HSDL - 7002 IrDA 3/16 Encode/Decode Integrated Circuit in QFN Package Data Sheet Description Features The HSDL-7002 modulates and demodulates electrical pulses from HSDL-3201 IrDA transceiver module and other IrDA compliant transceivers. The HSDL-7002 can be used with a microcontroller/microprocessor that has a serial communication interface (UART). Prior to communication, the processor selects the transmission baud rate. Serial data is then transmitted or received at the prescribed data rate. The HSDL-7002 consists or two state machines – the SIR (Serial InfraRed) Encode and SIR Decode blocks. It also contains a sequential block Clock Divide that synthesizes the required internal signal. The HSDL-7002 can be placed into the Internal Clock Mode or External Clock Mode. An external crystal is needed for the Internal Clock Mode. In applications where the external 16XCLK signal is provided, a crystal is not needed. There are two data transmission modes. Data can be transmitter and received in either a standard 3/16 modulation mode or a 1.63 µs pulse mode. /TXD IR_TXD SIR Encode SIR Decode /NRST HSDL-7002 A0 A1 A2 16XCLK Clock Divide PULSEMOD CLK_SEL Figure 1. Block Diagram of HSDL-7002 /IR_RXD RXD • Fully Compliant to IrDA Physical Layer Specification 1.4 from 9.6 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s (SIR) • Interfaces with IrDA Compliant IR Transceiver • Miniature Module Size with 16-pin Quad-Flat-No Lead (QFN) Package Height : 0.8 mm Length : 4.0 mm Depth : 4.0 mm • Used in Conjunction with Standard 16550 UART • Transmits/Receives either 1.63 µs or 3/16 Pulse Mode • Internal or External Clock Mode • Programmable Baud Rate 2.7 – 5.5 V Operation • Lead Free and Green Product Applications • Interfaces with IrDA Transceiver in: • Telecom Applications: Mobile Phones Modems Pagers Fax Machines • Computer Applications: Notebook Computers Desktop PCs Dongles or other RS-232 adapters PDAs Printers • Handheld Data Collection: Industrial Medical • Transportation Order Information Pin 13 Pin 14 Pin 15 Pin 16 PIN #1 CORNER Part Number Packaging Type HSDL-7002 Tape and Reel Quantity 2500 Marking Information Pin 3 Pin 10 The unit is marked with A7002 and ‘yyww’ on the chip. Pin 4 Pin 9 yy = year ww = work week Pin 8 Pin 11 Pin 7 Pin 2 Pin 6 Pin 12 Pin 5 Pin 1 Figure 2. HSDL-7002 Pin Configuration I/O Pins Configuration Table Name TXD Type Digital In Function 1 Negative edge triggered input signal that is normally tied to the SOUT signal of the UART (serial data to be transmitted). Data is modulated and output as IR_TXD. 2 RXD Digital Out Output signal normally tied to SIN signal of a UART (received serial data). RXD is the demodulated output of IR_RXD. 3 A0 Digital In Clock Multiplex Signal 4 A1 Digital In Clock Multiplex Signal 5 A2 Digital In Clock Multiplex Signal 6 CLK_SEL Digital In Used to activate either the internal or external clock. A high on this line activated the external clock (16XCLK) and a low activates the internal clock. When the external clock is activated, the internal oscillator is put in POWERDN mode. 7 GND Chip Ground 8 NRST Digital In Activate low signal used to reset the IrDA SIR Encode & Decode state machine. This signal can be tied to POR (Power-On-Reset) or Vcc. 9 IR_RXD Digital In Input from SIR optoelectronics. Input signal is a 3/16th or 1.63 ms pulse that is demodulated to generate RXD output signal. 10 IR_TXD Digital Out This is the modulated TXD signal. 11 PULSEMOD Digital In A high level on this input put the chip into the monoshot transmit mode. In (with pull down) this mode, when there is a negative transition on the TXD input, a rising edge on the internal transmit modulation state machine will activate a high pulse on IR_TXD for 6 crystal clock cycles. With a 3.6864 MHz crystal, this corresponds to 1.63 ms. This mode cannot be used in conjunction with the 16XCLK clock. It is meant to be used with the external crystal clock. By default, this input pin is pulled to GND 12 POWERDN Digital In A high on this input put only the internal oscillator cell in POWERDN mode. (with pull down) The cell is normally not powered down. 13 OSCOUT Analog Out Oscillator Output 14 OSCIN Analog In Oscillator Input 15 Vcc Power 16 16XCLK Digital In Positive edge triggered input clock that is set to 16 times the data transmission baud rate. The encode and decode schemes require this signal. The signal is usually tied to a UART’s BAUDOUT signal. The 16XCLK may be provided by application circuitry if BAUDOUT is not available. This signal is required when the internal clock is not used. Note: There are two methods of putting the internal oscillator cell in POWERDOWN MODE. Whenever the CLK_SEL pin is asserted high (external clock select) the oscillator is automatically put in powerdown mode, or whenever the POWERDN pin asserted high. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Storage Temperature TS -65 +150 °C Operating Temperature TA -40 +85 °C Output Current IO -20 15 mA Power Dissipation [1] PMAX 0.46 W Input/Output Voltage [2] VI /VO -0.5 Vcc+0.5 V Power Supply Voltage VCC -0.5 7.0 V Electrostatic Protection VESD 4000 V Note: 1. All pins are protected from damage to static discharge by internal diode clamps to Vcc and GND. Switching Specifications (Vcc = 2.7 to 5.5 V, TA = -20 to +85°C) Parameter Symbol Min. Propagation Delay Time [1] tpd Output Rise Time [2] trise 13 6 Output Fall Time [3] tfall 12 5 Output Capacitance on Output Pads Used for Simulation COUT Typ. Max. Units Conditions 45 ns 22 11 24 12 ns VCC = 2.7 V, CL = 50 pF VCC = 5.5 V, CL = 50 pF 14 10 16 11 ns VCC = 2.7 V, CL = 50 pF VCC = 5.5 V, CL = 50 pF 50 pF Notes: 1. Propagation Delay Time in the output buffer is the time taken from the input passing Vcc/2 to the time of the output reaching Vcc/2 with 50 pF as the output load. 2. The Ouput Rise Time is the time taken for the outputs (RXD, IR_TXD) to rise from 10% of the original value to 90% of the final value. 3. The Output Fall Time is the time taken for the outputs (RXD, IR_TXD) to fall from 90% of the original value to 10% of the final value. Recommended Operating Conditions (Vcc = 2.7 to 5.5 V, TA = -20 to +85 °C) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Supply Voltage VCC 2.7 5.0 5.5 V Input Voltage VI 0 VCC V Ambient Temperature TA -20 +85 °C High Level Input Voltage VIH 0.7 VCC VCC V Low Level Input Voltage VIL 0 0.3 VCC V Output High Voltage VOH 2.6 Output Low Voltage VOL Output High Voltage VOH Output Low Voltage VOL Static Power Dissipation Conditions V VCC = 2.7 V IOH = 2 mA V VCC = 2.7 V IOL = 2 mA V VCC = 5.5 V IOH = 2 mA 0.1 V VCC = 2.7 V IOL = 2 mA PSTAT 0.61 mW Dynamic Power Dissipation PDYN 16.5 mW Static Current Consumption ISTAT 50 100 mA VCC = 2.7 V VCC = 5.5 V Dynamic Current Consumption IDYN 3 3 mA VCC = 2.7 V VCC = 5.5 V Max Clk Frequency (16XCLK) [1] f16XCLK 2 MHz Minimum Pulse Width (IR_TXD) [2] tmpw 1628 ns Pulse Width on Monoshot (IR_TXD and IR_RXD) tmpw 1628 ns Value of Pulldown Resistor used on POWERDN & PULSEMOD input pins RDWN 400 213 460 237 510 260 kW VCC = 2.7 V VCC = 5.5 V Trigger Low Level Input Voltage (For NRST input pin) VIL_TRIG 0.93 2.11 0.96 2.14 0.98 2.15 V VCC = 2.7 V VCC = 5.5 V Trigger High Level Input Voltage (For NRST input pin) VIH_TRIG 1.68 3.22 1.69 3.23 1.70 3.25 V VCC = 2.7 V VCC = 5.5 V 0.1 5.1 1.08 2.45 Notes: 1. IrDA Parameter. The Max Clk Frequency represents the maximum clock frequency to drive the HSDL-7002’s internal state machine. Under normal circumstances, the clock input should not exceed 16*115.2 kbit/s or 1.8432 MHz. This product can operate at higher clock rates, but the above is the recommended rate. 2. The Maximum Pulse Width (tmpw) represents the minimum pulse width of the encoded IR_TXD pulse (and the IR_RXD pulse). As per the IrDA Physical Layer Specification 1.4, the minimum pulse of the IR_TXD and IR_RXD pulses should be 3*(1/1.8432 MHz) or 1.63 µs. HSDL-7002 Package Dimensions Figure 3. HSDL-7002 Package Dimensions N b Min. Nom. Max. 16L 0.25 0.28 0.33 Symbol D2 Min. Nom. Max. 2.05 2.10 2.15 E2 e L JEDE Min. Nom. Max. Min. Nom. Max. 2.05 2.10 2.15 0.650 BSC. 0.55 0.60 0.65 MO-220VGGC Dimension in mm Dimension in inch Minimum Nominal Maximum Minimum Nominal Maximum A - 0.80 0.84 - 0.031 0.033 A1 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.0008 0.0015 A3 0.20 REF. 0.008 REF. D 3.85 4.00 4.15 0.152 0.157 0.163 E 3.85 4.00 4.15 0.152 0.157 0.163 JEDEC MO-220 PIN ASSIGNMENT PIN 1 /TXD PIN 9 /IR_RXD PIN 2 RXD PIN 10 IR_TXD PIN 3 A0 PIN 11 PULSEMOD PIN 4 A1 PIN 12 POWERDN PIN 5 A2 PIN 13 OSCOUT PIN 6 CLK_SEL PIN 14 OSCIN PIN 7 GND PIN 15 VCC PIN 8 /NRST PIN 16 16XCLK HSDL-7002 Tape Dimensions HSDL-7002 Reel Dimensions "B" "C" Quantity 330 80 2500 Unit: mm Detail A 2.0 ± 0.5 B C ∅13.0 ± 0.5 R1.0 LABEL 21 ± 0.8 Detail A 16.4 +2 0 2.0 ± 0.5 HSDL-7002 Moisture Proof Packaging Recommended Storage Conditions All HSDL-7002 options are shipped in moisture proof package. Once opened, moisture absorption begins. Storage Temperature 10°C to 30°C Relative Humidity below 60% RH This part is compliant to JEDEC MSL (Moisture Sensetive Level ) 3. Time from unsealing to soldering After removal from the bag, the parts should be soldered within three days if stored at the recommended storage conditions. If times longer than three days are needed, the parts must be stored in a dry box. Baking Conditions If the parts are not stored in dry conditions, they must be baked before reflow to prevent damage to the parts. Package Temp Time In reels 60 °C ≥ 48hours In bulk 100 °C ≥ 4hours 125 °C ≥ 2 hours 150 °C ≥ 1 hour Baking should only be done once. Units in A Sealed Moisture-Proof Package Package Is Opened (Unsealed) Environment less than 25 deg C, and less than 60% RH Yes No Baking Is Necessary Yes Package Is Opened for less than 168 hours No Perform Recommended Baking Conditions Figure 4. Baking Conditions Chart No Recommended Reflow Profile MAX 260C R3 R4 T - TEMPERATURE (˚C) 255 230 220 200 180 R2 60 sec MAX Above 220 C 160 R1 120 R5 80 25 0 P1 HEAT UP 50 100 P2 SOLDER PASTE DRY 150 200 P3 SOLDER REFLOW 250 P4 COOL DOWN 300 t-TIME (SECONDS) Process Zone Symbol DT Maximum DT/Dtime Heat Up P1, R1 25°C to 160°C 4°C/s Solder Paste Dry P2, R2 160°C to 200°C 0.5°C/s Solder Reflow P3, R3P3, R4 200°C to 255°C (260°C at 10 seconds max) 255°C to 200°C 4°C/s-6°C/s Cool Down P4, R5 200°C to 25°C -6°C/s The reflow profile is a straight-line representation of a nominal temperature profile for a convective reflow solder process. The temperature profile is divided into four process zones, each with different DT/Dtime temperature change rates. TheDT/Dtime rates are detailed in the above table. The temperatures are measured at the component to printed circuit board connections. In process zone P1, the PC board and HSDL-7002 castellation pins are heated to a temperature of 160°C to activate the flux in the solder paste. The temperature ramp up rate, R1, is limited to 4°C per second to allow for even heating of both the PC board and HSDL-7002 castellations. Process zone P2 should be of sufficient time duration (60 to 120 seconds) to dry the solder paste. The temperature is raised to a level just below the liquidus point of the solder, usually 200°C (392°F). Process zone P3 is the solder reflow zone. In zone P3, the temperature is quickly raised above the liquidus point of solder to 255°C (491°F) for optimum results. The dwell time above the liquidus point of solder should be between 20 and 60 seconds. It usually takes about 20 seconds to assure proper coalescing of the solder balls into liquid solder and the formation of good solder connections. Beyond a dwell time of 60 seconds, the intermetallic growth within the solder connections becomes excessive, resulting in the formation of weak and unreliable connections. The temperature is then rapidly reduced to a point below the solidus temperature of the solder, usually 200°C (392°F), to allow the solder within the connections to freeze solid. Process zone P4 is the cool down after solder freeze. The cool down rate, R5, from the liquidus point of the solder to 25°C (77°F) should not exceed 6°C per second maximum. This limitation is necessary to allow the PC board and HSDL-7002 castellations to change dimensions evenly, putting minimal stresses on the HSDL7002 endec. Appendix A: General Application Guide for the HSDL-7002 Application Circuits for HSDL-7002 HSDL-3201 HSDL-7002 TXD IR_TXD RXD RXD IR_RXD UART 16550 TXD SOUT RXD SIN 16XCLK BAUDOUT NRST 10 kΩ Vcc 0.1 uF Figure 5. HSDL-7002 Connection between a standard 16550 UART and HSDL-3201 HSDL-3201 HSDL-7002 TXD RXD TXD SD0 RXD SD1 A0 A1 A2 CLK_SEL PULSEMOD POWERDN IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IR_TXD RXD IR_RXD OSCIN MICRO CONTROLLER OSCOUT NRST 15 pF 10 k Vcc 0.1 uF 10 M 15 pF F = 3.6864 MHz Note: POWERDN can be used as a basic chip select. The HSDL-7002 will not be able to receive or transmit data while POWERDN is asserted. Figure 6. HSDL-7002 Connection between a Microcontroller and HSDL-3201 Selection of Internal Clock Rate from Crystal Oscillator Selected Clock Rate (bps) A2 A1 A0 Crystal Freq. Division 115200 0 0 0 Divided by 2 57600 0 0 1 Divided by 4 19200 0 1 0 Divided by 12 9600 0 1 1 Divided by 24 38400 1 0 0 Divided by 6 4800 1 0 1 Divided by 48 2400 1 1 0 Divided by 96 Encoding Scheme Decoding Scheme The encoding scheme relies on a clock being present, which is set to 16 times the data transmission baud rate (16XCLK). The encoder sends a pulse for every space or “0” that is sent on the TXD line. On a high to low transition of the TXD line, the generation of the pulse is delayed for 7 clock cycles of the 16XCLK before the pulse is set high for 3 clock cycles (or 3/16th of a bit time) and then subsequently pulled low. This generates a 3/16th bit time pulse centered around the bit of information (“0”) that is being transmitted. For consecutive spaces, pulses with a 1 bit time delay are generated in series. If a logic “1” (mark) is sent then the encoder does not generate a pulse. The IrDA-SIR decoding modulation method can be thought of as a pulse-stretching scheme. Every high to low transition of the IR_RXD line signifies the arrival of a pulse. This pulse needs to be stretched to accommodate 1 bit time (or 16 16XCLK cycles). Every pulse that is received is translated into a “0” or space on the RXD line equal to 1 bit time. 16 CYCLES 16 CYCLES 16 CYCLES 16 CYCLES 16XCLK TXD IRTXD 7 CS 3 CS Figure 7. HSDL-7002 Encoding Scheme 16 CYCLES 16 CYCLES 16 CYCLES 16 CYCLES 16XCLK IRRXD 3 CS RXD Figure 8. HSDL-7002 Decoding Scheme Notes: 1. The stretched pulse must be at least ¾ of a bit time in duration to be correctly interpreted by a UART. 2. It is recommended that the TXD remains high when not transmitting. This ensures the LED is off and will not interfere with signal reception. 10 Monoshot Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CRYSTAL CLK INT CLK (DIV BY 2) TXD INTERNAL IRTXD OUTPUT IRTXD (MONOSHOT) The figure above illustrates the operation of the monoshot when the internal clock is set to divide by 2 mode, i.e., when A2=0, A1=0, and A0=0. A rising edge on the internal modulation state machine (IR_TXD output), will cause the output on the IR_TXD to go up for 6 crystal clock cycles. With a 3.6864 MHz clock, this corresponds to a pulse of 1.63 µs. The duration of this pulse is independent of the code A2, A1, A0 and is always 6 clock cycles of the crystal, corresponding to the monoshot operation. For company and product information, please go to our web site: WWW.liteon.com or http://optodatabook.liteon.com/databook/databook.aspx Data subject to change. Copyright © 2007 Lite-On Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. 6 CRYSTAL CYCLES 25 26