Data Sheet 0635A CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS OC-X87XXXXX Series Micro-miniature OCXO Features • • • • • • • • • • Low Cost DIL 14 package High Vacuum Sealed Crystal Low Power Consumption (500 mW) Fast Warm-up Time (2 minutes) Stratum3 or better Stability Low Aging < 3 ppm over life Very Low Phase Noise (-160dBc/Hz TYP) HCMOS/TTL or Sine-Wave output 8 MHz to 160 MHz Frequencies Available Voltage Control Optional 0.800 (20.3 mm) 1 7 Applications • • • 0.500 (12.7 mm) 0.300 (7.6 mm) Telecommunications Data Communications Instrumentation 14 8 0.600 (15.2mm) 0.340 (8.7 mm) 0.250 (6.2 mm) Vcc Vc 1 14 DUT 8 OUTPUT 7 357 Beloit Street, P.O. Box 457, Burlington, WI 53105-0457 U.S.A. Phone 262/763-3591 FAX 262/763-2881 Email: Data Sheet 0635A CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS OC-X87XXXXX Series Micro-miniature OCXO Specifications: Aging Allan Variance Calibration Vcc sensitivity Load sensitivity SSB Phase Noise Retrace G-sensitivity Input Voltage Condition Min -0.5 -0.5 -40 -1 8 vs. Temp. vs. Supply per day first year 15 years .1s to 100s No voltage control Max Unit Note 5.5 13 85 6 V 3.3V or 5V Vcc 12 V Vcc °C V 160 ±280 50 MHz ppb ppb/V Electrical Connections Pin Out 1* See chart below after 30 days 3E-6 ±2 ppm 5E-8 -100 -130 -145 -160 4.75 3.15 11.4 5.0 3.3 12.0 0.5 dBc/Hz ±100 ±2.0 5.25 3.45 12.6 0.7 1.5 2.5 ppb ppb/G V steady state, 25°C W steady state, -30°C start-up 10KOhm//15pF Load Internally AC coupled 50 Ohm to 0.3 ppm accuracy 2 3 min Warm-up time τ -50 -40 dBc Sub-Harmonics 3.3V HCMOS/TTL compatible, 4 ns Tr/Tf, 40/60% duty cyicle Output Waveform Sine-wave, + 7 dBm ±3 dBm into 50 Ohm, -30 dBc harmonics Vc 0 4.0 V Control voltage from nominal F ±5 ±10 ppm Pull range Monotonic, posit 5 ppm/V Deviation slope Vc0 @25°C, Fnom. 1.0 2.0 3.0 V Setability Environmental and Mechanical -30°C to 70°C Standard, Other options – see chart below Operating temp. range Per MIL-STD-202, 30G, 11ms Mechanical Shock Per MIL-STD-202, 5G to 2000 Hz Vibration Leads Temperature 260°C, for 10s, Max Soldering Conditions Hermetic Seal Leak rate less than 1x10-8 atm.ccm/s of helium Power consumption P 10.000 ±100 10 5E-9 3E-7 5E-11 ± 0.5 5E-8/V For 10% change 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 KHz >10 KHz After 30 minutes worst direction Vcc Typ 2* All parameters for 10 MHz Parameter Symb Absolute Maximum Ratings Vcc Input Break Down Voltage Ts Storage temper. Vc Control Voltage Electrical F Frequency Frequency stability ∆F/F See chart below Upper operating temperature < 70°C, add 20% for UOT 85°C CMOS Output Sine-wave output At higher F 1* See chart below Customer specified Customer specified 5V/3.3 supply Pin 1- Vc; Pin 7- Case, GND; Pin8 – Output; Pin 14 - Vcc 357 Beloit Street, P.O. Box 457, Burlington, WI 53105-0457 U.S.A. Phone 262/763-3591 FAX 262/763-2881 Email: Data Sheet 0635A CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS OC-X87XXXXX Series Micro-miniature OCXO Creating a Part Number OC – X 87 X X XX X FREQUENCY, MHz Package Code OC 0.8x0.5” 4pin (14pin) Temperature Range Code A B C D E F Supply Voltage Code 0 A F Specification 5V ± 5% 3.3V ± 5% 12V ± 5% Specification 0°C to 50°C -10°C to 60°C 0°C to 70°C -20°C to 70°C -30°C to 70°C -40°C to 85°C Voltage Control Temperature Stability Code V 0 Specification Voltage Control No Voltage Control Output Code Specification T TTL/ CMOS Sine S Code 05 10 28 30 50 YZ Specification 5x10-8 1x10-7 2.8x10-7 3x10-7 5x10-7 YZx10-8 Not all combinations are available. Consult Factory. Notes: 1* Higher frequencies can be achieved either by using higher frequency crystals or by low noise analog harmonic multiplication. Both methods have advantages and drawbacks. If lowest possible phase noise on the noise floor is most important – high frequency crystal will be used. If phase noise close to the carrier and aging are more important – multiplication will be used. Please consult factory for your specific requirement. 2* Phase noise deteriorates with frequencies going higher. If analog multiplication is used to achieve higher frequency the phase noise roughly follows the formula of additional 20LogN, where N is a multiplication factor across entire frequency offset range. If higher frequency is achieved by using higher frequency crystal phase noise close to the carrier deteriorates due to the lower Q of the crystal and is usually worse, compared to multiplied solution. On the noise floor, however it remains more or less the same. 357 Beloit Street, P.O. Box 457, Burlington, WI 53105-0457 U.S.A. Phone 262/763-3591 FAX 262/763-2881 Email: