PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF IRONWOOD ELECTRONICS, INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF IRONWOOD ELECTRONICS, INC. IS PROHIBITED. 54.00 1.22 (x8) ISO VIEW SCALE 1 : 1 10.49 (x8) R0.61 (x16) 11.22 TOP VIEW 51.72 51.72 1 2.18 2 3.77 ITEM NO. Description Material QTY. 1 Non-clad substrate High temp Substrate 1 2 Terminal Pin Brass 360 Half Hard 2377 0.2032 typ. FRONT VIEW RoHS Description: SMT Land Socket 1.00mm pitch 49x49 array Primary dimension units are millimeters, Secondary dimension units are [inches], Weight is in grams. Tolerances: Hole diameters ±0.0254mm [±0.001"], Pitches (from true position) ±0.0254mm [±0.001"], substrate thickness tolerance ±10%, all other tolerances ±0.127mm [±0.005"] unless stated otherwise. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. LS-BGA2377A-41 Drawing ©2015 Ironwood Electronics, Inc. Tele: (800) 404-0204 Material: N/A Finish: N/A Weight: 14.13 STATUS: Released SHEET: 1 OF 1 REV. A ENG: E. Smolentseva DRAWN BY: M. Raske SCALE: 2:1 FILE: LS-BGA2377A-41 Dwg DATE: 01/27/2016