers can be written an unlimited number of times, so these locations are general purpose memory. However, once the lock bit is set, the values cannot be altered and the lock cannot be removed. Once locked the serial number registers can still be read by the system. The serial number is located in registers 11h to 18h. The lock bit is SNL (register 0Bh, bit 7). Setting the SNL bit to a ‘1’ disables writes to the serial number registers, and the SNL bit cannot be cleared. Page 7 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Real-time Clock Operation The real-time clock (RTC) is a timekeeping device that can be battery or capacitor backed for permanently-powered operation. It offers a software calibration feature that allows high accuracy. The RTC consists of an oscillator, clock divider, and a register system for user access. It divides down the 32.768 kHz time-base and provides a minimum resolution of seconds (1 Hz). Static registers provide the user with read/write access to the time values. It includes registers for seconds, minutes, hours, day-of-the-week, date, months, and years. A block diagram (Figure 7) illustrates the RTC function. the R bit from ‘0’ to ‘1’ transfers timekeeping information from the core into holding registers that can be read by the user. If a timekeeper update is pending when R is set, then the core will be updated prior to loading the user registers. The registers are frozen and will not be updated again until the R bit is cleared to ‘0’. R is used for reading the time. Setting the W bit to ‘1’ locks the user registers. Clearing it to ‘0’ causes the values in the user registers to be loaded into the timekeeper core. W bit is used for writing new time values. Users should be certain not to load invalid values, such as FFh, to the timekeeping registers. Updates to the timekeeping core occur continuously except when locked. The user registers are synchronized with the timekeeper core using R and W bits in register 00h described below. Changing Figure 7. Real-Time Clock Core Block Diagram 512 Hz or Square Wave OSCEN 32.768 kHz crystal CF Years Months 8 bits 5 bits Clock Oscillator Date 6 bits Days 3 bits Divider Update Logic Hours MInutes Seconds 6 bits 7 bits 7 bits User Interface Registers Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C 1 Hz W R Page 8 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Backup Power Trickle Charger The real-time clock/calendar is intended to be permanently powered. When the primary system power fails, the voltage on the VDD pin will drop. When VDD is less than 2.5 V, the RTC (and event counters) will switch to the backup power supply on VBAK. The clock operates at extremely low current in order to maximize battery or capacitor life. However, an advantage of combining a clock function with F-RAM memory is that data is not lost regardless of the backup power source. To facilitate capacitor backup the VBAK pin can optionally provide a trickle charge current. When the VBC bit (register 0Bh, bit 2) is set to ‘1’, the VBAK pin will source approximately 80 µA until VBAK reaches VDD. This charges the capacitor to VDD without an external diode and resistor charger. There is a Fast Charge mode which is enabled by the FC bit (register 0Bh, bit 5). In this mode the trickle charger current is set to approximately 1 mA, allowing a large backup capacitor to charge more quickly. The IBAK current varies with temperature and voltage (see DC Electrical Characteristics on page 27). The following graph shows IBAK as a function of VBAK. These curves are useful for calculating backup time when a capacitor is used as the VBAK source. In the case where no battery is used, the VBAK pin should be tied to VSS. Be sure to turn off the trickle charger (VBC = ‘0’), otherwise charger current will be shunted to ground from VDD. Figure 8. IBAK vs. VBAK Voltage Note Systems using lithium batteries should clear the VBC bit to ‘0’ to prevent battery charging. The VBAK circuitry includes an internal 1 K series resistor as a safety element. The trickle charger is UL Recognized. IBAK (A) Calibration VBAK (V) The minimum VBAK voltage varies linearly with temperature. The user can expect the minimum VBAK voltage to be 1.23 V at +85 °C and 1.90 V at -40 °C. The tested limit is 1.55 V at +25 °C. Note The minimum VBAK voltage has been characterized at -40 °C and +85 °C but is not 100% tested. The calibration setting is stored in F-RAM so it is not lost should the backup source fail. It is accessed with bits CAL(4:0) in register 01h. This value can be written only when the CAL bit is set to a ‘1’. To exit the calibration mode, the user must clear the CAL bit to a ‘0’. When the CAL bit is ‘0’, the CAL/PFO pin will revert to the power fail output function. VBAKmin. (V) Figure 9. VBAK(min.) vs Temperature When the CAL bit in the register 00h is set to ‘1’, the clock enters calibration mode. In calibration mode, the CAL/PFO output pin is dedicated to the calibration function and the power fail output is temporarily unavailable. Calibration operates by applying a digital correction to the counter based on the frequency error. In this mode, the CAL/PFO pin is driven with a 512 Hz (nominal) square wave. Any measured deviation from 512 Hz translates into a timekeeping error. The user converts the measured error in ppm and writes the appropriate correction value to the calibration register. The correction factors are listed in the table below. Positive ppm errors require a negative adjustment that removes pulses. Negative ppm errors require a positive correction that adds pulses. Positive ppm adjustments have the CALS (sign) bit set to ‘1’, whereas negative ppm adjustments have CALS = ‘0’. After calibration, the clock will have a maximum error of ±2.17 ppm or ±0.09 minutes per month at the calibrated temperature. Temperature (°C) Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 9 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Crystal Oscillator The crystal oscillator is designed to use a 6 pF/12.5 pF crystal without the need for external components, such as loading capacitors. The FM31L276/FM31L278 device has built-in loading capacitors that are optimized for use with 6 pF crystals, but which work well with 12.5 pF crystals. For either crystal, no additional external loading capacitors are required nor suggested. In the example, R1 and R2 are chosen such that the X2 voltage is centered around the X1 oscillator drive levels. If you wish to avoid the DC current, you may choose to drive X1 with an external clock and X2 with an inverted clock using a CMOS inverter. If a 32.768 kHz crystal is not used, an external oscillator may be connected to the FM31L276/FM31L278. Apply the oscillator to the X1 pin. Its high and low voltage levels can be driven rail-to-rail or amplitudes as low as approximately 500 mV p-p. To ensure proper operation, a DC bias must be applied to the X2 pin. It should be centered between the high and low levels on the X1 pin. This can be accomplished with a voltage divider. Figure 10. External Oscillator FM31L276/FM31L278 X1 X2 VDD R1 R2 Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 10 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Layout Recommendations The X1 and X2 crystal pins employ very high impedance circuits and the oscillator connected to these pins can be upset by noise or extra loading. To reduce RTC clock errors from signal switching noise, a guard ring must be placed around these pads and the guard ring grounded. SDA and SCL traces should be routed away from the X1 / X2 pads. The X1 and X2 trace lengths should be less than 5 mm. The use of a ground plane on the backside or inner board layer is preferred. See layout example. Red is the top layer, green is the bottom layer. Figure 11. Layout Recommendations VDD VDD SCL SCL SDA SDA X2 X2 X1 X1 PFI PFI VBAK VBA K Layout for Surface Mount Crystal Layout for Through Hole Crystal (red = top layer, green = bottom layer) (red = top layer, green = bottom layer) Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 11 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Table 3. Digital Calibration Adjustments S.No. Measured Frequency Range Min Max Error Range (PPM) Min Max Program Calibration Register to: Positive Calibration for slow clocks: Calibration will achieve ±2.17 PPM after calibration 0 512.0000 511.9989 0 2.17 000000 1 511.9989 511.9967 2.18 6.51 100001 2 511.9967 511.9944 6.52 10.85 100010 3 511.9944 511.9922 10.86 15.19 100011 4 511.9922 511.9900 15.20 19.53 100100 5 511.9900 511.9878 19.54 23.87 100101 6 511.9878 511.9856 23.88 28.21 100110 7 511.9856 511.9833 28.22 32.55 100111 8 511.9833 511.9811 32.56 36.89 101000 9 511.9811 511.9789 36.90 41.23 101001 10 511.9789 511.9767 41.24 45.57 101010 11 511.9767 511.9744 45.58 49.91 101011 12 511.9744 511.9722 49.92 54.25 101100 13 511.9722 511.9700 54.26 58.59 101101 14 511.9700 511.9678 58.60 62.93 101110 15 511.9678 511.9656 62.94 67.27 101111 16 511.9656 511.9633 67.28 71.61 110000 17 511.9633 511.9611 71.62 75.95 110001 18 511.9611 511.9589 75.96 80.29 110010 19 511.9589 511.9567 80.30 84.63 110011 20 511.9567 511.9544 84.64 88.97 110100 21 511.9544 511.9522 88.98 93.31 110101 22 511.9522 511.9500 93.32 97.65 110110 23 511.9500 511.9478 97.66 101.99 110111 24 511.9478 511.9456 102.00 106.33 111000 25 511.9456 511.9433 106.34 110.67 111001 26 511.9433 511.9411 110.68 115.01 111010 27 511.9411 511.9389 115.02 119.35 111011 28 511.9389 511.9367 119.36 123.69 111100 29 511.9367 511.9344 123.70 128.03 111101 30 511.9344 511.9322 128.04 132.37 111110 31 511.9322 511.9300 132.38 136.71 111111 Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 12 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Table 3. Digital Calibration Adjustments (continued) S.No. Measured Frequency Range Min Max Error Range (PPM) Min Max Program Calibration Register to: Negative Calibration for fast clocks: Calibration will achieve ±2.17 PPM after calibration 0 512.0000 512.0011 0 2.17 000000 1 512.0011 512.0033 2.18 6.51 000001 2 512.0033 512.0056 6.52 10.85 000010 3 512.0056 512.0078 10.86 15.19 000011 4 512.0078 512.0100 15.20 19.53 000100 5 512.0100 512.0122 19.54 23.87 000101 6 512.0122 512.0144 23.88 28.21 000110 7 512.0144 512.0167 28.22 32.55 000111 8 512.0167 512.0189 32.56 36.89 001000 9 512.0189 512.0211 36.90 41.23 001001 10 512.0211 512.0233 41.24 45.57 001010 11 512.0233 512.0256 45.58 49.91 001011 12 512.0256 512.0278 49.92 54.25 001100 13 512.0278 512.0300 54.26 58.59 001101 14 512.0300 512.0322 58.60 62.93 001110 15 512.0322 512.0344 62.94 67.27 001111 16 512.0344 512.0367 67.28 71.61 010000 17 512.0367 512.0389 71.62 75.95 010001 18 512.0389 512.0411 75.96 80.29 010010 19 512.0411 512.0433 80.30 84.63 010011 20 512.0433 512.0456 84.64 88.97 010100 21 512.0456 512.0478 88.98 93.31 010101 22 512.0478 512.0500 93.32 97.65 010110 23 512.0500 512.0522 97.66 101.99 010111 24 512.0522 512.0544 102.00 106.33 011000 25 512.0544 512.0567 106.34 110.67 011001 26 512.0567 512.0589 110.68 115.01 011010 27 512.0589 512.0611 115.02 119.35 011011 28 512.0611 512.0633 119.36 123.69 011100 29 512.0633 512.0656 123.70 128.03 011101 30 512.0656 512.0678 128.04 132.37 011110 31 512.0678 512.0700 132.38 136.71 011111 Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 13 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Register Map The RTC and processor companion functions are accessed via 25 special function registers, which are mapped to a separate I2C device ID. The interface protocol is described on I2C Interface on page 21. The registers contain timekeeping data, control bits, and information flags. A description of each register follows the summary table. Table 4. Register Map Summary Table Nonvolatile = Address Battery-backed = Data D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 Function D0 Range 18h Serial Number Byte 7 Serial Number 7 FFh 17h Serial Number Byte 6 Serial Number 6 FFh 16h Serial Number Byte 5 Serial Number 5 FFh 15h Serial Number Byte 4 Serial Number 4 FFh 14h Serial Number Byte 3 Serial Number 3 FFh 13h Serial Number Byte 2 Serial Number 2 FFh 12h Serial Number Byte 1 Serial Number 1 FFh 11h Serial Number Byte 0 Serial Number 0 FFh 10h Counter 2 MSB Event Counter 2 MSB FFh 0Fh Counter 2 LSB Event Counter 2 LSB FFh 0Eh Counter 1 MSB Event Counter 1 MSB FFh Event Counter 1 LSB FFh Counter 1 LSB 0Dh 0Ch – – – – RC CC C2P C1P Event Count Control 0Bh SNL – FC WP1 WP0 VBC – VTP Companion Control 0Ah WDE – – WDT4 WDT3 WDT2 WDT1 WDT0 09h WTR POR LB – WR3 WR2 WR1 WR0 10 years 08h 10 months 0 Watchdog Control Watchdog Restart/Flags years Years 00–99 months Month 01–12 Date 01–31 Day 01–07 Hours 00–23 07h 0 0 06h 0 0 05h 0 0 04h 0 0 03h 0 10 minutes minutes Minutes 00–59 02h 0 10 seconds seconds Seconds 00–59 10 date 0 0 OSCEN reserved 00h reserved CALS CAL4 day 0 10 hours 01h CF date hours CAL3 reserved reserved reserved CAL2 CAL1 CAL0 CAL Control CAL W R RTC Control Note When the device is first powered up and programmed, all timekeeping registers must be written because the battery-backed register values cannot be guaranteed. The table below shows the default values of the non-volatile registers. All other register values should be treated as unknown. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 14 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Table 5. Default Register Values Address Hex Value Address Hex Value 18h 0x00 0Ah 0x1F 17h 0x00 08h 0x00 16h 0x00 07h 0x01 15h 0x00 06h 0x01 14h 0x00 05h 0x01 13h 0x00 04h 0x00 12h 0x00 03h 0x01 11h 0x00 02h 0x00 0Bh 0x00 01h 0x80 Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 15 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Table 6. Register Description Address Description 18h Serial Number Byte 7 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SN.63 SN.62 SN.61 SN.60 SN.59 SN.58 SN.57 SN.56 Upper byte of the serial number. Read/write when SNL = ‘0’, read-only when SNL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile. 17h 16h Serial Number Byte 6 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SN.55 SN.54 SN.53 SN.52 SN.51 SN.50 SN.49 SN.48 Byte 6 of the serial number. Read/write when SNL = ‘0’, read-only when SNL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile. Serial Number Byte 5 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SN.47 SN.46 SN.45 SN.44 SN.43 SN.42 SN.41 SN.40 Byte 5 of the serial number. Read/write when SNL = ‘0’, read-only when SNL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile. 15h Serial Number Byte 4 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SN.39 SN.38 SN.37 SN.36 SN.35 SN.34 SN.33 SN.32 Byte 4 of the serial number. Read/write when SNL = ‘0’, read-only when SNL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile. 14h Serial Number Byte 3 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SN.31 SN.30 SN.29 SN.28 SN.27 SN.26 SN.25 SN.24 Byte 3 of the serial number. Read/write when SNL = ‘0’, read-only when SNL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile. 13h Serial Number Byte 2 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SN.23 SN.22 SN.21 SN.20 SN.19 SN.18 SN.17 SN.16 Byte 2 of the serial number. Read/write when SNL = ‘0’, read-only when SNL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile. 12h Serial Number Byte 1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SN.15 SN.14 SN.13 SN.12 SN.11 SN.10 SN.9 SN.8 Byte 1 of the serial number. Read/write when SNL = ‘0’, read-only when SNL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile. 11h Serial Number Byte 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SN.7 SN.6 SN.5 SN.4 SN.3 SN.2 SN.1 SN.0 LSB of the serial number. Read/write when SNL = ‘0’, read-only when SNL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile. 10h Counter 2 MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C2.15 C2.14 C2.13 C2.12 C2.11 C2.10 C2.9 C2.8 Event Counter 2 MSB. Increments on overflows from Counter 2 LSB. Battery-backed, read/write. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 16 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Table 6. Register Description (continued) Address Description 0Fh Counter 2 LSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C2.7 C2.6 C2.5 C2.4 C2.3 C2.2 C2.1 C2.0 Event Counter 2 LSB. Increments on programmed edge event on CNT2 input or overflows from Counter 1 MSB when CC = ‘1’. Battery-backed, read/write. 0Eh Counter 1 MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C1.15 C1.14 C1.13 C1.12 C1.11 C1.10 C1.9 C1.8 Event Counter 1MSB. Increments on overflows from Counter 1 LSB. Battery-backed, read/write. 0Dh Counter 1 LSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C1.7 C1.6 C1.5 C1.4 C1.3 C1.2 C1.1 C1.0 Event Counter 1 LSB. Increments on programmed edge event on CNT1 input. Battery-backed, read/write. 0Ch Event Counter Control D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 – – – – RC CC C2P C1P RC Read Counter. Setting this bit to ‘1’ takes a snapshot of the four counters bytes allowing the system to read the values without missing count events. The RC bit will be automatically cleared. CC Counter Cascade. When CC = ‘0’, the event counters operate independently according to the edge programmed by C1P and C2P respectively. When CC = ‘1’, the counters are cascaded to create one 32-bit counter. The registers of Counter 2 represent the most significant 16-bits of the counter and CNT1 is the controlling input. Bit C2P is don't care when CC = ‘1’. Battery-backed, read/write. C2P CNT2 detects falling edges when C2P = ‘0’, rising edges when C2P = ‘1’. C2P is “don't care” when CC = ‘1’. The value of Event Counter 2 may inadvertently increment if C2P is changed. Battery-backed, read/write. C1P CNT1 detects falling edges when C1P = ‘0’, rising edges when C1P = ‘1’. The value of Event Counter 1 may inadvertently increment if C1P is changed. Battery-backed, read/write. 0Bh Companion Control D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SNL – FC WP1 WP0 VBC – VTP SNL Serial Number Lock: Setting to a ‘1’ makes registers 11h to 18h and SNL permanently read-only. SNL cannot be cleared once set to ‘1’. Nonvolatile, read/write. FC Fast Charge: Setting FC to ‘1’ (and VBC = ‘1’) causes a ~1 mA trickle charge current to be supplied on VBAK. Clearing VBC to ‘0’ disables the charge current. Nonvolatile, read/write. WP(1:0) Write Protect. These bits control the write protection of the memory array. Nonvolatile, read/write. VBC Write protect address WP1 WP0 None 0 0 Bottom 1/4 0 1 Bottom 1/2 1 0 Full array 1 1 VBAK Charger Control. Setting VBC to ‘1’ (and FC = ‘0’) causes a 80 µA (1 mA if FC = ‘1’) trickle charge current to be supplied on VBAK. Clearing VBC to ‘0’ disables the charge current. Nonvolatile, read/write. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 17 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Table 6. Register Description (continued) Address VTP Description VTP Select. This bit control the reset trip point for the low VDD reset function. Nonvolatile, read/write. Trip Volatge VTP 2.60 V 0 2.90 V 1 0Ah Watchdog Control D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 WDE – – WDT4 WDT3 WDT2 WDT1 WDT0 WDE Watchdog Enable. When WDE = ‘1’, a watchdog timer fault will cause the RST signal to go active. When WDE = ‘0’ the timer runs but has no effect on RST, however the WTR flag will be set when a fault occurs. Note as the timer is free-running, users should restart the timer using WR(3:0) prior to setting WDE = ‘1’. This assures a full watchdog timeout interval occurs. Nonvolatile, read/write. WDT(4:0) Watchdog Timeout. Indicates the minimum watchdog timeout interval with 100 ms resolution. New watchdog timeouts are loaded when the timer is restarted by writing the 1010b pattern to WR(3:0). Nonvolatile, read/write. Watchdog Timeout WDT4 WDT3 WDT2 WDT1 WDT0 Invalid - default 100 ms 0 0 0 0 0 100 ms 0 0 0 0 1 200 ms 0 0 0 1 0 300 ms 0 0 0 1 1 2000 ms 1 0 1 0 0 2100 ms 1 0 1 0 1 2200 ms 1 0 1 1 0 2900 ms 1 1 1 0 1 3000 ms 1 1 1 1 0 Disable Counter 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . 09h Watchdog Restart and Flags D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 WTR POR LB – WR3 WR2 WR1 WR0 WTR Watchdog Timer Reset Flag: When a watchdog timer fault occurs, the WTR bit will be set to ‘1’. It must be cleared by the user. Note that both WTR and POR could be set if both reset sources have occurred since the flags were cleared by the user. Battery-backed. Read/Write (internally set, user can clear bit). POR Power-on Reset Flag: When the RST pin is activated by VDD < VTP, the POR bit will be set to ‘1’. It must be cleared by the user. Note that both WTR and POR could be set if both reset sources have occurred since the flags were cleared by the user. Battery-backed. Read/Write (internally set, user can clear bit). LB Low Backup Flag: On power up, if the VBAK source is below the minimum voltage to operate the RTC and event counters, this bit will be set to ‘1’. The user should clear it to ‘0’ when initializing the system. Battery-backed. Read/Write (internally set, user can clear bit). WR(3:0) Watchdog Restart: Writing a pattern 1010b to WR(3:0) restarts the watchdog timer. The upper nibble contents do not affect this operation. Writing any pattern other than 1010b to WR(3:0) has no effect on the timer. This allows users to clear the WTR, POR, and LB flags without affecting the watchdog timer. Battery-backed, Write-only. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 18 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Table 6. Register Description (continued) Address Description 08h Timekeeping – Years D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 10 year.3 10 year.2 10 year.1 10 year.0 Year.3 Year.2 Year.1 Year.0 Contains the lower two BCD digits of the year. Lower nibble contains the value for years; upper nibble contains the value for 10s of years. Each nibble operates from 0 to 9. The range for the register is 0–99. Battery-backed, read/write. 07h Timekeeping – Months D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 10 Month Month.3 Month.2 Month.1 Month.0 Contains the BCD digits for the month. Lower nibble contains the lower digit and operates from 0 to 9; upper nibble (one bit) contains the upper digit and operates from 0 to 1. The range for the register is 1–12. Battery-backed, read/write. 06h Timekeeping – Date of the month D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 10 date.1 10 date.0 Date.3 Date.2 Date.1 Date.0 Contains the BCD digits for the date of the month. Lower nibble contains the lower digit and operates from 0 to 9; upper nibble contains the upper digit and operates from 0 to 3. The range for the register is 1–31. Battery-backed, read/write. 05h Timekeeping – Day of the week D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 0 Day.2 Day.1 Day.0 Lower nibble contains a value that correlates to day of the week. Day of the week is a ring counter that counts from 1 to 7 then returns to 1. The user must assign meaning to the day value, as the day is not integrated with the date. Battery-backed, read/write. 04h Timekeeping – Hours D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 10 hours.1 10 hours.0 Hours.3 Hours.2 Hours.1 Hours.0 Contains the BCD value of hours in 24-hour format. Lower nibble contains the lower digit and operates from 0 to 9; upper nibble (two bits) contains the upper digit and operates from 0 to 2. The range for the register is 0–23. Battery-backed, read/write. 03h Timekeeping – Minutes D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 10 min.2 10 min.1 10 min.0 Min.3 Min.2 Min.1 Min.0 Contains the BCD value of minutes. Lower nibble contains the lower digit and operates from 0 to 9; upper nibble contains the upper minutes digit and operates from 0 to 5. The range for the register is 0–59. Battery-backed, read/write. 02h Timekeeping – Seconds D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 10 sec.2 10 sec.1 10 sec.0 Seconds.3 Seconds.2 Seconds.1 Seconds.0 Contains the BCD value of seconds. Lower nibble contains the lower digit and operates from 0 to 9; upper nibble contains the upper digit and operates from 0 to 5. The range for the register is 0-59. Battery-backed, read/write. 01h CAL/Control D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 OSCEN Reserved CALS CAL.4 CAL.3 CAL.2 CAL.1 CAL.0 Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 19 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Table 6. Register Description (continued) Address Description OSCEN Oscillator Enable. When set to ‘1’, the oscillator is halted. When set to ‘0’, the oscillator runs after tOSC time. Disabling the oscillator can save battery power during storage. On a power-up without battery, this bit is set to ‘1’. Battery-backed, read/write. Reserved Reserved bits. Do not use. Should remain set to ‘0’. CALS Calibration Sign: Determines if the calibration adjustment is applied as an addition to or as a subtraction from the time-base. This bit can be written only when CAL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile, read/write. CAL(4:0) Calibration Setting: These five bits control the calibration of the clock. These bits can be written only when CAL = ‘1’. Nonvolatile, read/write. 00h RTC Control D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reserved CF Reserved Reserved Reserved CAL W R CF Century Overflow Flag. This bit is set to a ‘1’ when the values in the years register overflows from 99 to 00. This indicates a new century, such as going from 1999 to 2000 or 2099 to 2100. The user should record the new century information as needed. This bit is cleared to ‘0’ when the Flag register is read. It is read-only for the user. Battery-backed. CAL Calibration Setting. When set to ‘1’, the clock enters calibration mode. When CAL is set to ‘0’, the clock operates normally, and the CAL/PFO pin is controlled by the power fail comparator. Battery-backed, read/write. W Write Time. Setting the W bit to ‘1’ freezes the clock. The user can then write the timekeeping registers with updated values. Resetting the W bit to ‘0’ causes the contents of the time registers to be transferred to the timekeeping counters and restarts the clock. Battery-backed, read/write. R Read Time. Setting the R bit to ‘1’ copies a static image of the timekeeping core and place it into the user registers. The user can then read them without concerns over changing values causing system errors. The R bit going from ‘0’ to ‘1’ causes the timekeeping capture, so the bit must be returned to ‘0’ prior to reading again. Battery-backed, read/write. Reserved Reserved bits. Do not use. Should remain set to ‘0’. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 20 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 I2C Interface STOP Condition (P) The FM31L276/FM31L278 employs an industry standard I2C bus that is familiar to many users. This product is unique since it incorporates two logical devices in one chip. Each logical device can be accessed individually. Although monolithic, it appears to the system software to be two separate products. One is a memory device. It has a Slave Address (Slave ID = 1010b) that operates the same as a stand-alone memory device. The second device is a real-time clock and processor companion which have a unique Slave Address (Slave ID = 1101b). A STOP condition is indicated when the bus master drives SDA from LOW to HIGH while the SCL signal is HIGH. All operations using the FM31L276/FM31L278 should end with a STOP condition. If an operation is in progress when a STOP is asserted, the operation will be aborted. The master must have control of SDA in order to assert a STOP condition. By convention, any device that is sending data onto the bus is the transmitter while the target device for this data is the receiver. The device that is controlling the bus is the master. The master is responsible for generating the clock signal for all operations. Any device on the bus that is being controlled is a slave. The FM31L276/FM31L278 is always a slave device. The bus protocol is controlled by transition states in the SDA and SCL signals. There are four conditions including START, STOP, data bit, or acknowledge. Figure 12 and Figure 13 illustrates the signal conditions that specify the four states. Detailed timing diagrams are shown in the electrical specifications section. START Condition (S) A START condition is indicated when the bus master drives SDA from HIGH to LOW while the SCL signal is HIGH. All commands should be preceded by a START condition. An operation in progress can be aborted by asserting a START condition at any time. Aborting an operation using the START condition will ready the FM31L276/FM31L278 for a new operation. If during operation the power supply drops below the specified VTP minimum, any I2C transaction in progress will be aborted and the system should issue a START condition prior to performing another operation. Figure 12. START and STOP Conditions full pagewidth SDA SDA SCL SCL S P STOP Condition START Condition Data/Address Transfer All data transfers (including addresses) take place while the SCL signal is HIGH. Except under the three conditions described above, the SDA signal should not change while SCL is HIGH. Figure 13. Data Transfer on the I2C Bus handbook, full pagewidth P SDA Acknowledgement signal from slave MSB SCL S 1 2 7 8 9 ACK START condition Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Byte complete 1 Acknowledgement signal from receiver 2 3 4-8 9 ACK S S or P STOP or START condition Page 21 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Acknowledge/No-acknowledge The acknowledge takes place after the 8th data bit has been transferred in any transaction. During this state the transmitter should release the SDA bus to allow the receiver to drive it. The receiver drives the SDA signal LOW to acknowledge receipt of the byte. If the receiver does not drive SDA LOW, the condition is a no-acknowledge and the operation is aborted. The receiver would fail to acknowledge for two distinct reasons. First is that a byte transfer fails. In this case, the no-acknowledge ceases the current operation so that the device can be addressed again. This allows the last byte to be recovered in the event of a communication error. Second and most common, the receiver does not acknowledge to deliberately end an operation. For example, during a read operation, the FM31L276/FM31L278 will continue to place data onto the bus as long as the receiver sends acknowledges (and clocks). When a read operation is complete and no more data is needed, the receiver must not acknowledge the last byte. If the receiver acknowledges the last byte, this will cause the FM31L276/FM31L278 to attempt to drive the bus on the next clock while the master is sending a new command such as STOP. Figure 14. Acknowledge on the I2C Bus handbook, full pagewidth DATA OUTPUT BY MASTER No Acknowledge DATA OUTPUT BY SLAVE Acknowledge SCL FROM MASTER 1 2 8 9 S Clock pulse for acknowledgement START Condition Slave Address The first byte that the FM31L276/FM31L278 expects after a START condition is the slave address. As shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16, the slave address contains the device type or slave ID, the device select address bits, and a bit that specifies if the transaction is a read or a write. The FM31L276/FM31L278 has two Slave Addresses (Slave IDs) associated with two logical devices. Bits 7–4 are the device type (slave ID) and should be set to 1010b for the memory device. The other logical device within the FM31L276/FM31L278 is the real-time clock and companion. Bits 7–4 are the device type (slave ID) and should be set to 1101b for the RTC and companion. A bus transaction with this slave address will not affect the memory in any way. The figures below illustrate the two Slave Addresses. Bits 2-1 are the device select address bits. They must match the corresponding value on the external address pins to select the device. Up to four FM31L276/FM31L278 devices can reside on Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C the same I2C bus by assigning a different address to each. Bit 0 is the read/write bit (R/W). R/W = ‘1’ indicates a read operation and R/W = ‘0’ indicates a write operation. Figure 15. Memory Slave Device Address MSB handbook, halfpage 1 LSB 0 1 0 X A1 A0 R/W Device Select Slave ID Figure 16. Companion Slave Device Address MSB handbook, halfpage 1 LSB 1 0 Slave ID 1 X A1 A0 R/W Device Select Page 22 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Addressing Overview - Memory Addressing Overview - RTC & Companion After the FM31L276/FM31L278 (as receiver) acknowledges the slave address, the master can place the memory address on the bus for a write operation. The address requires two bytes. The complete 15-bit address is latched internally. Each access causes the latched address value to be incremented automatically. The current address is the value that is held in the latch; either a newly written value or the address following the last access. The current address will be held for as long as VDD > VTP or until a new value is written. Reads always use the current address. A random read address can be loaded by beginning a write operation as explained below. The RTC and Processor Companion operate in a similar manner to the memory, except that it uses only one byte of address. Addresses 00h to 18h correspond to special function registers. Attempting to load addresses above 18h is an illegal condition; the FM31L276/FM31L278 will return a NACK and abort the I2C transaction. After transmission of each data byte, just prior to the acknowledge, the FM31L276/FM31L278 increments the internal address latch. This allows the next sequential byte to be accessed with no additional addressing. After the last address (7FFFh) is reached, the address latch will roll over to 0000h. There is no limit to the number of bytes that can be accessed with a single read or write operation. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Data Transfer After the address bytes have been transmitted, data transfer between the bus master and the FM31L276/FM31L278 can begin. For a read operation the FM31L276/FM31L278 will place 8 data bits on the bus then wait for an acknowledge from the master. If the acknowledge occurs, the FM31L276/FM31L278 will transfer the next sequential byte. If the acknowledge is not sent, the FM31L276/FM31L278 will end the read operation. For a write operation, the FM31L276/FM31L278 will accept 8 data bits from the master then send an acknowledge. All data transfer occurs MSB (most significant bit) first. Page 23 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Memory Operation bytes may be written. If the end of the address range is reached internally, the address counter will wrap from 7FFFh to 0000h. The FM31L276/FM31L278 is designed to operate in a manner very similar to other I2C interface memory products. The major differences result from the higher performance write capability of F-RAM technology. These improvements result in some differences between the FM31L276/FM31L278 and a similar configuration EEPROM during writes. The complete operation for both writes and reads is explained below. Unlike other nonvolatile memory technologies, there is no effective write delay with F-RAM. Since the read and write access times of the underlying memory are the same, the user experiences no delay through the bus. The entire memory cycle occurs in less time than a single bus clock. Therefore, any operation including read or write can occur immediately following a write. Acknowledge polling, a technique used with EEPROMs to determine if a write is complete is unnecessary and will always return a ready condition. The memory address for FM31L276 range from 0x0000 to 0x1FFFF, and for FM31L278, they range from 0x0000 to 0x7FFF. Memory functionality is described with respect to FM31L278 in the following sections. Internally, an actual memory write occurs after the 8th data bit is transferred. It will be complete before the acknowledge is sent. Therefore, if the user desires to abort a write without altering the memory contents, this should be done using START or STOP condition prior to the 8th data bit. The FM31L276/FM31L278 uses no page buffering. Memory Write Operation All writes begin with a slave address, then a memory address. The bus master indicates a write operation by setting the LSB of the slave address (R/W bit) to a '0'. After addressing, the bus master sends each byte of data to the memory and the memory generates an acknowledge condition. Any number of sequential Figure 17 and Figure 18 below illustrate a single-byte and multiple-byte write cycles. Figure 17. Single-Byte Write By Master Start S Stop Address & Data Slave Address 0 A Address MSB By F-RAM A Address LSB A Data Byte A P Acknowledge Figure 18. Multi-Byte Write Start Stop Address & Data By Master S Slave Address 0 A By F-RAM Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Address MSB A Address LSB A Data Byte A Data Byte A P Acknowledge Page 24 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Memory Read Operation There are two basic types of read operations. They are current address read and selective address read. In a current address read, the FM31L276/FM31L278 uses the internal address latch to supply the address. In a selective read, the user performs a procedure to set the address to a specific value. Current Address & Sequential Read As mentioned above the FM31L276/FM31L278 uses an internal latch to supply the address for a read operation. A current address read uses the existing value in the address latch as a starting place for the read operation. The system reads from the address immediately following that of the last operation. To perform a current address read, the bus master supplies a slave address with the LSB set to a '1'. This indicates that a read operation is requested. After receiving the complete slave address, the FM31L276/FM31L278 will begin shifting out data from the current address on the next clock. The current address is the value held in the internal address latch. Beginning with the current address, the bus master can read any number of bytes. Thus, a sequential read is simply a current address read with multiple byte transfers. After each byte the internal address counter will be incremented. Note Each time the bus master acknowledges a byte, this indicates that the FM31L276/FM31L278 should read out the next sequential byte. There are four ways to properly terminate a read operation. Failing to properly terminate the read will most likely create a bus contention as the FM31L276/FM31L278 attempts to read out additional data onto the bus. The four valid methods are: 1. The bus master issues a no-acknowledge in the 9th clock cycle and a STOP in the 10th clock cycle. This is illustrated in the diagrams below. This is preferred. 2. The bus master issues a no-acknowledge in the 9th clock cycle and a START in the 10th. 3. The bus master issues a STOP in the 9th clock cycle. 4. The bus master issues a START in the 9th clock cycle. If the internal address reaches 7FFFh, it will wrap around to 0000h on the next read cycle. Figure 19 and Figure 20 below show the proper operation for current address reads. Figure 19. Current Address Read By Master Start No Acknowledge Address Stop S Slave Address By F-RAM 1 A Acknowledge Data Byte 1 P Data Figure 20. Sequential Read By Master Start No Acknowledge Acknowledge Address Stop S Slave Address By F-RAM Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C 1 A Acknowledge Data Byte A Data Byte 1 P Data Page 25 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 sends the address bytes that are loaded into the internal address latch. After the FM31L276/FM31L278 acknowledges the address, the bus master issues a START condition. This simultaneously aborts the write operation and allows the read command to be issued with the slave address LSB set to a '1'. The operation is now a current address read. Selective (Random) Read There is a simple technique that allows a user to select a random address location as the starting point for a read operation. This involves using the first three bytes of a write operation to set the internal address followed by subsequent read operations. To perform a selective read, the bus master sends out the slave address with the LSB (R/W) set to ‘0’. This specifies a write operation. According to the write protocol, the bus master then Figure 21. Selective (Random) Read Start Address By Master Start No Acknowledge Address Stop S Slave Address 0 A Address MSB A Address LSB By F-RAM A S Slave Address 1 A Data Byte Data Acknowledge RTC/Companion Write Operation 1 P Note Although not required, it is recommended that A5-A7 in the register address byte are zeros in order to preserve compatibility with future devices. All RTC and Companion writes operate in a similar manner to memory writes. The distinction is that a different device ID is used and only one byte address is needed instead of two byte address. Figure 22 illustrates a single byte write to this device. Figure 22. Single Byte Write By Master Address & Data Start S Slave Address 0 A 0 0 0 Address By F-RAM Stop A Data Byte A P Acknowledge RTC/Companion Read Operation As with writes, a read operation begins with the Slave Address. To perform a register read, the bus master supplies a Slave Address with the LSB set to ‘1’. This indicates that a read operation is requested. After receiving the complete Slave Address, the FM31L276/FM31L278 will begin shifting data out from the current register address on the next clock. Auto-increment operates for the special function registers as with the memory address. A current address read for the registers look exactly like the memory except that the device ID is different. The FM31L276/FM31L278 contains two separate address registers, one for the memory address and the other for the register address. This allows the contents of one address register to be modified without affecting the current address of the other register. For example, this would allow an interrupted read to the memory while still providing fast access to an RTC register. A subsequent memory read will then continue from the memory address where it previously left off, without requiring the load of a new memory address. However, a write sequence always requires an address to be supplied. Addressing FRAM Array in the FM31L276/FM31L278 Family The FM31L276/FM31L278 family includes 64-Kbit and 256-Kbit memory densities. The following 2-byte address field is shown for each density. 1st Address Byte Part Number 2nd Address Byte FM31L276 X X X A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 FM31L278 X A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 26 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Maximum Ratings Exceeding maximum ratings may shorten the useful life of the device. These user guidelines are not tested. Storage temperature ................................ –55 C to +125 C Ambient Temperature with power applied ................................... –55 C to +125 C Supply voltage on VDD relative to VSS .........–1.0 V to +5.0 V Surface mount lead soldering temperature (3 seconds) .............................................................. +260 C DC output current (1 output at a time, 1s duration) .................................. 15 mA Electrostatic Discharge Voltage Human Body Model (AEC-Q100-002 Rev. D) ....................... 2 kV Charged Device Model (AEC-Q100-011 Rev. B) .............. 1.25 kV Machine Model (AEC-Q100-003 Rev. E) ............................. 100 V Input voltage ........... –1.0 V to +5.0 V and VIN < VDD + 1.0 V Latch-up current .................................................. > ±100 mA Backup supply voltage .................................–1.0 V to +4.5 V Note PFI input voltage must not exceed 4.5 V. The “VIN < VDD + 1.0 V” restriction does not apply to the SCL and SDA inputs which do not employ a diode to VDD. DC voltage applied to outputs in High-Z state .................................... –0.5 V to VDD + 0.5 V Transient voltage (< 20 ns) on any pin to ground potential ............ –2.0 V to VDD + 2.0 V Package power dissipation capability (TA = 25 °C) ................................................................. 1.0 W Operating Range Range Industrial Ambient Temperature (TA) –40 C to +85 C VDD 2.7 V to 3.6 V DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range Parameter VDD [2] IDD Description Average VDD current VDD standby current VBAK[3] RTC backup voltage IBAKTC[4] Typ [1] Max Unit 2.7 – 3.6 V fSCL = 100 kHz – – 500 A fSCL = 400 kHz – – 900 A fSCL = 1 MHz – – 1500 A – – 120 A TA = +25 C to +85 C 1.55 – 3.75 V TA = –40 C to +25 C 1.90 – 3.75 V TA = +25 C, VBAK = 3.0 V – – 1.4 A TA = +85 C, VBAK = 3.0 V – – 2.1 A TA = +25 C, VBAK = 2.0 V – – 1.15 A TA = +85 C, VBAK = 2.0 V – – 1.75 A Fast Charge Off (FC = ‘0’) 50 – 120 A Fast Charge On (FC = ‘1’) 200 – 2500 A Power supply ISB IBAK Min Test Conditions RTC backup current Trickle charge current with VBAK = 0 V SCL toggling between VDD – 0.3 V and VSS, other inputs VSS or VDD – 0.3 V. SCL = SDA = VDD. All other inputs VSS or VDD. Stop command issued. VBAK = 3.0 V, VDD < 2.4 V, oscillator running, CNT1, CNT2 at VBAK. Notes 1. Typical values are at 25 °C, VDD = VDD(typ). Not 100% tested. 2. Full complete operation. Supervisory circuits, RTC, etc operate to lower voltages as specified. 3. The VBAK trickle charger automatically regulates the maximum voltage on this pin for capacitor backup applications. 4. VBAK will source current when trickle charge is enabled (VBC bit = ‘1’), VDD > VBAK, and VBAK < VBAK max. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 27 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 DC Electrical Characteristics (continued) Over the Operating Range Parameter Description Test Conditions Min Typ [1] Max Unit VTP1 VDD trip point voltage, VTP = 0 RST is asserted active when VDD < VTP. 2.55 2.60 2.70 V VTP2 VDD trip point voltage, VTP = 1 RST is asserted active when VDD < VTP. 2.85 2.90 3.00 V VRST[5] VDD for valid RST IOL = 80 A at VOL VBAK > VBAK min 0 – – V VBAK < VBAK min 1.6 – – V ILI Input leakage current VSS < VIN < VDD. Does not apply to A0, A1, X1, PFI, RST, or X2 – – ±1 A ILO Output leakage current VSS < VOUT < VDD. Does not apply to RST, X1, or X2 – – ±1 A VIL[6] Input LOW voltage All inputs except as listed below – 0.3 – 0.3 × VDD V CNT1, CNT2 battery-backed (VDD < 2.5 V) – 0.3 – 0.5 V CNT1, CNT2 (VDD > 2.5 V) – 0.3 – 0.8 V All inputs except as listed below 0.7 × VDD – VDD + 0.3 V CNT1, CNT2 battery-backed (VDD < 2.5 V) VBAK – 0.5 – VBAK + 0.3 V 0.7 × VDD – VDD + 0.3 V – – 3.75 V 2.4 – – V VIH Input HIGH voltage CNT1, CNT2 (VDD > 2.5 V) PFI (comparator input) VOH Output HIGH voltage IOH = –2 mA VOL Output LOW voltage IOL = 3 mA RRST Pull-up resistance for RST inactive Rin Input resistance (A1-A0) VPFI Power fail input reference voltage VHYS Power fail input (PFI) hysteresis (rising) For VIN = VIL(Max) For VIN = VIH(Min) – – 0.4 V 50 – 400 k 20 – – k 1 – – M 1.175 1.20 1.225 V – – 100 mV Notes 5. The minimum VDD to guarantee the level of RST remains a valid VOL level. 6. Includes RST input detection of external reset condition to trigger driving of RST signal by FM31L276/FM31L278. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 28 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Data Retention and Endurance Parameter TDR NVC Description Test condition Data retention Endurance Min Max Unit TA = 85 C 10 – Years TA = 75 C 38 – TA = 65 C 151 – 14 – Cycles Typ Max Unit – 8 pF 12 – pF Test Conditions 14-pin SOIC Unit Test conditions follow standard test methods and procedures for measuring thermal impedance, per EIA / JESD51. 80 C/W 29 C/W Over operating temperature 10 Capacitance Parameter [7] Description Test Conditions CIO Input/Output pin capacitance CXTL[8] X1, X2 crystal pin capacitance TA = 25 C, f = 1 MHz, VDD = VDD(typ) Thermal Resistance Parameter [7] Description JA Thermal resistance (junction to ambient) JC Thermal resistance (junction to case) AC Test Loads and Waveforms Figure 23. AC Test Loads and Waveforms 3.6V 1.66 k OUTPUT 100 pF AC Test Conditions Input pulse levels .................................10% and 90% of VDD Input rise and fall times .................................................10 ns Input and output timing reference levels ................0.5 × VDD Output load capacitance ............................................ 100 pF Notes 7. This parameter is characterized and not 100% tested. 8. The crystal attached to the X1/X2 pins must be rated as 6 pF/12.5 pF. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 29 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Supervisor Timing Over the Operating Range Description Min Max Units RST active (LOW) after VDD > VTP 100 200 ms RST response time to VDD < VTP (noise filter) 10 25 s – s/V Parameter tRPU tRNR tVR [9] [9, 10] VDD power-up ramp rate 50 tVF[9, 10] tWDP[11] tWDOG[11] VDD power-down ramp rate 100 – s/V Pulse width of RST for watchdog reset 100 200 ms Timeout of watchdog tDOG 2 × tDOG ms fCNT Frequency of event counters 0 10 MHz tOSC RTC Oscillator time to start – 2 s Figure 24. RST Timing t VF V DD V TP V RST t VR tRNR tRPU RST Notes 9. This parameter is characterized and not 100% tested. 10. Slope measured at any point on VDD waveform. 11. tDOG is the programmed time in register in register 0Ah, VDD > VTP, and tRPU satisfied. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 30 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 AC Switching Characteristics Over the Operating Range Parameter[12] Cypress Parameter Description Alt. Parameter Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit 0 100 0 400 0 1000 kHz fSCL SCL clock frequency tSU; STA Start condition setup for repeated Start 4.7 – 0.6 – 0.25 – s tHD;STA Start condition hold time 4.0 – 0.6 – 0.25 – s tLOW Clock LOW period 4.7 – 1.3 – 0.6 – s tHIGH Clock HIGH period 4.0 – 0.6 – 0.4 – s tSU;DAT tSU;DATA Data in setup 250 – 100 – 100 – ns tHD;DAT tHD;DATA Data in hold 0 – 0 – 0 – ns Data output hold (from SCL @ VIL) 0 – 0 – 0 – ns – 300 – 300 ns 300 tDH [13] tr Input rise time – 1000 tF[13] tf Input fall time – 300 – STOP condition setup 4 – 0.6 SCL LOW to SDA Data Out Valid – 3 – tBUF Bus free before new transmission 4.7 – tSP Noise suppression time constant on SCL, SDA – 50 tR tSU;STO tAA tVD;DATA – 100 ns 0.25 – s 0.9 – 0.55 s 1.3 – 0.5 – s – 50 – 50 ns Figure 25. Read Bus Timing Diagram tR ` tF tHIGH tSP tLOW tSP SCL tSU:SDA 1/fSCL tBUF tHD:DAT tSU:DAT SDA tDH tAA Stop Start Start Acknowledge Figure 26. Write Bus Timing Diagram tHD:DAT SCL tHD:STA tSU:STO tSU:DAT tAA SDA Start Stop Start Acknowledge Notes 12. Test conditions assume a signal transition time of 10 ns or less, timing reference levels of 0.5 × VDD, input pulse levels of 10% to 90% of VDD, and output loading of the specified IOL/IOH and 100 pF load capacitance shown in Figure 23 on page 29. 13. This parameter is characterized and not 100% tested. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 31 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Ordering Information Ordering Code Package Diagram Package Type FM31L276-G 51-85067 14-pin SOIC FM31L276-GTR 51-85067 14-pin SOIC FM31L278-G 51-85067 14-pin SOIC FM31L278-GTR 51-85067 14-pin SOIC Operating Range Industrial All these parts are Pb-free. Contact your local Cypress sales representative for availability of these parts. Ordering Code Definitions FM 31 L XXX - G X Option: X = blank or TR blank = Standard; TR = Tape and Reel Package Type: G = 14-pin SOIC Density: XXX = 276 or 278 276 = 64-Kbit; 278 = 256-Kbit L: 2.7 V - 3.6 V I2C Processor Companion Cypress Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 32 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Package Diagram Figure 27. 14-pin SOIC (150 Mils) Package Outline, 51-85067 51-85067 *E Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Page 33 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Acronyms Acronym Document Conventions Description Units of Measure EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory °C degree Celsius EIA Electronic Industries Alliance Hz hertz F-RAM Ferroelectric Random Access Memory kHz kilohertz I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit k kilohm I/O Input/Output Mbit megabit JEDEC Joint Electron Devices Engineering Council MHz megahertz JESD JEDEC Standards A microampere LSB Least Significant Bit F microfarad MSB Most Significant Bit s microsecond NMI Non Maskable interrupt mA milliampere RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances ms millisecond SOIC Small Outline Integrated Circuit ns nanosecond ohm % percent pF picofarad V volt W watt Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Symbol Unit of Measure Page 34 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Document History Page Document Title: FM31L276/FM31L278, 64-Kbit/256-Kbit Integrated Processor Companion with F-RAM Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. ECN No. Orig. of Change Submission Date ** 3916894 GVCH 02/28/2013 New spec. *A 4333096 GVCH 05/05/2014 Updated Real-time Clock Operation: Updated Crystal Oscillator: Updated description (Added use of 6 pF crystal). Updated Maximum Ratings: Removed “Package Moisture Sensitivity Level” and its corresponding details. Added “Maximum junction temperature” and its corresponding details. Added “DC voltage applied to outputs in High-Z state” and its corresponding details. Added “Transient voltage (< 20 ns) on any pin to ground potential” and its corresponding details. Added “Package power dissipation capability (TA = 25 °C)” and its corresponding details. Added “DC output current (1 output at a time, 1s duration)” and its corresponding details. Added “Latch-up current” and its corresponding details. Updated Data Retention and Endurance: Updated details corresponding to TDR parameter (Removed details corresponding to Test Condition “TA = 80 °C”; added details corresponding to Test Condition “TA = 65 °C”). Added NVC parameter and its details. Updated Capacitance: Changed typical value of CXTL parameter from 25 pF to 12 pF. Added Thermal Resistance. Updated Package Diagram: Removed Package Marking Scheme. Updated to Cypress template. *B 4562106 GVCH 11/05/2014 Updated Functional Description: Added “For a complete list of related documentation, click here.” at the end. *C 6083685 GVCH 02/28/2018 Updated Register Map: Updated Table 6: Removed “VTP1” bit from bit 1 corresponding to address “0Bh”. Replaced “VTP0” with “VTP” in bit 0 corresponding to address “0Bh”. Updated details in “Description” column corresponding to OSCEN (to add tOSC time in the 01h register). Updated Maximum Ratings: Removed “Maximum junction temperature” and its corresponding details. Added “Ambient Temperature with power applied” and its corresponding details. Updated Supervisor Timing: Added tOSC parameter and its details. Updated Package Diagram: spec 51-85067 – Changed revision from *D to *E. Updated to new template. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Description of Change Page 35 of 36 FM31L276/FM31L278 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. 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Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation of the Software is prohibited. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING HARDWARE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design information or programming code, is provided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design, program, and test the functionality and safety of any application made of this information and any resulting product. Cypress products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as critical components in systems designed or intended for the operation of weapons, weapons systems, nuclear installations, life-support devices or systems, other medical devices or systems (including resuscitation equipment and surgical implants), pollution control or hazardous substances management, or other uses where the failure of the device or system could cause personal injury, death, or property damage ("Unintended Uses"). A critical component is any component of a device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim, damage, or other liability arising from or related to all Unintended Uses of Cypress products. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and other liabilities, including claims for personal injury or death, arising from or related to any Unintended Uses of Cypress products. Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners. Document Number: 001-86392 Rev. *C Revised February 28, 2018 Page 36 of 36