Supertex inc. CL2 Simple 90V, 20mA, Temperature Compensated Constant Current LED Driver IC Features General Description ►► ►► ►► ►► The Supertex CL2 is a high voltage, temperature compensated, constant current source. The device is trimmed to provide a constant current of 20mA±10% at an input voltage of 5.0 - 90V. The device can be used as a two terminal constant current source or constant current sink. Applications A typical application for the CL2 is to drive LEDs with a constant current of 20mA. Multiple CL2s can also be used in parallel to provide higher currents such as 40mA, 60mA or 80mA. The device is available in TO-243AA (SOT-89), TO-252 (D-PAK), and TO-92 packages. 5.0 to 90V operating range (VA-B) 20mA ±10% at 5.0 - 90V 0.01%/°C typical temperature coefficient Available in TO-243AA (SOT-89), TO-252 (D-PAK), & TO-92 packages ►► Can be paralleled for higher current ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► ►► LED driver Industrial lamp indicators Signage Accent lighting Automotive Constant current source Constant current sink Typical Application Circuit VA Functional Circuit Diagram VA CL2 Up to 90V + VLED(total) 100nF ILED <20mA VB + VLED(total) - Doc.# DSFP-CL2 C071012 Control Circuit and Temperature Compensation VB Supertex inc. CL2 Ordering Information Part Number Package Options Packing CL2K4-G TO-252 (D-PAK) 2000/Reel CL2N3-G TO-92 1000/Bag CL2N3-G P002 TO-92 2000/Reel CL2N3-G P003 TO-92 2000/Reel CL2N3-G P005 TO-92 2000/Reel CL2N3-G P013 TO-92 2000/Reel CL2N3-G P014 TO-92 2000/Reel CL2N8-G TO-243AA (SOT-89) Pin Configurations VB VB VA N/C VA 2000/Reel -G indicates package is RoHS compliant (‘Green’) Refer to ‘P0xx’ Tape & Reel Specs for P002, P003, P005, P013, and P014 TO92 Taping Specifications and Winding Styles TO-252 (D-PAK) (K4) TO-92 (N3) NC VB Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Value Operating voltage, VA-B 100V Operating junction temperature, Tj -40°C to +125°C Storage temperature, TS -55°C to +150°C VA Product Marking YY = Year Sealed WW = Week Sealed L = Lot Number = “Green” Packaging Si YYWW CL2 LLLLLLL TO-252 (D-PAK) (K4) Typical Thermal Characteristics Power Dissipation N/C TO-243AA (SOT-89) (N8) Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. Continuous operation of the device at the absolute rating level may affect device reliability. All voltages are referenced to device ground. Package VB Package may or may not include the following marks: Si or θja @TA = 25OC (W) (OC/W) TO-252 2.0* 81* TO-92 0.6 132 TO-243AA 1.3* 133* SiCL 2 YYWW YY = Year Sealed WW = Week Sealed = “Green” Packaging TO-92 (N3) Package may or may not include the following marks: Si or W = Code for week sealed = “Green” Packaging TO-243AA (SOT-89) (N8) * Mounted on FR4 board; 25mm x 25mm x 1.57mm CL2W Package may or may not include the following marks: Si or Electrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise specified) A Sym Parameter Min Typ Max Units VA-B Operating voltage 5.0 - 90 V IA-B Current regulation 18.0 20 22 mA - 0.01 - %/OC -40 - 125 - 300 - ΔIA-B/ΔT Tj RA-B Doc.# DSFP-CL2 C071012 IA-B temperature coefficient Operating junction temperature Dynamic resistance 2 Conditions --VA-B = 5.0V - 90V VA-B = 45V, Tj = -40OC to +100OC O C --- kΩ --- Supertex inc. CL2 Functional Circuit Diagram Equivalent Block Diagram VA VA Control Circuit and Temperature Compensation 20mA ±10% VB VB Temperature Characteristics Current, normalized to 25°C 1.03 1.02 5.0V 45V 1.01 90V 1.00 0.99 0.98 -55 -35 -15 5 25 45 65 85 105 70 80 125 145 Temperature (°C) Output Current vs Voltage 25 IA-B (mA) 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 100 VA-B Doc.# DSFP-CL2 C071012 3 Supertex inc. CL2 CL2 for Multiple LED Strings VA CL2 Up to 90V +VLED(total) 100nF VA VA CL2 VA CL2 VB VB CL2 VB VB + ILED ~20mA ILED ~20mA ILED ~20mA ILED ~20mA +VLED(total) - CL2 for Higher Current VA Up to 90V +VLED(total) VA CL2 CL2 VA CL2 100nF VB VB VB + ILED ~60mA VLED(total) _ Doc.# DSFP-CL2 C071012 4 Supertex inc. CL2 3-Lead TO-252 D-PAK Package Outline (K4) b3 E A c2 E1 4 L3 θ1 D1 H D 1 2 3 L4 L5 Note 1 View B b2 b e Front View Side View Rear View Gauge Plane A1 L2 θ Seating Plane L L1 View B Note: 1. Although 4 terminal locations are shown, only 3 are functional. Lead number 2 was removed. Symbol Dimension (inches) A A1 b b2 b3 c2 D D1 E E1 MIN .086 .000* .025 .030 .195 .018 .235 .205 .250 .170 NOM - - - - - - .240 - - - MAX .094 .005 .035 .045 .215 .035 .245 .217* .265 .182* e .090 BSC H L .370 .055 - .060 .410 .070 L1 .108 REF L2 .020 BSC L3 L4 L5 θ θ1 .035 .025* .045 0 0O - - - - .050 .040 .060 10 O O 15O JEDEC Registration TO-252, Variation AA, Issue E, June 2004. * This dimension is not specified in the JEDEC drawing. Drawings not to scale. Supertex Doc. #: DSPD-3TO252K4, Version E041309. Doc.# DSFP-CL2 C071012 5 Supertex inc. CL2 3-Lead TO-92 Package Outline (N3) D A Seating Plane 1 2 3 L c b e1 e Side View Front View E1 E 1 3 2 Bottom View Symbol Dimensions (inches) A b c D E E1 e e1 L MIN .170 .014† .014† .175 .125 .080 .095 .045 .500 NOM - - - - - - - - - MAX .210 .022† .022† .205 .165 .105 .105 .055 .610* JEDEC Registration TO-92. * This dimension is not specified in the JEDEC drawing. † This dimension differs from the JEDEC drawing. Drawings not to scale. Supertex Doc.#: DSPD-3TO92N3, Version E041009. Doc.# DSFP-CL2 C071012 6 Supertex inc. CL2 3-Lead TO-243AA (SOT-89) Package Outline (N8) D D1 C E H L 1 2 E1 3 b b1 e A e1 Top View Symbol Dimensions (mm) Side View A b b1 C D D1 E E1 e MIN 1.40 0.44 0.36 0.35 4.40 1.62 2.29 2.00† NOM - - - - - - - - MAX 1.60 0.56 0.48 0.44 4.60 1.83 2.60 2.29 1.50 BSC e1 3.00 BSC H L 3.94 0.73† - - 4.25 1.20 JEDEC Registration TO-243, Variation AA, Issue C, July 1986. † This dimension differs from the JEDEC drawing Drawings not to scale. Supertex Doc. #: DSPD-3TO243AAN8, Version F111010. (The package drawings in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to Supertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http// Supertex inc. ©2012 Supertex inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited. Doc.# DSFP-CL2 C071012 7 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Tel: 408-222-8888