CS8363 3.3 V Dual Micropower Regulator with ENABLE and RESET The CS8363 is a precision Micropower dual voltage regulator with ENABLE and RESET. The 3.3 V standby output is accurate within −2%, +2.4% while supplying loads of 100 mA. Quiescent current is low, typically 140 mA with a 300 mA load. The active RESET output monitors the 3.3 V standby output and is low during power−up and regulator dropout conditions. The RESET circuit includes hysteresis and is guaranteed to operate correctly with 1.0 V on the standby output. The second output tracks the 3.3 V standby output through an external adjust lead, and can supply loads of 250 mA. The logic level lead ENABLE is used to control this tracking regulator output. Both outputs are protected against overvoltage, short circuit, reverse battery and overtemperature conditions. The robustness and low quiescent current of the CS8363 makes it not only well suited for automotive microprocessor applications, but for any battery powered microprocessor applications. http://onsemi.com 1 D2PAK−7 DPS SUFFIX CASE 936AB Pin 1. VSTBY 2. VIN 3. VTRK 4. GND 5. Adj 6. ENABLE 7. RESET MARKING DIAGRAM Features CS8363 AWLYWW • 2 Regulated Outputs − Standby Output 3.3 V −2%, +2.4%; 100 mA − Adjustable Tracking Output; 250 mA • Operation down to VIN = 4.5 V • RESET for VSTBY • ENABLE for VTRK • Low Quiescent Current • Protection Features − Independent Thermal Shutdown − Short Circuit − 60 V Load Dump − Reverse Battery 1 A WL Y WW = Assembly Location = Wafer Lot = Year = Work Week ORDERING INFORMATION* Package Shipping† CS8363YDPS7 D2PAK−7 50 Units/Rail CS8363YDPSR7 D2PAK−7 750 Tape & Reel Device †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2009 October, 2009 − Rev. 12 1 Publication Order Number: CS8363/D CS8363 VSTBY 3.3 V, 100 mA, 2.0% VIN Overvoltage Shutdown Current Limit Bandgap RESET BG + OVSD BG − TSD OVSD VIN VTRK 250 mA Current Limit Thermal Shutdown TSD − Adj + ENABLE VSTBY − + TSD OVSD BG RESET + GND − RESET Figure 1. Block Diagram. Consult Your Local Sales Representative for Positive ENABLE Option ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Rating Value Unit −16 to 26 V Positive Transient Input Voltage, tr > 1.0 ms 60 V Negative Transient Input Voltage, T < 100 ms, 1.0 % Duty Cycle −50 V −0.3 to 10 V Junction Temperature −40 to +150 °C Storage Temperature Range −55 to +150 °C 2.0 kV 260 peak 230 peak °C °C Supply Voltage, VIN Input Voltage Range (ENABLE, RESET) ESD Susceptibility (Human Body Model) Lead Temperature Soldering Wave Solder (through hole styles only) Note 1 Reflow (SMD styles only) Note 2 Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. 1. 10 seconds max. 2. 60 seconds max above 183°C *The maximum package power dissipation must be observed. http://onsemi.com 2 CS8363 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (6.0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 26 V, IOUT1 = IOUT2 = 100 mA, −40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C; unless otherwise stated.) Test Conditions Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit −25 − +25 mV Tracking Output (VTRK) VTRK Tracking Error (VSTBY − VTRK) 6.0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 26 V, 100 mA ≤ ITRK ≤ 250 mA. Note 3 Adjust Pin Current, IAdj Loop in Regulation − 1.5 5.0 mA Line Regulation 6.0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 26 V. Note 3 − 5.0 50 mV Load Regulation 100 mA ≤ ITRK ≤ 250 mA. Note 3 − 5.0 50 mV Dropout Voltage (VIN − VTRK) ITRK = 100 mA. ITRK = 250 mA − − − − 1.05 1.05 mV mV Current Limit VIN = 12 V, VTRK = 3.0 V 275 500 − mA Quiescent Current VIN = 12 V, ITRK = 250 mA, No Load on VSTBY VIN = 12 V, ITRK = 500 mA, ISTBY = 100 mA − − 25 145 50 220 mA mA Reverse Current VTRK = 3.3 V, VIN = 0 V − 200 1500 mA Ripple Rejection f = 120 Hz, ITRK = 250 mA, 7.0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 17 V 60 70 − dB Output Voltage, VSTBY 4.5 V ≤ VIN ≤ 26 V, 100 mA ≤ ISTBY ≤ 100 mA. 3.234 3.3 3.380 V Line Regulation 6.0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 26 V. − 5.0 50 mV Load Regulation 100 mA ≤ ISTBY ≤ 100 mA. − 5.0 50 mV Dropout Voltage (VIN − VSTBY) ISTBY = 100 mA, VIN = 4.2 V ISTBY = 100 mA, VIN = 4.2 V − − − − 1.05 1.05 V V Current Limit VIN = 12 V, VSTBY = 3.0 V 125 200 − mA Short Circuit Current VIN = 12 V, VSTBY = 0 V 10 100 − mA Quiescent Current VIN = 12 V, ISTBY = 100 mA, ITRK = 0 mA VIN = 12 V, ISTBY = 300 mA, ITRK = 0 mA − − 10 140 20 200 mA mA Reverse Current VSTBY = 3.3 V, VIN = 0 V − 100 200 mA Ripple Rejection f = 120 Hz, ISTBY = 100 mA, 7.0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 17 V 60 70 − dB − 0.8 1.2 2.0 V −10 0 10 mA 10 50 150 mV 92.5 95 97.5 %VSTBY − − 25 mA Standby Output (VSTBY) RESET ENABLE Functions ENABLE Input Threshold ENABLE Input Bias Current VENABLE = 0 V to 10 V RESET Hysteresis RESET Threshold Low (VRL) − VSTBY Decreasing, VIN > 4.5 V RESET Leakage − Output Voltage, Low (VRLO) 1.0 V ≤ VSTBY ≤ VRL, RRST = 10 kW − 0.1 0.4 V Output Voltage, Low (VRPEAK) VSTBY, Power Up, Power Down − 0.6 1.0 V VIN (VRST Low) VSTBY = 3.3 V − 4.0 4.5 V 150 150 180 165 − − °C °C 30 34 38 V Protection Circuitry (Both Outputs) Independent Thermal Shutdown Overvoltage Shutdown VSTBY VTRK − 3. VTRK connected to Adj lead. VTRK can be set to higher values by using an external resistor divider. http://onsemi.com 3 CS8363 PACKAGE PIN DESCRIPTION PACKAGE PIN # D2PAK−7 PIN SYMBOL 1 VSTBY 2 VIN 3 VTRK Tracking output voltage controlled by ENABLE delivering 250 mA. 4 GND Reference ground connection. 5 Adj 6 ENABLE 7 RESET FUNCTION Standby output voltage delivering 100 mA. Input voltage. Resistor divider from VTRK to Adj. Sets the output voltage on VTRK. If tied to VTRK, VTRK will track VSTBY. Provides on/off control of the tracking output, active LOW. CMOS compatible output lead that goes low whenever VSTBY falls out of regulation. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ENABLE Function VTRK Output Voltage The ENABLE function switches the output transistor for VTRK on and off. When the ENABLE lead voltage exceeds 1.4 V (Typ), VTRK turns off. This input has several hundred millivolts of hysteresis to prevent spurious output activity during power−up or power−down. This output uses the same type of output device as VSTBY, but is rated for 250 mA. The output is configured as a tracking regulator of the standby output. By using the standby output as a voltage reference, giving the user an external programming lead (Adj lead), output voltages from 3.3 V to 20 V are easily realized. The programming is done with a simple resistor divider, and following the formula: RESET Function The RESET is an open collector NPN transistor, controlled by a low voltage detection circuit sensing the VSTBY (3.3 V) output voltage. This circuit guarantees the RESET output stays below 1.0 V (0.1 V Typ) when VSTBY is as low as 1.0 V to ensure reliable operation of microprocessor−based systems. B+ C1* 0.1 mF VTRK + VSTBY CS8363 3.3 V, 100 mA C2** 10 mF ESR < 8.0 W R3 RESET VDD MCU RESET I/O ENABLE R2 Adj R1 GND R1 If another 3.3 V output is needed, simply connect the Adj lead to the VTRK output lead. VSTBY VIN (1 ) R1ńR2) ) IAdj VTRK SW 5.0 V, 250 mA C3** 10 mF ESR < 8.0 W VTRK ∼ VSTBY(1 + R1/R2) For VTRK ∼ 5.0 V, R1/R2 ∼ 0.5 *C1 is required if regulator is located far from power supply filter. **C2 and C3 are required for stability. Figure 2. Test and Application Circuit, 3.3 V, 5.0 V Regulator http://onsemi.com 4 GND CS8363 B+ C1* 0.1 mF 3.3 V, 100 mA VSTBY VIN CS8363 VDD C2** 10 mF ESR < 8.0 W R3 RESET MCU RESET I/O ENABLE Adj GND SW 3.3 V, 250 mA C3** 10 mF ESR < 8.0 W VTRK GND *C1 is required if regulator is located far from power supply filter. **C2 and C3 are required for stability. Figure 3. Test and Application Circuit, Dual 3.3 V Regulator APPLICATION NOTES External Capacitors IOUT1(max) is the maximum output current, for the application, IOUT2(max) is the maximum output current, for the application, and IQ is the quiescent current the regulator consumes at both IOUT1(max) and IOUT2(max). Once the value of PD(max) is known, the maximum permissible value of RqJA can be calculated: Output capacitors for the CS8363 are required for stability. Without them, the regulator outputs will oscillate. Actual size and type may vary depending upon the application load and temperature range. Capacitor effective series resistance (ESR) is also a factor in the IC stability. Worst−case is determined at the minimum ambient temperature and maximum load expected. Output capacitors can be increased in size to any desired value above the minimum. One possible purpose of this would be to maintain the output voltages during brief conditions of negative input transients that might be characteristic of a particular system. Capacitors must also be rated at all ambient temperatures expected in the system. To maintain regulator stability down to −40°C, capacitors rated at that temperature must be used. More information on capacitor selection for SMART REGULATOR®s is available in the SMART REGULATOR application note, “Compensation for Linear Regulators,” document number SR003AN/D, available through the Literature Distribution Center or via our website at http://www.onsemi.com. RQJA + 150° C * TA PD (2) The value of RqJA can be compared with those in the package section of the data sheet. Those packages with RqJA’s less than the calculated value in equation 2 will keep the die temperature below 150°C. In some cases, none of the packages will be sufficient to dissipate the heat generated by the IC, and an external heatsink will be required. VIN Calculating Power Dissipation in a Dual Output Linear Regulator IIN SMART REGULATOR Control Features The maximum power dissipation for a dual output regulator (Figure 4) is PD(max) + NJVIN(max) * VOUT1(min)NjIOUT1(max) ) NJVIN(max) * VOUT2(min)NjIOUT2(max) ) VIN(max)IQ (1) IOUT1 IOUT2 VOUT1 VOUT2 IQ where: VIN(max) is the maximum input voltage, VOUT1(min) is the minimum output voltage from VOUT1, VOUT2(min) is the minimum output voltage from VOUT2, Figure 4. Dual Output Regulator With Key Performance Parameters Labeled. http://onsemi.com 5 CS8363 Heat Sinks where: RqJC = the junction−to−case thermal resistance, RqCS = the case−to−heatsink thermal resistance, and RqSA = the heatsink−to−ambient thermal resistance. A heat sink effectively increases the surface area of the package to improve the flow of heat away from the IC and into the surrounding air. Each material in the heat flow path between the IC and the outside environment will have a thermal resistance. Like series electrical resistances, these resistances are summed to determine the value of RqJA: RQJA + RQJC ) RQCS ) RQSA RqJC appears in the package section of the data sheet. Like RqJA, it too is a function of package type. RqCS and RqSA are functions of the package type, heatsink and the interface between them. These values appear in heat sink data sheets of heat sink manufacturers. (3) http://onsemi.com 6 CS8363 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS D2PAK−7 (SHORT LEAD) DPS SUFFIX CASE 936AB−01 ISSUE B A E L1 B A 0.10 A E/2 NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCHES. 3. DIMENSIONS D AND E DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH AND GATE PROTRUSIONS. MOLD FLASH AND GATE PROTRUSIONS NOT TO EXCEED 0.005 MAXIMUM PER SIDE. THESE DIMENSIONS TO BE MEASURED AT DATUM H. 4. THERMAL PAD CONTOUR OPTIONAL WITHIN DIMENSIONS E, L1, D1, AND E1. DIMENSIONS D1 AND E1 ESTABLISH A MINIMUM MOUNTING SURFACE FOR THE THERMAL PAD. SEATING PLANE M B A M E1 c2 D1 D 7X H e b 0.13 M B A DETAIL C VIEW A−A c A M B H SEATING PLANE A1 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* 0.424 DIM A A1 b c c2 D D1 E E1 e H L L1 L3 M INCHES MIN MAX 0.170 0.180 0.000 0.010 0.026 0.036 0.017 0.026 0.045 0.055 0.325 0.368 0.270 −−− 0.380 0.420 0.245 −−− 0.050 BSC 0.539 0.579 0.058 0.078 −−− 0.066 0.010 BSC 0° 8° L M L3 0.310 GAUGE PLANE DETAIL C 0.584 0.136 7X 0.050 PITCH 0.040 DIMENSIONS: MILLIMETERS *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. PACKAGE THERMAL DATA Parameter D2PAK−7 Unit RqJC Typical 3.5 °C/W RqJA Typical 10−50* °C/W *Depending on thermal properties of substrate. RqJA = RqJC + RqCA. http://onsemi.com 7 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 4.32 4.57 0.00 0.25 0.66 0.91 0.43 0.66 1.14 1.40 8.25 9.53 6.86 −−− 9.65 10.67 6.22 −−− 1.27 BSC 13.69 14.71 1.47 1.98 −−− 1.68 0.25 BSC 0° 8° CS8363 SMART REGULATOR is a registered trademark of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303−675−2175 or 800−344−3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303−675−2176 or 800−344−3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: orderlit@onsemi.com N. American Technical Support: 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81−3−5773−3850 http://onsemi.com 8 ON Semiconductor Website: www.onsemi.com Order Literature: http://www.onsemi.com/orderlit For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative CS8363/D