LTC6946 Ultralow Noise and Spurious 0.37GHz to 6.39GHz Integer-N Synthesizer with Integrated VCO Description Features Low Noise Integer-N PLL with Integrated VCO nn –226dBc/Hz Normalized In-Band Phase Noise Floor nn –274dBc/Hz Normalized In-Band 1/f Noise nn –157dBc/Hz Wideband Output Phase Noise Floor nn Excellent Spurious Performance nn Output Divider (1 to 6, 50% Duty Cycle) nn Output Buffer Muting nn Low Noise Reference Buffer nn Charge Pump Current Adjustable from 250µA to 11.2mA nn Configurable Status Output nn SPI Compatible Serial Port Control nn PLLWizard™ Software Design Tool Support The LTC®6946 is a high performance, low noise, 6.39GHz phase-locked loop (PLL) with a fully integrated VCO, including a reference divider, phase-frequency detector (PFD) with phase-lock indicator, ultralow noise charge pump, integer feedback divider, and VCO output divider. The charge pump contains selectable high and low voltage clamps useful for VCO monitoring. nn The integrated low noise VCO uses no external components. It is internally calibrated to the correct output frequency with no external system support. The part features a buffered, programmable VCO output divider with a range of 1 through 6, providing a wide frequency range. Applications Frequency Coverage Options LTC6946-1 Wireless Base Stations (LTE, WiMAX, W-CDMA, PCS) nn Broadband Wireless Access nn Military and Secure Radio nn Test and Measurement nn LTC6946-2 LTC6946-3 LTC6946-4 O DIV=1 2.240 to 3.740 3.080 to 4.910 3.840 to 5.790 4.200 to 6.390 O DIV=2 1.120 to 1.870 1.540 to 2.455 1.920 to 2.895 2.100 to 3.195 0 DIV=3 0.747 to 1.247 1.027 to 1.637 1.280 to 1.930 1.400 to 2.130 O DIV=4 0.560 to 0.935 0.770 to 1.228 0.960 to 1.448 1.050 to 1.598 O DIV=5 0.448 to 0.748 0.616 to 0.982 0.768 to 1.158 0.840 to 1.278 L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and PLLWizard is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. O DIV=6 0.373 to 0.623 0.513 to 0.818 0.640 to 0.965 0.700 to 1.065 Typical Application 5.7GHz Wideband Receiver LTC6946-3 PLL Phase Noise 4.7nF TB LTC6946-3 3.3V GND – MUTE SDO SDI CS STAT SCLK SPI BUS 3.3V 100pF RF LO IF TO IF PROCESSING 100pF 50Ω 6946 TA01a 3.3V 0.1µF 68nH RF INPUT SIGNAL RF– REF+ VREFO+ 51.1Ω 0.01µF –90 68nH RF+ REF 1µF 10MHz CMC VRF+ REFO + 3.3V VD+ 1µF GND BB VCP+ VREF+ 0.01µF 57nF 1µF GND CP 3.3V CMB CMA GND VVCO+ 0.01µF 97.6Ω 2.2µF TUNE 0.01µF 0.1µF UNUSED OUTPUT IS AVAILABLE FOR OTHER USE PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) 5V 15Ω –80 0.01µF –100 –110 –120 –130 RMS NOISE = 0.61° –140 RMS JITTER = 296fs fRF = 5.7GHz –150 fPFD = 10MHz BW = 85kHz –160 1M 1k 100 10k 100k OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M 40M 6946 TA01b 6946fb For more information 1 LTC6946 Pin Configuration Supply Voltages V+ (VREF+, VREFO+, VRF+, VD+) to GND...................3.6V VCP+, V VCO+ to GND..............................................5.5V Voltage on CP Pin..................GND – 0.3V to VCP+ + 0.3V Voltage on All Other Pins...........GND – 0.3V to V+ + 0.3V Operating Junction Temperature Range, TJ (Note 2) LTC6946I................................................ –40°C to 105°C Junction Temperature, TJMAX................................. 125°C Storage Temperature Range................... –65°C to 150°C GND VCP+ CP REF– TOP VIEW VREF+ (Note 1) REF+ Absolute Maximum Ratings 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 VVCO+ VREFO+ 1 REFO 2 21 GND STAT 3 20 CMA CS 4 19 CMB 29 GND SCLK 5 18 CMC SDI 6 17 GND SDO 7 16 TB VD+ 8 15 TUNE BB VRF+ RF+ RF – GND MUTE 9 10 11 12 13 14 UFD PACKAGE 28-LEAD (4mm × 5mm) PLASTIC QFN TJMAX = 125°C, θJCbottom = 3°C/W, θJCtop = 26°C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 29) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB Order Information LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING PACKAGE DESCRIPTION JUNCTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LTC6946IUFD-1#PBF LTC6946IUFD-1#TRPBF 69461 28-Lead (4mm × 5mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 105°C LTC6946IUFD-2#PBF LTC6946IUFD-2#TRPBF 69462 28-Lead (4mm × 5mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 105°C LTC6946IUFD-3#PBF LTC6946IUFD-3#TRPBF 69463 28-Lead (4mm × 5mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 105°C LTC6946IUFD-4#PBF LTC6946IUFD-4#TRPBF 69464 28-Lead (4mm × 5mm) Plastic QFN –40°C to 105°C Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. Consult LTC Marketing for information on non-standard lead based finish parts. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: Available Options VCO FREQUENCY RANGE (GHz) PACKAGE STYLE QFN-28 (UFD28) OUTPUT FREQUENCY RANGE vs OUTPUT DIVIDER SETTING (GHz) 0 DIV = 6 0 DIV = 5 0 DIV = 4 0 DIV = 3 0 DIV = 2 0 DIV = 1 2.240 to 3.740 LTC6946IUFD-1 0.373 to 0.623 0.448 to 0.748 0.560 to 0.935 0.747 to 1.247 1.120 to 1.870 2.240 to 3.740 3.080 to 4.910 LTC6946IUFD-2 0.513 to 0.818 0.616 to 0.982 0.770 to 1.228 1.027 to 1.637 1.540 to 2.455 3.080 to 4.910 3.840 to 5.790 LTC6946IUFD-3 0.640 to 0.965 0.768 to 1.158 0.960 to 1.448 1.280 to 1.930 1.920 to 2.895 3.840 to 5.790 4.200 to 6.390 LTC6946IUFD-4 0.700 to 1.065 0.840 to 1.278 1.050 to 1.598 1.400 to 2.130 2.100 to 3.195 4.200 to 6.390 Overlapping Frequency Bands 2 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Electrical Characteristics The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating junction temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VREF+ = VREF0+ = VD+ = VRF+ = 3.3V, VCP+ = VVCO+ = 5V unless otherwise specified (Note 2). All voltages are with respect to GND. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 250 MHz Reference Inputs (REF+, REF–) fREF Input Frequency VREF Input Signal Level Single Ended, 1µF AC-Coupling Capacitors Input Slew Rate l 10 l 0.5 l 20 Input Duty Cycle 2 2.7 50 Self-Bias Voltage Input Resistance Differential Input Capacitance Differential VP-P V/µs % l 1.65 1.85 2.25 V l 6.2 8.4 11.6 kΩ 3 pF Reference Output (REFO) fREFO Output Frequency PREFO Output Power fREFO = 10MHz, RLOAD = 50Ω l 10 250 MHz l –0.2 3.2 dBm Output Impedance, Disabled 800 Ω VCO fVCO Frequency Range LTC6946-1 (Note 3) LTC6946-2 (Note 3) LTC6946-3 (Note 3) LTC6946-4 (Note 3) KVCO Tuning Sensitivity LTC6946-1 (Notes 3, 4) LTC6946-2 (Notes 3, 4) LTC6946-3 (Notes 3, 4) LTC6946-4 (Notes 3, 4) l l l l 2.24 3.08 3.84 4.20 3.74 4.91 5.79 6.39 4.7 to 7.2 4.7 to 7.0 4.0 to 6.0 4.5 to 6.5 GHz GHz GHz GHz %Hz/V %Hz/V %Hz/V %Hz/V RF Output (RF+, RF–) fRF O Output Frequency Output Divider Range All Integers Included l 0.373 l 1 Output Duty Cycle Output Resistance + Single Ended, Each Output to VRF GHz 6 50 Output Common Mode Voltage PRF(SE) 6.39 136 % l 111 159 Ω l 2.4 VRF+ V –9.7 –6.8 –3.9 –1.2 –6.0 –3.6 –0.4 2.3 dBm dBm dBm dBm Output Power, Single Ended, fRF = 900MHz RFO[1:0] = 0, RZ = 50Ω, LC Match RFO[1:0] = 1, RZ = 50Ω, LC Match RFO[1:0] = 2, RZ = 50Ω, LC Match RFO[1:0] = 3, RZ = 50Ω, LC Match l l l l Output Power, Muted RZ = 50Ω, Single Ended, fRF = 900MHz, O = 2 to 6 l –60 dBm Mute Enable Time l 110 ns Mute Disable Time l 170 ns l 100 MHz Phase/Frequency Detector fPFD Input Frequency Lock Indicator, Available on the STAT Pin and via the SPI-Accessible Status Register tLWW Lock Window Width LKWIN[1:0] = 0 LKWIN[1:0] = 1 LKWIN[1:0] = 2 LKWIN[1:0] = 3 tLWHYS Lock Window Hysteresis Increase in tLWW Moving from Locked State to Unlocked State 3.0 10.0 30.0 90.0 ns ns ns ns 22 % 6946fb For more information 3 LTC6946 Electrical Characteristics The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating junction temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VREF+ = VREF0+ = VD+ = VRF+ = 3.3V, VCP+ = VVCO+ = 5V unless otherwise specified (Note 2). All voltages are with respect to GND. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN Output Current Range 12 Settings (See Table 5) TYP MAX UNITS 11.2 mA ±6 % ±3.5 ±2 % % Charge Pump ICP 0.25 +/2 Output Current Source/Sink Accuracy All Settings VCP = VCP Output Current Source/Sink Matching ICP = 250µA to 1.4mA, VCP = VCP+/2 ICP = 2.0mA to 11.2mA, VCP = VCP+/2 Output Current vs Output Voltage Sensitivity (Note 5) VCLMP(LO) +/2 l 0.1 l 170 1.0 ppm/°C %/V Output Current vs Temperature VCP = VCP Output Hi-Z Leakage Current ICP = 700µA, CPCLO = CPCHI = 0 (Note 5) ICP = 11.2mA, CPCLO = CPCHI = 0 (Note 5) 0.5 5 nA nA Low Clamp Voltage CPCLO = 1 0.84 V + VCLMP(HI) High Clamp Voltage CPCHI = 1, Referred to VCP –0.96 V VMID Mid-Supply Output Bias Ratio Referred to (VCP+ – GND) 0.48 V/V Reference (R) Divider R Divide Range All Integers Included l 1 1023 counts All Integers Included l 32 65535 counts 1.55 VCO (N) Divider N Divide Range Digital Pin Specifications VIH High Level Input Voltage MUTE, CS, SDI, SCLK l VIL Low Level Input Voltage MUTE, CS, SDI, SCLK l VIHYS Input Voltage Hysteresis MUTE, CS, SDI, SCLK 250 Input Current MUTE, CS, SDI, SCLK l IOH High Level Output Current SDO and STAT, VOH = VD+ – 400mV l IOL Low Level Output Current SDO and STAT, VOL = 400mV l SDO Hi-Z Current V 0.8 –2.3 1.8 mV ±1 µA – 1.4 mA 2.6 mA ±1 l V µA Digital Timing Specifications (See Figures 7 and 8) tCKH SCLK High Time l 25 ns tCKL SCLK Low Time l 25 ns tCSS CS Setup Time l 10 ns tCSH CS High Time l 10 ns tCS SDI to SCLK Setup Time l 6 ns tCH SDI to SCLK Hold Time l 6 tDO SCLK to SDO Time To VIH/VIL/Hi-Z with 30pF Load ns l 16 ns Power Supply Voltages VREF+ Supply Range l 3.15 3.3 3.45 V VREFO+ Supply Range l 3.15 3.3 3.45 V + Supply Range l 3.15 3.3 3.45 V VRF l 3.15 3.3 3.45 V VVCO+ Supply Range l 4.75 5.0 5.25 V l 4.0 5.25 V VD + Supply Range VCP 4 + Supply Range 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Electrical Characteristics The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating junction temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VREF+ = VREF0+ = VD+ = VRF+ = 3.3V, VCP+ = VVCO+ = 5V unless otherwise specified (Note 2). All voltages are with respect to GND. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 500 µA Power Supply Currents IDD VD+ Supply Current +, V + Supply Currents Digital Inputs at Supply Levels l ICP = 11.2mA ICP = 1.0mA PDALL = 1 l l l 50 28 405 63 39 660 mA mA µA ICC(5V) Sum VCP ICC(REFO) VREFO+ Supply Currents REFO Enabled, RZ = ∞ l 7.8 9.0 mA ICC (3.3V) Sum VREF+, VRF+ Supply Currents RF Muted, OD[2:0] = 1 RF Enabled, RFO[1:0] =0, OD[2:0] = 1 RF Enabled, RFO[1:0] = 3, OD[2:0] = 1 RF Enabled, RFO[1:0] =3, OD[2:0] = 2 RF Enabled, RFO[1:0] =3, OD[2:0] = 3 RF Enabled, RFO[1:0] =3, OD[2:0] = 4 to 6 PDALL = 1 l l l l l l l 65 76 85 103 108 113 195 76 86 97 117 123 128 340 mA mA mA mA mA mA µA VCO Phase Noise and Spurious LM LM(NORM) Phase Noise (LTC6946-1, fVCO = 3.0GHz, fRF 10kHz Offset = 3.0GHz, OD[2 :0] = 1 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –80 –130 –157 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Phase Noise (LTC6946-2, fVCO = 4.0GHz, fRF 10kHz Offset = 4.0GHz, OD[2 :0] = 1 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –77 –127 –156 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Phase Noise (LTC6946-3, fVCO = 5.0GHz, fRF 10kHz Offset = 5.0GHz, OD[2 :0] = 1 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –75 –126 –155 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz VCO Phase Noise (LTC6946-4, fVCO = 10kHz Offset 6.0GHz, fRF = 6.0GHz, OD[2 :0] = 1 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –73 –132 –154 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Phase Noise (LTC6946-3, fVCO = 5.0GHz, fRF 10kHz Offset = 2.50GHz, OD[2 :0] = 2 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –81 –132 –155 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Phase Noise (LTC6946-3, fVCO = 5.0GHz, fRF 10kHz Offset = 1.667GHz, OD[2 :0] = 3 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –84 –135 –156 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Phase Noise (LTC6946-3, fVCO = 5.0GHz, fRF 10kHz Offset = 1.25GHz, OD[2 :0] = 4 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –87 –138 –156 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Phase Noise (LTC6946-3, fVCO = 5.0GHz, fRF 10kHz Offset = 1.00GHz, OD[2 :0] = 5 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –89 –140 –157 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Phase Noise (LTC6946-3, fVCO = 5.0GHz, fRF 10kHz Offset = 0.833GHz, OD[2 :0] = 6 (Note 6)) 1MHz Offset 40MHz Offset –90 –141 –158 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Normalized In-Band Phase Noise Floor ICP = 11.2mA (Notes 7, 8, 9) –226 dBc/Hz ICP = 11.2mA (Notes 7, 10) –274 dBc/Hz In-Band Phase Noise Floor (Notes 7, 8, 9, 11) –99 dBc/Hz Integrated Phase Noise from 100Hz to 40MHz (Notes 8, 12) 0.17 °RMS Spurious fOFFSET = fPFD, PLL Locked (Notes 8, 12, 13) –103 dBc LM(NORM – 1/f) Normalized In-Band 1/f Phase Noise LM(IB) 6946fb For more information 5 LTC6946 Electrical Characteristics Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: The LTC6946I is guaranteed to meet specified performance limits over the full operating junction temperature range of –40°C to 105°C. Under maximum operating conditions, air flow or heat sinking may be required to maintain a junction temperature of 105°C or lower. It is strongly recommended that the exposed pad (Pin 29) be soldered directly to the ground plane with an array of thermal vias as described in the Applications Information section. Note 3: Valid for 1.60V ≤ TUNE ≤ 2.85V with part calibrated after a power cycle or software power-on-reset (POR). Note 4: Based on characterization. Note 5: For 0.9V ≤ VCP ≤ (VCP+ – 0.9V). Note 6: Measured outside the loop bandwidth, using a narrowband loop, RFO[1:0] = 3. 6 Note 7: Measured inside the loop bandwidth with the loop locked. Note 8: Reference frequency supplied by Wenzel 501-04608A, fREF = 10MHz, PREF = 13dBm. Note 9: Output phase noise floor is calculated from normalized phase noise floor by LM(OUT) = –226 + 10log10 (fPFD) + 20log10 (fRF/fPFD). Note 10: Output 1/f phase noise is calculated from normalized 1/f phase noise by LM(OUT – 1/f) = –274 + 20log10 (fRF) – 10log10 (fOFFSET). Note 11: ICP = 11.2mA, fPFD = 250kHz, FILT[1:0] = 3, Loop BW = 25kHz; fRF = 900MHz, fVCO = 2.7GHz (LTC6946-1), fVCO = 3.6GHz (LTC6946-2), fVCO = 4.5GHz (LTC6946-3, LTC6946-4). Note 12: ICP = 11.2mA, fPFD = 1MHz, FILT[1:0] = 3, Loop BW = 40kHz; fRF = 900MHz, fVCO = 2.7GHz (LTC6946-1), fVCO = 3.6GHz (LTC6946-2), fVCO = 4.5GHz (LTC6946-3, LTC6946-4). Note 13: Measured using DC1705. 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Typical +Performance Characteristics + + + + + TA = 25°C, VREF = VREFO = VD = VRF = 3.3V, VCP = VVCO = 5V, RFO[1:0] = 3,unless otherwise noted. REF Input Sensitivity vs Frequency BST = 1 FILT = 0 TJ = 105°C TJ = 25°C TJ = –40°C –20 –25 –30 –35 –40 2 –45 1 0 –1 –2 –50 –55 TJ = 105°C TJ = 25°C TJ = –40°C –3 0 –4 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 FREQUENCY (MHz) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 FREQUENCY (MHz) 6946 G01 –150 –155 –160 100 Charge Pump Source Current Error vs Voltage, Output Current 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 –1 –2 –2 –3 –3 250µA 1mA 11.2mA –5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 4.5 –4 –5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) –3 Charge Pump Source Current Error vs Voltage, Temperature –5 5 5 1.5 4 1.0 3 0.5 2 POUT (dBm) –1 –2 –20 –25 –1.0 –1.5 –2.0 –3.0 –3.5 5 6946 G07 –30 –0.5 –2.5 4.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) –4.0 LTC6946-3 LC = 68nH CS = 100pF TJ = 105°C TJ = 25°C TJ = –40°C 4.5 5 RF Output HD2 vs Output Divide (Single Ended on RF–) 0 0 0 6946 G06 RF Output Power vs Frequency (Single Ended on RF–) 1 250µA 1mA 11.2mA –4 6946 G05 6946 G04 ICP = 11.2mA –3 TJ = 105°C TJ = 25°C –4 TJ = –40°C –5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 4.5 0 –1 –2 ICP = 11.2mA TJ = 105°C TJ = 25°C TJ = –40°C HD2 (dBc) –4 ERROR (%) 5 0 10k 100k 1M 1k OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 6946 G03 5 ERROR (%) ERROR (%) –145 Charge Pump Sink Current Error vs Voltage, Temperature –1 POUT = 1.45dBm fREF = 10MHz BST = 1 FILT = 3 NOTE 8 6946 G02 Charge Pump Sink Current Error vs Voltage, Output Current ERROR (%) REFO Phase Noise –140 3 POUT (dBm) SENSITIVITY (dBm) REF0 Output Power vs Frequency 4 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –15 –35 LTC6946-3, fRF = fVCO/O LC = 68nH, CS = 100pF O=3 O=2 O=5 O=1 O=6 –40 –45 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 FREQUENCY (GHz) 6946 G08 O=4 –50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 fVCO (GHz) 6946 G09 6946fb For more information 7 LTC6946 Typical +Performance Characteristics + + + + + TA = 25°C, VREF = VREFO = VD = VRF = 3.3V, VCP = VVCO = 5V, RFO[1:0] = 3,unless otherwise noted. RF Output HD3 vs Output Divide (Single Ended on RF–) MUTE Output Power vs fVCO and Output Divide (Single Ended on RF–) –10 O=5 O=6 O=3 HD3 (dBc) –15 O=2 –20 –25 –30 –35 O=1 LTC6946-3 LC = 68nH CS = 100pF fRF = fVCO/O POUT AT fVCO/O (dBm) O=4 –50 LTC6946-3, LC = 68nH CS = 100pF, fRF = fVCO/O –60 O=1 –70 O=2 –80 O=3 5.9 O=4 –90 O = 5 O=6 –100 LTC6946-1 VCO Tuning Sensitivity 5.1 4.5 LTC6946-2 VCO Tuning Sensitivity 7.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 6.0 6.5 6.5 5.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 2100 LTC6946-4 VCO Tuning Sensitivity 7.0 –50 3300 3800 4300 4800 FREQUENCY (MHz) 4.0 3.5 3.0 4200 4600 5000 5400 5800 FREQUENCY (MHz) 6200 6600 6946 G16 4.0 4000 4500 5000 5500 FREQUENCY (MHz) 6000 6946 G15 –40 fVCO = fRF = 3GHz –60 –70 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –140 –140 –150 –150 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 40M OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) fVCO = fRF = 4GHz –50 –60 –160 6500 LTC6946-2 VCO Phase Noise 6946 G17 8 35 4.5 2.5 3500 5300 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) 6.5 4.5 30 5.0 LTC6946-1 VCO Phase Noise –40 5.0 25 6946 G14 7.5 5.5 10 15 20 TIME (µs) 3.0 6946 G13 6.0 5 3.5 3.0 2800 4100 3100 2600 3600 FREQUENCY (MHz) KVCO (%Hz/V) 7.5 5.0 0 LTC6946-3 VCO Tuning Sensitivity 7.0 5.5 –5 6946 G12 8.0 6.0 240MHz STEP fPFD=10MHz fCAL=1.25MHz BW=123kHz MTCAL = 0 CPCHI, CPCLO = 1 4.9 8.0 KVCO (%Hz/V) KVCO (%Hz/V) 5.3 6946 G11 6946 G10 KVCO (%Hz/V) 5.5 4.7 –110 3800 4050 4300 4550 4800 5050 5300 5550 5800 fVCO (MHz) –40 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 fVCO (GHz) CALIBRATION TIME 5.7 FREQUENCY (GHz) –40 –5 LTC6946-4 Frequency Step Transient –160 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 40M OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 6946 G18 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Typical +Performance Characteristics + + + + + TA = 25°C, VREF = VREFO = VD = VRF = 3.3V, VCP = VVCO = 5V, RFO[1:0] = 3,unless otherwise noted. LTC6946-3 VCO Phase Noise –60 –60 –70 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –140 –150 –150 –160 10k 100k 1M 10M 40M OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 1k –160 LTC6946-1 VCO Phase Noise vs fVCO, Output Divide (fOFFSET = 10kHz) fRF = fVCO/O O=1 –80 –80 –140 –75 fVCO = fRF = 6GHz –50 PHASE NOISE (dBc / Hz) PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –40 fVCO = fRF = 5GHz –50 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –40 LTC6946-4 VCO Phase Noise O=2 –85 O=3 –90 –95 O=4 O=5 O=6 2700 2950 3200 fVCO (MHz) 3450 –100 1k –105 2200 10k 100k 1M 10M 40M OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 2450 6946 G20 6946 G19 6946 G21 LTC6946-2 VCO Phase Noise vs fVCO, Output Divide (fOFFSET = 10kHz) –75 O=1 –80 O=2 O=3 –85 –90 O=4 O=5 –85 O=2 O=3 O=4 O=6 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –135 O=3 –140 –150 2200 –140 O=4 –145 O=5 2450 LTC6946-2 VCO Phase Noise vs fVCO, Output Divide (fOFFSET = 1MHz) –130 O=2 2700 2950 3200 fVCO (MHz) O=1 O=5 O=3 O=4 O=5 O=6 –120 4600 O=6 5000 5400 5800 fVCO (MHz) 6200 6600 6946 G24 LTC6946-3 VCO Phase Noise vs fVCO, Output Divide (fOFFSET = 1MHz) fRF = fVCO/O 3450 fRF = fVCO /O –150 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 fVCO (MHz) 6946 G26 O=1 –130 –135 –140 –145 6946 G25 –95 4200 –125 O=2 O=6 3700 O=4 O=3 O=5 –125 O=1 –135 –85 6946 G23 LTC6946-1 VCO Phase Noise vs fVCO, Output Divide (fOFFSET = 1MHz) –130 –80 –95 3800 4050 4300 4550 4800 5050 5300 5550 5800 fVCO (MHz) 6946 G22 fRF = fVCO/O O=1 –90 O=6 –125 fRF = fVCO/O O=2 –90 –100 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 fVCO (MHz) LTC6946-4 VCO Phase Noise vs fVCO, Output Divide (fOFFSET = 10kHz) –75 O=1 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –95 –80 –70 fRF = fVCO/O PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –70 fRF = fVCO/O –75 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) LTC6946-3 VCO Phase Noise vs fVCO, Output Divide (fOFFSET = 10kHz) PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –70 3700 O=2 O=3 O=4 O=5 O=6 –145 3800 4050 4300 4550 4800 5050 5300 5550 5800 fVCO (MHz) 6946 G27 6946fb For more information 9 LTC6946 Typical +Performance Characteristics + + + + + TA = 25°C, VREF = VREFO = VD = VRF = 3.3V, VCP = VVCO = 5V, RFO[1:0] = 3,unless otherwise noted. fRF = fVCO/O Closed-Loop Phase Noise, Loop Bandwidth = 40kHz, LTC6946-1 O=1 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –125 O=2 –130 O=4 –135 –140 –145 4200 O=3 O=6 O=5 –90 –90 –100 –100 –110 –120 –130 –140 –150 4600 5000 5400 5800 fVCO (MHz) 6200 RMS NOISE = 0.169° fRF = 900MHz fPFD = 1MHz OD = 3 fSTEP = 333.3kHz NOTE 12 –160 100 6600 1k 1M 10k 100k OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 6946 G28 87 54 51 85 50 84 49 83 48 82 47 81 46 0 –20 53 52 86 –20 0 55 PDREFO = 1 O=1 RFO = 3 MUTE = 0 ICP = 11.2mA 80 –40 20 40 TJ (°C) –130 –140 RMS NOISE = 0.276° fRF = 900MHz fPFD = 250kHz OD = 5 fSTEP = 50kHz NOTE 11 –160 100 10M 40M 1k 60 6946 G30 80 100 45 RBW = 1Hz VBW = 1Hz NOTES 8, 13 –60 –80 –100 –105dBc –103dBc –111dBc –109dBc –120 –140 –10 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 10 FREQUENCY OFFSET (MHz IN 10kHz SEGMENTS) 6946 G32 6946 G31 –20 LTC6946-3 Spurious Response fRF = 5700MHz, fREF = 100MHz, fPFD = 1MHz, Loop BW = 33kHz 0 RBW = 1Hz VBW = 1Hz NOTES 8, 13 –20 RBW = 1Hz VBW = 1Hz NOTE 13 –40 –60 –80 –93dBc –86dBc –88dBc –94dBc POUT (dBm) POUT (dBm) –40 –60 –80 –100 –100 –120 –120 –140 –10 –1.2 –0.8 –0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 10 FREQUENCY OFFSET (MHz IN 10kHz SEGMENTS) –140 –101dBc –96dBc –92dBc –113dBc –100 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 100 FREQUENCY OFFSET (MHz IN 10kHz SEGMENTS) 6946 G33 10 10M 40M –40 LTC6946-3 Spurious Response fRF = 2200MHz, fREF = 10MHz, fPFD = 0.4MHz, Loop BW = 28kHz 0 1M 10k 100k OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) LTC6946-3 Spurious Response fRF = 900MHz, fREF = 10MHz, fPFD = 1MHz, Loop BW = 40kHz 5V CURRENT (mA) 3.3V CURRENT (mA) 88 –120 6946 G29 POUT (dBm) 89 –110 –150 LTC6946-2 Supply Current vs Temperature 90 Closed-Loop Phase Noise, Loop Bandwidth = 25kHz, LTC6946-3 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) –120 LTC6946-4 VCO Phase Noise vs fVCO, Output Divide (fOFFSET = 1MHz) 6946 G34 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Pin Functions VREFO+ (Pin 1): 3.15V to 3.45V Positive Supply Pin for REFO Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the ground plane using a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor as close to the pin as possible. REFO (Pin 2): Reference Frequency Output. This produces a low noise square wave, buffered from the REF± differential inputs. The output is self-biased and must be AC-coupled with a 22nF capacitor. STAT (Pin 3): Status Output. This signal is a configurable logical OR combination of the UNLOCK, LOCK, ALCHI, ALCLO, THI and TLO status bits, programmable via the STATUS register. See the Operation section for more details. CS (Pin 4): Serial Port Chip Select. This CMOS input initiates a serial port communication burst when driven low, ending the burst when driven back high. See the Operation section for more details. SCLK (Pin 5): Serial Port Clock. This CMOS input clocks serial port input data on its rising edge. See the Operation section for more details. SDI (Pin 6): Serial Port Data Input. The serial port uses this CMOS input for data. See the Operation section for more details. SDO (Pin 7): Serial Port Data Output. This CMOS threestate output presents data from the serial port during a read communication burst. Optionally attach a resistor of >200k to GND to prevent a floating output. See the Operation section for more details. VD+ (Pin 8): 3.15V to 3.45V Positive Supply Pin for Serial Port Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the ground plane using a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor as close to the pin as possible. MUTE (Pin 9): RF Mute. The CMOS active-low input mutes the RF± differential outputs while maintaining internal bias levels for quick response to de-assertion. GND (Pins 10, 17, 21): Negative Power Supply (Ground). These pins should be tied directly to the ground plane with multiple vias for each pin. RF–, RF+ (Pins 11, 12): RF Output Signals. The VCO output divider is buffered and presented differentially on these pins. The outputs are open collector, with 136Ω (typical) pull-up resistors tied to VRF+ to aid impedance matching. If used single ended, the unused output should be terminated to 50Ω. See the Applications Information section for more details on impedance matching. VRF+ (Pin 13): 3.15V to 3.45V Positive Supply Pin for RF Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the ground plane using a 0.01µF ceramic capacitor as close to the pin as possible. BB (Pin 14): RF Reference Bypass. This output must be bypassed with a 1.0µF ceramic capacitor to GND. Do not couple this pin to any other signal. TUNE (Pin 15): VCO Tuning Input. This frequency control pin is normally connected to the external loop filter. See the Applications Information section for more details. TB (Pin 16): VCO Bypass. This output must be bypassed with a 2.2µF ceramic capacitor to GND, and is normally connected to CMA, CMB and CMC with a short trace. Do not couple this pin to any other signal. CMC, CMB, CMA (Pins 18, 19, 20): VCO Bias Inputs. These inputs are normally connected to TB with a short trace and bypassed with a 2.2µF ceramic capacitor to GND. Do not couple these pins to any other signal. For best phase noise performance, do not place a trace between these pads underneath the package. VVCO+ (Pin 22): 4.75V to 5.25V Positive Supply Pin for VCO Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the ground plane using both 0.01µF and 1µF ceramic capacitors as close to the pin as possible. 6946fb For more information 11 LTC6946 Pin Functions GND (23): Negative Power Supply (Ground). This pin is attached directly to the die attach paddle (DAP) and should be tied directly to the ground plane. VCP+ (Pin 24): 4.0V to 5.25V Positive Supply Pin for Charge Pump Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the ground plane using a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor as close to the pin as possible. CP (Pin 25): Charge Pump Output. This bi-directional current output is normally connected to the external loop filter. See the Applications Information section for more details. VREF+ (Pin 26): 3.15V to 3.45V Positive Supply Pin for Reference Input Circuitry. This pin should be bypassed directly to the ground plane using a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor as close to the pin as possible. 12 REF+, REF– (Pins 27, 28): Reference Input Signals. This differential input is buffered with a low noise amplifier, which feeds the reference divider and reference buffer. They are self-biased and must be AC-coupled with 1µF capacitors. If used single ended, bypass REF– to GND with a 1µF capacitor. If the single-ended signal is greater than 2.7VP-P, bypass REF– to GND with a 47pF capacitor. GND (Exposed Pad Pin 29): Negative Power Supply (Ground). The package exposed pad must be soldered directly to the PCB land. The PCB land pattern should have multiple thermal vias to the ground plane for both low ground inductance and also low thermal resistance. 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Block Diagram 28 27 REF– 1 2 26 REF+ 24 VREF+ 23 VCP+ GND VREFO+ REFO ≤250MHz ≤100MHz R_DIV 250µA TO 11.2mA PFD ÷1 TO 1023 4 5 6 7 8 GND 21 STAT B_DIV CMA 20 CS ÷32 TO 65535 SCLK SERIAL PORT N_DIV SDI 0.373GHz TO 6.39GHz SDO VD+ 9 GND 10 CMB 19 CAL, ALC CONTROL CMC 18 GND 17 ÷1 TO 6, 50% TUNE O_DIV 15 2.24GHz TO 3.74GHz (LTC6946-1) OR 3.08GHz TO 4.91GHz (LTC6946-2) OR 3.84GHz TO 5.79GHz (LTC6946-3) OR 4.20GHz TO 6.39GHz (LTC6946-4) MUTE MUTE 25 VVCO+ 22 LOCK 3 CP RF– RF+ VRF+ 11 12 13 BB TB 14 16 6946 BD 6946fb For more information 13 LTC6946 Operation The LTC6946 is a high performance PLL complete with a low noise VCO available in three different frequency range options. The output frequency range may be further extended by utilizing the output divider (see Available Options table, for more details). The device is able to achieve superior integrated phase noise by the combination of its extremely low in-band phase noise performance and excellent VCO noise characteristics. REFERENCE INPUT BUFFER The PLL’s reference frequency is applied differentially on pins REF+ and REF–. These high impedance inputs are self-biased and must be AC-coupled with 1µF capacitors (see Figure 1 for a simplified schematic). Alternatively, the inputs may be used single ended by applying the reference frequency at REF+ and bypassing REF– to GND with a 1µF capacitor. If the single-ended signal is greater than 2.7VP-P, then use a 47pF capacitor for the GND bypass. VREF+ VREF+ BIAS LOWPASS 1.9V 27 REF+ 4.2k 4.2k FILT[1:0] 28 REF – 6946 F01 The BST bit should be set based upon the input signal level to prevent the reference input buffer from saturating. See Table 2 for recommended settings and the Applications Information section for programming examples. Table 1. FILT[1:0] Programming FILT[1:0] fREF 3 <20MHz 2 NA 1 20MHz to 50MHz 0 >50MHz Table 2. BST Programming BST VREF 1 <2.0VP-P 0 ≥2.0VP-P REFERENCE OUTPUT BUFFER The reference output buffer produces a low noise square wave with a noise floor of –155dBc/Hz (typical) at 10MHz. Its output is low impedance, and produces 0dBm typical output power into a 50Ω load at 10MHz. Larger output swings will result if driving larger impedances. The output is self-biased, and must be AC-coupled with a 22nF capacitor (see Figure 2 for a simplified schematic). The buffer may be powered down by using bit PDREFO found in the serial port Power register h02. BST VREFO+ Figure 1. Simplified REF Interface Schematic A high quality signal must be applied to the REF± inputs as they provide the frequency reference to the entire PLL. To achieve the part’s in-band phase noise performance, apply a CW signal of at least 6dBm into 50Ω, or a square wave of at least 0.5VP-P with slew rate of at least 40V/µs. Additional options are available through serial port register h08 to further refine the application. Bits FILT[1:0] control the reference input buffer’s lowpass filter, and should be set based upon fREF to limit the reference’s wideband noise. The FILT[1:0] bits must be set correctly to reach the LM(NORM) normalized in-band phase noise floor. See Table 1 for recommended settings. 14 REFO 2 800Ω 6946 F02 Figure 2. Simplified REFO Interface Schematic 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Operation REFERENCE (R) DIVIDER A 10-bit divider, R_DIV, is used to reduce the frequency seen at the PFD. Its divide ratio R may be set to any integer from 1 to 1023, inclusive. Use the RD[9:0] bits found in registers h03 and h04 to directly program the R divide ratio. See the Applications Information section for the relationship between R and the fREF , fPFD, fVCO and fRF frequencies. PHASE/FREQUENCY DETECTOR (PFD) The phase/frequency detector (PFD), in conjunction with the charge pump, produces source and sink current pulses proportional to the phase difference between the outputs of the R and N dividers. This action provides the necessary feedback to phase-lock the loop, forcing a phase alignment at the PFD’s inputs. The PFD may be disabled with the CPRST bit which prevents UP and DOWN pulses from being produced. See Figure 3 for a simplified schematic of the PFD. D Q The user sets the phase difference lock window time, tLWW, for a valid LOCK condition with the LKWIN[1:0] bits. See Table 3 for recommended settings for different FPFD frequencies and the Applications Information section for examples. Table 3. LKWIN[1:0] Programming LKWIN[1:0] 0 1 2 3 Table 4. LKCNT[1:0] Programming LKCNT[1:0] 0 1 2 3 R DIV CPRST DELAY D Q DOWN 6946 F03 N DIV fPFD >5MHz ≤5MHz ≤1.7MHz ≤550kHz The PFD phase difference must be less than tLWW for the LOKCNT number of successive counts before the lock indicator asserts the LOCK flag. The LKCNT[1:0] bits found in register h09 are used to set LOKCNT depending upon the application. See Table 4 for LKCNT[1:0] programming and the Applications Information section for examples. UP RST tLWW 3ns 10ns 30ns 90ns COUNTS 32 128 512 2048 When the PFD phase difference is greater than tLWW , the lock indicator immediately asserts the UNLOCK status flag and clears the LOCK flag, indicating an out-of-lock condition. The UNLOCK flag is immediately de-asserted when the phase difference is less than tLWW . See Figure 4 for more details. RST +tLWW Figure 3. Simplified PFD Schematic PHASE DIFFERENCE AT PFD 0 –tLWW LOCK INDICATOR The lock indicator uses internal signals from the PFD to measure phase coincidence between the R and N divider output signals. It is enabled by setting the LKEN bit in the serial port register h07, and produces both LOCK and UNLOCK status flags, available through both the STAT output and serial port register h00. UNLOCK FLAG t = COUNTS/fPFD LOCK FLAG 6946 F04 Figure 4. UNLOCK and LOCK Timing 6946fb For more information 15 LTC6946 Operation CHARGE PUMP The charge pump, controlled by the PFD, forces sink (DOWN) or source (UP) current pulses onto the CP pin, which should be connected to an appropriate loop filter. See Figure 5 for a simplified schematic of the charge pump. VCP+ CHARGE PUMP FUNCTIONS VCP+ + – UP CPUP CPMID 0.9V – + THI CP VCP+/2 – + DOWN CPDN + – The CPINV bit found in register h0A should be set for applications requiring signal inversion from the PFD, such as for complex external loops using an inverting op amp. A passive loop filter as shown in Figure 14 requires CPINV = 0. The charge pump contains additional features to aid in system start-up and monitoring. See Table 6 for a summary. Table 6. Charge Pump Function Bit Descriptions 25 TLO 0.9V 6946 F05 BIT DESCRIPTION CPCHI Enable High Voltage Output Clamp CPCLO Enable Low Voltage Output Clamp CPDN Force Sink Current CPINV Invert PFD Phase CPMID Enable Mid-Voltage Bias Figure 5. Simplified Charge Pump Schematic CPRST Reset PFD The output current magnitude ICP may be set from 250µA to 11.2mA using the CP[3:0] bits found in serial port register h09. A larger ICP can result in lower in-band noise due to the lower impedance of the loop filter components. See Table 5 for programming specifics and the Applications Information section for loop filter examples. CPUP Force Source Current CPWIDE Extend Current Pulse Width THI High Voltage Clamp Flag TLO Low Voltage Clamp Flag Table 5. CP[3:0] Programming CP[3:0] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to 15 16 ICP 250µA 350µA 500µA 700µA 1.0mA 1.4mA 2.0mA 2.8mA 4.0mA 5.6mA 8.0mA 11.2mA Invalid The CPCHI and CPCLO bits found in register h0A enable the high and low voltage clamps, respectively. When CPCHI is enabled and the CP pin voltage exceeds approximately VCP+ – 0.9V, the THI status flag is set, and the charge pump sourcing current is disabled. Alternately, when CPCLO is enabled and the CP pin voltage is less than approximately 0.9V, the TLO status flag is set, and the charge pump sinking current is disabled. See Figure 5 for a simplified schematic. The CPMID bit also found in register h0A enables a resistive VCP+/2 output bias which may be used to pre-bias troublesome loop filters into a valid voltage range. When using CPMID, it is recommended to also assert the CPRST bit, forcing a PFD reset. Both CPMID and CPRST must be set to “0” for normal operation. 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Operation The CPUP and CPDN bits force a constant ICP source or sink current, respectively, on the CP pin. The CPRST bit may also be used in conjunction with the CPUP and CPDN bits, allowing a pre-charge of the loop to a known state, if required. CPUP, CPDN, and CPRST must be set to “0” to allow the loop to lock. The CPWIDE bit extends the charge pump output current pulse width by increasing the PFD reset path’s delay value (see Figure 3). CPWIDE is normally set to 0. VCO The integrated VCO is available in one of three frequency ranges. The output frequency range may be further extended by utilizing the output divider (see Available Options table, for more details). The wide frequency range of the VCO, coupled with the output divider capability, allows the LTC6946 to cover an extremely wide range of continuously selectable frequencies. VCO Calibration The VCO must be calibrated each time its frequency is changed by either fREF , the R divider, or N divider, but not the O divider (see the Applications Information section for the relationship between R, N, O, and the fREF , fPFD, fVCO and fRF frequencies). The output frequency is then stable over the LTC6946’s entire temperature range, regardless of the temperature at which it was calibrated, until the part is reset due to a power cycle or software power-on reset (POR). The output of the B divider is used to clock digital calibration circuitry as shown in the Block Diagram. The B value, programmed with bits BD[3:0], is determined according to Equation 1. B≥ fPFD fCAL-MAX The maximum calibration frequency fCAL-MAX for each part option is shown in Table 7. Table 7. Maximum Calibration Frequency PART fCAL-MAX (MHz) LTC6946-1 1.0 LTC6946-2 1.33 LTC6946-3 1.7 LTC6946-4 1.8 The relationship between bits BD[3:0] and the B value is shown in Table 8. Table 8. BD[3:0] Programming BD[3:0] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to 15 B DIVIDE VALUE 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 192 256 384 Invalid The VCO may be calibrated once the RD[9:0], ND[15:0], and BD[3:0] bits are written. The reference frequency fREF must also be present and stable at the REF± inputs. A calibration cycle is initiated each time the CAL bit is written to “1” (the bit is self-clearing). The calibration cycle takes between 12 and 14 cycles of the B divider output. (1) 6946fb For more information 17 LTC6946 Operation VCO Automatic Level Control (ALC) The VCO uses an internal automatic level control (ALC) algorithm to maintain an optimal amplitude on the VCO resonator, and thus optimal phase noise performance. The user has several ALC configuration and status reporting options as seen in Table 9. Table 9. ALC Bit Descriptions BIT DESCRIPTION ALCCAL Auto Enable ALC During CAL Operation ALCEN Always Enable ALC (Overrides ALCCAL, ALCMON and ALCULOK) ALCHI ALC Too High Flag (Resonator Amplitude Too High) ALCLO ALC Too Low Flag (Resonator Amplitude Too Low) ALCMON Enable ALC Monitoring for Status Flags Only; Does NOT Enable Amplitude Control ALCULOK Auto Enable ALC when PLL Unlocked Changes in the internal ALC output can cause extremely small jumps in the VCO frequency. These jumps may be acceptable in some applications but not in others. Use the above table to choose when the ALC is active. The ALCHI and ALCLO flags, valid only when the ALC is active or the ALCMON bit is set, may be used to monitor the resonator amplitude. The ALC must be allowed to operate during or after a calibration cycle. At least one of the ALCCAL, ALCEN or ALCULOK bits must be set. OD[2:0] bits found in register h08 to directly program the 0 divide ratio. See the Applications Information section for the relationship between O and the fREF , fPFD, fVCO and fRF frequencies. RF OUTPUT BUFFER The low noise, differential output buffer produces a differential output power of –6dBm to 3dBm, settable with bits RFO[1:0] according to Table 10. The outputs may be combined externally, or used individually. Terminate any unused output with a 50Ω resistor to VRF+. Table 10. RFO[1:0] Programming RFO[1:0} PRF (Differential) PRF (Single Ended) 0 –6dBm –9dBm 1 –3dBm –6dBm 2 0dBm –3dBm 3 3dBm 0dBm Each output is open collector with 136Ω pull-up resistors to VRF+, easing impedance matching at high frequencies. See Figure 6 for circuit details and the Applications Information section for matching guidelines. The buffer may be muted with either the OMUTE bit, found in register h02, or by forcing the MUTE input low. VRF+ VRF+ 136Ω 136Ω VCO (N) DIVIDER The 16-bit N divider provides the feedback from the VCO to the PFD. Its divide ratio N may be set to any integer from 32 to 65535, inclusive. Use the ND[15:0] bits found in registers h05 and h06 to directly program the N divide ratio. See the Applications Information section for the relationship between N and the fREF , fPFD, fVCO and fRF frequencies. RF+ RF– 9 MUTE OMUTE 12 11 MUTE RFO[1:0] 6946 F06 Figure 6. Simplified RF Interface Schematic OUTPUT (O) DIVIDER The 3-bit O divider can reduce the frequency from the VCO to extend the output frequency range. Its divide ratio O may be set to any integer from 1 to 6, inclusive, outputting a 50% duty cycle even with odd divide values. Use the 18 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Operation SERIAL PORT Single Byte Transfers The SPI-compatible serial port provides control and monitoring functionality. A configurable status output, STAT, gives additional instant monitoring. The serial port is arranged as a simple memory map, with status and control available in 12, byte-wide registers. All data bursts are comprised of at least two bytes. The 7 most significant bits of the first byte are the register address, with an LSB of 1 indicating a read from the part, and LSB of 0 indicating a write to the part. The subsequent byte, or bytes, is data from/to the specified register address. See Figure 9 for an example of a detailed write sequence, and Figure 10 for a read sequence. Communication Sequence The serial bus is comprised of CS, SCLK, SDI and SDO. Data transfers to the part are accomplished by the serial bus master device first taking CS low to enable the LTC6946’s port. Input data applied on SDI is clocked on the rising edge of SCLK, with all transfers MSB first. The communication burst is terminated by the serial bus master returning CS high. See Figure 7 for details. Figure 11 shows an example of two write communication bursts. The first byte of the first burst sent from the serial bus master on SDI contains the destination register address (Addr0) and an LSB of “0” indicating a write. The next byte is the data intended for the register at address Addr0. CS is then taken high to terminate the transfer. The first byte of the second burst contains the destination register address (Addr1) and an LSB indicating a write. The next byte on SDI is the data intended for the register at address Addr1. CS is then taken high to terminate the transfer. Data is read from the part during a communication burst using SDO. Readback may be multidrop (more than one LTC6946 connected in parallel on the serial bus), as SDO is three-stated (Hi-Z) when CS = 1, or when data is not being read from the part. If the LTC6946 is not used in a multidrop configuration, or if the serial port master is not capable of setting the SDO line level between read sequences, it is recommended to attach a high value resistor of greater than 200k between SDO and GND to ensure the line returns to a known level during Hi-Z states. See Figure 8 for details. MASTER–CS tCSS tCKL tCKH tCSS tCSH MASTER–SCLK tCS MASTER–SDI tCH DATA DATA 6946 F07 Figure 7. Serial Port Write Timing Diagram MASTER–CS 8TH CLOCK MASTER–SCLK tDO LTC6946–SDO Hi-Z tDO tDO tDO DATA DATA Hi-Z 6946 F08 Figure 8. Serial Port Read Timing Diagram 6946fb For more information 19 LTC6946 Operation Multiple Byte Transfers on. If the resister address pointer attempts to increment past 11 (h0B), it is automatically reset to 0. More efficient data transfer of multiple bytes is accomplished by using the LTC6946’s register address autoincrement feature as shown in Figure 12. The serial port master sends the destination register address in the first byte and its data in the second byte as before, but continues sending bytes destined for subsequent registers. Byte 1’s address is Addr0+1, Byte 2’s address is Addr0+2, and so An example of an auto-increment read from the part is shown in Figure 13. The first byte of the burst sent from the serial bus master on SDI contains the destination register address (Addr0) and an LSB of “1” indicating a read. Once the LTC6946 detects a read burst, it takes SDO out of the Hi-Z condition and sends data bytes sequentially, MASTER–CS 16 CLOCKS MASTER–SCLK 7-BIT REGISTER ADDRESS 8 BITS OF DATA A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 MASTER–SDI 0 = WRITE Hi-Z LTC6946–SD0 6946 F09 Figure 9. Serial Port Write Sequence MASTER–CS 16 CLOCKS MASTER–SCLK 7-BIT REGISTER ADDRESS 1 = READ A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 1 MASTER–SDI 8 BITS OF DATA Hi-Z LTC6946–SDO X D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 DX Hi-Z 6946 F10 Figure 10. Serial Port Read Sequence MASTER–CS Addr0 + Wr MASTER–SDI LTC6946–SDO Byte 0 Addr1 + Wr Byte 1 Hi-Z 6946 F11 Figure 11. Serial Port Single Byte Write MASTER–CS Addr0 + Wr MASTER–SDI LTC6946–SDO Byte 0 Byte 1 Hi-Z 6946 F12 Figure 12. Serial Port Auto-Increment Write 20 Byte 2 For more information 6946fb LTC6946 Operation MASTER–CS Addr0 + Rd MASTER–SDI DON’T CARE Hi-Z LTC6946–SDO Byte 0 Byte 1 Hi-Z Byte 2 6946 F13 Figure 13. Serial Port Auto-Increment Read beginning with data from register Addr0. The part ignores all other data on SDI until the end of the burst. Serial Port Registers The memory map of the LTC6946 may be found in Table 11, with detailed bit descriptions found in Table 12. The register address shown in hexadecimal format under the ADDR column is used to specify each register. Each register is denoted as either read-only (R) or read-write (R/W). The register’s default value on device power-up or after a reset is shown at the right. Multidrop Configuration Several LTC6946s may share the serial bus. In this multidrop configuration, SCLK, SDI, and SDO are common between all parts. The serial bus master must use a separate CS for each LTC6946 and ensure that only one device has CS asserted at any time. It is recommended to attach a high value resistor to SDO to ensure the line returns to a known level during Hi-Z states. The read-only register at address h00 is used to determine different status flags. These flags may be instantly output on the STAT pin by configuring register h01. See the STAT Output section for more information. The read-only register at address h0B is a ROM byte for device identification. Table 11. Serial Port Register Contents ADDR MSB [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] LSB R/W h00 * * UNLOCK ALCHI ALCLO LOCK THI TLO R DEFAULT h01 * * x[5] x[4] x[3] x[2] x[1] x[0] R/W h04 h02 PDALL PDPLL PDVCO PDOUT PDREFO MTCAL OMUTE POR R/W h0E h03 BD[3] BD[2] BD[1] BD[0] * * RD[9] RD[8] R/W h30 h04 RD[7] RD[6] RD[5] RD[4] RD[3] RD[2] RD[1] RD[0] R/W h01 h05 ND[15] ND[14] ND[13] ND[12] ND[11] ND[10] ND[9] ND[8] R/W h00 h06 ND[7] ND[6] ND[5] ND[4] ND[3] ND[2] ND[1] ND[0] R/W hFA h07 ALCEN ALCMON ALCCAL ALCULOK * * CAL LKEN R/W h21 h08 BST FILT[1] FILT[0] RFO[1] RFO[0] OD[2] OD[1] OD[0] R/W hF9 h09 LKWIN[1] LKWIN[0] LKCT[1] LKCT[0] CP[3] CP[2] CP[1] CP[0] R/W h9B h0A CPCHI CPCLO CPMID CPINV CPWIDE CPRST CPUP CPDN R/W hE4 h0B REV[2] REV[1] REV[0] PART[4] PART[3] PART[2] PART[1] PART[0] R hxx† *unused †varies depending on version 6946fb For more information 21 LTC6946 Operation STAT Output Table 12. Serial Port Register Bit Field Summary BITS DESCRIPTION DEFAULT ALCCAL Auto Enable ALC During CAL Operation 1 ALCEN Always Enable ALC (Override) 1 ALCHI ALC Too Hi Flag ALCLO ALC Too Low Flag The STAT output pin is configured with the x[5:0] bits of register h01. These bits are used to bit-wise mask, or enable, the corresponding status flags of status register h00, according to Equation 2. The result of this bit-wise Boolean operation is then output on the STAT pin: ALCMON Enable ALC Monitor for Status Flags Only 0 ALCULOK Enable ALC When PLL Unlocked 0 BD[3:0] Calibration B Divider Value h3 BST REF Buffer Boost Current 1 CAL Start VCO Calibration (auto clears) 0 CP[3:0] CP Output Current hB CPCHI CP Enable Hi Voltage Output Clamp 1 CPCLO CP Enable Low Voltage Output Clamp 1 (ALCLO AND x[3]) OR CPDN CP Pump Down Only 0 CPINV CP Invert Phase 0 (LOCK AND x[2]) OR CPMID CP Bias to Mid-Rail 1 (THI AND x[1]) OR CPRST CP Three-State 1 (TLO AND x[0]) CPUP CP Pump Up Only 0 CPWIDE CP Extend Pulse Width 0 FILT[1:0] REF Input Buffer Filter h3 LKCT[1:0] PLL Lock Cycle Count h1 LKEN PLL Lock Indicator Enable 1 LKWIN[1:0] PLL Lock Indicator Window LOCK h2 PLL Lock Indicator Flag MTCAL Mutes Output During Calibration 1 ND[15:0] N Divider Value (ND[15:0] > 31) h00FA OD[2:0] Output Divider Value (0 < OD[2:0] < 7) OMUTE Mutes RF Output PART[4:0] h1 1 Part code (h01 for LTC6946-1, h02 for LTC6946-2, h03 for LTC6946-3, h04 for LTC6946-4 Version) h01, h02, h03, h04 PDALL Full Chip Power Down 0 PDOUT Powers Down O_DIV, RF Output Buffer 0 PDPLL Powers Down REF, REFO, R_DIV, PFD, CPUMP, N_DIV 0 PDREFO Powers Down REFO 1 PDVCO Powers Down VCO, N_DIV 0 POR Force Power-On Reset RD[9:0] R Divider Value (RD[9:0] > 0) REV[2:0] Rev Code RFO[1:0] RF Output Power THI CP Clamp High Flag TLO CP Clamp Low Flag UNLOCK x[5:0] 22 STAT = OR (Reg00[5:0] AND Reg01[5:0]) (2) or expanded: STAT = (UNLOCK AND x[5]) OR (ALCHI AND x[4]) OR For example, if the application requires STAT to go high whenever the ALCHI, ALCLO, or THI flags are set, then x[4], x[3], and x[1] should be set to “1”, giving a register value of h1A. Block Power-Down Control The LTC6946’s power-down control bits are located in register h02, described in Table 12. Different portions of the device may be powered down independently. Care must be taken with the LSB of the register, the POR (power-on reset) bit. When written to a “1”, this bit forces a full reset of the part’s digital circuitry to its power-up default state. 0 h001 h3 PLL Unlock Flag STAT Output OR Mask h04 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Applications Information INTRODUCTION A PLL is a complex feedback system that may conceptually be considered a frequency multiplier. The system multiplies the frequency input at REF± and outputs a higher frequency at RF±. The PFD, charge pump, N divider, and external VCO and loop filter form a feedback loop to accurately control the output frequency (see Figure 14). The R and O divider are used to set the output frequency resolution. LTC6946 REF± (fREF) R_DIV ICP fPFD ÷R CP LOOP FILTER 25 RZ KPFD CP CI N_DIV LF(s) ÷N RF± O_DIV (fRF) ÷O TUNE fVCO 15 6946 F14 KVCO Figure 14. PLL Loop Diagram OUTPUT FREQUENCY When the loop is locked, the frequency fVCO (in Hz) produced at the output of the VCO is determined by the reference frequency, fREF , and the R and N divider values, given by Equation 3: fVCO = fREF • N R fREF R (4) and fVCO may be alternatively expressed as: fVCO = fPFD • N The output frequency fRF produced at the output of the O divider is given by Equation 5: fRF = fVCO O fSTEP = fREF R•O (6) LOOP FILTER DESIGN A stable PLL system requires care in selecting the external loop filter values. The Linear Technology PLLWizard application, available from, aids in design and simulation of the complete system. The loop design should use the following algorithm: 1. Determine the output frequency, fRF , and frequency step size, fSTEP , based on application requirements. Using Equations 3, 4, 5 and 6, change fREF , N, R, and O until the application frequency constraints are met. Use the minimum R value that still satisfies the constraints. Then calculate B using Equation 1 and Table 7. 2. Select the open-loop bandwidth, BW, constrained by fPFD. A stable loop requires that BW is less than fPFD by at least a factor of 10. 3. Select loop filter component RZ and charge pump current ICP based on BW and the VCO gain factor, KVCO. BW (in Hz) is approximated by the following equation: BW ≅ (3) Here, the PFD frequency fPFD produced is given by the following equation: fPFD = Using the above equations, the output frequency resolution fSTEP produced by a unit change in N is given by Equation 6: ICP • RZ • K VCO 2 • π •N (7) or RZ = 2 • π • BW • N ICP • K VCO where KVCO is in Hz/V, ICP is in Amps, and RZ is in Ohms. KVCO is obtained from the VCO tuning sensitivity in the Electrical Characteristics. Use ICP = 11.2mA to lower inband noise unless component values force a lower setting. (5) 6946fb For more information 23 LTC6946 Applications Information 4. Select loop filter components CI and CP based on BW and RZ. A reliable loop can be achieved by using the following equations for the loop capacitors (in Farads): 3.5 2 • π • BW • RZ 1 CP = 7 • π • BW • RZ (8) CI = (9) DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE This programming example uses the DC1705A with the LTC6946-3. Assume the following parameters of interest: power. Use a factor of 15 for this design example: BW = 250kHz = 16.7kHz 15 Loop Filter Component Selection Now set loop filter resistor, RZ, and charge pump current, ICP . Because the KVCO varies over the VCO’s frequency range, using the KVCO geometric mean gives good results. Using an ICP of 11.2mA, RZ is determined: K VCO = 4.8 • 109 • 0.04 • 0.06 = 235MHz / V 2 • π • 16.7k • 19200 11.2m • 235M fREF = 20MHz at 7dBm into 50Ω RZ = fSTEP = 125kHz RZ = 765Ω fRF = 2.4GHz Now calculate CI and CP from Equations 7 and 8: From the Electrical Characteristics table: CI = fVCO = 3.840GHz to 5.790GHz KVCO% = 4.0%Hz/V to 6.0%Hz/V CP = Determining Divider Values Following the Loop Filter Design algorithm, first determine all the divider values. Using Equations 2, 3, 4 and 5 calculate the following values: O=2 R = 20MHz/(125kHz • 2) = 80 fPFD = 250kHz 1 = 3.6nF 7 • π • 16.7k • 765 Status Output Programming This example will use the STAT pin to alert the system whenever the LTC6946 generates a fault condition. Program x[5], x[4], x[3], x[1], x[0] = 1 to force the STAT pin high whenever any of the UNLOCK, ALCHI, ALCLO, THI or TLO flags asserts: Reg01 = h3B N = 2 • 2.4GHz/250kHz = 19200 fVCO = 4.8GHz Power Register Programming Also, from Equation 1 or Table 7 determine B: B = 8 and BD[3:0] = 0 The next step in the algorithm is to determine the openloop bandwidth. BW should be at least 10× smaller than fPFD. Wider loop bandwidths could have lower integrated phase noise, depending on the VCO phase noise signature, while narrower bandwidths will likely have lower spurious 24 3.5 = 44nF 2 • π • 16.7k • 765 For correct PLL operation all internal blocks should be enabled, but PDREFO should be set if the REFO pin is not being used. OMUTE may remain asserted (or the MUTE pin held low) until programming is complete. For PDREFO = 1 and OMUTE = 1: Reg02 = h0A 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Applications Information Divider Programming Program registers Reg03 to Reg06 with the previously determined B, R and N divider values. Reg03 = h00 Reg04 = h50 Reg05 = h4B Reg06 = h00 VCO ALC and Calibration Programming Now that all the divider registers are programmed, and assuming that the reference frequency is stable at REF±, calibrate the VCO. Set the ALC options (ALCMON = 1, ALCCAL = 1) and the lock enable bit (LKEN = 1) at the same time: Reg07 = h63 The LTC6946 will now calibrate its VCO. The ALC will only be active during the calibration cycle, but the ALCHI and ALCLO status conditions will be monitored. Reference Input Settings and Output Divider Programming From Table 1, FILT = 1 for a 20MHz reference frequency. Next, convert 7dBm into VP-P . For a CW tone, use the following equation with R = 50: VP-P ≅ R • 10(dBm – 21)/20 (10) This gives VP-P = 1.41V, and, according to Table 2, set BST = 1. Now program Reg08, assuming maximum RF± output power (RFO[1:0] = 3 according to Table 9) and OD[2:0] = 2: Reg08 = hBA Lock Detect and Charge Pump Current Programming Next, determine the lock indicator window from fPFD. From Table 3, LKWIN[1:0] = 3 for a tLWW of 90ns. The LTC6946 will consider the loop “locked” as long as the phase coincidence at the PFD is within 8°, as calculated: phase = 360° • tLWW • fPFD = 360 • 90n • 250k ≅ 8° LKWIN[1:0] may be set to a smaller value to be more conservative. However, the inherent phase noise of the loop could cause false “unlocks” for too small a value. Choosing the correct LOKCNT depends upon the ratio of the bandwidth of the loop to the PFD frequency (BW/fPFD). Smaller ratios dictate larger LOKCNT values. A LOKCNT value of 128 will work for our ratio of 1/15. From Table 4, LKCNT[1:0] = 1 for 128 counts. Using Table 5 with the previously selected ICP of 11.2mA, gives CP[3:0] = 11 (hB). This is enough information to program Reg09: Reg09 = hDB Charge Pump Function Programming This example uses the additional voltage clamp features to allow us to monitor fault conditions by setting CPCHI = 1 and CPCLO = 1. If something occurs and the system can no longer lock to its intended frequency, the charge pump output will move toward either GND or VCP+, thereby setting either the TLO or THI status flags, respectively. Disable all the other charge pump functions (CPMID, CPINV, CPRST, CPUP and CPDN) to allow the loop to lock: Reg0A = hC0 The loop should now lock. Now unmute the output by setting OMUTE = 0 (assumes the MUTE pin is high): Reg02 = h08 REFERENCE SOURCE CONSIDERATIONS A high quality signal must be applied to the REF± inputs as they provide the frequency reference to the entire PLL. As mentioned previously, to achieve the part’s in-band phase noise performance, apply a CW signal of at least 6dBm into 50Ω, or a square wave of at least 0.5VP-P with slew rate of at least 40V/µs. The LTC6946 may be driven single ended to CMOS levels (greater than 2.7VP-P ). Apply the reference signal directly without a DC-blocking capacitor at REF+, and bypass REF– to GND with a 47pF capacitor. The BST bit must also be set to “0”, according to guidelines given in Table 2. 6946fb For more information 25 LTC6946 Applications Information The LTC6946 achieves an in-band normalized phase noise floor of –226dBc/Hz (typical). To calculate its equivalent input phase noise floor LM(IN), use the following Equation 11: (11) For example, using a 10MHz reference frequency gives an input phase noise floor of –156dBc/Hz. The reference frequency source’s phase noise must be at least 3dB better than this to prevent limiting the overall system performance. IN-BAND OUTPUT PHASE NOISE The in-band phase noise produced at fRF may be calculated by using Equation 12. (12) LM(OUT) = –226 + 10 • log10 ( fPFD ) TOTAL NOISE fPFD = 100MHz –110 –120 1/f NOISE CONTRIBUTION –130 10 1k 10k 100 OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 100k 6945 F15 RF OUTPUT MATCHING LM(OUT) = –226 + 10 • log10 ( fPFD ) N + 20 • log10 O As can be seen, for a given PFD frequency fPFD, the output in-band phase noise increases at a 20dB-per-decade rate with the N divider count. So, for a given output frequency fRF, fPFD should be as large as possible (or N should be as small as possible) while still satisfying the application’s frequency step size requirements. OUTPUT PHASE NOISE DUE TO 1/f NOISE In-band phase noise at very low offset frequencies may be influenced by the LTC6946’s 1/f noise, depending upon fPFD. Use the normalized in-band 1/f noise of –274dBc/ Hz with Equation 13 to approximate the output 1/f phase noise at a given frequency offset fOFFSET. (13) LM(OUT-1/ f) ( fOFFSET ) = –274+ 20 • log10 ( fRF ) –10 • log10 ( fOFFSET ) Unlike the in-band noise floor LM(OUT), the 1/f noise LM(OUT 1/f) does not change with fPFD, and is not constant 26 TOTAL NOISE fPFD = 3MHz –100 Figure 15. Theoretical In-Band Phase Noise, fRF = 2500MHz f + 20 • log10 RF fPFD or –90 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) LM(IN) = –226 + 10 • log10(fREF) over offset frequency. See Figure 15 for an example of in-band phase noise for fPFD equal to 3MHz and 100MHz. The total phase noise will be the summation of LM(OUT) and LM(OUT 1/f). The RF± outputs may be used in either single-ended or differential configurations. Using both RF outputs differentially will result in approximately 3dB more output power than single ended. Impedance matching to an external load in both cases requires external chokes tied to VRF+. Measured RF± s-parameters are shown below in Table 13 to aid in the design of impedance matching networks. Table 13. Single-Ended RF Output Impedance FREQUENCY (MHZ) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 IMPEDANCE (Ohms) 102.8 – j49.7 70.2 – j60.1 52.4 – j56.2 43.6 – j49.2 37.9 – j39.6 32.7 – j28.2 27.9 – j17.8 24.3 – j9.4 22.2 – j3.3 21.6 + j1.9 21.8 + j6.6 23.1 + j11.4 25.7 + j16.9 29.3 + j23.0 33.5 + j28.4 37.9 + j32.6 S11 (dB) –6.90 –6.53 –6.35 –6.58 –7.34 –8.44 –8.99 –8.72 –8.26 –8.02 –7.91 –8.09 –8.38 –8.53 –8.56 –8.64 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Applications Information Table 14. Suggested Single-Ended Matching Component Values fRF (MHz) LC (nH) CS (pF) 350 to 1500 180 270 1000 to 5800 68 100 Return loss measured on the DC1705 using the above component values is shown in Figure 17. A broadband match is achieved using an (LC, CS) of either (68nH, 100pF) or (180nH, 270pF). However, for maximum output power and best phase noise performance, use the recommended component values of Table 13. LC should be a wirewound inductor selected for maximum Q factor and SRF, such as the Coilcraft HP series of chip inductors. The LTC6946’s differential RF± outputs may be combined using an external balun to drive a single-ended load. The advantages are approximately 3dB more output power than each output individually and better 2nd order harmonic performance. For lower frequencies, transmission line (TL) baluns such as the M/A-COM MABACT0065 and the TOKO #617DB1673 provide good results. At higher frequencies, surface mount (SMT) baluns such as those produced by TDK, Anaren, and Johanson Technology, can be attractive alternatives. See Table 15 for recommended balun part numbers versus frequency range. VRF + LC RF+(–) 0 68nH, 100pF 180nH, 270pF –2 –4 –6 S11 (dB) Single-ended impedance matching is accomplished using the circuit of Figure 16, with component values found in Table 14. Using smaller inductances than recommended can cause phase noise degradation, especially at lower center frequencies. –8 –10 –12 –14 –16 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 FREQUENCY (GHz) 6946 F17 Figure 17. Single-Ended Return Loss The listed SMT baluns contain internal chokes to bias RF± and also provide input-to-output DC isolation. The pin denoted as GND or DC FEED should be connected to the VRF+ voltage. Figure 18 shows a surface mount balun’s connections with a DC FEED pin. Table 15. Suggested Baluns fRF (MHz) 350 to 900 PART NUMBER MANUFACTURER #617DB-1673 TYPE TOKO TL 400 to 600 HHM1589B1 TDK SMT 600 to 1400 BD0810J50200 Anaren SMT 600 to 3000 MABACT0065 M/A-COM TL 1000 to 2000 HHM1518A3 TDK SMT 1400 to 2000 HHM1541E1 TDK SMT 1900 to 2300 2450BL15B100E Johanson SMT 2000 to 2700 HHM1526 TDK SMT 3700 to 5100 HHM1583B1 TDK SMT 4000 to 6000 HHM1570B1 TDK SMT The listed TL baluns do not provide input-to-output DC isolation and must be AC coupled at the output. Figure 18 displays RF± connections using these baluns. CS 50Ω VRF+ LC RF–(+) CS TO 50Ω LOAD 6946 F16 Figure 16. Single-Ended Output Matching Schematic 6946fb For more information 27 LTC6946 Applications Information VRF+ 3 RF+ 12 LTC6946 RF– 2 1 TO 50Ω LOAD BALUN 11 4 5 6 6946 F18 6946 F20 BALUN PIN CONFIGURATION 1 UNBALANCED PORT 2 GND OR DC FEED 3 BALANCED PORT 4 BALANCED PORT 5 GND 6 NC Figure 20. Example Exposed Pad Land Pattern Figure 18. Example SMT Balun Connection VRF+ TO 50Ω LOAD RF+ 12 LTC6946 RF– PRI 11 SEC 6946 F19 Figure 19. Example TL Balun Connection SUPPLY BYPASSING AND PCB LAYOUT GUIDELINES Care must be taken when creating a PCB layout to minimize power supply decoupling and ground inductances. All power supply V+ pins should be bypassed directly to the ground plane using a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor as close to the pin as possible. Multiple vias to the ground plane should be used for all ground connections, including to the power supply decoupling capacitors. The package’s exposed pad is a ground connection, and must be soldered directly to the PCB land. The PCB land pattern should have multiple thermal vias to the ground plane for both low ground inductance and also low thermal resistance (see Figure 20 for an example). See QFN Package Users Guide, page 8, on Linear Technology website’s Packaging Information page for specific recommendations concerning land patterns and land via solder masks. A link is provided below. REFERENCE SIGNAL ROUTING, SPURIOUS and phase noise The charge pump operates at the PFD’s comparison frequency fPFD. The resultant output spurious energy is small and is further reduced by the loop filter before it modulates the VCO frequency. However, improper PCB layout can degrade the LTC6946’s inherent spurious performance. Care must be taken to prevent the reference signal fREF from coupling onto the VCO’s tune line, or into other loop filter signals. Example suggestions are the following. 1. Do not share power supply decoupling capacitors between same voltage power supply pins. 2. Use separate ground vias for each power supply decoupling capacitor, especially those connected to VREF+, VCP+, and VVCO+. 3. Physically separate the reference frequency signal from the loop filter and VCO. 4. Do not place a trace between the CMA, CMB and CMC pads underneath the package as worse phase noise could result. 28 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Applications Information LTC6946-2 Driving a Modulator 0.01µF 3.3V + GND CP VCP+ VREF+ REF + VREFO+ VVCO+ GND STAT CMA CS CMB LTC6946-2 2.2µF –60 ≈–80dBc –70 –80 –90 –90 MEASUREMENT NOISE FLOOR –120 1802.5 GND SDO –40 –50 –110 CMC SDI 0.1µF 0.01µF REFO SCLK SPI BUS 15Ω 5V 3.3V REF – 0.1µF 0.01µF 1µF 51.1Ω MEASURED SIGNAL –30 1µF 1µF POWER IN 30kHz BW (dBm) 10MHz REFERENCE Measured W-CDMA ACPR (3.84MHz Bandwidth) BB VRF+ RF+ RF– GND MUTE VD+ 3.3V LOOP COMPENSATION COMPONENT VALUES ARE APPLICATION SPECIFIC DEPENDING ON THE LO FREQUENCY RANGE AND STEP SIZE AND THE PHASE NOISE OF THE REFERENCE TUNE RZ CP CI 1µF 3.3V 0.01µF THE UNUSED RF – OUTPUT IS AVAILABLE TO DRIVE ANOTHER 50Ω LOAD 68nH 3.3V 68nH 1817.5 1812.5 1807.5 RF FREQUENCY (MHz) TB 6946 TA02b LTC6946-2 Modulator Application Phase Noise 3.3V –90 1nF 3.3V 1Ω 4.7µF LO = 1950MHz 1.3Ω 1nF LTC5588-1 VCC1 RF EN 0° 90° Q-DAC BASEBAND GENERATOR 10nF –130 –140 RMS NOISE = 0.281° fRF = 1950MHz fPFD = 2MHz OD = 2 fSTEP = 1MHz 1k 10k 100k 1M OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M 6946 TA02c PA 1810MHz GNDRF BBPQ –120 –160 100 1nF VCC2 –110 –150 LOM BBMI EN 3.3V 4.7µF LOP BBPI I-DAC PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) 1nF 50Ω –100 TOKO 4DFB-1950L-10 50Ω VGA BBMQ 140MHz GND LINOPT 6946 TA02 LTC2630 6946fb For more information 29 LTC6946 Package Description Please refer to for the most recent package drawings. UFD Package 28-Lead Plastic QFN (4mm × 5mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1712 Rev B) 0.70 ±0.05 4.50 ± 0.05 3.10 ± 0.05 2.50 REF 2.65 ± 0.05 3.65 ± 0.05 PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.25 ±0.05 0.50 BSC 3.50 REF 4.10 ± 0.05 5.50 ± 0.05 RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS APPLY SOLDER MASK TO AREAS THAT ARE NOT SOLDERED 4.00 ± 0.10 (2 SIDES) 0.75 ± 0.05 R = 0.05 TYP PIN 1 NOTCH R = 0.20 OR 0.35 × 45° CHAMFER 2.50 REF R = 0.115 TYP 27 28 0.40 ± 0.10 PIN 1 TOP MARK (NOTE 6) 1 2 5.00 ± 0.10 (2 SIDES) 3.50 REF 3.65 ± 0.10 2.65 ± 0.10 (UFD28) QFN 0506 REV B 0.200 REF 0.00 – 0.05 0.25 ± 0.05 0.50 BSC BOTTOM VIEW—EXPOSED PAD NOTE: 1. DRAWING PROPOSED TO BE MADE A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE MO-220 VARIATION (WXXX-X). 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE 30 6946fb For more information LTC6946 Revision History REV DATE DESCRIPTION A 11/11 Add IOL and remove Max value, remove Max value for IOH Revise values on Block Diagram PAGE NUMBER B 03/15 Added LTC6946-4. 4 11 All pages Changed operating core temperature to operating junction temperature. 2 Updated power supply currents. 5 Updated VCO calibration. 8, 17 6946fb Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representaFor more information tion that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. 31 LTC6946 Typical Application LTC6946-2 Driving a Passive Downconverting Mixer 0.01µF 3.3V 18 1µF 1µF + 5V GND CP VCP+ VVCO+ GND STAT CMA 15 14 13 12 11 9 –20 BB VRF+ RF+ RF– MUTE TB LOOP COMPENSATION COMPONENT VALUES ARE APPLICATION SPECIFIC DEPENDING ON THE LO FREQUENCY RANGE AND STEP SIZE AND THE PHASE NOISE OF THE REFERENCE TUNE RZ CP CI 1µF 3.3V LO = LTC6946-2 LO = CLEAN LAB SOURCE 16 GND SDO RF = 1982MHz BLOCKER = 2082MHz 10 CMC SDI V D+ 2.2µF CMB LTC6946-2 SCLK 0.1µF 0.01µF REFO CS SPI BUS VREF+ REF – VREFO+ REF + 3.3V GND 0.1µF 15Ω 0.01µF 1µF 51.1Ω 17 SSB NOISE FIGURE (dB) 10MHz REFERENCE LTC5541 Noise Figure vs Blocker Power and LO Signal Source 3.3V 0.01µF 0 –15 –5 –10 RF BLOCKER POWER (dBm) 5 6946 TA03b LTC6946-2 Mixer Application Phase Noise –90 TOKO 3.3V 4DFB-1842N-10 3.3V 3.3V 22pF RF IN IMAGE 1952MHz BPF TO 2012MHZ LO1 VCC1 LNA 1µF 22pF VCC3 22pF RF 150nH IF+ 150nH 1nF 140MHz SAW 3.3V CT VCC2 –140 RMS NOISE = 0.270° fRF = 1842MHz fPFD = 2MHz OD = 2 fSTEP = 1MHz 140MHz BPF 1k 10k 100k 1M OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M ADC IFGND 6946 TA03 1nF LTC5541 GND GND GND GND GND –130 6946 TA03c IF– 1.5pF –120 –160 100 LOBIAS IFBIAS –110 –150 LOSEL 3.3V 2.2pF PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) LO = 1842MHz BALUN TDK HHM1525 LO2 –100 SHDN 30nH 1µF Related Parts PART NUMBER LTC6945 LTC6947 LTC6948 LTC6950 LTC6957 LTC2000 DESCRIPTION Ultralow Noise and Spurious Integer-N Synthesizer Ultralow Noise and Spurious Fractional-N Synthesizer Ultralow Noise and Spurious Frac-N Synthesizer with VCO Low Phase Noise and Spurious Integer-N PLL Core with Five Output Clock Distribution and EZSync Low Phase Noise, Dual Output Buffer/Driver/Logic Converter 16-/14-/11-Bit 2.5Gsps DAC LTC5569 LTC5588-1 LT®5575 Broadband Dual Mixer Ultrahigh OIP3 I/Q Modulator Direct Conversion I/Q Demodulator 32 Linear Technology Corporation COMMENTS 350MHz to 6GHz, –226dBc/Hz Normalized In-Band Phase Noise Floor 350MHz to 6GHz, –226dBc/Hz Normalized In-Band Phase Noise Floor 370MHz to 6.39GHz, –226dBc/Hz Normalized In-Band Phase Noise Floor 1.4GHz Max VCO Frequency, Additive Jitter <20fsRMS, –226dBc/Hz Normalized In-Band Phase Noise Floor Optimized Conversion of Sine Waves to Logic Levels, LVPECL/LVDS/CMOS Superior 80dBc SFDR at 70MHz Output, 40mA Nominal Drive and High Linearity 300MHz to 4GHz, 26.8dBm IIP3, 2dB Gain, 11.7dB NF, 600mW Power 200MHz to 6GHz, 31dBm OIP3, –160.6dBm/Hz Noise Floor 800MHz to 2.7GHz, 22.6dBm IIP3, 60dBm IIP2, 12.7dB NF 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 For more information (408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● 6946fb LT 0315 REV B • PRINTED IN USA LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2011