Page No. : 1/7 AX358P / AX358S Low Power Dual Operational Amplifiers 8-Lead Plastic DIP-8 Package Code: P Description These devices consist of two independent, high gain, internally frequencycompensated operational amplifiers designed operate from a single supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split supplies also is possible if the difference between the two supplies is 3V to 32V, and Vcc is at least 1.5V more positive than the input common-mode voltage, The low supply-current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. Features • 8-Lead Plastic SO-8 Package Code: S Logic Diagram (each amplifier) • Two internally compensated OP amps • Internally frequency compensated for unity gain IN + + IN - - • Short Circuit Protected Outputs • Wide power supply range: 3VDC to 32VDC (Single supply) • Input common-mode voltage range includes ground • Large output voltage swing: 0VDC to Vcc-1.5VDC OUTPUT Pin Configurations 1 8 2 - 3 + 7 Pin 1: Output 1 Pin 5 : Non Inverting Input 2 Pin 2: Inverting Input 1 Pin 6 : Inverting Input 2 Pin 3: Non Inverting Input 1 Pin 7 : Output 2 Pin 4: VEE Pin 8 : Vcc Out Out 4 - 6 + 5 Schematic Diagram Vcc 6uA 100uA Q5 6uA Q6 Cc Q7 Rsc Q2 Inverting Input Q3 Q4 Q1 Output Q11 Q13 + Non Inverting Input Q10 Q8 AVANTICS - AX358 Series Q12 50uA Q9 Specification No.: 050309-FE0011 Page No. : 2/7 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25oC, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Range Units VCC Power Supply Voltage (Single Supply) 32 VDC VCC, VEE Power Supply Voltage (Split Supplies) ±16 VDC VIDR Input Differential Voltage Range ±32 VDC VICR Input Common Mode Voltage Range -0.3 to +32 VDC tSC Output Short Circuit Duration Continuous TJ Junction Temperature Tstg Storage Temperature Range TA Operating Ambient Temperature Range PD Maximum Power Dissipation (DIP-8) Maximum Power Dissipation (SO-8) o 150 C -55 to +125 °C 0 to +70 °C 800 500 mW Electrical Characteristics (VCC=5V, VEE=Ground, Ta=25oC, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions AX358P/S Min Typ Max Unit VIO Input Offset Voltage VCC=5V~30V, VICR=0V~VCC-1.5V, VO=1.4V, RS=0Ω - 2 7 mV IIO Input Offset Current IIN(+)-IIN(-) - - 30 nA IIB Input Bias Current IIN(+) or IIN(-) - 35 200 nA AVOL Large Signal Voltage Gain VCC=15V, RL=2KΩ 25 100 - V/mV CMR Common-Mode Rejection Ratio VCM=0V~VCC-1.5V 65 85 - dB Channel Separation 1KHz≤f≤20KHz - -120 - dB Power Supply Rejection VCC=5V~30V 65 100 - dB ∆VIO/∆T Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Voltage RS=0Ω - 7 - uV/oC ∆IIO/∆T Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Current RS=0Ω - 10 - pA/oC VICR Input Common Mode Voltage Range VCC=30V VCC-2V V VOH Output Voltage (High Limit) VOL Output Voltage (Low Limit) ICC CS PSR VCC=30V, RL=2KΩ 26 27 - VCC=30V, RL=10KΩ 27 28 - RL=10KΩ - 5 20 mV Supply current RL=∞,VCC=30V - 1 2 mA Output Source Current VCC=15V, VIN+=1V, VIN-=0V, VO=2V 20 40 - mA ISink Output Sink Current VCC=15V, VIN+=0V, VIN-=1V, VO=2V 10 20 - mA ICC Power Supply Current VCC=30V, Ta=Thigh to Tlow - 1 2 mA VCC=5V, Ta=Thigh to Tlow - 0.6 1.2 mA ISC Output Short Circuit to Ground VCC=5V, GND at -5V, VO=0V - 40 60 mA ISource AVANTICS - AX358 Series V Specification No.: 050309-FE0011 Page No. : 3/7 Characteristics Curve Power Supply Current & Power Supply Voltage Large Signal Frequency Response 14 1.5 V OR, Output Voltage Range (Vpp)... ICC, Power Supply Current (mA)... 1.8 o Ta=25 C RL =∞ 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 12 10 8 RL=2K VCC=15V VEE=GND AV=-100 RI=1K RF=100K 6 4 2 0 35 1 VCC, Power Supply Voltage (V) 10 1 8 Output Voltage (V) .. VCC=15V VEE=Gnd o Ta=25 C 60 Input Voltage (V).. AVOI, Open Loop Voltage Gain (dB)... 100 40 20 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 1000 Voltage Follower Pulse Response Large Signal Open Loop Voltage Gain 120 80 100 f, Frequency (KHz) 100000 RL≥ 2.0K V+=15VDC 3 7 2 6 1 5 0 4 3 2 1 0 1000000 0 f, Frequency (Hz) Small Signal Voltage Follower Pulse Response (Non Inverting) 5 10 15 20 t, Time (us) 25 30 35 40 Voltage Gain 140 450 RL=20K 400 AVOL, Voltage Gain (dB)... VO, Output Voltage (mV) 120 350 300 VCC=30V VEE=Gnd o Ta=25 C CL=50pF 250 100 RL=2K 80 60 40 20 0 200 0 1 2 3 AVANTICS - AX358 Series 4 t, Time (us) 5 6 7 8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 V+, Supply Voltage (V) Specification No.: 050309-FE0011 Page No. : 4/7 Characteristics Curve Power Supply Voltage & Input Bias Current Input Voltage Range 15 50 o 45 Ta=25 C VIN, Input Voltage (V)... Input Bias Current (nA)... 40 35 30 25 20 15 Negative 10 Positive 5 10 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 Power Supply Voltage (V) 10 15 V+/V-, Power Supply Voltage (V) Typical Application Circuit Voltage Follower Non Inverting DC Amplifier VIN + 1/2 AX358 1/2 AX358 VIN - VO OUT VO OUT R2 1M + R 1 10K AV=1+R1/R2 DC Summing Amplifier V1 Squarewave Oscillator 100K + V2 V3 100K 100K 100K 1/2 AX358 R 1 100K OUT 0.001uF VO 1/2 AX358 - + + 100K V4 - VIN 100K VO OUT R2 100K R 1 100K R4 100K VO=V1+V2-V3-V4 Where (V1+V2)≥(V3+V4) To keep VO≥0V AVANTICS - AX358 Series Specification No.: 050309-FE0011 Page No. : 5/7 Typical Application Circuit Function Generator Vref=1/2VCC Vref Pulse Generator R Triangle Wave Output + 1/2 AX358 1 100K R 3 100K OUT - 1/2 AX358 R1 C R 2 300K + 100K R2 OUT 100K 1/2 AX358 C 150K 0.001uF Square Wave Output - Vref Rf 1N914 VO OUT + + - V+ R 3 100K R 4 100K R5 100K F=(R1+RC)/4CRfR1 if R3=R2*R1/(R2+R1) DC Coupled Low-Pass RC Active Filter R VIN R2 1 16K 16K C 0.01uF R 1 0.01uF + 1/2 AX358 C2 High Input Z, DC Differential Amplifier 1 100K VO OUT 1/2 AX358 R3 - R 2 100K - V1+ 100K R OUT 3 100K 1/2 AX358 + R 4 100K OUT VO + V2+ R4 100K R1/R2=R4/R3 VO=1+R4/R3(V2-V1) As shown VO=2(V2-V1) f0=1KHz, Q=1, AV=2 Active Band-Pass Filter R 1/2 AX358 R V1+ 1 100K 2 100K C 1 330pF R OUT + - R 4 10M R 3 100K C2 - 330pF OUT R7 1K OUT 5 470K 1/2 AX358 + R 6 470K VO 1/2 AX358 R 7 100K + R8 100K VCC C3 10uF f0=1KHz, Q=50, AV=100 (40dB) AVANTICS - AX358 Series Specification No.: 050309-FE0011 Page No. : 6/7 DIP-8 Dimension DIM Min. Max. A 6.29 6.40 B 9.22 9.32 C - *1.52 D - *1.27 E - *0.99 Note: Green label is used for pb-free packing F 3.25 3.35 Pin Style: 1.Output 1 2.Inverting input 1 3.Non inverting input 1 4.VEE 5.Non inverting input 2 6.Inverting input 2 7. Output 2 8.VCC G 3.17 3.55 H 0.38 0.53 I 2.28 2.79 Material: • Lead solder plating: Sn60/Pb40 (Normal), Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu or Pure-Tin (Pb-free) • Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0 J 7.49 7.74 K - *3.00 L 8.56 8.81 M 0.229 94o 0.381 97o Marking: 8 6 7 5 Pb Free Mark Pb-Free: " . " (Note) Normal: None A 1 2 3 AX 3 5 8 P 4 Control Code Date Code B J F E C M H D I α1 K G α1 L *: Typical, Unit: mm 8-Lead DIP-8 Plastic Package AVANTICS Code: P SO-8 Dimension A Marking: G Pb Free Mark 8 7 B 6 5 C Pin1 Index 2 3 Pb-Free: " . " (Note) A X Normal: None I Pin 1 Index Date Code H Pin Style: 1.Output 1 2.Inverting input 1 3.Non inverting input 1 4.VEE 5.Non inverting input 2 6.Inverting input 2 7. Output 2 8.VCC K E Part A Part A Control Code Note: Green label is used for pb-free packing 4 J D S 3 5 8 M F L N O Material: • Lead solder plating: Sn60/Pb40 (Normal), Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu or Pure-Tin (Pb-free) • Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0 DIM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Min. 4.85 3.85 5.80 1.22 0.37 3.74 1.45 4.80 0.05 0.30 0.19 0.37 0.23 0.08 0.00 Max. 5.10 3.95 6.20 1.32 0.47 3.88 1.65 5.10 0.20 0.70 0.25 0.52 0.28 0.13 0.15 *: Typical, Unit: mm 8-Lead SO-8 Plastic Surface Mounted Package AVANTICS Code: S Important Notice: • All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written approval of AVANTIC. • AVANTICS reserves the right to make changes to its products without notice. • AVANTICS semiconductor products are not warranted to be suitable for use in Life-Support Applications, or systems. • AVANTICS assumes no liability for any consequence of customer product design, infringement of patents, or application assistance. Head Office: • AVANTICS Microelectronics Corp: No. 255, Cai Lun Rd. Zhangjiang Technology Industrial Park Pudong, Shanghai, China Tel: 86-021-58955599 Fax: 86-021-58558038 AVANTICS - AX358 Series Specification No.: 050309-FE0011 Page No. : 7/7 Soldering Methods for AVANTICS’s Products 1. Storage environment: Temperature=10oC~35oC Humidity=65%±15% 2. Reflow soldering of surface-mount devices Figure 1: Temperature profile tP Critical Zone TL to TP TP Ramp-up TL tL Temperature Tsmax Tsmin tS Preheat 25 Ramp-down t 25oC to Peak Time Profile Feature Sn-Pb Eutectic Assembly Pb-Free Assembly <3 C/sec <3oC/sec 100oC 150oC 60~120 sec 150oC 200oC 60~180 sec <3oC/sec <3oC/sec Time maintained above: - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) 183oC 60~150 sec 217oC 60~150 sec Peak Temperature (TP) 240oC +0/-5oC 260oC +0/-5oC Time within 5 C of actual Peak Temperature (tP) 10~30 sec 20~40 sec Ramp-down Rate <6oC/sec <6oC/sec <6 minutes <8 minutes Peak temperature Dipping time 245 C ±5 C 5sec ±1sec Average ramp-up rate (TL to TP) Preheat - Temperature Min (Tsmin) - Temperature Max (Tsmax) - Time (min to max) (ts) Tsmax to TL - Ramp-up Rate o o Time 25oC to Peak Temperature 3. Flow (wave) soldering (solder dipping) Products Pb devices. Pb-Free devices. AVANTICS - AX358 Series o o o o 260 C +0/-5 C 5sec ±1sec Specification No.: 050309-FE0011