CM8608 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The CM8608 is an integrated class AB stereo headphone Wide temperature range driver contained in an SO8 or a DIP8 plastic package. The No switch ON/OFF clicks device is fabricated in a 1 mm CMOS process and has Excellent power supply ripple rejection. been primarily developed for portable digital audio Low power consumption applications. Short-circuit resistant High performance high signal-to-noise ratio high slew rate low distortion Large output voltage swing PIN CONFIGURATION SOP-8 (S08)/PDIP (P08) Top View 1 OUTA VDD 8 2 INA(neg) OUTB 7 3 INA(pos) INB(neg) 6 4 VSS INB(pos) 5 PIN DESCRIPTION Pin No. Symbol Description 1 OUTA Output A 2 INA(neg) Inverting input A 3 INA(pos) Non-inverting input A 4 VSS Negative supply 5 INB(pos) Non-inverting input B 6 INB(neg) Inverting input B 7 OUTB Output B 8 VDD Positive supply 2001/12/20 Rev. 1 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 1 CM8608 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER BLOCK DIAGRAM ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number CM8608IP Temperature Range -40℃ to 85℃ 8-Pin PDIP (P08) Package CM8608IS -40℃ to 85℃ 8-Pin SOP (S08) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Absolute Maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. 2001/12/20 Rev. 1 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 2 CM8608 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS TYPICAL APPLICATION 2001/12/20 Rev. 1 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 3 CM8608 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise stated, these specifications apply TA=25°C; VSS =0V, VDD=+5V, fj = 1kHZ, RL = 32Ω) maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. Notes 1. Values are proportional to VDD ; (THD + N)/S < 0.1%. 2. VDD = 5.0 V; VO(p-p) = 3.5 V (at 0 dB). 2001/12/20 Rev. 1 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 4 CM8608 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER TEST INFORMATION TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Open-loop gain as a function of input frequency 2001/12/20 Rev. 1 Crosstalk as a function of input frequency Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 5 CM8608 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER Output power as a function of supply voltage THD plus noise-to-signal ratio as a function of input frequency THD plus noise-to-signal ratio as a function of output voltage level 2001/12/20 Rev. 1 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 6 CM8608 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER PACKAGE DIMENSION 8-PIN PDIP (P08) PIN 1 ID θ θ 8-PIN SOP (S08) PIN 1 ID θ θ 2001/12/20 Rev. 1 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 7 CM8608 CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER IMPORTANT NOTICE Champion Microelectronic Corporation (CMC) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any integrated circuit product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. A few applications using integrated circuit products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage. CMC integrated circuit products are not designed, intended, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in life-support applications, devices or systems or other critical applications. Use of CMC products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, the customer should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. HsinChu Headquarter Sales & Marketing 5F, No. 11, Park Avenue II, Science-Based Industrial Park, HsinChu City, Taiwan 11F, No. 306-3, Sec. 1, Ta Tung Rd., Hsichih, Taipei Hsien 221 Taiwan, R.O.C. T E L : +886-3-567 9979 F A X : +886-3-567 9909 T E L : +886-2-8692 1591 F A X : +886-2-8692 1596 2001/12/20 Rev. 1 Champion Microelectronic Corporation Page 8