HB288032MM1 MultiMediaCard 32 MByte ADE-203-1169A (Z) Rev. 1.0 Jul. 19, 2000 Description The Hitachi MultiMediaCard HB288032MM1 is a highly integrated flash memory with serial and random access capability. It is accessible via a dedicated serial interface optimized for fast and reliable data transmission. This interface allows several cards to be stacked by through connecting their peripheral contacts. The HB288032MM1 is fully compatible to a new consumer standard, called the MultiMediaCard system standard defined in the MultiMediaCard system specification [1]. The MultiMediaCard system is a new mass-storage system based on innovations in semiconductor technology. It has been developed to provide an inexpensive, mechanically robust storage medium in card form for multimedia consumer applications. MultiMediaCard allows the design of inexpensive players and drives without moving parts. A low power consumption and a wide supply voltage range favors mobile, battery-powered applications such as audio players, organizers, palmtops, electronic books, encyclopedia and dictionaries. Using very effective data compression schemes such as MPEG, the MultiMediaCard will deliver enough capacity for all kinds of multimedia data: software/programs, text, music, speech, images, video etc. Note: MultiMediaCard is a trademark of Siemens AG. Features • 32 MByte memory capacity • On card error correction HB288032MM1 • MultiMediaCard system standard compatibility System specification version 2.11 compliant SPI interface supported Block and partial block read supported (Command classes 0 and 2) Stream read supported (Command class 1) Block write and erase supported (Command classes 4 and 5) Group write protection (Command classes 6) Stream write supported (Command classes 3) Password data access protection Small erase block size of 512 bytes, tagged erase supported Read block size programmable between 1 and 2048 bytes VCC = 2.7 V to 3.6 V operation voltage range (VCC = 2.0 V to 3.6 V for the interface) No external programming voltage required Damage free powered card insertion and removal 4kV ESD protection • High speed serial interface with random access Read speed: sustained: 13.7 Mbits/s (multi-block read) burst (one block): 20 Mbit/s Write speed: sustained: 2.8 Mbit/s (multi-block write to pre-erased sectors) burst (one block): 20 Mbit/s Up to 10 stacked card (at 20 MHz, VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V) Access time: 300 µs (max) (at 20 MHz, VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V, random byte access (Typical case)) • Low power dissipation High speed: 95 mW (max) (at 20 MHz, VCC = 2.7 V) 2 HB288032MM1 Block Diagram 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 VCC CLK/SCLK DAT/DO Interface driver CMD OCR[31:0] CID[127:0] CSD[127:0] RCA[15:0] Flash control Interface Power on reset unit Register set Internal clock DAT VPP CS CMD/DI Generator Core control Memory core All units in the HB288032MM1 are clocked by an internal clock generator. The Interface driver unit synchronizes the DAT and CMD signals from external CLK to the internal used clock signal. The card is controlled by the three line MultiMediaCard interface containing the signals: CMD, CLK, DAT (refer to Chapter “Interfaces”). For the identification of the HB288032MM1 in a stack of MultiMediaCards a card identification register (CID) and a relative card address register (RCA) is foreseen. An additional register contains different types of operation parameters. This register is called card specific data register (CSD). The communication using the MultiMediaCard lines to access either the memory field or the registers is defined by the MultiMediaCard standard (refer to Chapter “Communication”). The card has its own power on detection unit. No additional master reset signal is required to setup the card after power on. It is protected against short circuit during insertion and removal while the MultiMediaCard system is powered up (refer to Chapter “Power Supply”). No external programming voltage supply is required. The programming voltage is generated on card. HB288032MM1 supports a second interface operation mode the SPI interface mode. The SPI mode is activated if the CS signal is asserted (negative) during the reception of the reset command (CMD0) (refer to Chapter “SPI Communication”). 3 HB288032MM1 Interface The HB288032MM1 interface can operate in two different modes: • MultiMediaCard mode • SPI mode Both modes are using the same pins. The default mode is the MultiMediaCard mode. The SPI mode is selected by activating (= 0) the CS signal (Pin1) and sending the CMD0. MultiMediaCard Mode In the HB288032MM1, all data is transferred over a minimal number of lines: Interface driver • CLK: with each cycle of this signal an one bit transfer on the command and data lines is done. The frequency may vary between zero and the maximum clock frequency. The MultiMediaCard bus master is free to generate these cycles without restrictions in the range of 0 to 20 MHz. • CMD: is a bidirectional command channel used for card initialization and data transfer commands. The CMD signal has two operation modes: open drain for initialization mode and push pull for fast command transfer. Commands are sent from the MultiMediaCard bus master to the HB288032MM1 and responses vice versa. • DAT: is a bidirectional data channel with a width of one line. The DAT signal of the HB288032MM1 operates in push pull mode. ROD RDAT RCMD CMD DAT CLK MultiMediaCard Host 1234567 HB288032MM1 MultiMediaCard Mode Interface All MultiMediaCards are connected directly to the lines of the MultiMediaCard bus. The following table defines the card contacts. 4 HB288032MM1 MultiMediaCard Mode Pad Definition Pin No. Name Type* 1 Description 1 RSV NC No connection 2 CMD I/O/PP/OD Command/Response 3 VSS1 S Ground 4 VCC S Power supply 5 CLK I Clock 6 VSS2 S Ground DAT I/O/PP Data 7 DAT 3 VSS1 CMD enable MultiMediaCard interface controller 4 VCC OD/PP 6 5 CLK 2 enable VSS2 Memory core interface 7 1. S: power supply; I: input; O: output; PP: push-pull; OD: open-drain; NC: No connection or VIH 1 Note: Interface driver MultiMediaCard Mode I/O-drivers 5 HB288032MM1 SPI Mode The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a general -purpose synchronous serial interface originally found on certain Motorola microcontrollers. The MultiMediaCard SPI interface is compatible with SPI hosts available on the market. As any other SPI device the MultiMediaCard SPI interface consists of the following four signals: CS: Host to card Chip Select signal. CLK: Host to card clock signal Data in: Host to card data signal. Data out: Card to host data signal. The MultiMediaCard card identification and addressing methods are replaced by a hardware Chip Select (CS) signal. There are no broadcast commands. For every command, a card (slave) is selected by asserting (active low) the CS signal (refer to Figure “SPI Bus System”). The CS signal must be continuously active for the duration of the SPI transaction (command, response and data). The only exception occurs during card programming, when the host can de-assert the CS signal without affecting the programming process. The bidirectional CMD and DAT lines are replaced by unidirectional data in and data out signals. This eliminates the ability of executing commands while data is being read or written and, therefore, makes the sequential and multi block read/write operations obsolete. Only single block read/write commands are supported by the SPI channel. The SPI interface uses the same seven signals of the standard MultiMediaCard bus (refer to Table “SPI Interface Pin Configuration”). CS Power supply SPI bus master SPI bus (CLK, Datain, Dataout) SPI card SPI card SPI Bus System 6 CS HB288032MM1 SPI Interface Pin Configuration MuitiMediaCard 1 SPI Type Description Reserved for future use CS I Chip select (neg true) I/O/PP/OD Command/Response DI I Data in VSS1 S Ground VSS S Ground 4 VCC S Power supply VCC S Power supply 5 CLK I Clock SCLK I Clock 6 VSS2 S Ground VSS2 S Ground DAT I/O/PP Data DO O/PP Data out Pin No. Name Type* 1 RSV NC 2 CMD 3 7 Note: Description Name 1. S: power supply; I: input; O: output; PP: push-pull; OD: open-drain; NC: No connection or VIH 7 HB288032MM1 Registers The HB288032MM1 contains the following information registers: Name Width Type Description OCR 32 Programmed by the manufacturer. Read only for user Supported voltage range, card power up status bit CID 128 Programmed by the manufacturer. Read only for user Card identification number, card individual number for identification. RCA 16 Programmed during initialization, not readable Relative card address, local system address of a card, dynamically assigned by the host during initialization. CSD 128 Programmed by the manufacturer. Partially programmable by the user. Card specific data, information about the card operation conditions. CID and RCA are used for identifying and addressing the HB288032MM1. The third register contains the card specific data record. This record is a set of information fields to define the operation conditions of the HB288032MM1. For the user the CID and the CSD are read only registers. They are read out by special commands (refer to Chapter “Commands”). The RCA registers are write only registers. Unlike CID and CSD, RCA looses its contents after powering down the card. Its value is reassigned in each initialization cycle. The MultiMediaCard registers usage in SPI mode is summarized in Table “MultiMediaCard Registers in SPI Mode”: MultiMediaCard Registers in SPI Mode Name Available in SPI mode Width (Bytes) Description OCR Yes 32 Operation condition register. CID Yes 16 Card identification data (serial number, manufacturer ID etc.) RCA No CSD Yes 16 Card specific data, information about the card operation conditions. 8 HB288032MM1 Card Identification (CID) This register contains the card identification information used during the card identification procedure. It is a 128 bit wide register, one-time programmable by the provider. The CID is divided into eight slices: CID Fields Name Field Width CID-slice Manufacturer ID MID 8 [127:120] OEM/Application ID OID 16 [119:104] Product name PNM 48 [103:56] Product revision PRV 8 [55:48] Product serial number PSN 32 [47:16] Manufacturing date MDT 8 [15:8] CRC checksum CRC 7 [7:1] not used, always 1 — 1 [0:0] The CID has to be error free. To ensure the correctness of the CID a CRC checksum is added to the end of the CID. The CRC checksum is computed by the following formula: CRC Calculation: G(x) = x7 + x3 + 1 M(x) = CID[127]∗x 119 +...+ CID[8]∗x 0 CRC[6...0] = Remainder [(M(x)∗x 7)/G(x)] Relative Card Address (RCA) The 16-bit relative card address register carries the card address assigned by the host during the card identification. This address is used for the addressed host to card communication after the card identification procedure. The default value of the RCA register is 0x0001. The value 0x0000 is reserved to set all cards in Standby State with the command SELECT_DESELECT_CARD (CMD7). The RCA is programmed with the command SET_RELATIVE_ADDRESS (CMD3) during the initialization procedure. The content of this register is lost after power down. The default value is assigned when an internal reset is applied by the power up detection unit of the HB288032MM1. 9 HB288032MM1 Card Specific Data (CSD) The card specific data register describes how to access the card content. The CSD defines card operating parameters like maximum data access time, data transfer speed. The CSD Fields Name Field Width CSD-slice Value Type CSD structure CSD_STRUCTURE 2 [127:126] 1 read only Spec version SPEC_VERS 4 [125:122] 2 read only Reserved — 2 [121:120] 0 read only Data read access-time-1 TAAC 8 [119:112] 0x0E (1 ms) read only Data read access-time-2 in CLK cycles (NAC*100) NSAC 8 [111:104] 0x01 (100 cycles) read only Max. data transfer rate TRAN_SPEED 8 [103:96] 0x2A (20 Mbit/s) read only Card command classes CCC 12 [95:84] 0x0FF (class 0, 1, read only 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Max. read data block length READ_BLK_LEN 4 [83:80] 0x9 (512 bytes) 1 read only Partial blocks for read allowed READ_BLK_PARTIAL 1 [79:79] ‘1’* (Enabled) read only Write block misalignment WRITE_BLK_MISALIG 1 N [78:78] ‘0’ (Disabled) read only Read block misalignment READ_BLK_MISALIGN 1 [77:77] ‘0’ (Disabled) read only DSR implemented DSR_IMP 1 [76:76] ‘0’ (Disabled) read only Reserved — 2 [75:74] 0 read only Device size C_SIZE 12 [73:62] 0x7A7 (32 MByte)*2 read only Max. read current at VDD min VDD_R_CURR_MIN 3 [61:59] 0x5 (35 mA) read only Max. read current at VDD max VDD_R_CURR_MAX 3 [58:56] 0x4 (35 mA) read only Max. write current at VDD min VDD_W_CURR_MIN 3 [55:53] 0x5 (35 mA) read only Max. write current at VDD max VDD_W_CURR_MAX 3 [52:50] 0x4 (35 mA) read only 3 Device size multiplier C_SIZE_MULT 3 [49:47] 3 (32 MByte)* read only Erase sector size SECTOR_SIZE 5 [46:42] 0 (512 Bytes) read only Erase group size ERASE_GRP_SIZE 5 [41:37] 0x0F (8 kByte) read only 10 HB288032MM1 Name Field Width CSD-slice Value Type Write protect group size WP_GRP_SIZE 5 [36:32] 0x01 (16 kByte) read only Write protect group enable WP_GRP_ENABLE 1 [31:31] ‘1’ read only Manufacturer default ECC DEFAULT_ECC 2 [30:29] 0 read only Write speed factor R2W_FACTOR 3 [28:26] 2 (4) read only 4 [25:22] 9 (512 Bytes) read only Partial blocks for write allowed WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL 1 [21:21] ‘0’ read only Reserved — 5 [20:16] 0 read only File format group FILE_FORMAT_GRP 1 [15:15] × Max. write data block length WRITE_BLK_LEN read/write Copy flag (OTP) COPY 1 [14:14] ×* Permanent write protection PERM_WRITE_PROTE 1 CT [13:13] × read/write Temporary write protection TMP_WRITE_PROTEC 1 T [12:12] × read/write/ erase File format FILE_FORMAT 2 [11:10] × read/write ECC code ECC 2 [9:8] × read/write/ erase CRC CRC 7 [7:1] × read/write/ erase Not used, always 1 — 0 [0:0] 1 read only 4 read/write Notes: 1. Access time from block to block within sector is 1 µs. For blocks smaller than 256 Byte, it is 62 µs. 2. This field is depended on the model. Refer to also C_SIZE_MULT 3. This field is depended on the model. Refer to also C_SIZE 4. × means user programmable Some of the CSD fields are one-time or multiple programmable by the customer or provider. All other field values are fixed. The following section describes the CSD fields and their values for the HB288032MM1: • CSD_STRUCTURE CSD Register Structure CSD_STRUCTURE CSD register structure ‘01’ CSD version No. 1.1 The CSD version of the HB288032MM1 is related to the “MultiMediaCard system specification, Version 2.11”. The parameter CSD_STRUCTURE has permanently the value 1. 11 HB288032MM1 • SPEC_VERS Defines the Spec version supported by the card. It includes the commands set definition and the definition of the card responses. The card identification procedure is compatible for all spec versions! SPEC Version SPEC_VERS System specification version number ‘0010’ System specification version 2.11 The Spec version of the HB288032MM1 is related to the “MultiMediaCard system specification, Version 2.11”. The parameter SPEC_VERS has permanently the value 2. • TAAC Defines the asynchronous data access time: TAAC Access Time Definition TAAC bit Description Values 2:0 time exponent 0 = 1 ns, 1 = 10 ns, 2 = 100 ns, 3 = 1 µs, 4 = 10 µs, 5 = 100 µs, 6 = 1 ms, 7 = 10 ms 6:3 time mantissa 0 = reserved, 1 = 1.0, 2 = 1.2, 3 = 1.3, 4 = 1.5, 5 = 2.0, 6 = 2.5, 7 = 3.0, 8 = 3.5, 9 = 4.0, A = 4.5, B = 5.0, C = 5.5, D = 6.0, E = 7.0, F = 8.0 7 reserved always ‘0’ The value for the asynchronous delay for the HB288032MM1 is 1 ms. The coded TAAC value is 0x0E (= 1 ms). For more details refer to Chapter “Operating Characteristics”. • NSAC Defines the worst case for the synchronous data access time. NAC is defined as 100*NSAC clock cycles, where NSAC presents a binary value. Max. value for the data access time NAC is 25.6k clock cycles. The total access time is the sum of both TAAC and NAC *clock period. The value of NSAC for the HB288032MM1 is 0x01 (100 cycles). For more details refer to Chapter “Operating Characteristics”. 12 HB288032MM1 • TRAN_SPEED The following table defines the maximum data transfer rate TRAN_SPEED: Maximum Data Transfer Rate Definition TRAN_SPEED bit Description 2:0 transfer rate exponent 0 = 100 kbit/s, 1 = 1 Mbit/s, 2 = 10 Mbit/s, 3 = 100 Mbit/s, 4...7 = reserved 6:3 time mantissa 0x0 = reserved, 0x1 = 1.0, 0x2 = 1.2, 0x3 = 1.3, 0x4 = 1.5, 0x5 = 2.0, 0x6 = 2.5, 0x7 = 3.0, 0x8 = 3.5, 0x9 = 4.0, 0xA = 4.5, 0xB = 5.0, 0xC = 5.5, 0xD = 6.0, 0xE = 7.0, 0xF = 8.0 7 reserved = ’0’ The HB288032MM1 supports a transfer rate between 0 and 20 Mbit/s. The parameter TRAN_SPEED is 0x2A. • CCC The MultiMediaCard command set is divided into subsets (command classes). The card command class register CCC defines which command classes are supported by this card. A set CCC bit means that the corresponding command class is supported. For command class definition refer to Table “HB288032MM1 Command Classes”. Supported Card Command Classes CCC bit Supported card command classes 0 class0 1 class1 ...... ...... 11 class11 The HB288032MM1 supports the command classes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The parameter CCC is permanently assigned to the value 0x0FF. 13 HB288032MM1 • READ_BLK_LEN The data block length is computed as 2READ_BLK_LEN. Data Block Length READ_BLK_LEN Block length Remark 0 0 2 = 1 byte 1 21 = 2 bytes ...... ...... 11 211 = 2048 bytes 12–15 reserved The block length might therefore be in the range 1, 2, 4...2048 bytes. This parameter defines the block length if READ_BLK_PARTIAL is not set. If READ_BLK_PARTIAL is set this parameter contains the maximum allowed value of the block length in bytes. All block lengths between one and this value are permitted. The actual block size is programmed by the command SET_BLOCKLEN (CMD16). The HB288032MM1 supports block lengths from 1 byte up to 2048 bytes. The parameter READ_BLK_LEN is permanently assigned to the value 0x9. • READ_BLK_PARTIAL READ_BLK_PARTIAL defines whether partial block sizes can be used in block read and block write commands. READ_BLK_PARTIAL = 0 means that only the block size defined by READ_BLK_LEN can be used for block-oriented data transfers. READ_BLK_PARTIAL = 1 means that smaller blocks can be used as well. The minimum block size will be equal to minimum addressable unit (one byte). The HB288032MM1 supports partial block read. The parameter READ_BLK_PARTIAL is permanently assigned to the value ‘1’. • WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN Defines if the data block to be written by one command can be spread over more than one physical blocks of the memory device. The size of the memory block is defined in WRITE_BLK_LEN. WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is permanently assigned to the value ‘0’, signalling that crossing physical block boundaries is not allowed. • READ_BLK_MISALIGN Defines if the data block to be read by one command can be spread over more than one physical block of the memory device. The size of the data block is defined in READ_BLK_LEN. READ_BLK_MISALIGN = 0 signals that crossing physical block boundaries is not allowed. READ_BLK_MISALIGN = 1 signals that crossing physical block boundaries is allowed. The HB288032MM1 does not support read block operations with boundary crossing. The parameter READ_BLK_MISALIGN is permanently assigned to the value ‘0’. 14 HB288032MM1 • DSR_IMP Defines if the configurable driver stage option is integrated on the card or not. If implemented a driver stage register (DSR) must be implemented also. DSR Implementation DSR_IMP DSR type 0 no DSR implemented 1 DSR implemented The HB288032MM1 output drivers are not configurable. The parameter DSR_IMP is permanently assigned to the value ‘0’. • C_SIZE This parameter is used to compute the card capacity. The memory capacity of the card is computed from the entries C_SIZE, C_SIZE_MULT and READ_BLK_LEN as follows: memory capacity = BLOCKNR*BLOCK_LEN Where BLOCKNR = (C_SIZE+1)*MULT MULT = 2C_SIZE_MULT+2 (C_SIZE_MULT < 8) BLOCK_LEN = 2READ_BLK_LEN, (READ_BLK_LEN < 12) Therefore, the maximal capacity which can be coded is 4096*512*512 = 1 GBytes. Example: A 32 MBytes card with BLOCK_LEN = 512 can be coded with C_SIZE_MULT = 3 and C_SIZE = 1959. The card capacity is 32 MBytes. The value of the parameter C_SIZE used in the formula above for the HB288032MM1 is 0x7A7. 15 HB288032MM1 • VDD_R_CURR_MIN, VDD_W_CURR_MIN The maximum supply current at the minimum supply voltage VCC (2.7 V) is coded as follows: Maximum Supply Current Consumption at VCC = 2.7 V VDD_R_CURR_MIN VDD_W_CURR_MIN 2:0 Code for current consumption at 2.7 V 0 = 0.5 mA; 1 = 1 mA; 2 = 5 mA; 3 = 10 mA; 4 = 25 mA; 5 = 35 mA; 6 = 60 mA; 7 = 100 mA The parameter VDD_R_CURR_MIN and VDD_W_CURR_MIN are permanently assigned to the value 5 (35 mA). • VDD_R_CURR_MAX, VDD_W_CURR_MAX The maximum supply current at the maximum supply voltage VCC (3.6 V) is coded as follows: Maximum Supply Current Consumption at VCC = 3.6 V VDD_R_CURR_MAX VDD_W_CURR_MAX 2:0 Code for current consumption at 3.6 V 0 = 1 mA; 1 = 5 mA; 2 = 10 mA; 3 = 25 mA; 4 = 35 mA; 5 = 45 mA; 6 = 80 mA; 7 = 200 mA The parameter VDD_R_CURR_MAX and VDD_W_CURR_MAX are permanently assigned to the value 4 (35 mA). For more details refer to Chapter “Characteristics”. 16 HB288032MM1 • C_SIZE_MULT This parameter is used for coding a factor MULT for computing the total device size (refer to “C_SIZE”). The factor MULT is defined as 2C_SIZE_MULT+2. Multiply Factor for the Device Size C_SIZE_MULT MULT Remark 2 0 2 =4 1 23 = 8 2 24 = 16 3 25 = 32 4 26 = 64 5 27 = 128 6 28 = 256 7 29 = 512 The card capacity is 32 MBytes. The value of the parameter C_SIZE_MULT used in the formula to calculate the card capacity (refer to parameter “C_SIZE”) for the HB288032MM1 is 3 (multiplier = 32). • SECTOR_SIZE The size of an erasable or write protection sector. The content of this register is a binary coded value defining the number of write blocks (refer to “WRITE_BLK_LEN”) of a sector. The sector size of the HB288032MM1 is set to 0 (= one write block = 512 bytes). • ERASE_GROUP_SIZE The size of an erasable group. The content of this register is a binary coded value defining the number of sectors (refer to “SECTOR_SIZE”) of a group. This parameters value is 15 which means a group size of (15+1)*512 bytes = 8 kByte. • WP_GRP_SIZE The size of a write protection group. The content of this register is a binary coded value defining the number of sectors (refer to “SECTOR_SIZE”) of a group. This parameters value is 1 which means a group size of (1+1)*(ERASE_GROUP_SIZE) = 16 kByte. • WP_GRP_ENABLE The value is set to ‘1’, meaning group write protection is enabled. 17 HB288032MM1 • DEFAULT_ECC Set by the card manufacturer and defines the ECC code which is recommended to use (e.g. the device is tested for). The value is set to ‘0’, indicating that no designated ECC is recommended. • R2W_FACTOR Defines the typical block program time as a multiple of the read access time. The following table defines the field format. R2W_FACTOR R2W_FACTOR Multiples of read access time 0 1 1 2 (write half as fast as read) 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6, 7 reserved This parameter value is 2 for the HB288032MM1. • WRITE_BLK_LEN The data block length is computed as 2WRITE_BLK_LEN. Data Block Length WRITE_BLK_LEN Block length Remark 0 0 2 = 1 byte 1 21 = 2 bytes ...... ...... 11 211 = 2048 bytes 12–15 reserved The block length might therefore be in the range 1, 2, 4...2048 bytes. This parameter defines the block length if WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL is not set. If WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL is set this parameter contains the maximum allowed value of the block length in bytes. All block lengths between one and this value are permitted. The actual block size is programmed by the command SET_BLOCKLEN (CMD16). The HB288032MM1 supports blocks with the length 512 bytes. The parameter WRITE_BLK_LEN is permanently assigned to the value 0x9. 18 HB288032MM1 • WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL defines whether partial block sizes can be used in block read and block write commands. WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL = 0 means that only the block size defined by WRITE_BLK_LEN can be used for block-oriented data transfers. WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL = 1 means that smaller blocks can be used as well. The minimum block size will be equal to minimum addressable unit (one byte). The HB288032MM1 supports no partial block write. The parameter WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL is permanently assigned to the value ‘0’. • FILE_FORMAT_GRP Indicates the selected group of file formats. This field is read-only for ROM. The usage of this field is shown in table “File_Formats”. • COPY Defines if the contents are an original (COPY = “0”) or a copy (= “1”). The COPY bit for OTP and MTP devices, sold to end consumers, is set to “1” which identifies the card content as a copy. The COPY bit is a one time programmable bit, being set by the customer • PERM_WRITE_PROTECT Permanently protects the whole card content against overwriting or erasing (all write and erase commands for this card is permanently disabled). This parameter is one-time programmable by the customer. The default value is ‘0’ (not protected). • TMP_WRITE_PROTECT Temporarily protects the whole card content from being overwritten or erased (all write and erase commands for this card are temporarily disabled). This parameter is programmable by the customer. The default value is ‘0’ (not protected). • FILE_FORMAT Indicates the file format on the card. This field is read-only for ROM. The following formats are defined: File_Formats FILE_FORMAT_GRP FILE_FORMAT Type 0 0 Hard disk-like file system with partition table 0 1 DOS FAT (floppy-like) with boot sector only (no partition table) 0 2 Universal File Format 0 3 Others/Unknown 1 0, 1, 2, 3 Reserved 19 HB288032MM1 • ECC Defines the ECC code that was used for storing data on the card. This field is used by the host (or application) to decode the user data. The following table defines the field format. ECC Type ECC ECC type Maximum number of correctable bits 0 none (default) none 1 BCH (542,512) 3 2–15 reserved — The content provider or customer defines which kind of error correction may be used to protect the contents of the HB288032MM1. This value is programmable. • CRC The CRC register contains the check sum for the CSD content. The check sum is computed by the following formulas: Generator polynomial: G(x) = x7 + x3 + 1 M(x) = CSD[127]∗x 119 +...+ CSD[8]∗x 0 CRC[6...0] = Remainder [(M(x)∗x 7)/G(x)] The user has to recalculate a new CRC after defining a new CSD. 20 HB288032MM1 MultiMediaCard Communication All communication between host and cards is controlled by the host (master). The host sends commands and, depending on the command, receives a corresponding response from the selected card. In this chapter the commands to control the HB288032MM1, the card responses and the contents of the status and error field included in the responses, are defined. Memory Array Partitioning The basic unit of data transfer to/from the MultiMediaCard is one byte. All data transfer operations which require a block size always define block lengths as integer multiples of bytes. Some special functions need other partition granularity. For block-oriented commands, the following definition is used: • Block: is the unit which is related to the block-oriented read and write commands. Its size is the number of bytes which will be transferred when one block command is sent by the host. The size of a block is either programmable or fixed. The information about allowed block sizes and the programmability is stored in the CSD. For devices which have erasable memory cells, special erase commands are defined. The granularity of the erasable units is in general not the same as for the block-oriented commands: • Sector: is the unit which is related to the erase commands. Its size is the number of blocks which will be erased in one portion. The size of a sector is fixed for each device. The information about the sector size (in blocks) is stored in the CSD. • Group: is a number of sectors. Its size is the number of consecutive sectors which will be erased at once. The size of a group is fixed for each device. The information about the size is stored in the CSD. For devices which include a write protection: • WP-Group: is the minimal unit which may have individual write protection. Its size is the number of sectors which will be write protected by one bit. The size of a WP-group is fixed for each device. The information about the size is stored in the CSD. Each erasable unit (group and sector) has a special “tag” bit. This bit may be set or cleared by special commands to tag the unit. All tagged units will be erased in parallel by one erase command following a number of tag commands. All tag bits are cleared by each command except a tag or untag command. Therefore, immediately after a sequence of tag commands an erase command has to be sent by the host. Commands others than tagging or erasing abort a tag-erase cycle irregularly. 21 HB288032MM1 MultiMediaCard GROUP 0 Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block n Sector tagging Group tagging Sector 0.0 Sector 0.1 Sector 0.2 Sector 0.3 Sector 0.n GROUP 1 GROUP n Erase Tagging Hierarchy Group write protection Each WP-group may have an additional write protection bit. The write protection bits are programmable via special commands (refer to Chapter “Commands”). Both functions are optional and only useful for writable/erasable devices. The write protection may also be useful for multi type MultiMediaCards (e.g. a ROM - Flash combination). The information about the availability is stored in the CSD. WP-GROUP 0 WP-GROUP 1 WP-GROUP n Write Protection 22 HB288032MM1 Commands The command set of the MultiMediaCard system is divided into classes corresponding to the type of card (see also [1]). The HB288032MM1 supports the following command classes: HB288032MM1 Command Classes (Class 0 to Class 2) Supported commands Card command class (CCC) Class description Class 0 basic Class 1 stream read Class 2 block read 0 1 2 3 4 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + HB288032MM1 Command Classes (Class 3 to Class 8) Supported commands Card command class (CCC) Class description 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 42 Class 3 stream write + Class 4 block write Class 5 erase Class 6 write protection Class 7 lock card + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Class 0 is mandatory and supported by all cards. It represents the card identification and initialization commands, which are intended to handle different cards and card types on the same bus lines. The Card Command Class (CCC) is coded in the card specific data register of each card, so that the host knows how to access the card. There are four kinds of commands defined on the MultiMediaCard bus: • broadcast commands (bc) sent on CMD line, no response • broadcast commands with response (bcr) sent on CMD line, response (all cards simultaneously) on CMD line • addressed (point-to-point) commands (ac) sent on CMD line, response on CMD line • addressed (point-to-point) data transfer commands (adtc) sent on CMD line, response on CMD line, data transfer on DAT line 23 HB288032MM1 The command transmission always starts with the MSB. Each command starts with a start bit and ends with a CRC command protection field followed by an end bit. The length of each command frame is fixed to 48 bits (2.4 µs at 20 MHz): 0 start bit 1 host bit5...bit0 command bit31...bit0 argument bit6...bit0 CRC*1 1 end bit Note: 1. (Cyclic Redundancy Check) The start bit is always ‘0’ in command frames (sent from host to MultiMediaCard). The host bit is always ‘1’ for commands. The command field contains the binary coded command number. The argument depends on the command (refer to Table “Basic Commands (class 0) and Table “Block-Oriented Read Commands (class 2)”). The CRC field is defined in Chapter “Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)”. The HB288032MM1 supports the following MultiMediaCard commands: 24 HB288032MM1 Read, Write and Erase Time-out Conditions The times after which a time-out condition for read/write/erase operations occurs are (card indepen-dent) 10 times longer than the access/program times for these operations given below. A card shall complete the command within this time period, or give up and return an error message. If the host does not get a response within the defined time-out it should assume the card is not going to respond anymore and try to recover (e.g. reset the card, power cycle, reject, etc.). The typical access and program times are defined as follows: Read The read access time is defined as the sum of the two times given by the CSD parameters TAAC and NSAC (refer to Table “Card Specific Data (CSD)”). These card parameters define the typical delay between the end bit of the read command and the start bit of the data block. This number is card dependent and should be used by the host to calculate throughput and the maximal frequency for stream read. Write The R2W_FACTOR field in the CSD is used to calculate the typical block program time obtained by multiplying the read access time by this factor. It applies to all write/erase commands (e.g. SET(CLEAR)_WRITE_PROTECT, PROGRAM_CSD(CID) and the block write commands). It should be used by the host to calculate throughput and the maximal frequency for stream write. Erase The duration of an erase command will be (order of magnitude) the number of sectors to be erased multiplied by the block write delay. 25 HB288032MM1 Basic Commands (class 0) and Read Stream Command (class 1) CMD index Type Argument Resp Abbreviation Command description CMD0 bc [31:0] stuff bits — GO_IDLE_STATE resets all cards to Idle State CMD1 bcr [31:0] OCR without busy R3 SEND_OP_COND checks for cards not supporting the full range of 2.0 V to 3.6 V. After receiving CMD1 the card sends an R3 response (refer to Chapter “Responses”). CMD2 bcr [31:0] stuff bits R2 ALL_SEND_CID asks all cards in ready state to send their CID*1 numbers on CMD-line CMD3 ac [31:16] RCA [15:0] stuff bits R1 SET_RELATIVE_A assigns relative address to the card in DDR identification state. CMD4 bc [31:16] DSR [15:0] stuff bits — SET_DSR CMD7 ac [31:16] RCA [15:0] stuff bits R1 (only the selected card) SELECT/ command toggles a card between the DESELECT_CARD standby and transfer states or between the programming and disconnect state. In both cases the card is selected by its own relative address while deselecting the prior selected card. Address 0 deselects all. CMD9 ac [31:16] RCA [15:0] stuff bits R2 SEND_CSD asks the addressed card to send its card-specific data (CSD)*2 on CMDline. CMD10 ac [31:16] RCA [15:0] stuff bits R2 SEND_CID asks the addressed card to send its card identification (CID) on CMD- line. CMD11 adtc [31:0] data address R1 READ_DAT_UNTIL reads data stream from the card, _STOP starting at the given address, until a STOP_TRANSMISSION follows. CMD12 ac [31:0] stuff bits R1b*3 STOP_TRANSMIS forces the card to stop transmission SION CMD13 ac [31:16] RCA [15:0] stuff bits R1 SEND_STATUS CMD15 ac [31:16] RCA [15:0] stuff bits — GO_INACTIVE_ST Sets the card to inactive state in order ATE to protect the card stack against communications breakdowns. programs the DSR of all cards in stand-by state. Asks the addressed card to send its status register. Notes: 1. CID register consists of 128 bits (starting with MSB, it is preceded by an additional start bit, ends with an end bit) 2. CSD register consists of 128 bits (starting with MSB, it is preceded by an additional start bit, ends with an end bit) 3. This command is indicating the busy status of the MultiMediaCard via the data channel. 26 HB288032MM1 Block-Oriented Read Commands (class 2) CMD index Type Argument Resp Abbreviation Command description Selects a block length (in bytes) for all following block commands (read and write).*1 CMD16 ac [31:0] block length R1 SET_BLOCKLEN CMD17 adtc [31:0] data address R1 READ_SINGLE_BL Reads a block of the size selected by OCK the SET_BLOCKLEN command.* 2 CMD18 adtc [31:0] data address R1 READ_MULTIPLE_ Continuously send blocks of data until BLOCK interrupted by a stop. Notes: 1. The default block length is as specified in the CSD. 2. The data transferred must not cross a physical block boundary unless RD_BLK_MISALIGN is set in the CSD. Stream Write Command (class 3) CMD index Type Argument CMD20 adtc [31:0] data address Resp Abbreviation Command description R1 WRITE_DAT_ UNTIL_STOP writes data stream from the host, starting at the given address, until a STOP_TRANSMISSION follows. Resp Abbreviation Command description Writes a block of the size selected by the SET_BLOCKLEN command.* 1 Block-Oriented Write Commands (class 4) CMD index Type Argument CMD24 adtc [31:0] data address R1 WRITE_BLOCK CMD25 adtc [31:0] data address R1 WRITE_MULTIPLE Continuously writes blocks of data until _ BLOCK a STOP_TRANSMISSION follows. CMD26 adtc [31:0] stuff bits R1 PROGRAM_CID Programming of the card identification register. This command is only done once per MultiMediaCard card. The card has some hardware to prevent this operation after the first programming. Normally this command is reserved for the manufacturer. CMD27 adtc [31:0] stuff bits R1 PROGRAM_CSD Programming of the programmable bits of the CSD. Note: 1. The data transferred must not cross a physical block boundary unless WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is set in the CSD. 27 HB288032MM1 Erase Commands (class 5) CMD index Type Argument Resp Abbreviation Command description CMD32 ac [31:0] data address R1 TAG_SECTOR_ST Sets the address of the first sector of ART the erase group. CMD33 ac [31:0] data address R1 TAG_SECTOR_EN Sets the address of the last sector in a D continuous range within the selected erase group to be selected for erase, or the address of a single sector to be selected. CMD34 ac [31:0] data address R1 UNTAG_SECTOR CMD35 ac [31:0] data address R1 TAG_ERASE_GRO Sets the address of the first erase UP_START group within a range to be selected for erase CMD36 ac [31:0] data address R1 TAG_ERASE_GRO Sets the address of the last erase UP_END group within a continuous range to be selected for erase CMD37 ac [31:0] data address R1 UNTAG_ERASE_G Removes one previously selected ROUP erase group from the erase selection CMD38 ac [31:0] stuff bits R1b ERASE Erases all previously selected sectors Resp Abbreviation Command description Removes one previously selected sector from the erase selection. Write Protection Commands (class 6) CMD index Type Argument CMD28 ac [31:0] data address R1b SET_WRITE_PROT if the card has write protection features, this command sets the write protection bit of the addressed group. The properties of write protection are coded in the card specific data (WP_GRP_SIZE). CMD29 ac [31:0] data address R1b CLR_WRITE_PROT if the card provides write protection features, this command clears the write protection bit of the addressed group. CMD30 adtc [31:0] write protect data address R1 SEND_WRITE_PR if the card provides write protection OT features, this command asks the card to send the status of the write protection bits.*1 CMD31 reversed Note: 28 1. 32 write protection bits (representing 32 write protect groups starting at the specified address) followed by 16 CRC bits are transferred in a payload format via the data line. The last (least significant) bit of the protection bits corresponds to the first addressed group. If the addresses of the last groups are outside the valid range, then the corresponding write protection bits shall be set to zero. HB288032MM1 Lock Card Command (class 7) CMD index Type Argument CMD42 adtc [31:0] stuff bits Resp Abbreviation Command description R1b LOCK_UNLOCK used to set/reset the password or lock/unlock the card. The size of the data block is set by the SET_BLOCK_LEN command. 29 HB288032MM1 Card identification mode All the data communication in the card identification mode uses only the command line (CMD). Power on card is busy or host omitted voltage range Idle state (idle) CMD0 from all states except (ina) Inactive state (ina) CMD1 CMD15 cards with non-compatible voltage range card looses bus Ready state (ready) card wins bus CMD2 Indentification state (ident) CMD3 Stand-by state (stby) card-indentification mode data-transfer mode from all states in data-transfer mode MultiMediaCard State Diagram (Card Identification Mode) The host starts the card identification process in open drain mode with the identification clock rate fOD (generated by a push pull driver stage). The open drain driver stages on the CMD line allow the parallel card operation during card identification. After the bus is activated the host will request the cards to send their valid operation conditions with the command SEND_OP_COND (CMD1). Since the bus is in open drain mode, as long as there is more than one card with operating conditions restrictions, the host gets in the response to the CMD1 a “wired or” operation condition restrictions of those cards. The host then must pick a common denominator for operation and notify the application that cards with out of range parameters (from the host perspective) are connected to the bus. Incompatible cards go into Inactive State (refer to also Chapter “Operating Voltage Range Validation”). The busy bit in the CMD1 response can be used by a card to tell the host that it is still working on its power-up/reset procedure (e.g. downloading the register information from memory field) and is not ready yet for communication. In this case the host must repeat CMD1 until the busy bit is cleared. After an operating mode is established, the host asks all cards for their unique card identification (CID) number with the broadcast command ALL_SEND_CID (CMD2). All not already identified cards (i.e. those which are in Ready State) simultaneously start sending their CID numbers serially, while bit-wise monitoring their outgoing bitstream. Those cards, whose outgoing CID 30 HB288032MM1 bits do not match the corresponding bits on the command line in any one of the bit periods, stop sending their CID immediately and must wait for the next identification cycle (cards stay in the Ready State). There should be only one card which successfully sends its full CID-number to the host. This card then goes into the Identification State. The host assigns to this card (using CMD3, SET_RELATIVE_ADDR) a relative card address (RCA, shorter than CID), which will be used to address the card in future communication (faster than with the CID). Once the RCA is received the card transfers to the Standby State and does not react to further identification cycles. The card also switches the output drivers from the open-drain to the push-pull mode in this state. The host repeats the identification process as long as it receives a response (CID) to its identification command (CMD2). When no card responds to this command, all cards have been identified. The time-out condition to recognize this, is waiting for the start bit for more than 5 clock periods after sending CMD2. Operating Voltage Range Validation The MultiMediaCard standards operating range validation is intended to support reduced voltage range MultiMediaCards. The HB288032MM1 supports the range of 2.7 V to 3.6V supply voltage. So the HB288032MM1 sends a R3 response to CMD1 which contains an OCR value of 0x80FF8000 if the busy flag is set to “ready” or 0x00FF8000 if the busy flag is active (refer to Chapter “Responses”). By omitting the voltage range in the command, the host can query the card stack and determine the common voltage range before sending out-of-range cards into the Inactive State. This bus query should be used if the host is able to select a common voltage range or if a notification to the application of non usable cards in the stack is desired. Afterwards, the host must choose a voltage for operation and reissue CMD1 with this condition, sending incompatible cards into the Inactive State. 31 HB288032MM1 Data Transfer Mode When in Standby State, both CMD and DAT lines are in the push-pull mode. As long as the content of all CSD registers is not known, the fPushPull clock rate is equal to the slow fOpenDrain clock rate. SEND_CSD (CMD9) allows the host to get the Card Specific Data (CSD register), e.g. ECC type, block length, card storage capacity, maximum clock rate etc.. card-indentification mode CMD3 CMD15 CMD0 Sending-data state (data) from all states in data-transfer mode data-transfer mode CMD12, ''operation complete'' CMD13 no state transition in data-transfer mode CMD7 Stand-by state (stby) CMD11, 17, 18, 30 Transfer state (tran) CMD7 CMD16, 32...37 CMD9, 10 CMD20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 42 ''operation complete'' ''operation complete'' CMD24, 25 CMD28, 29, 38 Disconnect state (dis) CMD7 CMD7 Receive-data state (rcv) Programming state (prg) CMD12 or ''transfer end'' HB288032MM1 State Diagram (Data Transfer Mode) The command SELECT_DESELECT_CARD (CMD7) is used to select one card and place it in the Transfer State. If a previously selected card is in the Transfer State its connection with the host is released and it will move back to the Stand-by State. Only one card can be, at any time, in the Transfer State. A selected card is responding the CMD7, the deselected one does not respond to this command. When CMD7 is sent including the reserved relative card address “0x0000”, all cards transfer back to Stand-by State. This command is used to identify new cards without resetting other already acquired cards. Cards to which an RCA has already been assigned, do not respond to the identification command flow in this state. All the data communication in the Data Transfer Mode is consequently a point-to point communication between the host and the selected card (using addressed commands). All addressed commands are acknowledged by a response on the CMD line. All read commands (data is sent from the card via data lines) can be interrupted at any time, by a stop command. The data transfer will terminate and the card will stop or start working on the next command. The DAT bus line signal level is high when no data is transmitted. A transmitted data block consists of a start bit (LOW), followed by a continuous data stream. 32 HB288032MM1 The data stream contains the net payload data (and error correction bits if an off-card ECC is used). The data stream ends with an end bit (HIGH). The data transmission is synchronous to the clock signal. The payload for block-oriented data transfer is preserved by a CRC check sum (refer to Chapter “Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)”). • Stream read There is a stream oriented data transfer controlled by READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (CMD11). This command instructs the card to send its payload, starting at a specified address, until the host sends a STOP_TRANSMISSION command (CMD12). The stop command has an execution delay due to the serial command transmission. The data transfer stops after the end bit of the stop command. If the end of the memory range is reached while sending data and no stop command has been sent yet by the host, the contents of the further transferred payload is undefined. The maximum clock frequency for stream read operation is given by the following formula: max. speed = min (TRAN_SPEED, (8*2READ_BL_LEN-NSAC)/TAAC), these parameters being defined in Chapter “Registers”. If the host attempts to use a higher frequency, the card may not be able to sustain data transfer. If this happens, the card will set the UNDERRUN error bit in the status register, abort the transmission and wait in the data state for a stop command. • Block read The basic unit of data transfer is a block whose maximum size is defined in the CSD (READ_BLK_LEN). READ_BLK_PARTIAL is set, thus smaller blocks whose starting and ending address are wholly contained within one physical block (as defined by READ_BLK_LEN) may also be transmitted. A CRC is appended to the end of each block ensuring data transfer integrity. READ_SINGLE_BLOCK (CMD17) starts a block read and after a complete transfer the card goes back to Transfer State. READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK (CMD18) starts a transfer of several consecutive blocks. Blocks will be continuously transferred until a stop is issued. • Stream write Stream write (CMD20) starts the data transfer from the host to the card beginning from the starting address until the host issues a stop command. If partial blocks are allowed (if CSD parameter WRITE_BL_PARTIAL is set) the data stream can start and stop at any address within the card address space, otherwise it shall start and stop only at block boundaries. Since the amount of data to be transferred is not determined in advance, CRC can not be used. If the end of the memory range is reached while sending data and no stop command has been sent by the host, all further transferred data is discarded. The maximum clock frequency for stream write operation is given by the following formula: max. speed = min ( TRAN_SPEED, (8*2WRITE_BL_LEN -NSAC)/(TAAC*R2W_FACTOR)), these parameters being defined in Chapter “Registers”. If the host attempts to use a higher frequency, the card may not be able to process the data and will stop programming, set the OVERRUN error bit in the status register, and while ignoring all further data transfer, wait (in the Receive-data-State) for a stop command. The write operation shall also be aborted if the host tries to write over a write-protected area. In this case, however, the card shall set the WP_VIOLATION bit. 33 HB288032MM1 • Block write Block write (CMD24 - 27) means that one or more blocks of data are transferred from the host to the card with a CRC appended to the end of each block by the host. A card supporting block write must always be able to accept a block of data defined by WRITE_BLK_LEN. If the CRC fails, the card will indicate the failure on the DAT line; the transferred data will be discarded and not written and all further transmitted blocks (in multiple block write mode) will be ignored. If the host uses partial blocks whose accumulated length is not block aligned and block misalignment is not allowed (CSD parameter WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is not set), the card will detect the block misalignment error and abort programming before the beginning of the first misaligned block. The card will set the ADDRESS_ERROR error bit in the status register, and wait (in the Receive-data-State) for a stop command while ignoring all further data transfer. The write operation will also be aborted if the host tries to write over a writeprotected area. In this case, however, the card will set the WP_VIOLATION bit. Programming of the CID and CSD register does not require a previous block length setting. The transferred data is also CRC protected. The HB288032MM1 write operation follows some special rules: • Write to erased cells is done without automatic erase • Write to non-erased cells can be done by sending a previous erase command • Write to non-erased cells without a previous erase command enforces the card to erase before writing automatically (“rewrite”) • Erase It is desirable to erase as many sectors at a time as possible in order to enhance the data throughput. Identification of these sectors is accomplished with the TAG_* commands. Either an arbitrary set of sectors within a single erase group, or an arbitrary selection of erase groups may be erased at one time, but not both together. That is, the unit of measure for determining an erase is either a sector or an erase group, but if a sector, all selected sectors must lie within the same erase group. To facilitate selection, a first command with the starting address is followed by a second command with the final address, and all sectors within this range will be selected for erase. After a range is selected, an individual sector (or group) within that range can be removed using the UNTAG command. The host must adhere to the following command sequence; TAG_SECTOR_START, TAG_SECTOR_END, UNTAG_SECTOR (up to 16 untag sector commands can be sent for one erase cycle) and ERASE (or the same sequence for group tagging). The following exception conditions are detected by the card: An erase or tag/untag command is received out of sequence. The card will set the ERASE_SEQUENCE error bit in the status register and reset the whole sequence. An out of sequence command (except SEND_STATUS) is received. The card will set the ERASE_RESET status bit in the status register, reset the erase sequence and execute the last command. If the erase range includes write protected sectors, they will be left intact and only the non-protected sectors will be erased. The WP_ERASE_SKIP status bit in the status register will be set. The address field in the tag commands is a sector or a group address in byte units. The card will ignore all LSB’s below the group or sector size. The number of untags commands (CMD34 and CMD37) which are used in a sequence is limited up to 16. As described above for block write, the card will indicate that an erase is in progress by holding DAT low. The actual erase time may be quite long, and the host may choose to deselect the card using CMD7. 34 HB288032MM1 • Write protect management Card data may be protected against either erase or write. The entire card may be permanently write protected by the manufacturer or content provider by setting the permanent or temporary write protect bits in the CSD. Portions of the data may be protected (in units of WP_GRP_SIZE sectors as specified in the CSD), and the write protection may be changed by the application. The SET_WRITE_PROT command sets the write protection of the addressed write-protect group, and the CLR_WRITE_PROT command clears the write protection of the addressed write-protect group. The SEND_WRITE_PROT command is similar to a single block read command. The card shall send a data block containing 32 write protection bits (representing 32 write protect groups starting at the specified address) followed by 16 CRC bits. The address field in the write protect commands is a group address in byte units. The card will ignore all LSB’s below the group size. • Card lock/unlock operation The password protection feature enables the host to lock a card while providing a password, which later will be used for unlocking the card. The password and its size are kept in a 128-bit PWD and 8-bit PWD_LEN registers, respectively. These registers are non-volatile so that a power cycle will not erase them. Locked cards respond to (and execute) all commands in the "basic" command class (class 0) and “lock card” command class. Thus the host is allowed to reset, initialize, select, query for status, etc., but not to access data on the card. If the password was previously set (the value of PWD_LEN is not‘0’) will be locked automatically after power on. Similar to the existing CSD and CID register write commands the lock/unlock command is available in "transfer state" only. This means that it does not include an address argument and the card has to be selected before using it. The card lock/unlock command has the structure and bus transaction type of a regular single block write command. The transferred data block includes all the required information of the command (password setting mode, PWD itself, card lock/unlock etc.). The following table describes the structure of the command data block. Lock Card Data Structure Byte# Bit7 Bit6 0 Reserved 1 PWD_LEN 2 Password data Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 ERASE LOCK_ CLR_ UNLOCK PWD Bit0 SET_ PWD ... PWD_LEN + 1 • ERASE: 1 Defines Forced Erase Operation (all other bits shall be ‘0’) and only the cmd byte is sent. • LOCK/UNLOCK: 1 = Locks the card. 0 = Unlock the card (note that it is valid to set this bit together with SET_PWD but it is not allowed to set it together with CLR_PWD). • CLR_PWD: 1 = Clears PWD. • SET_PWD: 1 = Set new password to PWD • PWD_LEN: Defines the following password length (in bytes). 35 HB288032MM1 • PWD: The password (new or currently used depending on the command). The data block size shall be defined by the host before it sends the card lock/unlock command. This will allow different password sizes. The following paragraphs define the various lock/unlock command sequences: • Setting the Password —Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected already —Define the block length (CMD16), given by the 8bit card lock/unlock mode, the 8-bit password size (in bytes), and the number of bytes of the new password. In case that a password replacement is done, then the block size shall consider that both passwords, the old and the new one, are sent with the command. —Send Card Lock/Unlock command with the appropriate data block size on the data line including 16 bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode (SET_PWD), the length (PWD_LEN) and the password itself. In case that a password replacement is done, then the length value (PWD_LEN) shall include both passwords, the old and the new one, and the PWD field shall include the old password (currently used) followed by the new password. —In case that the sent old password is not correct (not equal in size and content) then LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register and the old password password and its size will be saved in the PWD and PWD_LEN fields, respectively. Note that the password length register (PWD_LEN) indicates if a password is currently set. When it equals ‘0’ there is no password set. If the value of PWD_LEN is not equal to zero the card will lock itself after power up. It is possible to lock the card immediately in the current power session by set-ting the LOCK/UNLOCK bit (while setting the password) or sending additional command for card lock. • Reset the Password: —Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected already —Define the block length (CMD16), given by the 8 bit card lock/unlock mode, the 8 bit password size (in bytes), and the number of bytes of the currently used password. —Send the card lock/unlock command with the appropriate data block size on the data line including 16 bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode CLR_PWD, the length (PWD_LEN) and the password (PWD) itself (LOCK/UNLOCK bit is don’t care). If the PWD and PWD_LEN content match the sent password and its size, then the content of the PWD register is cleared and PWD_LEN is set to 0. If the password is not correct then the LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register. • Locking a card: —Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected already —Define the block length (CMD16), given by the 8 bit card lock/unlock mode, the 8 bit password size (in bytes), and the number of bytes of the currently used password. 36 HB288032MM1 —Send the card lock/unlock command with the appropriate data block size on the data line including 16 bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode LOCK, the length (PWD_LEN) and the password (PWD) itself. If the PWD content equals to the sent password then the card will be locked and the card-locked status bit will be set in the status register. If the password is not correct then LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register. Note that it is possible to set the password and to lock the card in the same sequence. In such case the host shall perform all the required steps for setting the password (as described above) including the bit LOCK set while the new password command is sent. If the password was previously set (PWD_LEN is not ‘0’), then the card will be locked automatically after power on reset. An attempt to lock a locked card or to lock a card that does not have a password will fail and the LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register. • Unlocking the card: —Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected already. —Define the block length (CMD16), given by the 8 bit card lock/unlock mode, the 8 bit password size (in bytes), and the number of bytes of the currently used password. —Send the card lock/unlock command with the appropriate data block size on the data line including 16 bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode UNLOCK, the length (PWD_LEN) and the password (PWD) itself. If the PWD content equals to the sent password then the card will be unlocked and the card-locked status bit will be cleared in the status register. If the password is not correct then the LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register. Note that the unlocking is done only for the current power session. As long as the PWD is not cleared the card will be locked automatically on the next power up. The only way to unlock the card is by clearing the password. An attempt to unlock an unlocked card will fail and LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register. • Forcing Erase: In case that the user forgot the password (the PWD content) it is possible to erase all the card data content along with the PWD content. This operation is called Forced Erase. —Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected already. —Define the block length (CMD16) to 1 byte (8bit card lock/unlock command). Send the card lock/unlock command with the appropriate data block of one byte on the data line including 16 bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode ERASE (the ERASE bit shall be the only bit set). If the ERASE bit is not the only bit in the data field then the LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register and the erase request is rejected. If the command was accepted then ALL THE CARD CONTENT WILL BE ERASED including the PWD and PWD_LEN register content and the locked card will get unlocked. An attempt to force erase on an unlocked card will fail and LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register. 37 HB288032MM1 • State transition summary Table “Card State Transition Table” defines the card state transitions as a function of received command Card State Transition Table Current state Command idle 1 ready ident stby tran data rcv prg dis ina — — — — — — — — — CRC fail —* Commands out of the supported class(es) — — — — — — — — — — Class0 CMD0 idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle — CMD1, card VCC range compatible ready — — — — — — — — — CMD1, card is busy idle — — — — — — — — — CMD1, card VCC range not compatible ina — — — — — — — — — CMD2, card wins bus — ident — — — — — — — — CMD2, card loses bus — ready — — — — — — — — CMD3 — — stby — — — — — — — CMD4 — — — stby — — — — — — × × × prg — — — — tran ×* CMD7, card is not — addressed — — — stby stby — dis — — CMD9 — — — stby — — — — — — CMD10 — — — stby — — — — — — CMD12 — — — — × tran prg × × — CMD13 — — — stby tran data rcv prg dis — CMD15 — — — ina ina ina ina ina ina — Class1 CMD11 — — — — data — — — — — Class2 CMD16 — — — — tran × × × — — CMD17 — — — — data × × × — — CMD18 — — — — data × × × — — Class3 CMD20 — — — — rcv — — — — — CMD7, card is addressed 38 2 HB288032MM1 Current state Command idle ready ident stby tran data rcv prg dis ina Class4 CMD24 — — — — rcv × × rcv — — CMD25 — — — — rcv × × rcv — — CMD26 — — — — rcv × × × — — CMD27 — — — — rcv × × × — — Class5 CMD32 — — — — tran × × × — — CMD33 — — — — tran × × × — — CMD34 — — — — tran × × × — — CMD35 — — — — tran × × × — — CMD36 — — — — tran × × × — — CMD37 — — — — tran × × × — — CMD38 — — — — prg × × × — — Class6 CMD28 — — — — prg × × × — — CMD29 — — — — prg × × × — — CMD30 — — — — data × × × — — Class7 CMD42 — — — — rcv — — — — — Notes: 1. “—” means command is ignored, no state change and no response. 2. “×” means “illegal command”, no state change and bit 22 (ILLEGAL_COMMAND) of the status word de-fined in Chapter “Status” is set in the corresponding response. 39 HB288032MM1 Responses All responses are sent via command line (CMD), all data starts with the MSB. Format R1 (response command): response length 48 bit. 0 start bit 0 card bit5...bit0 command bit31...bit0 status bit6...bit0 CRC 1 end bit The contents of the status field are described in Chapter “Status” Format R1b (response command with busy signal): R1b is identical to R1 with an optional busy signal transmitted on the data line. The card may become busy after receiving these commands based on its state prior to the command reception. Format R2 (CID, CSD register): response length 136 bits. Note: Bit 127 down to bit 1 of CID and CSD are transferred, the reserved bit [0] is replaced by the end bit. 0 start bit 0 card bit5...bit0 reserved bit127...bit1 CID or CSD register including internal CRC 1 end bit CID register is sent as a response to commands CMD2 and CMD10. CSD register is sent as a response to the CMD9. Format R3 (OCR): response length 48 bits. 0 start bit 0 card bit5...bit0 reserved bit31...bit0 OCR field bit6...bit0 reserved 1 end bit The OCR is sent as a response to the CMD1 to signalize the supported voltage range. The HB288032MM1 supports the range from 2.7 V to 3.6 V. Respectively the value of all bits of the OCR field of the HB288032MM1 is set to 0x80FF8000. So the R3 frame of the HB288032MM1 contains the value 0x3F80FF8000FF if the card is ready and 0x3F00FF8000FF if the card is busy. 40 HB288032MM1 Status The response format R1 contains a 32-bit field with the name card status. This field is intended to transmit status information which is stored in a local status register of each card to the host. The following table defines the status register structure. The Type and Clear-Condition fields in the table are coded as follows: • Type: • • • • E: Error bit. S: Status bit. R: Detected and set for the actual command response. X: Detected and set during command execution. The host must poll the card by sending status command in order to read these bits. • Clear Condition: • A: According to the card state. • B: Always related to the previous command. Reception of a valid command will clear it (with a delay of one command). • C: Clear by read. 41 HB288032MM1 Status Bits Identifier Type Value Description 31 OUT_OF_RANGE ER The commands argument was out C of allowed range for this card. 30 ADDRESS_ERROR E R X ’0’= no error ’1’= error A misaligned address, which did not match the block length was used in the command. 29 BLOCK_LEN_ERRO E R R ’0’= no error ’1’= error The transferred block length is not C allowed for this card or the number of transferred bytes does not match the block length 28 ERASE_SEQ_ERR OR ER ’0’= no error ’1’= error An error in the sequence of erase C commands occurred. 27 ERASE_PARAM EX ’0’= no error ’1’= error An invalid selection, sectors or groups, for erase. 26 WP_VIOLATION E R X ’0’= not protected The command tried to write a ’1’= protected write protected block. 25 CARD_IS_LOCKED S X 24 LOCK_UNLOCK_ FAILED 23 COM_CRC_ERROR E R ’0’= no error ’1’= error The CRC check of the previous command failed. 22 ILLEGAL_COMMAN E R D ’0’= no error ’1’= error Command not legal for the current B state 21 CARD_ECC_FAILE E X D ’0’= success ’1’= failure Card internal ECC was applied C but the correction of data is failed. 20 CC_ERROR E R X ’0’= no error ’1’= error Internal card controller error C 19 ERROR E R X ’0’= no error ’1’= error A general or an unknown error occurred during the operation. C 18 UNDERRUN EX ’0’= no error ’1’= error The card could not sustain data transfer in stream read mode. C 17 OVERRUN EX ’0’= no error ’1’= error The card could not sustain data programming in stream write mode. C 42 ’0’= no error ’1’= error ’0’= card unlocked ’1’= card locked E R X ’0’= no error ’1’= error Clear condition C C C When set, signals that the card is A locked by the host. C Set when a sequence or password error has been detected in lock/unlock card command or it there was an attempt to access a locked card. B HB288032MM1 Bits Identifier Type Value Description 16 CID_OVERWRITE/ CSD_OVERWRITE E R X ’0’= no error ’1’= error can be either one of the following C errors: • The CID register is already written and can not be overwritten. • The read only section of the CSD does not match the card content. • An attempt to reversecopy (set as original) or permanent WP (unprotect) bits was done. Clear Condition 15 WP_ERASE_SKIP SX ’0’= not protected Only partial address space was C ’1’= protected erased due to existing WP blocks. 14 CARD_ECC_ DISABLED SX ’0’= enabled ’1’= disabled The command has been executed A without using the internal ECC. 13 ERASE_RESET SR ’0’= cleared ’1’= set An erase sequence was cleared C before executing because an out of erase sequence command was received 12:9 CURRENT_STATE SX 0 = idle 1 = ready 2 = ident 3 = stby 4 = tran 5 = data 6 = rcv 7 = prg 8 = dis 9-15 = reserved Current state of the card. B 8 BUFFER_EMPTY SX ’0’= not empty ’1’= empty corresponds to buffer empty signalling on the bus A 7:6 reserved 5 APP_CMD The card will expect ACMD or indication that the command has been interpreted as ACMD. C 4 reserved 3:2 reserved for application specific commands 1:0 reserved for manufacturer test mode Permanently 0 SR ’0’= disabled ’1’= enabled Permanently 0 43 HB288032MM1 Command Response Timings All timing diagrams use the following schematics and abbreviations: S: Start bit (= 0) T: Transmitter bit (Host = 1, Card = 0) P: One-cycle pull-up (= 1) E: End bit (= 1) Z: high impedance state (-> = 1) D: Data bits *: repeater CRC: Cyclic redundancy check bits (7 bits) The difference between the P-bit and Z-bit is that a P-bit is actively driven to HIGH by the card respectively host output driver, while the Z-bit is driven to (respectively kept) HIGH by the pull-up resistors RCMD respectively RDAT. Actively driven P-bits are less sensitive to noise superposition. For the timing of the HB288032MM1, the following values are defined: Timing Values Value [clock cycles] Symbol Min Max Description NCR 2 64 Number of cycles between command and response NID 5 5 Number of cycles between card identification or card operation conditions command and the corresponding response NAC 2* 1 TAAC + NSAC*2 Number of cycles between a command and the start of a related data block NRC 8 — Number of cycles between the last response and a new command NCC 8 — Number of cycles between two commands, if no response will be sent after the first command (e.g. broadcast) NWR 2 — Number of cycles between a write command and the start of a related data block Notes: 1. Refer to Chapter “Electrical Characteristics” for more details about the access time. 2. Refer to Chapter “Time-out Condition”. 44 HB288032MM1 The host command and the card response are clocked out with the rising edge of the host clock. The delay between host command and card response is NCR clock cycles. The following timing diagram is relevant for host command CMD3: Host command CMD S T content NCR cycles CRC E Z ****** Response ZS T content Host active CRC E Z Z Z Card active Command Response Timing (Identification Mode) There is just one Z bit period followed by P bits pushed up by the responding card. The following timing diagram is relevant for all host commands followed by a response, except CMD1, CMD2 and CMD3: Host command CMD S T content NCR cycles CRC E Z Z P *** Response P S T Host active content CRC E Z Z Z Card active Command Response Timing (Data Transfer Mode) • Card identification and card operation conditions timing The card identification (CMD2) and card operation condition (CMD1) timing are processed in the opendrain mode. The card response to the host command starts after exactly NID clock cycles. Host command CMD S T content NID cycles CRC E Z *** CID or OCR Z S T Host active content Z Z Z Card active Identification Timing (Card Identification Mode) • Last card response - next host command timing After receiving the last card response, the host can start the next command transmission after at least NRC clock cycles. This timing is relevant for any host command. Response CMD S T content Card active NRC cycles CRC E Z ****** Host command ZS T content CRC E Host active Timing Response End to Next CMD Start (Data Transfer Mode) 45 HB288032MM1 • Last host command - next host command timing diagram After the last command, which does not force a response, has been sent, the host can continue sending the next command after at least NCC clock periods. Host command CMD S T content NCC cycles CRC E Z ****** Host command ZS T content Host active CRC E Host active Timing CMDn End to CMDn+1 Start (All Modes) In the case the CMDn command was a last identification command (no more response sent by a card), then the next CMDn+1 command is allowed to follow after at least NCC +136 (the length of the R2 response) clock periods. • Data access timing Data transmission starts with the access time delay tAC (which corresponds to NAC), beginning from the end bit of the data address command. The data transfer stops automatically in case of a data block transfer or by a transfer stop command. Host command CMD S T content NCR cycles CRC E Z Z P *** Host active Response P S T content Card active NAC cycles DAT Z Z Z **** CRC E Read data Z Z Z Z Z Z P *********** P S D D D *** Card active Data Read Timing (Data Transfer Mode) • Data transfer stop command timing The card data transmission can be stopped using the stop command. The data transmission stops immediately with the end bit of the stop command. Host command CMD S T content CRC E Z Z P Host active DAT NCR cycles D D D ******** *** Response P S T content Card active D D D E Z Z ********************** Card active Timing of Stop Command (CMD12, Data Transfer Mode) 46 CRC E HB288032MM1 • Stream read The data transfer starts NAC clock cycles after the end bit of the host command. The bus transaction is identical to that of a read block command (refer to Figure “Data Read Timing”). As the data transfer is not block-oriented, the data stream does not include the CRC checksum. Consequently the host can not check for data validity. The data stream is terminated by a stop command. The corresponding bus transaction is identical to the stop command for the multiple read block (refer to Figure “Timing of Stop Command”). • Single or multiple block write The host selects one card for data write operation by CMD7. The host sets the valid block length for blockoriented data transfer by CMD16. The host transfers the data with CMD24. The address of the data block is determined by the argument of this command. This command is responded by the card on the CMD line as usual. The data transfer from the host starts NWR clock cycles after the card response was received. The write data have CRC check bits to allow the card to check the transferred data for transmission errors. The card sends the CRC check information as a CRC status to the host (on the data line). The CRC status contains the information if the write data transfer was non-erroneous (the CRC check did not fail) or not. In the case of transmission error the card sends a negative CRC status (“101” bin) which forces the host to retransmit the data. In the case of non-erroneous transmission the card sends a positive CRC status (“010” bin) and starts the data programming procedure. NCR Host command CMD S T content CRC E Card response S T Host active DAT Z Z Z **** content CRC E Card active Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z **** NWR Z Z Z Z Z P S Write data content Host active CMD Write data DAT content Host active CRC status CRC E Z Z S status Card busy E S busy = 'L' E Z Card active L ... pull down to LOW bit Timing of The Block Write Command If the card does not have any more free data receive buffer, the card indicates it by pulling down the data line to LOW. The card stops pulling down the data line as soon as at least one receive buffer for the defined data transfer block length becomes free. This signalling does not give any information about the data write status. This information has to be polled by the status polling command. 47 HB288032MM1 • Stream write The data transfer starts N WR clock cycles after the card response to the sequential write command was received. The bus transaction is identical to that of a write block command (see Figure “Timing of The Block Write Command”). As the data transfer is not block-oriented, the data stream does not include the CRC checksum. Consequently the host can not receive any CRC status information from the card. The data stream is terminated by a stop command. The bus transaction is identical to the write block option when a data block is interrupted by the stop command (see Figure “Stop Transmission During Data Transfer From The Host”). Host command CMD S T content NCR cycles CRC E Z Z P *** Card response P S T content Host command CRC E S T content Card is programming DAT D D D D D D D D D D E Z Z S L *** *** *** *** *** *** E Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Stop Transmission During Data Transfer From The Host • Erase block timing The host must first tag the sector to erase. The tagged sector(s) are erased in parallel by using the CMD32CMD38. The card busy signalling is also used for the indication of the card erase procedure duration. In this case the end of the card busy signalling also does mean that the erase of all tagged sectors has been finished. The host can (also) request the card to send the actual card state using the CMD13. Card response NCR CMD T content CRC E S T content CRC E card is erasing card busy Host active Z Z *********** Z Z Z S L L ******************** L E DAT Card active Host command S T CMD content CRC E Host active DAT L ***** L E Z ******** Card active L ... pull down to LOW bit Timing of Erase Operation 48 HB288032MM1 Reset GO_IDLE_STATE (CMD0) is the software reset command, which sets the HB288032MM1 into the Idle State independently of the current state. In the Inactive State the HB288032MM1 is not affected by this command. After power-on the HB288032MM1 is always in the Idle State. After power-on or command GO_IDLE_STATE (CMD0) all output bus drivers of the HB288032MM1 is in a high-impedance state and the card will be initialized with a default relative card address (“0x0001”). The host runs the bus at the identification clock rate f OD generated by a push-pull driver stage (refer to also Chapter “Power on” for more details). 49 HB288032MM1 SPI Communication The SPI mode consists of a secondary communication protocol. This mode is a subset of the MultiMediaCard protocol, designed to communicate with a SPI channel, commonly found in Motorola’s (and lately a few other vendors’) microcontrollers. The interface is selected during the first reset command after power up (CMD0) and cannot be changed once the part is powered on. The SPI standard defines the physical link only, and not the complete data transfer protocol. The MultiMediaCard SPI implementation uses a subset of the MultiMediaCard protocol and command set. It is intended to be used by systems which require a small number of card (typically one) and have lower data transfer rates (compared to MultiMediaCard protocol based systems). From the application point of view, the advantage of the SPI mode is the capability of using an off-the-shelf host, hence reducing the design-in effort to minimum. The disadvantage is the loss of performance of the SPI system versus MultiMediaCard (lower data transfer rate, fewer cards, hardware CS per card etc.). While the MultiMediaCard channel is based on command and data bitstreams which are initiated by a start bit and terminated by a stop bit, the SPI channel is byte oriented. Every command or data block is built of 8-bit bytes and is byte aligned to the CS signal (i.e. the length is a multiple of 8 clock cycles). Similar to the MultiMediaCard protocol, the SPI messages consist of command, response and data-block tokens (refer to Chapter “Commands” and Chapter “Responses” for a detailed description). All communication between host and cards is controlled by the host (master). The host starts every bus transaction by asserting the CS signal low. The response behavior in the SPI mode differs from the MultiMediaCard mode in the following three aspects: • The selected card always responds to the command. • An additional (8 bit) response structure is used • When the card encounters a data retrieval problem, it will respond with an error response (which replaces the expected data block) rather than by a time-out as in the MultiMediaCard mode. Only single block read write operations are supported in SPI mode. In addition to the command response, every data block sent to the card during write operations will be responded with a special data response token. A data block may be as big as one card sector and as small as a single byte. Partial block read/write operations are enabled by card options specified in the CSD register. Mode Selection The MultiMediaCard wakes up in the MultiMediaCard mode. It will enter SPI mode if the CS signal is asserted (negative) during the reception of the reset command (CMD0). If the card recognizes that the MultiMediaCard mode is required it will not respond to the command and remain in the MultiMediaCard mode. If SPI mode is required the card will switch to SPI and respond with the SPI mode R1 response. The only way to return to the MultiMediaCard mode is by entering the power cycle. In SPI mode the MultiMediaCard protocol state machine is not observed. All the MultiMediaCard commands supported in SPI mode are always available. 50 HB288032MM1 Bus Transfer Protection Every MultiMediaCard token transferred on the bus is protected by CRC bits. In SPI mode, the MultiMediaCard offers a non protected mode which enables systems built with reliable data links to exclude the hardware or firmware required for implementing the CRC generation and verification functions. In the non-protected mode the CRC bits of the command, response and data tokens are still required in the tokens. However, they are defined as “don’t care” for the transmitter and ignored by the receiver. The SPI interface is initialized in the non protected mode. The host can turn this option on and off using the CRC_ON_OFF command (CMD59). Data Read Overview The SPI mode supports single block read operations only (CMD17 in the MultiMediaCard protocol). Upon reception of a valid read command the card will respond with a response token followed by a data token of the length defined in a previous SET_BLOCKLEN (CMD16) command (refer to Figure “Read Operation”). from host to card Data in Data out from card to host data from card to host Next commnand command command response data block CRC Read Operation A valid data block is suffixed with a 16 bit CRC generated by the standard CCITT polynomial x 16 + x12 + x5 +1. The maximum block length is given by READ_BL_LEN, defined in the CSD. If partial blocks are allowed (i.e. the CSD parameter READ_BL_PARTIAL equals 1), the block length can be any number between 1 and the maximum block size. Otherwise, the only valid block length for data read is given by READ_BL_LEN. The start address can be any byte address in the valid address range of the card. Every block, however, must be contained in a single physical card sector. In case of a data retrieval error, the card will not transmit any data. Instead, a special data error token will be sent to the host. Figure “Read Operation-Data Error” shows a data read operation which terminated with an error token rather than a data block. 51 HB288032MM1 from host to card Data in from card to host data error token Next from card to host commnand command command Data out response data error Read Operation-Data Error Data Write Overview As for the read operation, while in SPI mode the MultiMediaCard supports single block write commands only. Upon reception of a valid write command (CMD24 in the MultiMediaCard protocol), the card will respond with a response token and will wait for a data block to be sent from the host. CRC suffix, block length and start address restrictions are (with the exception of the CSD parameter WRITE_BL_PARTIAL controlling the partial block write option) identical to the read operation (refer to Figure “Write Operation”). from host to card Data in Data out from card to host command data from host to card data response and busy from card new command from host command data block data_response busy response Write Operation After a data block has been received, the card will respond with a data-response token. If the data block has been received without errors, it will be programmed. As long as the card is busy programming, a continuous stream of busy tokens will be sent to the host (effectively holding the DataOut line low). Once the programming operation is completed, the host must check the results of the programming using the SEND_STATUS command (CMD13). Some errors (e.g. address out of range, write protect violation etc.) are detected during programming only. The only validation check performed on the data block and communicated to the host via the data-response token is the CRC. While the card is busy, resetting the CS signal will not terminate the programming process. The card will release the DataOut line (tri-state) and continue with programming. If the card is reselected before the programming is finished, the DataOut line will be forced back to low and all commands will be rejected. Resetting a card (using CMD0) will terminate any pending or active programming operation. This may destroy the data formats on the card. It is in the responsibility of the host to prevent it. 52 HB288032MM1 Erase and Write Protect Management The erase and write protect management procedures in the SPI mode are identical to those of the MultiMediaCard mode. While the card is erasing or changing the write protection bits of the predefined sector list, it will be in a busy state and hold the DataOut line low. Figure “No Data Operations” illustrates a ‘no data’ bus transaction with and without busy signalling. from host to card Data in from card to host from card to host command command Data out from host to card response response busy ‘No Data’ Operations Reading CID/CSD Registers Unlike the MultiMediaCard protocol (where the register contents are sent as a command response), reading the contents of the CSD and CID registers in SPI mode is a simple read-block transaction. The card will respond with a standard response token (refer to Figure “Read Operation”) followed by a data block of 16 bytes suffixed with a 16 bit CRC. The data timeout for the CSD command cannot be set to the card TAAC since this value is stored in the CSD. Therefore the standard response timeout value (N CR) is used for read latency of the CSD register. Reset Sequence The MultiMediaCard requires a defined reset sequence. After power on reset or CMD0 (software reset) the card enters an idle state. At this state the only legal host command is CMD1 (SEND_OP_COND) and CMD58 (READ_OCR). In SPI mode, as opposed to MultiMediaCard mode, CMD1 has no operands and does not return the contents of the OCR register. Instead, the host may use CMD58 (available in SPI mode only) to read the OCR register. Furthermore, it is in the responsibility of the host to refrain from accessing cards that do not support its voltage range. The usage of CMD58 is not restricted to the initializing phase only, but can be issued at any time. The host must poll the card (by repeatedly sending CMD1) until the ‘in-idle-state’ bit in the card response indicates (by being set to 0) that the card completed its initialization processes and is ready for the next command. The host must poll the card (by repeatedly sending CMD1) until the ‘in-idle-state’ bit in the card response indicates (by being set to 0) that the card completed its initialization processes and is ready for the next command. 53 HB288032MM1 Error Conditions Unlike the MultiMediaCard protocol, in the SPI mode the card will always respond to a command. The response indicates acceptance or rejection of the command. A command may be rejected if it is not supported (illegal opcode), if the CRC check failed, if it contained an illegal operand, or if it was out of sequence during an erase sequence. Memory Array Partitioning Same as for MultiMediaCard mode. Card Lock/Unlock Usage of card lock and unlock commands in SPI mode is identical to MultiMediaCard mode. In both cases the command response is of type R1b. After the busy signal clears, the host should obtain the result of the operation by issuing a GET_STATUS command. Please refer to Chapter “Card lock/unlock operation” for details. Commands All the MultiMediaCard commands are 6 bytes long. The command transmission always starts with the left bit of the bitstring corresponding to the command codeword. All commands are protected by a CRC. The commands and arguments are listed in Table Bit position [47] [46] [45:40] [39:8] [7:1] [0] Width (bits) 1 1 6 32 7 1 Value ‘0’ ‘1’ × × × ‘1’ Description start bit transmission bit command index argument CRC7 end bit The following table provides a detailed description of the SPI bus commands. The responses are defined in Chapter “Responses”. The Table “Commands and Arguments” lists all MultiMediaCard commands. A “yes” in the SPI mode colon indicates that the command is supported in SPI mode. With these restrictions, the command class description in the CSD is still valid. If a command does not require an argument, the value of this field should be set to zero. The reserved commands are reserved in MultiMediaCard mode as well. The binary code of a command is defined by the mnemonic symbol. As an example, the content of the command index field is (binary) ‘000000’ for CMD0 and ‘100111’ for CMD39. 54 HB288032MM1 Commands and Arguments CMD index SPI mode Argument Resp Abbreviation CMD0 Yes None R1 GO_IDLE_STATE resets the MultiMediaCard CMD1 Yes None R1 SEND_OP_COND Activates the card’s initialization process. CMD2 No CMD3 No CMD4 No CMD5 reversed CMD6 reversed CMD7 No CMD8 reversed CMD9 Yes None R1 SEND_CSD asks the selected card to send its card-specific data (CSD) CMD10 Yes None R1 SEND_CID asks the selected card to send its card identification (CID) CMD11 No CMD12 No CMD13 Yes None R2 SEND_STATUS asks the selected card to send its status register. CMD14 reversed CMD15 No CMD16 Yes [31:0] block length R1 SET_BLOCKLEN selects a block length (in bytes) for all following block commands (read and write).*1 CMD17 Yes [31:0] data address READ_SINGLE_ BLOCK reads a block of the size selected by the SET_BLOCKLEN command.* 2 CMD18 No CMD19 reversed CMD20 No CMD21... CMD23 reversed R1 Command description 55 HB288032MM1 CMD index SPI mode Argument CMD24 Yes CMD25 No CMD26 No CMD27 Resp Abbreviation 3 Command description [31:0] data address R1b* WRITE_BLOCK writes a block of the size selected by the SET_BLOCKLEN command.* 4 Yes None R1b PROGRAM_CSD programming of the programmable bits of the CSD. CMD28 Yes [31:0] data address R1b SET_WRITE_ PROT if the card has write protection features, this command sets the write protection bit of the addressed group. The properties of write protection are coded in the card specific data (WP_GRP_SIZE). CMD29 Yes [31:0] data address R1b CLR_WRITE_ PROT if the card has write protection features, this command clears the write protection bit of the addressed group. CMD30 Yes [31:0] write protect R1 data address SEND_WRITE_ PROT if the card has write protection features, this command asks the card to send the status of the write protection bits.*5 CMD31 reversed CMD32 Yes [31:0] data address R1 TAG_SECTOR_ START sets the address of the first sector of the erase group. CMD33 Yes [31:0] data address R1 TAG_SECTOR_ END sets the address of the last sector in a continuous range within the selected erase group, or the address of a single sector to be selected for erase. CMD34 Yes [31:0] data address R1 UNTAG_SECTOR removes one previously selected sector from the erase selection. CMD35 Yes [31:0] data address R1 TAG_ERASE_ GROUP_START sets the address of the first erase group within a range to be selected for erase CMD36 Yes [31:0] data address R1 TAG_ERASE_ GROUP_END sets the address of the last erase group within a continuous range to be selected for erase CMD37 Yes [31:0] data address R1 UNTAG_ERASE_ removes one previously selected GROUP erase group from the erase selection CMD38 Yes [31:0] stuff bits R1b ERASE CMD39 No CMD40 No 56 erases all previously selected sectors HB288032MM1 CMD index SPI mode Argument Resp Abbreviation Command description [31:0] stuff bits R1b LOCK/UNLOCK Used to set/reset the password or lock/unlock the card. The structure of the data block is described in chapter “Card lock/unlock operation”. The size of the Data Block is defined by the SET_BLOCK_LEN command. CMD41 reserved CMD42 Yes CMD43... CMD57 reserved CMD58 Yes None R3 READ_OCR Reads the OCR register of a card. CMD59 Yes [31:1] stuff bits [0:0] CRC option R1 CRC_ON_OFF Turns the CRC option on or off. A ‘1’ in the CRC option bit will turn the option on, a ‘0’ will turn it off CMD60 No Notes: 1. The default block length is as specified in the CSD. 2. The data transferred must not cross a physical block boundary unless READ_BLK_MISALIGN is set in the CSD. 3. R1b: R1 response with an optional trailing busy signal. 4. The data transferred must not cross a physical block boundary unless WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is set in the CSD. 5. 32 write protection bits (representing 32 write protect groups starting at the specified address) followed by 16 CRC bits are transferred in a payload format via the data line. The last (least significant) bit of the protection bits corresponds to the first addressed group. If the addresses of the last groups are outside the valid range, then the corresponding write protection bits shall be set to zero. 57 HB288032MM1 Responses There are several types of response tokens. As in the MultiMediaCard mode, all are transmitted MSB first: • Format R1 This response token is sent by the card after every command with the exception of SEND_STATUS commands. It is one byte long, and the MSB is always set to zero. The other bits are error indications, an error being signaled by a ‘1’. The structure of the R1 format is given in Figure “R1 Response Format”. The meaning of the flags is defined as following: • In idle state: The card is in idle state and running the initializing process. • Erase reset: An erase sequence was cleared before executing because an out of erase sequence command was received. • Illegal command: An illegal command code was detected. • Communication CRC error: The CRC check of the last command failed. • Erase sequence error: An error in the sequence of erase commands occurred. • Address error: A misaligned address, which did not match the block length, was used in the command. • Parameter error: The command’s argument (e.g. address, block length) was out of the allowed range for this card. 7 0 0 in idle state erase reset illegal command com crc error erase sequence error address error parameter error R1 Response Format • Format R1b This response token is identical to the R1 format with the optional addition of the busy signal. The busy signal token can be any number of bytes. A zero value indicates card is busy. A non-zero value indicates the card is ready for the next command. 58 HB288032MM1 • Format R2 This response token is two bytes long and sent as a response to the SEND_STATUS command. The format is given in Figure “R2 Response Format”. 1. Byte 7 2. Byte 0 7 0 0 card is locked wp erase skip | lock/unlock command failed error CC error card ecc failed wp violation erase param out of range in idle state erase reset illegal command com crc error erase sequence error address error parameter error R2 Response Format The first byte is identical to the response R1. The content of the second byte is described in the following: • • • • • • Erase param: An invalid selection, sectors or groups, for erase. Write protect violation: The command tried to write a write protected block. Card ECC failed: Card internal ECC was applied but failed to correct the data. CC error: Internal card controller error Error: A general or an unknown error occurred during the operation. Write protect erase skip | lock/unlock command failed: This status bit has two functions overloaded. It is set when the host attempts to erase a write protected sector or if a sequence or password error occurred during card lock/unlock operation. • Card is locked: Set when the card is locked by the user. Reset when it is unlocked. 59 HB288032MM1 • Format R3 This response token is sent by the card when a READ_OCR command is received. The response length is 5 bytes (refer to Figure “R3 Response Format”). The structure of the first (MSB) byte is identical to response type R1. The other four bytes contain the OCR register. 32 31 39 0 0 0 R1 OCR R3 Response Format • Data Response Every data block written to the card will be acknowledged by a data response token. It is one byte long and has the following format: 7 0 × × × 0 status 1 Data Response The meaning of the status bits is defined as follows: ‘010’ - Data accepted. ‘101’ - Data rejected due to a CRC error. Data Tokens Read and write commands have data transfers associated with them. Data is being transmitted or received via data tokens. All data bytes are transmitted MSB first. Data tokens are 4 to 2051 bytes long and have the following format: • First byte: Start Byte 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Data Tokens • Bytes 2-2049 (depends on the data block length): User data • Last two bytes: 16 bit CRC. 60 HB288032MM1 Data Error Token If a read operation fails and the card cannot provide the required data, it will send a data error token instead. This token is one byte long and has the following format: 7 0 0 0 0 0 Error CC Error Card ECC failed out of range Data Error Token The 4 least significant bits (LSB) are the same error bits as in the response format R2. 61 HB288032MM1 SPI Bus Timing All timing diagrams use the following schematics and abbreviations: H: Signal is high (logical ‘1’) L: Signal is low (logical ‘0’) X: Don’t care Z: High impedance state (-> = 1) *: Repeater Busy: Busy Token Command: Command token Response: Response token Data block: Data token All timing values are defined in Table “Timing Values”. The host must keep the clock running for at least N CR clock cycles after receiving the card response. This restriction applies to both command and data response tokens. Command/Response • Host Command to Card Response - Card is ready CS H H L L L ****************** L L L L H H H NCS Datain NEC X X H H H H 6 bytes command H H H H H ******* H H H H X X X NCR Dataout Z Z Z H H H H ******* H H H H H 1 or 2 bytes response H H H H H Z Z • Host Command to Card Response - Card is busy CS H L L L ****************** NEC NCS Datain X H H H H L L L L H H H 6 bytes command NDS L L L L L L H H NEC H H H H H H H H H H H H H X X X H H H H H H X X NCR Dataout Z Z H H H H 62 ******* H H H H card response busy L Z Z Z busy H H H H Z HB288032MM1 • Card Response to Host Command CS Datain L L L L L ****************** H H H H H H ********* H H H H L L H H H 6 Bytes command H H H H X X X ************* H H H H H Z Z NRC Dataout H H H H H 1 or 2 bytes response H H H H • Data Read CS H L L L ****************** L L L L H H H NEC NCS Datain X H H H H Read command H H H H H ********** NCR Dataout Z Z H H H H ******* H H H X X X NAC H H H H Card response H H H H Data block H H Z Z • Reading The CSD Register CS H L L L ****************** L L L H H H H NCS Datain X H H H H NEC read command H H H H H NCR Dataout Z Z H H H H ******* H H H X X X X ******* NCR H H H H card response H H H H data block H H H H Z Z Z • Data Write CS H L L ****************** ******* L H H NWR NCS Datain L L L L X H H H Write command H H H H **** H H H H Data block H H ******* H X X NCR Dataout Z Z H H H ******* H H H Card response H H H H H H H H Data resp Busy * Busy H Z 63 HB288032MM1 Timing Values Symbol Min Max Unit NCS 0 — 8 clock cycles NCR 1 8 8 clock cycles NRC 1 — 8 clock cycles 1 NAC 1 spec. in the CSD* NWR 1 — 8 clock cycles NEC 0 — 8 clock cycles 0 — 8 clock cycles NDS Note: 8 clock cycles 1. Refer to Chapter “Time-out Condition”. Error Handling MultiMediaCards are defined as error free devices or as devices with a defined maximum bit error rate (with external error correction circuitry). To correct defects in the memory field of the cards the system may include error correction codes in the payload data (ECC). This correction is intended to correct static errors. Additionally two methods of detecting errors generated during the data transfer (dynamic errors) via a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) are implemented. On Card Error Correction Code (ECC) The HB288032MM1 is free of static errors. All errors are covered inside the card, even errors occurring during the livetime of HB288032MM1 are covered for the user. The only effect which may be notified by the end user is, that the overall memory capacity may be reduced by small number of blocks. All flash handling is done on card, so that no external error correction is needed. 64 HB288032MM1 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) The intention of the ECC method is to protect the HB288032MM1 against permanent storage failures in the memory field of the card. To protect the data against errors generated during the transport over the MultiMediaCard bus dynamically, an additional feature is implemented: the cyclic redundancy check (CRC). Following the MultiMediaCard standard, the HB288032MM1 uses two different CRC codes to protect the data and the command/response transfer between card and host. Unlike the ECC, the CRC is intended only to detect transfer errors and not to correct them “on the fly”. When a CRC error is detected the host has to react. This is normally done by repeating the last command. The first CRC code is intended to protect the command and response frames. They are also used to synchronize the data stream. This CRC is generated with and checked against the following polynomial: CRC polynomial: G(x) = x7 + x3 + 1 M(x) = (start bit) * x39 +...+ (last bit) * x 0 CRC[6...0] = Remainder [(M(x) * x7)/G(x)] One CRC is checked in the HB288032MM1 for every command. For each response a CRC is generate in the HB288032MM1. Each data block read from the HB288032MM1 will be succeeded by redundancy bits generated with the second CRC. The code is usable for payload lengths of up to 2048 Bytes: CRC polynomial: G(x) = x16 + x12 +x5 + 1, M(x) = (start bit) * xn + xn-1 +...+ (last bit) * x 0 , with n < 2048*8 CRC[15...0] = Remainder [(M(x) * x16) / G(x)] Both CRCs are mandatory for the card and the host. 65 HB288032MM1 Power Supply Power Supply Decoupling The VSS1, VSS2 and VCC lines supply the card with operating voltage. For this, decoupling capacitors for buffering current peak are used. These capacitors are placed on the bus side corresponding to Figure “Power Supply Decoupling”. Lmax = 13 mm single card slot VSS1 C VCC MultiMediaCard VSS2 single card slot C = 0.1 µF Power Supply Decoupling The host controller includes a central buffer capacitor for VCC. Its value is Cbuf = 1µF/slot 66 HB288032MM1 Power on Each card has its own power on detection circuitry which puts the card into a defined state after the poweron. No explicit reset signal is necessary. The cards can also be reset by a special software command: GO_IDLE_STATE (CMD0). In case of emergency the host may also reset the cards by switching the power supply off and on again. CLK CMD DAT VCC Power up detection ASYNC.RESET command parser ENABLE core controller memory core VSS MultiMediaCard controller Power on Detection A power on reset is generated on chip as long as VCC is below a certain limit. After this reset the command parser of the HB288032MM1 works properly but the access to the memory core is not guaranteed. So in the power up phase (or when the HB288032MM1 is inserted during power up) the host has to wait after sending SEND_OP_COND (CMD1) for the identification delay before the ALL_SEND_CID (CMD2) can be interpreted by the card: 67 HB288032MM1 3.6 V Bus master supply voltage Card logic working voltage range 2.7 V Memory field working voltage range 2.0 V Time Power up time Supply ramp up time Initialization sequence CMD1 Initialization delay: The maximum of 1 msec, 74 clock cycles and supply ramp up time NCC CMD1 NCC CMD1 NCC CMD2 Optional repetitions of CMD1 until no cards are responding with busy bit set. Power-up Diagram • After power up (including hot insertion, i.e. inserting a card when the bus is operating) the MultiMediaCard enters the idle state. During this state the MultiMediaCard ignores all bus transactions until CMD1 is received. • CMD1 is a special synchronization command used to negotiate the operation voltage range and to poll the cards until they are out of their power-up sequence. Besides the operation voltage pro-file of the cards, the response to CMD1 contains a busy flag, indicating that the card is still working on its powerup procedure and is not ready for identification. This bit informs the host that at least one card is not ready. The host has to wait (and continue to poll the cards) until this bit is cleared. • Getting individual cards, as well as the whole MultiMediaCard system, out of idle state is up to the responsibility of the bus master. Since the power up time and the supply ramp up time depend on application parameters such as the maximum number of MultiMediaCards, the bus length and the power supply unit, the host must ensure that the power is built up to the operating level (the same level which will be specified in CMD1) before CMD1 is transmitted. • After power up the host starts the clock and sends the initializing sequence on the CMD line. This sequence is a contiguous stream of logical ‘1’s. The sequence length is the maximum of 1 msec, 74 clocks or the supply-ramp-up-time; The additional 10 clocks (over the 64 clocks after what the card should be ready for communication) are provided to eliminate power-up synchronization problems. 68 HB288032MM1 Short Cut Protection The HB288032MM1 can be inserted/removed into/from the bus without damage. If one of the supply pins (V CC or V SS ) is not connected properly, then the current is drawn through a data line to supply the card. Naturally the card can not operate properly under this conditions. VCC VCC not connected card controller CMD, DAT VSS not connected VSS Improper Power Supply Every HB288032MM1 output withstands shortcuts to either supply. CMD, DAT worst case shortcut VCC Ishort card controller Ishort VSS connector Short Cut Protection 69 HB288032MM1 Characteristics This chapter defines following characteristics: • Temperature characteristics • Electrical characteristics Temperature Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Storage temperature –40 85 ˚C Operating temperature –25 85 ˚C Junction temperature –20 95 ˚C Electrical Characteristics In this chapter the electrical characteristics for the HB288032MM1 are defined in three steps: • Pad characteristics: properties of the external connectors • Absolute maximum ratings: if exceeded the card may be damaged • Recommended operating conditions: characterization model of the environment of the HB288032MM1, requirements for the operating characteristics • Operating characteristics: properties of the HB288032MM1 measurable if the recommended operating conditions are considered Pad Characteristics Parameter Input capacitance 70 Symbol Min Typ Max Unit 7 pF HB288032MM1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions or at any other condition beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied: Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Supply voltage VCC –0.5 4.6 V 0.2 W –4 4 kV Human body model Total power dissipation ESD protection Remark Inputs Input voltage VImax –0.5 VCC + 0.5 V ≤ max (VCC) Outputs Output voltage VOmax –0.5 VCC + 0.5 V ≤ max (VCC) High-level output current I OHmax –100 mA short cut protected Low-level output current I OLmax mA short cut protected 150 71 HB288032MM1 Bus Signal Line Load The total capacitance CL of each line of the MultiMediaCard bus is the sum of the bus master capacitance C HOST , the bus capacitance CBUS itself and the capacitance CCARD of each card connected to this line: CL = CHOST + CBUS + N*CCARD where N is the number of connected cards. Requiring the sum of the host and bus capacitance’s not to exceed 30 pF for up to 10 cards, and 40 pF for up to 30 cards, the following values must not be exceeded: Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Remark Pull-up resistance for CMD RCMD 4.7 100 kΩ to prevent bus floating Pull-up resistance for DAT RDAT 50 100 kΩ to prevent bus floating Bus signal line capacitance CL — 250 pF f PP ≤ 5 MHz, 30 cards Bus signal line capacitance CL — 100 pF f PP ≤ 20 MHz, 10 cards Single card capacitance CCARD — 7 pF — 16 nH Maximum signal line inductance 72 f PP ≤ 20 MHz HB288032MM1 Recommended Operating Conditions The recommended operating conditions define the parameter ranges for optimal performance and durability of the HB288032MM1. Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Supply voltage VCC 2.7 3.0 3.6 V Inputs Outputs Low-level input current VIL VSS – 0.3 0.25V CC V High-level input current VIH 0.625V CC VCC + 0.3 V High-level output current I OH –2 Low-level output current I OL Clock Clock frequency data input clk* 1 transfer mode (pp) Note: Remark mA 6 mA f PP 0 20 MHz CL < 100 pF (10 cards) Clock frequency ident. mode (od) f OD 0 400 kHz Clock cycle time data transfer mode (pp) t PP = 1/fPP 50 ns Clock cycle time ident. mode (od) t OD = 1/fOD 2.5 µs Clock low time t WL 10 ns CL < 100 pF (10 cards) Clock high time t WH 10 ns CL < 100 pF (10 cards) Clock input rise time t LH 10 ns CL < 100 pF (10 cards) Clock input fall time t HL 10 ns CL < 100 pF (10 cards) Clock low time t WL 50 ns CL < 250 pF (30 cards) Clock high time t WH 50 ns CL < 250 pF (30 cards) Clock input rise time t LH 50 ns CL < 250 pF (30 cards) Clock input fall time t HL 50 ns CL < 250 pF (30 cards) 1. All values are referred to min (V IH) and max (V IL). 73 HB288032MM1 Operating Characteristics The operating characteristics are parameters measured in a MultiMediaCard system assuming the recommended operating conditions (refer to Chapter “Recommended Operating Conditions”). Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Remark High speed supply current 35 mA at 20 MHz, 3.6 V Minimal supply current 100 µA at 0 Hz, 3.6 V stby state 10 µA All digital inputs (Including I/O current) Input leakage current –10 All outputs High-level VOH output voltage 0.75V CC Low-level VOL output voltage Inputs: CMD, DAT Input set-up (Referred to CLK), time DI (Referred to SCLK), CS Outputs: CMD, DAT (Referred to CLK), DO (Referred to SCLK) 74 t ISU Typ 0.125V CC V at min I OH V at max IOL 3 ns Input hold time t IH 3 ns Output set-up time t OSU 5 ns Output hold time t OH 5 ns at t LH = 10 ns HB288032MM1 tPP tWH tWL VIH Clock VIL tIH tTHL tTLH VIH Input Valid data Valid data VIL tISU VOH Valid data Output tOH VOL tOSU : Invalid Timing Diagram of Data Input and Output The access time (tAT) is divided into two parts: • TSAD: The synchronous access time. This time defines the time of the maximum number of cycles which are required to access a byte of the memory field. • TAAD: The asynchronous access time to read a byte out of the memory field. The synchronous part of the access time is sum of the command frame length and some additional internal cycles (N SAD = 16 cycles). At 20 MHz one cycle is 50 ns (1/fCLK), multiplied with NSAD the resulting frame time is TSAD = 0.8 µs. The asynchronous access delay of the HB288032MM1 is TAAD = 300 µs maximum. The resulting memory access time tAT is the sum of both parts: t AT = TAAD + TSAD with TSAD = NSAD/fCLK tAT TSAD CMD TAAD command frame response frame data DAT Access Time 75 HB288032MM1 Access Time Parameter Symbol Typ Max Unit Synchronous access delay cycles NSAD — 16 cycles Synchronous access delay TSAD — 0.8 µs Asynchronous access delay TAAD 300 — Memory access time Note: t AT 300.8 —* Remark at 20 MHz clock frequency µs 1 µs at 20 MHz clock frequency 1. Refer to Chapter “Time-out Condition”. In the CSD are two fields to code the asynchronous and the synchronous access delay time: • TAAC, asynchronous access delay • NSAC, maximum number of cycles for receiving and interpreting of a command frame The value for the CSD field NSAC is calculated from NSAD (maximum: 16 cycles) by division with 100 and rounding up to the next integer: NSAC = [NSAD/100] = [16/100] • NSAC = 0x01 The value for the CSD field TAAC is 1 ms: TAAC = [TAAD] = 1 ms • TAAC = 0x0E For more details on NSAC and TAAC CSD-entries refer to Chapter “Card Specific Data (CSD)”. References [1] The MultiMediaCard, System Specification 2.11, MultiMediaCard Association Number Representations • • • • • • 76 decimal numbers: 1234, no special characters hexadecimal numbers: 0xAB, leading 0x, each digit represents 4 bits. binary numbers (single bit): ‘0’. binary number (unsigned bit vector): “100100”. 1k is equal to 1024. 1M is equal to 1k*1k. HB288032MM1 Abbreviations and Terms Abbreviations Terms <n> Argument of a command or data field. CMD<n> MultiMediaCard bus command <n>. See Command. PP Push Pull, output driver type with low impedance driver capability for 0 and 1. OD Open Drain, output driver type with low impedance driver capability for 0 and high impedance driver capability for 1. CSD Card specific data, MultiMediaCard register to store operating parameters. CID Card identification data, MultiMediaCard register for the card initialization procedure. RCA Relative card address, MultiMediaCard register which contains the current card address of an initialized MultiMediaCard. OCR Operation condition register, MultiMediaCard register that contains the voltage window which is supported by the MultiMediaCard. DSR Driver stage register, control register for the programmable driver stage driver (PDS). PDS Programmable driver stage driver, is a tri-state output driver which has is programmable to adapt the driver capabilities to the bus design. Command A command send from the MultiMediaCard host to one or more MultiMediaCard cards Response A response is always sent from the card to the host. It is always initiated by a command (Remark: not all commands enforce responses). Broadcast Com. A command may send as broadcast or as an addressed command. A broadcast command is sent to all cards connected to the MultiMediaCard bus simultaneous. Addressed Com. An addressed command is sent to exactly one selected MultiMediaCard. Normally an addressed command forces a response of the card. Point to point C. Same as addressed command DAT The data (input)/output signal of the MultiMediaCard. CLK The clk input signal of the MultiMediaCard. CMD The command/response input/output of the MultiMediaCard. VSS1,2 Ground contacts/lines of the MultiMediaCard. VCC Supply voltage contact/line of the MultiMediaCard. Memory core Array of memory cells in the core of the MultiMediaCard. MultiMediaCard interface MultiMediaCard command interpreter module. MID Manufacturer Identifier. 77 HB288032MM1 Abbreviations Terms CIN Card individual number. CRC Cyclic redundancy check. ECC Error correction code. G(x) Generator polynomial of error correction/check code. TAC Asynchronous access delay NAC Number of synchronous access cycles to be added to the access delay f OD Open drain mode operating frequency (maximum 400kHz). f PP Push pull mode operating frequency (maximum 20MHz). MSB Most significant bit. LSB Least significant bit. Human Body Model Standard model to simulate electrical conditions induced by handling and touching of electrical devices by humans. 78 HB288032MM1 Physical Outline Unit: mm Tolerance: 0.1 mm 2 – R0.5 1.4 1.32 27.3 4.00 25.9 32.00 4.00 4.00 21.8 1.1 24.00 ± 0.08 4 – R1.0 3 – R1.00 0.90 Front 1.75 2.50 0.1 4.70 +– 0.2 0.2 4.75 +– 0.1 0.1 3.0 +– 0.2 0.1 1.10 +– 0.2 0.2 19.75 +– 0.1 Back 79 HB288032MM1 Cautions 1. Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi’s or any third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document. Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document. 2. Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use. 3. Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However, contact Hitachi’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation, traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support. 4. Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation conditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as failsafes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product. 5. This product is not designed to be radiation resistant. 6. No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi. 7. Contact Hitachi’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products. Hitachi, Ltd. Semiconductor & Integrated Circuits. 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Taipei Branch Office 3rd Flr, Hung Kuo Building, No.167, Tun Hwa North Road, Taipei (105) Taiwan Tel: <886> (2) 2718-3666 Fax: <886> (2) 2718-8180 Telex: 23222 HAS-TP Hitachi Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd. Group III (Electronic Components) 7th Flr, North Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> (2) 735 9218 Fax: <852> (2) 730 0281 Telex: 40815 HITEC HX Copyright © Hitachi, Ltd., 2000. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan. Colophon 1.0 80