Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company SILICON PLANAR ZENER DIODES BZX85C 2V7 to 51V DO-41 1.3W These Zeners Are Best Suited For Industrial Purpose, Military & Space Applications. When Hermetically Sealed in Glass With Double Stud. This Glass Passivated Chip Provides Excellent Stability & Reliability. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25 deg C) DESCRIPTION SYMBOL VALUE PTA 1.3 Power Dissipation (1) PS 10 Surge Power Dissipation pulse Width =10ms -55 to+175 Tj,Tstg Operating And Storage Junction Temperature Range TL 230 Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering During 10 sec @ 4mm From Case Rth(j-a) 115.4 Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient (1) VF 1.0 Forward Voltage @ IF=200mA (1) On infinite heatsink with 4mm Lead Length ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25 deg C Unless otherwise Specified) Device VZT rZT IZT rZK IZK Temp. Coeff IR @ @IZT* @IZT* of Zener Ta= @IZK Voltage typ 25 deg C 150degC min max max max max max (V) (V) (ohm) (mA) (ohm) (mA) (%/deg C) (uA) (uA) BZX85C 2V7 2.50 2.90 20 80 400 1.0 -0.07 150 300 BZX85C 3V0 2.80 3.20 20 80 400 1.0 -0.07 100 300 BZX85C 3V3 3.10 3.50 20 80 400 1.0 -0.06 40 200 BZX85C 3V6 3.40 3.80 20 70 500 1.0 -0.06 20 50 BZX85C 3V9 3.70 4.10 15 60 500 1.0 -0.05 10 20 BZX85C 4V3 4.00 4.60 13 50 500 1.0 -0.03 3.0 10 BZX85C 4V7 4.40 5.00 13 45 500 1.0 -0.01 3.0 10 BZX85C 5V1 4.80 5.40 10 45 500 1.0 +0.01 1.0 10 BZX85C 5V6 5.20 6.00 7 45 400 1.0 +0.03 1.0 10 BZX85C 6V2 5.80 6.60 4 35 300 1.0 +0.04 1.0 10 BZX85C 6V8 6.40 7.20 3.5 35 300 1.0 +0.05 1.0 10 BZX85C 7V5 7.00 7.90 3 35 200 0.5 +0.05 1.0 10 BZX85C 8V2 7.70 8.70 5 25 200 0.5 +0.06 1.0 10 BZX85C 9V1 8.50 9.60 5 25 200 0.5 +0.06 1.0 10 BZX85C 10 9.40 10.60 7.5 25 200 0.5 +0.07 0.5 10 BZX85C 11 10.40 11.60 8 20 300 0.5 +0.07 0.5 10 BZX85C 12 11.40 12.70 9 20 350 0.5 +0.07 0.5 10 BZX85C 13 12.40 14.10 10 20 400 0.5 +0.07 0.5 10 BZX85C 15 13.80 15.60 15 15 500 0.5 +0.08 0.5 10 BZX85C 16 15.30 17.10 15 15 500 0.5 +0.08 0.5 10 BZX85C 18 16.80 19.10 20 15 500 0.5 +0.08 0.5 10 BZX85C 20 18.80 21.20 24 10 600 0.5 +0.08 0.5 10 BZX85C 22 20.80 23.30 25 10 600 0.5 +0.08 0.5 10 BZX85C 24 22.80 25.60 25 10 600 0.5 +0.08 0.5 10 Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet UNIT W W deg C deg C deg C/mW V VR IZM IZSM## (V) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.5 6.2 6.8 7.0 8.2 9.1 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 (mA) 370 340 320 290 280 250 215 200 190 170 155 140 130 120 105 97 88 79 71 66 62 56 52 47 (mA) 2874 2604 2381 2193 2033 1812 1667 1543 1389 1263 1157 1055 958 868 786 718 656 591 534 487 436 393 358 326 Page 1 of 3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25 deg C Unless otherwise Specified) Device VZT rZT IZT rZK IZK Temp. Coeff IR @ VR @IZT* @IZT* of Ta= @IZK Zener Voltage 25 deg C 150degC min max max max typ max max (V) (V) (ohm) (mA) (ohm) (mA) (%/deg C) (uA) (uA) (V) BZX85C 27 25.10 28.90 30 8.0 750 0.25 +0.09 0.5 10 20 BZX85C 30 28.00 32.00 30 8.0 1000 0.25 +0.09 0.5 10 22 BZX85C 33 31.00 35.00 35 8.0 1000 0.25 +0.09 0.5 10 24 BZX85C 36 34.00 38.00 40 8.0 1000 0.25 +0.09 0.5 10 27 BZX85C 39 37.00 41.00 50 6.0 1000 0.25 +0.09 0.5 10 30 BZX85C 43 40.00 46.00 50 6.0 1000 0.25 +0.09 0.5 10 33 BZX85C 47 44.00 50.00 90 4.0 1500 0.25 +0.09 0.5 10 36 BZX85C 51 48.00 54.00 115 4.0 1500 0.25 +0.09 0.5 10 39 *Pulse Condition : 20ms <=tp<=50ms, Duty Cycle =2% ## Rectangular wave form (tp=10ms) IZM IZSM## (mA) 41 36 33 30 28 26 23 21 (mA) 288 260 238 219 203 181 167 154 DO-41 Glass Axial Package B A DIM MIN MAX A 27.90 — B 4.06 5.51 C 0.71 0.87 D 2.03 2.72 C A D NOTES 1. Cathode is marked by Band. 2. All dimensions are in mm. 5.50 4.50 1.5 R M AX. 54.00 50.00 CENTRE LINE ± 1.05 1.05 MAX. DO-41, 52mm Taping Specification 52 mm Taping Specification 1. T & A indicates Axil Tape & Am m o packing (52 m m Tape Spacing). 2. 300 m m (m in) leader tape on every spool. 3. No. of em pty places allowed 0.25% without consecutive em pty places. 4. Ends of leads shall preferably not protrude beyond the tapes. 5. Com ponents shall be held sufficiently in the tape or tapes so that they can not com e free in norm al handling. 6.0 5.0 LEADER 52.0 11 D IO DES 48.0 All dim ensions in m m . E FE 6.0 ± 1. 0 52 D ± .0 2 . 0 6 .0 ± 1 . 0 85.0 mm TAPES LABEL 2 55 7 3. 5m m .0 m m DO -41:- 2500 pcs./Am m o Pack DIO DE AM M O PACK On request also available in 26 mm Tape and Ammo Pack Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 2 of 3 Packing Detail PACKAGE STANDARD PACK Details DO-41 T&A INNER CARTON BOX Net Weight/Qty 2.5K/ammo box 1.04 kg/2.5K pcs OUTER CARTON BOX Size Qty Size 10" x 3.5" x 3.5" 2.5K 12.7" x 12.7" x 20" Qty Gr Wt 62.5K 30 kgs Notes Disclaimer The product information and the selection guides facilitate selection of the CDIL's Discrete Semiconductor Device(s) best suited for application in your product(s) as per your requirement. It is recommended that you completely review our Data Sheet(s) so as to confirm that the Device(s) meet functionality parameters for your application. The information furnished on the CDIL Web Site/CD is believed to be accurate and reliable. CDIL however, does not assume responsibility for inaccuracies or incomplete information. Furthermore, CDIL does not assume liability whatsoever, arising out of the application or use of any CDIL product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor rights of others. These products are not designed for use in life saving/support appliances or systems. CDIL customers selling these products (either as individual Discrete Semiconductor Devices or incorporated in their end products), in any life saving/support appliances or systems or applications do so at their own risk and CDIL will not be responsible for any damages resulting from such sale(s). CDIL strives for continuous improvement and reserves the right to change the specifications of its products without prior notice. CDIL is a registered Trademark of Continental Device India Limited C-120 Naraina Industrial Area, New Delhi 110 028, India. Telephone + 91-11-579 6150 Fax + 91-11-579 9569, 579 5290 e-mail Continental Device India Limited Data Sheet Page 3 of 3