i, One. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 VCB = 60V FAX: (973) 376-8960 lc = 300mA PD = 500 mW one side 600 mW both sides 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.SA MD6001 MD6002 Silicon annular complementary-pair dual transistor is designed for high-speed switching circuits, DC to VHP amplifier applications and complementary circuitry. PNP CASE 32 NPN PIN CONNECTIONS (BOTTOM VIEW) MAXIMUM RATINGS (each side) (TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified) Test Conditions and Limits are given in magnitudes only. Care must be taken to insure the application of proper polarities for the NPN or PNP transistor, respectively. Value Unit 60 Vdc 30 Vdc 5 Vdc 300 mAdc +200 °C -65 to +200 °C Symbol Rating Collector-Base Voltage VCB Collector -Emitter Voltage V CEO Emitter -Base Voltage V EB DC Collector Current (Limited by PD) <C Junction Temperature TJ Storage Temperature T stg ONE SIDE BOTH SIDES Total Device Dissipation @ T. = 25°C Derate above 25" C PD Total Device Dissipation @ TC = 25°C Derate above 25"C PD 500 2.9 600 3.4 mW mW/°C 1.2 6.83 2.0 11.43 W mW/°C NPN SATURATED SWITCHING TIME TEST CIRCUITS for PNP Switching Tests, reverse diodes, voltage polarities, and input pulses. FIGURE 1 - NPN TURN-ON TIME GENERATOR RISE TIME s= 2 us PW& 200ns DUTY CYCLE-2% FIGURE 2 - NPN TURN-OFF TIME 10 to 100 /is +30V < 5ns +9.9V Cs- -' 12 pF s is total shunt capacitance of oscilloscope and test fixture. DC includes oscilloscope resistance. NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Seini-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. N.I Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. MD6001, MD6002 (continued) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (each side) (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Symbol | Min| Max) Unit| Characteristic OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage Uc = 10 MAdc, I E = 0) BV CBO Collector -Emitter Breakdown Voltage* (Ic - 10 mAdc, IB = 0) BVCEO* Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage (IE = 10 /iAdc, Ic = 0) BV EBO Collector Cutoff Current (V CE = 50 Vdc, V EB - 3 Vdc) (V V Cj 60 30 5 D Vdc Vdc — Vdc — MAdc : CEX 0.02 = 50 Vdc, V^ = 3 Vdc, T. = 150"C) fcj — 30 " Base Cutoff Current (V C E = 50 Vdc, V £ B = 3 Vdc) !BL jjAdc — 0.03 ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain* (Ip = 0 . 1 mAdc, V p (Ir = 1.0 mAdc, Vp ^ (lr = 10 mAdc, V L = 10 Vdc) MD6001 MD6002 = 10 Vdc) MD6001 MD6002 = 10 Vdc) h FE* 20 35 25 50 35 75 40 100 20 50 20 30 MD6001 MD6002 Ct (Ir = 150 mAdc, Vp,, = 10 Vdc) C ^ MD6001 MD6002 (Ip = 150 mAdc, V p = 1 Vdc) ^ ^ (lp = 300 mAdc, Vp., = 10 Vdc) MD6001 MD6002 MD6001 MD6002 CE V Base- Emitter Saturation Voltage* (Ic = 150 mAdc, I = 15 mAdc) BE(sat) * Vdc — 1.3 2.0 — 0.4 (Ic = 300 mAdc, IB = 30 mAdc) v Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage* (Ic = 150 mAdc, IB = 15 mAdc) 120 300 * CE(sat) Vdc (Ic = 300 mAdc, IB = 30 mAdc) 1.4 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Gain - Bandwidth Product (Ic = 50 mAdc, V CE = 20 Vdc, f = 100 MHz ) fT Collector Output Capacitance (V CB = 10 Vdc, I E = 0, f = 100 kHz) Cob Collector Input Capacitance (V n _ = 2 Vdc, Ip - 0, f = 100 kHz) C ib D tj Delay Time Fall Time MHz PF — C pF — 30 — 20 ns VCG = 30 V, t — 40 ns See Figure 2 I_ = 150 mA, !„, = 15 mA {> t>l V CG = 30 V, IG = 150 mA t -- 280 ns !B1 lf — 70 ns = VBE(OH) !B2 = 15 mA = 0. 5 V 8 See Figure 1 Rise Time Storage Time 200 — 4d