HVR5510U08 1.0A 8kV 75nS--High Current Rectifiers Ultra Fast Recovery HVGT High voltage silicon rectifier is made of high quality glass passivated chip and high reliability SHAPE DISPLAY: epoxy resin sealing structure, and through professional testing equipment inspection qualified after to customers. FEATURES: 1. High reliability design. 2. High voltage design. 3. High frequency design.. 4. Conform to RoHS. 5. Epoxy resin molded in vacuumHave anticorrosion in the surface. SIZE: (Unit:mm) HVGT NAME: HVR-101255H 6. Ultra Fast Recovery. APPLICATIONS: 1. High frequency switching power supply. 2. Power supply of laser equipment . 3. General purpose high voltage rectifier. 4. Other. MECHANICAL DATA: 1. Case: epoxy resin molding. 2. Terminal: external lead. 3. Net weight: 11 grams (approx). MAXIMUM RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS: (Absolute Maximum Ratings) Items Symbols Condition Data Value Units VRRM Ta=25°C; 8.0 kV IF Ta=25°C;Resistive Load 1.0 A IFSM Ta=25°C;8.3 mS; 1/2 Sine(60Hz) 45 A Repetitive Peak Renerse Voltage Average Output Current Suege Current Junction Temperature TJ -40~+125 °C Allowable Operation Case Temperature Tc 125 °C TSTG -40~+125 °C Storage Temperature ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Items Maximum Forward Voltage Drop Maximum Reverse Current Maximum Reverse Recovery Time Junction Capacitance Ta=25°C (Unless otherwise specified) Symbols Condition Data value Units VF at 25°C; at 100mA 11 V IR1 at 25°C;VR =VRRM 10 uA IR2 at 100°C;VR =VRRM 100 uA TRR at 25°C; IF=0.5IR; IR =IFAVM; IRR =0.25IR 75 nS CJ at 25°C; VR=0V; f=1MHz 8.3 pF GETE ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD Http://www.getedz.com Http://www.hvgtsemi.com E-mai: sales@getedz.com GETAI ELECTRONIC DEVICE CO.,LTD TEL:0086-20-8184 9628 FAX:0086-20-8184 9638 2016 1 / 1