u <££tni-dona\j.ctoi ZPioaucti, Line. tJ TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. VHP power transistor DESCRIPTION N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for use in class-A, B and C operated mobile, h.f. and v.h.f. transmitters with a nominal supply voltage of 13,5 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and is guaranteed to withstand severe load mismatch conditions with a supply over-voltage to 16,5 V. BLV10 It has a 3/8" flange envelope with a ceramic cap. All leads are isolated from the flange. QUICK REFERENCE DATA R.F. performance up to Th = 25 °C in an unneautralized common-emitter class-B circuit VCE V f MHz PL W C.W. 13,5 175 8 > c.w. 12,5 175 8 typ. 10,5 MODE OF OPERATION PIN CONFIGURATION n GP dB 9,0 YL mS Zj n % > 70 2,8+j1,2 typ. 75 - 76 j16 - PINNING PIN DESCRIPTION 1 collector 2 emitter 3 base 4 emitter Fig.1 Simplified outline, SOT123. NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameters limits and package dimensions without notice information famished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NI Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Qualitv VHP power transistor BLV10 RATINGS Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134) Collector-emitter voltage (VBE - 0) peak value Collector-emitter voltage (open base) VCESM VCEO max. 36 V max. 18 V Emitter-base voltage (open collector) VEBO max. 4 V Collector current (average) IC(AV) max. 1,5 A Collector current (peak value); f > 1 MHz ICM max. 4,0 A R.F. power dissipation (f > 1 MHz); T m b = 25 °C Pit max. 20 W Storage temperature Tstg -65 to + 150 'C Operating junction temperature T, max. 200 C MGP248 1.75 'C (A) 1.5 —i \h ^\ 70 \ 1.25 1 "C^ N. \mb-25°C X \s 075 05 =]— C 10 15 20 VCE 'v> 0 100 I Continuous d.c. operation II Continuous r.f. operation III Short-time operation during mismatch Fig.2 D.C. SOAR. Fig.3 R.F. power dissipation; V c E ^ 1 6 , 5 V ; f > 1 MHz. VHP power transistor BLV10 THERMAL RESISTANCE (dissipation = 8 W; Tmb = 72,4 °C, i.e. Th = 70 °C) From junction to mounting base (d.c. dissipation) Rth j-mb(dc) 10,7 K/W From junction to mounting base (r.f. dissipation) Rth j-mb(rf) 8,6 K/W From mounting base to heatsink r^th mb-h 0,3 K/W CHARACTERISTICS Collector-emitter breakdown voltage VBE = 0; lc = 5 mA Collector-emitter breakdown voltage open base; lc = 25 mA V(BR) CES > 36 V V(BR) CEO > 18 V V(BR)EBO > 4 V ICES < 2 mA ESBO > 0,5 mJ ESBR > 0,5 mJ Emitter-base breakdown voltage open collector; IE = 1 mA Collector cut-off current VBE = 0 ; V c E = 1 8 V Second breakdown energy; L = 25 mH; f = 50 Hz open base RBE = 1011 D.C. current gain'1) lc = 0,75 A; VCE = 5 V typ. 40 1 0 to 1 00 HFE Collector-emitter saturation voltage'1) IC = 2 A ; I B = 0,4A VcEsat typ. 0,85 V fr fr typ. 950 MHz typ. 850 MHz typ. 16,5 Transition frequency at f = 100 MHz'1) -IE = 0,75 A; VCB = 13,5V -IE = 2 A; VCB = 13,5V Collector capacitance at f = 1 MHz IE = le = 0; VCB = 13,5V pF Feedback capacitance at f = 1 MHz lc = 100 mA; VCE = 13,5V Collector-flange capacitance Note 1 Measured under pulse conditions: tp < 200 (is; 8 < 0,02. Cof typ. 12 pF typ. 2 pF -, [3 - t A i ' 1 F -*Mi]h. k [c J i cm I-.Q »! 5 10mm i scale DIMENSIONS (millimetre dimensions are derived from the original inch dimensions) UNIT A b mm 747 637 5,82 5,56 inches 0294 0251 OUTLINE VERSION SOT123A c D °1 F 018 9,73 0.10 947 963 942 272 231 0.229 0.007 0219 0.004 H 2071 1993 0.383 0397 0.107 0815 0.373 0,371 0091 0,785 L P Q 561 516 333 304 463 0221 0203 0,131 0.182 0.120 0162 REFER ENCES IEC JEDEC 4.11 EIAJ q "1 "2 18.42 25,15 ; 661 2438 j 6,09 0725 0.99 j 0,26 0.96 024 U3 W1 w2 978 939 051 1 02 0385 0370 002 004 EUROPEAN PROJECTION C30 a