BC546 Series NPN Amplifier Transistor BC546/547/548 BC546/547/548 Description of TO-92 NPN Amplifier Transistor • • • • • High Voltage: BC546,547,548 VCEO=65V, 45V, 30V Power dissipation Pcm: 0.625W(Ta=25C) Collector current :Icm:0.1A Collector-base voltage:V(BR)CBO:BC546:80V,BC547:50V,BC548:30V Operating and storage junction temperature range:Tj, Tstg: -55 ~ 150C NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCBO Collector-Base Voltage Ic=100uA, IE=0 Parameter : BC546 : BC547 : BC548 Value 80 50 30 Units V V V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage : BC546 : BC547 Ic=1mA, IB=0 : BC548 65 45 30 V V V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage IE=10uA, Ic=0 6 5 V V IC Collector Current (DC) 100 mA PC Collector Dissipation 500 mW TJ Junction Temperature 150 °C TSTG Storage Temperature -55 ~ 150 °C : BC546/547 : BC548 Electrical Characteristics Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol ICBO Parameter Collector Cut-off Current Test Condition VCB=30V, IE=0 Min. 110 Typ. hFE DC Current Gain VCE=5V, IC=2mA VCE (sat) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC=10mA, IB=0.5mA IC=100mA, IB=5mA 90 200 VBE (sat) Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage IC=10mA, IB=0.5mA IC=100mA, IB=5mA 700 VBE (on) Base-Emitter On Voltage VCE=5V, IC=2mA VCE=5V, IC=10mA 580 fT Current Gain Bandwidth Product VCE=5V, IC=10mA, f=100MHz 150 Cob Output Capacitance VCB=10V, IE=0, f=1MHz 3.5 Cib Input Capacitance VEB=0.5V, IC=0, f=1MHz 9 NF Noise Figure VCE=5V, IC=200µA f=1KHz, RG=2KΩ VCE=5V, IC=200µA RG=2KΩ, f=30~15000MHz : BC546/547/548 : BC549/550 : BC549 : BC550 Max. 15 Units nA 800 660 250 600 mV mV 700 720 300 2 1.2 1.4 1.4 mV mV mV mV MHz 6 pF 10 4 4 3 dB dB dB dB pF hFE Classification Classification A B C hFE 110 ~ 220 200 ~ 450 420 ~ 800 BC546/547/548 Typical Characteristics 100 IB = 400 μA VCE = 5V IC[mA], COLLECTOR CURRENT IC[mA], COLLECTOR CURRENT 100 IB = 350 μA IB = 300 μA 80 IB = 250 μA 60 IB = 200 μA 40 IB = 150 μA IB = 100 μA 20 10 1 IB = 50 μA 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0.1 0.0 20 VCE[V], COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE VBE(sat), VCE(sat)[mV], SATURATION VOLTAGE hFE, DC CURRENT GAIN 1000 100 10 1 100 0.8 1.0 1.2 10000 IC = 10 IB V BE(sat) 1000 100 V CE(sat) 10 1000 1 10 IC[mA], COLLECTOR CURRENT 100 1000 IC[A], COLLECTOR CURRENT Figure 3. DC current Gain Figure 4. Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage 1000 f=1MHz IE = 0 10 1 0.1 1 10 100 V CB[V], COLLECTOR-BASE VOLTAGE Figure 5. Output Capacitance 1000 fT, CURRENT GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCT 100 Cob[pF], CAPACITANCE 0.6 Figure 2. Transfer Characteristic VCE = 5V 10 0.4 VBE[V], BASE-EMITTER VOLTAGE Figure 1. Static Characteristic 1 0.2 VCE = 5V 100 10 1 0.1 1 10 100 IC[mA], COLLECTOR CURRENT Figure 6. Current Gain Bandwidth Product