NTCAFLEX05 Series www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents NTC Thermistors, Flex Foil Sensors FEATURES • Rapid response time down to 2 s • Suitable for narrow space applications • High flexibility of the foil • Insulated and humidity resistant • A strain relief hole is included in the flex design to avoid traction to the sensor head • Gold plated terminations • AEC-Q200 qualified QUICK REFERENCE DATA PARAMETER • Material categorization: For definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 VALUE UNIT 10K, 47K Ω ±3 % 3960 K ±1 % Operating temperature range at zero power - 40 to 125 °C Thermal time constant on heating (1) 2 s < 0.02 K/K Minimum dielectric withstanding voltage 500 VAC Minimum insulation resistance 10 MΩ Maximum dissipation at 25 °C 60 mW • Miniature NTC temperature sensor on flex foil, insulated used for temperature sensing and control g • Surface temperature sensor with low thermal mass and rapid response time on surface Resistance value at 25 °C Tolerance on R25-value B25/85-value Tolerance on B25/85-value Thermal gradient Climatic category (LCT/UCT/days) APPLICATIONS • Consumer appliances and white goods • Power supply (heat-sinks) • Battery, displays, LED • Industrial applications, robotics • Boilers • EV and HV batteries DESCRIPTION 40/125/56 Weight (without connector) 0.06 Note (1) Measured from 25 °C air to 125 °C heated plate, pressed on the surface MOUNTING DESIGNERS OPTIONS • The sensor head can be pressed on the surface with means of insulating material (silicone foam) or spring • Other dimensions and various shapes of the flex circuit are available on request • The sensor head can also be glued wih a double-face temperature resistant adhesive • A 3D solid model is available on request • The sensor end can be connected to PCB counter-connector or wire-to-wire connector or soldered to conductors, or crimped with FFC connectors and ZiF connectors Note • FFC/FPC = Flexible Film Circuit/Flexible Printed Circuit • Remark: The response time and thermal gradient are dependant of the application and of the way of mounting the sensor in place ELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATION VISHAY SAP ORDERING NUMBER R25-VALUE (Ω) R25 TOL. (± %) B25/85-VALUE (K) B25/85 TOL. (± %) DESCRIPTION R/T TABLE NTCAFLEX05103HH 10 000 3 3960 1 NTC Flex05 10K 3 % 3960 K 25 mm Table 1 NTCAFLEX05473HH 47 000 3 3960 1 NTC Flex05 47K 3 % 3960 K 25 mm Table 2 Document Number: 29132 1 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Revision: 30-May-12 NTCAFLEX05 Series www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents SAP CODIFICATION Part Number: NTCAFLEX01473HH N T C A F L E X 0 5 4 7 3 H H MODEL ASSEMBLY FLEX SENSOR MECHANICAL EXECUTION RESISTANCE VALUE TOLERANCE ON R25 B-VALUE RANGE NTC A FLEX 05 103 = 10 x 103 Ω 473 = 47 x 103 Ω H=±3% L (low) = 3000 ≤ B25/85 < 3500 M (medium) = 3500 ≤ B25/85 < 3750 H (high) = 3750 ≤ B25/85 < 4000 X (very high) = 4000 ≤ B25/85 < 4250 OPTION Blank MECHANICAL DATA DIMENSIONS in millimeters L1 L15 L2 Ø D1 L4 L5 H1 P 20 ± 1 25 ± 1 3 ± 0.5 6 ± 0.5 4±1 3±1 1.40 ± 0.2 2.50 1. NTC on flex foil circuit 2. Flex foil circuit 3. High quality modified epoxy glob top 4. Conductive tracks RELIABILITY TEST (following IEC 60068 test methods) TEST PROCEDURE REQUIREMENT Dry heat, steady state 125 °C; 1000 h ΔR/R ≤ 3 % 56 days at 40 °C 90 % to 95 % RH ΔR/R ≤ 3 % - 40 °C to + 125 °C; 100 cycles ΔR/R ≤ 3 % Damp heat, steady state Rapid change of temperature Document Number: 29132 2 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Revision: 30-May-12 NTCAFLEX05 Series www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents R/T TABLE 1 R25-VALUE (kΩ) R25 TOL. (%) B25/85-VALUE (K) B25/85 TOL. (%) SAP MATERIAL NO. 10 ±3 3960 ±1 NTCAFLEX05103HH RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMP. (°C) R(T)/R25 RESISTANCE (Ω) ΔR/R (%) α (%/K) ΔT (K) Rmin. (Ω) Rmax. (Ω) - 40 34.7116 347 116 10.8031 - 6.66 1.62 309 617 384 616 - 35 25.0089 250 089 10.0392 - 6.45 1.56 224 982 275 196 - 30 18.2023 182 023 9.3093 - 6.25 1.49 165 078 198 968 - 25 13.3804 133 804 8.6110 - 6.06 1.42 122 282 145 326 - 20 9.9313 99 313 7.9424 - 5.87 1.35 91 425 107 201 - 15 7.4408 74 408 7.3017 - 5.68 1.28 68 974 79 841 - 10 5.6257 56 257 6.6871 - 5.50 1.22 52 495 60 019 -5 4.2910 42 910 6.0971 - 5.33 1.14 40 294 45 526 0 3.3009 33 009 5.5303 - 5.16 1.07 31 184 34 835 5 2.5602 25 602 4.9853 - 5.00 1.00 24 326 26 879 10 2.0015 20 015 4.4608 - 4.85 0.92 19 122 20 908 15 1.5767 15 767 3.9558 - 4.70 0.84 15 143 16 391 20 1.2512 12 512 3.4692 - 4.55 0.76 12 078 12 946 25 1.0000 10 000 3.0000 - 4.41 0.68 9700.0 10 300 30 0.8047 8046.8 3.2266 - 4.28 0.75 7787.1 8306.4 35 0.6518 6517.6 3.4459 - 4.15 0.83 6293.1 6742.2 40 0.5313 5312.5 3.6581 - 4.03 0.91 5118.2 5506.9 45 0.4357 4356.6 3.8637 - 3.91 0.99 4188.3 4524.9 50 0.3594 3593.6 4.0629 - 3.79 1.07 3447.6 3739.6 55 0.2981 2981.0 4.2560 - 3.68 1.16 2854.1 3107.8 60 0.2486 2486.2 4.4434 - 3.58 1.24 2375.7 2596.6 65 0.2084 2084.3 4.6252 - 3.48 1.33 1987.9 2180.7 70 0.1756 1756.2 4.8017 - 3.38 1.42 1671.9 1840.5 75 0.1487 1486.9 4.9732 - 3.28 1.52 1412.9 1560.8 80 0.1265 1264.7 5.1397 - 3.19 1.61 1199.7 1329.7 85 0.1081 1080.6 5.3017 - 3.10 1.71 1023.3 1137.9 90 0.0927 927.23 5.6204 - 3.02 1.86 875.11 979.34 95 0.0799 798.94 5.9309 - 2.94 2.02 751.56 846.33 100 0.0691 691.16 6.2335 - 2.86 2.18 648.08 734.25 105 0.0600 600.23 6.5286 - 2.78 2.35 561.04 639.42 110 0.0523 523.20 6.8163 - 2.71 2.51 487.53 558.86 115 0.0458 457.68 7.0970 - 2.64 2.69 425.20 490.17 120 0.0402 401.76 7.3709 - 2.57 2.86 372.15 431.37 125 0.0354 353.85 7.6383 - 2.51 3.05 326.82 380.87 Document Number: 29132 3 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Revision: 30-May-12 NTCAFLEX05 Series www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents R/T TABLE 2 R25-VALUE (kΩ) R25 TOL. (%) B25/85-VALUE (K) B25/85 TOL. (%) SAP MATERIAL NO. 47 ±3 3960 ±1 NTCAFLEX05473HH RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMP. (°C) R(T)/R25 RESISTANCE (Ω) ΔR/R (%) α (%/K) ΔT (K) Rmin. (Ω) Rmax. (Ω) - 40 34.972 1 643 693 10.803 - 6.85 1.58 1 466 123 1 821 262 - 35 24.997 1 174 859 10.039 - 6.59 1.52 1 056 912 1 292 806 - 30 18.095 850 461 9.3093 - 6.34 1.47 771 290 929 633 - 25 13.256 623 018 8.6110 - 6.11 1.41 569 370 676 666 - 20 9.8204 461 557 7.9424 - 5.89 1.35 424 898 498 216 - 15 7.3528 345 583 7.3017 - 5.69 1.28 320 350 370 816 - 10 5.5607 261 354 6.6871 - 5.49 1.22 243 877 278 831 -5 4.2455 199 536 6.0971 - 5.31 1.15 187 370 211 702 0 3.2705 153 714 5.5303 - 5.13 1.08 145 213 162 215 5 2.5410 119 427 4.9853 - 4.97 1.00 113 473 125 381 10 1.9902 93 541 4.4608 - 4.81 0.93 89 369 97 714 15 1.5709 73 832 3.9558 - 4.66 0.85 70 911 76 752 20 1.2490 58 703 3.4692 - 4.52 0.77 56 666 60 739 25 1.0000 47 000 3.0000 - 4.38 0.69 45 590 48 410 30 0.8060 37 881 3.2266 - 4.25 0.76 36 659 39 103 35 0.6537 30 726 3.4459 - 4.13 0.84 29 667 31 784 40 0.5335 25 073 3.6581 - 4.01 0.91 24 156 25 990 45 0.4378 20 579 3.8637 - 3.89 0.99 19 784 21 374 50 0.3614 16 984 4.0629 - 3.79 1.07 16 294 17 674 55 0.2998 14 092 4.2560 - 3.68 1.16 13 492 14 692 60 0.2500 11 751 4.4434 - 3.58 1.24 11 229 12 274 65 0.2095 9847.6 4.6252 - 3.49 1.33 9392.1 10 303 70 0.1764 8290.7 4.8017 - 3.40 1.41 7892.6 8688.8 75 0.1492 7011.4 4.9732 - 3.31 1.50 6662.7 7360.1 80 0.1267 5955.0 5.1397 - 3.22 1.59 5648.9 6261.1 85 0.1081 5078.7 5.3017 - 3.14 1.69 4809.5 5348.0 90 0.0925 4348.7 5.6204 - 3.07 1.83 4104.3 4593.1 95 0.0795 3737.8 5.9309 - 2.99 1.98 3516.1 3959.5 100 0.0686 3224.6 6.2335 - 2.92 2.14 3023.6 3425.7 105 0.0594 2791.8 6.5286 - 2.85 2.29 2609.5 2974.1 110 0.0516 2425.3 6.8163 - 2.78 2.45 2260.0 2590.7 115 0.0450 2113.9 7.0970 - 2.72 2.61 1963.9 2264.0 120 0.0393 1848.4 7.3709 - 2.65 2.78 1712.1 1984.6 125 0.0345 1621.2 7.6383 - 2.59 2.95 1497.3 1745.0 Document Number: 29132 4 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Revision: 30-May-12 Legal Disclaimer Notice www.vishay.com Vishay Disclaimer ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify and hold Vishay and its distributors harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, expenses and damages arising or resulting in connection with such use or sale, including attorneys fees, even if such claim alleges that Vishay or its distributor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Material Category Policy Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant. Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU. Revision: 12-Mar-12 1 Document Number: 91000