ATMEL AT91RM3400 Arm7tdmiâ®-based microcontroller Datasheet

• AC Characteristics
– PLL Frequency Limitation (30)
• Boot ROM
– Boot Uploader: SRAM Download Limitation (29)
• MultiMedia Card Interface
– Data Endianess is Inverted from MCI to MMC or SD Card (28)
• Timer/Counter
Wrong Compare at Restart if Burst Low (27)
Wrong 0 Captured before Compare RC Trigger (26)
Erroneous Capture with Burst Low (25)
Bad Capture at Restart if Burst Low (24)
TIOA and TIOB Outputs Stuck in case of Simultaneous Events (23)
TIMER_CLOCK2 not Sampled on Same Edge as TIMER_CLOCK0 and
– Triggers do not Clear the Counter in Up/Down Mode (21)
– Triggers in Up/Down Mode are Lost when Burst Signal is Active (20)
– Clock Selection Limitation in Up/Down Mode (19)
– Spurious Counter Overflow in Up/Down Mode (18)
PIO Controller
– Output Data Status Register is Always Read/Write (17)
Serial Peripheral Interface
– Slave Mode Receiver Does not Mask the Highest Data Bits (16)
– No Chip Select Configuration Change Before End of Current Transfer (15)
– NPCSx Rises if No Data is to be Transmitted (14)
Serial Synchronous Controller
– Receiver Does not Take into Account a Start Condition While Receiving Data (13)
– RXSYN and TXSYN not Cleared when Read (12)
– Receiver Speed Limitations (11)
– Transmitter Speed Limitations (10)
– Disabling the SSC Does not Stop the Frame Synchronization Signal Generation (9)
– No Delay when Start Condition Overlays Data Transmit (8)
Two-wire Interface
– Disabling Does not Operate Correctly (7)
– NACK Status Bit Lost (6)
– Possible Receive Holding Register Corruption (5)
– Clock Divider Limitation (4)
Power Management Controller
– Constraints on the Master Clock Selection Sequence (3)
– MCKRDY Does not Rise in Some Cases (2)
– Bad Switching when Writing PLL Registers with Same MUL and DIV Values (1)
Errata Sheet
This Errata Sheet refers to:
AT91RM3400 devices packaged in 100-lead PQFP with the marking AT91RM3400-AI
and the product number at the bottom left of the package being 58A06R or 58A06S
30. AC Characteristics: PLL Frequency Limitation
The maximum PLL output frequency is limited to 70 MHz.
Problem Fix/Workaround
29. ROM Bootloader: SRAM Download Limitation
The maximum size to download in the internal SRAM when using the upload feature
of the Boot ROM is 64K and does not verify the generic equation:
Max size = SRAM size - 4 K Bytes
This problem is solved on the AT91RM3400 revision 58A06S.
Problem Fix/Workaround
28. MCI: Data Endianess inversion from the MCI to MMC or SD Card
The data endianess is inverted when writing or reading to or from an MMC or SD
card. If the MCI interface is exclusively used to read/write from/to a dedicated card
the inversion is not visible (two inversions). Furthermore, if the card is shared with
other systems then endianess will not match. This endianess inversion concerns
only data sectors and not command and response.
Problem Fix/Workaround
A software workaround consists of swapping the order of word bytes before writing
and doing so also after reading.
27. TC: Wrong Compare at restart if Burst Low
If the counter was stopped or disabled, unwanted Compare RA, RB or RC may
occur at restart if the clock selected by the counter is masked by a low selected
burst input when the trigger event is recognized at the selected clock active edge.
All compare effects are affected, as the flags are set incorrectly and CPC trigger,
CPC stop or CPC disable may occur.
Problem Fix/Workaround
26. TC: Wrong 0 Captured before Compare RC Trigger
A wrong 0 is captured in RA or RB during the last selected counter clock period if
CPCTRG is active and the capture event occurred at least one Master Clock cycle
after the last counter value update.
Problem Fix/Workaround
25. TC: Erroneous Capture with Burst Low
The value captured is not equal to the Counter Value if the selected burst input is
low at capture time, i.e., at the selected clock active edge where the capture event is
The captured value may be 0; otherwise, it is the Counter Value plus one instead of
the Counter Value.
Problem Fix/Workaround
AT91RM3400 Errata Sheet
AT91RM3400 Errata Sheet
24. TC: Bad Capture at restart if Burst Low
The captured value is not zero if burst is low when the preceding trigger event is recognized. Instead, the captured value is the Counter Value before the trigger.
Problem Fix/Workaround
23. TC: TIOA and TIOB outputs Stuck in case of Simultaneous Events
In the TC_CMR register, if at least one of the fields; ASWTRG or AEEVT or ACPC is
set to 0x0 (none), the event programmed by ACPA is not carried out.
In the TC_CMR register, if at least one of the fields; ASWTRG or AEEVT is set to
0x0 (none), the event programmed by ACPC is not carried out.
In the TC_CMR register, if the ASWTRG field is set to 0x0 (none), the event programmed by AEEVT is not carried out.
The same problem exists on the TIOB output with the fields; BSWTRG, BEEVT,
Problem Fix/Workaround
An order of priority for TIOA and/or TIOB events must be defined depending on the
user application.
22. TC: TIMER_CLOCK2 not sampled on same edge as TIMER_CLOCK0 and
TIMER_CLOCK2/TIMER_CLOCK5 are sampled on the system clock falling edge of
Master Clock, whereas TIMER_CLOCK0/TIMER_CLOCK3 and
TIMER_CLOCK1/TIMER_CLOCK4 are sampled on the rising edge of Master Clock.
This should not have any effect on the functional operations of the Timer Counter
unless the Timer Counter is used at its speed limit.
Problem Fix/Workaround
21. TC: Triggers do not clear the counter in Up/Down Mode
When the WAVESEL field in TC_CMR is at value 0x1 or 0x3, the triggers do not
reset the counter value. The counter value can be reset only by modifying the
WAVESEL field.
Problem Fix/Workaround
20 TC: Triggers in Up/Down Mode are lost when burst signal is active
When the WAVESEL field in TC_CMR is at value 0x1 or 0x3, the triggers occurring
while the selected burst signal is active (clock disabled) are not taken into account.
Problem Fix/Workaround
19. TC: Clock Selection Limitation in Up/Down Mode
Selecting the Master Clock or the Master Clock divided by 2 as the Timer Counter
Clock may lead to unpredictable result when the field WAVESEL in TC_CMR is at
value 0x2 or 0x3.
Problem Fix/Workaround
18. TC: Spurious counter overflow in Up/Down Mode.
When the WAVESEL field in TC_CMR is at value 0x1 or 0x3 and when the counter
reaches the value 0xFFFF, it inverts its sense and decrements to 0xFFFE. At the
same time, the OVF bit in TC_SR is set.
Problem Fix/Workaround
17. PIO: Output Data Status Register is always Read/Write.
The programming of the register PIO_OWSR register has no effect on the
read/write features of PIO_ODSR, which is always read/write accessible.
Problem Fix/Workaround
16. SPI: Slave Mode Receiver does not mask the Highest Data Bits.
If the SPI receives a frame followed by 8 bits of data, the user needs to mask the
highest byte of the Receive Holding Register, as this data may be incorrect and not
Problem Fix/Workaround
The user should implement the PDC. If the PDC is not implemented, the user
should mask the highest byte of the Receive Holding Register.
15. SPI: No chip select configuration change before end of current transfer.
If the SPI is programmed in Master Mode and in Fixed Peripheral Mode, and data is
being sent to a slave, the user has to wait for completion of the transfer before
changing the slave number. Programming a new slave number (PCS) and/or a new
DLYBCS field locks the SPI on the current slave.
Problem Fix/Workaround
The user should use the Variable Peripheral Mode.
14. SPI: Warning. NPCSx rises if no data is to be transmitted.
If the SPI has sent all the data written in the SPI_TDR, the current NPCS rises
immediately. This might be disruptive in the case of several SPI peripherals requiring their chip select line to remain active until a complete data buffer has been
transmitted. The PDC channel may be late in providing data to be transmitted when
bus latencies are too high.
Problem Fix/Workaround
For high-speed applications, the relevant PIO pins can be used to manage the data
13. SSC: Receiver does not take into account a start condition while receiving
The SSC receiver does not support reception of the last data sequence of a frame
that overlaps a new start of a frame, regardless of the mode of detection of the start
condition. For example, this prevents reception of the last data of a TDM bus.
Problem Fix/Workaround
AT91RM3400 Errata Sheet
AT91RM3400 Errata Sheet
12. SSC: RXSYN and TXSYN not cleared when read
The status bits RXSYN and TXSYN are active during a complete serial clock period
and are not immediately cleared when SSC_SR is read.
Problem Fix/Workaround
The user must enable the interrupt relevant to RXSYN and TXSYN.
11. SSC: Receiver Speed Limitations
If RF is programmed as an input, the maximum clock frequency is MCK divided by
If RF is programmed as an output and RK is programmed as an input, the maximum
clock frequency is MCK divided by 6.
If RF and RK are both programmed as outputs, the maximum clock frequency is
MCK divided by 4.
Problem Fix/Workaround
10. SSC: Transmitter Speed Limitations
If both TF and TK are programmed as outputs, the maximum clock frequency is
MCK divided by 4.
If TF is programmed as an output and TK is programmed as an input, the maximum
clock frequency is MCK divided by 8.
If both TF and TK are programmed as inputs, the maximum clock frequency is MCK
divided by 8.
If TF is programmed as an input and TK is programmed as an output, the maximum
clock frequency is MCK divided by 4.
Problem Fix/Workaround
9. SSC: Disabling the SSC does not stop the Frame Synchronization signal
Generating RF can be stopped only by programming the FSOS field in SSC_RFMR
to 0x0.
Generating TF can be stopped only by programming the FSOS field in SSC_TFMR
to 0x0.
Problem Fix/Workaround
8. SSC: No delay when start condition overlays data transmit.
When transmission of data is programmed at the end of a frame and the start condition of the following frame is detected at the end of the current frame, the delay
programmed by the STTDLY bit (in the SSC_RCMR and in the SSC_TCMR registers) is not performed on the next frame. Transmission starts immediately
regardless of the programming of the field STTDLY.
Problem Fix/Workaround
7. TWI: Disabling does not operate correctly.
Any transfer in progress is immediately frozen if the Control Register (TWI_CR) is
written with the MSDIS bit at 1. Furthermore, the status bits TXCOMP and TXRDY
in the Status Register (TWI_SR) are not reset.
Problem Fix/Workaround
The user must wait for the end of transfer before disabling the TWI. In addition, the
interrupts must be disabled before disabling the TWI.
6. TWI: NACK Status Bit lost
During a master frame, if TWI_SR is read between the Non Acknowledge condition
detection and the TXCOMP bit rising in the TWI_SR, the NACK bit is not set.
Problem Fix/Workaround
The user must wait for the TXCOMP status bit by setting an interrupt and must not
read the TWI_SR as long as transmission is not completed.
Note: TXCOMP and NACK fields are set simultaneously and the NACK field is reset
after the read of the TWI_SR.
5. TWI: Possible Receive Holding Register Corruption
When loading the TWI_RHR, the transfer direction is ignored. The last data byte
received in the TWI_RHR is corrupted at the end of the first subsequent transmit
data byte. Neither RXRDY nor OVERRUN status bits are set if this occurs.
Problem Fix/Workaround
The user must be sure that received data is read before transmitting any new data.
4. TWI: Clock Divider Limitation
The CKDIV field on the Clock Waveform Generator (TWI_CWGR) has a maximum
value of 0x5.
Problem Fix/Workaround
3. PMC: Constraints on the Master Clock selection sequence
The PMC_MCKR register must not be programmed in a single write operation.
Problem Fix/Workaround
The preferred programming sequence for the PMC_MCKR register is as follows:
1. Program the CSS field in the PMC_MCKR.
2. Wait for the MCKRDY bit to be set in the PMC_SR register.
3. Program the PRES field (in the PMC_MCKR).
An exception to this sequence occurs when the processor clock frequency is greater
than the master clock frequency. In this case, the PRES field should be written
2. PMC: MCKRDY does not rise in some cases.
When reprogramming the Master Clock Register, if both PRES and CSS fields are
written with the same values as the ones already stored, or if both fields are written
with different values than the ones already stored, the status bit MCKRDY does not
rise. When one and only one of the PRES or CSS fields is changed, the MCKRDY
bit operates normally.
AT91RM3400 Errata Sheet
AT91RM3400 Errata Sheet
Problem Fix/Workaround
If both fields must be reprogrammed, carry out the change in two steps.
1. PMC: Bad switching when writing PLL registers with the same MUL and DIV
When the MUL and DIV fields in the PMC_PLLBR register are written with the same
values as already programmed, the Master Clock signal switches to Main Clock
(output of the Main Oscillator) until a different value is programmed in the register.
When the MUL and DIV fields in the PMC_PLLAR register are written with the same
values as already programmed, the Master Clock signal switches to Slow Clock
(output of the 32768 Hz Oscillator) until a different value is programmed in the
Problem Fix/Workaround
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