® ® ADC-318, ADC-318A 8-Bit, 120MHz and 140MHz Full-Flash A/D Converter FEATURES • • • • • • • • Low power dissipation (960mW max.) TTL compatible output Diff./Integral nonlinearity (±½LSB max.) 1:2 Demultiplexed straight output programmable 2:1 Frequency divided TTL clock output with reset Surface mount package Selectable Input Logic (TTl, ECL, PECL) +5V or ±5V Power Supply Operation INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTIONS PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADC-318 and ADC-318A are 8 bit monolithic bipolar, full flash A/D converters. Though they have high, 120MHz (ADC-318) and 140MHz (ADC-318A), sampling rates, their input logic level, including the start convert pulse, is TTL, ECL and PECL compatible. Digital outputs are also TTL compatible and allow a straight output or a programmable 1:2 de-multiplexed output. The ADC-318 and ADC-318A feature ±1/2 LSB max. integral and differential non-linearity, +5V single or ±5V dual power supply operation, a low 960mW maximum power dissipation, 150MHz wide analog input range and excellent temperature coefficient in a small 48 pin QFP package. The start convert pulse can have a 50% duty cycle. The ADC-318 and ADC-318A offer low cost, easy to use functionality for design engineers. VIN FUNCTION PIN –DVs (Digital) REF. BOTTOM (VRB) ANALOG GROUND REF. MID POINT (VRM1) +AVS (Analog) ANALOG IN (VIN) REF. MID POINT (VRM2) +AVS (Analog) REF. MID POINT (VRM3) ANALOG GROUND REF. TOP (VRT) DIGITAL GROUND 3 A/D CLOCK ECL/PECL A/D CLOCK ECL/PECL A/D CLOCK TTL NO CONNECTION NO CONNECTION NO CONNECTION +DVS2 (Digital) DIGITAL GROUND 2 B BIT 8 (LSB) B BIT 7 B BIT 6 B BIT 5 6 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 FUNCTION RSET ECL/PECL RSET ECL/PECL RSET TTL SELECT INV TTL CLOCK OUT +DVS2 (Digital) DIGITAL GROUND 2 A BIT 1 (MSB) A BIT 2 A BIT 3 A BIT 4 A BIT 5 A BIT 6 A BIT 7 A BIT 8 (LSB) DIGITAL GROUND 2 +DVS2 (Digital) +DVS1 (Digital) DIGITAL GROUND 1 B BIT 1 (MSB) B BIT 2 B BIT 3 B BIT 4 44 INV 33 BIT 8 (LSB) 6 VRT 11 34 BIT 7 35 BIT 6 8 8 A LATCH A TTL OUTPUT VRM3 9 37 BIT 4 38 BIT 3 256 6 39 BIT 2 6-BIT LATCH AND ENCODER ENCODER COMPARATOR RESISTOR MATRIX 6 VRM2 7 36 BIT 5 A OUTPUT 40 BIT 1 (MSB) 21 BIT 8 (LSB) 22 BIT 7 VRM1 4 B LATCH 6 B TTL OUTPUT 6 VRB 2 23 BIT 6 24 BIT 5 B OUTPUT 25 BIT 4 26 BIT 3 27 BIT 2 28 BIT 1 (MSB) A/D CLOCK ECL/PECL 13 A/D CLOCK ECL/PECL 14 DELAY A/D CLOCK TTL 15 D RSET ECL/PECL 48 RSET ECL/PECL 47 Q SELECT Q 43 CLOCK OUT TTL 45 SELECT RSET TTL 46 Figure 1. ADC-318/318A Functional Block Diagram DATEL, Inc., Mansfield, MA 02048 (USA) • Tel: (508) 339-3000, (800)233-2765 Fax: (508) 339-6356 • Email: sales@datel.com • Internet: www.datel.com ® ® ADC-318, ADC-318A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETERS Supply Voltage (+AVS, +DVS, 1,2) Supply Voltage (AGND, DGND 1, 2) Supply Voltage (DGND 3) Supply Voltage (–DVS) ➀ Supply Voltage (–DVS) ➁ Reference Voltage (VRT) Reference Voltage (VRB) Reference Voltage (VRT–VRB1) Input Voltage, analog (VIN) Input Voltage, digital ECL PECL TTL Diff. Voltage between Pin ➂ Power Dissipation, max. ➃ LIMITS UNITS –0.5 to +7.0 –0.5 to +7.0 –0.5 to +7.0 –0.5 to +7.0 –7.0 to +0.5 +2.7 to +AVS VIN –2.7 to +AVS 2.5 VRT –2.7 to +AVS Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts –DVS to +0.5 –0.5 to DGND3 –0.5 to +DVS1 2.7 2 Volts Volts Volts Volts W DIGITAL INPUTS A/D Clock Pulse Width (TPW1) ADC-318 ADC-318A A/D Clock Pulse Width (TPW0) ADC-318 ADC-318A RSET Setup Time (Trs) RSET Hold Time (Trh) Output Voltage "1" (@–2mA) Output Voltage "0" (@1mA) Output Rise Time (Tr) ➃ Output Fall Time (Tf) ➃ Output Delay (Tdo1) ➄ Output Delay (Tdo2) ➅ Clockout Output Delay (Tdclk) ➆ Single Supply Dual Supply A/D Clock–A/D Clock and RESET–RESET of ECL/PECL logic inputs. With ADC-318 mounted on a 50x50mm glass fiber base epoxy board, 1.6mm thick. Resolution Conversion Rate (fS) Straight Mode ADC-318 ADC-318A De-multiplexed Mode ADC-318 ADC-318A Sampling Delay (TdS) Aperture Jitter (Taj) Integral Linearity Error Diff. Linearity Error S/N Ratio ➇ ADC-318 (@fIN = 1kHz) (@fIN = 29.999MHz) ADC-318A (@fIN = 1kHz) (@fIN = 34.999MHz) Error Rate ADC-318 (@fIN = 1kHz) ➈ (@fIN = 29.999MHz) (@fIN = 24.999MHz)➉ ADC-318A (@fIN = 1kHz) ➈ (@fIN = 34.999MHz) (@fIN = 24.999MHz)➉ (Typical at TA = 25°C, VRT = +4V, VRB = +2V, DGND3 = +DVS1= +DVS2 = +AVS = +5V, –DVS = 0V, PECL Logic, unless otherwise specified.) ANALOG INPUTS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Input Voltage Input Resistance Input Current Input Capacitance ➀ Input Bandwidth VIN = 2Vp-p, –3dB — 4 0 — +2 to +4 — — 21 — 50 500 — Volts kΩ µA pF 150 — — MHz REFERENCE INPUTS +2.9 +1.4 1.5 75 9.7 2 2 — — — 115 17.4 — — +4.1 +2.6 2.1 155 28 15 10 Volts Volts Volts Ω mA mV mV DIGITAL INPUTS ECL, PECL Input Voltage "1" Input Voltage "0" Threshold Voltage Input Current "1" ➁ Input Current "0" ➁ Voltage Difference TTL Input Voltage "1" Input Voltage "0" Threshold Voltage Input Current "1" ➂ Input Current "0" ➂ Select Input Voltage "1" Output Voltage "0" Input Capacitance MAX. UNITS 3.2 3.0 — — — — ns ns 3.2 3.0 3.5 0 — — — — — — — — ns ns ns ns 2.4 — — — 1/Fc 6.5 4.5 — — 2 2 1/Fc+1 8 7 — +0.5 — — 1/Fc+2 10 8 Volts Volts ns ns ns ns ns 8 — — Bit 100 100 — — — — MHz MHz 100 100 3 — — — — — 4.5 10 — — — — 6 — ±0.5 ±0.5 MHz MHz ns ps LSB LSB — — 46 40 — — dB dB — — 46 40 — — dB dB — — — — — — 10-12 10-9 10-9 TPS TPS TPS 11 — — — — — — 10-12 10-9 10-9 TPS TPS TPS 11 +4.75 +4.75 –0.05 +5.0 +5.0 0 +5.25 +5.25 +0.05 Volts Volts Volts +4.75 –0.05 –5.5 +5.0 0 –5.0 +5.25 +0.05 –4.75 Volts Volts Volts 125 0.4 145 0.6 185 0.8 mA mA 110 0.4 150 0.6 185 0.8 mA mA PERFORMANCE FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Reference Voltage VRT VRB VRT–VRB Reference Resistance Reference Current VRT Offset Voltage VRB Offset Voltage TYP. DIGITAL OUTPUTS Footnote: ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ MIN. POWER REQUIREMENTS DGND3–1.05 DGND3–3.2 — — DGND3–0.5 DGND3–1.4 — –50 –75 0.4 DGND3–1.2 — — 0.8 — +50 0 — Volts Volts Volts µA µA Volts +2.0 — — –50 –500 — — +1.5 — — — +0.8 — 0 0 Volts Volts Volts µA µA — — — +DVS1 +DGND1 — — — 5 Supply Voltage One Power Supply (+AVS, +DVS 1,2) One Power Supply (DGND3) One Power Supply (–DVS) Two Power Supply (+AVS, +DVS 1,2) Two Power Supply (DGND3) Two Power Supply (–DVS) ADC-318 Supply Current (+IS) Supply Current (–IS) ADC-318A Supply Current (+zS) Supply Current (–zS) pF 2 13 13 13 11 11 11 11 ® ® ADC-318, ADC-318A 318A requires that the characteristic impedance of all input/ output logic and analog input lines be properly matched. POWER REQUIREMENTS (cont.) Power Dissipation ADC-318 ADC-318A 680 570 780 790 980 960 mW mW +75 °C 2. Power supply lines and grounding may effect the performance of the ADC-318 and ADC-318A. Separate and substantial AGND and DGND ground planes are required. These grounds have to be connected to one earth point underneath the device. There are three digital grounds, DGND1 (pin 29), DGND2 (pins 20, 32, 41) and DGND3 (pin 12). These DGND 's are separated internally. DGND1 and DGND2 are always connected externally but DGND3 shall be connected differently depending on whether the single or dual power supply mode is used, as explained later. PARAMETERS Operating Temp. Range, Case ADC-318, 318A Thermal Impedance θja 1 2 Storage Temperature Range Package Type Weight –20 — — –65 62.5 — °C/Watt — +150 °C 48-pin, plastic QFP 0.25 ounces (0.7 grams) The ADC-318 and ADC-318A have separate +AVs and +DVs pins. It is recommended that both +AVs and +DVs be powered from a single source. Other external digital circuits must be powered with a separate +DVs. Layouts of +AVs and +DVs lines must be separated like the GND lines to avoid mutual interference and are connected to a point through an LC filter. There are two digital supplies +DVs1 (pin 30) and +DVs2 (pins 19, 31, 42). These are also separated internally. These must be tied together outside while in use. Bypassing all power lines with a 0.1uF ceramic chip capacitor and the use of multilayered PC boards is recommended. Footnotes: ➀ VIN = +3V +0.07Vrms ➁ VIH = DGND3–0.8V VIL = DGND3–1.6V ➂ VIH = 3.5V VIL = 0.2V ➃ TTL, 0.8 to 2.0V, CL = 5pF ➄ DMUX Mode, CL = 5pF; FC = Clock frequency ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉ 11 12 Straight Mode, CL = 5pF CL = 5pF VIN = FS, DMUX mode VIN = FS, DMUX mode, Error >16LSB VIN = FS, Straight mode, Error >16LSB "Times Per Sample" Mounted on 50x50mm, 1.6mm thick glass fiber base epoxy board TECHNICAL NOTES 3. The analog input terminal (pin 6) has 21pF of input capacitance. The input signal has to be given via a buffer amplifier which has enough driving power. Make lead wires as short as possible and use chip resistors and capacitors to avoid parasitic capacitance and inductance. 1. The ADC-318 and ADC-318A are ultra high speed full flash A/D converters that have 120MHz and 140MHz sampling rates respectively. The ADC-318 and ADC-318A are fully interchangeable products with the exception of their sampling rates. Their inputs are TTL, ECL and PECL compatible and their outputs are TTL compatible. Obtaining fully specified performance from the ADC-318 and ADC5V(A) 10µF 5V(A) 5V(D) 10µH + 10µF + 5 8 4. The use of a buffer amplifier and bypass capacitors is also recommended on the reference input terminals VRT (pin 11) and VRB (pin 2). The analog input range is determined by 10µF 10µH 5V(D) + 12 19 30 31 42 10µF + 5 8 19 30 31 42 MSB VRB +2V MSB 40 A BIT 1 2 VRB +2V 39 A BIT 2 + 39 A BIT 2 + 38 A BIT 3 10µF 40 A BIT 1 2 38 A BIT 3 10µF 37 A BIT 4 37 A BIT 4 36 A BIT 5 36 A BIT 5 35 A BIT 6 ANALOG IN +2V to +4V 4 34 A BIT 7 6 7 9 VRT +4V 4 33 A BIT 8 LSB MSB 6 28 B BIT 1 9 34 A BIT 7 33 A BIT 8 LSB MSB 7 28 B BIT 1 27 B BIT 2 ADC-318 ADC-318A 11 35 A BIT 6 ANALOG IN +2V to +4V 26 B BIT 3 VRT +4V 25 B BIT 4 + 27 B BIT 2 ADC-318 ADC-318A 11 26 B BIT 3 25 B BIT 4 + 24 B BIT 5 24 B BIT 5 10µF TTL A/D CLOCK PECL 10µF 23 B BIT 6 15 22 B BIT 7 13 21 B BIT 8 14 LSB 48 43 47 44 46 45 3 10 1 20 29 22 B BIT 7 A/D CLOCK 13 14 21 B BIT 8 A/D CLOCK 48 43 47 44 46 45 ECL TTL CLOCK OUT 23 B BIT 6 15 LSB 5V(D) 3 32 41 10 5V(D) 1 12 20 29 + TTL CLOCK OUT 5V(D) 32 41 10µF 5V(D) 5V(D) Figure 2-2: Two Power Supply Operation (ECL) Figure 2-1: One Power Supply Operation (TTL, PECL) Note: All capacitors not otherwise designated are 0.1µF 3 ® ® ADC-318, ADC-318A the reference input voltages given to VRT and VRB. Keep the ranges of V within values shown in this data sheet. Standard settings are VRT = +4.0V, V input range from +2 to +4V. This setting can be varied to VRT = +3.5V, VRB = +2V and 1.5V p-p analog input range, depending on your selection of amplifiers which may provide less than +4V output. connection to +DVs selects the 1:2 de-multiplexed output mode. The maximum sampling rates are 100MHz for straight mode (For both models, ADC-318 and ADC-318A) and 120MHz (ADC-318) and 140MHz (ADC-318A) for demultiplexed mode. Refer to figure 2-4. There is an application where a multiple number of ADC-318/318A's are used with a common A/D CLK and outputs are in de-multiplexed mode. In this case, the initial conditions of the frequency half divider of each A/D Converter are not synchronized and it is possible that each converter may have one clock maximum of timing lag. This lag can be avoided by giving a common RSET pulse to all converters at power ON. (See Figure 3-3 and 3-4, timing diagrams.) 5. The ADC-318 and ADC-318A have resistor matrix taps at VRM1 (pin 4), VRM2 (pin 7) and VRM3 (pin 9). These pins provide ¼, ½ and ¾ full scale of VRT-VRB voltage respectively. These outputs may be used to adjust the integral non-linearity. Bypass these pins to GND with 0.1uF ceramic chip capacitors. 10.The ADC-318 and ADC-318A have a TTL compatible CLK OUT (pin 43). Since the rising edge of this pulse can provide Setup and Hold time of output data, regardless of the output mode, this signal can be used as synchronization pulse for external circuits. Data output timing is different for the straight mode and the de-multiplexed mode. See the timing chart Figure 3. 6. A/D CLK input and RSET/RSET inputs are TTL or ECL, PECL (Positive ECL) compatible. Pins are provided individually. TTL or PECL is available with +5V single power applied. ECL is available with ±5V dual power applied. The connections of –DVs (pin 1) and DGND3 (pin12) are different depending on the power supply mode used. Refer to Figures 2-1 and 2-2. a. For +5V single power (TTL or PECL) –DVs (pin 1) is connected to DGND. DGND3 (pin 12) is connected to +5V power. b. For ±5V dual power (ECL) –DVs (pin 1) is connected to –5V power. DGND3 (pin 12) is connected to DGND. 11. INV (pin 44) is used to invert polarity of the TTL compatible output data from both A and B ports. Leaving this pin open or connected to +DVs makes the output positive true and connection to DGND makes it negative true logic. See input/output code table, Table 4. 7. When the A/D CLK is driven with ECL or PECL, A/D CLK (pin 13) and A/D CLK (pin 14) are to be driven by differential logic inputs to avoid unstable performance at critically high speeds. If a risk of unstable performance is acceptable, single logic input can be used opening A/D CLK (pin 14). The A/D CLK pin should be bypassed to DGND with a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor. When connected this way there will be a voltage of DGND –1.2V on the A/D CLK pin. This voltage can not be used as a threshold voltage for ECL or PECL. Input the A/D CLK pulse to pin 15 when TTL is selected. Table 3: Logic Input Level vs. Power Supply Settings DIGITAL INPUT LEVEL –DVS DGND3 SUPPLY VOLTAGES 0V +5V +5V PECL 0V +5V +5V ECL –5V 0V ±5V TTL Table 4: Digital Output Coding 8. The ADC-318 and ADC-318A have RSET/RSET input pins. An internal frequency half divider can be initialized with inputs to these pins. With ECL or PECL, differential inputs are given to RSET (pin 48) and RSET (pin 47). This function can be achieved with a single input, leaving pin 47 open and bypassing to DGND with a 0.1uF ceramic chip capacitor. The voltage level of pin 47 is the threshold voltage of ECL or PECL. Use RSET (pin 46) for TTL. SIGNAL INPUT VOLTAGE 9. SELECT (pin 45) is used to set output mode. Connection of this pin to DGND selects the straight output mode and DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE (A,B OUTPUT) INV=1 INV=0 LSB MSB LSB MSB VRT 11111111 00000000 VRM2 10000000 01111111 01111111 10000000 VRB 00000000 11111111 A/D CONVERSION MODE 5V(D) 11 DEMULTIPLEXED DATA OUT STRAIGHT DATA OUT ADC-318 ADC-318A TTL LEVEL RESET INPUT 12 OUTPUT CODING RSET 13 14 15 16 17 18 5V(D) TTL LEVEL CLOCK INPUT STRAIGHT BINARY COMPLEMENTARY BINARY RSET A/D CLOCK RSET TTL CLOCK OUT A/D CLOCK ECL, PECL LEVEL RESET INPUTS 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 A/D CLOCK 1 ECL, PECL LEVEL CLOCK INPUTS 2 Figure 2-3: A/D Clock Input Connection ADC-318 ADC-318A Figure 2-4: Digital Input/Output Connections 4 ® ® ADC-318, ADC-318A 3ns min. 6ns max N-1 N+2 Tds N+7 N T ANALOG SIGNAL AIN N+4 N+3 N+1 N+6 N+5 TPW1 A/D CLOCK TPW0 Tdo2 A DATA OUTPUT N+1 B DATA OUTPUT N RESET PERIOD Trh RSET Trs Trh N+3 2.0V 0.8V N+2 Tdo1 Td clock 4.5ns min. 8ns max. CLOCK OUT 6.5ns min. 10ns max. 2.0V 0.8V ~T ~T T+2ns max. 2.0V 2.0V 0.8V 0.8V Trs 318 TPW1, min 3.2ns 318A 3.0ns TPW0, min 3.2ns 3.0ns 3.5ns min. 0ns min. Figure 3-1: Demultiplexed Data Output (Select-Pin: +DVS or left open, 120MHz max. Clock Frequency) Tds 3ns min. 6ns max. N-1 N+3 N+2 N ANALOG SIGNAL AIN T N+1 T PW1 TPW 0 318 TPW1, min 3.2ns 318A 3.0ns TPW0, min 3.2ns 3.0ns A/D CLOCK A DATA OUTPUT N-4 B DATA OUTPUT N-5 2.0V 0.8V 2.0V 0.8V Tdo2 CLOCK OUT (inverted A/D CLOCK OUT) N-3 N-2 N-1 N N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 6.5ns min. 10ns max. 2.0V 0.8V Td clock 4.5ns min. 8ns max. RSET Figure 3-2: Straight Data Output (Select-Pin: DGND, 100MHz max. Clock Frequency) A/D CLOCK A/D CLOCK RSET CLOCK OUT 1 CLOCK OUT 1 DATA OUT 1 (A,B) DATA OUT 1 (A,B) CLOCK OUT 2 CLOCK OUT 2 DATA OUT 2 (A,B) DATA OUT 2 (A,B) CLOCK OUT 1 A/D CLOCK A/D CLOCK A/D CLOCK ADC-318/318A CLOCK OUT 1 A/D CLOCK (1) 8 DATA 1 (A, B) ADC-318/318A RSET (1) 8 DATA 1 (A, B) 8 CLOCK OUT 2 A/D CLOCK ADC-318/318A 8 RSET CLOCK OUT 2 A/D CLOCK (2) 8 DATA 2 (A, B) ADC-318/318A A/D CLOCK RSET RSET 8 (2) 8 DATA 2 (A, B) A/D CLOCK RSET 8 Figure 3-3: Parallel Operation without RSET Pulse Figure 3-4: Parallel Operation using RSET Synchronization 5 ® ® ADC-318, ADC-318A APPLICATION Tdclk and Tdo2 at Ta=25°C , +Vs=+5.0V are; Td clk: 5.0nsec min., 7.5nsec max. Tdo2: 7.0nsec min., 9.5nsec max. This device can be used in applications where 3 parallel channels are synchronized. Conversion speed is the highest in the de-multiplexed mode. It is difficult to control timing of three channels at such a high speed. Two practical ways to maintain timing for reading data into the system are given. So long as devices are located on the same board and take power from the same source, 2.5nsec min. of setup time for data reading can be secured even though temperature and power supply voltages vary. A timing diagram at 140MHz sampling rate is shown in Figure 4a. 1. Clock output of one A/D is used in reading data of other channels Time delay of Clock Output and Output Data are specified as: Td clk (CLK OUT Delay) ; 4.5nSec min., 8.0nsec max. Tdo2 (Output Data Delay); 6.5nSec min., 10nsec max. 2. To read output data of 3 channels into a gate array Both output data lines and each clock output are read into a gate array if the digital circuits after the A/D conversion consist of one high speed gate array. An AND gate is prepared to take the AND of each output signal which is used for reading output data. The slowest rise time clock determines the system clock. Thus adequate setup time is secured. This method can be employed only when a high speed gate array is used. The setup time is delayed by the delay time of the AND gate. The use of a discrete IC gate is not recommended because of its time delay characteristics. See Figure 4b These values apply over the operating temperature and supply voltage ranges. Timing control of Tset (Setup Time) seems to be very critical. It tends to lead by 0.5nsec as temperature and supply voltages go lower. When A/D converters for 3 channels are used on the same board, temperature and supply voltages tend to change in the same direction and effects caused by these changes are negligible. A/D CLCK Th reset RSET 5.0nS (4.5nS) Td clck min. 7.5nS (8.0nS) Td clck max. CLK OUT 7.0nS (6.5nS) *Values in parenthesis are for the entire operating temperature and operating power supply ranges Tset min. 2.5nS Tdo2 min. 9.5nS (10nS) Tdo2 max. Thold min. 6.5ns OUTPUT DATA (A, B) 14nS Figure 4a: Timing diagram 1 A/D CLCK Th reset RSET 5.0nS (4.5nS) Td clck min. 7.5nS (8.0nS) CLK OUT Td clck max. *Values in parenthesis are for the entire operating temperature and operating power supply ranges 7.0nS (6.5nS) Tdo2 min. Tdo2 max. 9.5nS (10nS) 14nS OUTPUT DATA (A, B) Tset min. 5.0nS+XnS GATE ARRAY CLK (CLK OUT 1, CLK OUT 2, CLK OUT 3) Figure 4b: Timing diagram 2 6 Thold min. 6.5nS–XnS 1. The evaluation circuit shown employs PECL logic. Because of this, a 1Vp- p, 0V center, sine wave must be used as the clock input (A/ D CLK) at CN3. 2. When analog signals are taken from the CN1 amplifier input “A” must be left open while “B” is short circuited. The analog input signals at CN1 must be less than 800mVp- p, 0V and zero centered. The +AMP and –AMP supply pins on the input amplifier are normally connected to +/- 5V which, along with the gain of -2 used with the CLC- 404 in this circuit, will limit the amplifiers output dynamic range. To increase the amplifiers output dynamic range the +AMP pin can be connected to +7V and the –AMP connected to -3V. V RT and V RB may require adjustment in this case. 3. When analog signals are input from CN2, the direct input, AC coupling can be achieved by inserting a 0.1µF capacitor at” A” and a 10kOhm resistor at “B”. It is not necessary to be concerned about the output voltage of the input amplifier. V RT may be limited in this case by NJM3403. The input voltage to the NJM3403 amplifier can be adjusted to correct. Both V RT and V RB can be trimmed. ® ® ADC-318, ADC-318A Figure 5: Evaluation Circuit Diagram 7 ® ® ADC-318, ADC-318A Figure 6: Typical Performance Curve Fig. 4-1: Supply Current vs. Temperature Fig. 4-2: Supply Current vs. Conversion Rate Fig. 4-3: Reference Current vs.Temperature Fig. 4-4: Error Rate vs. Conversion Rate ADC-318 Reference Current (mA) Supply Current (mA) Supply Current (mA) ADC-318A 160 ADC-318A 150 ADC-318 140 130 –25 160 ADC-318 150 140 0 TA –Ambient Temperature (°C) 100 50 –25 140 Conversion Rate (MHz) 10-8 fin = Fc/4–1KHz Error> 16LSB 10-9 140 75 25 TA –Ambient Temperature (°C) Fig. 4-6: Allowable Ambient Temperature vs. Air Flow Fig. 4-5: SNR+THD vs. Input Signal Frequency 10-7 10-10 10 75 25 15 130 160 180 Conversion Rate (MHz) Fig. 4-8: Maximum Conversion Rate vs.Temperature Fig. 4-7: Analog Input Current vs.Voltage Inputs °C 50 90 40 ADC-318: FC=120MHz ADC-318A: FC=140MHz 30 80 Double-layer board 70 Single-layer board 60 20 200 Conversion Rate (MHz) Analog Input Current (µA) 170 Four-layer board SNR+THD (dB) SNR+THD (dB) ADC-318A 10-6 20 170 Error Rate (TPS) 170 VRT = +4V VRB = +2V 100 160 ADC-318A 150 140 ADC-318 130 0 3 10 5 30 Input Frequency (MHz) 1 1 0 50 3 2 m/s 2 –25 4 3 VIN Pin Voltage (V) 25 75 TA –Ambient Temperature (°C) Sine Wave Curvefit Test 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 –7 –8 VOLT/ (CODE) 0.5000 (192) 0.0000 (128) –0.500 (64) DEVIATION (LSB) Fig. 4-9: Sine Wave Curvefit Test 1.0000 (256) S/N Ratio 48.7dB 7.8 Effective Bits Conditions Sampling Frequency 120MHz Signal Frequency 996kHz 4096 Points MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS INCES (MM) .602±.016 (15.3) +.014 0.087 –.006 (2.2) +.016 –.004 36 .472 (12.0) 25 +.008 37 0.004 –.004 (0.1) 24 0.035 ±.008 (0.9) ORDERING INFORMATION 13 48 1 ADC-318 ADC-318A 12 +.006 0.031 (0.8) +.004 0.006 –.002 (0.15) .531 (13.5) 0.012 –.004 (0.3) 8-bit, 120MHz Flash A/D 8-bit, 140MHz Flash A/D ISO 9001 R E G I S T E R E D DS-0358 DATEL, Inc. 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 Tel: (508) 339-3000 (800) 233-2765 Fax: (508) 339-6356 Internet: www.datel.com Email: sales@datel.com Data sheet fax back: (508) 261-2857 5/98 DATEL (UK) LTD. Tadley, England Tel: (01256)-880444 DATEL S.A.R.L. Montigny Le Bretonneux, France Tel: 01-34-60-01-01 DATEL GmbH Munchen, Germany Tel: 89-544334-0 DATEL KK Tokyo, Japan Tel: 3-3779-1031, Osaka Tel: 6-354-2025 DATEL makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifications are subject to change without notice. The DATEL logo is a registered DATEL, Inc. trademark.