FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information Product Features Product Description Functional Diagram 50 – 4000 MHz +27 dBm P1dB +40 dBm Output IP3 High Drain Efficiency 20.5 dB Gain @ 900 MHz The FP1189 is a high performance ½-Watt HFET (Heterostructure FET) in a low-cost SOT-89 surfacemount package. This device works optimally at a drain bias of +8 V and 125 mA to achieve +40 dBm output IP3 performance and an output power of +27 dBm at 1-dB compression, while providing 20.5 dB gain at 900 MHz. GND • Lead-free/Green/RoHScompliant SOT-89 Package • MTTF >100 Years The device conforms to WJ Communications’ long history of producing high reliability and quality components. The FP1189 has an associated MTTF of greater than 100 years at a mounting temperature of 85°C and is available in both the standard SOT-89 package and the environmentallyfriendly lead-free/green/RoHS-compliant and green SOT89 package. All devices are 100% RF & DC tested. • • • • • Applications • • • • • • Mobile Infrastructure CATV / DBS W-LAN / ISM RFID Defense / Homeland Security Fixed Wireless Saturated Drain Current, I dss (1) Transconductance, Gm Pinch Off Voltage, Vp (2) RF Parameter (3) Operational Bandwidth Test Frequency Small Signal Gain SS Gain (50 Ω, unmatched) Maximum Stable Gain Output P1dB Output IP3 (4) Noise Figure Drain Bias 1 2 3 RF IN GND RF OUT Function Input / Gate Output / Drain Ground Pin No. 1 3 2, 4 The product is targeted for use as driver amplifiers for wireless infrastructure where high performance and high efficiency are required. Typical Performance (5) Specifications DC Parameter 4 Units Min mA mS V 220 Units Min MHz MHz dB dB dB dBm dBm dB Typ Max 290 155 -2.1 360 Typ Max 50 - 4000 800 20.5 17 Parameter Frequency Gain Input Return Loss Output Return Loss Output P1dB Output IP3 (4) Noise Figure IS-95 Channel Power @ -45 dBc ACPR 21 24 +27.4 +40 2.7 +8 V @ 125 mA Units Typical MHz dB dB dB dBm dBm dB 915 1960 2140 2450 20.6 15.7 14.7 13.2 13 26 24 36 6.0 9.6 9.0 7.6 +27.4 +27.2 +27.2 +28.1 +39.9 +40.4 +39.7 +40.0 2.7 3.7 4.3 dBm +21 +20.8 W-CDMA Ch. Power +18.4 @ -45 dBc ACLR Drain Voltage Drain Current V mA +8 125 5. Typical parameters represent performance in a tuned application circuit. 1. I dss is measured with Vgs = 0 V, V ds = 3 V. 2. Pinch-off voltage is measured when Ids = 1.2 mA. 3. Test conditions unless otherwise noted: T = 25ºC, VDS = 8 V, IDQ = 125 mA, in a tuned application circuit with ZL = Z LOPT, ZS = Z SOPT (optimized for output power). 4. 3OIP measured with two tones at an output power of +12 dBm/tone separated by 1 MHz. The suppression on the largest IM3 product is used to calculate the 3OIP using a 2:1 rule. Absolute Maximum Rating Ordering Information Parameter Rating Part No. Description Operating Case Temperature Storage Temperature DC Power RF Input Power (continuous) Drain to Gate Voltage, Vdg Junction Temperature -40 to +85 °C -55 to +150 °C 2.0 W 6 dB above Input P1dB +14 V +220° C FP1189 ½ -Watt HFET FP1189-G ½ -Watt HFET FP1189-PCB900S FP1189-PCB1900S FP1189-PCB2140S 870 – 960 MHz Application Circuit 1930 – 1990 MHz Application Circuit 2110 – 2170 MHz Application Circuit (leaded SOT-89 Pkg) (lead-free/green/RoHS-compliant SOT-89 Pkg) Operation of this device above any of these parameters may cause permanent damage. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information Typical Device Data S-Parameters (VDS = +8 V, IDS = 125 mA, T = 25°C, calibrated to device leads) S11 1.0 0.8 2 -0. 10.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 3 2 1 -0.8 Swp Min 0.05GHz .0 -2 .4 -0 -1.0 1 0.4 0.2 5 4 -0 .6 6 .0 -2 5 -0.8 2 3 4 Frequency (GHz) -1.0 1 2 -0 .6 0 .4 -0 -3 .0 0 0 10.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2 -0. DB(MSG) -4 .0 -5. 0 DB(|S[2,1]|) 10.0 6 -10.0 S21, MSG (dB) 3 5 5.0 10.0 -3 .0 10 0 4. 5.0 -4 .0 0.2 15 0 3. 0 2 4 GH 4. 0. 0. 4 20 3.0 5 GH 0 6 0. 4 25 2. 0 2. 0 0.6 6 0. Swp Max 6GHz -5. 0 0.8 1.0 S22 Swp Max 6GHz -1 0. S21, Maximum Stable Gain vs. Frequency 30 Swp Min 0.05GHz Note: Measurements were made on the packaged device in a test fixture with 50 ohm input and output lines. The S-parameters shown are the de-embedded data down to the device leads and represents typical performance of the device. Freq (MHz) 50 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000 S11 (mag) S11 (ang) S21 (mag) S21 (ang) S12 (mag) S12 (ang) S22 (mag) 1.000 -4.52 10.313 176.55 0.002 87.44 0.544 0.988 -21.51 10.120 163.88 0.010 76.64 0.535 0.959 -42.21 9.681 148.45 0.020 64.73 0.520 0.933 -61.23 9.005 134.71 0.028 53.45 0.495 0.895 -78.75 8.270 122.08 0.035 44.25 0.469 0.860 -95.09 7.561 109.58 0.040 34.30 0.447 0.848 -109.61 7.028 99.15 0.044 26.69 0.428 0.821 -122.91 6.408 88.96 0.046 19.57 0.407 0.807 -135.32 5.950 79.64 0.048 13.93 0.400 0.796 -147.01 5.474 70.37 0.049 7.21 0.386 0.785 -157.00 5.087 62.43 0.050 2.99 0.374 0.780 -166.26 4.732 53.97 0.050 -1.58 0.376 0.775 -175.87 4.415 45.54 0.049 -6.79 0.369 0.766 175.78 4.082 38.18 0.049 -9.36 0.368 0.770 167.34 3.843 30.76 0.048 -12.48 0.372 0.771 159.87 3.602 23.91 0.050 -14.97 0.369 0.771 152.07 3.408 16.74 0.050 -17.53 0.374 0.771 145.63 3.241 9.15 0.048 -19.53 0.382 0.772 138.97 3.053 2.49 0.048 -21.27 0.387 0.770 132.07 2.876 -4.50 0.050 -23.00 0.396 0.780 126.56 2.743 -10.47 0.048 -25.08 0.408 0.794 120.21 2.622 -17.28 0.049 -26.64 0.412 0.795 114.22 2.507 -24.43 0.051 -30.44 0.423 0.794 108.27 2.346 -31.21 0.052 -30.16 0.442 0.798 102.86 2.237 -36.95 0.052 -31.18 0.446 Device S-parameters are available for download off of the website at: http://www.wj.com S22 (ang) -3.02 -13.77 -27.13 -39.31 -50.54 -60.96 -70.64 -79.82 -88.93 -97.59 -105.24 -113.47 -121.84 -129.77 -137.25 -144.61 -152.17 -161.00 -168.31 -175.08 177.65 170.89 162.41 154.66 147.41 Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information Application Circuit: 870 – 960 MHz (FP1189-PCB900S) The application circuit is matched for output power. Typical RF Performance Drain Bias = +8 V, Ids = 125 mA, 25°C Frequency S21 – Gain S11 – Input Return Loss S22 – Output Return Loss Output P1dB Output IP3 (+12 dBm / tone, 1 MHz spacing) Noise Figure IS-95 Channel Power @ -45 dBc ACPR -Vgg MHz dB dB dB dBm 870 20.9 -10 -5.2 +27.5 dBm 915 20.6 -13 -6.0 +27.4 +39.9 dB 2.7 dBm 2.7 CAP ID=C10 C=DNP pF Vds = 8 V @ 125 mA CAP ID=C11 C=1e5 pF CAP ID=C3 C=68 pF RES ID=R1 R= 20 Ohm CAP ID=C8 C=1000 pF CAP ID=C7 C=68 pF CAP ID=C2 C=18 pF IND ID=L4 L=12 nH CAP ID=C6 C=18 pF SUBCKT ID=Q1 NET="FP1189" IND ID=L1 L=47 nH CAP ID=C1 C= 68 pF 2.6 +21 CAP ID=C4 C=1000 pF PORT P= 1 Z =50 Ohm 960 19.8 -10 -7.6 +27.5 RES ID=R2 R= 10 Ohm 2 IND ID= L3 L =47 nH RES ID=L2 R=0 Ohm CAP ID=C9 C=68 pF PORT P= 2 Z =50 Ohm 1 CAP ID=C13 C=3.9 pF CAP ID=C12 C= DNP pF CAP ID=C5 C=DNP pF Bill of Materials Ref. Desig. C1, C3, C7, C9 C2, C6 C4, C8 C11 C13 L1, L3 L2 L4 R1 R2 Q1 C5, C12, C10 Value 68 pF 18 pF 1000 pF 0.1 µF 3.9 pF 47 nH 0O 12 nH 10 O 20 O FP1189 Part style Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Multilayer chip inductor Chip resistor Multilayer chip inductor Chip resistor Chip resistor WJ 0.5W HFET Do Not Place Size 0603 0603 0603 1206 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 SOT-89 14 mil GETEKTM ML200DSS (er = 4.2) The main microstrip line has a line impedance of 50 O. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information FP1189-PCB900S Application Circuit Performance Plots S11 vs. Frequency S21 vs. Frequency 21 -5 +85c -10 S21 (dB) -15 -20 20 19 -25 18 -30 17 -40c 860 880 900 920 940 960 860 880 5 26 24 920 940 960 860 +25c -40c 940 960 +25c -50 -40 C 860 880 900 920 940 960 16 IMD products (dBm) 60 4 14 Output Power 10 12 -4 0 4 Input Power (dBm) 8 12 20 Gain (dB) 18 -8 24 0 4 26 18 22 16 18 14 Output Power -8 -4 0 4 Input Power (dBm) 8 24 30 22 10 12 -12 20 frequency = 915 MHz, Temp = +85° C Gain 14 8 12 16 Output Power (dBm) Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power 30 22 Output Power (dBm) 16 -12 20 frequency = 915 MHz, Temp = +25° C 22 14 8 12 16 Output Power (dBm) Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power 18 24 25 0 frequency = 915 MHz, Temp = -40° C 26 23 30 IMD_High Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power Gain 22 OIP3 (dBm) IMD_Low Temperature (°C) 30 21 35 85 22 20 OIP3 vs. Output Power 26 20 Gain Gain (dB) 35 19 fundamental frequency = 915 MHz, 916 MHz; Temp = +25° C -80 10 18 40 -60 32 +85 C 45 -40 -15 17 IMD products vs. Output Power freq = 915, 916 MHz +12 dBm / tone +25 C Output Channel Power (dBm) fundamental frequency = 915 MHz, 916 MHz; Temp = +25° C 36 960 -40 +85c -20 38 940 freq = 915 MHz Frequency (MHz) 40 920 -70 OIP3 vs. Temperature -40 900 -60 1 42 34 880 ACPR vs. Channel Power 0 920 +85c IS-95, 9 Ch. Forward, ±885 kHz offset, 30 kHz Meas BW 2 +85c +25c Frequency (MHz) -30 Frequency (MHz) OIP3 (dBm) 900 3 20 Gain (dB) -40c 4 22 20 -25 +85c ACPR (dBc) 28 900 -20 Noise Figure vs. Frequency 6 NF (dB) P1dB (dBm) P1dB vs. Frequency 880 -15 Frequency (MHz) 30 860 -10 -30 Frequency (MHz) -40c +25c Output Power (dBm) S11 (dB) +25c 0 S22 (dB) -40c -5 S22 vs. Frequency 22 18 22 16 18 14 14 Output Power 10 12 12 -12 Output Power (dBm) 0 -8 -4 0 4 Input Power (dBm) 8 12 Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information Application Circuit: 1930 – 1990 MHz (FP1189-PCB1900S) The application circuit is matched for output power. Typical RF Performance Drain Bias = +8 V, Ids = 125 mA, 25°C Frequency S21 – Gain S11 – Input Return Loss S22 – Output Return Loss Output P1dB Output IP3 MHz dB dB dB dBm (+12 dBm / tone, 1 MHz spacing) Noise Figure IS-95 Channel Power @ -45 dBc ACPR 1930 15.8 -26 -9.2 +27.4 1960 15.7 -26 -9.6 +27.2 dBm +40.4 dB 3.7 dBm +20.8 CAP CAP CAP ID= C4 ID= C10 ID= C3 C= 33 pF C=DNP pF C= DNP pF 1990 15.5 -24 -9.0 +27.4 Vds = 8 V @ 125 mA CAP ID=C11 C=1e5 pF -Vgg CAP ID=C12 C= DNP pF RES ID=R1 R=100 Ohm PORT P=1 Z=50 Ohm CAP ID= C8 C= DNP pF CAP ID= C13 C=DNP pF CAP ID= C7 C= DNP pF CAP ID= C2 C=DNP pF CAP ID= C6 C= 33 pF CAP ID=C1 C= 33 pF SUBCKT ID= Q1 NET= "FP1189" IND ID= L1 L= 22 nH 2 IND ID= L3 L= 22 nH IND ID=L2 L= 2.7 nH CAP ID=C9 C=33 pF PORT P=2 Z=50 Ohm 1 CAP ID= C15 C= 1.8 pF RES ID= R2 R= 10 Ohm CAP ID=C13 C= DNP pF CAP ID= C5 C= 0.5 pF Bill of Materials Ref. Desig. C1, C4, C6, C9 C5 C11 C15 L1, L3 L2 R1 R2 Q1 C2, C3, C7, C8, C10, C12, C13, C14 Value 33 pF 0.5 pF 0.1 µF 1.8 pF 22 nH 2.7 nH 100 O 10 O FP1189 Part style Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Multilayer chip inductor Multilayer chip inductor Chip resistor Chip resistor WJ 0.5W HFET Size 0603 0603 1206 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 SOT-89 Do Not Place 14 mil GETEKTM ML200DSS (er = 4.2) The main microstrip line has a line impedance of 50 O. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information FP1189-PCB1900S Application Circuit Performance Plots S11 vs. Frequency S21 vs. Frequency 16 -5 +85C -10 S21 (dB) -15 -20 15 14 13 -25 -30 1950 1970 1990 1930 1950 5 26 24 22 1970 1990 2 -40C -40 -50 -60 +85C -40 C -70 1930 1950 1970 16 1990 IMD products vs. Output Power 32 60 IMD_Low 30 25 0 Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power 4 12 18 14 Output Power 8 10 16 24 0 4 20 16 26 Gain 22 12 18 10 14 Output Power 4 8 12 Input Power (dBm) 18 30 16 26 14 22 Gain 18 12 14 10 10 0 24 Output Power 8 -4 20 frequency = 1960 MHz, Temp = +85° C 30 14 8 12 16 Output Power (dBm) Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power 18 Gain (dB) 22 Output Power (dBm) 26 4 8 12 Input Power (dBm) 20 frequency = 1960 MHz, Temp = +25° C Gain 0 8 12 16 Output Power (dBm) Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power frequency = 1960 MHz, Temp = -40° C 16 24 IMD_High Temperature (°C) 30 23 35 85 18 22 OIP3 vs. Output Power Gain (dB) 35 21 fundamental frequency = 1960, 1961 MHz; Temp = +25° C -80 10 20 40 -60 freq = 1960, 1961 MHz +12 dBm / tone 19 OIP3 (dBm) 36 18 +85 C 45 -40 -15 17 +25 C Output Channel Power (dBm) fundamental frequency = 1960, 1961 MHz; Temp = +25° C IMD products (dBm) OIP3 (dBm) +25C -20 38 1990 freq = 1960 MHz Frequency (MHz) 40 1970 ACPR vs. Channel Power 3 OIP3 vs. Temperature -40 1950 +85C Frequency (MHz) 4 +85C 42 Gain (dB) 1930 +25C IS-95, 9 Ch. Forward, ±885 kHz offset, 30 kHz Meas BW Frequency (MHz) -4 1990 0 1950 -40C -30 1 +25C 20 10 1970 ACPR (dBc) 28 14 +85C Noise Figure vs. Frequency 6 NF (dB) P1dB (dBm) P1dB vs. Frequency 1930 -20 Frequency (MHz) 30 -40C -15 -30 Frequency (MHz) 34 +25C 12 1930 -10 -25 -40C Output Power (dBm) S11 (dB) +25C 0 S22 (dB) -40C -5 S22 vs. Frequency 17 Output Power (dBm) 0 16 10 8 20 -4 0 4 8 12 Input Power (dBm) 16 20 Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information Application Circuit: 2110 – 2170 MHz (FP1189-PCB2140S) The application circuit is matched for output power. Typical RF Performance Drain Bias = +8 V, Ids = 125 mA, 25°C Frequency S21 – Gain S11 – Input Return Loss S22 – Output Return Loss Output P1dB Output IP3 MHz dB dB dB dBm dBm (+12 dBm / tone, 1 MHz spacing) Noise Figure W-CDMA Channel Power RES ID=R1 R =100 Ohm PORT P=1 Z =50 Ohm CAP ID=C1 C=22 pF 2140 14.7 -24 -9.0 +27.2 2170 14.7 -24 -9.8 +26.8 +39.7 dB 4.2 dBm @ -45 dBc ACPR -Vgg 2110 14.7 -24 -7.6 +27.1 4.3 4.2 +18.4 CAP ID=C3 C=33 pF Vds = 8 V @ 125 mA CAP ID=C8 C=1e5 pF CAP ID=C11 C=DNP pF CAP ID=C7 C=22 pF CAP ID=C2 C=DNP pF CAP ID=C6 C=DNP pF IND ID=L1 L=18 nH SUBCKT ID=Q1 NET="FP1189" 2 RES ID=R2 R =10 Ohm IND ID=L2 L=18 nH IND ID=L3 L=2.7 nH CAP ID=C9 C=22 pF PORT P=2 Z =50 Ohm Part style Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Multilayer chip inductor Multilayer chip resistor Chip resistor Chip resistor WJ 0.5W HFET Do Not Place Size 0603 0805 0603 1206 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 SOT-89 1 CAP ID=C10 C =1.5 pF CAP ID=C5 C =0.5 pF CAP ID=C4 C=DNP pF Bill of Materials Ref. Desig. C1, C7, C9 C3 C5 C8 C10 L1, L2 L3 R1 R2 Q1 C2, C4, C6, C11 Value 22 pF 33 pF 0.5 pF 0.1 µF 1.5 pF 18 nH 2.7 nH 100 O 10 O FP1189 14 mil GETEKTM ML200DSS (er = 4.2) The main microstrip line has a line impedance of 50 O. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information FP1189-PCB2140S Application Circuit Performance Plots S11 vs. Frequency S21 vs. Frequency 15 -5 +85c -10 S21 (dB) -15 -20 14 13 12 -25 -30 2130 2150 2170 2110 2130 -20 +85c 2150 2170 2110 ACPR (dBc) -40 NF (dB) 5 22 4 3 2 1 +85C -40c 20 2130 2150 2170 2110 OIP3 vs. Temperature -40 C 2130 2150 2170 13 Gain (dB) 22 10 18 32 Output Power 14 35 60 85 0 4 Temperature (°C) Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power 12 22 10 18 14 Output Power Output Power (dBm) 26 Gain 16 25 0 20 4 10 20 20 frequency = 2140 MHz, Temp = +85° C IMD_Low 30 14 26 12 Gain 22 10 18 14 8 Output Power -80 10 6 0 4 8 12 16 Output Power (dBm) 24 Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power -40 -60 8 12 16 Output Power (dBm) 16 IMD_High 6 8 12 16 Input Power (dBm) 30 -20 IMD products (dBm) 14 21 35 fundamental frequency = 2140, 2141 MHz; Temp = +25° C 30 20 40 IMD products vs. Output Power frequency = 2140 MHz, Temp = -40° C 16 4 8 12 Input Power (dBm) 19 Gain (dB) 10 18 45 10 6 -15 17 OIP3 (dBm) 26 Gain 8 16 OIP3 vs. Output Power 12 freq = 2140, 2141 MHz +12 dBm / tone 15 +85 C fundamental frequency = 1960, 1961 MHz; Temp = +25° C 30 14 -40 14 +25 C Output Channel Power (dBm) frequency = 2140 MHz, Temp = +25° C 36 Gain (dB) -55 Output Power / Gain vs. Input Power 38 0 -50 -60 +85c 16 40 8 -45 Frequency (MHz) 42 2170 freq = 2140 MHz -65 Frequency (MHz) 34 +25c 0 2110 2150 ACPR vs. Channel Power 28 24 +85c 3GPP W-CDMA, Test Model 1 +64 DPCH, ±5 MHz offset -35 +25C 2130 Noise Figure vs. Frequency 6 26 +25c Frequency (MHz) 30 -40C -40c Frequency (MHz) P1dB vs. Frequency P1dB (dBm) -15 -30 Frequency (MHz) OIP3 (dBm) +25c 11 2110 -10 -25 -40c Output Power (dBm) S11 (dB) +25c 0 S22 (dB) -40c -5 S22 vs. Frequency 16 Output Power (dBm) 0 20 24 0 4 8 12 Input Power (dBm) 16 20 Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information Reference Design: 2450 MHz The application circuit is matched for output power. Typical RF Performance, 25°C Frequency S21 – Gain S11 – Input Return Loss S22 – Output Return Loss Output P1dB Output IP3 (+12 dBm / tone, 1 MHz spacing) Drain Voltage Drain Current MHz dB dB dB dBm S-Parameters 15 2450 2450 13.2 -36 -7.6 +27.5 +28.1 dBm +38 +40 V mA +8 100 +8 125 10 5 DB(|S[1,1]|) DB(|S[2,1]|) DB(|S[2,2]|) 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 The 2450 MHz Reference Circuit is shown for design purposes only. An evaluation board is not readily available for this application. The reader can obtain an FP1189-PCB2140S evaluation board and modify it with the circuit shown to achieve the performance shown in this reference design. Only two component changes are required (C4 and L3) from the FP1189-PCB2140S evaluation board. -30 2200 2300 2400 2500 Frequency (MHz) 2600 2700 Vds = 8 V @ 125 mA -Vgg RES ID=R1 R= 100 Ohm CAP ID=C8 C= 100000 pF CAP ID=C3 C= 33 pF CAP ID=C6 C= DNP pF CAP ID=C2 C= DNP pF PORT P= 1 Z= 50 Ohm CAP ID=C1 C= 22 pF IND ID=L1 L= 18 nH TLINP ID=TL1 Z0=50 Ohm L=135 mil Eeff=4.2 Loss=0 F0=0 MHz CAP ID=C7 C= 22 pF 2 RES ID=R2 R= 10 Ohm TLINP ID=TL3 Z0=50 Ohm L= 80 mil Eeff=4.2 Loss=0 F0=0 MHz TLINP ID=TL4 Z0=50 Ohm L= 35 mil Eeff=4.2 Loss=0 F0=0 MHz IND ID=L3 L=1.8 nH IND ID=L2 L=18 nH PORT P= 2 Z= 50 Ohm 1 CAP ID=C4 C= 1.2 pF TLINP I D =TL2 Z 0 =50 Ohm L=45 mil Eeff=4.2 L o s s =0 F 0 =0 MHz CAP ID=C5 C =0.5 pF CAP I D =C7 C= 22 pF SUBCKT I D =Q1 NET="FP1189" The lengths shown in the microstrip lines are referenced from the component or pin edge-to-edge. Bill of Materials C4 Ref. Desig. C1, C7, C9 C3 C4 C5 C8 L1, L2 L3 R1 R2 Q1 C2, C4, C6, C11 Value 22 pF 33 pF 1.2 pF 0.5 pF 0.1 µF 18 nH 1.8 nH 100 O 10 O FP1189 Part style Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Chip capacitor Multilayer chip inductor Multilayer chip resistor Chip resistor Chip resistor WJ 0.5W HFET Do Not Place Size 0603 0805 0603 0603 1206 0603 0603 0603 0603 SOT-89 14 mil GETEKTM ML200DSS (er = 4.2) The main microstrip line has a line impedance of 50 O. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information Application Note: Constant-Current Active-Biasing Special attention should be taken to properly bias the FP1189. Power supply sequencing is required to prevent the device from operating at 100% Idss for a prolonged period of time and possibly causing damage to the device. It is recommended that for the safest operation, the negative supply be “first on and last off.” With a negative gate voltage present, the drain voltage can then be applied to the device. The gate voltage can then be adjusted to have the device be used at the proper quiescent bias condition. +Vdd R1 R2 U1 4 Rohm UMT1N 5 2 An optional active-bias current mirror is recommended for use with the application circuits shown in this datasheet. Generally in a laboratory environment, the gate voltage is adjusted until the drain draws the recommended operating current. The gate voltage required can vary slightly from device to device because of device pinchoff variation, while also varying slightly over temperature. C1 .01 µF 1 3 6 R4 1 kΩ R3 R5 RF OUT RF IN The active-bias circuit, shown on the right, uses dual PNP transistors to provide a constant drain current into the FP1189, while also eliminating the effects of pinchoff variation. This configuration is best suited for applications where the intended output power level of the amplifier is backed off at least 6 dB away from its compression point. With the implementation of the circuit, lower P1dB values may be measured for a Class-AB amplifier, where the device will attempt to source more drain current while the circuit tries to provide a constant drain current. The circuit should be connected directly in line with where the voltage supplies would be normally connected with the amplifier circuit, as shown the diagram. Any required matching circuitry remains the same, although it is not shown in the diagram. This recommended active-bias constant-current circuit adds 7 components to the parts count for implementation, but should cost only an extra $0.144 to realize ($0.10 for U1, $0.0029 for R1, R3, R4, R5, $0.024 for R2, and $0.0085 for C1). M.N. DUT M.N. -Vgg HFET Application Circuit Parameter Pos Supply, Vdd Neg Supply, Vgg Vds Ids R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 FP1189 +8 V -5 V +7.75 V 125 mA 62 Ω 2.0 Ω 1.8 kΩ 1 kΩ 1 kΩ Temperature compensation is achieved by tracking the voltage variation with the temperature of the emitter-to-base junction of the two PNP transistors. As a 1st order approximation, this is achieved by using matched transistors with approximately the same Ibe current. Thus the transistor emitter voltage adjusts the HFET gate voltage so that the device draws a constant current, regardless of the temperature. A Rohm dual transistor - UMT1N - is recommended for cost, minimal board space requirements, and to minimize the variation between the two transistors. Minimizing the variability between the base-to-emitter junctions allow more accuracy in setting the current draw. More details can be found in a separate application note “Active-bias Constant-current Source Recommended for HFETs” found on the WJ website. Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information FP1189 (SOT-89 Package) Mechanical Information This package may contain lead-bearing materials. The plating material on the leads is SnPb. Outline Drawing Product Marking The FP1189 will be marked with an “FP1189” designator. An alphanumeric lot code (“XXXX-X”) is also marked below the part designator on the top surface of the package. Tape and reel specifications for this part are located on the website in the “Application Notes” section. MSL / ESD Rating Land Pattern ESD Rating: Value: Test: Standard: Class 1B Passes /500V to <1000V Human Body Model (HBM) JEDEC Standard JESD22-A114 ESD Rating: Value: Test: Standard: Class IV Passes at 2000 V min. Charged Device Model (CDM) JEDEC Standard JESD22-C101 MSL Rating: Level 3 at +235° C convection reflow Standard: JEDEC Standard J-STD-020 Mounting Config. Notes 1. Ground / thermal vias are critical for the proper performance of this device. Vias should use a .35mm (#80 / .0135”) diameter drill and have a final plated thru diameter of .25 mm (.010”). 2. Add as much copper as possible to inner and outer layers near the part to ensure optimal thermal performance. 3. Mounting screws can be added near the part to fasten the board to a heatsink. Ensure that the ground / thermal via region contacts the heatsink. 4. Do not put solder mask on the backside of the PC board in the region where the board contacts the heatsink. 5. RF trace width depends upon the PC board material and construction. 6. Use 1 oz. Copper mi nimum. 7. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Angles are in degrees. Parameter Rating Operating Case Temperature Thermal Resistance, Rth (1) Junction Temperature, Tjc (2) -40 to +85°C 68° C/W 153° C 1. The thermal resistance is referenced from the hottest part of the junction to the ground tab (pin 4). 2. This corresponds to the typical drain biasing condition of +8V, 125 mA at an 85°C case temperature. A minimum MTTF of 1 million hours is achieved for junction temperatures below 160 °C. MTTF vs. GND Tab Temperature 100 MTTF (million hrs) Thermal Specifications 10 1 0 60 70 80 90 100 110 Tab Temperature (°C) 120 Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004 FP1189 ½ - Watt HFET Product Information FP1189-G (Green / Lead-free SOT-89 Package) Mechanical Information This package is lead-free/Green/RoHS-compliant. It is compatible with both lead-free (maximum 260°C reflow temperature) and leaded (maximum 245°C reflow temperature) soldering processes. The plating material on the leads is NiPdAu. Outline Drawing Product Marking The FP1189-G will be marked with an “FP11G” designator. An alphanumeric lot code (“XXXX-X”) is also marked below the part designator on the top surface of the package. Tape and reel specifications for this part are located on the website in the “Application Notes” section. MSL / ESD Rating Land Pattern ESD Rating: Value: Test: Standard: Class 1B Passes /500V to <1000V Human Body Model (HBM) JEDEC Standard JESD22-A114 ESD Rating: Value: Test: Standard: Class IV Passes at 2000 V min. Charged Device Model (CDM) JEDEC Standard JESD22-C101 MSL Rating: Level 3 at +260° C convection reflow Standard: JEDEC Standard J-STD-020 Mounting Config. Notes Parameter Rating Operating Case Temperature Thermal Resistance, Rth (1) Junction Temperature, Tjc (2) -40 to +85°C 68° C/W 153° C 1. The thermal resistance is referenced from the hottest part of the junction to the ground tab (pin 4). 2. This corresponds to t he typical drain biasing condition of +8V, 125 mA at an 85°C case temperature. A minimum MTTF of 1 million hours is achieved for junction temperatures below 160 °C. MTTF vs. GND Tab Temperature 100 MTTF (million hrs) Thermal Specifications 1. Ground / thermal vias are critical for the proper performance of this device. Vias should use a .35mm (#80 / .0135”) diameter drill and have a final plated thru diameter of .25 mm (.010”). 2. Add as much copper as possible to inner and outer layers near the part to ensure optimal thermal performance. 3. Mounting screws can be added near the part to fasten the board to a heatsink. Ensure that the ground / thermal via region contacts the heatsink. 4. Do not put solder mask on the backside of the PC board in the region where the board contacts the heatsink. 5. RF trace width depends upon the PC board material and construction. 6. Use 1 oz. Copper minimum. 7. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Angles are in degrees. 10 1 0 60 70 80 90 100 110 Tab Temperature (°C) 120 Specifications and information are subject to change without notice. WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800- WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e- mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com September 2004