18–50 GHz GaAs MMIC Voltage Variable Attenuator AV850M1-00 Features Chip Outline 0.365 ■ Single Voltage Control ■ 40 dB Attenuation Range 1.400 ■ Balanced 0.25 µm MESFET Non-Reflective Design 1.305 1.080 ■ 100% On-Wafer RF and DC Testing ■ 100% Visual Inspection to MIL-STD-883 MT 2010 0.320 0.095 Description 2.000 1.634 Alpha’s AV850M1-00 MMIC voltage variable attenuator is a balanced configuration incorporating Lange couplers at input and output. The attenuator has a typical insertion loss of 2.5 dB over the 18–40 GHz band with a worst-case insertion loss of 3.5 dB across the full 18–50 GHz band. The attenuation range is 35 dB over the full 18–50 GHz band while typical I/P and O/P return loss is better than 13 dB for all attenuation states. The chip uses Alpha’s proven 0.25 µm MESFET technology and is based upon MBE layers and electron beam lithography for the highest uniformity and repeatability. The MMICs employ surface passivation to ensure a rugged, reliable part with through-substrate via holes and gold-based backside metallization to facilitate a conductive epoxy die attach process. All chips are screened for insertion loss, full attenuation and I/P and O/P match over the 18–50 GHz band for guaranteed performance. 0.000 0.000 Dimensions indicated in mm. All DC (V) pads are 0.1 x 0.1 mm and RF In, Out pads are 0.07 mm wide. Chip thickness = 0.1 mm. Absolute Maximum Ratings Characteristic Value Operating Temperature (TC) -55°C to +90°C Storage Temperature (TST) -65°C to +150°C Control Voltage (VC) -7 VDC Power In (PIN) 30 dBm Junction Temperature (TJ) 175°C Electrical Specifications at 25°C (Frequency = 18, 24, 31, 38, 43, 50 GHz) Condition Symbol Min. Typ.2 Maximum Attenuation VC = 0 V ISO 35 45 Minimum Attenuation VC = -5 V IL 2.5 3.5 dB dB Parameter Max. dB Input Return Loss At Min. and Max. Attenuation RLI -20 -12.5 Output Return Loss At Min. and Max. Attenuation RLO -20 -12.5 P1 dB 0 Input Power at 1 dB Gain Compression (For All Attenuation Levels)1 Unit dB dBm 1. Not measured on a 100% basis. 2. Typical represents the median parameter value across the specified frequency range for the median chip. Alpha Industries, Inc. [781] 935-5150 • Fax [617] 824-4579 • Email sales@alphaind.com • www.alphaind.com Specifications subject to change without notice. 2/00A 1 18–50 GHz GaAs MMIC Voltage Variable Attenuator AV850M1-00 Typical Performance Data 0 0 Min. Insertion Loss (dB) -20 -30 -40 -50 Max. -60 -70 -5 -2 -10 -3 -15 S22 -4 -20 -5 -25 S11 -6 -30 -7 -35 -8 -40 -9 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -45 18 40 Return Loss (dB) Attenuation (dB) -10 0 S21 -1 23 28 Frequency (GHz) 33 38 43 48 50 Frequency (GHz) Attenuation vs. Frequency (By State) Insertion Loss vs. Frequency PIN at 1.0 dB Compression (dBm) F = 30 GHz 0 Attenuation (dB) -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 20 15 10 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Voltage (V) Attenuation (dB) Attenuation vs. Control Voltage Attenuation vs. 1.0 dB Compression Point Bias Arrangement Circuit Schematic VC VC RF IN RF RF OUT RF VC VC Bias must be applied to both VC. Voltage range is VLow = 0 V to VHigh = -5 V. VLow corresponds to high attenuation state. 2 Alpha Industries, Inc. [781] 935-5150 • Fax [617] 824-4579 • Email sales@alphaind.com • www.alphaind.com Specifications subject to change without notice. 2/00A