SPECIFICATION FOR TDK MULTILAYER CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITORS C1608 TDK P/N : Jul. 2. '09 X7S 2A 104 M T XXXX 1) 2) 3) Segment No. Date issue 4) 5) 6) 7) Detail Comments 1 Case Size 1.60 x 0.80 mm See below for dimensions. 2 Temperature Characteristics -55 to +125degC 3 Rated Voltage 100V DC 4 Capacitance 100,000pF 1.0+/-0.2Vrms, 1kHz+/-10% 5 Capacitance Tolerance M : +/-20% Conforms to IEC 384-9 6 Packaging Style Tape and Reel, 8mm EIA 481 Format 7 TDK internal Code XXXX (Internal TDK use only) - Dissipation Factor 0.05 Max. 1.0+/-0.2Vrms, 1kHz+/-10% +/-22% Class II : Conforms to EIA 198 apply rated voltage for 60s - Insulation Resistance 5,000Mohm min. Condition for life : Apply 1.5 x rated voltage at maximum operating temperature +/-2degC for 1,000+48, 0h. Physical Dimensions L Material System 3 4 5 W G B T 2 1 Symbol Dimensions(mm) No. Name Material L 1.60 +/- 0.10 1 Dielectric BaTiO3 W 0.80 +/- 0.10 2 Electrode Ni T 0.80 +/- 0.10 3 B 0.20 min. 4 G 0.30 min. 5 Cu Termination Ni Sn 1 This datasheet is to be used for reference purposes only and is subject to change by TDK without notice. It reflects an overview of the product characteristics/performance for the particular part number. For product specification information, please refer to TDK's general product specification. Please note that this standard part is not designed or warranted to meet any specifications of any intermediate or end user different from or in addition to the specifications set forth in TDK's general product specification. Note also that this standard part has not been specially designed or manufactured for, nor is it intended or warranted for use in, or permitted to be resold for, specialized applications such as aviation, medical, and/or governmental/military applications (collectively, “Excluded Applications"). is a trademark or registered trademark of TDK Corporation.