J^E-mi-Conauotoi ^Pioducti, Una. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. Ultra fast low-loss controlled avalanche rectifiers BYD73 series FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Glass passivated Cavity free cylindrical glass SOD81 package through lmplotec™(1) technology. This package is • High maximum operating temperature hermetically sealed and fatigue free as coefficients of expansion of all used parts are matched. • Low leakage current • Excellent stability • Guaranteed avalanche energy absorption capability H4- 0=' • Available in ammo-pack. Fig.1 Simplified outline (SOD81) and symbol. LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). PARAMETER SYMBOL VRRM VR CONDITIONS UNIT BYD73A - 50 V BYD73B - 100 V BYD73C - 150 V BYD73D - 200 V BYD73E - 250 V BYD73F - 300 V BYD73G - 400 V - 50 V BYD73B - 100 V BYD73C - 150 V BYD73D - 200 V BYD73E 250 V BYD73F „ 300 V BYD73G - 400 V continuous reverse voltage average forward current BYD73A to D BYD73E to G !p(AV) MAX. repetitive peak reverse voltage BYD73A Ip(AV) MIN. average forward current BYD73A to D BYD73E to G T,p = 55 °C; lead length = 10 mm; see Figs 2 and 3; averaged over any 20 ms period; see also Figs 10 and 11 Tamb = 60 °C; PCB mounting (see Fig. 16); see Figs 4 and 5; averaged over any 20 ms period; see also Figs 10 and 11 - _ 1.75 A 1.70 A 1.00 A 0.95 A Ultra fast low-loss controlled avalanche rectifiers PARAMETER SYMBOL IFRM 'FRM BYD73 series repetitive peak forward current CONDITIONS MIN. MAX. UNIT Ttp = 55 °C; see Figs 6 and 7 BYD73A to D - 14 A BYD73E to G - 15 A repetitive peak forward current Tamb = 60 °C; see Figs 8 and 9 BYD73A to D - 8.5 A BYD73E to G - 9.5 A IFSM non-repetitive peak forward current t = 10 ms half sine wave; Tj = Tj max prior to surge; VR = VRRMmax ERSM non-repetitive peak reverse avalanche energy L = 120 mH; Tj = Tj max prior to surge; inductive load switched off Tstg storage temperature T) junction temperature 25 A 10 mJ -65 +175 °C -65 +175 °C MIN. TYP. MAX. - - 0.75 V - - 0.83 V - - 0.98 V - - 1.05 V 55 - - V V — ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tr = 25 °C unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL VF PARAMETER forward voltage BYD73A to D CONDITIONS IF = 1 A; TJ = Tj max; see Figs 12 and 13 BYD73E to G VF forward voltage BYD73A to D I F =1 A; see Figs 12 and 13 BYD73E to G V(BR)R reverse avalanche breakdown voltage IR = 0.1 mA BYD73A IR UNIT BYD73B 110 - - BYD73C 165 - - V BYD73D 220 - - V BYD73E 275 - - V BYD73F 330 - - V BYD73G 440 - - V - - 1 jj.A - - 100 HA 25 ns ns reverse current VR = VRRMmaxI see Fig. 14 VR = VRRMmax; Tj = 165°C;seeFig.14 trr reverse recovery time BYD73A to D BYD73E to G when switched from IF = 0.5 A to IR = 1 A; measured at IR = 0.25 A; see Fig. 18 _ - - 50 Ultra fast low-loss controlled avalanche rectifiers SYMBOL cd BYD73 series CONDITIONS PARAMETER f = 1 MHz; VR = 0 V; see Fig. 15 diode capacitance BYD73A to D BYD73E to G dln TiT maximum slope of reverse recovery current BYD73A to D BYD73E to G when switched from IF = 1 A to VR > 30 V and dlF/dt = -1 A/(is; see Fig. 17 MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT - 50 - PF - 40 - pF _ _ 4 A/|iS - - 5 A/jis THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS Flth j-tp thermal resistance from junction to tie-point lead length = 10 mm Rth j-a thermal resistance from junction to ambient note 1 VALUE UNIT 60 K/W 120 K/W