DS50PCI401 2.5 Gbps / 5.0 Gbps 4 Lane PCI Express Transceiver with Equalization and De-Emphasis General Description Features The DS50PCI401 is a low power, 4 lane bidirectional buffer/ equalizer designed specifically for PCI Express Gen1 and Gen2 applications. The device performs both receive equalization and transmit de-emphasis, allowing maximum flexibility of physical placement within a system. The receiver is capable of opening an input eye that is completely closed due to inter-symbol interference (ISI) induced by the interconnect medium. The transmitter de-emphasis level can be set by the user depending on the distance from the DS50PCI401 to the PCI Express endpoint. The DS50PCI401 contains PCI Express specific functions such as Transmit Idle, RX Detection, and Beacon signal pass through. The device will change the load impedance on its input pins based on the state of RXDETA/B inputs detection. An internal rate detection circuit is included to detect if an incoming data stream is at Gen2 data rates, and adjusts the de-emphasis on it's output accordingly. The signal conditioning provided by the device allows systems to upgrade from Gen1 data rates to Gen2 without reducing their physical reach. This is true for FR4 applications such as backplanes, as well as cable interconnect. ■ Input and Output signal conditioning increases PCIe reach in backplanes and cables ■ 0.09 UI of residual deterministic jitter at 5Gbps after 42” of FR4 (with Input EQ) ■ 0.11 UI of residual deterministic jitter at 5Gbps after 7m of PCIe Cable (with Input EQ) ■ 0.09 UI of residual deterministic jitter at 5Gbps with 28” of FR4 (with Output DE) ■ 0.13 UI of residual deterministic jitter at 5Gbps with 7m of PCIe Cable (with Output DE) ■ Adjustable Transmit VOD 800 to 1200mVp-p ■ Automatic power management on an individual lane basis via SMBus ■ Adjustable electrical idle detect threshold. ■ Data rate optimized 3-stage equalization to 26 dB gain ■ Data rate optimized 6-level 0 to 12 dB transmit deemphasis ■ Flow-thru pinout in 10mmx5.5mm 54-pin leadless LLP package ■ Single supply operation at 2.5V ■ >6kV HBM ESD rating ■ -10 to 85°C operating temperature range Typical Application 30060480 © 2009 National Semiconductor Corporation 300604 www.national.com DS50PCI401 2.5 Gbps / 5.0 Gbps 4 Lane PCI Express Transceiver with Equalization and De-Emphasis June 25, 2009 DS50PCI401 Block Diagram - Detail View Of Channel (1 Of 8) 30060486 www.national.com 2 DS50PCI401 Pin Diagram 30060492 DS50PCI401 Pin Diagram 54 lead Ordering Information NSID Qty Spec Package DS50PCI401SQ Tape & Reel Supplied As 2,000 Units NOPB SQA54A DS50PCI401SQE Tape & Reel Supplied As 250 Units NOPB SQA54A 3 www.national.com DS50PCI401 Pin Descriptions Pin Name Pin Number I/O, Type Pin Description Differential High Speed I/O's IA_0+, IA_0- , IA_1+, IA_1-, IA_2+, IA_2-, IA_3+, IA_3- 10, 11 12, 13 15, 16 17, 18 I, CML Inverting and non-inverting CML differential inputs to the equalizer. A gated on-chip 50Ω termination resistor connects INA_0+ to VDD and INA_0- to VDD when enabled. OA_0+, OA_0-, OA_1+, OA_1-, OA_2+, OA_2-, OA_3+, OA_3- 35, 34 33, 32 31, 30 29, 28 O,LPDS Inverting and non-inverting low power differential signal (LPDS) 50Ω driver outputs with de-emphasis. Compatible with AC coupled CML inputs. IB_0+, IB_0- , IB_1+, IB_1-, IB_2+, IB_2-, IB_3+, IB_3- 45, 44 43, 42 40, 39 38, 37 I, CML Inverting and non-inverting CML differential inputs to the equalizer. A gated on-chip 50Ω termination resistor connects INB_0+ to VDD and INB_0- to VDD when enabled. OB_0+, OB_0-, OB_1+, OB_1-, OB_2+, OB_2-, OB_3+, OB_3- 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7, 8 O,LPDS Inverting and non-inverting low power differential signal (LPDS) 50Ω driver outputs with de-emphasis. Compatible with AC coupled CML inputs. Control Pins — Shared (LVCMOS) ENSMB 48 I, LVCMOS w/ System Management Bus (SMBus) enable pin. internal When pulled high provide access internal digital registers that pulldown are a means of auxiliary control for such functions as equalization, de-emphasis, VOD, rate, and idle detection threshold. When pulled low, access to the SMBus registers are disabled and SMBus function pins are used to control the Equalizer and De-Emphasis. Please refer to “SMBus configuration Registers” section and Electrical Characteristics - Serial Management Bus Interface for detail information. ENSMB = 1 (SMBUS MODE) SCL 50 I, LVCMOS ENSMB = 1 SMBUS clock input pin is enabled. SDA, 49 I, LVCMOS, O, OPEN Drain ENSMB = 1 The SMBus bi-directional SDA pin is enabled. Data input or open drain (pulldown only) output. AD0-AD3 54, 53, 47, 46 I, LVCMOS w/ ENSMB = 1 internal SMBus Slave Address Inputs. In SMBus mode, these pins are pulldown the user set SMBus slave address inputs. ENSMB = 0 (NORMAL PIN MODE) EQA0, EQA1 EQB0, EQB1 www.national.com 20, 19 46, 47 I,FLOAT, LVCMOS EQA/B ,0/1 controls the level of equalization of the A/B sides as shown in Table 1. The EQA/B pins are active only when ENSMB is de-asserted (Low). Each of the 4 A/B channels have the same level unless controlled by the SMBus control registers. When ENSMB goes high the SMBus registers provide independent control of each lane, and the EQB0/B1 pins are converted to SMBUS AD2/AD3 inputs. 4 Pin Number I/O, Type Pin Description DEMA0, DEMA1 DEMB0, DEMB1 49, 50 53, 54 I,FLOAT, LVCMOS DEMA/B ,0/1 controls the level of de-emphasis of the A/B sides as shown in Table 2. The DEMA/B pins are only active when ENSMB is de-asserted (Low). Each of the 4 A/B channels have the same level unless controlled by the SMBus control registers. When ENSMB goes High the SMBus registers provide independent control of each lane and the DEM pins are converted to SMBUS AD0/AD1 and SCL/SDA inputs. RATE 21 I,FLOAT, LVCMOS RATE control pin controls the pulse width of de-emphasis of the output. A Low forces Gen1 (2.5Gbps), High forces Gen 2 (5Gbps), Open/Floating the rate is internally detected after each exit from idle and the pulse width is set appropriately. When ENSMBUS= 1 this pin is disabled and the RATE function is controlled internally by the SMBUS registers. Refer to Table 2. Control Pins — Both Modes (LVCMOS) RXDETA,RXDETB 22,23 I, LVCMOS w/ The RXDET pins in combination with the ENRXDET pin internal controls the receiver detect function. Depending on the input pulldown level, a 50Ω or >50KΩ termination to the power rail is enabled. Refer to Table 5. PRSNT 52 I, LVCMOS ENRXDET 26 I, LVCMOS w/ Enables pin control of receiver detect function. Pin must be internal pulled high externally for RXDETA/B to function. Controls pulldown both A and B sides. Refer to Table 5. TXIDLEA,TXIDLEB 24,25 I, FLOAT, LVCMOS Controls the electrical idle function on corresponding outputs when enabled. H= electrical Idle, Float=autodetect (Idle on input passed to output), L=Idle squelch disabled as shown in Table 3. 27 I, ANALOG Threshold select pin for electrical idle detect threshold. Float pin for default 130mV DIFF p-p, otherwise connect resistor from SD_TH to GND to set threshold voltage as shown in Table 4. 9, 14,36, 41, 51 Power Power supply pins CML/analog. Cable Present Detect input. High when a cable is not present per PCIe Cabling Spec. 1.0. Puts part into low power mode. When low (normal operation) part is enabled. Analog SD_TH Power VDD GND DAP Power Ground pad (DAP - die attach pad). Notes: FLOAT = 3rd input state, don't drive pin. Pin is internally biased to mid level with 50 kΩ pull-up/pull-down. If high Z output not available, drive input to VDD/2 to assert mid level state. Internal pulldown = Internal 30 kΩ pull-down resistor to GND is present on the input. LVCMOS inputs without the “Float” conditions must be driven to a logic Low or High at all times or operation is not guaranteed. Input edge rate for LVCMOS/FLOAT inputs must be faster than 50 ns from 10–90%. When in pin mode (ENSMB = 0) , the transceiver is configurable with external pins. Equalization and de-emphasis can be selected via pin for each side independently. When deemphasis is asserted VOD is automatically increased per the De-Emphasis table below for improved performance over lossy media. The receiver detect pins RXDETA/B provide manual control for input termination (50Ω or >50KΩ). Rate optimization is also pin controllable, with pin selections for 2.5Gbps, 5Gbps, and auto detect. The receiver electrical idle detect threshold is also programmable via an optional external resistor on the SD_TH pin. Functional Description The DS50PCI401 is a low power media compensation 4 lane transceiver optimized for PCI Express Gen 1 and Gen 2 media including lossy FR-4 printed circuit board backplanes and balanced cables. The DS50PCI401 operates in two modes: Pin Control Mode (ENSMB = 0) and SMBus Mode (ENSMB = 1). Pin Control Mode: 5 www.national.com DS50PCI401 Pin Name DS50PCI401 SMBUS Mode: When in SMBus mode the equalization, de-emphasis, and termination disable features are all programmable on a individual lane basis, instead of grouped by sides as in the pin mode case. Upon assertion of ENSMB the RATE, EQx and DEMx functions revert to register control immediately. The EQx and DEMx pins are converted to AD0-AD3 SMBus ad- dress inputs. The other external control pins remain active unless their respective registers are written to and the appropriate override bit is set, in which case they are ignored until ENSMB is driven low. On powerup and when ENSMB is driven low all registers are reset to their default state. If PRSNT is asserted while ENSMB is high, the registers retain their current state. TABLE 1. Equalization Input Select Pins for A and B ports (3–Level Input) EQ1 EQ0 Equalization Level Suggested Use F F Off Bypass 1 1 Approx. 4 dB at 2.5Ghz 8 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) or less than 1 meter (28 AWG) PCIe cable 0 0 Approx. 9.6 dB at 2.5GHz 14 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) or 1 meter (28 AWG) PCIe cable F 0 Approx. 11.4 dB at 2.5Ghz 20 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) or 5 meters (26 AWG) PCIe cable 30 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) or 7 meters (24 AWG) PCIe cable 1 0 Approx. 15.5 dB at 2.5Ghz F 1 Approx. 17 dB at 2.5Ghz 40 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) or 9 meters (24 AWG) PCIe cable 0 1 Approx.19.1 dB at 2.5Ghz 50 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) or 10 meters (24 AWG) PCIe cable 0 F Approx. 20.6 dB at 2.5Ghz 15 meters (24 AWG) PCIe cable 1 F Approx. 26.3 dB at 2.5Ghz >15 meters (24 AWG) PCIe cable F=Float (don't drive pin, each float pin has an internal 50K Ohm resistor to VDD and GND), 1=High, 0=Low TABLE 2. De-Emphasis Input Select Pins for A and B ports (3–Level Input) RATE DEM1 DEM0 Typical DeTypical DE Pulse Emphasis Level Width 0/F 0 0 0dB 0ps 1000mV 0/F 0 1 -3.5dB 400ps 1000mV 0/F 1 0 -6dB 400ps 1000mV 0/F 1 1 -6dB 400ps enhanced 1000mV 0/F 0 F -9dB 400ps enhanced 1000mV 0/F 1 F -12dB 400ps enhanced 1000mV 0/F F 0 -9dB 400ps enhanced 1200mV 30 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) 0/F F 1 -12dB 400ps enhanced 1400mV 40 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) 0/F F F Reserved, don't use 1/F 0 0 0dB 0ps 1000mV 1/F 0 1 -3.5dB 200ps 1000mV 1/F 1 0 -6dB 200ps 1000mV 1/F 1 1 -6dB 200ps enhanced 1000mV 1/F 0 F -9dB 200ps enhanced 1000mV 1/F 1 F -12dB 200ps enhanced 1000mV 1/F F 0 -9dB 200ps enhanced 1200mV 20 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) 1/F F 1 -12dB 200ps enhanced 1400mV 30 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) 1/F F F Reserved, don't use Typical VOD Suggested Use 8 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) or less than 1 meter (28 AWG) PCIe cable 15 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) 10 inches FR4 (6-mil trace) F=Float (don't drive pin - (each float pin has an internal 50K Ohm resistor to VDD and GND). Enhanced DE Pulse width provides additional de-emphasis on second bit. VOD = Voltage Output Differential amplitude. When RATE is floated (F=Auto Rate Detection Active) DE Level and Pulse Width settings follow detected RATE. RATE=0 is 2.5GBps, RATE=1 is 5 GBps www.national.com 6 TXIDLEA/B Function 0 This state is for lossy media, dedicated Idle threshold detect circuit disabled, output follows input based on EQ settings. Idle state not guaranteed. Float Float enables automatic idle detection. Idle on the input is passed to the output. This is the recommended default state. Output driven to Idle if diff input signal less than value set by SD_TH pin. 1 Manual override, output forced to Idle. Diff inputs are ignored. TABLE 4. Receiver Electrical Idle Detect Threshold Adjust (Analog input - connect Resistor to GND or Float) SD_TH resistor value (Ω) (connect from pin to GND) Typical Receiver Electrical Idle Detect Threshold (DIFF p-p) Float (no resistor required) 130mV (default condition) 0 225mV 80K 20mV SD_TH resistor value can be set from 0 through 80K Ohms to achieve desired idle detect threshold, see Figure 1. 8K Ohm is approx 130mV. 30060493 FIGURE 1. Typical Idle threshold vs SD_TH resistor value TABLE 5. Receiver Detect Pins for A and B ports (LVCMOS inputs) PRSNT# ENRXDET RXDETA/B Function 0 1 0 Disable RXDETA termination mode: Rx detection state machine disabled. Input termination >50KΩ. Associated output channels in low power idle mode. 0 1 1 Force RXDETA termination mode: Rx detection state machine disabled. Input termination 50Ω. Associated output channels set to active. 1 X X Power down mode: Input termination 50Ω. Associated output channels off. Part in power saving mode. 7 www.national.com DS50PCI401 TABLE 3. Idle Control (3–Level Input) DS50PCI401 is done with the CPRSNT# auxiliary signal. The CPRSNT# signal is asserted Low by the downstream componentry after the "Power Good" condition has been established. This mechanism allows for the upstream subsystem to determine whether the power is good within the downstream subsystem, enable the reference clock, and initiate the Link Training Sequence. USING RXDETA/B IN A PCIe ENVIRONMENT In order for upstream and downstream PCIe subsystems to communicate in a cabling environment, the PCIe specification includes several auxiliary or sideband signals to manage system-level functionality or implementation. Similar methods are used in backplane applications, but the exact implementation falls outside the PCIe standard. Initial communication from the downstream subsystem to the upstream subsystem 30060412 FIGURE 2. Typical PCIe System Timing The signals shown in the graphic could be easily replicated within the downstream subsystem and used to control the RXDETA/B inputs on the DS50PCI401. Often an onboard microcontroller will be used to handle events like power-up, power-down, power saving modes, and hot insertion. The microcontroller would use the same information to determine www.national.com when to enable and disable the DS50PCI401 input termination. In applications that require SMBus control, the microcontroller could also delay any response to the upstream subsystem to allow sufficient time to correctly program the DS50PCI401 and other devices on the board. 8 If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. ≥6 kV ≥250 V ≥1250 V MM, STD - JESD22-A115-A CDM, STD - JESD22-C101-C Thermal Resistance Supply Voltage (VDD) -0.5V to +3.0V LVCMOS Input/Output Voltage -0.5V to +4.0V CML Input Voltage -0.5V to (VDD+0.5V) CML Input Current -30 to +30 mA LPDS Output Voltage -0.5V to (VDD+0.5V) Analog (SD_TH) -0.5V to (VDD+0.5V) Junction Temperature +125°C Storage Temperature -40°C to +125°C Lead Temperature Range Soldering (4 sec.) +260°C Maximum Package Power Dissipation at 25°C SQA54A Package 4.21 W Derate SQA54A Package 52.6mW/°C above +25°C θJC 11.5°C/W θJA, No Airflow, 4 layer JEDEC 19.1°C/W Recommended Operating Conditions Supply Voltage VDD to GND Ambient Temperature SMBus (SDA, SCL) Supply Noise Tolerance up to 50Mhz (Note 4) Min Typ Max Units 2.375 -10 2.5 25 2.625 +85 3.6 100 V °C V mV pp Electrical Characteristics Over recommended operating supply and temperature ranges with default register settings unless other specified. (Notes 2, 3) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units EQX=Float, DEX=0, VOD=1Vpp ,PRSNT=0 758 950 mW PRSNT=1, ENSMB=0 0.92 1.125 mW POWER (Note 12) PD Power Dissipation LVCMOS / LVTTL DC SPECIFICATIONS VIH High Level Input Voltage (Note 14) 2 3.6 VIL Low Level Input Voltage (Note 14) 0 0.8 VOH High Level Output Voltage SMBUS open drain VOH set by pullup Resistor VOL Low Level Output Voltage IOL = 4mA IIH Input High Current VIN = 3.6V , LVCMOS -15 +15 VIN = 3.6V , w/ FLOAT,PULLDOWN input -15 +120 VIN = 0V -15 +15 VIN = 0V, w/FLOAT input -80 +15 IIL Input Low Current V V 0.4 9 V V μA μA www.national.com DS50PCI401 ESD Rating HBM, STD - JESD22-A114C Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) DS50PCI401 Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units CML RECEIVER INPUTS (IN_n+, IN_n-) RLRX-DIFF Rx package plus Si differential return loss 0.05GHz – 1.25GHz (Note 5) -21 1.25GHz – 2.5GHz (Note 5) -20 RLRX-CM Common mode Rx return loss 0.05GHz - 2.5GHz (Note 5) ZRX-DC Rx DC common mode Tested at VDD=0 impedance 40 50 60 Ω ZRX-DIFF-DC Rx DC differential impedance 85 100 115 Ω VRX-DIFF-DC Differential Rx peak to Tested at DC, TXIDLEx=0 peak voltage 1.2 V ZRX-HIGH-IMP-DC -POS DC Input CM impedance for V>0 Vin = 0 to 200 mV, RXDETA/B = 0, ENSMB = 0, VDD=2.625 50 Electrical Idle detect threshold SD_TH = float, see Table 4, (Note 15) 40 Differential measurement with OUT_n+ and OUT_n- terminated by 50Ω to GND AC-Coupled, Figure 4, (Note 12) 800 VRX-IDLE-DET-DIFF-PP Tested at VDD=0 dB -11.5 0.10 dB KΩ 175 mVP-P 1200 mVP-P LPDS OUTPUTS (OUT_n+, OUT_n-) VTX-DIFF-PP VOCM VTX-DE-RATIO-3.5 Output Voltage Swing Output Common-Mode Single-ended measurement DCVoltage Coupled with 50Ω termination, (Note 2) 1000 VDD - 1.4 V Tx de-emphasis level ratio VOD = 1000 mV, DEM1 = GND, DEM0 = VDD, (Note 2), (Note 11) 3.5 dB Tx de-emphasis level ratio VOD = 1000 mV, DEM1 = VDD, DEM0 = GND, (Note 2), (Note 11) 6 dB TTX-HF-DJ-DD Tx Dj > 1.5 Mhz (Note 6) 0.15 UI TTX-LF-RMS Tx RMS jitter < 1.5Mhz (Note 6) 3.0 ps RMS TTX-RISE-FALL Transmitter Rise/ Fall Time 20% to 80% of differential output voltage, Figure 3 (Notes 2, 7) TRF-MISMATCH Tx rise/fall mismatch 20% to 80% of differential output voltage (Notes 2, 7) 0.01 RLTX-DIFF Differential Output Return Loss 0.05- 1.25 Ghz, See Figure 6 -23 dB 1.25- 2.5 Ghz, See Figure 6 -20 dB RLTX-CM Common Mode Return 0.05- 2.5 Ghz, See Figure 6 Loss -11 dB ZTX-DIFF-DC DC differential Tx impedance 100 Ω VTX-CM-AC-PP Tx AC common mode voltage 100 mVpp ITX-SHORT transmitter short circuit Total current transmitter can current limit supply when shorted to VDD or GND 90 mA Absolute Delta of DC Common Mode Voltage during L0 and electrical Idle 40 mV VTX-DE-RATIO-6 VTX-CM-DC- ACTIVE-IDLEDELTA www.national.com 10 50 67 ps 0.1 UI VTX-CM-DC- LINE-DELTA TTX-IDLE-SET-TO -IDLE TTX-IDLE-TO -DIFF-DATA TPDEQ TPD Parameter Conditions Min Typ Absolute Delta of DC Common Mode Voltage between Tx+ and Tx- Max Units 25 mV Max time to transition to VIN = 800 mVp-p, 5 Gbps, valid diff signaling after Figure 5 leaving Electrical Idle 6.5 9.5 nS Max time to transition to VIN = 800 mVp-p, 5 Gbps, valid diff signaling after Figure 5 leaving Electrical Idle 5.5 8 nS Differential Propagation Delay EQ = 11, +4.0 dB @ 2.5 GHz , Figure 4 (Note 9) 150 200 250 ps Differential Propagation Delay EQ = FF, Equalizer Bypass, Figure 4 (Notes 9, 8) 120 170 220 ps TLSK Lane to Lane Skew in a TA = 25C,VDD = 2.5V Single Part (Notes 7, 8) 27 ps TPPSK Part to Part Propagation Delay Skew 35 ps TA = 25C,VDD = 2.5V 11 www.national.com DS50PCI401 Symbol DS50PCI401 Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Residual Deterministic 42” of 5 mil stripline FR4, Jitter at 5 Gbps EQ1,0=F,1; K28.5 pattern, DEMx=0, Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F. (Notes 2, 10) 0.02 0.09 UIP-P Residual Deterministic 42” of 5 mil stripline FR4, Jitter at 2.5 Gbps EQ1,0=F,1; K28.5 pattern, DEMx=0, Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F. (Notes 2, 10) 0.02 0.04 UIP-P Residual Deterministic 7 meters of 24 AWG PCIe cable, Jitter at 5 Gbps EQ1,0=1,0; K28.5 pattern, DEMx=0, Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F. (Notes 2, 10) 0.02 0.11 UIP-P DJE4 Residual Deterministic 7 meters of 24 AWG PCIe cable, Jitter at 2.5 Gbps EQ1,0=1,0; K28.5 pattern, DEMx=0, Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F. (Notes 2, 10) 0.03 0.07 UIP-P RJ Random Jitter EQUALIZATION DJE1 DJE2 DJE3 Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F, Repeating 1100b (D24.3) pattern. (Note 2) <0.5 DJD1 Residual Deterministic 28” of 5 mil stripline FR4, Jitter at 5 Gbps EQ1,0=F,F; K28.5 pattern, DEM1,0=F,1; Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F. (Notes 2, 10) 0.02 0.09 UIP-P DJD2 Residual Deterministic 28” of 5 mil microstrip FR4, Jitter at 2.5 Gbps EQ1,0=F,F; K28.5 pattern, DEM1,0=F,0; Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F. (Notes 2, 10) 0.03 0.05 UIP-P DJD3 Residual Deterministic 7 meters of 24 AWG PCIe cable, Jitter at 5 Gbps EQ1,0=F,F; K28.5 pattern, DEM1,0=F,1; Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F. (Notes 2, 10) 0.03 0.13 UIP-P DJD4 Residual Deterministic 7 meters of 24 AWG PCIe cable, Jitter at 2.5 Gbps EQ1,0=F,F; K28.5 pattern, DEM1,0=F,0; Tx Launch Amplitude 1.0 Vp-p, SD_TH=F. (Notes 2, 10) 0.04 0.06 UIP-P psrms DE-EMPHASIS Note 1: “Absolute Maximum Ratings” indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur, including inoperability and degradation of device reliability and/or performance. Functional operation of the device and/or non-degradation at the Absolute Maximum Ratings or other conditions beyond those indicated in the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. The Recommended Operating Conditions indicate conditions at which the device is functional and the device should not be operated beyond such conditions. Absolute Maximum Numbers are guaranteed for a junction temperature range of -40°C to +125°C. Models are validated to Maximum Operating Voltages only. Note 2: Typical values represent most likely parametric norms at VDD = 2.5V, TA = 25°C., and at the Recommended Operation Conditions at the time of product characterization and are not guaranteed. Note 3: The Electrical Characteristics tables list guaranteed specifications under the listed Recommended Operating Conditions except as otherwise modified or specified by the Electrical Characteristics Conditions and/or Notes. Typical specifications are estimations only and are not guaranteed. Note 4: Allowed supply noise (mVP-P sine wave) under typical conditions. Note 5: Input Return Loss also uses the setup shown in Figure 6. The blocking / biasing circuit is replaced with a simple AC coupling capacitor for each input to emulate a typical PCIe application. www.national.com 12 Note 7: Guaranteed by device characterization Note 8: Propagation Delay measurements for Part to Part skew are all based on devices operating under indentical temperature and supply voltage conditions. Note 9: Propagation Delay measurements will change slightly based on the level of EQ selected. EQ Bypass will result in the shortest propagation delays. Note 10: Residual DJ measurements subtract out deterministic jitter present at the generator outputs. For 2.5 Gbps generator Dj = 0.0275 UI and for 5.0 Gbps generator Dj = 0.035 UI. Note 11: Measured with a repeating K28.5 pattern at a data rate of 2.5 Gbps and 5.0 Gbps. Note 12: Measured with DEM Select pins configured for 1000mV VOD, see De-emphasis table. Note 13: Measured at default SD_TH settings Note 14: Input edge rate for LVCMOS/FLOAT inputs must be 50ns minimum from 10-90%. Note 15: Measured at package pins of receiver. Less than 40mV is IDLE, greater than 175mV is ACTIVE. SD_TH pin connected with resistor to GND overrides this default setting. 13 www.national.com DS50PCI401 Note 6: PCIe 2.0 transmit jitter specifications - actual device jitter is much less. Actual device Rj and Dj has been characterized and specified with test loads outlined in the EQUALIZATION and DE-EMPHASIS sections of the Electrical Characteristics table. DS50PCI401 Electrical Characteristics — Serial Management Bus Interface Over recommended operating supply and temperature ranges unless other specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units 0.8 V 3.6 V SERIAL BUS INTERFACE DC SPECIFICATIONS VIL Data, Clock Input Low Voltage VIH Data, Clock Input High Voltage IPULLUP Current Through Pull-Up Resistor High Power Specification or Current Source VDD Nominal Bus Voltage ILEAK-Bus Input Leakage Per Bus Segment ILEAK-Pin Input Leakage Per Device Pin CI Capacitance for SDA and SDC RTERM External Termination Resistance Pullup VDD = 3.3V, pull to VDD = 2.5V ± 5% OR 3.3V ± (Notes 16, 17, 18) 10% Pullup VDD = 2.5V, (Notes 16, 17, 18) 2.1 (Note 16) 4 mA 2.375 3.6 V -200 +200 µA -15 (Notes 16, 17) µA 10 pF 2000 Ω 1000 Ω SERIAL BUS INTERFACE TIMING SPECIFICATIONS. See Figure 7 FSMB Bus Operating Frequency TBUF Bus Free Time Between Stop and Start Condition (Note 19) 10 4.7 µs THD:STA Hold time after (Repeated) Start At IPULLUP, Max Condition. After this period, the first clock is generated. 4.0 µs TSU:STA Repeated Start Condition Setup Time 4.7 µs TSU:STO Stop Condition Setup Time 4.0 µs THD:DAT Data Hold Time 300 ns TSU:DAT Data Setup Time 250 TTIMEOUT Detect Clock Low Timeout TLOW Clock Low Period THIGH Clock High Period (Note 19) TLOW:SEXT Cumulative Clock Low Extend Time (Slave Device) (Note 19) tF Clock/Data Fall Time tR Clock/Data Rise Time tPOR Time in which a device must be operational after power-on reset (Note 19) (Note 19) 25 100 ns 35 4.7 4.0 kHz ms µs 50 µs 2 ms (Note 19) 300 ns (Note 19) 1000 ns 500 ms Note 16: Recommended value. Parameter not tested in production. Note 17: Recommended maximum capacitance load per bus segment is 400pF. Note 18: Maximum termination voltage should be identical to the device supply voltage. Note 19: Compliant to SMBus 2.0 physical layer specification. See System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification Version 2.0, section 3.1.1 SMBus common AC specifications for details. www.national.com 14 DS50PCI401 Timing Diagrams 30060402 FIGURE 3. CML Output Transition Times 30060403 FIGURE 4. Propagation Delay Timing Diagram 30060404 FIGURE 5. Idle Timing Diagram 15 www.national.com DS50PCI401 30060454 FIGURE 6. Input and Output Return Loss Setup 30060494 FIGURE 7. SMBus Timing Parameters www.national.com 16 The Device (Slave) drives the ACK bit (“0”). The Host drives the 8-bit Register Address. The Device drives an ACK bit (“0”). The Host drives a START condition. The Host drives the 7-bit SMBus Address, and a “1” indicating a READ. 7. The Device drives an ACK bit “0”. 8. The Device drives the 8-bit data value (register contents). 9. The Host drives a NACK bit “1”indicating end of the READ transfer. 10. The Host drives a STOP condition. The READ transaction is completed, the bus goes IDLE and communication with other SMBus devices may now occur. Please see SMBus Register Map Table for more information. The System Management Bus interface is compatible to SMBus 2.0 physical layer specification. ENSMB must be pulled high to enable SMBus mode and allow access to the configuration registers. The DS50PCI401 has the AD[3:0] inputs in SMBus mode. These pins are the user set SMBus slave address inputs. The AD[3:0] pins have internal pull-down. When left floating or pulled low the AD[3:0] = 0000'b, the device default address byte is A0'h. Based on the SMBus 2.0 specification, the DS50PCI401 has a 7-bit slave address of 1010000'b. The LSB is set to 0'b (for a WRITE), thus the 8-bit value is 1010 0000'b or A0'h. The device address byte can be set with the use of the AD[3:0] inputs. Below are some examples. AD[3:0] = 0001'b, the device address byte is A2'h AD[3:0] = 0010'b, the device address byte is A4'h AD[3:0] = 0100'b, the device address byte is A8'h AD[3:0] = 1000'b, the device address byte is B0'h The SDC and SDA pins are 3.3V LVCMOS signaling and include high-Z internal pull up resistors. External low impedance pull up resistors maybe required depending upon SMBus loading and speed. Note, these pins are not 5V tolerant. SMBus REGISTER WRITES: The DS50PCI401 outputs will NOT be PCIe compliant with the SMBus registers enabled (ENSMB = 1) until the VOD levels have been set. Below is an example to configure the VOD level to a PCIe compliant amplitude and adjust the DE and EQ signal conditioning to work with a 7m PCIe cable interconnect on the input B-side / output A-side of the device 1. Reset the SMBus registers to default values: Write 01'h to address 0x00. 2. Set VOD = 1.0V for all channels (OA[3:0] and OB[3:0]): Write 0F'h to address 0x10, 0x17, 0x1E, 0x25, 0x2D, 0x34, 0x3B, 0x42. 3. Set equalization to external pin level EQ[1:0] = 10 (~15.5 dB at 2.5 GHz) for all channels (IB[3:0]): Write 39'h to address 0x0F, 0x16, 0x1D, 0x24. 4. Set de-emphasis to DE[1:0] = F1 or -12 dB enhanced for all A channels (OA[3:0]): Write A0'h to address 0x2E, 0x35, 0x3C, 0x43. TRANSFER OF DATA VIA THE SMBus During normal operation the data on SDA must be stable during the time when SDC is High. There are three unique states for the SMBus: START: A High-to-Low transition on SDA while SDC is High indicates a message START condition. STOP: A Low-to-High transition on SDA while SDC is High indicates a message STOP condition. IDLE: If SDC and SDA are both High for a time exceeding tBUF from the last detected STOP condition or if they are High for a total exceeding the maximum specification for tHIGH then the bus will transfer to the IDLE state. IDLE AND RATE DETECTION TO EXTERNAL PINS The functions of IDLE and RATE detection to external pins for monitoring can be supported in SMBus mode. The external GPIO pins of 19, 20, 46 and 47 will be changed and they will serve as outputs for IDLE and RATE detect signals. The following external pins should be set to auto detection: RATE = F (FLOAT) – auto RATE detect enabled TXIDLEA/B = F (FLOAT) – auto IDLE detect enabled There are 4 GPIO pins that can be configured as outputs with reg_4E[0]. To disable the external SMBus address pins, so pin 46 and 47 can be used as outputs: SMBus TRANSACTIONS The device supports WRITE and READ transactions. See Register Description table for register address, type (Read/ Write, Read Only), default value and function information. WRITING A REGISTER To write a register, the following protocol is used (see SMBus 2.0 specification). 1. The Host drives a START condition, the 7-bit SMBus address, and a “0” indicating a WRITE. 2. The Device (Slave) drives the ACK bit (“0”). 3. The Host drives the 8-bit Register Address. 4. The Device drives an ACK bit (“0”). 5. The Host drive the 8-bit data byte. 6. The Device drives an ACK bit (“0”). 7. The Host drives a STOP condition. The WRITE transaction is completed, the bus goes IDLE and communication with other SMBus devices may now occur. Write 01'h to address 0x4E. Care must be taken to ensure that only the desired status block is enabled and attached to the external pin as the status blocks can be OR’ed together internally. Register bits reg_47 [5:4] and bits reg_4C[7:6] are used to enable each of the status block outputs to the external pins. The channel status blocks can be internally OR’ed together to monitor more than one channel at a time. This allows more information to be presented on the status outputs and later if desired, a diagnosis of the channel identity can be made with additional SMBus writes to register bits reg_47[5:4] and bits reg_4C [7:6]. Below are examples to configure the device and bring the internal IDLE and RATE status to pins 19, 20, 46, 47. READING A REGISTER To read a register, the following protocol is used (see SMBus 2.0 specification). 1. The Host drives a START condition, the 7-bit SMBus address, and a “0” indicating a WRITE. To monitor the IDLE detect with two channels ORed (CH0 with CH2, CH1 with CH3, CH4 with CH6, CH5 with CH7): 17 www.national.com DS50PCI401 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. System Management Bus (SMBus) and Configuration Registers DS50PCI401 Write 32'h to address 0x47. The following IDLE status should be observable on the external pins: pin 19 – CH0 with CH2, pin 20 – CH1 with CH3, pin 46 – CH4 with CH6, pin 47 – CH5 with CH7. Pin = HIGH (VDD) means IDLE is detected (no signal present). Pin = LOW (GND) means ACTIVE (data signal present). To monitor the RATE detect with two channels ORed (CH0 with CH2, CH1 with CH3, CH4 with CH6, CH5 with CH7): www.national.com Write C0'h to address 0x4C. The following RATE status should be observable on the external pins: pin 19 – CH0 with CH2, pin 20 – CH1 with CH3, pin 46 – CH4 with CH6, pin 47 – CH5 with CH7. Pin = HIGH (VDD) means high data rate is detected (6 Gbps). Pin = LOW (GND) means low rate is detected (3 Gbps). 18 DS50PCI401 TABLE 6. SMBus Register Map Address Register Name Bit (s) Field Type Default Description 0x00 7:2 Reserved R/W Set bits to 0. 1 Block SMBus Reset SMBus Reset Block 0: Allow SMBus reset from bit 0 1: Block SMBus reset from bit 0 0 Reset SMBus Reset 1: Reset registers to default value Reset 0x00 0x01 PWDN Channels 7:0 PWDN CHx R/W 0x00 Power Down per Channel [7]: CHA_3 [6]: CHA_2 [5]: CHA_1 [4]: CHA_0 [3]: CHB_3 [2]: CHB_2 [1]: CHB_1 [0]: CHB_0 00'h = all channels enabled FF'h = all channels disabled 0x02 PWDN Control 7:1 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 0 Override PWDN 0x08 Pin Control Override 7:5 Reserved 0: Allow PWDN pin control 1: Block PWDN pin control R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 4 Override IDLE 0: Allow IDLE pin control 1: Block IDLE pin control 3 Reserved Set bit to 0. 2 Override RATE 0: Allow RATE pin control 1: Block RATE pin control 1:0 Reserved Set bits to 0. 19 www.national.com DS50PCI401 0x0E 7:6 Reserved 5 IDLE auto 0: Allow IDLE_sel control in Bit 4 1: Automatic IDLE detect 4 IDLE select 0: Output is muted (electrical idle) 1: Output is ON (SD is disabled) 3:2 Reserved Set bits to 0. 1 RATE auto 0: Allow RATE_sel control in Bit 0 1: Automatic RATE detect 0 RATE select 0: 2.5 Gbps 1: 5.0 Gbps CH0 - CHB0 EQ Control 7:6 Reserved 5:0 CH0 IB0 EQ CH0 - CHB0 VOD Control 7 Reserved 6:0 CH0 OB0 VOD 0x11 CH0 - CHB0 DE Control 7:0 CH0 OB0 DEM R/W 0x03 OB0 DEM Control [7]: DEM TYPE (Compatibility = 0 / Enhanced = 1) [6:0]: DEM Level Control Pin [DEM1 DEM0] = Register [TYPE] [Level Control] = Hex Value 00 = 00000001 = 01'h = 0.0 dB 01 = 00000011 = 03'h = −3.5 dB 10 = 00000101 = 05'h = −6.0 dB 0F = 10001000 = 88'h = −6.0 dB 01 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB 1F = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB F0 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB F1 = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB FF = 11000000 = C0'h = Reserved 0x12 CH0 - CHB0 IDLE Threshold 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 3:0 IDLE threshold 0x0F 0x10 CH0 - CHB0 IDLE RATE Select www.national.com R/W R/W 0x00 0x20 Set bits to 0. Set bits to 0. IB0 EQ Control - total of 24 levels (3 gain stages with 8 settings) [5]: Enable EQ [4:3]: Gain Stage Control [2:0]: Boost Level Control Pin [EQ1 EQ0] = Register [EN] [GST] [BST] = Hex Value FF = 100000 = 20'h = Bypass (Default) 11 = 101010 = 2A'h 00 = 110000 = 30'h F0 = 110010 = 32'h 10 = 111001 = 39'h F1 = 110101 = 35'h 01 = 110111 = 37'h 0F = 111011 = 3B'h 1F = 111101 = 3D'h R/W 0x03 Set bit to 0. OB0 VOD Control 03'h = 600 mV (Default) 07'h = 800 mV 0F'h = 1000 mV 1F'h = 1200 mV 3F'h = 1400 mV De-assert = [3:2], assert = [1:0] 00 = 110 mV, 70 mV (Default) 01 = 150 mV, 110 mV 10 = 170 mV, 130 mV 11 = 190 mV, 150 mV 20 CH1 - CHB1 IDLE RATE Select R/W 0x00 DS50PCI401 0x15 7:6 Reserved 5 IDLE auto 0: Allow IDLE_sel control in Bit 4 1: Automatic IDLE detect 4 IDLE select 0: Output is muted (electrical idle) 1: Output is ON (SD is disabled) 3:2 Reserved Set bits to 0. 1 RATE auto 0: Allow RATE_sel control in Bit 0 1: Automatic RATE detect 0 RATE select 0: 2.5 Gbps 1: 5.0 Gbps CH1 - CHB1 EQ Control 7:6 Reserved 5:0 CH1 IB1 EQ CH1 - CHB1 VOD Control 7 Reserved 6:0 CH1 OB1 VOD 0x18 CH1 - CHB1 DE Control 7:0 CH1 OB1 DEM R/W 0x03 OB1 DEM Control [7]: DEM TYPE (Compatibility = 0 / Enhanced = 1) [6:0]: DEM Level Control Pin [DEM1 DEM0] = Register [TYPE] [Level Control] = Hex Value 00 = 00000001 = 01'h = 0.0 dB 01 = 00000011 = 03'h = −3.5 dB 10 = 00000101 = 05'h = −6.0 dB 0F = 10001000 = 88'h = −6.0 dB 01 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB 1F = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB F0 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB F1 = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB FF = 11000000 = C0'h = Reserved 0x19 CH1 - CHB1 IDLE Threshold 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 3:0 IDLE threshold 0x16 0x17 R/W 0x20 Set bits to 0. Set bits to 0. IB1 EQ Control - total of 24 levels (3 gain stages with 8 settings) [5]: Enable EQ [4:3]: Gain Stage Control [2:0]: Boost Level Control Pin [EQ1 EQ0] = Register [EN] [GST] [BST] = Hex Value FF = 100000 = 20'h = Bypass (Default) 11 = 101010 = 2A'h 00 = 110000 = 30'h F0 = 110010 = 32'h 10 = 111001 = 39'h F1 = 110101 = 35'h 01 = 110111 = 37'h 0F = 111011 = 3B'h 1F = 111101 = 3D'h R/W 0x03 Set bit to 0. OB1 VOD Control 03'h = 600 mV (Default) 07'h = 800 mV 0F'h = 1000 mV 1F'h = 1200 mV 3F'h = 1400 mV De-assert = [3:2], assert = [1:0] 00 = 110 mV, 70 mV (Default) 01 = 150 mV, 110 mV 10 = 170 mV, 130 mV 11 = 190 mV, 150 mV 21 www.national.com DS50PCI401 0x1C CH2 - CHB2 IDLE RATE Select R/W 0x00 7:6 Reserved 5 IDLE auto 0: Allow IDLE_sel control in Bit 4 1: Automatic IDLE detect 4 IDLE select 0: Output is muted (electrical idle) 1: Output is ON (SD is disabled) 3:2 Reserved Set bits to 0. 1 RATE auto 0: Allow RATE_sel control in Bit 0 1: Automatic RATE detect 0 RATE select 0: 2.5 Gbps 1: 5.0 Gbps CH2 - CHB2 EQ Control 7:6 Reserved 5:0 CH2 IB2 EQ CH2 - CHB2 VOD Control 7 Reserved 6:0 CH2 OB2 VOD 0x1F CH2 - CHB2 DE Control 7:0 CH2 OB2 DEM R/W 0x03 OB2 DEM Control [7]: DEM TYPE (Compatibility = 0 / Enhanced = 1) [6:0]: DEM Level Control Pin [DEM1 DEM0] = Register [TYPE] [Level Control] = Hex Value 00 = 00000001 = 01'h = 0.0 dB 01 = 00000011 = 03'h = −3.5 dB 10 = 00000101 = 05'h = −6.0 dB 0F = 10001000 = 88'h = −6.0 dB 01 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB 1F = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB F0 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB F1 = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB FF = 11000000 = C0'h = Reserved 0x20 CH2 - CHB2 IDLE Threshold 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 3:0 IDLE threshold 0x1D 0x1E www.national.com R/W 0x20 Set bits to 0. Set bits to 0. IB2 EQ Control - total of 24 levels (3 gain stages with 8 settings) [5]: Enable EQ [4:3]: Gain Stage Control [2:0]: Boost Level Control Pin [EQ1 EQ0] = Register [EN] [GST] [BST] = Hex Value FF = 100000 = 20'h = Bypass (Default) 11 = 101010 = 2A'h 00 = 110000 = 30'h F0 = 110010 = 32'h 10 = 111001 = 39'h F1 = 110101 = 35'h 01 = 110111 = 37'h 0F = 111011 = 3B'h 1F = 111101 = 3D'h R/W 0x03 Set bit to 0. OB2 VOD Control 03'h = 600 mV (Default) 07'h = 800 mV 0F'h = 1000 mV 1F'h = 1200 mV 3F'h = 1400 mV De-assert = [3:2], assert = [1:0] 00 = 110 mV, 70 mV (Default) 01 = 150 mV, 110 mV 10 = 170 mV, 130 mV 11 = 190 mV, 150 mV 22 CH3 - CHB3 IDLE RATE Select R/W 0x00 DS50PCI401 0x23 7:6 Reserved 5 IDLE auto 0: Allow IDLE_sel control in Bit 4 1: Automatic IDLE detect 4 IDLE select 0: Output is muted (electrical idle) 1: Output is ON (SD is disabled) 3:2 Reserved Set bits to 0. 1 RATE auto 0: Allow RATE_sel control in Bit 0 1: Automatic RATE detect 0 RATE select 0: 2.5 Gbps 1: 5.0 Gbps CH3 - CHB3 EQ Control 7:6 Reserved 5:0 CH3 IB3 EQ CH3 - CHB3 VOD Control 7 Reserved 6:0 CH3 OB3 VOD 0x26 CH3 - CHB3 DE Control 7:0 CH3 OB3 DEM R/W 0x03 OB3 DEM Control [7]: DEM TYPE (Compatibility = 0 / Enhanced = 1) [6:0]: DEM Level Control Pin [DEM1 DEM0] = Register [TYPE] [Level Control] = Hex Value 00 = 00000001 = 01'h = 0.0 dB 01 = 00000011 = 03'h = −3.5 dB 10 = 00000101 = 05'h = −6.0 dB 0F = 10001000 = 88'h = −6.0 dB 01 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB 1F = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB F0 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB F1 = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB FF = 11000000 = C0'h = Reserved 0x27 CH3 - CHB3 IDLE Threshold 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 3:0 IDLE threshold 0x24 0x25 R/W 0x20 Set bits to 0. Set bits to 0. IB3 EQ Control - total of 24 levels (3 gain stages with 8 settings) [5]: Enable EQ [4:3]: Gain Stage Control [2:0]: Boost Level Control Pin [EQ1 EQ0] = Register [EN] [GST] [BST] = Hex Value FF = 100000 = 20'h = Bypass (Default) 11 = 101010 = 2A'h 00 = 110000 = 30'h F0 = 110010 = 32'h 10 = 111001 = 39'h F1 = 110101 = 35'h 01 = 110111 = 37'h 0F = 111011 = 3B'h 1F = 111101 = 3D'h R/W 0x03 Set bit to 0. OB3 VOD Control 03'h = 600 mV (Default) 07'h = 800 mV 0F'h = 1000 mV 1F'h = 1200 mV 3F'h = 1400 mV De-assert = [3:2], assert = [1:0] 00 = 110 mV, 70 mV (Default) 01 = 150 mV, 110 mV 10 = 170 mV, 130 mV 11 = 190 mV, 150 mV 23 www.national.com DS50PCI401 0x2B CH4 - CHA0 IDLE RATE Select R/W 0x00 7:6 Reserved 5 IDLE auto 0: Allow IDLE_sel control in Bit 4 1: Automatic IDLE detect 4 IDLE select 0: Output is muted (electrical idle) 1: Output is ON (SD is disabled) 3:2 Reserved Set bits to 0. 1 RATE auto 0: Allow RATE_sel control in Bit 0 1: Automatic RATE detect 0 RATE select 0: 2.5 Gbps 1: 5.0 Gbps CH4 - CHA0 EQ Control 7:6 Reserved 5:0 CH4 IA0 EQ CH4 - CHA0 VOD Control 7 Reserved 6:0 CH4 OA0 VOD 0x2E CH4 - CHA0 DE Control 7:0 CH4 OA0 DEM R/W 0x03 OA0 DEM Control [7]: DEM TYPE (Compatibility = 0 / Enhanced = 1) [6:0]: DEM Level Control Pin [DEM1 DEM0] = Register [TYPE] [Level Control] = Hex Value 00 = 00000001 = 01'h = 0.0 dB 01 = 00000011 = 03'h = −3.5 dB 10 = 00000101 = 05'h = −6.0 dB 0F = 10001000 = 88'h = −6.0 dB 01 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB 1F = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB F0 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB F1 = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB FF = 11000000 = C0'h = Reserved 0x2F CH4 - CHA0 IDLE Threshold 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 3:0 IDLE threshold 0x2C 0x2D www.national.com R/W 0x20 Set bits to 0. Set bits to 0. IA0 EQ Control - total of 24 levels (3 gain stages with 8 settings) [5]: Enable EQ [4:3]: Gain Stage Control [2:0]: Boost Level Control Pin [EQ1 EQ0] = Register [EN] [GST] [BST] = Hex Value FF = 100000 = 20'h = Bypass (Default) 11 = 101010 = 2A'h 00 = 110000 = 30'h F0 = 110010 = 32'h 10 = 111001 = 39'h F1 = 110101 = 35'h 01 = 110111 = 37'h 0F = 111011 = 3B'h 1F = 111101 = 3D'h R/W 0x03 Set bit to 0. OA0 VOD Control 03'h = 600 mV (Default) 07'h = 800 mV 0F'h = 1000 mV 1F'h = 1200 mV 3F'h = 1400 mV De-assert = [3:2], assert = [1:0] 00 = 110 mV, 70 mV (Default) 01 = 150 mV, 110 mV 10 = 170 mV, 130 mV 11 = 190 mV, 150 mV 24 CH5 - CHA1 IDLE RATE Select R/W 0x00 DS50PCI401 0x32 7:6 Reserved 5 IDLE auto 0: Allow IDLE_sel control in Bit 4 1: Automatic IDLE detect 4 IDLE select 0: Output is muted (electrical idle) 1: Output is ON (SD is disabled) 3:2 Reserved Set bits to 0. 1 RATE auto 0: Allow RATE_sel control in Bit 0 1: Automatic RATE detect 0 RATE select 0: 2.5 Gbps 1: 5.0 Gbps CH5 - CHA1 EQ Control 7:6 Reserved 5:0 CH5 IA1 EQ CH5 - CHA1 VOD Control 7 Reserved 6:0 CH5 OA1 VOD 0x35 CH5 - CHA1 DE Control 7:0 CH5 OA1 DEM R/W 0x03 OA1 DEM Control [7]: DEM TYPE (Compatibility = 0 / Enhanced = 1) [6:0]: DEM Level Control Pin [DEM1 DEM0] = Register [TYPE] [Level Control] = Hex Value 00 = 00000001 = 01'h = 0.0 dB 01 = 00000011 = 03'h = −3.5 dB 10 = 00000101 = 05'h = −6.0 dB 0F = 10001000 = 88'h = −6.0 dB 01 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB 1F = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB F0 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB F1 = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB FF = 11000000 = C0'h = Reserved 0x36 CH5 - CHA1 IDLE Threshold 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 3:0 IDLE threshold 0x33 0x34 R/W 0x20 Set bits to 0. Set bits to 0. IA1 EQ Control - total of 24 levels (3 gain stages with 8 settings) [5]: Enable EQ [4:3]: Gain Stage Control [2:0]: Boost Level Control Pin [EQ0 EQ1] = Register [EN] [GST] [BST] = Hex Value FF = 100000 = 20'h = Bypass (Default) 11 = 101010 = 2A'h 00 = 110000 = 30'h F0 = 110010 = 32'h 10 = 111001 = 39'h F1 = 110101 = 35'h 01 = 110111 = 37'h 0F = 111011 = 3B'h 1F = 111101 = 3D'h R/W 0x03 Set bit to 0. OA1 VOD Control 03'h = 600 mV (Default) 07'h = 800 mV 0F'h = 1000 mV 1F'h = 1200 mV 3F'h = 1400 mV De-assert = [3:2], assert = [1:0] 00 = 110 mV, 70 mV (Default) 01 = 150 mV, 110 mV 10 = 170 mV, 130 mV 11 = 190 mV, 150 mV 25 www.national.com DS50PCI401 0x39 CH6 - CHA2 IDLE RATE Select R/W 0x00 7:6 Reserved 5 IDLE auto 0: Allow IDLE_sel control in Bit 4 1: Automatic IDLE detect 4 IDLE select 0: Output is muted (electrical idle) 1: Output is ON (SD is disabled) 3:2 Reserved Set bits to 0. 1 RATE auto 0: Allow RATE_sel control in Bit 0 1: Automatic RATE detect 0 RATE select 0: 2.5 Gbps 1: 5.0 Gbps CH6 - CHA2 EQ Control 7:6 Reserved 5:0 CH6 IA2 EQ CH6 - CHA2 VOD Control 7 Reserved 6:0 CH6 OA2 VOD 0x3C CH6 - CHA2 DE Control 7:0 CH6 OA2 DEM R/W 0x03 OA2 DEM Control [7]: DEM TYPE (Compatibility = 0 / Enhanced = 1) [6:0]: DEM Level Control Pin [DEM1 DEM0] = Register [TYPE] [Level Control] = Hex Value 00 = 00000001 = 01'h = 0.0 dB 01 = 00000011 = 03'h = −3.5 dB 10 = 00000101 = 05'h = −6.0 dB 0F = 10001000 = 88'h = −6.0 dB 01 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB 1F = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB F0 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB F1 = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB FF = 11000000 = C0'h = Reserved 0x3D CH6 - CHA2 IDLE Threshold 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 3:0 IDLE threshold 0x3A 0x3B www.national.com R/W 0x20 Set bits to 0. Set bits to 0. IA2 EQ Control - total of 24 levels (3 gain stages with 8 settings) [5]: Enable EQ [4:3]: Gain Stage Control [2:0]: Boost Level Control Pin [EQ1 EQ0] = Register [EN] [GST] [BST] = Hex Value FF = 100000 = 20'h = Bypass (Default) 11 = 101010 = 2A'h 00 = 110000 = 30'h F0 = 110010 = 32'h 10 = 111001 = 39'h F1 = 110101 = 35'h 01 = 110111 = 37'h 0F = 111011 = 3B'h 1F = 111101 = 3D'h R/W 0x03 Set bit to 0. OA2 VOD Control 03'h = 600 mV (Default) 07'h = 800 mV 0F'h = 1000 mV 1F'h = 1200 mV 3F'h = 1400 mV De-assert = [3:2], assert = [1:0] 00 = 110 mV, 70 mV (Default) 01 = 150 mV, 110 mV 10 = 170 mV, 130 mV 11 = 190 mV, 150 mV 26 CH7 - CHA3 IDLE RATE Select R/W 0x00 DS50PCI401 0x40 7:6 Reserved 5 IDLE auto 0: Allow IDLE_sel control in Bit 4 1: Automatic IDLE detect 4 IDLE select 0: Output is muted (electrical idle) 1: Output is ON (SD is disabled) 3:2 Reserved Set bits to 0. 1 RATE auto 0: Allow RATE_sel control in Bit 0 1: Automatic RATE detect 0 RATE select 0: 2.5 Gbps 1: Gbps CH7 - CHA3 EQ Control 7:6 Reserved 5:0 CH7 IA3 EQ CH7 - CHA3 VOD Control 7 Reserved 6:0 CH7 OA3 VOD 0x43 CH7 - CHA3 DE Control 7:0 CH7 OA3 DEM R/W 0x03 OA3 DEM Control [7]: DEM TYPE (Compatibility = 0 / Enhanced = 1) [6:0]: DEM Level Control Pin [DEM1 DEM0] = Register [TYPE] [Level Control] = Hex Value 00 = 00000001 = 01'h = 0.0 dB 01 = 00000011 = 03'h = −3.5 dB 10 = 00000101 = 05'h = −6.0 dB 0F = 10001000 = 88'h = −6.0 dB 01 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB 1F = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB F0 = 10010000 = 90'h = −9.0 dB F1 = 10100000 = A0'h = −12.0 dB FF = 11000000 = C0'h = Reserved 0x44 CH7 - CHA3 IDLE Threshold 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0. 3:0 IDLE threshold 0x41 0x42 R/W 0x20 Set bits to 0. Set bits to 0. IA3 EQ Control - total of 24 levels (3 gain stages with 8 settings) [5]: Enable EQ [4:3]: Gain Stage Control [2:0]: Boost Level Control Pin [EQ0 EQ1] = Register [EN] [GST] [BST] = Hex Value FF = 100000 = 20'h = Bypass (Default) 11 = 101010 = 2A'h 00 = 110000 = 30'h F0 = 110010 = 32'h 10 = 111001 = 39'h F1 = 110101 = 35'h 01 = 110111 = 37'h 0F = 111011 = 3B'h 1F = 111101 = 3D'h R/W 0x03 Set bit to 0. OA3 VOD Control 03'h = 600 mV (Default) 07'h = 800 mV 0F'h = 1000 mV 1F'h = 1200 mV 3F'h = 1400 mV De-assert = [3:2], assert = [1:0] 00 = 110 mV, 70 mV (Default) 01 = 150 mV, 110 mV 10 = 170 mV, 130 mV 11 = 190 mV, 150 mV 27 www.national.com DS50PCI401 impedance of 100Ω. It is preferable to route differential lines exclusively on one layer of the board, particularly for the input traces. The use of vias should be avoided if possible. If vias must be used, they should be used sparingly and must be placed symmetrically for each side of a given differential pair. Whenever differential vias are used the layout must also provide for a low inductance path for the return currents as well. Route the differential signals away from other signals and noise sources on the printed circuit board. See AN-1187 for additional information on LLP packages. Applications Information GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS The DS50PCI401 is a high performance circuit capable of delivering excellent performance. Careful attention must be paid to the details associated with high-speed design as well as providing a clean power supply. Refer to the information below and the latest version of the LVDS Owner's Manual for more detailed information on high speed design tips to address signal integrity design issues. PCB LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS FOR DIFFERENTIAL PAIRS The CML inputs and LPDS outputs have been optimized to work with interconnects using a controlled differential 30060410 FIGURE 8. Typical Routing Options The graphic shown above depicts different transmission line topologies which can be used in various combinations to achieve the optimal system performance. Impedance discontinuities at the differential via can be minimized or eliminated by increasing the swell around each hole and providing for a low inductance return current path. When the via structure is associated with thick backplane PCB, further optimization such as back drilling is often used to reduce the deterimential high frequency effects of stubs on the signal path. connected to power planes routed on adjacent layers of the printed circuit board. The layer thickness of the dielectric should be minimized so that the VDD and GND planes create a low inductance supply with distributed capacitance. Second, careful attention to supply bypassing through the proper use of bypass capacitors is required. A 0.01 μF bypass capacitor should be connected to each VDD pin such that the capacitor is placed as close as possible to the DS50PCI401. Smaller body size capacitors can help facilitate proper component placement. Additionally, three capacitors with capacitance in the range of 2.2 μF to 10 μF should be incorporated in the power supply bypassing design as well. These capacitors can be either tantalum or an ultra-low ESR ceramic. POWER SUPPLY BYPASSING Two approaches are recommended to ensure that the DS50PCI401 is provided with an adequate power supply. First, the supply (VDD) and ground (GND) pins should be www.national.com 28 DS50PCI401 Typical Performance Eye Diagrams and Curves DS50PCI401 Return Loss 30060450 FIGURE 9. Receiver Return Loss Mask for 5.0 Gbps 30060451 FIGURE 10. Transmitter Return Loss Mask for 5.0 Gbps 29 www.national.com DS50PCI401 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted Order Number DS50PCI401SQ (Tape and Reel 2000 units) Order Number DS50PCI401SQE (Tape and Reel 250 units) NS Package Number SQA54A (See AN-1187 for PCB Design and Assembly Recommendations) www.national.com 30 DS50PCI401 Notes 31 www.national.com DS50PCI401 2.5 Gbps / 5.0 Gbps 4 Lane PCI Express Transceiver with Equalization and De-Emphasis Notes For more National Semiconductor product information and proven design tools, visit the following Web sites at: Products Design Support Amplifiers www.national.com/amplifiers WEBENCH® Tools www.national.com/webench Audio www.national.com/audio App Notes www.national.com/appnotes Clock and Timing www.national.com/timing Reference Designs www.national.com/refdesigns Data Converters www.national.com/adc Samples www.national.com/samples Interface www.national.com/interface Eval Boards www.national.com/evalboards LVDS www.national.com/lvds Packaging www.national.com/packaging Power Management www.national.com/power Green Compliance www.national.com/quality/green Switching Regulators www.national.com/switchers Distributors www.national.com/contacts LDOs www.national.com/ldo Quality and Reliability www.national.com/quality LED Lighting www.national.com/led Feedback/Support www.national.com/feedback Voltage Reference www.national.com/vref Design Made Easy www.national.com/easy www.national.com/powerwise Solutions www.national.com/solutions Mil/Aero www.national.com/milaero PowerWise® Solutions Serial Digital Interface (SDI) www.national.com/sdi Temperature Sensors www.national.com/tempsensors SolarMagic™ www.national.com/solarmagic Wireless (PLL/VCO) www.national.com/wireless www.national.com/training PowerWise® Design University THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (“NATIONAL”) PRODUCTS. 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