PNP Silicon AF Transistors ● ● ● ● ● BCW 61 BCX 71 For AF input stages and driver applications High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Low noise between 30 Hz and 15 kHz Complementary types: BCW 60, BCX 70 (NPN) Type Marking Ordering Code (tape and reel) Pin Configuration 1 2 3 Package1) BCW 61 A BCW 61 B BCW 61 C BCW 61 D BCW 61 FF BCW 61 FN BCX 71G BCX 71H BCX 71J BCX 71 K BAs BBs BCs BDs BFs BNs BGs BHs BJs BKs Q62702-C452 Q62702-C1585 Q62702-C1478 Q62702-C1556 Q62702-C1890 Q62702-C1891 Q62702-C1482 Q62702-C1586 Q62702-C1554 Q62702-C1654 B SOT-23 1) E C For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines. Semiconductor Group 1 5.91 BCW 61 BCX 71 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Values BCW 61 FF BCX 71 Unit BCW 61 V Collector-emitter voltage VCE0 32 32 45 Collector-base voltage VCB0 32 32 45 Emitter-base voltage VEB0 Collector current IC 100 Peak collector current ICM 200 Peak base current IBM 200 Total power dissipation, TS = 71 ˚C Ptot 330 mW Junction temperature Tj 150 ˚C Storage temperature range Tstg 5 mA – 65 … + 150 Thermal Resistance Junction - ambient1) Rth JA ≤ 310 Junction - soldering point Rth JS ≤ 240 1) Package mounted on epoxy pcb 40 mm × 40 mm × 1.5 mm/6 cm2 Cu. Semiconductor Group 2 K/W BCW 61 BCX 71 Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Values min. typ. Unit max. DC characteristics Collector-emitter breakdown voltage IC = 10 mA BCW 61, BCW 61 FF BCX 71 V(BR)CE0 Collector-base breakdown voltage IC = 10 µA BCW 61, BCW 61 FF BCX 71 V(BR)CB0 Emitter-base breakdown voltage IE = 1 µA V(BR)EB0 Collector cutoff current VCB = 32 V VCB = 45 V VCB = 32 V, TA = 150 ˚C VCB = 45 V, TA = 150 ˚C ICB0 BCW 61, BCW 61 FF BCX 71 BCW 61, BCW 61 FF BCX 71 Emitter cutoff current VEB = 4 V IEB0 DC current gain 1) IC = 10 µA, VCE = 5 V BCW 61 A, BCX 71 G BCW 61 B, BCX 71 H BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 C, BCX 71 J BCW 61 FN, BCW 61 D, BCX 71 K IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V BCW 61 A, BCX 71 G BCW 61 B, BCX 71 H BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 C, BCX 71 J BCW 61 FN, BCW 61 D, BCX 71 K IC = 50 mA, VCE = 1 V BCW 61 A, BCX 71 G BCW 61 B, BCX 71 H BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 C, BCX 71 J BCW 61 FN, BCW 61 D, BCX 71 K hFE 1) Pulse test: t ≤ 300 µs, D ≤ 2 %. Semiconductor Group 3 V 32 45 – – – – 32 45 – – – – 5 – – – – – – – – – – 20 20 20 20 nA nA µA µA – – 20 nA – 20 30 40 100 140 200 300 460 – – – – 120 180 250 380 170 250 350 500 220 310 460 630 60 80 100 110 – – – – – – – – BCW 61 BCX 71 Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Values min. typ. Unit max. DC characteristics Collector-emitter saturation voltage1) IC = 10 mA, IB = 0.25 mA IC = 50 mA, IB = 1.25 mA VCEsat Base-emitter saturation voltage1) IC = 10 mA, IB = 0.25 mA IC = 50 mA, IB = 1.25 mA VBEsat Base-emitter voltage 1) IC = 10 µA, VCE = 5 V IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V IC = 50 mA, VCE = 1 V VBE (on) V – – 0.12 0.20 0.25 0.55 – – 0.70 0.83 0.85 1.05 – 0.55 – 0.52 0.65 0.78 – 0.75 – AC characteristics Transition frequency IC = 20 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 100 MHz fT – 250 – MHz Output capacitance VCB = 10 V, f = 1 MHz Cobo – 3 – pF Input capacitance VCB = 0.5 V, f = 1 MHz Cibo – 8 – Short-circuit input impedance IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz BCW 61 A, BCX 71 G BCW 61 B, BCX 71 H BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 C, BCX 71 J BCW 61 FN, BCW 61 D, BCX 71 K h11e Open-circuit reverse voltage transfer ratio IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz BCW 61 A, BCX 71 G BCW 61 B, BCX 71 H BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 C, BCX 71 J BCW 61 FN, BCW 61 D, BCX 71 K h12e 1) – – – – 4 2.7 3.6 4.5 7.5 – – – – 10– 4 – – – Pulse test: t ≤ 300 µs, D ≤ 2 %. Semiconductor Group kΩ 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 – – – BCW 61 BCX 71 Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25 ˚C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Values min. typ. Unit max. AC characteristics Short-circuit forward current transfer ratio IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz BCW 61 A, BCX 71 G BCW 61 B, BCX 71 H BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 C, BCX 71 J BCW 61 FN, BCW 61 D, BCX 71 K h21e Open-circuit output admittance IC = 2 mA, VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz BCW 61 A, BCX 71 G BCW 61 B, BCX 71 H BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 C, BCX 71 J BCW 61 FN, BCW 61 D, BCX 71 K h22e Noise figure IC = 0.2 mA, VCE = 5 V, RS = 2 kΩ f = 1 kHz, ∆f = 200 Hz BCW 61 A to BCX 71 K BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 FN F Equivalent noise voltage IC = 0.2 mA, VCE = 5 V, RS = 2 kΩ f = 10 Hz … 50 Hz BCW 61 FF, BCW 61 FN Vn Semiconductor Group – – – – – – – – – µs – – – – 5 200 260 330 520 18 24 30 50 – – – – dB – – 2 1 – 2 – – 0.11 µV BCW 61 BCX 71 Total power dissipation Ptot = f (TA*; TS) * Package mounted on epoxy Collector-base capacitance CCB0 = f (VCB0) Emitter-base capacitance CEB0 = f (VEB0) Permissible pulse load Ptot max/Ptot DC = f (tp) Transition frequency fT = f (IC) VCE = 5 V Semiconductor Group 6 BCW 61 BCX 71 Base-emitter saturation voltage IC = f (VBEsat) hFE = 40 Collector-emitter saturation voltage IC = f (VCEsat) hFE = 40 Collector current IC = f (VBE) VCE = 5 V DC current gain hFE = f (IC) VCE = 5 V Semiconductor Group 7 BCW 61 BCX 71 Collector cutoff current ICB0 = f (TA) h parameter he = f (IC) VCE = 5 V h parameter he = f (VCE) IC = 2 mA Noise figure F = f (VCE) IC = 0.2 mA, RS = 2 kΩ, f = 1 kHz Semiconductor Group 8 BCW 61 BCX 71 Noise figure F = f (f) IC = 0.2 mA, RS = 2 kΩ,VCE = 5 V Noise figure F = f (IC) VCE = 5 V, f = 120 Hz Noise figure F = f (IC) VCE = 5 V, f = 1 kHz Noise figure F = f (IC) VCE = 5 V, f = 10 kHz Semiconductor Group 9