Athermal Arrayed-Waveguide Grating Multiplexer/Demultiplexer AAWG Series Product Description Athermal Arrayed-Waveguide Grating (AAWG) have equivalent performance to thermal AWGs but no any electrical power needed for operation. AAWG is more simple than thermal AWG. Oplink’s planar lightwave circuits are well suited for demanding telecom applications in long-haul and metro transmission systems. The AAWG provide extremely excellent optical performance, high reliability, ease of fiber handling and power saving solution in a compact package. Performance Specificationns AAWG Parameters Min. Channel Spacing Unit GHz 32, 40 or 44 Channel Passband ± 12.5 GHz 4.5 5.5 dB ≤ 40CH 0.9 1.2 dB > 44CH 1.2 1.5 dB Pure Passive 0.35 0.5 dB MSA package [2] Uniformity Max. 100 Number of Channels Insertion Loss Typical Ripple 1dB Bandwidth [3] 50 3dB Bandwidth [3] 75 Polarization Dependent Loss 0.5 GHz Low insertion loss /PDL GHz Extremely low crosstalk dB Adjacent Channel Crosstalk 25 dB Non-adjacent Channel Crosstalk 35 dB Total Crosstalk 22 dB Return Loss 45 dB Directivity 50 dB Chromatic Dispersion PMD [4] - 20 + 20 ps/nm 0.5 ps 300 mW [4] Maximum Power Handling Fiber Type Features Telcordia GR-1209/1221 qualified Applications ROADM FOADM xGPON WDM-PON G. 652D Without Fan-out C : 900µm loose tube B : 12-Core ribbon fiber With Fan-out C : 900µm loose tube B : 12-Core fibbon fiber A : 900µm loose tube Fiber Jacket Fiber Length Refer ordering information Connector Type Refer ordering information Operating Temperature - 5 to +70 °C Storage Temperature -40 to +85 °C Notes: [1] All the parameters are excluding connectors. IL of connectors is 0.2dB/pair for PC/UPC/SPC types and 0.4dB per pair for APC types. [2] The maximum IL is under all states of polarization and within the full operating temperature and wavelength ranges specified. [3] Measured from minimum loss to 1dB and 3dB down respectively. [4] Over ITU band S0312 - R03. (web) 20121218 Athermal Arrayed-Waveguide Grating Multiplexer/Demultiplexer AAWG Series Channel Spectrum Table Typical Flat-Top 40-Channel Spectrum Mechanical Drawing / Package Dimensions (dimension in mm) 120.0 110.0 15.0(MAX) 70.0 60.0 (30.0) (17.5) 5.0 4-Ø3.2 gh throu .X: .XX: ANGLES: ±0.2 ±0.10 ±0.5° 4.5 10.5 5.0 TOL'S: *The mechanical tolerance should be ±0.2mm on all package dimensions unless otherwise specified. Oplink Communications, Inc Athermal Arrayed-Waveguide Grating Multiplexer/Demultiplexer AAWG Series 46335 Landing Pkwy Fremont, CA 94538 Tel: (510) 933-7200 Fax: (510) 933-7300 Email: • Definition of Fiber Length B and C (without fan-out) Definition of Fiber Length A, B and C (with fan-out) Ordering Information Oplink can provide a remarkable range of customized optical solutions. For detail, please contact Oplink’s OEM design team or account manager for your requirements and ordering information (510) 933-7200. AAWG1 Number of Channels 32ch = 32 40ch = 40 44ch = 44 . . . . **** Largest ITU Channel Number AAWG Type (C)Fiber Length* Connector Type Flat-Top = F 0.5 meter = H 1.0 meter = 1 1.5 meter = 5 None = 1 FC/PC = 2 FC/SPC = 3 FC/APC = 4 SC/PC = 5 SC/SPC = 6 SC/APC = 7 ST = 8 LC/UPC = 9 MU = A LC/APC = B MTP(female) = C*** MTP(male) = D*** (B)Fiber Length* 0.5 meter = H 1.0 meter = 1 1.5 meter = 5 (A)Fiber Length* 0 meter = 0 (without fan-out)** 0.5 meter = H 1.0 meter = 1 1.5 meter = 5 * The tolerance of fiber length is +/-0.1m. ** Only MTP Connectors are available if the length of fiber A is 0 (without fan-out). Please choose 1 or C or D for the last digit of Oplink Part Number. *** When MTP option was available, it must be LC/UPC option for fiber C. ****For other number of channels, please contact Oplink’s sales department for further information. For example, AAWG140C60F1119 represents one 100G 40-ch (192.10~196.00THz) Flat-Top type and with 1.0+/-0.1m fiber length on fiber C, 1.0+/-0.1m fiber length on fiber B, 1.0+/-0.1m fiber length on fiber A , all with LC/UPC connectors. S0312 - R03. (web) 20121218 Product Lines: Mux/Demux Switching/Routing Coupling/Splitting Monitoring/Conditioning Amplification Interconnect Transmission HFC/RoF Subsystem