Frequency CPCI32FF-S32S-1000X 32 channel filter board Datasheet

Model CPCI32FF
6U - Compact PCI
32 Channel Filter Board
Frequency Devices Model CPCI32FF is a single
width B-sized (6U) form factor Compact PCI
filter/gain board offering 32 channels of fixed
frequency analog filters. Each CPCI32FF board
can be configured with up to 32 single ended or
differential input signals and a corresponding
number of single ended or differential outputs.
Customer can select one of the factory set gain
options of 1X, 10X, 100X or 1000X for each
CPCI32FF. Boards may be populated either with
2-pole D72 or 4-pole D74 high-pass and low-pass
fixed frequency filters from 1 Hz to 100 kHz,
allowing the user to externally cascade filter pairs
into as many as 16 band-pass channels. Each
channel provides low harmonic distortion and
wide signal-to-noise ratio to 12-bit resolution.
Simultaneous access to 32 channels offers a
low cost, versatile and convenient way to
provide amplification and filtering.
Inter-channel crosstalk <-80 dB provides
precision performance solutions to design
engineers, system integrators and OEMs.
2- and 4-pole Butterworth or Bessel transfer
functions with a broad range of corner
frequencies are offered to meet a wide range
of applications.
High channel count density without sacrificing
performance maximizes chassis utilization.
Both Inputs and outputs may be configured
either single ended or differential for
maximum flexibility.
Jumper selectable commons for best system
configuration: Analog floating, front panel or
backplane ground.
Available Low-Pass Models:
D72, DP72
D74, DP74
Available High-Pass Models:
Signal conditioning applications include:
Industrial process control
Engine and test simulation
Acoustic vibration analysis & control
Satellite and telecommunications
Automatic test equipment (ATE)
Aerospace, navigation & sonar
Automotive test cells
25 Locust St., Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830 • Tel:800/252-7074, 978/374-0761 • FAX:978/521-1839
e-mail: [email protected] • Web Address:
Model CPCI32FF
32 Channel Filter Board
(25oC and Vs+15 Vdc)
Analog Input
1. Impedance
2. Input Range
3. Maximum Input
4. Common Mode Rejection
1 GΩ / 47pF
±10V pk. linear
75 dB min. @ 60 Hz.
Analog Output (each leg)
5. Impedance
6. Linear Operating Range
7. Channel to Channel Crosstalk
8. Maximum Current
9. Offset Voltage
10. Offset Temp. Coeff.
11. Short Circuit Protection
12. Peak Distortion @ 1 kHz, 3.54 Vrms
1.0 Ω typ., 10 Ω max.
±10V pk.
<-80 dB max. @ 10 kHz
±5mV max.
Short to Ground
-80 dBc max.
Filter Characteristics
13. Fixed Cut-off Frequency fc (-3dB)
14. Nominal Gain
15. Accuracy
1.00 Hz to 100 kHz
See D72 or D74 Series specifications
1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X – Factory set
Power Supply
16. From CPCI Backplane
17. Isolation (default)
+12 V and -12 V, ± 5%, 1.0 A max. each
Analog ground isolated from back plane and chassis.
Connection to ground/backplane common by jumper.
18. Operating
19. Storage
20. Humidity
0°C to +70°C
-25°C to +85°C
0-95% non-condensing
21. Card Size
22. No. of Input Channels
23. No. of Output Channels
24. Mating Connectors
CPCI 6U single slot 9.17 x 6.3 inches, (233 x160 mm)
32 Single or differential, DC coupled
32 Single or differential, DC coupled
Input: Female high-density 78-pin D-sub
Output: Male high-density 78-pin D-sub
~2 lbs., (0.91 kg.)
25. Weight
Ordering Information
Gain Options
1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X
S – Single Ended
D – Differential
S – Single Ended
D – Differential
We hope the information given here will be helpful. The information is based on data and our best knowledge, and we consider the information to be true and accurate. Please read all statements,
recommendations or suggestions herein in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply, to all goods supplied by us. We assume no responsibility for the use of these statements,
recommendations or suggestions, nor do we intend them as a recommendation for any use, which would infringe any patent or copyright.
25 Locust St., Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830 • Tel: 800/252-7074, 978/374-0761 • FAX:978/521-1839
e-mail: [email protected] • Web Address:
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