Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Wavelength-Selected High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Applications ■ Telecommunications: — Dense WDM — SONET/SDH OC-192/STM-64 — Extended and ultralong reach — Undersea systems ■ Digital video Description Featuring wavelength selection and locking capabilities, the D2587P Laser Module is ideally suited for use with external lithium niobate modulators, and in high-power (20 mW) applications. Features ■ High-performance, multiquantum-well (MQW), distributed-feedback (DFB) laser ■ D2587P-Type is offered on 50 GHz ITU grid wavelengths ranging from 1528.77 nm— 1610.06 nm ■ D2547P-Type is offered on 100 GHz ITU grid wavelengths ranging from 1528.77 nm— 1610.06 nm ■ Polarization-maintaining fiber pigtail ■ For use with lithium niobate modulators ■ High optical power (20 mW, CW) ■ Hermetic, 14-pin package The D2587P-Type DFB laser module is designed for use with an external lithium niobate modulator and also in applications where high power (20 mW) is required. The use of an internal wavelength locker greatly enhances long-term reliability and reduces chirp and mode dispersion when used in conjunction with LN modulators at OC-192 data rates. A companion device, the D2547P high-power DFB laser module, is also designed for use with a lithium niobate external modulator, but without the use of an internal wavelength locker. Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Description (continued) Principles of Operation (Controlled Wavelength) The single-channel, wavelength-selected DFB (ILM) package contains internal wavelength-discriminating optics, i.e., two etalons and associated photodiodes. The output consists of analog signals suitable for controlling the electrical current of the thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and the DFB laser. Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Agere Systems’ optoelectronic components are being qualified to rigorous internal standards that are consistent with Telcordia Technologies † TR-NWT-000468. All design and manufacturing operations are ISO § 9001 certified. The module is being fully qualified for central office applications. * Fujikura is a registered trademark of Fujikura Ltd. † Telcordia Technologies is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies Inc. § ISO is a registered trademark of The International Organization for Standardization. CORE Controlled Feedback STRESS ROD The module contains an internal optical isolator that suppresses optical feedback in laser-based, fiber-optic systems. Light reflected back to the laser is attenuated a minimum of 30 dB. PRINCIPLE POLARIZATION AXIS CLADDING INNER COATING (SILICON & ACRYLATE) OUTER COATING Controlled Temperature 1-771(C).a An integral TEC provides stable thermal characteristics. The TEC allows for heating and cooling of the laser chip to maintain a temperature of 25 °C for case temperatures from –25 °C to +70 °C. The laser temperature is monitored by the internal thermistor, which can be used with external circuitry to control the laser chip temperature. Controlled Power An internal, InGaAs, PIN photodiode functions as the backfacet monitor. The photodiode monitors emission from the rear facet of the laser and, when used in conjunction with control circuitry, can control optical power launched into the fiber. Normally, this configuration is used in a feedback arrangement to maintain consistent laser output power. Standard Package The laser module is fabricated in a 14-pin, hermetic, metal/ ceramic butterfly package that incorporates a bias tee that separates the dc-bias path from the RF input. The RF input has a nominal 25 Ω impedance. The laser module is equipped with Fujikura* polarizationmaintaining fiber (PMF). The fiber is PANDA type and is the same fiber that is used on the Agere Systems Inc. lithium niobate modulators. It has a mode field diameter of 10.5 µm, a cladding diameter of 125 µm ±3 µm, and a loose tube jacketed fiber 900 µm in diameter. Figure 1 shows the orientation of polarization in the fiber. Figure 1. Polarization-Maintaining Fiber Pin Information Table 1. Pin Descriptions Pin D2587P-Type D2547P-Type 1 Thermistor Thermistor 2 Thermistor Thermistor 3 Laser dc Bias (Cathode) (–) Laser dc Bias (Cathode) (–) 4 Back-facet Monitor Anode (–) Back-facet Monitor Anode (–) 5 Back-facet Monitor Cathode (+) Back-facet Monitor Cathode (+) 6 TEC (+)1 TEC (+)1 7 TEC (–)1 TEC (–)1 8 Case Ground Case Ground 9 λ Photodiode 2 Anode Case Ground Case Ground Laser Anode (+) 2 RF Laser Input Cathode (–) Laser Anode (+) 2 Case Ground 10 λ Photodiode 1 Anode 11 Laser Anode (+) 2 12 RF Laser Input Cathode (–) 13 Laser Anode (+) 2 14 NC 1. A positive current through the thermoelectric heat pump cools the laser. 2. Both leads should be grounded for optimum performance. 2 Agere Systems Inc. Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Description (continued) 7 6 – 5 + + 4 3 – 2 1 – L1 140 nH TH TEC 10 kΩ R1 20 Ω PACKAGE GROUNDS 8 ISOLATOR NC 9 10 + – + 11 12 13 14 1-567 Top view. Figure 2. D2547P Circuit Schematic 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 RTH TEC RFC PDPOWER PM FIBER PIGTAIL PDWAVE PDWAVE 8 9 10 LD 11 RRF 12 13 14 1-1130(F) Figure 3. D2587P Circuit Schematic Block Diagram LASER MODULE DUAL ETALON DFB ISOLATOR AND FIBER COUPLING OPTICS SILICON SUBMOUNT THERMISTOR A TO D CONVERTER MICROPROCESSOR EEPROM D TO A CONVERTER THERMOELECTRIC COOLER SUGGESTED ELECTRONICS MODULE (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED) VOLTAGE PROPORTIONAL TO WAVELENGTH VOLTAGE PROPORTIONAL TO OPTICAL POWER VOLTAGE PROPORTIONAL TO TEMPERATURE 1-1129(F) Agere Systems Inc. 3 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operations sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect device reliability. Parameter Laser Reverse Voltage dc Forward Current Operating Case Temperature Range Storage Case Temperature Range* Photodiode Reverse Voltage Photodiode Forward Current Symbol Min Max Unit VRLMAX IFLMAX TC Tstg VRPDMAX IFPDMAX — — –25 –40 — — 2 225 70 70 10 2 V mA °C °C V mA * Does not apply to shipping container. Handling Precautions Mounting Instructions Power Sequencing The minimum fiber bend radius is 1.0 in. (25.4 mm) To avoid the possibility of damage to the laser module from power supply switching transients, follow this turn-on sequence: 1. All ground connections 2. Most negative supply 3. Most positive supply 4. All remaining connections Reverse the order for the proper turn-off sequence. Electrostatic Discharge CAUTION: This device is susceptible to damage as a result of electrostatic discharge. Take proper precautions during both handling and testing. Follow guidelines such as JEDEC Publication No. 108-A (Dec. 1988). Agere Systems employs a human-body model (HBM) for ESD-susceptibility testing and protection-design evaluation. ESD voltage thresholds are dependent on the critical parameters used to define the model. A standard HBM (resistance = 1.5 kΩ, capacitance = 100 pF) is widely used and, therefore, can be used for comparison purposes. The HBM ESD threshold presented here was obtained using these circuit parameters: 4 Parameter Value Unit Human-body Model >400 V To avoid degradation in performance, mount the module on the board as follows: 1. Place the bottom flange of the module on a flat heat sink at least 0.5 in. x 1.180 in. (12.7 mm x 30 mm) in size. The surface finish of the heat sink should be better than 32 µin. (0.8 µm), and the surface flatness must be better than 0.001 in. (25.4 µm). Using thermal conductive grease is optional; however, thermal performance can be improved by up to 5% if conductive grease is applied between the bottom flange and the heat sink. 2. Mount four #2-56 screws with Fillister heads (M2-3 mm) at the four screw hole locations (see Outline Diagram). The Fillister head diameter must not exceed 0.140 in. (3.55 mm). Do not apply more than 1 in.-lb. of torque to the screws. 0.062 (1.58) 0.118 (3.00) 0.086 (2.18) 0.031 (0.79) 0.140 (3.56) 0.129 (3.28) R 0.041 (1.04) Note: Dimensions are in inches and (millimeters). 1-532(C) Figure 4. Fillister Head Screw Agere Systems Inc. Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Characteristics Minimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical values are device characteristics and are results of engineering evaluations; they are for information purposes only and are not part of the testing requirements. Table 2. D2587-Type Electrical Characteristics (at 25 °C laser temperature) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit ITH — — 15 40 mA Threshold Current Drive Current — LF = 20 mW — — 165 mA Laser Forward Voltage VLF LF = 20 mW (CW) — 2 2.5 V Monitor Reverse-bias Voltage* VRMON — 3 5 10 V Monitor Current: Back-facet Monitor λ Photodiode 1 λ Photodiode 2 IRMON IλPD1 IλPD2 0.003 0.003 0.003 — — — 0.06 0.06 0.06 mA mA mA PO = 20 mW (CW) Monitor Dark Current ID IF = 0, VRMON = 5 V — 0.01 0.1 µA Input Impedance ZIN — — 25 — Ω Filter Slope — — 0.5 — 8 /nm Frequency Capture Range — Measured from λITU toward increasing λ and decreasing λ 15 — — GHz Thermistor Current ITC — 10 — 100 µA Resistance Ratio† — — 9.1 9.6 10.1 — Thermistor Resistance RTH TL = 25 °C 9.5 — 10.5 kΩ Laser Submount Temperature TSET — 20 — 35 °C TEC Current ITEC TL = 25 °C, TC = 70 °C — — 1.7 A TEC Voltage VTEC TL = 25 °C, TC = 70 °C — — 2.8 V TEC Capacity ∆T TC = 70 °C — 50 °C * Standard operating condition is 5.0 V reverse bias. † Ratio of thermistor resistance at 0 °C to thermistor resistance at 50 °C. Table 3. D2587-Type Optical Characteristics (at 25 °C laser temperature) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Peak Optical Output Power PP — 20.0 — — mW Center Wavelength* (See Ordering Information, page 9.) λC TL = TSET λC = λITU ± 0.1 nm 1528.77 — 1610.06 nm Line Width (3 dB full width) Side-mode Suppression Ratio Relative Intensity Noise Optical Isolation Optical Polarization Extinction Ratio † ∆λ CW, PF = 20.0 mW — 2 10 MHz SMSR CW 35 45 — dB RIN CW, PF = 20 mW 200 MHz < f < 10 GHz — — –135 dB/Hz — TC = 0 °C to 75 °C 30 — — dB — 0 °C to 75 °C 20 — — dB FM Efficiency FM fMOD = 30 kHz, PF = 20 mW — 100 — MHz/mA Wavelength Drift (EOL) ∆λC Tested over 25-year lifetime — — ±2.5 GHz * Custom wavelengths available. † The ST ® ferrule key is not aligned to slow axis of fiber. Connector is intended for testing purposes only. Agere Systems Inc. 5 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Characteristics (continued) Minimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical values are device characteristics and are results of engineering evaluations; they are for information purposes only and are not part of the testing requirements. Table 4. D2547P-Type Electrical Characteristics (at 25 °C laser temperature) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit ITH — — 15 40 mA Threshold Current Drive Current — LF = 20 mW — — 165 mA Laser Forward Voltage VLF LF = 20 mW (CW) — 2 2.5 V Monitor Reverse-bias Voltage* VRMON — 3 5 10 V Back-facet Monitor Current: IRMON PO = 20 mW (CW) 0.2 — — mA Monitor Dark Current ID IF = 0, VRMON = 5 V — 0.01 0.1 µA Input Impedance ZIN — — 25 — Ω ITC — 10 — 100 µA — — 9.1 9.6 10.1 — Thermistor Current † Resistance Ratio Thermistor Resistance RTH TL = 25 °C 9.5 — 10.5 kΩ TLASER — 20 — 35 °C TEC Current ITEC TL = 25 °C, TC = 70 °C — — 1.7 A TEC Voltage VTEC TL = 25 °C, TC = 70 °C — — 2.8 V TEC Capacity ∆T TC = 70 °C — — 50 °C Laser Submount Temperature * Standard operating condition is 5.0 V reverse bias. † Ratio of thermistor resistance at 0 °C to thermistor resistance at 50 °C. Table 5. D2547P-Type Optical Characteristics (at 25 °C laser temperature) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Peak Optical Output Power PP — 20.0 — — mW Center Wavelength* (See Ordering Information, page 12.) λC TL = TSET λC = λITU ± 0.1 nm 1528.77 — 1610.06 nm Line Width (3 dB full width) ∆λ CW, PF = 20.0 mW — 2 10 MHz SMSR CW 35 45 — dB RIN CW, PF = 20 mW 200 MHz < f < 10 GHz — — –135 dB/Hz Optical Isolation — TC = 0 °C to 75 °C 30 — — dB Optical Polarization Extinction Ratio† — 0 °C to 75 °C 20 — — dB FM Efficiency FM fMOD = 30 kHz, PF = 20 mW — 100 — MHz/mA Wavelength Drift (EOL) ∆λC Tested over 25-year lifetime — — ±0.1 nm Side-mode Suppression Ratio Relative Intensity Noise * Custom wavelengths available. † The ST ferrule key is not aligned to slow axis of fiber. Connector is intended for testing purposes only. 6 Agere Systems Inc. Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Characteristics (continued) Table 6. D2587P/D2547P Fiber Pigtail and Optical Connector Characteristics Parameter Symbol Description Min Typ Max Unit Pigtail Length L Fujikura PANDA or equivalent polarization-maintaining fiber 1.5 — — m Connector Style — ST plug (FC/PC optional) — — — — Outline Diagram Dimensions are in inches and (millimeters). Tolerances are ±0.005 in. (±0.127 mm). 1.025 (26.04) 0.500 (12.70) MIN PIN 1 0.10 ± 0.002 (2.54 ± 0.051) 0.020 (0.51) TYP TRADEMARK, CODE, LASER SERIAL NUMBER, AND DATE CODE IN APPROX. AREA SHOWN STRAIN RELIEF 0.605 (15.37) MAX 0.036 (0.91) ~ 0.500 (12.70) 0.200 (5.08) 0.350 (8.89) 0.078 (1.98) 0.105 (2.67) DIA TYP (4) PLACES PIN 14 0.213 (5.40) TYP 0.100 (2.54) TYP 59.06 (1500.00) MIN 2.03 (51.6) 0.180 (4.56) 0.820 (20.83) 0.700 (17.78) 0.863 (21.91) 0.575 (14.61) 0.260 (6.60) 0.10 (2.5) 0.056 (1.42) 0.365 (9.27) MAX 0.030 (0.75) 1.180 (29.97) HEAT SINK 0.215 (5.47) REF 0.215 (5.45) 1-520.h Agere Systems Inc. 7 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 High-Power Product Class IIIb Laser Product FDA/CDRH Class IIIb laser product. All versions are Class IIIb laser products per CDRH, 21 CFR 1040 Laser Safety requirements. The device has been classified with the FDA under accession number 8720010. This product complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11. 8 µm/125 µm ±3 µm single-mode fiber with 900 µm loose-tube jacketed fiber and connector Wavelength = 1.5 µm Maximum power = 40 mW Because of size constraints, laser safety labeling (including an FDA Class IIIb label) is not affixed to the module but attached to the outside of the shipping carton. Product is not shipped with power supply. Caution: Use of controls, adjustments, and procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous laser radiation exposure. DANGER INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION IS EMITTED FROM THE END OF FIBER OR CONNECTOR Avoid direct exposure to beam Do not view beam directly with optical instruments INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION EMITTED FROM END OF FIBER OR CONNECTOR Avoid exposure to beam Class IIIb Laser Product FDA/CDRH, 21 CFR 1040 Max. Output: 40 mW Wavelength: 1.5 µm 8 Agere Systems Inc. Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Ordering Information Table 7. D2587P 20 mW CW Laser with Locker (C- and L-Band) Ordering Information (continued) Device Code Center ITU-T Frequency Wavelength (THz) (nm) Comcode Device Code Center ITU-T Frequency Wavelength (THz) (nm) Comcode D2587P61 196.1 1528.77 108835422 D2587P41 194.1 1544.53 108835620 D2587P605 196.05 1529.16 108875220 D2587P405 194.05 1544.92 108875444 D2587P60 196.0 1529.55 108835430 D2587P40 194.0 1545.32 108835638 D2587P595 195.95 1529.94 108875238 D2587P395 193.95 1545.72 108875451 D2587P59 195.9 1530.33 108835448 D2587P39 193.9 1546.12 108835646 D2587P585 195.85 1530.72 108875246 D2587P385 193.85 1546.52 108875469 D2587P58 195.8 1531.12 108835455 D2587P38 193.8 1546.92 108835653 D2587P575 195.75 1531.51 108875253 D2587P375 193.75 1547.32 108875477 D2587P57 195.7 1531.90 108835463 D2587P37 193.7 1547.72 108835661 D2587P565 195.65 1532.29 108875261 D2587P365 193.65 1548.11 108875485 D2587P56 195.6 1532.68 108835471 D2587P36 193.6 1548.51 108835679 D2587P555 195.55 1533.07 108875279 D2587P355 193.55 1548.91 108875493 D2587P55 195.5 1533.47 108835489 D2587P35 193.5 1549.32 108835687 D2587P545 195.45 1533.86 108875287 D2587P345 193.45 1549.72 108875501 D2587P54 195.4 1534.25 108835497 D2587P34 193.4 1550.12 108835695 D2587P535 195.35 1534.64 108875303 D2587P335 193.35 1550.52 108875519 D2587P53 195.3 1535.04 108835505 D2587P33 193.3 1550.92 108835703 D2587P525 195.25 1535.43 108875311 D2587P325 193.25 1551.58 108875527 D2587P52 195.2 1535.82 108835513 D2587P32 193.2 1551.72 108835711 D2587P515 195.15 1536.22 108875329 D2587P315 193.15 1552.12 108875535 D2587P51 195.1 1536.61 108835521 D2587P31 193.1 1552.52 108835729 D2587P505 195.05 1537.00 108875345 D2587P305 193.05 1552.93 108875543 D2587P50 195.0 1537.40 108835539 D2587P30 193.0 1553.33 108835737 D2587P495 194.95 1537.79 108875352 D2587P295 192.95 1553.73 108875550 D2587P49 194.9 1538.19 108835547 D2587P29 192.9 1554.13 108835745 D2587P485 194.85 1538.58 108875360 D2587P285 192.85 1554.54 108875568 D2587P48 194.8 1538.98 108835554 D2587P28 192.8 1554.94 108835752 D2587P475 194.75 1539.37 108875378 D2587P275 192.75 1555.34 108875576 D2587P47 194.7 1539.77 108835562 D2587P27 192.7 1555.75 108835760 D2587P465 194.65 1540.16 108875386 D2587P265 192.65 1556.15 108875584 D2587P46 194.6 1540.56 108835570 D2587P26 192.6 1556.55 108835778 D2587P455 194.55 1540.95 108875394 D2587P255 192.55 1556.96 108875592 D2587P45 194.5 1541.35 108835588 D2587P25 192.5 1557.36 108835786 D2587P445 194.45 1541.75 108875402 D2587P245 192.45 1557.77 108875600 D2587P44 194.4 1542.14 108835596 D2587P24 192.4 1558.17 108835794 D2587P435 194.35 1542.54 108875410 D2587P235 192.35 1558.58 108875618 D2587P43 194.3 1542.94 108835604 D2587P23 192.3 1558.98 108835802 D2587P425 194.25 1543.33 108875428 D2587P225 192.25 1559.39 108875626 D2587P42 194.2 1543.73 108835612 D2587P22 192.2 1559.79 108835810 D2587P415 194.15 1544.13 108875436 D2587P215 192.15 1560.20 108875634 Agere Systems Inc. 9 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Ordering Information (continued) Table 7. D2587P 20 mW CW Laser with Locker (C- and L-Band) Ordering Information (continued) Device Code Center ITU-T Frequency Wavelength (THz) (nm) Comcode Device Code Center ITU-T Frequency Wavelength (THz) (nm) Comcode D2587P21 192.1 1560.61 108835828 D2587P900 190.0 1577.86 108836990 D2587P205 192.05 1561.01 108875642 D2587P8995 189.95 1578.27 108876079 D2587P20 192.0 1561.42 108835836 D2587P899 189.9 1578.69 108836982 D2587P195 191.95 1561.83 108875659 D2587P8985 189.85 1579.10 108876061 D2587P19 191.9 1562.23 108835844 D2587P898 189.8 1579.52 108836974 D2587P185 191.85 1562.64 108875667 D2587P8975 189.75 1579.93 108876046 D2587P18 191.8 1563.05 108835851 D2587P897 189.7 1580.35 108836511 D2587P175 191.75 1563.45 108875675 D2587P8965 189.65 1580.77 108876038 D2587P17 191.7 1563.86 108835869 D2587P896 189.6 1581.18 108836503 D2587P9165 191.65 1564.27 109976244 D2587P8955 189.55 1581.60 108876020 D2587P916 191.6 1564.68 108838418 D2587P895 189.5 1582.02 108836495 D2587P9155 191.55 1565.09 108876236 D2587P8945 189.45 1582.44 108876012 D2587P915 191.5 1565.50 108838400 D2587P894 189.4 1582.85 108836487 D2587P9145 191.45 1565.90 108876228 D2587P8935 189.35 1583.27 108876004 D2587P914 191.4 1566.31 108837139 D2587P893 189.3 1583.69 108836479 D2587P9135 191.35 1566.72 108876210 D2587P8925 189.25 1584.11 108875980 D2587P913 191.3 1567.13 108837121 D2587P892 189.2 1584.53 108836461 D2587P9125 191.25 1567.54 108876202 D2587P8915 189.15 1584.95 108875972 D2587P912 191.2 1567.95 108837113 D2587P891 189.1 1585.36 108836453 D2587P9115 191.15 1568.36 108876194 D2587P8905 189.05 1585.78 108875964 D2587P911 191.1 1568.77 108837105 D2587P890 189.0 1586.20 108836446 D2587P9105 191.05 1569.18 108876186 D2587P8895 188.95 1586.62 108875956 D2587P910 191.0 1569.59 108837097 D2587P889 188.9 1587.04 108836438 D2587P9095 190.95 1570.01 108876178 D2587P8885 188.85 1587.46 108875949 D2587P909 190.9 1570.42 108837089 D2587P888 188.8 1587.88 108836420 D2587P9085 190.85 1570.83 108876160 D2587P8875 188.75 1588.30 108875931 D2587P908 190.8 1571.24 108837071 D2587P887 188.7 1588.72 108836412 D2587P9075 190.75 1571.65 108876152 D2587P8865 188.65 1589.15 108875923 D2587P907 190.7 1572.06 108837063 D2587P886 188.6 1589.57 108836404 D2587P9065 190.65 1572.48 108876145 D2587P8855 188.55 1589.99 108875915 D2587P906 190.6 1572.89 108837055 D2587P885 188.5 1590.41 108836396 D2587P9055 190.55 1573.30 108876137 D2587P8845 188.45 1590.83 108875907 D2587P905 190.5 1573.71 108837048 D2587P884 188.4 1591.26 108836388 D2587P9045 190.45 1574.13 108876129 D2587P8835 188.35 1591.68 108875899 D2587P904 190.4 1574.54 108837030 D2587P883 188.3 1592.10 108836370 D2587P9035 190.35 1574.95 108876111 D2587P8825 188.25 1592.52 108875881 D2587P903 190.3 1575.37 108837022 D2587P882 188.2 1592.95 108836362 D2587P9025 190.25 1575.78 108876103 D2587P8815 188.15 1593.37 108875873 D2587P902 190.2 1576.20 108837014 D2587P881 188.1 1593.79 108836354 D2587P9015 190.15 1576.61 108876095 D2587P8805 188.05 1594.22 108875865 D2587P901 190.1 1577.03 108837006 D2587P880 188.0 1594.64 108836347 D2587P9005 190.05 1577.44 108876087 D2587P8795 187.95 1595.06 108875857 10 Agere Systems Inc. Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Ordering Information (continued) Table 7. D2587P 20 mW CW Laser with Locker (C- and L-Band) Ordering Information (continued) Device Code Center ITU-T Frequency Wavelength (THz) (nm) Comcode Device Code Center ITU-T Frequency Wavelength (THz) (nm) Comcode D2587P879 187.9 1595.49 108836339 D2587P870 187.0 1603.17 108835950 D2587P8785 187.85 1595.91 108875840 D2587P8695 186.95 1603.60 108875758 D2587P878 187.8 1596.34 108836321 D2587P869 186.9 1604.03 108835943 D2587P8775 187.75 1596.76 108875832 D2587P8685 186.85 1604.46 108875741 D2587P877 187.7 1597.19 108836313 D2587P868 186.8 1604.88 108835935 D2587P8765 187.65 1597.62 108875824 D2587P8675 186.75 1605.31 108875733 D2587P876 187.6 1598.04 108836016 D2587P867 186.7 1605.74 108835927 D2587P8755 187.55 1598.47 108875816 D2587P8665 186.65 1606.17 108875725 D2587P875 187.5 1598.89 108836008 D2587P866 186.6 1606.60 108835919 D2587P8745 187.45 1599.32 108875808 D2587P8655 186.55 1607.04 108875717 D2587P874 187.4 1599.75 108835992 D2587P865 186.5 1607.47 108835901 D2587P8735 187.35 1600.17 108875790 D2587P8645 186.45 1607.90 108875709 D2587P873 187.3 1600.60 108835984 D2587P864 186.4 1608.33 108835893 D2587P8725 187.25 1601.03 108875782 D2587P8635 186.35 1608.76 108875691 D2587P872 187.2 1601.46 108835976 D2587P863 186.3 1609.19 108835885 D2587P8715 187.15 1601.88 108875774 D2587P8625 186.25 1609.62 108875683 D2587P862 186.2 1610.06 108835877 D2587P871 187.1 1602.31 108835968 D2587P8705 187.05 1602.74 108875766 Agere Systems Inc. 11 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Ordering Information (continued) Table 8. D2547P 20 mW CW Laser without Locker (C-Band) Device Code ITU-T Frequency (THz) Center Wavelength (nm) Comcode D2547P61 D2547P60 D2547P59 D2547P58 D2547P57 D2547P56 D2547P55 D2547P54 D2547P53 D2547P52 D2547P51 D2547P50 D2547P49 D2547P48 D2547P47 D2547P46 D2547P45 D2547P44 D2547P43 D2547P42 D2547P41 D2547P40 D2547P39 196.1 196.0 195.9 195.8 195.7 195.6 195.5 195.4 195.3 195.2 195.1 195.0 194.9 194.8 194.7 194.6 194.5 194.4 194.3 194.2 194.1 194.0 193.9 1528.77 1529.55 1530.33 1531.12 1531.90 1532.68 1533.47 1534.25 1535.04 1535.82 1536.61 1537.40 1538.19 1538.98 1539.77 1540.56 1541.35 1542.14 1542.94 1543.73 1544.53 1545.32 1546.12 108838301 108838293 108838285 108838277 108838269 108838251 108838244 108838236 108838228 108838210 108838202 108838194 108838186 108838178 108838160 108838152 108838145 108838137 108838129 108838111 108838103 108838095 108838087 12 Device Code ITU-T Frequency (THz) Center Wavelength (nm) Comcode D2547P38 D2547P37 D2547P36 D2547P35 D2547P34 D2547P33 D2547P32 D2547P31 D2547P30 D2547P29 D2547P28 D2547P27 D2547P26 D2547P25 D2547P24 D2547P23 D2547P22 D2547P21 D2547P20 D2547P19 D2547P18 D2547P17 193.8 193.7 193.6 193.5 193.4 193.3 193.2 193.1 193.0 192.9 192.8 192.7 192.6 192.5 192.4 192.3 192.2 192.1 192.0 191.9 191.8 191.7 1546.92 1547.72 1548.51 1549.32 1550.12 1550.92 1551.72 1552.52 1553.33 1554.13 1554.94 1555.75 1556.55 1557.36 1558.17 1558.98 1559.79 1560.61 1561.42 1562.23 1563.05 1563.86 108838079 108838061 108838053 108838046 108838038 108838020 108838012 108838004 108837998 108837980 108837972 108837964 108837956 108837949 108837931 108837923 108837915 108837907 108837899 108837881 108837873 108837865 Agere Systems Inc. Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Ordering Information (continued) Table 9. D2547P 20 mW CW Laser without Locker (L-Band) Ordering Information Device Code D2547P916 D2547P915 D2547P914 D2547P913 D2547P912 D2547P911 D2547P910 D2547P909 D2547P908 D2547P907 D2547P906 D2547P905 D2547P904 D2547P903 D2547P902 D2547P901 D2547P900 D2547P899 D2547P898 D2547P897 D2547P896 D2547P895 D2547P894 D2547P893 D2547P892 D2547P891 D2547P890 D2547P889 ITU Frequency (THz) Center Wavelength (nm) Comcode 191.6 191.5 191.4 191.3 191.2 191.1 191.0 190.9 190.8 190.7 190.6 190.5 190.4 190.3 190.2 190.1 190.0 189.9 189.8 189.7 189.6 189.5 189.4 189.3 189.2 189.1 189.0 188.9 1564.68 1565.50 1566.31 1567.13 1567.95 1568.77 1569.59 1570.42 1571.24 1572.06 1572.89 1573.71 1574.54 1575.37 1576.20 1577.03 1577.86 1578.69 1579.52 1580.35 1581.18 1582.02 1582.85 1583.69 1584.53 1585.36 1586.20 1587.04 108837840 108837832 108837824 108837816 108837808 108837790 108837782 108837774 108837766 108837758 108837741 108837733 108837725 108837717 108837709 108837691 108837683 108837675 108837667 108837659 108837642 108837634 108837626 108837618 108837600 108837592 108837584 108837576 Agere Systems Inc. Device Code D2547P888 D2547P887 D2547P886 D2547P885 D2547P884 D2547P883 D2547P882 D2547P881 D2547P880 D2547P879 D2547P878 D2547P877 D2547P876 D2547P875 D2547P874 D2547P873 D2547P872 D2547P871 D2547P870 D2547P869 D2547P868 D2547P867 D2547P866 D2547P865 D2547P864 D2547P863 D2547P862 ITU Frequency (THz) Center Wavelength (nm) Comcode 188.8 188.7 188.6 188.5 188.4 188.3 188.2 188.1 188.0 187.9 187.8 187.7 187.6 187.5 187.4 187.3 187.2 187.1 187.0 186.9 186.8 186.7 186.6 186.5 186.4 186.3 186.2 1587.88 1588.73 1589.57 1590.41 1591.26 1592.10 1592.95 1593.79 1594.64 1595.49 1596.34 1597.19 1598.04 1598.89 1599.75 1600.60 1601.46 1602.31 1603.17 1604.03 1604.88 1605.74 1606.60 1607.47 1608.33 1609.19 1610.06 108837568 108837394 108837386 108837378 108837360 108837352 108837345 108837337 108837329 108837311 108837303 108837295 108837287 108837279 108837261 108837253 108837246 108837238 108837220 108837212 108837204 108837196 108837188 108837170 108837162 108837154 108837147 13 Wavelength-Selected, High-Power D2587P-Type (with Wavelength Locker)/D2547P-Type Isolated DFB Laser Modules Data Sheet, Rev. 2 July 2001 For additional information, contact your Agere Systems Account Manager or the following: INTERNET: E-MAIL: N. AMERICA: Agere Systems Inc., 555 Union Boulevard, Room 30L-15P-BA, Allentown, PA 18109-3286 1-800-372-2447, FAX 610-712-4106 (In CANADA: 1-800-553-2448, FAX 610-712-4106) ASIA PACIFIC: Agere Systems Singapore Pte. Ltd., 77 Science Park Drive, #03-18 Cintech III, Singapore 118256 Tel. (65) 778 8833, FAX (65) 777 7495 CHINA: Agere Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., 33/F Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Boulevard Pudong, Shanghai 200121 PRC Tel. (86) 21 50471212, FAX (86) 21 50472266 JAPAN: Agere Systems Japan Ltd., 7-18, Higashi-Gotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan Tel. (81) 3 5421 1600, FAX (81) 3 5421 1700 EUROPE: Data Requests: DATALINE: Tel. (44) 7000 582 368, FAX (44) 1189 328 148 Technical Inquiries: OPTOELECTRONICS MARKETING: (44) 1344 865 900 (Ascot UK) Agere Systems Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. ST is a registered trademark of Agere Systems Inc. Copyright © 2001 Agere Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved July 2001 DS00-263OPTO-2 (Replaces DS00-263OPTO-1)