LM5025C Active Clamp Voltage Mode PWM Controller General Description Features The LM5025C is a functional variant of the LM5025 active clamp PWM controller. The functional differences of the LM5025C are: The maximum duty cycle of the LM5025C is increased from 80% to 91%. The soft-start capacitor charging current is increased from 20 µA to 90 µA. The VCC regulator current limit threshold is increased from 25 mA to 55 mA. The CS1 and CS2 current limit thresholds have been increased to 0.5V. The internal CS2 filter discharge device has been disabled and no longer operates each clock cycle. The internal VCC and VREF regulators continue to operate when the line UVLO pin is below threshold. The LM5025C PWM controller contains all of the features necessary to implement power converters utilizing the Active Clamp / Reset technique. With the active clamp technique, higher efficiencies and greater power densities can be realized compared to conventional catch winding or RDC clamp / reset techniques. Two control outputs are provided, the main power switch control (OUT_A) and the active clamp switch control (OUT_B). The two internal compound gate drivers parallel both MOS and Bipolar devices, providing superior gate drive characteristics. This controller is designed for highspeed operation including an oscillator frequency range up to 1MHz and total PWM and current sense propagation delays less than 100 ns. The LM5025C includes a high-voltage startup regulator that operates over a wide input range of 13V to 90V. Additional features include: Line Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO), softstart, oscillator UP/DOWN sync capability, precision reference and thermal shutdown. ■ Internal Start-up Bias Regulator ■ 3A Compound Main Gate Driver ■ Programmable Line Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) with Adjustable Hysteresis ■ Voltage Mode Control with Feed-Forward ■ Adjustable Dual Mode Over-Current Protection ■ Programmable Overlap or Deadtime between the Main ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ and Active Clamp Outputs Volt x Second Clamp Programmable Soft-start Leading Edge Blanking Single Resistor Programmable Oscillator Oscillator UP / DOWN Sync Capability Precision 5V Reference Thermal Shutdown Packages ■ TSSOP-16 Typical Application Circuit 30058901 Simplified Active Clamp Forward Power Converter © 2009 National Semiconductor Corporation 300589 www.national.com LM5025C Active Clamp Voltage Mode PWM Controller April 23, 2009 LM5025C Connection Diagram 30058916 16-Lead TSSOP Ordering Information Order Number Package Type NSC Package Drawing Supplied As LM5025CMTC TSSOP-16 MTC-16 92 Units per anti-static tube LM5025CMTCX TSSOP-16 MTC-16 2500 Units on Tape and Reel LM5025CCMTE TSSOP-16 MTC-16 250 Units on Tape and Reel Pin Descriptions Pin Name 1 VIN Source Input Voltage Input to start-up regulator. Input range 13V to 90V, with transient capability to 105V. 2 RAMP Modulator ramp signal An external RC circuit from Vin sets the ramp slope. This pin is discharged at the conclusion of every cycle by an internal FET, initiated by either the internal clock or the V*Sec Clamp comparator. 3 CS1 Current sense input for cycle-by-cycle limiting If CS1 exceeds 0.5V the outputs will go into Cycle-byCycle current limit. CS1 is held low for 50ns after OUT_A switches high providing leading edge blanking. 4 CS2 Current sense input for soft restart If CS2 exceeds 0.5V the outputs will be disabled and a softstart commenced. The soft-start capacitor will be fully discharged and then released with a pull-up current of 1µA. After the first output pulse (when SS =1V), the SS charge current will revert back to 90 µA. 5 TIME Output overlap/Deadtime control An external resistor (RSET) sets either the overlap time or dead time for the active clamp output. An RSET resistor connected between TIME and GND produces in-phase OUT_A and OUT_B pulses with overlap. An RSET resistor connected between TIME and REF produces out-of-phase OUT_A and OUT_B pulses with deadtime. 6 REF Precision 5 volt reference output Maximum output current: 10 mA Locally decouple with a 0.1 µF capacitor. Reference stays low until the VCC UV comparator is satisfied. 7 VCC Output from the internal high voltage start-up If an auxiliary winding raises the voltage on this pin regulator. The VCC voltage is regulated to 7.6V. above the regulation setpoint, the internal start-up regulator will shutdown, reducing the IC power dissipation. www.national.com Description Application Information 2 Name Description Application Information 8 OUT_A Main output driver Output of the main switch PWM output gate driver. Output capability of 3A peak sink current. 9 OUT_B Active Clamp output driver Output of the Active Clamp switch gate driver. Capable of 1.25A peak sink current.. 10 PGND Power ground Connect directly to analog ground. 11 AGND Analog ground Connect directly to power ground. 12 SS Soft-start control An external capacitor and an internal 90 µA current source set the softstart ramp. The SS current source is reduced to 1 µA initially following a CS2 over-current event or an over temperature event. 13 COMP Input to the Pulse Width Modulator An internal 5 kΩ resistor pull-up is provided on this pin. The external opto-coupler sinks current from COMP to control the PWM duty cycle. 14 RT Oscillator timing resistor pin An external resistor connected from RT to ground sets the internal oscillator frequency. 15 SYNC Oscillator UP/DOWN synchronization input The internal oscillator can be synchronized to an external clock with a frequency 20% lower than the internal oscillator’s free running frequency. There is no constraint on the maximum sync frequency. 16 UVLO Line Under-Voltage shutdown An external voltage divider from the power source sets the shutdown comparator levels. The comparator threshold is 2.5V. Hysteresis is set by an internal current source (20 µA) that is switched on or off as the UVLO pin potential crosses the 2.5V threshold. 3 www.national.com LM5025C Pin LM5025C Block Diagram Simplified Block Diagram 30058902 www.national.com 4 If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. VIN to GND VCC to GND CS1, CS2 to GND All other inputs to GND ESD Rating (Note 2) Operating Ratings -0.3V to 105V -0.3V to 16V -0.3 to 1.00V -0.3 to 7V LM5025C Human Body Model Storage Temperature Range Junction Temperature Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) 2kV -55°C to 150°C 150°C (Note 1) VIN Voltage External Voltage Applied to VCC Operating Junction Temperature 13 to 90V 8 to 15V -40°C to +125°C Electrical Characteristics Specifications with standard typeface are for TJ = 25°C, and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Junction Temperature range. VIN = 48V, VCC = 10V, RT = 32 kΩ, RSET = 27.4 kΩ) unless otherwise stated (Note 3) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max 7.9 Units Startup Regulator VCC Reg I-VIN VCC Regulation No Load 7.3 7.6 VCC Current Limit (Note 4) 40 55 Startup Regulator Leakage (external Vcc Supply) VIN = 100V 165 V mA 500 µA VCC Supply VCC Under-voltage Lockout Voltage (positive going Vcc) VCC Under-voltage Hysteresis VCC Supply Current (ICC) VCC Reg 220mV VCC Reg 120mV 1.0 1.5 Cgate = 0 V 2.0 V 4.2 mA Reference Supply VREF Ref Voltage IREF = 0 mA Ref Voltage Regulation IREF = 0 to 10 mA 4.85 Ref Current Limit 10 5 5.15 V 25 50 mV 20 mA Current Limit CS1 Prop CS1 Delay to Output CS1 Step from 0 to 0.6V Time to onset of OUT Transition (90%) Cgate = 0 40 ns CS2 Prop CS2 Delay to Output CS2 Step from 0 to 0.6V Time to onset of OUT Transition (90%) Cgate = 0 50 ns Cycle by Cycle Threshold Voltage (CS1) Cycle Skip Threshold Voltage (CS2) Resets SS capacitor; auto restart Leading Edge Blanking Time (CS1) 0.45 0.5 0.55 V 0.45 0.5 0.55 V 50 ns CS1 Sink Impedance (clocked) CS1 = 0.4V 30 50 Ω CS1 Sink Impedance (Post Fault Discharge) CS1 = 0.6V 15 30 Ω CS2 Sink Impedance (Post Fault Discharge) CS2 = 0.6V 55 85 Ω CS1 and CS2 Leakage Current CS = CS Threshold - 100mV 1 µA 5 www.national.com LM5025C Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Soft-start Current Source Normal 65 90 115 µA Soft-start Current Source following a CS2 event 0.5 1 1.5 µA Soft-Start Oscillator Frequency1 TA = 25°C TJ = Tlow to Thigh 180 175 200 220 225 kHz Frequency2 RT = 10.8 kΩ 510 580 650 kHz 100 ns Sync threshold 2 Min Sync Pulse Width Sync Frequency Range V kHz 160 PWM Comparator Delay to Output COMP step 5V to 0V Time to onset of OUT_A transition low 40 Duty Cycle Range 0 COMP to PWM Offset 0.7 COMP Open Circuit Voltage 4.3 COMP Short Circuit Current 1 ns 91 % 1.3 V 5.9 V COMP = 0V 0.6 1 1.4 mA Delta RAMP measured from onset of OUT_A to Ramp peak. COMP = 5V 2.4 2.5 2.6 V Undervoltage Shutdown Threshold 2.44 2.5 2.56 V Undervoltage Shutdown Hysteresis 16 20 24 µA 5 10 Ω A 9 Ω ns Volt x Second Clamp Ramp Clamp Level UVLO Shutdown Output Section OUT_A High Saturation MOS Device @ Iout = -10mA, OUTPUT_A Peak Current Bipolar Device @ Vcc/2 Sink 3 OUT_A Low Saturation MOS Device @ Iout = 10mA, 6 OUTPUT_A Rise Time Cgate = 2.2nF 20 OUTPUT_A Fall Time Cgate = 2.2nF 15 OUT_B High Saturation MOS Device @ Iout = -10mA, 10 ns 20 Ω A 18 OUTPUT_B Peak Current Bipolar Device @ Vcc/2 Sink 1 OUT_B Low Saturation MOS Device @ Iout = 10mA, 12 OUTPUT_B Rise Time Cgate = 1nF 20 Ω ns OUTPUT_B Fall Time Cgate = 1nF 15 ns Output Timing Control Overlap Time RSET = 38 kΩ connected to GND, 50% to 50% transitions 75 105 135 ns Deadtime RSET = 29.5 kΩ connected to REF, 50% to 50% transitions 75 105 135 ns www.national.com 6 Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Thermal Shutdown TSD Thermal Shutdown Threshold 165 °C Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis 25 °C 125 °C/W Thermal Resistance θJA Junction to Ambient MTC Package Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings are conditions under which operation of the device is intended to be functional. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. Note 2: For detailed information on soldering plastic TSSOP package, refer to the Packaging Data Book available from National Semiconductor Corporation. Note 3: All limits are guaranteed. All electrical characteristics having room temperature limits are tested during production with TA = TJ = 25°C. All hot and cold limits are guaranteed by correlating the electrical characteristics to process and temperature variations and applying statistical process control. Note 4: Device thermal limitations may limit usable range. Typical Performance Characteristics VCC Regulator Start-up Characteristics, VCC vs Vin VCC vs ICC 30058904 30058903 VREF vs IREF Oscillator Frequency vs RT 30058906 30058905 7 www.national.com LM5025C Symbol LM5025C Overlap Time vs RSET Overlap Time vs Temperature RSET = 38K 30058907 30058908 Dead Time vs RSET Dead Time vs Temperature RSET = 29.5K 30058909 30058910 SS Pin Current vs Temperature 30058911 www.national.com 8 The LM5025C is a functional variant of the LM5025 active clamp PWM controller. The functional differences of the LM5025C are: The maximum duty cycle of the LM5025C is increased from 80% to 91%. The soft-start capacitor charging current is increased from 20 µA to 90 µA. The VCC regulator current limit threshold is increased from 25 mA to 55 mA. The CS1 and CS2 current limit thresholds have been increased to 0.5V (same as LM5025A). The internal CS2 filter discharge device has been disabled and no longer operates each clock cycle (same as LM5025A). The internal VCC and VREF regulators continue to operate when the line UVLO pin is below threshold (same as LM5025A). The LM5025C PWM controller contains all of the features necessary to implement power converters utilizing the Active Clamp Reset technique. The device can be configured to control either a P-Channel clamp switch or an N-Channel clamp switch. With the active clamp technique higher efficiencies and greater power densities can be realized compared to conventional catch winding or RDC clamp / reset techniques. Two control outputs are provided, the main power switch control (OUT_A) and the active clamp switch control (OUT_B). The active clamp output can be configured for either a guaranteed overlap time (for P-Channel switch applications) or a guaranteed dead time (for N_Channel applications). The two internal compound gate drivers parallel both MOS and Bipolar devices, providing superior gate drive characteristics. This controller is designed for high-speed operation including an oscillator frequency range up to 1MHz and total PWM and current sense propagation delays less than 100ns. The LM5025C includes a high-voltage start-up regulator that operates over a wide input range of 13V to 90V. Additional features include: Line Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO), softstart, oscillator UP/DOWN sync capability, precision reference and thermal shutdown. Line Under-Voltage Detector The LM5025C contains a line Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO) circuit. An external set-point voltage divider from Vin to GND, sets the operational range of the converter. The divider must be designed such that the voltage at the UVLO pin will be greater than 2.5V when Vin is in the desired operating range. If the undervoltage threshold is not met, both outputs are disabled,all other functions of the controller remain active. UVLO hysteresis is accomplished with an internal 20 uA current source that is switched on or off into the impedance of the set-point divider. When the UVLO threshold is exceeded, the current source is activated to instantly raise the voltage at the UVLO pin. When the UVLO pin voltage falls below the 2.5V threshold, the current source is turned off causing the voltage at the UVLO pin to fall. The UVLO pin can also be used to implement a remote enable / disable function. Pulling the UVLO pin below the 2.5V threshold disables the PWM outputs. PWM Outputs The relative phase of the main (OUT_A) and active clamp outputs (OUT_B) can be configured for the specific application. For active clamp configurations utilizing a ground referenced P-Channel clamp switch, the two outputs should be in phase with the active clamp output overlapping the main output. For active clamp configurations utilizing a high side NChannel switch, the active clamp output should be out of phase with main output and there should be a dead time between the two gate drive pulses. A distinguishing feature of the LM5025C is the ability to accurately configure either dead time (both off) or overlap time (both on) of the gate driver outputs. The overlap / deadtime magnitude is controlled by the resistor value connected to the TIME pin of the controller. The opposite end of the resistor can be connected to either REF for deadtime control or GND for overlap control. The internal configuration detector senses the connection and configures the phase relationship of the main and active clamp outputs. The magnitude of the overlap/dead time can be calculated as follows: Overlap Time (ns) = 2.8 x RSET - 1.2 Dead Time (ns) = 2.9 x RSET +20 RSET in kΩ, Time in ns High Voltage Start-Up Regulator The LM5025C contains an internal high voltage start-up regulator that allows the input pin (VIN) to be connected directly to the line voltage. The regulator output is internally current limited to 55 mA. When power is applied, the regulator is enabled and sources current into an external capacitor connected to the VCC pin. The recommended capacitance range for the VCC regulator is 0.1 µF to 100 µF. When the voltage on the VCC pin reaches the regulation point of 7.6V and the internal voltage reference (REF) reaches its regulation point of 5V, the controller outputs are enabled. The outputs will remain enabled until VCC falls below 6.2V or the line Under Voltage Lock Out detector indicates that VIN is out of range. In typical applications, an auxiliary transformer winding is connected through a diode to the VCC pin. This winding must raise the VCC voltage above 8V to shut off the internal start-up regula- 9 www.national.com LM5025C tor. Powering VCC from an auxiliary winding improves efficiency while reducing the controller power dissipation. When the converter auxiliary winding is inactive, external current draw on the VCC line should be limited so the power dissipated in the start-up regulator does not exceed the maximum power dissipation of the controller. An external start-up regulator or other bias rail can be used instead of the internal start-up regulator by connecting the VCC and the VIN pins together and feeding the external bias voltage into the two pins. Detailed Operating Description LM5025C 30058912 FIGURE 1. up for an optocoupler. The comparator polarity is such that 0V on the COMP pin will produce a zero duty cycle on both gate driver outputs. Compound Gate Drivers The LM5025C contains two unique compound gate drivers, which parallel both MOS and Bipolar devices to provide high drive current throughout the entire switching event. The Bipolar device provides most of the drive current capability and provides a relatively constant sink current which is ideal for driving large power MOSFETs. As the switching event nears conclusion and the Bipolar device saturates, the internal MOS device continues to provide a low impedance to compete the switching event. During turn-off at the Miller plateau region, typically around 2V - 3V, is where gate driver current capability is needed most. The resistive characteristics of all MOS gate drivers are adequate for turn-on since the supply to output voltage differential is fairly large at the Miller region. During turn-off however, the voltage differential is small and the current source characteristic of the Bipolar gate driver is beneficial to provide fast drive capability. Volt Second Clamp The Volt x Second Clamp comparator compares the ramp signal (RAMP) to a fixed 2.5V reference. By proper selection of RFF and CFF, the maximum ON time of the main switch can be set to the desired duration. The ON time set by Volt x Second Clamp varies inversely with the line voltage because the RAMP capacitor is charged by a resistor connected to Vin while the threshold of the clamp is a fixed voltage (2.5V). An example will illustrate the use of the Volt x Second Clamp comparator to achieve a 50% duty cycle limit, at 200 kHz, at a 48V line input: A 50% duty cycle at a 200 kHz requires a 2.5 µs of ON time. At 48V input the Volt x Second product is 120V x µs (48V x 2.5µs). To achieve this clamp level: RFF x CFF = VIN x TON / 2.5V 48 x 2.5µ / 2.5 = 48µ Select CFF = 470 pF RFF = 102kΩ The recommended capacitor value range for CFF is 100 pF to 1000 pF. The CFF ramp capacitor is discharged at the conclusion of every cycle by an internal discharge switch controlled by either the internal clock or by the V x S Clamp comparator, whichever event occurs first. Current Limit The LM5025C contains two modes of over-current protection. If the sense voltage at the CS1 input exceeds 0.5V the present power cycle is terminated (cycle-by-cycle current limit). If the sense voltage at the CS2 input exceeds 0.5V, the controller will terminate the present cycle, discharge the softstart capacitor and reduce the softstart current source to 1 µA. The softstart (SS) capacitor is released after being fully discharged and slowly charges with a 1 µA current source. When the voltage at the SS pin reaches approximately 1V, the PWM comparator will produce the first output pulse at OUT_A. After the first pulse occurs, the softstart current source will revert to the normal 90 µA level. Fully discharging and then slowly 30058913 PWM Comparator The PWM comparator compares the ramp signal (RAMP) to the loop error signal (COMP). This comparator is optimized for speed in order to achieve minimum controllable duty cycles. The internal 5kΩ pull-up resistor, connected between the internal 5V reference and COMP, can be used as the pull- www.national.com 10 current sense signal. The CS2 discharge FET only operates following a CS2 event, UVLO and thermal shutdown. The LM5025C CS comparators are very fast and may respond to short duration noise pulses. Layout considerations are critical for the current sense filter and sense resistor. The capacitor associated with the CS filter must be placed very close to the device and connected directly to the pins of the IC (CS and GND). If a current sense transformer is used, both leads of the transformer secondary should be routed to the filter network , which should be located close to the IC. If a sense resistor in the source of the main switch MOSFET is used for current sensing, a low inductance type of resistor is required. When designing with a current sense resistor, all of the noise sensitive low power ground connections should be connected together near the IC GND and a single connection should be made to the power ground (sense resistor ground point). Oscillator and Sync Capability The LM5025C oscillator is set by a single external resistor connected between the RT pin and GND. To set a desired oscillator frequency (F), the necessary RT resistor can be calculated from: RT = (6002/F)1.0192 where F is in kHz and RT in kΩ. The RT resistor should be located very close to the device and connected directly to the pins of the IC (RT and GND). A unique feature of LM5025C is the ability to synchronize the oscillator to an external clock with a frequency that is either higher or lower than the frequency of the internal oscillator. The lower frequency sync frequency range is 91% of the free running internal oscillator frequency. There is no constraint on the maximum SYNC frequency. A minimum pulse width of 100 ns is required for the synchronization clock . If the synchronization feature is not required, the SYNC pin should be connected to GND to prevent any abnormal interference . The internal oscillator can be completely disabled by connecting the RT pin to REF. Once disabled, the sync signal will act directly as the master clock for the controller. Both the frequency and the maximum duty cycle of the PWM controller can be controlled by the SYNC signal (within the limitations of the Volt x Second Clamp). The maximum duty cycle (D) will be (1-D) of the SYNC signal. 30058914 11 www.national.com LM5025C charging the SS capacitor protects a continuously over-loaded converter with a low duty cycle hiccup mode. These two modes of over-current protection allow the user great flexibility to configure the system behavior in over-load conditions. If it is desired for the system to act as a current source during an over-load, then the CS1 cycle-by-cycle current limiting should be used. In this case the current sense signal should be applied to the CS1 input and the CS2 input should be grounded. If during an overload condition it is desired for the system to briefly shutdown, followed by softstart retry, then the CS2 hiccup current limiting mode should be used. In this case the current sense signal should be applied to the CS2 input and the CS1 input should be grounded. This shutdown / soft-start retry will repeat indefinitely while the over-load condition remains. The hiccup mode will greatly reduce the thermal stresses to the system during heavy overloads. The cycle-by-cycle mode will have higher system thermal dissipations during heavy overloads, but provides the advantage of continuous operation for short duration overload conditions. It is possible to utilize both over-current modes concurrently, whereby slight overload conditions activate the CS1 cycle-bycycle mode while more severe overloading activates the CS2 hiccup mode. Generally the CS1 input will always be configured to monitor the main switch FET current each cycle. The CS2 input can be configured in several different ways depending upon the system requirements. a) The CS2 input can also be set to monitor the main switch FET current except scaled to a higher threshold than CS1. b) An external over-current timer can be configured which trips after a pre-determined over-current time, driving the CS2 input high, initiating a hiccup event. c) In a closed loop voltage regulaton system, the COMP input will rise to saturation when the cycle-by-cycle current limit is active. An external filter/delay timer and voltage divider can be configured between the COMP pin and the CS2 pin to scale and delay the COMP voltage. If the CS2 pin voltage reaches 0.5V a hiccup event will initiate. A small RC filter, located near the controller, is recommended for each of the CS pins. The CS1 input has an internal FET which discharges the current sense filter capacitor at the conclusion of every cycle, to improve dynamic performance. This same FET remains on an additional 50ns at the start of each main switch cycle to attenuate the leading edge spike in the LM5025C event of a fault as determined by VCC undervoltage, line undervoltage (UVLO) or second level current limit, the output gate drivers are disabled and the softstart capacitor is fully discharged. When the fault condition is no longer present a softstart sequence will be initiated. Following a second level current limit detection (CS2), the softstart current source is reduced to 1 µA until the first output pulse is generated by the PWM comparator. The current source returns to the nominal 90 µA level after the first output pulse (~1V at the SS pin). Feed-Forward Ramp An external resistor (RFF) and capacitor (CFF) connected to VIN and GND are required to create the PWM ramp signal. The slope of the signal at the RAMP pin will vary in proportion to the input line voltage. This varying slope provides line feedforward information necessary to improve line transient response with voltage mode control. The RAMP signal is compared to the error signal at the COMP pin by the pulse width modulator comparator to control the duty cycle of the main switch output. The Volt Second Clamp comparator also monitors the RAMP pin and if the ramp amplitude exceeds 2.5V the present cycle is terminated. The ramp signal is reset to GND at the end of each cycle by either the internal clock or the Volt Second comparator, which ever occurs first. Thermal Protection Internal Thermal Shutdown circuitry is provided to protect the integrated circuit in the event the maximum junction temperature is exceeded. When activated, typically at 165°C, the controller is forced into a low power standby state with the output drivers and the bias regulator disabled. The device will restart after the thermal hysteresis (typically 25°C). During a restart after thermal shutdown, the softstart capacitor will be fully discharged and then charged in the low current mode (1 µA) similar to a second level current limit event. The thermal protection feature is provided to prevent catastrophic failures from accidental device overheating. Soft-Start The softstart feature allows the power converter to gradually reach the initial steady state operating point, thus reducing start-up stresses and surges. At power on, a 90 µA current is sourced out of the softstart pin (SS) into an external capacitor. The capacitor voltage will ramp up slowly and will limit the COMP pin voltage and therefore the PWM duty cycle. In the www.national.com 12 LM5025C 30058917 Application Circuit: Input 36-78V, Output 3.3V, 30A 13 www.national.com LM5025C Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted Molded TSSOP-16 NS Package Number MTC16 www.national.com 14 LM5025C Notes 15 www.national.com LM5025C Active Clamp Voltage Mode PWM Controller Notes For more National Semiconductor product information and proven design tools, visit the following Web sites at: Products Design Support Amplifiers www.national.com/amplifiers WEBENCH® Tools www.national.com/webench Audio www.national.com/audio App Notes www.national.com/appnotes Clock and Timing www.national.com/timing Reference Designs www.national.com/refdesigns Data Converters www.national.com/adc Samples www.national.com/samples Interface www.national.com/interface Eval Boards www.national.com/evalboards LVDS www.national.com/lvds Packaging www.national.com/packaging Power Management www.national.com/power Green Compliance www.national.com/quality/green Switching Regulators www.national.com/switchers Distributors www.national.com/contacts LDOs www.national.com/ldo Quality and Reliability www.national.com/quality LED Lighting www.national.com/led Feedback/Support www.national.com/feedback Voltage Reference www.national.com/vref Design Made Easy www.national.com/easy PowerWise® Solutions www.national.com/powerwise Solutions www.national.com/solutions Serial Digital Interface (SDI) www.national.com/sdi Mil/Aero www.national.com/milaero Temperature Sensors www.national.com/tempsensors SolarMagic™ www.national.com/solarmagic Wireless (PLL/VCO) www.national.com/wireless Analog University® www.national.com/AU THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (“NATIONAL”) PRODUCTS. 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