1:0321 1:0351 Negative Voltage Hot Swap Controller with Active Power Filter Features Description Live Insertion and Removal Power Manager Adjustable Power-on slew rate Autodetect of Load Open Circuit or -VIN Disconnection Controlled Time-Delay Operates from 9 V to External MOSFET Voltage Limit Fault Indication Output (microprocessor reset). Board Insertion/Removal Detector Input Protection During Turn-On Low frequency Power Active Filter Adjustable Electronic Circuit Breaker Vin undervoltage with GSNSin input The IXHQ100 is a live insertion and removal hot swap controller with a built-in power noise filter. It incorporates all the active circuitry necessary to protect circuit boards during live insertion or removal (insertion or removal when the system power is active). Additionally, the IXHQ100 incorporates two unique features: power active filter for powerline noise suppression and power auto-disconnect detector which eliminates the need of additional staggered pins. The IXHQ100 shunt regulator ensures a wide operating voltage range (with the external MOSFET breakdown voltage as limit). The active power filter reduces power source output impedance, producing "clean" load power. The IXHQ100 allows continuous load current rise adjustments, presettable maximum current limits, and user selectable fault indication turn off times for resetting µPs and other synchronous board level systems. For added flexibility, GSNSin pin is available to implement either circuit board insertion/removal detection or ground detection. Applications Arcless card insertion and removal Central Office Switching Hardware Circuit Boards From -48 V Distributed Power Supplies Circuit Board Power Manager and Noise Filter Circuit Board Hot Swap Protector and Manager Electronic Circuit Breaker Wireless Local Loop Antennas Cable TV Antenna US Patents Pending. Typical Application with Auto-Disconnect Detector CAUTION: These devices are sensitvie to electrostatic discharge; take caution when handling and assembling this component. Figure 1 IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions. Copyright © IXYS CORPORATION 2000 www.ixys.com 1 98716 (08/14/00) IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI Pin Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VCC-VAGND IVDD TJM TJ0 Tstg IDD Definition Max. Rating Voltage applied VCCin to AGND Shunt On: Shunt On for 10 seconds All other pins except VDC VDD Load Current Maximum Junction Temperature Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Supply Current with Shunt On Shunt Off: -0.3 V to 16 V -0.3 V to 14 V 14V to 16 V -0.3 V to VCCin + 0.3 V 60 mA 125 oC -40 oC to 85 oC -40 oC to 150 oC 25 mA Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise noted, TA = 25 oC; -VIN= 48 V, AGND connected to -VIN, VSHUNToff = 5 V, VCC = 12 V, VGSNSin= 12 V. All voltage measurements with respect to AGND. IXHQ100 configured as described in Test Conditions. Symbol Parameter Test Conditions ICC Supply current VCC=12 V, VSHUNToff = VCC, all outputs unloaded. VCCSHUNT VCC shunt regulation voltage ICC forced to 10 mA when shunt is off VTHSHUNToff SHUNToff input threshold voltage VCC = 15 V, monitor RSTOUT ISHUNToff SHUNToff input bias current VTHINV INV input threshold voltage RINV INV input resistance VTHGSNS GSNS sense input threshold voltage IGSNSin GSNSin input bias current ICAPin Min Typ Max Units 2 3 mA 12 13.8 16 V 1 1.5 2 V -1 0 1 µA 6 8 10 V 70 130 180 KΩ 4.5 5.8 6 V -2.6 -2.3 -2 µA CAPin input bias current -1 0 1 µA VVDROP Active filter offset voltage 0.7 0.9 1.1 V RVDROP VDROP input resistance 50 70 90 KΩ ISLOPE SLOPE capacitor charging current VOFFTM = 5 V, VGSOURCE = 0 V VCAPin= 5 V 70 85 110 mA RSLOPEDCHG SLOPE capacitor discharge resistance VDROP = 5 V, IVT = VCC VSOURCE = 0 V, VCAPin= 5 V 90 200 Ω IOFFTM OFFTM capacitor charging current VDROP = 5 V, VSOURCE = 0 V VCAPin= 5 V 100 120 mA ROFFTMCHG OFFTM capacitor discharge resistance 111 200 Ω VTHOFFTM OFFTM input threshold voltage 3.8 4.5 5.5 V VCL Overcurrent threshold bias voltage 90 125 150 mV VCC = 12 V, monitor RSTOUT VCC = 12 V, monitor RSTOUT OFFTM input voltage when SLOPE input voltage starts its ramp 2 80 IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI Electrical Characteristics (continued) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ RVCL VCL bias resistance tOC Overcurrent detection to GATE output delay dvGATE/dt GATE output slew rate VCAPin = 0 V; VOUTsns = 5 V VSOURCE input is a step at t = 0s from 0 V to 200 mV CSLOPE= 100 nF 4 6 10 kΩ 20 30 ms 0.8 1.1 V/ms VGATE Maximum GATE output voltage VCAPin = 0 V; R = 10 KΩ load VOUTsns = 5 V 13.8 15 V IGATE GATE pull-up current Gate drive on, VGATE = 0 V -15 -10 mA IGATE GATE pull-down current Gate drive off VGATE = 10 V 10 20 VDD VDD regulator output Voltage 3.3K Resistive load between VDD output and AGND 5 5.75 6.5 V IRSTout RSTout drive current Force VRSTout =1 V during fault condition 2.4 3 3.6 mA tRST RST pulse width 200 500 1000 ns Vad Auto-Detect threshold -10 12 20 mV 0.5 Gate drive on; ramp VOUTsns; monitor RST until it pulses. Max Units mA Note 1: Operating the device beyond parameters with listed “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. Typical values indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note2: All voltages are relative to ground unless otherwise specified. Typical Performance Characteristics Graph 2: Regulator Output Voltage vs. Temperature Graph 1: Icc vs. Temperature 6.0 Regulator Output Voltage (V) 2.18 2.16 2.14 Icc (mA) 2.12 2.10 2.08 2.06 2.04 2.02 2.00 1.98 1.96 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4 -60 -40 -20 100 Temperature (oC) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Temperature (oC) 3 IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI Graph 3: SLOPE Pin current vs. Temperature Graph 4: OFFTM Threshold Voltage vs. Temperature 6 OFFTM Threshold Voltage (V) 94 92 Slope Current (uA) 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (oC) 80 5 4 3 -60 100 Graph 5: Vcc Shunt Voltage vs. Temperature -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (oC) 80 100 Graph 6: Overcurrent Threshold Voltage vs. Temperature 136 14.4 132 Vcl Voltage (mV) Vcc Shunt Voltage (V) 134 14.2 14.0 13.8 ICC = 1mA 13.6 130 128 126 124 122 13.4 120 13.2 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 118 -60 100 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 60 Graph 8: Vdrop Voltage vs. Temperature 1.00 50 0.98 Vdrop Voltage (V) Graph 7: Supply Current vs. Shunt Voltage Supply Current (mA) -40 Temperature (oC) Temperature (oC) 40 30 20 10 0 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 4 6 8 10 12 14 Vshunt (V) 16 0.84 -60 -40 -20 18 0 20 40 60 Temperature (oC) 4 80 100 IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI Graph 9: Gate Voltage vs. Supply Voltage 20 16 Graph 10: Typical Noise Attenuation 10 0 Attenuation (dB) Gate Voltage (V) 14 12 10 8 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 1e+1 1e+2 1e+3 1e+4 1e+5 1e+6 Frequency (Hz) 6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Supply Voltage (V) Pin Descriptions PIN # SYMBOL FUNCTION INV Invert Input 15 GSNSin Ground Sense Input 2 VCCin Supply Voltage 3 SHNToff Shunt Off 4 CAPin Active lowpass filter capacitor input 5 VDROP Active filter offset voltage 6 SLOPE Slope input 7 OFFTM Off-time 8 AGND Ground 1 DESCRIPTION The invert input controls GSNSin’s polarity. When invert input is high compared to AGND, then GSNSin low indicates an insertion/removal event. When invert input is low, then GSNSin high indicates an insertion/removal event. The INV pin controls the polarity sense of this input. A 3uA internal pull-up current source causes logic high when there is no connection at this pin. With INV low or connected to AGND, a GSNSin low (or connected to AGND) will keep RSTout and GATE low, and the external power switch, Q1, off. A disconnected GSNSin pin or when Vcc is applied to it will allow normal operation Positive power-supply voltage input. This pin serves to control the enabling of the shunt circuit. When the pin is high compared to AGND, then the shunt regulator is in off position. A low level at this pin activates the shunt regulator. The output of the power active filter tracks this pin. Adding an external RC network matching the input noise with respect to the 3db point of the filter could reduce the noise to a minimum. This pin sets the drop out MOSFET voltage across the active filter. This input controls the current slope during power up and controls inrush currents. Adding external capacitors to this pin allow regulation and adjustment of the rate of the current slope. The OFFTM pin sets the delay time between powerdown and restart of IXHQ100. Delay time can be increased by adding external capacitors to this pin. The IXHQ100 system zero reference pin. 5 IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI Pin Descriptions (continued) PIN # SYMBOL FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 9 VDDout Regulator output voltage Overcurrent threshold bias voltage Regulator output voltage provides current to drive the external circuits with respect to AGND. Sets the overcurrent threshold bias voltage. 10 VCL 11 SOURCE 12 GATE 13 OUTsns 14 RSTout Output Reset 16 NC N/A Current input sensor Output Out sensor signal Input for sensing current through power device with respect to AGND. Control voltage for driving external MOSFET. This signal senses the output voltage of the circuit. A low at this pin indicates detection of an insert/removal event or overcurrent detection. Not Connected IXHQ100 Logic Dia gram Diagram Figure 2 6 IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI the external load, Vload, is zero. As VSLOPE rises, its rate of increase determined by the value of the external capacitor, C8 (figure1), and the value of the internal current source, I5. VGATE's rate of increase follows VSLOPE. As soon as VGATE exceeds VthQ1 (figure 1) of the external power MOSFET, drain current IdQ1 starts to flow. The rate of increase of IdQ1 is proportional to the rate of increase of VSLOPE, and is independent of the size of C5 , the total filter capacitance of the load. Note that this rate, which is directly proportional to C7 and inversely proportional to C8, could be adjusted . Similarly the Toff-delay can be adjusted and is directly proportional to the size of C7. DEVICE OPERA TION* OPERATION* A hot swap operation involves removal and reinsertion of a device while the system using it remains in operation. Such an operation could cause external capacitors to draw currents high enough to disturb system operations or even cause permanent damage to both the device and the system. The IXHQ100 is designed to prevent any disturbances or damage during such occurrences, allowing the circuit board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Capable of operating under three modes, the chip also acts as a power active noise filter and an auto-detect circuit. Normal Operation With continuous –Vin applied, the IXHQ100 acts as an active power filter by modulating the voltage drop across the external Power MOSFET Vds so that any noise on –Vin is cancelled by Vds. The direct connection of IXHQ 100’s AGND pin to –Vin allows the Vdrop (internally set to ~750mV) to set the ~90% of the maximum peak noise voltage reject by the IXHQ100. The internal Vdrop setting of ~750 mV allows 1.35 Vpp of noise rejection. Graph on page 5 illustrates the level of ripple attenuation during normal conditions. Notice that the noise rejection is very high (~60db) between 400Hz to 40KHz, which is optimal for most hot swap applications. Inser tion Pr ocess Insertion Process As the circuit board is inserted into the backplane, physical connections should be made to ground to discharge any electrostatic voltage. The insertion process begins when power and ground are supplied to the board through pins on the blackplane. Once power is applied, the IXHQ100 starts up but does not immediately apply power to the output load. The internal Power Up Reset logic (see in Figure 2) turns on for 10 µs prior to any other logic. This pulse goes through two NOR gates and resets SRFF1 Flip Flop. Once SRFF1 is reset, the current source, I6, charges the OFFTM pin at a rate proportional to the size of the external capacitor, C7 (fig 1). During the time the OFFTM pin is ramping from 0V to Vrf (~5V), which is the Toff-delay, COMP1 keeps N3 ON so VSLOPE stays at 0V. After Toff-delay, VOFFTMecomes greater than Vrf, and COMP1 goes low, driving N3 to off state. I5 now starts to charge C1, ramping +ve i/p of OA4. OA4 buffers VSLOPE and sets the GATE output ramp. Flip-flop setting and resetting The flip-flop, SRFF1 (fig 2), used in the IXHQ100, is reset dominant. Hence when both S and R inputs are driven high, the SRFF1 remains reset. Under normal operation, S input becomes high whenever OR1 output is high and R input is low. In turn, OR1 goes high if any one of the outputs of EXOR1, or COMP2, or COMP3 goes high. It is assumed that when the circuit board is first inserted into the backplane, the voltage across EXOR1 output goes high if it detects the loss of either Gnd or -Vin. If INV input is connected to *Unless otherwise stated, all symbol and device references are referred to the logic diagram (Fig 2) on page 6 7 IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI Vcc, then GSNSin pin can be used to detect the presence or absence of -Vin. If INV is connected to AGND, then GSNSin pin can be used to detect the presence or absence of Gnd. with a high applied to its R input. This act will then turn off both N5 and N4 and allow OFFTM pin to initiate its positive ramp as a result of I6 charging the capacitors C7 (Figure 1) and C2 (Figure 2) connected to the OFFTM pin. COMP2 output goes high whenever an overcurrent or a short circuit condition is detected. The inverting input to COMP2 is connected to the VCL output pin which is internally set at approximately 120mV. As shown in Figure 1, one side of R4 is in series with the source of Q1, the drain output of which drives the load connected to J8. The return side of R4 is connected to -Vin through J1. For R4 = 0.02Ω, Q1 source currents greater than 6A will turn on COMP2 and will be considered either an overcurrent or short circuit event. Restar Restartt Operation The IXHQ100 will automatically attempt to restart once a disconnection and reconnection is detected. Either PUR or COMP4 going high will reset SRFF1 during normal operation of the IXHQ100 (fig 2). Resetting SRFF1 turns off N4 and N5, and the OFFTM pin ramps up in response. During this ramp, as long as VOFFTM is less than Vrf=~4.5V, COMP1 will keep N3 on and C1 (Figure 2) and C8 (Figure 1) discharged. After Toff-delay, VOFFTM is at Vrf, COMP1 output then goes low, turning off N3. Now the SLOPE pin is free to ramp up as a result of I5 charging C1 (Figure 2) and C8 (Figure 1). The two unitygain buffers, OA4 and OA5, reflect VSLOPE at the GATE output pin during this positive ramp. As soon as VGATE overcomes the VQ1th, normal operation is resumed. COMP3 goes high whenever the voltage at OUTsns with respect to AGND becomes less than 0.1*VCL(approximately 12mV). This can only occur if either the current drawn by the driven load is less than 600mA (12mV/.02) or -VIN is disconnected. This Auto-Disconnect technique automatically detects load disconnections without needing additional sensors. Fault Operation When the output load current is such that the voltage drop across the current sense resistor between the SOURCE pin and the AGND exceeds VCL (internally set to ~120 mv), the GATE output is driven low to turn off the external Power MOSFET connected between the load and -Vin. An external capacitor connected between OFFTM pin and AGND pin determines the off time Toff-delay. IXHQ100 will restart the turn on sequence of the external Power MOSFET with a load voltage slope determined by the size of the external capacitor that is connected to the SLOPE pin. Thus the SRFF1 will reset when one of the following events occur: 1. Loss of AGND or -Vin. 2. Overcurrent or short circuit. 3. Auto-Disconnection A valid S input into SRFF1 will immediately drive its output, Q1, to high and will turn on both N5 and N4. N5, an open drain output, will result in RSTout being driven low. A current limiting resistor, R1, in series with a 4N35 LED connected to VDD (fig 1) can be used to generate an isolated reset pulse. Turning on N4 will discharge C7 and the internal 10pF capacitor (fig 2). As soon as VOFFTM drops below V =~0.9V, COMP4 in Figure 2 will turn on DROP through NOR1 and NOR2, and resets SRFF1 Shor cuit Pre vention Shortt Cir Circuit Prevention When the IXHQ100 detects a short in the load, a restart is automatically initiated. The GOUT drops to zero and waits one Toff-delay before SLOPE ramps up. As before, normal operation is resumed. 8 IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI Package Outlines: 16 PIN TSSOP Package Outlines: 16 PIN PDIP Ordering Information Part Number Package Type Grade IXHQ 100PI IXHQ 100SI Industrial Industrial 16 PIN PDIP 16 PIN TSSOP IXYS Corporation 3054 Bassett St; Santa Clara, CA 95054 Tel: 408-982-0700; Fax: 408-496-0670 e-mail: sales@ixys.com IXYS Semiconducotr GmbH Edisonstrasse15 ; D-68623; Lampertheim Tel: +49-6206-503-0; Fax: +49-6206-503627 e-mail: marcom@ixys.de 9