DTC143EE / DTC143EUA DTC143ECA / DTC143ESA NPN Digital Transistors (Built-in Resistors) Elektronische Bauelemente RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of “-C” specifies halogen & lead-free FEATURES Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter circuit without connecting external input resistors (see equivalent circuit). The bias resistors consist of thin-film resistors with complete isolation to allow positive biasing of the input. They also have the advantage of almost completely eliminating parasitic effects. Only the on/off conditions need to be set for operation, making device design easy. DTC143EE (SOT-523) DTC143EUA (SOT-323) Addreviated symbol:23 Addreviated symbol:23 DTC143ECA (SOT-23) DTC143ESA (TO-92S) EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Addreviated symbol:23 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25°C unless otherwise noted) Limits (DTC143E□) Parameter Symbol Unit E UA CA SA Collector-Base Voltage VCC 50 V Input voltage VIN -10~30 V IO 100 IC(MAX) 100 Output current Power dissipation Junction & Storage temperature http://www.SeCoSGmbH.com/ 10-Feb-2012 Rev.B PD TJ, TSTG 150 200 150, -55~150 mA 300 mW °C Any changes of specification will not be informed individually. Page 1 of 2 DTC143EE / DTC143EUA DTC143ECA / DTC143ESA NPN Digital Transistors (Built-in Resistors) Elektronische Bauelemente ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25°C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Min. Typ. Max. VI(off) - - 0.5 VI(on) 3 - - VO(on) - - 0.3 V II - - 1.8 mA VI=5V IO(off) - - 0.5 μA VCC=50V, VI=0 DC current gain GI 20 - - Input resistance R1 3.29 4.7 6.11 Resistance ratio R2/R1 0.8 1 1.2 fT - 250 - Parameter Input voltage Output voltage Input current Output current Transition frequency Unit V Test Conditions VCC=5V, IO=100μA VO=0.3V, IO=20mA IO/II=10mA/0.5mA VO=5V, IO=10mA KΩ MHz VO=10V, IO=5mA, f=100MHz CHARACTERISTIC CURVES http://www.SeCoSGmbH.com/ 10-Feb-2012 Rev.B Any changes of specification will not be informed individually. Page 2 of 2