, L/nc, TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. UHF push-pull power transistor FEATURES • Double Input and output matching for easy matching and high gain • Poly-silicon emitter-ballasting resistors for an optimum temperature profile • Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability. BLV948 QUICK REFERENCE DATA RF performance at Th = 25 °C in a common emitter test circuit. f MODE OF OPERATION CW, class-AB 2-tone, class-AB (MHz) VCE (V) PL (W) (dB) QP 1e (%) 900 26 150 27 >48 960 26 150 245 900 26 150 (PEP) 234 S-24 960 26 150 (PEP) 26.5 27.5 S7.5 (dBc) - 234 £-22 «3 WARNING DESCRIPTION Two NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistors in push-pull configuration, intended for linear common emitter class-AB operation in base station transmitters in the 800 to 960 MHz range. The transistor is encapsulated in a 4-lead SOT262A2 flange envelope, with two ceramic caps. The ftanga provides the common emitter connection for both transistors. Product and environmental safety - toxic materials This product contains beryllium oxide. The product is entirely safe provided that the BeO discs are not damaged. All parsons who handle, use or dispose of this product should be aware of its nature and of the necessary safety precautions. After use, dispose of as chemical or special waste according to the regulations applying at the location of the user. It must never be thrown out with the general or domestic waste. PINNING - SOT262A2 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 DESCRIPTION collector 1 collector 2 base 1 base 2 emitter (connected to flange) 5 \. I 3 Top view L I 5 4 MSBom Fig.1 Simplified outline and symbol. NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors UHF push-pull power transistor BLV948 LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Per transistor section unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL P« PARAMETER collector-base voltage collector-emitter voltage emitter-base voltage DC collector current average collector current total power dissipation T-, T, storage temperature junction temperature Vc0o y VBO Ic 'CIAV) WIN. CONDITIONS open emitter open base open collector MAX. - 12.5 12.5 — 320 -65 150 200 - T^ = 25 °C; total device; both sections equally loaded - UNIT V V V A A W 60 28 3 - "C °C THERMAL RESISTANCE SYMBOL thermal resistance from junction to mounting base thermal resistance from mounting base to heatsink ^«i i-mb "lh rr*-h THERMAL RESISTANCE CONDITIONS PARAMETER PB, = 320 W; T^ = 25 °C; total device, both sections equally loaded total device; both sections squally loaded max. 0.55 K/W max. 0.15 K/W , so MEA0W "to,360 'c (A) \ 10 (W)300 " ~\< 2\) ^ ^^ £50 \ ~v v. S. 200 ^>> ^^ >^ N "^ V 160 (2) "^. ^ "x, (1) ^ 's KH- "X ^v. V •*^ 100 ^^ ">>, 50 0 1 10 V C E ( V) '°° C 20 40 60 80 100 Th (DTrt = 25 °C. (2)T h = 7'0°C. Total dev ice; both sections equally loaded. Fig.2 DC SOAR. 120 <°C> (1)Contin uous operation, (2) Short- ime operation during mismatch. Total devl :e; both sections equally loaded. Fig.:3 Power/temperature derating curve. UHF push-pull power transistor BLV948 CHARACTERISTICS Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified. Per transistor section unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL ^(BfllCBO VIBRICEO V(BH)EBO 'cES hre ACVj ce PARAMETER collector-base breakdown voltage collector-emitter breakdown voltage emitter-base breakdown voltage collector-emitter cut-off current DC current gain DC current gain ratio of both sections collector capacitance (notel) CONDITIONS open emitter; lc = 60 mA open base; lc = 150 mA open collector; IE = 3 mA V8E = 0;V CE = 25V I C =1.5A;V O E =10V I C =1.SA;V C E =10V U = i* = n; vce =25 V; f = 1 MHz WIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT 60 - - V 28 - - V 3 - - V - - 10 mA 30 - 120 0.67 - 1.5 - BO 90 pF Note 1. Value Cc is that of the die only, it is not measurable because of the internal matching network. Mftciif 100 HFE eo _ _ '^300 -— ^ ,— — ———•• 60 U/W3U cc350 250 Y^ 200 \. 150 40 100 •^ •* 20 ~ — !• — _ 50 0 0 8 IC (mA) () 10 12 VCE =10 V. Flg.4 DC current gain as a function of collector current, typical values. 20 30 VCB<V) 40 le = i, = C; f = 1 MHz. Fig.S Collector capacitance as a function of c Dltector-base voltage, typical values. UHF push-pull power transistor BLV948 WRAJIB • T 10 IG 3^" ^^-—H (A) jS^S^ (V 1 /m // / / // // 0.1 0.01 #= It // / c 0.5 1 1.6 2 2.5 VBE(V) VCE = 25 V. 0 ) T h = -70 °C. (2)T h - 25 °C. F g.6 Collector current as a function of :ase emitter voltage, typical values. APPLICATION INFORMATION RF performance at Th = 25 °C in a common emitter test circuit. FL, „.-,, = 0.15 K/W. MODE OF OPERATION CW, dass-AB f (MHz) VCE (V) ICQ (mA) PL <W) GP (dB) 900 26 2x100 150 •>7 typ. 8.3 960 26 2x100 150 >6.5 typ. 7,9 lie (%) >48 typ. 53 >45 typ. 50 Ruggedness in class-AB operation The BLV948 is capable of withstanding a load mismatch corresponding to VSWR - 2:1 through all phases under the following conditions: VC6 = 26 V; Th = 25 °C; R1h ^^ = 0.15 K/W; PL = 150 W; f = 960 MHz.