ISD4000 Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 2- to 16-Minute Durations T he ISD4000 ChipCorder® Products provide Recordings are stored in on-chip nonvolatile high-quality, 3-volt, single-chip record/playback memory cells, providing zero-power message stor- solutions for 2- to 16-minute messaging applications age. This unique, single-chip solution is made which are ideal for cellular phones and other possible through ISD’s patented multilevel storage portable products. The CMOS based devices technology. Voice and audio signals are stored include an oscillator, antialiasing filter, smoothing directly into memory in their natural form, provid- filter, AutoMute® feature, audio amplifier, ing high-quality, solid-state voice reproduction. and high density, multilevel Flash storage array. The ISD4000 series is designed to be used in a microprocessor- or ISD40000 SERIES CAN BE USED IN VARIOUS APPLICATIONS: microcontroller-based system. Address and control • Cellular phones are accomplished through a Serial Peripheral • Portable Digital Recorders (PDR) Interface (SPI) or Microwire serial interface to mini- • Automotive mize pin count. • Telephone Answering Devices (TAD) F E AT U R E S • Single-chip voice record/playback solution • Single +3 volt supply • Microcontroller SPI or Microwire serial interface • Low-power consumption • Fully addressable to handle multiple messages • Operating current: ICC Play = 15 mA (typical) ICC Rec = 25 mA (typical) • Nonvolatile message storage • Standby current 1 µA (typical) • 100-year message retention (typical) • Single-chip durations of 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16 minutes • 100K record cycles (typical) • High-quality, natural voice/audio reproduction • Available in die form, PDIP, SOIC, TSOP and chip scale packaging (CSP) • Power consumption controlled by SPI or Microwire control register • On-chip clock source • AutoMute feature provides background noise attenuation during periods of silence • Extended temperature (–20°C to +70°C) and industrial temperature (–40°C to +85°C) versions available • No speech compression algorithm development required I S D 4 0 0 0 S E R I E S B L O C K Internal Clock D I A G R A M Timing XCLK Sampling Clock ANA IN– Amp ANA IN+ 5-Pole Active Antialiasing Filter Analog Transceivers Decoders Product Brief 5-Pole Active Smoothing Filter 960K, 1920K, or 3840K Cell Nonvolatile Multilevel Storage Array AutoMute Feature Amp Power Conditioning VCCA VSSA VSSA VSSA VSSD VCCD Device Control SCLK SS MOSI MISO INT RAC AM CAP AUDOUT ISD4000 Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 2- to 16-Minute Durations I S D 4 0 0 0 S E R I E S AVA I L A B L E D U R AT I O N S A N D S A M P L I N G R AT E S 8.0 KHz 6.4 KHz 5.3 KHz 4.0 KHz ISD4002 Series ISD4002-120 ISD4002-150 ISD4002-180 ISD4002-240 (2–4 Minutes) (120 Seconds) (150 Seconds) (180 Seconds) (240 Seconds) ISD4003 Series ISD4003-04M ISD4003-05M ISD4003-06M ISD4003-08M (4–8 Minutes) (4 Minutes) (5 Minutes) (6 Minutes) (8 Minutes) ISD4004 Series ISD4004-08M ISD4004-10M ISD4004-12M ISD4004-16M (8–16 Minutes) (8 Minutes) (10 Minutes) (12 Minutes) (16 Minutes) I S D 4 0 0 0 S E R I E S P A C K A G E A N D T E M P E R AT U R E A V A I L A B I L I T Y I S D 4 0 0 2 ( 2 – 4 M i n u t e) TSOP PDIP SOIC DIE Commercial Die (0° to +50°) TSOP PDIP SOIC • Commercial Packaged (0° to +70°) • Extended (–20° to +70°) • Industrial (–40° to +85°) • O R D E R I N G I S D 4 0 0 3 ( 4 – 8 M i n u t e) CSP T H E I S D 4 0 0 0 • • DIE I S D 4 0 0 4 ( 8 – 1 6 M i n u t e) CSP PDIP SOIC • • • • • • • DIE CSP • • • • TSOP • • • • • • • • P R O D U C T S ISD4004-E E E E E Product Series Duration Package Type 2 = Second Series (2–4 minutes) 120 = 150 = 180 = 240 = 04M = 05M = 06M = 08M = 10M = 12M = 16M = E P S X Z 3 = Third Series (4–8 minutes) 4 = Fourth Series (8–16 minutes) 120 seconds 150 seconds 180 seconds 240 seconds 4 minutes 5 minutes 6 minutes 8 minutes 10 minutes 12 minutes 16 minutes = = = = = Special Temperature Field 28 Lead 8 × 13.4mm TSOP 28 Lead 0.600-inch PDIP 28 Lead 0.300-inch SOIC Die Chip Scale Package (CSP, µBGA) Blank = Commercial Die (0°C to +50°C) or Commercial Packaged (0°C to +70°C) D = Extended (–20°C to +70°C) I = Industrial (–40°C to +85°C) ISD, ChipCorder and AutoMute are registered trademarks of ISD. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners. Printed in the U.S.A. ISD4000PB2-699 To Order Products or More Information: A D D R E S S P H O N E 2727 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95134 1-800-677-0769 (US Only) 408-943-6666 408-544-1786 (Fax) W E B S I T E e - m a i l