ioaucti, Una.. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. BTA12, BTB12,T12xx 12 A Snubberless™, logic level and standard triacs Features • Medium current triac • Low thermal resistance with clip bonding • Low thermal resistance insulation ceramic for insulated BTA • High commutation (4Q) or very high commutation (3Q) capability I2PAK (T12-R) D2PAK (T12-G) Applications ON/OFF or phase angle function in applications such as static relays, light dimmers and appliance motors speed controllers. The snubberless versions (BTA/BTB...W and T12 series) are especially recommended for use on inductive loads, because of their high commutation performances. The BTA series provides an insulated tab (rated at 2500 V RMS), TO-220AB Insulated (BTA12) TO-220AB (BTB12) Description Available either in through-hole or surface-mount packages, the BTA12, BTB12 and T12xx triac series is suitable for general purpose mains power AC switching. Table 1. Device summary Symbol T12XX BTA12*1' BTB12 12 12 12 Repetitive peak off-state voltage 600/800 600/800 600/800 IGT (Snubberless) Triggering gate current 10/35/50 5/10/35/50 5/10/35/50 IGT (Standard) Triggering gate current - 35/50 35/50 'T(RMS) VDRM/VRRM Parameter RMS on-state current Insulated VI .Semi-C (inductors reserves the right lo change lest conditions, parameter limits nnd package dimensions without notice Infbrmulion furnished by NJ Scmi-l'urtducfora it believed to he hnih accurate and relijhle .11 the lime of going to press. However VI Semi I I'liJialors .IUUIIKS no rcspunsibilily for my ernirs or omissions Jiscumcd in its u>e ><) Scini-C r . ir;n ii'i-rs In vtrit'\c Jiitiv;heels ire current hetore plncina Characteristics Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings Symbol 'T(RMS) 'TSM I2t dl/dt Parameter RMS on-state current (full sine wave) PG<AV) Tstg Tj Table 3. T C =105°C TO-220AB Ins. Tc = 90° C 12 A F = 50 Hz t = 20 ms 120 F = 60 Hz t= 16.7ms 126 I2t Value for fusing tp = 1 0 ms Critical rate of rise of on-state current IG = 2 xl GT , t r < 100ns F = 120Hz Tj= 125° C tp = 1 0 ms T, = 25° C tp = 20 us Tj=125°C 4 A T,= 125°C 1 W -40to + 150 - 4 0 t o + 125 °C Peak gate current Average gate power dissipation A 78 A2s 50 A/MS V DRM /V RRM V + 100 Storage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range Electrical characteristics (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) Snubberless and logic level (3 quadrants) T12XX Symbol Unit Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle, T, initial = 25° C) Non repetitive surge peak off-state VDSIV/VRSM voltage !QM I 2 PAK/D 2 PAK/ TO-220AB Value Test conditions BTA12/BTB12 Quadrant Unit T1210 T1235 T1250 TW SW CW BW 10 35 50 VD=12V I -II -III MAX. RL = 30 ii I - I I -III MAX. 1.3 V VQD VD = V DRM RL = 3.3kn Tj = 125°C I - I I -III MIN. 0.2 V I H(2) I T = 100mA IL IG = 1.2IGT IGT(1) VGT dV/dt (2> MAX. I -III II VD = 67 %VDRM gate open Tj = 125°C (dV/dt)c=10V/Ms Tj = 125°C Without snubber Tj=125 0 C 1. Minimum IGT is guaranted at 5% of |QT max 2. for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1 35 50 5 15 35 50 10 15 35 50 25 50 70 10 25 50 70 30 60 80 15 30 60 80 40 500 1000 20 40 500 1000 6.5 3.5 6.5 2.9 1 2.9 MAX. MIN. (dV/dt)c = 0.1 V/us Tj = 125°C (dl/dt)c (2) 10 MIN. 6.5 mA mA mA 12 V/us A/ms 6.5 12 BTA12, BTB12, T12xx Table 4. Characteristics Electrical characteristics (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) standard (4 quadrants) BTA12/BTB12 Symbol lGT ( 1 > Test Conditions VD=12V Quadrant RL = 30fl VGT VGD VD = VDRM RL = 3.3kn Tj = 125°C I H <2> IT = 500 mA IL !G = 1.2IGT dV/dt P) (dV/dt)o <2> Unit C B 25 50 50 100 I -II -111 IV MAX. ALL MAX. 1.3 V ALL MIN. 0.2 V MAX. I -III - I V VD = 67% VDHM gate open Tj = 125° C MIN. (dl/dt)c = 5.3 A/ms MIN. Tj = 1 25" C mA 25 50 40 50 80 100 200 400 V/MS 5 10 V/MS MAX. II mA mA 1. Minimum IGT is guaranted at 5% of IG1- max. 2. for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1. Table 5. Static characteristics Symbol Test conditions V T 0) |TM = 17A V,o<1) tp = 380us Value Unit Tj = 25° C MAX. 1.55 V Threshold voltage T| = 125°C MAX. 0.85 V Rd(1> Dynamic resistance Tj = 125°C MAX. 35 mfl 'DRM 'RRM VDRM = VRRM Tj = 25° C Tj=125°C MA MAX. 1 mA Value Unit 1. for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1 Table 6. Thermal resistance Symbol Rth(j-c) Parameter Junction to case (AC) Junction to ambient Rth(j^a) 1. Copper surface under tab. S(1> = 1cm 2 I2PAK / D2PAK / TO-220AB 1.4 TO-220AB insulated 2.3 D2PAK 45 TO-220AB / I2PAK TO-220AB insulated 60 °C/W °c/w Figure 13. BTA12 and BTB12 series BT A 12 - 600 BW RG Triac series Insulation A = insulated B = non insulated Current 12 = 12A Voltage 600 = 600V 800 = 800V Sensitivity and type B = 50mA Standard C = 25mA Standard SW = 10mA Logic Level BW = 50mA Snubberless CW = 35mA Snubberless TW = 5mA Logic Level Packing mode RG = Tube Figure 14. T12xx series T 12 3 5 - 6 0 0 G (-TR) Triac series Current 12= 12 A Sensitivity 50 = 50 mA 35 = 35 mA 10= 10 mA Voltage 600 = 600 V 800 = 800 V Package G = D'PAK R= I'PAK Packing mode Blank = Tube -TR = Tape & Reel Product selector Voltage (xxx) Sensitivity Type Package X 50 mA Standard TO-220AB X X 50mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB12-xxxCRG X X 25mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB12-xxxCWRG X X 35mA Snubberless TO-220AB Order code*1' 600V 800V BTA/BTB12-xxx6RG X BTA/BTB12-xxxBWRG BTA/BTB12-xxxSWRG X X 10mA Logic Level TO-220AB BTA/BTB12-xxxTWRG X X 5 mA Logic Level TO-220AB T1210-800G - X 10 mA Logic Level D2PAK T1 235-xxxG X X 35mA Snubberless D2PAK T1 235-xxxR X X 35 mA Snubberless I2PAK T1 250-600G X - 50mA Snubberless D2PAK 1. BTB: non insulated TO-220AB package D2PAK dimensions Dimensions Ref. Millimeters Min. ^ir^ E ^ C2—i. L2J \E r ' L L3| \ £\^-^L Typ. Inches Max. Min. Typ. Ma\. A 4.30 4.60 0.169 0.181 A1 2.49 2.69 0.098 0.106 A2 0.03 0.23 0.001 0.009 B 0.70 0.93 0.027 0.037 82 1.25 C 0.45 0.60 0.017 0.024 C2 1.21 1.36 0.047 0.054 D 1 8.95 9.35 0.352 0.368 E 10.00 10.28 0.393 0.405 G 4.88 5.28 0.208 L 15.00 15.85 0.59CT L2 1.27 1.40 0.050 0.055 L3 1.40 1.75 0.055 0.069 1.40 0.048 0.055 ^U_j LLLf / ** G XV-£ 2mm min FLAT ZONE 3T 5 V. ] V2 R V2 Figure 15. Footprint (dimensions in mm) 0.192 0.40 0° 0.624 0.016 8° 0° 8°