MDT10P65 1. General Description This OTP-Based 8-bit micro-controller uses a fully static CMOS technology process to achieve higher speed and smaller size with the low power consumption and high noise immunity. On chip memory includes 4K words of EPROM, and 192 bytes of static RAM. 3. Applications The application areas of this MDT10P65 range from appliance motor control and high speed automotive to low power remote transmitters/receivers and telecommunications processors, such as Remote controller, small instruments, toy, automobile and keyboard … etc. 2. Features RISC CPU Fully static design 37 single word instructions 4K x 14 program memory. 192 bytes RAM for data 35 bi-directional I/O Eight level hardware stacks Watchdog timer with on-chip RC oscillator. Interrupt capability Timer0 : 8-bit timer with 8-bit prescaler Timer1 : 8-bit timer with 8-bit compare register. This timer can be used as carrier generator. Sleep mode for power saving. PB and PD with port change wake-up interrupt. PS : timer1 counter PC0 clock in low to high the counter data increase This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information P.1 please preview http;// 2011/8 Ver1.9 MDT10P65 4. Pin Diagram MDT10P65SD42 pin Shrink PDIP PA6 1 42 PA7 /RES 2 41 PB7 PA0 3 40 PB6 PA1 4 39 PB5 PA2 5 38 PB4 PA3 6 37 PB3 PA4/T0CLK 7 36 PB2 PA5 8 35 PB1 PE0 9 34 PB0/IRQ PE1 10 33 VDD PE2 11 32 VSS VDD 12 31 PD7 VSS 13 30 PD6 OSC1 14 29 PD5 OSC2 15 28 PD4 PC0/T1OSCO 16 27 PC7 PC1/T1OSCI 17 26 PC6 PC2 18 25 PC5 PC3 19 24 PC4 PD0 20 23 PD3 PD1 21 22 PD2 MDT10P65A1Q This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information P.2 please preview http;// MDT10P65A2Q 2011/8 Ver1.9 MDT10P65 5. Pin function description Pin name Type Buffer type OSC1 OSC2 /RES(MCLRB) I O I ST PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O TTL TTL TTL TTL ST TTL TTL TTL PB0/IQR PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O ST/TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PD0-PD7 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST ST PE0 PE1 PE2 Vdd I/O I/O I/O ST ST ST Vss Description Oscillator input Oscillator out Reset input with 130K ohm pull-up Bi-directional I/O port A. Port A can be software programmed for internal 45K ohm pull-up on all pins except PA5. The pull-up resistance on PA5 is 100K ohm. Can be clock input to Timer0. Bi-directional I/O port B. Port B can be software programmed for internal 25K ohm pull-up on all pins. PB0-PB7 can generate interrupt on pin state change. Can be the external interrupt pin. Bi-directional I/O port C. Port C can be software programmed for internal 100K pull-up on all pins. Can be Timer1 oscillator output or Timer1 clock input. Can be Timer1 oscillator input. Bi-directional port. All pins can generate interrupt on pin state change. Port D can be software programmed for internal 100K pull-up on all pins. Bi-directional port E. Port E can be software programmed for internal 100K pull-up on all pins. Power input Ground pin This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 3 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 6. Memory Mapping 6.1Program memory : 0000h 0001h 0002h 0003h 0004h Reset Vector Peripheral interrupt Vector 0005h Program memory (Page 0) 07FFh 0800h Program memory (Page 1) 0FFFh 6.2Register file map : BANK 0 00h IAR 01h RTCC 02h PCL 03h STATUS 04h MSR 05h PORT A 06h PORT B 07h PORT C 08h PORT D 09h PORT E 0Ah PCH 0Bh INTS 0Ch PIFB1 0Dh PIFB2 0Eh TMR1L 0Fh 10h T1STA 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h CCP1L 16h 17h CCP1CTL 18h BANK 1 IAR TMR PCL STATUS MSR CPIO A CPIO B CPIO C CPIO D CPIO E PCH INTS PIEB1 PIEB2 PSTA PPHE 1Fh 20h 80h 81h 82h 83h 84h 85h 86h 87h 88h 89h 8Ah 8Bh 8Ch 8Dh 8Eh 8Fh 90h 91h 92h 93h 94h 95h 96h 97h 98h 9Fh A0h General Purpose Register General Purpose Register 7Fh FFh Unimplemented memory location. This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 4 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E Indirect addressing register Timer0 register Program counter low byte Status register Bit 0 : Carry 1 : Digit carry 2 : Zero flag 3 : Power-down 4 : WDT time-out 5 : Register bank select (For direct addressing) =0 Bank 0 (00h-7Fh) =1 Bank 1 (80h-FFh) 7-6 : Always read as zero. Memory select register Port A data register Port B data register Port C data register Port D data register Port E data register Bit 2-0 – Port E data register. 7-3 – Unimplemented. Always set as 0. Program memory segment register Interrupt control register Bit 0 – PB port change interrupt flag bit. 1 – PB0/IRQ external interrupt flag bit. 2 – Timer0 overflow interrupt flag bit. 3 – PB port change interrupt enable bit. 4 – PB0/IRQ external interrupt enable bit. 5 – Timer0 overflow interrupt enable bit. 6 – Peripheral interrupt enable bit. 7 – Global interrupt enable bit. Peripheral interrupt flag register 1. Bit 0 – Timer1 overflow interrupt flag bit 7-1 – Unimplemented. Always read as 0. Peripheral interrupt flag register 2. Bit 6-0 – Unimplemented. Read as zero. 7 – PD port change interrupt flag bit Timer1 data register low byte. This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 5 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 0F 10 Unimplemented.. Timer1 control register Bit 0 – Timer1 enable bit 1 – Timer1 clock source select 2 – Timer 1 external clock synchronization control bit 3 – Timer 1 oscillator enable control bit 5-4 – Timer 1 prescaler select bits 7-6 – Unimplemented. Always read as 0. 11-14 Unimplemented. 15 Timer1 compare register 16 Unimplemented. 17 Timer1 compare control register Bit 7-1 –Unimplemented. Always set as 0. 0 – compare enable bit 18-1F Unimplemented. 20-7F General purpose register 80 Same as register 00. 81 TMR register Bit 2-0 – Prescaler rate select bits 3 – Prescaler assign bit 4 – Timer 0 edge select bit 5 – Timer 0 clock source select bit 6 – PB0/IRQ interrupt edge select bit 7 – Port B pull-up enable bit. 82-84 Same as 02H-04H. 85 Port A data direction register. 86 Port B data direction register. 87 Port C data direction register. 88 Port D data direction register. 89 Port E data direction register. Bit 2-0 – Port E data direction register. 7-3 – Unimplemented. Always set as 0. 8A -8B Same as 0AH-0BH. 8C Peripheral interrupt control register 1. Bit 0 – Timer1 overflow interrupt enable bit. 7-1 – Unimplemented. Always set these bits to 0. 8D Peripheral interrupt control register 2 Bit 6-0 – Unimplemented. 7 – PD port change interrupt enable bit. This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 6 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 8E Power control register. Bit 0 –Unimplemented. Always read as 0. 1 – Power-on reset status bit. 7-2 – Unimplemented. Always read as 0. 8F Unimplemented. 90 PPHE register . ( “ 0 ” Enable ; “ 1 ” Disable ) Bit 0-3 – Unimplemented. 4 – PA port pull-up enable bit. 5 – PC port pull-up enable bit. 6 – PD port pull-up enable bit. 7 – PE port pull-up enable bit. 91-9F Unimplemented. A0-FF General purpose register. 7. Timer1 CCP Mode CCP1CTL Enable CCP1L Input COMPARATOR TMR1L 1 / 2 Output PA7 TRISA< 7 > Output Enable Clear TMR1L PA7 Input Output Default This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 7 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 8. Reset Condition for all Registers Register Address Power-On Reset, Power range /MCLR or WDT Reset Wake-up from SLEEP detector Reset IAR 00h(80h) 0000 0000 0000 0000 uuuu uuuu RTCC 01h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PCL 02h(82h) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 STATUS 03h(83h) 0001 1xxx 000# #uuu 000# #uuu MSR 04h(84h) xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PORT A 05h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PORT B 06h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PORT C 07h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PORT D 08h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu PORT E 09h ---- -xxx ---- -uuu ---- -uuu PCH 0Ah(8Ah) ---- 0000 ---- 0000 ---- uuuu INTS 0Bh(8Bh) 0000 0001 0000 0001 uuuu uuuu PIFB1 0Ch ---- ---x ---- ---u ---- ---u PIFB2 0Dh 1--- ---- 1--- ---- u--- ---- TMR1L 0Eh xxxx xxxx Uuuu uuuu Uuuu uuuu T1STA 10h --00 0000 --00 0000 --uu uuuu CCP1L 15h Xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu --uu uuuu CCP1CTL 17h ---- ---0 ---- ---0 ---- ---u TMR 81h 1111 1111 1111 1111 uuuu uuuu CPIO A 85h 1111 1111 1111 1111 uuuu uuuu CPIO B 86h 1111 1111 1111 1111 uuuu uuuu CPIO C 87h 1111 1111 1111 1111 uuuu uuuu CPIO D 88h 1111 1111 1111 1111 uuuu uuuu CPIO E 89h ---- -111 ---- -111 ---- -uuu PIEB1 8Ch ---- ---0 ---- ---0 ---- ---u PIEB2 8Dh 0--- ---- 0--- ---- u--- ---- PSTA 8Eh ---- --#- ---- --u- ---- --u- PPHE 90h 1111 ---- 1111 ---- uuuu ---- Note : u = unchanged, x = unknown, - = unimplemented, read as “0” # = value depends on the condition of the following table This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 8 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 Condition Status bit 4 Status bit 3 PSTA bit 1 POWR ON RESET 1 1 0 /MCLR reset (not during SLEEP) u u u /MCLR reset during SLEEP 1 0 u WDT reset (not during SLEEP) 0 1 u WDT reset during SLEEP 0 0 u Interrupt Wake-up during SLEEP 1 0 u 9. Instruction Set Instruction Code Mnemonic Operands Function Operation Status 010000 00000000 NOP 010000 00000001 CLRWT No operation None Clear Watchdog timer 0→WT TF, PF 010000 00000010 SLEEP Sleep mode TF, PF 010000 00000011 TMODE 010000 00000rrr CPIO R Load W to TMODE register 0→WT, stop OSC W→TMODE Control I/O port register W→CPIO None 010001 1rrrrrrr STWR R 011000 trrrrrrr LDR R, t Store W to register W→R Load register R→t Z 111010 iiiiiiii LDWI I Load immediate to W 010111 trrrrrrr SWAPR R, t Swap halves register I→W None [R(0~3) ↔ R(4~7)]→t None 011001 trrrrrrr INCR R, t Increment register 011010 trrrrrrr INCRSZ R, t Increment register, skip if zero 011011 trrrrrrr ADDWR R, t Add W and register 011100 trrrrrrr SUBWR R, t Subtract W from register R + 1→t Z R + 1→t None W + R→t C, HC, Z 011101 trrrrrrr DECR R, t 011110 trrrrrrr DECRSZ R, t 010010 trrrrrrr ANDWR R, t 110100 iiiiiiii ANDWI i Decrement register R ﹣1→t Z Decrement register, skip if zero AND W and register R ﹣1→t None R ∩ W→t Z AND W and immediate i ∩ W→W Z R ∪ W→t Z i ∪ W→W Z 010011 trrrrrrr IORWR R, t Inclu. OR W and register 110101 iiiiiiii IORWI i Inclu. OR W and immediate This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 9 None r None C, HC, Z R ﹣W→t (R+/W+1→t) 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 Mnemonic Function Operation Operands 010100 trrrrrrr XORWR R, t Exclu. OR W and register R ♁ W→t 110110 iiiiiiii XORWI i Exclu. OR W and immediate i ♁ W→W 011111 trrrrrrr COMR R, t Complement register /R→t Instruction Code Status Z Z Z 010110 trrrrrrr RRR R, t Rotate right register R(n) → R(n-1), C→ R(7), R(0)→C C 010101 trrrrrrr RLR R, t Rotate left register R(n)→r(n+1), C→R(0), R(7)→C C Clear working register 0→W Z Clear register 0→R Z 010000 1xxxxxxx CLRW 010001 0rrrrrrr CLRR 0000bb brrrrrrr BCR 0010bb brrrrrrr BSR R R, b Bit clear 0→R(b) None R, b Bit set 1→R(b) None Skip if R(b)=0 None Skip if R(b)=1 None n→PC, PC+1→Stack None Long JUMP to address n→PC None Return, place immediate to W Stack→PC, i→W None 110111 iiiiiiii ADDWI Add immediate to W PC+1→PC, W+i→W C,HC,Z 111000 iiiiiiii SUBWI Subtract W from immediate i-W→W C,HC,Z 010000 00001001 RTFI Return from interrupt Stack→PC, 1→GIS None 010000 00000100 RET Return from subroutine Stack→PC None 0001bb brrrrrrr BTSC R, b Bit Test, skip if clear 0011bb brrrrrrr BTSS R, b Bit Test, skip if set 100nnn nnnnnnnn LCALL n Long CALL subroutine 101nnn nnnnnnnn LJUMP n 110001 iiiiiiii RTWI i Note : W WT TMODE CPIO TF PF PC OSC : : : : : : : : Working register Watchdog timer TMODE mode register Control I/O port register Timer overflow flag Power loss flag Program Counter Oscillator b t : : 0 1 R : C : HC : Z : Bit position Target : Working register : General register General register address Carry flag Half carry Zero flag This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 10 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 Inclu. Exclu. AND : : : Inclusive ‘∪’ Exclusive ‘♁’ Logic AND ‘∩’ / x i : : : Complement Don’t care Immediate data ( 8 bits ) n : Immediate address 10. Electrical Characteristics (A) Operating Voltage & Frequency Vdd ﹕2.3 V ~ 5.5 V Frequency﹕0 Hz ~ 20 MHz (B) Input Voltage @ Vdd=5.0 V, Temperature=25 ℃ Port Min. Max. PA0~3 & 5~7, PB Vss 1.0 V PA4,PC,PD,PE,/MCLR Vss 0.8 V PA0~3 & 5~7,PB 2.0V Vdd PA4,PC,PD,PD,PE, /MCLR 3.4V Vdd Vil Vih *Threshold Voltage : Port A0~3 & 5~7, Port B Vth=1.61v Port A4, Port C, Port D, Port E, /MCLR Vil=1.12 V, Vih=3.07 V (Schmitt Trigger) (C) Output Voltage @ Vdd=5.0 V, Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : PA4~7, PB, PC, PD, PE Port PA0~3 Ioh=-20.0 mA Voh=3.45V Iol=20.0 mA Vol=0.47V Ioh=-5.0 mA Voh=4.61V Iol=5.0 mA Vol=0.18V Iol =5.6mA Vol =0.6V ; Iol =8.3mA Vol =0.87V (D) Leakage Current @ Vdd=5.0 V, Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : Iil - 1.0 μA (Max.) Iih + 1.0 μA (Max.) This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 11 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 (E) Sleep Current @WDT-Enable, Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : Vdd=2.3 V Idd=1.5 μA Vdd=2.5 V Idd=2.2 μA Vdd=3.0 V Idd=3.9 μA Vdd=4.0 V Idd=9.6 μA Vdd=5.0 V Idd=21 μA Vdd=5.5 V Idd=30 μA @WDT-Disable, Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : Vdd=2.3 V ~ 5.5 V, Idd<0.1 μA (F) Operating Current / Voltage Temperature=25℃, the typical value as followings : (i) OSC Type=RC ; WDT-Enable; PED---Disable @ Vdd=5.0 V Cext. (F) 3P 20P 100P Rext. (Ohm) Frequency (Hz) 4.7 K 12.8 M 1.30 m 10.0 K 6.54 M 741 u 47.0 K 1.48 M 259 μ 100.0 K 705 K 181 μ 300.0 K 241 K 133 μ 470.0 K 151 K 125 μ 4.7 K 6.11 M 695 μ 10.0 K 3.17 M 441 μ 47.0 K 716 K 180 μ 100.0 K 339 K 149 μ 300.0 K 116 K 126 μ 470.0 K 73 K 122 μ 4.7 K 2.03 M 310 μ 10.0 K 1.02 M 205 μ 47.0 K 223 K 129 μ 100.0 K 105 K 118 μ 300.0 K 35.5 K 111 μ 470.0 K 22.4 K 110 μ This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 12 Current (A) 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 Cext. (F) 300P (ii) Rext. (Ohm) Frequency (Hz) Current (A) 4.7 K 816 K 181 μ 10.0 K 400 K 141 μ 47.0 K 90 K 112 μ 100.0 K 40.8 K 108 μ 300.0 K 13.8 K 105 μ 470.0 K 8.7 K 99 μ OSC Type=LF (C=10 p); Voltage/Frequency (iii) WDT-Disable PED ---Disable 32 K 455 K 1M Sleep 2.3 V 10 uA X 35 uA <1uA 2.5 V 13 uA X 41 uA <1uA 3.0 V 19 uA 40.8 uA 52 uA <1uA 4.0 V 38 uA 62.5 uA 85 uA <1uA 5.0 V 65 uA 99.1 uA 121 uA <1uA 5.5 V 76 uA 128.3 uA 162 uA <1uA OSC Type=XT (C=10 p); Voltage/Frequency WDT-Enable PED – Enable 1M 4M 10 M Sleep 2.3 V 59 uA 174 uA 369 uA 1.5 μA 2.5 V 73 uA 205 uA 418 uA 2.2 μA 3.0 V 110 uA 274 uA 561 uA 3.9 μA 4.0 V 263 uA 464 uA 891 uA 9.6 μA 5.0 V 489 uA 704 uA 1.23 mA 21 μA 5.5 V 862 uA 1.00 mA 1.64 mA 30 μA This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 13 2007/9 Ver. 1.8 MDT10P65 (iv) OSC Type=HF (C=10 p); WDT-Enable Voltage/Frequency PED – Enable 4M 10 M 20 M Sleep 2.3 V 192 uA 396 uA 734uA 1.5 μA 2.5 V 222 uA 462 uA 841uA 2.2 μA 3.0 V 314 uA 622 uA 1068 uA 3.9 μA 4.0 V 532 uA 985 uA 1.62 mA 9.6 μA 5.0 V 803 uA 1.40 mA 2.37 mA 21 μA 5.5 V 1.19 mA 1.81 mA 3.08 mA 30 μA (G) Pull_High Resistance @ Input Mode : Vdd=5.0 V PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 46.7KΩ 46.2KΩ 96.1KΩ 47.6KΩ 47.1KΩ 47.1KΩ 46.7KΩ 46.2KΩ PB 7~0 PC 7~0 PD 7~0 PE 2~0 26.4KΩ 92.5KΩ 92.5KΩ 92.5KΩ p.s. : It is only a reference value for the Pull High Resistance, and the accurate value of the Resistance depends on the various parameter of the Process. But the variation of the value will be not more than 20%. (H) Power Edge-detector Reset Voltage (Not in Sleep Mode), @ Vdd=5.0 V Vpr = 1.2 V ~ 1.5 V Vpr ﹕Vdd (Power Supply) (I) The basic WDT time-out cycle time @Temperature=25 ℃, the typical value as followings : Voltage (V) Basic WDT time-out cycle time (ms) 2.3 26.4 3.0 22.8 4.0 20.1 5.0 18.46 5.5 17.9 This specification are subject to be changed without notice. Any latest information please preview http;// P. 14 2007/9 Ver. 1.8