ABC400 Series is a compact and efficient series of AC-DC open frame power supplies suited for telecom, datacom and many other applications. The family meets the international information technology safety standards with the CE-Mark for the European Low Voltage Directive (LVD). High Efficiency up to 91% at 230 VAC Universal AC Input Voltage Range: 90-264 VAC Active Power Factor Correction Over temperature, output overvoltage, overcurrent and short circuit protection Low Conducted and Radiated EMI (EN 55022 cl A) Safety approved to the latest edition of the following standards: CSA/UL60950-1, EN60950-1 and IEC60950-1 High Power Density Design: 16 W/in Compact Size: 3.0 (W) x 1.5 (H) x 5.0 (L) inches RoHS Compliant CE Marked 3 Their high efficiency allows a very minimal power loss in end equipment, resulting in higher reliability, ease of thermal management and regulatory approvals for an environmentally friendly end product. Telecom Datacom Industrial Applications North America +1-866.513.2839 Asia-Pacific +86.755.29885888 Europe, Middle East +353 61 225 977 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series MODEL INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE OUTPUT VOLTAGE NOM OUTPUT CURRENT # OF OUTPUTS OUTPUT POWER ABC400-1012G 90 – 264 VAC 12 VDC 23 A 1 400 W ABC400-1024G 90 – 264 VAC 24 VDC 13 A 1 400 W ABC400-1048G 90 – 264 VAC 48 VDC 6.5 A 1 400 W The ABC400-10XXG is a high efficiency and high power density AC to DC power supply. It incorporates interleaved transition mode PFC converter and well proven two-FET forward converter, providing increased system reliability and high efficiency with around 1m/s system air cooling, ABC400-1012G can delivery up to 360W continuous output power and 408W for ABC400-1024G and ABC400-1048G. Vo Figure 1: ABC400-10XXG block diagram Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings may cause performance degradation, adversely affect long-term reliability, and cause permanent damage to the supply. PARAMETER Vi maxc Max Continuous Input PARAMETER CONDITIONS / DESCRIPTION Continuous Transient, 60 ms MIN NOM MAX 264 300 UNIT VAC VAC NOM CONDITIONS / DESCRIPTION MIN MAX UNIT TA Ambient temperature Vi min to Vi max, Io nom, ISB nom -10 +50 °C TAext Extended temp range Derated output +50 +70 °C TS Storage temperature Non-operational -40 Dimensions Width Height Depth M Weight +85 °C 76.2 38.1 127.0 mm mm mm 0.5 kg +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series General Condition: TA = -10… 50 °C unless otherwise noted. Active fan air cooling required: 200 LFM (1 m/s) PARAMETER Vi nom Vi Ii max CONDITIONS / DESCRIPTION MIN Nominal input voltage Input voltage ranges Normal operating (Vi min to Vi max) MAX UNIT 100 NOM 240 VAC 90 264 VAC Arms 47 6.5 30 60 63 Max input current Ii p Inrush current limitation Vi nom = 115 VAC, T = 25°C (see Figure 2) Vi nom = 230 VAC, T = 25°C (see Figure 3) Ap Fi Input frequency PF Power factor Vi nom = 264 VAC, > 0.5 Io nom 0.9 Vi on Turn-on input voltage1 Ramping up 80 88 VAC Vi off Turn-off input voltage1 Ramping down 72 80 VAC η Thold Efficiency Hold-up Time 50/60 Vi nom = 230 VAC, 0.5∙Io nom, Vo nom, TA = 25 °C 89 Vi nom = 230 VAC, 1.0∙Io nom, Vo nom, TA = 25 °C After last AC zero point, Vo within regulation, Vi = 115 VAC, Po nom 90 16 Hz W/VA % ms INPUT FUSE A slow-blow 8A input fuses (5 × 20 mm) in series with live line inside the power supply protects against severe defects. The fuse and a VDR form together with the input filter an effective protection against high input transients. INRUSH CURRENT The AC-DC power supply exhibits an X-capacitance of only 1.47 μF, resulting in a low and short peak current, when the supply is connected to the mains. The internal bulk capacitor will be charged through an power resistor which will limit the inrush current (see Figure 2 and 3). Figure 2: Inrush current, Vin = 115Vac, 90° CH2: Vin (250V/div), CH3: Iin (10A/div) 1 The power supply is provided with a minimum hysteresis of 8 V during turn-on and turn-off within the ranges. +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series Figure 3: Inrush current, Vin = 230Vac, 90° CH2: Vin (250V/div), CH3: Iin (10A/div) INPUT UNDER-VOLTAGE If the sinusoidal input voltage stays below the input under voltage lockout threshold Vi on, the supply will be inhibited. Once the input voltage returns within the normal operating range, the supply will return to normal operation again. POWER FACTOR CORRECTION Power factor correction (PFC) is achieved by controlling the input current waveform synchronously with the input voltage. A specified PFC controller is implemented in the interleaved transition mode topology giving outstanding PFC results over a wide input voltage and load ranges. The input current will follow the shape of the input voltage. EFFICIENCY Series1 0 100 200 300 400 Efficiency (%) 92.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 84.0 82.0 80.0 78.0 76.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 84.0 82.0 80.0 78.0 76.0 Series1 0 100 Po (W) 200 300 400 Po (W) Figure 4: Efficiency vs. Output Power at 230VAC, ABC400-1012G Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) The high efficiency (see Figure 4, 5 and 6) is achieved by using state-of-the-art silicon power devices in conjunction with interleaved transition mode PFC topology minimizing switching losses. Synchronous rectifiers on the output reduce the losses in the high current output path for ABC400-1012G schottky diode and ultra-fast diode are used as rectifiers for ABC400-1024G and ABC400-1048G due to the high output voltage level. Figure 5: Efficiency vs. Output Power at 230VAC, ABC400-1024G 92.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 84.0 82.0 80.0 78.0 76.0 Series1 0 100 200 300 400 Po (W) Figure 6: Efficiency vs. Output Power at 230VAC, ABC400-1048G +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series General Condition: TA = -10 … +50 °C unless otherwise noted. Active fan air cooling required: 200 LFM (1 m/s) PARAMETER CONDITIONS / DESCRIPTION MIN NOM MAX UNIT Main Output VO Vo Nominal Output Voltage 0.5 ∙IO, Tamb = 25 °C ABC400-1012G 12.0 VDC ABC400-1024G 24.0 VDC ABC400-1048G Vo set Po nom Io nom Output Set Point Accuracy 0.5 ∙IO, Tamb = 25 °C Nominal Output Power Nominal Output Current 48.0 -50 50 mV ABC400-1024G -75 75 mV ABC400-1048G -150 150 mV ABC400-1012G 0 276 360 W ABC400-1024G 0 312 408 W ABC400-1048G 0 312 408 W ABC400-1012G 0 23 30 A ABC400-1024G 0 13 17 A ABC400-1048G 0 6.5 8.5 A 60 120 mVpp ABC400-1024G 80 240 mVpp ABC400-1048G 150 480 mVpp ABC400-1012G Vo p-p dVo Load dVo Line dVdyn Output Ripple Voltage Load Regulation Line Regulation Dynamic Load Regulation trec Recovery Time tdelay Turn-On Delay trise Turn On Rise Time CLoad Capacitive Loading Vo nom, Io nom, 20 MHz BW Vi = Vi nom, 0 - 100 % Io nom Vi =Vi min…Vi max ΔIo = 50% Io nom, Io = 50 … 100% Io nom, dIo/dt = 1A/μs, recovery within 5% of Vo nom ABC400-1012G -360 50 360 mV ABC400-1024G -720 80 720 mV ABC400-1048G -1440 130 1440 mV ABC400-1012G -360 80 360 mV ABC400-1024G -720 120 720 mV ABC400-1048G -1440 150 1440 mV ABC400-1012G -0.6 0.25 0.6 V ABC400-1024G -1.2 0.45 1.2 V ABC400-1048G -2.4 0.7 2.4 V 2 ms 2 Sec Time required for output within regulation after intial application of AC input @ 90 VAC VO = 10…90% VO nom VDC ABC400-1012G 0 1 ABC400-1012G 20 ABC400-1024G 20 ms ms ABC400-1048G 30 ms ABC400-1012G 6600 μF ABC400-1024G 3740 μF ABC400-1048G 1870 μF +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series Figure 7: Turn-On AC Line 115 VAC, full load (200 ms/div) CH1: Vo (10 V/div) CH2: Vin (100 V/div) Figure 8: Turn-On AC Line 230 VAC, full load (200 ms/div) CH1: Vo (10 V/div) CH2: Vin (100 V/div) Figure 9: Turn-Off AC Line 115 VAC, full load (10 ms/div) CH1: Vo (10 V/div) CH2: Vin (100 V/div) Figure 10: AC drop out 16ms (100 ms/div) CH1: Vo (10 V/div) CH2: Vin (100 V/div) Figure 11: AC drop out 30ms (500 ms/div), Vo restart CH1: Vo (10 V/div) CH2: Vin (200 V/div) Figure 12: Vo rise time at 115VAC (20 ms/div) CH1: Vo (10 V/div) +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series Figure 13: Load transient Vo (500μs/div), 8.5A <-> 17A 2A/μs Figure 14: Load transient Vo (1.0ms/div), 8.5A <-> 17A, 2A/μs CH1: Vo (200mV/div) CH2: Io (5.0 A/div) CH1: Vo (200 mV/div) CH2: Io (5 A/div) PARAMETER F Vo ov Io lim TSD CONDITIONS / DESCRIPTION Input Fuses (L only) MIN Not user accessible, time lag characteristic OV Threshold Vi > 90 VAC, -10 °C <Ta < 50 °C Current Limit Over Temperature on Heat Sinks NOM MAX UNIT 8.0 A ABC400-1012G 14.0 16.0 VDC ABC400-1024G 28.0 32.0 VDC ABC400-1048G 53 57 VDC ABC400-1012G 31.5 33.0 39.0 A ABC400-1024G 20.0 21.0 23.0 A ABC400-1048G 8.9 10 11.1 Automatic shut-down 100 A °C OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION The AC-DC power supply provides a fixed threshold overvoltage (OV) protection implemented with a HW comparator. Once an OV condition has been triggered, the supply will shut down and latch the fault condition. the latch can be unlocked by disconnecting the supply from the AC mains only. CURRENT LIMITATION The main output current limitation will decrease with linear derating to 50% at 70 ºC if the ambient (inlet) temperature increases beyond 50 °C (see Figure 15). 120 Io (%) 100 80 Series1 60 40 20 0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Ambient Temperature(°C) Figure 15: Output Current Limitation Curve +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series The Out-OK output gives a status indication of the converter and the output voltages. It can be used for control functions such as data protection, central system monitoring or as a part of a self-testing system. Connecting the Out-OK as shown in Figure 16, Vok <1.0 V indicates that the output voltage(s) of the converter are within the range. Note: using the potentiometer, the monitor level tracks the programmed output voltage. In an error condition, if the output voltage is out of range due to overload or an external overvoltage, Vok will approach Vp. The output is formed by an NPN transistor. The signal is isolated from the output. Figure 16: Power Good signal Power Good Signal Description: 1. O/P V OK – Signal Low, Opto conducting, (max sink current 0.5 mA) 2. O/P V Bad – Signal High, Opto opening, (max leakage current 25 μA) IMMUNITY Note: Most of the immunity requirements are derived from EN 55024:1998/A2:2003. TEST STANDARD / DESCRIPTION CRITERIA ESD Contact Discharge EN 61000-4-2, Level 2 A RF Susceptibility EN 61000-4-3, Level 3 A Fast Transient/Burst EN 61000-4-4, Level 3 B Surge EN 61000-4-5, Class 3 B RF Conducted Immunity EN 61000-4-6, Class 3 A Voltage Dips and Interruptions EN 61000-4-11 C Magnetic Fields EN 61000-4-8 A +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series SAFETY / APPROVALS Maximum electric strength testing is performed in the factory according to IEC/EN 60950, and UL 60950. input-to-output electric strength tests should not be repeated in the field. Bel Power Solutions will not honor any warranty claims resulting from electric strength field tests. PARAMETER Safety Approvals Insulation Safety Rating dC Creepage / Clearance Electrical Strength Test DESCRIPTION / CONDITIONS Safety approved to the latest edition of the following standards: CSA/UL60950-1, EN60950-1 and IEC60950-1. CE Mark for LVD CB Approval Input / Case MIN NOM UNIT Basic Input / Output Reinforced Output / Case Functional Primary (L/N) to protective earth (PE) MAX According to safety standard mm Input to case 2121 VDC Input to output 4242 VDC Output and Signals to case 707 VDC Primary to secondary mm DIMENSIONS 19.05 2x Airflow Direction M3x0.5P Thread Hole for customer system mounting; Mounting screw insert into PSU chassis 5.0mm Max. (2 holes on each side) 115 Figure 17: Side view 1 115 SN Label 19.05 2x I/O label Figure 18: Side view 2 Note: A 3D step file of the power supply casing is available on request. +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series 127 ±0.5 J2 Outside Row J1-5 J1 J3 J1-1 J3-1 Airflow Direction Figure 19: Top view Section A-A A 62.87 Customer side mounting scerw insert into PSU chassis 5.0mm Max. M3x0.5P Thread Hole for customer system mouting (4places on bottom side) A Figure 20: Bottom view 2 38.1 ±0.5 76.2 ±0.5 118.75 Figure 21: Front view +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD ABC400 Series CONNECTIONS PIN NAME DESCRIPTION J1- 1 Earth AC Input Earth J1- 2 Not fitted NA J1- 3 Live AC Input Live J1- 4 Not fitted NA J1- 5 Neutral AC Input Neutral J2-outside row +Vo +12V / +24V / +48V Output J2-inside row -Vo +12V / +24V / +48V Output Return J3- 1 -Vo Sense Output Negative Sense J3- 2 +Vo Sense Output Positive Sense J3- 3 Power Good Power Good Signal J3- 4 Power Good Return Power Good Signal Return Input Connector J1 Output Connector J2 Signal Connector J3 Connector Mating Parts (Molex or equivalent) CONNECTOR HOUSING CRIMP TERMINAL WIRE GAUGE J1 09-50-3051 08-50-0105 AWG#18 J2 39-01-2105 44476-3112 AWG#16 J3 22-01-3047 08-50-0113 AWG#22-30 NUCLEAR AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS - Products are not designed or intended for use as critical components in life support systems, equipment used in hazardous environments, or nuclear control systems. TECHNICAL REVISIONS - The appearance of products, including safety agency certifications pictured on labels, may change depending on the date manufactured. Specifications are subject to change without notice. +1.866.513.2839 © 2015 Bel Power Solutions, Inc. BCD.00186_AD